tummy or srmrran ACTION has been witnessed by followers of the South Slmcoe Hockey League this season Five clubs Bec ton illusion Stroud Thornto and Brad ll vmtm X1 and that TM mlonklo Marley and Semen Mn anion local mm been ill Consequently the can dren are gaining few holidays Euchre parties held throughout the parish are being well patron iied and enjoyed Mimtlugaret McVeigh sister of ll McVeigh died in Toronto sun day and was buried here Wedded ford comprise the loop In the above photo Thornton successfully turns backan Allist reported grand time Thanks are on sortie on the defenders net in recent league fixture Careful Somebody Might IGIet Hum snovmo considerable pushing and shov towconch Bond Hood anion After Lengthy as Jimmy Hlpwcll After lengthy and painful Aili catJaImes LoblawA ylgllip well lovyearoldnon Muzzand GTed Hipw died on Fob ll 1952 his par enuhhome in Bond Heed demoed was analert and talented peter and olrupll at Bond sc The sympathy of thc conunuhltygwent out to his lug parents land his little Regglc after his early Synipathy was also shown in the latte attendance at the funeral per cc new at EmmanuelUnlted ABond Read at 2309clock Pitty the poor A1 ltiitontoaltender who seems to be victim of yeraattemptto workthe puck loose and ing as Stroud 65 of Orilila died IatAToronto on SunduyIFeb 1952 The former Jennie Graham the deceased was minivan Shanty Bay wherc shewas born on Feb 81386 She was the daughter of the late Donald glndBarbala Gra ham The late Mrs Gray resided at Shanty Bay for yiQJyears and for eightyears lived in the Barrie and Crown Hill districts She moved to Orilliais years ago She was Ian active member of thevPrestyterian Church Surviving tare her husband William Thomas Gray of 103 Mississaga ISL Orillio two sons Rosaw Grayof Barrie and Donald Gray of zOrlllin one daughter Mrs RobertI Burlell interim of Orillia audtwo bro eifs Hugh Graham and JuAlexj GrahamfShontyBa Thelargely atten edrtuneral ser vice on Wednesday Feb ii at the Doolittle Bros Funeral Home in Oriilia at two pm was conducted by itsth Melanimndltev Cookey allbcarorsf were An draw Paton Toronto Gray vPeteiborovsb Gray Homo stones Victor Recs Ora Station and day Rev Father Sheridan Port Credit officiated at the interment assisted by Father Morrison PP 3W KNOCK FEB illSunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Wesley Hoax were Mr and Mrs John Reid and iam liy of Toronto and Mr and Mm Ross Hopkins and Doug Skating Party Mrs Golieen Knock and Mrs Riley of SS No held Valen tine skating party for their pupils at the Thornton Arena Thursday afternoon There was also hock ey game with No pupils winner Lunch was served and everyone extended to the teachers and those providing transportation Mrs Oscar Bowman and little son returned home Monday from Royal Victoria HospitalBorrie Mr and Mrs George Prince Bob rie visited at Herb Shannons Sun day Mrs Paul Pope and girls spent few days recently with relatives and friends in Toronto IOTTENHAM FEB 20Mr and Mrs Jack Penn and daughter Sandra spent Wed nesday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Creighton Wicc and family Orangcvlllc spent Friday Photo By ClIlr Andrews Alllcton into the Iopennet Goalmouth notion such asIthis can be seen lnIevery gameof the South Simcoeockey Leaguenow in action Mr and Mrs lvfMOlllltin of rDurhorn wcrc StlndEyilesitors at GIDustIos Mr and Mrs Harris Sage and children of Sudbury visited Min esing friendai8unday Dr Ives of1$toyner is showing slides in Minesing Hailon Menu under the auspices of vespra Hor ticulturalociety Play Maid Io Money Iwos presented by players from =kernel under the auspices ottheicholr in with their parents here Rev Duke Mrs Duke zind sons spent couple of days in Tor onto this week with Mrs Dukes Sister Miss Claribelle Stewart Mrs Luke McKenna and children of Hamilton are vibiting with Mr and Mrs McGoey Mr and Mrs GProctor aner and Mrs Thomas Dudson Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Harvey Simpson Mr and Mrs Clinton Palmer and Gayle Willowdale and Mr and Mrs Andy Chapman Weston were recent guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmer Mr and Mrs Roy RByDOIngm family Cookstown spent Sundoy herewith the latterIs parents Mr and Mrs Arthur Thompson MrsltGeor Wiccand Mrs Kel man and children spent Tuesday with Mrs Mervin Dale Schomberg The double foursome bridge club met atthc home of Mrs Cliif Abrams Monday evening Prizei were fiton by Ms Lily IFeehlcyI and Mrs Hazel Wolkem nsolaf the hall Friday eveningxmlhere