Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Feb 1952, p. 8

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their money in some other way Every time go they ask me for money llugical Reasoning man misconception of the nature of broadcasting that because government control over the allocation of wave lengths is aloe must there be govern merit control over what is broadcast Even some of the more erudite publications whose editors should know better are guilty of this error For example Macleans Magazine while de pioring the existence of government control over broadcast opinion feels that such con trol is inevitable The laws of electronics it says limit the number of usable wave lengths and hence deny us freedom of the air in the same wide sense that we have achieved freedom of the press and freedom of speech Neither those who have propounded this theory nor those who haVe accepted it havo ever offered convincing ar ument in sub stantiation it is simply prose as axioma tic On this purely arbitrary foundation rests the whole structure of government control of all forms of broadcasting through the CBC it will be recalled that during the last war it was necessary to impose government rat inning of newsprint This almost exactly par alleled the need forrationing of radio fre quencies yet no one would have suggested that limitation of newsprint required govern1 ment control over what was printed The of ficlal excuse for controlling broadcasting is as illogical as the exercise of that control is dangerous Problem of Painting In Toronto there is public housing pro Ject known as Regent Park which has prov ed to be quite problem It was intended as all these things are at first to be self supporting undertaking but as always seems to happen it has proved to be Very expen sive method of providing housing for people many of whom are quite able to provide their own housing if they prefer that to spending Lately it was decided that the buildings needed painting and it was suggested that some of the unemployed inhabitants of the housing projectshould do the work Obviously these amateurs would scarcely be able toearn full union wages in this way In facta lot of people feel that even some union men do not earn their full wages on painting today The union however has objected to any one being used to paint these buildings ex cept at full union wagesso that the whole idea of giving unemployed tenants chance to earn some money has had to be abandoned Minister Parodies Excuses People are full or glib excuses for not at tending church so Lake Crystal Minnesota minister hit back with the following parody fWhy Do Not Attend the Movies The mahager of the theatre nevercal ed onme estcilegoarewanmesbutno outspoken tomevfhose who go there arent very friend 41m all folks live up to the high moral standards of the films went so much as childAIve decided chad all the entertainment need Theperformance lasts too long Icant sit still for an hour and threeequarters ntcare for some ofwthe peoplc See metal the theatre dontlalways agree Withwhat hear CWmlsalon aredtermined that the powermust be Silldohlt think they have very goodmuslc ttbethea Thesbows are held inthe evening and it it me an able to be at home 2111 may has MONDAY FEBRUARY 181952 an OPINIONS or orurns Canada Needs More People Should Encourage Immigrants iWalkcrlon HeraldTimes move to request the Federal Government to cur uiil immigration was defeated by Bruce County Cour cll at its January session in Walkcrton increasing unemployment in Canada was given as justification for the proposed curtailment The County Council is to be commended on its administrative action by defeating the bill An at titude which tends to frown on the continuance of Canadas immigration policy by disqualifying the benefits of maintaining larger population and thinklng of only the unemployment angle needs to be rectified before it becomes general Immigration was designed to help the rehabilitation problems of warscarred Europe and also to aid in Canadas cx prinslgn program We have vast empty spaces scarcely settled great natural resources as yet undevelode and untapped and way of life that is secon none We havol gmd arm Romlnllm oro MARY STREET RINK WAS so much and there are so many in the world who have so little Mainly through the efficient direction of the lion Walter Harris member for GreyBruce the largesr number of immigrants in years reached our shores in 1951 Contrary lo dirc prfdlctlons we have absorbed these new Canadians There has been no increase in unemployment as result of this coming as has been argued to the contrary from time to time Naiivco born Canadians have not lost jobs to them except in isolated instances instead this flow of new people