Wrjgports which are based on these audits are this wistful of 3370 advertisers advertis on the hauls of fdcts virtually eliminating the materials and finished merchandise= In the case of merchants and 0th rlocal advertisers it is just as important thgt they too use definite measure of value they buyadvertising They buy and sell mer chandlse byiweiiikn0wn measures of Weight Honour manuanv 11 1992 Gives Advertisers Proof an Readership of Newspaper Tho Examiner has frequently referred to its membership in the Audit Bureau of Cir culations but seldom has it paused to explain the mterestlng history and importance of Editorial Notes vorslord Achunder It wasnt present day skeptic looking on on en litl ts lug agencies and publishers You have prob mm Do 98 perm hm the ably noticed the crest on the masthead of this page ABC This Bureau although not widely known to the general public is recognized by authorit ies on the progress of American and Can adian business as having played major part in the growth and success ofmodern mer marked Nothing is so galllng to peOplc not broken in from birth as paternal or in other words meddling government which tells them what to read and say and eat and drink and wear And as he might have added do and think and receive In one of his essays Emerson tells of his Chandlsmg boyish difficulty with Concord heifer calf Like many other things ABC was born that has some bearing on the problems of our out of necessity at time when publishers of daytoday life 00 What he would in the Way newspapers and periodicals had no generally 01 flemllllsmn 01 DlmlShmenl the calf 18 accepted or standardized means of telling ad malned unconvinced by the efforts of thc vertlsers about their circulation There were PhllOSODhBPlorbe It would not enter the no standards or circumion valueS barn The Emerson serving maid observing the difficulty put her finger in the calfs mouth and led it in unprotesting like people Emerson wrote later of this incident who can do things Likewise there was no standard method of accounting for or auditing the circulation that publishers claimed The honest publish er who claimed 5000 was at distinct disad vantage in meeting the claims of competit or who might claim 10000 but actually had only 2000 In addition to audited figures the advertis Humility is virtue all preach none prac dale and yet everybody is content tbharITho master thinks it good doctrine for his servant the lofty for the clergy and the cleri If Fate has been kind to Canadain Nal tures gifts Fate could not have chosen af finer people upon whom to shower her fal great historian Thomas Macaulay who re gy for the lofty Seldcn OPINIONS or omens Keeping Young Farmers By Boiler Rural Living Standards ers began to ask for more information con cernlng circulations Who reads the public ation Where does it go How much do peOple pay for it The answers to these and other questions of course have an important hear ing on the publications value to advertisers Recognizing the mutual need for depend able facts and figures on circulation group Ottawa citizen of publishers and advertising an in 1916 In 30cmlnute film called The Son just com formed cooperative association Which they pleicd the National Film Board considers chall called the Audit Bureau of Circulations As inlmfltlubslml hw twig tm roug upn ecounryo emuce osayon b13513 for mm understandmg and trust the farm in the face of the alluremenfs of city life group encouraged partlcmants lo esmb It isnt new question of course It was asked in llSh demtlo 01 Pam Circumuon and t0 gay andungrammatical song of World War days create common set of circulation standards and many times since for use in relations bemeen the buyers and But this new film in Canadian setting near sellers of advertising Hamilton brings the problem into sharper focus by telling the story of young man of 28 who works for his father on the family farm and faces an unpromlslng future Produced by Michael Spencer from script written by Julian Biggs it is ne piece of work with imaginative photography and cast only two or three of them with any stage experience which performs withcomplete naturalness The story told largely through ashbacks to the boyhood of the central figure tells of young far mer who has the land in his blood but in whose life play has had little part He has no stake in the place except for an expectation of inheritance The story has tentatively happy ending and rural Smith canadlan busmess The Bureau audiences and others who may seethe picture are has for example provided method for left to judge for themselves whether the farmers manufacturers to invest advertising money rim and his bride will stay permanently on the and They may also wonder how common this particu lar casels among the farms of Canada The lm The Bureau has staff of experienced and ltors who make periodic audit of the clrcu lotion records of each publisher member The then available to advertisers so they can buy space in newspapers and periodicals on the basis of definite