was good crowd and theplay was thoroushlvienioyedPinochet and condy wassold during intermission The Womens institute members held very lsuccessfu tea Tuesday afternoon oi Mrsr eorge John stons Proceeds werefin aid of hospital furnishingo for the new unit at Royal BarrieI Mr and Mrs 113 Morrison Junennd Robert Pcncto Were Sunday visitors at George stona amassing and James Baotou of Orilllo lntetrnentwas lllGllthrie ThereJWere manyor noting the deceased qd friends from T01 and Petehboimlsh 7331 tie ammonium Gwen Sound Zuni North I13in monotone mo min or aptrte ntorfo cop more gas Avian be mu galliumact crime on National bongo animal he Victorioliospital LJohn and girls Comp Bordon mm with Mr pad Mn Omil Edwards over the me Mr and it well no ruin my friend in the community Mr ind Mn Morley Clement and Perry Letroy spent tile week end with Mr and Mrs Morgan Ed wards Miss Gwen Robinson Toronto spent the weekend at her home Mr and Mrs Greenhw Mid land Visited with Mr and Mrs Harold Cowden Wednesday Miss Reba Jones Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs John Jones Mr and Mn Orval Edwards and Glenda visited with Mr and Mrs Lorne McLatighlln Barrie on Sun day serum FEB l8Mrs Parr and Bill motored to Toronto Sunday to visit Royce Richardson who is still patient in Sunnybrook Hospital Mrs Richardson and Harold re turned home with them His many friends are sorry to hear that Mr Richardson is not improving as quickly as hoped Glad to report that Mr and Mrs Wilbur woltons little daughter Sandra age years is getting along nicely after an appendectomy in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie last Wednesday Grcnfcl young people presented their play Maid of Money in Central United Church Barrie Tuesday evening Feb 12 On Fri day evening they presented the play at Minesing Mr and Mrs Walton Harris and family of Stroud visited with Mr and Mrs Scott on Sunday Grentel Farm Forum have in vited Ivy and Utopia groups to at tend their mectlngsec films and hear speaker in Grcnfcl School Monday Feb 25 at 830 pm Wmnlca will be the speaker Lunch provided and everyone is welcome The FormForum met Monday night at Ed Howards Pro gressive croltlnolc was played and winners were Mrs McMastcr and Dobson FERGUSONVAlE EBB lZMrs John tumble left Friday to visit her daughter and soninlaw Cpl and Mrs Lloyd Sweney of St Hubert Que Mr and Mrs Donald McDonald and Beverley Anton Mills visited pend Donald mun Woodman recovery Mr and Mrs Carpets and magnet Stilton to axe dny visitor atth W0 and unknowing Agincoutt rst Lyons Harley Cumminzx Ottawa spout theweekend at his home here Bill Brothel of KemptVillc Gol lego was home for the Weekend Mr and Mn Charles Cornwall are visiting the latters sister Hartford Conn large crowd attended the show and dance put all bytbo Calgary Range Riders here Satme night Little sevenyearvold Wilts vcnstone tap dancer andincrobat proved very entertaining while Tex the Australian cowboy and magician added vuriqty to tip program Euchre Twentyone tables of Ieucnre were played Monday night in the hall Prize winners were Ladies lsl Mrs Ed Reynolds McCurdy gents tales Milieu 2s George Young door print Ronnie Paxton George Young OaloIDe pew John DGWWWMIL 170m Mrs Weatialte and William Mp wAvERtEY3A ran illMiss Donna scan Tor onto sponttho Iwrackendwith her parents here Mrs Ed Latanvillo days in TorontoreculltlyI Rev Aunts Wyeva was speaker at thermemdrlolgo ice at the school hum wot relative and friends attain ed the funeralfot the late Miss Alina Britain inIElm vale Thursday Miss DorechIteynoldt has com plated her boldness new andhas volition in thesParlm mentBulldings Toronto AI number fromhorc attended the memorial service fotIHisIIIIIIate with Mr and Mrs William Cum ming on Friday Wallace Carson of Midhurst spent the weekend with his mother Mrs Clara Carson Misses Judy and Jean Switzer spent the weekend with their grandparents Mr and Mrs William Switzer Crown Hill Miss her brother Tom Martin Cundles Mr saga Beach visited with Mr nd Mrs Leslie Switz cc ly Agnes Martin visited with and Mrs Campbell of Wa this special offer spent few Marvel rum Toronto mppacrs or not Burnoutthelrmm and and pour their bill told fm you buy from SWEARt KOSMAN at prices array helm most other stereo Ix rent on ONYX RING Elan have Gold in Ittol and diamond r1 omum dintn ring at very apt clot vitae 1550 Many other rings featured in our shop all at main low prices 5so WatchmdrcrtinmII out STBANSMAM WSMAN roman boomer wnrcn mnms stimulant sr more 421