to Canada has helped to develop new jobs benefit ting native and new Canadians alike More new Canadians mean larger domestic mar ket for our goods More people with more skill and ideas will help us to develop our resources and to carry the burden of overhead necessary to run the iliions of people country We have roads railways and government ample for much larger population than the inur teen million Canadians who live in this great land There are three American cities that incorporate population greater than that of tho wholc of Con nda We must bring more people suitable people to Canada and share with them all the benefits of our nation We must tod do what we can tomakc the newoomers good loyal Canadians in the shbrtcst possible time If Canada isto fulfill her destiny we must open our gates 11 little wider to math possible for them to enter into this nation with future and lo dwell with uschts not stand still and restrict the development of Canada but let us solicit the aid of more people to build this land to gigantic propor lions wher prosperity and security are assured Government Salaries Charlottetown Guardian Ono of the serious problems of government is to get and retain the services of qualied top level administrators With the ever increasing activity of government the problem becomes the more diffi cult ln business the man who can efficiently manage multimillion dollar enterprise receives very high monetary rewards indeed because the value of his services is very pointedly shown by the nancial statements of his rm In government there is strong resistance to rev warding particularly able men according to their deserts and although the average civil servant prob ably has an income roughly equivalentto what he could earn in private employment there are Jobs to be done in the public servicecalling for extra ordinary ability which pay little more than average Some nations meet the problem in part by lavish distribution of honors forpubllc service In Can ada this is hardly the case so that financial rewards must be dependedrupon to retain thenecessary ad ministrators The public might as Well get USEd to the idea that it must compete with businessand the labor unions for top flight executives Si LaWrente WaterwayP gt Fort Erie Letterdleview St Lawrence Waterway lathe subject ofcontinued and moat unwise promises by Canadian Government Actually the project never had poorer chance of getting moving quickly Statements from Ottatva that Council issuing to proceed alone aromast unwise Canada cannot pro ceed at all on the present plans without buildings poorer dam at Carnivall and that dam cannot be built wiihout cooperation from the US or Nit State GoVemment At Washingionthere is now no hope of getting the Us Government to cooperate in this dam There is complete unwillingnessito permit NY Stateto pro ceed Mr Truman wouldprobably surrender ohmicis suabut veSted interests in the Federal Power Comt Federal project Unless the FPC crowd change their attitudo the Wholesituaion remains Iranian until after the Pre sidential eie tion Then in the probable event of epubiican victory the Whole subject will have to be reconsidered gt noun siniilngrnj nation setu Caimthoumayst sulfawhileallaroondthc weep Willisnibbles tornerds leitndbntc ruesccuiw fDont give me that sick here was 1926 convertible sitting right here not five minutes agoi The fine imth which Winston lChurchili has made on Canadians during his recent visit should be an encouragement in every family where childs failure at school hangs like dark cloud over the lhome Mothers and fathers of child lrcn who are not making shining lexample of their school slandingl lmay be heartened as they recall llhat the British Primc Minister lgraccd the bottom of the class as iboy at Harrow Twice he failed to pass his lirance examinations to Sandburst lNot until he was twentyone did lhe suddenly get the urge to road land study and make something of his life Churchill is one of large num lbcr of distinguished people in many walks ofllfe who made low marks at school That mathematical gon lous Albert Einstein whose discov eries have revolutionized much of our scientific knowledge was con lsidercd backward child Thomas Edisons teacher declared he was lToo stupid to learn His mother boy at home fury who have not been trained in modern teaching methods and who are unfamiliar with the present day curriculum would have per nlur At School Serving You is Our Purine By Nancy Clone competent doctor is one of the first things parents should plan for The ldoctors suggestions should be fol lowed faithfully Parents should also consider the lcloac relation betwen childs lmcnial health and his school cicada ling and do what they can to im prove conditions