Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Feb 1952, p. 9

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rovcvutrli 381 llll Emmott WW WWMW WW gaging The town engine was instant Mm WW WWW WWWW mm LlEUTENANT VERNOR AND MRS BRElTHAUPT Wfmwmihmmmsmmmt in Mmevmmmrmngommmdemmmme radius m6 dub passed Fwymsxaeureqmiedmarei tor from Royal Victoria Hospital gram You mayor for at streets 51500 Septe sAddresses Elmvclc Juniomup one at the office tor bridge 89d culvert 9000 PM We suggest on moire do at it if mm mm regular wrung Em March Com mm Th Elzhge midl Clientng 3893310 gagging IV Elmvalc Junior Farmors listened tampering at mm mmeumi We mm mumz most informative ilnd stay on through the atom Coliicron tbceast side to be done WEDNESDAY discourse on banking bylaw Yep bylaw 34 under the initiative plan or Local 10 med amt baconth and Caesarmar IofthoBak rotting down hours of doom of Improvement pmsided ax the smmg which was race it of To illtl lllt speakcrs You may bring ronto Elmvaic my arllqudmxes Council authorized purchase of alcondw at 1230 pm our lunch mm you or titration or weeds Magistrate Kenneth Cameron store managers in Barrie Thelby law will conic into effect Feb 28 and the request was made to enable druggis ts to set their wpek store hours One drug store under the new setup will now be open each night until 930 oclock and until pm on Wednesdays That drug store will also be on call throughout the nights of that week Druggists will alternate weeks Council concurred with the Con adian Red Cross Society proclaim ing the week of March 17 Red Cross Week Council approved and forward ed the request of Barrie Lions Club to hold its annual carnival at the Arena Grounds August l3 l4 and 15 to the Arena Commis sion for final approval proposal from SaulPoster Ad vertising Company ohdisposal un its for the purpose of keeping the streets cl of waste paper etc was rcfcrrc to the Board of Works Council on approval of the Board of Police Commissioners granted Anthony Cancilia permis sion to obtain license to operate four billiard tables at 28 Elizabeth St Council ranted Barrie Kinsmen lClub its quest to hold annual Pcanut lng Day June 21 motion waspassed that spe cialcommittce re housing be set up land that report on housing in Barrie as submitted by the Lc gion Bronchitis be turned over to the committee Ald Earl Will iams bad the report in his hands being special committee of one to look into the matter He spon sored the motion for further action notice of motion by Aid Nor man Daugherty that council ego sider proposals for garbage posal was read motion appointed Deputy Reeve Haber Smith Alderman Os born Empkc Griffin amid McCawItbe 3952 Court of Revision members committee that bylal at posse Reg the mOveslit policeman chasing an checking up on children only instills fear into them He wondercd why the movowas being made IA1d John tractor with cable controldrum on the tail shaft and necessary part material to the present bull clam and blade at cost of $4500 The present town buildOZcr is worn out Aid McCarroll Invited council to visit the market Saturday morn ing andVimspect the premises and activity in order to see rst hand gwhat improvements were being gcorricd out by the market commit tee Ald McCarroil reportcd favora bly on Barrie Citizens Band stat ing that it would probably be playing weekly concerts in Barrie parks this summer He stated that between 20 and 25 members are practising regularly and that the band at the end of 1951 had an inventory asset total 01 $411390 Reeve Hart reported briey on visits made to other municipal sewage disposal plants and point ed out lhatothcr municipalities had problems too lilo suggested the need for further investignting and all information was passed on to Special Sewage Committee report on financing for sewage purposes prepared by Trcasurer Gigg was also referred to this committee Reeve Hart urged preparation of resolution and immediate foll owup suggestion made at recent convention that greater Clueless Driving Pleading guilty to careless driv ing on Feb in Alluudalc Percy Pincombc was convicted and mm 315 with costs of $1450 PC McClure who