noumrwm it union Sameo l0 Pageszwo Gallons of water usr VOLUNTEER CANVAssm Such mmmm nun COWGIW 18 Discover Stolen R055 BLITZ Sale Today on ED Holl Roadside ed an Tho annual Red Cross campaign for $10000 opens Walt Examinrr BARRIE ONTARlO CANADAgMOhiDAY MARCH 10 i952 wanAcme RIJAQMMC mu CW 28 Iramonuments Winnors in Legion School Essdy Contest Pdllldl int or camassets fol laws DOWNTOWN 89815288 SECTION Ladch Auxiliary 01 Kiwanis ruo Holly men Bill 3nd Md 17 There will be doortodoor canvass or homes and in the Barrio5 mun Ctpr Ston rm POBOXll6 It mm mm II III unset coll Saturday night to cunipAign headquarters 11 Dunlop St II ill tlzc burning grain lhc troubleZ ubwc 333 tnmctl United Cigar Store mam II II mmmm burn gtlllLIL lhursw llmstroun lift and flrclizczl CDllllllUl to pour to bu did 53 1h um um wutcr into tlic hollow slrcll Team 151 Frank Perm evening L0 is expand to Inf gallons of water into the dcbrrs Cl llmd we muopuh Mn HamWk Team km ml upon opining of the store buy or tomorrow 15315 ProgramS all Massey Hall Mrs McDutfcc Team yum Vol James Harts garage was on tlic door in the store They thcn was threatening to collupsc with mm in GM Chm 35 0n the 9113 rum 3Mr5 Bruce xmamy the 8mm Barrie mwn OPP an mm um morning discover rd the smashed mo stolen from also ace Barri fircilicll tcccivcd no new bumneis Luonr moughOUt me rum 338 ad 11 night or cart this morning on be de throu 11 any 0f thebanks 02 LJlln me the past weekend Barrie Donations may ma the side of road near Holly III III II arm um li ruint die ucrk hen mcy spotted hr small blaze that had broken out WH uh 1mg mth 30ch II was quipkly rcmcdugd and firemen gt Th had be WW ill3 l0 mm mm Mimis mm However the grain and wins have continued to sttiouldcr and Bum Hodge could no crs special committee Mrs But say how much money had been lu 13 Ginsu Mrs Leighton Clarke Mrs nan amend Cd we in me lllb morning lilLlllkll LIL Aguini II I5 hm hc 305 up Sunday back mu Nb sendmg mommug Barrie possum the only Hurts Team ZMm Alex Harvey nan arch of Greater Toronto rcprc William Stewart Mrs Lab to scum hundnd hunts hrcrncn hope to hum lc firc Lom II II II Th of me was discover New extinguished Uley up suntd on both tho Ftslual of the mg lcnm 4bit Frank Boyw thin morning Thicch had galn On Saturday the hunt wrcckLl Mummy and Thurday or lam 178K MCKOMW Mrs John ougg Thc Bdrllc District Collegiate Team 551 318310 m5 on arcing open roar =11 Team MIS sccnc and pulled down one cement torturit Hand featured Mun ilk Clm removed the safe from its not Willi of the structure The wall my ewmlel and the boys ensemble on lac 1h um door at zrznn Thursday Mrs Frcd Smith Tom 9mm investigating Monday the BDCl Band was first Gemm Spencer Mrs crem ltlSSlblL onlookcrs passerSb thing to it appear and under the baton ofTeam luMrs Roy mun Supreme Court Assizes Open SIX BARBIE SCHOOL students were prizewinners in the recent essay contest sponsored by the local branch of tile Canadian Legion From loft to right are John Warnlca Barrie District Collegiate Institute student who was secoml prize winner in the secondary school division Frances Wildman of Codrlngton Public School first prize winner in the elementary school division He en McVeigh St Josephs lW Fisher had the honor of Caldwell Team umm byntiutt Mrs Sid Money Team opening thc program With God 12 An Mrs Wrw iSavc the Quccn As 11 warmup an llit band Ins 1110ch to plztIyIr hnI WARD extra selection and it was AvuI Chgirman SareanL crum Corpus by Mozart The Hum R00 captain young musicians did beautiful job 35 Mzrrirrm ph my Supreme Court of Ontario Spring You will find names of willie US and me PUBlink 9598911113 Mr Jag Mok Mrs tuich opened at the Countylscs which you will examine tolliab nicely bandlei VDonldson Mrs Amy ItIUUrt house in Barrie on Thurs make the basis of your finding Then they played their ultimoEMrs Brent Mm MI pay when Grand Jury tum sworuitruc bill or otherwise number Finlandia by Sibeliusgtson MEI an Rooke Mrs Re fin to examine the crimith cases The foreman will swear tlicsc was one of those nights vhenEBeddowg itd for trial before His Lordwitncxltcs and may examine