standards and known values Our reports are available after March 31 and Sept 30 each year How has this association contributed to the need for speculation in buying advertising space Consequently advertising has been more effective sales have increased produc belween father and son It has little to say except tlon schedules were enlarged Larger produc by implication ofthe gap between city and country tlon enables producers to operate at reduced in theway of amenities and cannons Yet this is one of the most compelling reasons why the farm unit costs passing the saving along to the ersson leaves home mnsumerr Linger promotion also maa The theme is one to engage thoughtful Canadians more employment wherever theymay live Better rural living stands ards should be of concern to urban people as well There is no place for was or ERGSSWOTR asd0WOsc in the country since the production of in modern business This appliestothespur food affects them all chase of advertising as well as it does to raw New Mayor of Toronto Wlelds Broom Ton EXlllblllOll Huntsville Fdrcster Another new item which has caughtour eye this week concerns the new broom tactics of re cenlly elccted Mayor Allan Lamporf of Taranto who is Severely criticizing the Canadian National Ex When quality color etcand now ABC has made it miscible for them to make their invest Cments in local newspaper advertising by lubluon management and especially Mr Elwood motion eansor equally accurate and verified infor ugm themmle Eve WWW had extremely difficult to make clean swath with straight edges Thelong strgws just want to bend in any old tdireclion not caring where they find theduc Just where Mayor Lumport accumulated all his intermotion is not entirely divulged suffice it to 38 that lhlsfisthetstmtlmehehas sat in the Exhibition Boa dl while Elwood Hughes has been welcomes any inquiry by ad manager of the muesli cumulus kind on earth ye cerning its circulatidn These to xglmugrj arc and probablylrnolws Time sou gans wn mm es an avanallBg Mayor will know when his term of yoffice is suddenly ended by the electors of Toronto Of course tbre is due way to at rid of apoliti calopposeng lain that isdto 3le log szlilybe ifMr ugcs diceor um mm 395 Billlillltmi fig voids be gladia like 69 cooperative and nonprofit association Bureau can outstanding example or sulfa ernlndntln industry Its Work is directly nd mutually beneficial to consumersmer hants national advertisers andrrpubllshers Bid emisenv is alwvs devotes ltsolf to the idea of boslness partnership quite amusl at any time used newbroomThdvllititi Find Grant Reminisce Manor ofVlewpoint is TOO MANY nouns CHASlNG roo raw GOODS as Amn no ORISIrroor DOLLARS CHASING TOO MANY GOODS LAl ADVANCED PRICES ow MARY STREET RINK WAS CENTRE or WINTER ACTIVITY SOLILOQUIZING When you feel youre growing older and your hair is turning grey When you take to wearing glasses and you dread stormy day When you hug the fire in winter outside there isnt any fun And newspaper pipe and slippers seem so nice when work is done You wonder why you dont enjoy the things you used to do The oldtime pleasures have all been replaced by the new And you cant figure out the reason however hard you try Oh do you ever notice how the years whizz by To the fellow who learned to skate years and years ago it is to hear some of the things that said nowadays about that pleasant pastimehow you must have just such and such skate onion in some particular way and when you get on the ice you should do such and such things Then memory if it goes back or enough will recall the days when you tillid learned to skate and bored hole in the heels of your boots with gimlet screw ed on almost anything in the shapeof skate 3nd strapped or tied thocOntIivance onso se curely that would withstan the rouxhand fumble oou youvmuld go through before they were removed Of course youmremember those clear daysand glorious moonlight Climax es were being replaced with the spring Acme and the clamp you had got pair of nickeled ones at Christmas which were the envy of the other boys She had also learned to ska and was now such graceful fairy on the ice you eagerlysought per mission as her escort for at least each band numberf Thememories of those early boyhood skating sea sons are happy ones for boys and girls we were all carefree together and it was joy just to be alive But some other boy also Want ed her for the next band and as they skated off togetheryou consoled yourselfas you join or the rest of your cronies in spirited game of cramtag crackthqwhip or pull away injlidcourso which many spill was occasioned to the older skaters when some whining dodging boy would attempt to go through any open in as wide asa lath shat of fercd escape even between partners And many an ardent young cou ple and some who werent so young who had reached that happy state where theythought eyen if they didnt expressyit that nothing could ever come between them to jar their future happiness had their calculations andvincidehtally them selves rudely separatedand