investigated stated that the accused had been driving cast on Cumberland St at 340 pm and failing to follow the jog at the strcctwnd his earl skidded when he applied brakes and crashed into hydro pole do me damage of an estimated 31 to the vehicle To Poaching Hospital Through evidence of Dr ll Blgclow young man Mervin Latmack who was picked up by PC Weston on Feb 10 on Highway 11 and held on nominal vagrancy charge was ordered to Pcnctang for observation for por iod of not more than 60 days Fincd $15 and Costs On conviction for careless driv ing on Essa Road on Jan 24 Beanie Alllslon who had pleaded guilty was fined $l5 with costs at $450 Evidence of Cpl Lee was that Bcutlic had been driving south at pm and had collided with parked taxi driving it ahead while his own car was swung around into snow bank The officer cstiz mated the ensuing damage at $000 His Counsel MacLarcn QC stated that the accused had notificdi both police and taxi owner immcd iatcly after the accident burden of costs of paving within Dismiss Charge towns should bc borne by the charge of careless driving government and paid out of gas againSt Samuel Morris wns dismissI tax He stated that an average ed after considerable evidence had gas tax $73 per year is COUECl been heard but of very conict ed on oachvehicle using Ontario ing nature roads The accused with his wife Sister NEW LIEUTENANTGOVEgN0R or 0m and brotherinolaw had been driv Am Corbett 1nquued about mg south on Comer St at 1140 ario The Honorable Louis Breithaupl brushing operationsthat were be pm the intersection of Timn innd Breithoupt are pictured here Pro int fried in he Vlcmlt 5L he collided with westbound mincnt industrialist of Kitchener former St Vincent hcmtgstn car driven by LCpl HI Gibbons mayor of that city and Member of Parllq and Duckwort ee causing damage or $175 to the 6112 meritlot Waterloo North since 1940 tuttil that the men doing the work were bans car 1375 to ms own wild nwitb the axeHe stated For the defence it was claimed hisresignahon to become the Queens re that valuable privately planted by the our witnesses that we Gib presentative in this province Mr Blreith Citincseelm and blue spruce were bong car had ghts on For the auptOWns the tannery in Penetanguishenc bong telledI by the men prosecution was contended thatgand is well known in the County of Simcoc 3A otio rollow an inquiry Pl Morris CM willth Slapat the as summer resident on Geoggian Bay in by Ail on Willlgtgns urged im utterSectional 518 90 Sl Tiny Township mediate action by me Md of voluntary witness Douglas wants of up at hedges George Security Hydro Guard had hts distance priorto the crush John Kim Bffm it 123 Erins Reid acted for the defence PC mm were now mm to operate but McClure investigated The new LieutenantGovernor of Ontario the cleaning up obstructions NineDay Term had not been completed Judgment in the case of John Wl shepherd on charge arming while intoxicated on Jan 17 nt Mr breithaupt is wenqunlificd in many trees and bushcsLhr the vicinity 101W MikeMom on LSme ways term this important office with dis Photo Courtcsy Eimlra Signet brings to his office broad and varied ex perience in many phases of the life of the province He is known first of all as suc cessful industrialist who started at the bot tom in his fathers plant in Kitchener worked for 25 years in many of its depart mcnts and finally became president of the Breithaupt Leather Company Limited But in addition to that Mr Breithaupt has been prominent in the religious and educational life of the province in Chamber of Com merce activities both iuKiclrcner and in the Canadian body in the work of service clubs and of the ConadiangRed Cross So ciety He hasscrvd as mayor of tbeCity pf Kitchener and for 12 years has reprcsented Waterloo North in the House of Commons no===r o=o====l ouo===lo=oli Banking began over 000 years ago the spcnkcr stated but the first institution simulating modern banks was started in Scotland in the ldlh century and the Scotsmcnl lxuv continued to be leaders in the firid to this day he added in the curly days in Canada mans face vnstruiy his fortune for the Bank of Upper Canada and