in this field Some ltlrnes severe emotional upset will adversely affect pupils powmpf lconccniraiion Wonlets are inef ficient workers at anything includ iing school wrk Pupils who come from home where the parents constantly hick gor are threartgping to separate are lpoor schola ship material moe lhers critical ill health father losing his job or becoming heavy drinker family situations like these are likely to pull down turn WILSO Bookkeeper to undcrtook the task of tcachlng her Mothers in this twentieth ccn childs school standing childs school work is bound to improvc if homo conditions become more satisfactory He needs to go loff to school happy and secure in the knowledge that things with Mom and Dad are OK child must have the desire wlthin hintself to study Supervis ion of homework by parents coach iingnftcr school hours may all be Turn to page nine please WTs gelher with her husband Clare are in charge of accounting and bookkeeping at Cdrby Motors Ltd Formerly resident of the Elm vale district Ruth Went to Cull lngwood Collegiate and from there to Business College in Barrie Sllc then joined Chittick Motor Sales and continued on when the busi uess became Corby Motors Limi ted Advertisement CENTRE OF WINTER ACTIVITY Continued from Wednesday Among the best lady skaters then if the writer may presume to mention their names at this late date were Miss Bessie Mc Vittic Miss Hornsby and Miss Bella Moore The former was powerful skater who in these days would be shining star on any ladics hockey learn And anyone who ever spent any time at the old rink of those days will well remember the remarkable prociency of Miss BellaMooxc as fancy and general skatjcr for there didnt seem to bedilflgurc known in skating that tht girl couldnt perform and the nfoktljday after the exhibition of sonic one of thc many touring professional skaters to the rink she would be duplicating that entire exhibition program It is quite possible girls of these days are better fancy skaters than were their mothers and grandmo titers but they wouldnt be if they had to wear the long trailing skirts and other xins worn in the old days instead of the nifty abbreviated outfit they disport in these modern times There were also many artistic skaters among the men Pro Boys Doc and Tom McCarthy Albert Dyment Harry Arnall Mer cer Fortier and others But Pro Boys was in class by himself It was said he could do twenty two different kinds of gure eight and guess if we had so desired the rest of the numerhls and letters of the alphabet also on skates Anyway if hehad cared to fore go such unimportant positions as alleadingKC Mayor of Barrie Warden of the biggest and per haps the best county in Ontario and an MP and just at the time this is being written mentioned as possible SolicitorGeneral in the Dominion Cabinet of Premier Meighen he could have blossomed into really prominent world feature as fancy skater Theres no accounting for tastes no JolshoLiuLilial tooBen Smith George Burton Bert King Ed Crew Bill Hobley Tommy Hastings SGrlnny Moran and this writer among them AS kid however Ben Smith was never serious enough to keep at any onevthingxlongenough to fin ish ltqbefore something more amusing turned up which de manded hi immediate personal at tentionl fiEach season series of races ivere held in the rinks of the dig crcntnearby towns and many of your readers will remember many spirited overrule race in which thosenmentloned above and Redf Anderson of Collingwood Clair Mommy ongrillla George Boot of Bradford Ernie Wcstcot BeavertongandEStubby Graham iooka prominent But inithbae idayt club or individual that won any thing in Orillla had literally to fight the whole bloorhln asylum called it then to go remembers ll ace in Ollilliarrb one was drip by ate cart ltt hold as aibiiiilluadc Otlllin of their course for anyone Not so you could notice But the most disastrous skating menace was the scorchcr with humped shoulders who raced ahead until he met some struggling cou ple 01 some of the above stunts when there would be heap of ruins And the young and clinging creature who was learning the of skating was not withbut her share of responsibility too in the general distress of restricted ice surface There was something fearfully and wonderfully uncer tainin her movements and no one including herself knew in what dircction she intended going next Another case where Watch your step was good advice was when some old codgcr arrived shod with an oldfashioned pair of skates that looked like gondolas with their turnedup curved fronts and the advice to all and sundry Now you dust watch how your Uncle Dudley skated when he was boy Hed take three or four strokes doing beautiful double twist and nishing up by tumbling over the