upset nights when there were miles and miles of glosSy ice on the bay and no wind and the thermometer little below zerowhen you skated and skated jusfYoFthEplEKsure of skating and hadbeenenjoyingit from the time the moon came up untilthe very latest second you would be allowed before returning home Then camelthe time when at eight years of age or less some girl claimed some of your attention and won to teach her to Ekate That seasonhad its draWbacks ln more ways thanone After fairlng her around for half an houncand ydurarm cramped from holdingvher up youhated to leaveher slandlngalone on the icelas withmuchNavlngof arms she tried tokeep her balance It probably save you very manly Ito youtogui lacuna realms monsoon female in ablanket and tom ban enwas trusting the treacherous leabut youreally couldnt gran an the time aim51 to joined the 55 03 knawsome wanna or eirlng feet over is no HOUSEWIFE says mainli WIN 0803 STAR by some frisky maverick breaking away from the bunch and seeing what he imagined to be apossiblc passage to evade the tagger follow ing close behind for even the space ihatsometimesseparated mut ually interested couple skating to gethcroffered chance when bunch of kids were properly inter ested in game of crosstag and someone was trying to make his getaway Then the ruffled ones would havc Mr Lehlgh the master of ceremon ies when the rink first opened make those young imps behave themselves which the latter did until Mr Lehighs back wasiurned and he was on his return to the ticket window and to firing up the old box stoves in the waiting rooms when the games Would begin all over again It was great old place that skating rink and during the writers possibly dozen years uninterrupted experience of its pleasures it provided pretty much the sole wintersamuscl mept in Barrie aside of course from le coasting and cutter Closed Season What About farmer Fergus llamascord it seems to us that the new lfem of the week is the story of Elbe hunter who shot man out Serving You Is Our Business of season and landed in courlzis resull Moreover he paid heavy gilnc for his carelessness it seems that this hunter from over in the Godcrlch urea went ioul hunting and came acrcs the itmli of deer it was not legal glo shoot deer in Huron but that Edld not stop him He and his ihound trailed the animal llhcy saw something move in the lblmll and the hunter lei fly What lilo bagged was farmer out on llcgllimaie business on his own pro lpcriy The former was taken to uospllal The door lhunlcr landed in court He was flincd $200 and costs for hunting ldecr out of season There isnt any closed season for farmers There lshould be There arent too many lof them around any more LEADING IIARBOB More ships dock at Copenhagen lln Denmark than at any other Scam Evdlnavinn or Baltic harbor everyone was acquainted with cvcryonc clsc knc them by sight tand stranger wassomcthing won derful Continued Wednesday until escaped The CLAIR WILSON accountant of Corby Motors Ltd was born and raised of Lindsay Ont veteran of 2s years with the Canadian Army Clair gave up his banking career in Toronto to join the staff at Corby Motors Ltd in October 1951 Clair is member of the Corinthian Lodgc AF AM Advorllscnkent GUARANTEFD TRUST CERTIFICATFS Short Term5 yoon 3V2 interest payable hall yearly Principal and interest moona No Barrio riding and parties Nearly everyone skated then and those who didnt skate went as spec tators and to enjoy the curlemf gossip When the stores had closed and the last trains from Toronto had gone on its way north Dunlop St became deserted and everyrme who wasnt at his own fireside was pret tysure to be at thelrink Every one knew everyone else and no skater was ever at loss for partner It was vpry different in Barrie then from what it is today when LSGAL BOYS SEAGRAM is now danish suiclum Nehru Baillie Canvcvanocnm Office 13 Wmstu larch Branch Offniceioysi onom sandman comm azcowan Carriers SOIicltor MoiI Consulting Hours 10 mm to NI Monday to Friday Arm Man COWAN IUILmMa 53 alumna Inll on dmsronncunnm no was nuclei sauna35 acorn Mono to llildic Tom lulldinj IIIrig moanofsmm rmcmm= DUNCAN MIG Jurrllun MM SOS llock lmrlr MONEKEO VETERINARY 3glv1aamm baiddilms communion STERLING rRusrs Elmvnlo onion nonnu diiionally guaranteed Authorized investmeni lor Trust Fund uctuation in Principal Amounts of $10000 and up may be invested coaroRAnou Head Office Total Office 13 Dunlap Sine MW PRorrssmNAmRCTORY ACCOUNTANTS ARMSTROKG MacLAREN CO CHARTERED accommo 43 Collier 8L Barrie 61 Yonce BL Toronto Resident Partner ill unannou Bcom LA BADGLEY LICENSED PUBIJ UNr 0413 INOQMRITAX SERVICE moan certified Public Accountant 19er and KIihon Bunting Post Office scum 380113118116 339 Mona annulng It now Itstmd Montana wanna mango co sharkewceountsnts Trustees Ste $2001 51mh IM lc LESSONS armssma nurses mcmor Plan smomwmc rlonlsumdoiupctmdd 33 Tomato an mm homage ARE Melissa Methods Ii scudfwzf was or in ll rte Auction for rCoflaervotory desired groaning no drama in Vlradfdrd at n9 ma 330 uilui are If