the Bunk Of Montreal loaned money icccpting good character or secur llV In reviewing the history of the Bank of Toronto Mr Caesar noted with pridu that this was the only bank in Canada to have farmcr director McCaguc Allistunl The spcalccr went on to point out the host of Irvircs the bank pro vides today as convenience to its customers On one visit to his local branch client may deposit or withdraw money from his sav Iings account pay his hydro and telephone accounts pay his taxes purchase momy order or draft deposit his deeds insurance polic vies or other valuable documents in safety deposit box purchase sterling funds to send to friends in England or USA furlds for trip to United States purchase stocks and bonds as well as talk over bus iness and investment problems with the manager Mr Caesar noted that under the Farm Improvement Loan Act tarm wrrs could borrow from the banks llp to $3000 at per cent interest with from one toscvcn years to re pay the loan Many farmers he mid were taking advantage of this short term credit to finance iml iprovcmcnts about their farms The Speaker was introducd by 10011 Bertram and thande by Faye glarncll During the program Miss Joan Langman led spirited sing lsong with Bob Elliott at the piano halthour of recreation under the direction of Larry Clement and Bob lnglcton brought the evening to close President Bob anbie announced that the club was planning leap vcar drmcc in Elmvulc Community Hall Feb 28 and that Vasey Jun ior Farmers would be guests of the Eimvulc Juniors at their neirt reg ular meetings on March ll when Jim Hancock would Show colortl slidcs on North Simcoe Junior Farmers l951 Junior Farmer Judging Seed Grain andPotato Judg mg competition has been planned for North Simcoc Junior Farmers at lunch at the community hull Plan right now to share in this the rst big junior tanner event in North Simcoc for 1951 Its Club Time Again have met several boys and girl in the rst few weeks who tell mil they already have call club for 1952 Others say they expect to havc one within month We are glad to hour these things because all along the line plans are going ahead for big year The 1952 club literature reached lilo office during the past week and the next day notice arrived in forming us that the annual club lutldlls conference will be held in Guelph on Wednesday March 28 In North Simcoc we hope to have the same calf clubs reorganized that We had last warmEast Simeon Cull Club Huronia Cal Club Oril llaalf Club Oro Calf Club Sun nidhic Call Club and Eimvalc Cali Ciub lluronia Calf Club is leading of with its rteorganization meeting on Tuesday Feb 26 in the public school Coidwatcr The other calf clubs will be following along duct ing the early weeks of onion Besides the Orillia Cal Club there will be two other clubs organ izcd in the Orillia area this year poultry club the first we have had in North Simoce for some years is being organized with Man scl Chapman agricultural instrucI tor Orillia District Collegiate ln stitutc as leader The second new club will liea forcstry club Other new clubs be ing planned are as follows groin club for North Tiny tractor main tenancc club for the Vasey area swine club to service thecommun lites surrounding Waverley and potato club for Central andSouth Vcspra Opportunity is knocking for any farm boy or girl betweed the aggs of 12 and 21 years Boyfand girls club work has grown byleaps and bounds across Canada This is the year for you to script thcwing Direct inquiris toOntario Depart mcut of Agriculture 1130mm St Barrie Ncnh ElinVale on Wednesday Mar 12 The eveWcoincidc with the big seed fair cn is being held in tho community hall there on the same day Contestants will be re ured to routine $i3lilii Prmpa Mottlle Report gt Camp Borden was given at tbc Ego 60 the Sitting on Wednesiiay iudge classes of grain clover seed ninedy term was imposed and potatoes and identify mounted El drivers license and owners weeds and forage plants Substantial cash prizes are offer gt munitions ludi to if thremonths 101 16 to 24 yeors junior under 16 damage was don to the yogis and novxce thoslnc who have To in Collegiate Board day Feb 14 