suffil1hings go wrong for no particular Dmriet 2Mrs hick canr ngh 5011001 SEUdIerltsI WlIm W35 ITSt prize wmner ji Mi Justic htchnnan lcicnt to dcidc if true bill isl reason and thc band did not do win Mrs Gordon patmrmm Ondary SChOOI dlvwlon Ralph Cungdon 0f the LIegmh Drury called the granted In no bill can the vcrl 1181111515 itll 15 they have iorlhiSBcn pump Mm Mamicecosney Dawn Campbell Prince Of Wales Public School Ipupll who nziiizcs ofI the jury after which uI dict be reached until after 311 1300 in lht 935 and iInI Pari Mm Jack Mccaw Mrs WliauIy was second prize winner WI CI LawI convene of um foreman the person of llllzllll WllnCSSCS have been examined HilbmI SUI fl Icomleupfn Imil Pomlrct Mrs James Exell essay contest Isabelle Gilchrist of SSINofI Oro third prize llcrmk 35 SGIQCMFM 35 You will require seven in fu bflmd Cb 33 hm 91 District 3MIS K9191 2H givcn the oath of office Followgym of deeiqion not including lglf pence Hmveveri the bgicaplain Mrs DansomMrsJohh winner and Bud CoIckburn Barrie Co egiate DUI ent who mg mg the jury were admini5I the foreman mm of mm 3000 appeared Dunlap Mm Bum Johnston ma was athird prize Wltlnel tticd the oath cacti three men Mr Justice McLennan than imiCWoV the WWW morougmv andl Shopofl Mrs Scott Miss holding Bible between them Stmcmd the mm on their duneglwh few exceptions OIHlIY the 0011 Elsa Coxbe His Lordship addressed thc jurytof mgpcctmq the comm bundmgduIctor Ipnd Ibo musrcmn 39P District Flumllebcr Smitchap Pollsh Patnof Asks West earO deIfPUWS Thcy were to see that no prbpn gegfmsgggmgge 9m omgttam Mrs Earl Cotton MISSR up our duty to cnqulrcv intIoibr was being held imoulbroper er5 Vernon Hook Mrs Harris Police lldedls of Peace to Communist RuldCoumries of East Europe At Collihgwood Shotgun Accident Carlson Fisk 13 died in ltospitoll at Collingwood Friday six hours NEW allyone from the citChambers to commence their cni after he was accidentally Shotlit 1391159 trial Um necexmlqujl Mdgel ls The furnishipgstI fugdugggmrle and District Memoriibospital unit will receive the netproceeds of the gala hockey night at the Barrie Arena on Friday Marchm This entertainment is psored jointly by Barrie Branch 147 of the Canadian Legion and No District of the Ontariprpprovincial police by kind permission of ln specter Richard Cox The 3program promises to offer something for all The first half consists of the fining es each of the four leagues dfthe gion midget hockey project Junior ages under Senior ages and AHL ages 10 and It and NHL 3ch ll and l2 These are the pick of the kid teater and they really go The second half will be strug gle to exhaustion betweenrthe old men of the Legion and the gallant guardians of law and order the midgets of the Ontarioprovincialv police Between games and periods there will be varied and mainly JtilarI ious collection of entertainment fellluling EdiBaker and his cor cloWns Barrie Cilizens Band and many other attractions The referees for the first half willzbe Ken Balkwill and Ted Hard acre and for the second half Harry Partridge and Red Farrell The puck willbe faced off at 730for the midget series by Mayor Hamib tomand at 939 finthe Legion vs Police game by Inspector Cox The Barrie Works ofth Can adian General mectrchICw ve do nated an electric kettle for door prizdI Tickets are available now from members ofthef Legion the provin cial politic or at Jacksons Grill DixicSgradleys and many other merchants who display window cards Thcre willbe no reserved seats so get early for the mourn cexgame xlejd Hardcore entertainment Bill gt In the event ofopen war breaking out thp attitude of the Central Eastern European nations would be largely condition ed by the attitude of the rest of the world to their liberation Lt Gen Mlhal Tokarzewski told audiencent thcrrhursday eveningsmecting of the Womens Canadian Club in Hillcrest School auditorium ch all desire peace We all un derstand the dangers of third world war Thecountries of Cen tral EasternEuiope desire real peace more than anything no thepeace broken spirit not the peace of prisons or the grave but the peace outlined in the ideals of the Atlantic