aforesaid clinging maiden who uttered confused shriek and grabbing Uncle Dudley around the neck broughthim to the ice as in rugbyfootball tackle while she herself slipped intoan undig mined and embarrassed heap but was soon placed on solid ducting by volunteer ambiance and nally towed away to comparative safety at the edge of the activities SLIP OF GIRL The surface Was glassy and all in whirl saw coming toward me slip of girl heard faint shriek saw fem Examiner Feature Article Who Has Too By LEWIS MILLIGAN 4Lfa5wBigrBushless$oocsMuch Power That was question chos en by the CBC for discussion on recent Citizens Forum broad cast Belng in the big business categotyitself it wasqather sur prising that the CBC should have chosen such question fdr free discussion on its national networltl But then that big corporation al ways insists that it is completely impartial and upenaminded and one naturally expected that the question ofwhether the CRC has too much how rrwould be includ4 ad in the occasionhut that estion was not raised and the asconllned to other Keirstcad To Me led off the discus iii theold days sure was towntha knewh to do effectiveroam crown Of copra fluid We an earnest exponent of plexing time following Mrs Ed isons ethplc The law insists that children attend school until they are sixteen except under very ex ceptional circumstances Cutting off the family allowance is an effective check on absentccs But being present in the body at school may not mean that child is making progress at school What are parents to do if school reports and conferences with teachers all point to the unwelcome fact that child is failing at school There is no use being angry at the teacher or throwing scorn on the system of education Nagging the poor scholar is worse than use less Trying to spur him on by pulp ishment or sarcasm is equally fu tile Parents and scholar must face before the race is run Watch Jimmy got Hes mighty fleet on his feet And you can just bet that hell win rst prize in this race Some day Jimmy will grow up and get married Then hell discover that one of the prizes he wants most to win is financial security for his family But hell be able to win this prize before the race is run wifh lilo insurance an unsatisfactory situation and file tempt to find sommreasons for it and ways to remedy it There may be one main cause for this or several complex ones Some times the childs IQ is low He may be doing the best he can with the mental ability he possesses It is the realization of this which is the foundation for the new type of re port cards used in some areas These have banished definite marks or competitive standing in grade but show progress based on tho childs capacity for learning Not infrequently there is phy sical cause for low marks The child may have poor hearing or only partial eyesight He may he undernourished or growing too quickly for his strength thor ough physical examination by inine twirl And beheld quite different slip of girl In flutter of skirts sat the sweet little pearl heard Lher say Darn Twas slip of aglrl Continued on Wednesday tilMPAllliS And Much Power revert loithe conditions of hun drecLyearsagaanspiteotallwthe big businesses therp appear to be more little businesses than ever Quriblg cities are packed with little industries and business of every desciription and many that are indescribable Should Be Last ToDeride Labor unioilists shouldbe the last to deride big business since the great majority or union werk ers depend upon it for their live lihood The big unions of the Uhlted9tatefs and Canada not only owe theircxlsience to big busi ness hilt they arejna better posi tion to Vbargin with cniployers incinerators bier they drew their membership Small com earns ghe big unions have great power in their handstoday and mifllldlilh We nors gssaonnma newsi nrrishamgadmnH worn as Bnnch Office mm Joysfof new lull co AN unison um ammum 41mm trollIi host m3 com with $3 Coilingst out mum5 machinist Dunlap latg nokami friction gi his amicablyfor ruminant and their representatives Mushroom For you see the full protection of life insurance begins moment you make your rst premium payment And those premiums can help you win some of the prizes that savings provide such as college education for the youngsters or new home Nowadays the savings you can make with life insurance are more important than ever For like all savings they help tocheck inflation And because they are long term savings their inflationchecking power is all the greater So keepup your premium pay ments Add new life insurance as you need it And save money every way you can le CANADA mice 13 Owen st Jam am am mamas Fobmcvaccouunrg Gmnsrossfcunm do

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