Throughout the Panel truck 0f Slam Dim mm 23mgliilbnplgtoalgtlggg$ cm ex aonsvwereb mourning period weIKinglspictu1Q er police ofcer one of the prin available at the olcc of the On ing graded at the little of our was draped in themm ha and pal wmessgs mic department 0t agricmmfe last report Since that time 191 the ag rm 3t haumast Owen St Barrie which Will give rt were sent home on Jan 15 regret that we werc una om guidance in judging and in identi p011112 results ingeneral compared our ag on Wedncsday morning cres tavorably with other years and in because the halym was broken number otrespectschowed somei but we appreciatetneprompt ac Treated for eeds what better records AnnLewis lion bYMr McCullough havmg VANCOUVER Jan 28 CP VivPlanning Board tthem can be very importantnto usf manna cuminneev IWe have seen religious nuns thatiPortMcNicoll was named chair JOHN GRAY MORE itechnically Were atrocio but Sim ch of um seganewperentage record it repaireddunngthesame davw Mqro thanI 11000000 acres in the ficeihlia Rm lauy they wet dpendzlsile mgu$ncbmgbs Ata cslcietganac tho with and Both McLean We would like loucilmlbend auricul Western provinces were lreatjlreter outwom and menacd bylse if fmmmg rehgwnslmcnts ot iaith Quo Vadis islannual meeting for 1952 in Midlaml In wasElected as our wpkcm gargtakers the peqobumeyhd Ichemicauy for weeds during meg the sword belz Clcir tves but as the gulf1mm technically and mommy Jreceny Swudar lbs of th results are doingWilli tile hoilerSllastyear WovdofManitObhSlsnook off the dust at Rome hmnan Chum Palerb We commend it to all arfd Although not completely installed Weed Comuiisslvnllom the 171th And as no ed met one with eager Efa Ogle ens the barrier be 2sundry the boilers armw heating the westan can weed calm can face Keen the vars crumbles The We ersonau think mt did to Bur Is and boys athletic de hourglth Th work erence here AV imstening cityWam Ec max my me quse peter yk can are in the tilhast of and ventih Saskatchewan led with 7113000 blessmg them manage the dunlpe 5011 can mu sermon for skews Season While on may at ch mag time is now acres most ofwhich was donebyl bind tfgvaslamam It ls thegeons of the amphitheatre as the illimseif out of the legend by turn 00 teams are giving 8003 aircraft Alberta ligated 2317000 Lilons are beingrmade ready outlingilalfound and making ChrissL Lord whither goest llhou he te ow on golde Then of course thee as Ere are you 80mg rlhomsclves in mter 13th $11 13me 15 $85511 lam 132010391m and cried fows comaratively happylendflpnlgl Sooner or later We are allPetersQ competitionwe are true equally out and even Its 80 Importunate random13 19mm escaping from on responsibilities our instrucme Stress mg dassesr cent gr sfgrrxgeeisosaigiiey wre get Imelda suffer loss coiicgggcgggs mggghmcem and and trying to ec from our cross epaean pa by all students to wemtha gram yields eased Iggfobzzrtikhe thyo 91390 may the extravagance and mg 18 We mightnlso askiltc guestlon oil 7589 three to two bushels per acre our Western ClVlhZatlon In baucher ofa dcd the chemicaltreahfnent Compounds thrombi bowed his hadi irefcreanlgn of th mzwgll Th suggestive sequence near the endl luSedwero mostlycstcrs got 24D mmtedii 0f the picture tW0 militarymen which kills many leafy plants but 33 theMaSterS leek ums an Impveml Qty pamS are Surveying the burnedloul ruin takm and rosematmg even though BDCI docsnot harm grass mime 2319 etcf th lit carries an unavoidable modem of Rome One of them itemizes ne gt mnaiwith latmospliereThemartyrdom sccnesllm listcgf seem xesBbym gar brutal and unrestrained and nk in Plesmf ipgovide muchweed reminder omc other asks whe ushd that the newcmpero Will be igevsfgaa mag lb aft baa5t able to erect permanent civillzai itiontofjthese ruinsvac rst rcs 06i03$l9daul wposmveil puesA pemeem mm will my role flags abeeilpgggt smtggllitt when mangut faith whether 33 ltrtlht Petey claimbll Ir gt It interpreted otgchristxamty drows we amibegimnz dearly gt heavily on tileethicsand idealism belief and stabientqand on 55 1330 Plmn aroundthisioiclglcgend or eanu ngfmnvla onttind10r

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