Charter and of the United Natlbns Jlhey want it to apply not only to the free nations but to the entire wort The speaker discussed Russia and its European satellite countries basing his views on obbervations which be had made during two per iods when he himself was in Rus sia Polish born and having lived through two wars and the rigors of Russian concentration camp the general Was wellversed in his sub ject and gave aiminsight into the problems of the Eastern European countricsfwhichv have long surfer cd under German and Russian im perialisrp He did not dwell on the suffer ings ofthe millions of people be hindthe Iron Curtain but felt that it was rather his duty to give con structive ideIas on how to help them now Must Back Up Declaration Nothing bub declaration of ideals bulked up by concrete proofs that the Westis determined and able to maintain them can enable Control Eastern Europe to ehdure in theclutches of Bolshevisni and tomqbilizcall the forces of thisxe gion in supportof the West in time of peacegn slated Such anachr illicit and suchfevidonce will caseof war encourage 152 million Central Eastern to makc Either give upyour human dlg nity for bread and survival or death Based on principles contrary to those of Christianity andcthe other great religionsIof the world Com munism has dominated the200mil lion population of Russia during the last 25 yearsit has recently over come China widt her 400 millions of population and as it consolidates its positions spreads todver new parts of the world In an address in 1945 Churchill said that it was not impossible that tragedy is imposing itself be hind the Iron Curtain that euc tain which crashed down with the consent ofWelem European comb tlies But there nothing to sup port the VlEW that come internal collapse or processor evolution for the better mayoccdr in the near future within that central base of Communism Soviet Russia Gen eral Tokarzewski considered this eventuality extremly remote even based on observations which he made eight years ago Itisnecessdry not onLy to stop the further expansion of Russia Said the gnerglaud to eliminate every possibility otits continuance in the future butjust as essentitd to make itfpomible for the nations subjected ltd Ru3dConununism freely to decidezwhetherthey ac malty desire toremaln under the shadow of its doctrine He professed ithat though it would bedilculll luday it was nonetheles p0 every sacrificelvto the the head with shotgun Police said the accident occurrgtd as Fisk and school chum flloyI 14 were playing with doublebarrelled shotgun and 22 calibre rifle An inquest has bccnitriai procedure to the jury ordered loosen DETAILED RECORD The British naval library in Lon don has records showing the posi tion of any vessel at any date forlbefore you You all know what two centuries past 01 achievement withoutevoking third world war Charges hem person lsltrial They were also to inspect brought to trial You enquire tolthe count home and the registry soc if there iSsufficicnt evidenceoffice as well that trial is warranted If you decide there is somethixig for the accused to answer 53 50 Grand Jury Donald Macbaremi There are three cases or bills oleC arose and in short addrcxs thlhIO archarge of welcomed His Lordship toSim rape of which His Lordship went into some details to explain the 1Vindictment One is Another cuse is motor man slaughter which arises out of the operation of motor car Man islaughter is the accidental killing Iarising out of ieckleness and wanton action negligence charge of car theft is also theft means Producer of Barrie Skating Cornival it is good that you are there with LS other county buildings Jury retired to the Council Preceding the address to the coe County and hoped that the members of the Bar would receive every consideration from His Lord ship in his rexalted position His Lordship replied that ho was pleased to be again in Barrie as he had been here prevlouva He asked that members of the Bar would tell him if he were to show anything but kindly feel ing to them all It is fear of that which is always with me concluded The Grand Jury returned true bills in the Irape and the man slaughter cascs The motor theft case was decided no bill They made their inspection of the county buildings on Friday The following cases are before the court mntlv Actions Regina vs Ernest Howell rape Thompson solicitor for de fence Rodina vs Herbert William Mor ley manslaughter and dangerous driving Mathews Stiver Lyons and vole solicitors for defence Jury Civil Actions Loretta Estelle Machin plaintiff Eddard McLaughlin defendant Sfeuzart I8 Esten solicitors for plaintiff Hughes Agar Amys 8r Steep solicitors for defendant F31 gal accident Turn to page three please rt33 duon Thursday night 11 boys of the Glee Club sang fourpart arrange ment of Road to the Isles and re ccivcd hearty applause lthc group the program in the first half Green Winthrop Green who came in Barrie from Toronto several sycars ago and operated mink lfarm on the Hill of Innisfil died isuddenly of heart attack near sHuntsvtlle on Friday Mr Green had woodlot in that ldistrict he was driving the car accompan Redmond Mrs John Skinner Mrs OrchardMrs Tyson Smith District 5Mrs Harold Forster Archie captain Mrs Horace Pratt Mrs Pat Ross of the collegiate staff directedl Bertram Mrs Fred Mchnkey Mrs who were seventh onl William Courtenay WARD TWO ChairmanC Wilson District lMrs Rm Turnbull Lcaptaih Miss H4 Br Mrs Isobel Chlttidk Mrs Dies Of Heart AaCkCamemn Mrs Eplett Mics Gosney Mrs Rule MmA Rump Mrs Sarjeant Mrs John Stevenson Mrs Taylor Mrs Wilson Miss Henrietta Gras lett Mrs Shenton lDistrict ZMrsi John Woods icaptain Mim Isabel Bird Mrs 3G Currie Mrs Decallo Mrs Flynn Mrs Madmen Mrs wrk was nlShed and JMoorc Mrs Newton Mrs John Payne Mrs Scott he Iied by his pet Doberman Pinscherlmrs Fred Stevenson Mm warm when seized Another man tolll was Mrs Wilson owing saw the Green car go off the road but could not get near because of the dog Mr Green was 1dead when help arrived He was and is survived by his widow the former Elinor Mundell and one daughter Nancy District 3Mrs Ron Pile captain iMrs Ferguson Mrs Hagan xMrsD Ireland Miss Edith Little Mrs McConkey Mrs Mc Gibbon Mrs Pengelly Mrs Rat cliffe Miss mm Waas Turn to page six plasa lCdnadian Leather MoSterpiecfesl Displayed to county Craftsmen The work of Canadafs best craftsmen in leather was viewed by members of the Simcoe County Arts and Crafts Association and other visitors on Wean even ing at the amociations open meet ing in Guthrie Community Hall As special feature of the meeting the county association had obtained thenaveng exhibi tion of the Canadian Society or Creative Leathercraft which is currently making coast to coast tour of Canada The Barrie area was the third stop for the exhibit baits tour of Ontario Guthrie Halllent itself particu larly well to dimlaying the lea thercraft articles The display was Dancing Monday Wednesday Friday and Saturday nights ut Club 79 Admission ladies 500gentle men 75 48m Dancing Oddfellows Temple arranged along one wall and vbl itors had an opportunity to see it prior to the meeting and again at the close or the evening Commentatot Garnet Pratt of excellent examples of careful at tendon to all construction details An Esthonian technique was dis played in TivaLimbergs dalfskin handbag which was incised moth cited and emboslsed One change horse of original de sign was of simple consult ction opening up to form littlcbox Another of lizard and morocco was bevel arrangement forid three pocket change purse maximum utilityin small moulded desk tray of originat gt design Bible can of mission grain steerhidet Kmart prism designed by Robert Mom of Tum plossol Barrie pointed but several uinter esting detailsxabout theer on evgry Saturday night Music by George Wilcoogn 0rhestm ztfb dream on precent tract comrthe precede edr play Mai or Money Ivy sklnjowel box mind saddle Grouse esday March 11 Edith 15 pmAuspices va Juninroto inide Farmers Admtssionitocvand and mm Competitivo Bacon Summit he met held at ElinvaleeommunityHa1lv when the cult Wednesdar 12 Attention ohessbox omgramwill 1nd do Spectali speak to ll Fs ammo puma mounds of the Skating sarrieRe lion Comrntttcegnhdpmr ch Cornim comma Skating