Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Feb 1952, p. 14

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will spamming rm 4mm wommfmmu 9211 33 at WWy 12m Mu Hulse madam Ruth idem in Unity Sink01 WJTWWO with and Mrs we BeeIt3li3ltlllzl TorontoClarcncc at homcfircsidem of Edenvale in the Mn lawn mum mum Where You Bu More for Less my Mrs Reg Drysdlile Marjory To lof Hurry Miller whose pullout fanlypmoggwgmmnmhm hit nodes hand Mm Bill AgnewToronto mum Mm Doug Kirkuplue gem 30 hue 09 mel um ow in ohm the ladies 3931 the weekend with Mr and Had Gilfrd Hi Wilt predel lworkmm mm ITEMS SCHOOL BAGS 58 ww As 52 ceased him several ears The fun 31 31mm lwhuesde and Dough md SALE or 3mm 31TH mum Church Guild was Gm Blitl was held from ys Johns hwi Mr and Mrs Mlle visitcdlldm Clifford Minnellan Gladys MILK 05333513 ON YQU SAVE PLENTY BY BUYING NO WW W13 Tennis Club members have rcblerian Church with interment in menslt Bmd Head and his Ingmm KQW GAME my rs ear wmm Ensliifhllfii12Sallglllfll312ml811nlifi we im Bw mm WONDER Cum Sets 95 mmwmt Clarldge and Mono Mills Becton Allbtonllf Mr and Mrs Thomas Fraser DR BELLS POULTRY IONICS nabs first Bum and second Appointed Velma Clerk HANDSOW LINED AKE MWu Draw for chicken ggetggezngfog gftadiorNgngaEgOPHfffcgtgmhol 501d farm Congratulations to Earl Richard 35px 2312153113 DR STOCK REMEDIES moon by His MaryMcCulloungese mm ison wbo was appointed Clerk when Griffin Barrie on Monday ROYAL PURPLE POWDERS Bowling Club Wm commucl Milli Mon 15 VlslllflK friends mgVespyB in week activities durin Februa with rue series of our echres gydmws hmm MW Ll Muncn Doria Kliccshzlw lino Lois Work At Church In Ind Mrs Bart Watson and The Third Linc study group lllUlBOlh and ccil Stuckcy Toronto Sevurai of the ladies met in the may 018mm were weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Harry spent Sunday atW Knccshuws church last week to scrub the at me home Mr and Mm Potter Monday evening Jan 2M Miss Shirley Giffln Toronto was floors The young people have wmjm Campbell W1 flood attendance The Pres home for the weekend WimmPoner and Maryidcnt Herman Patterson was in ning to build Clipboards ln the he visited Wuy wim delugth charge After listening to Farm basement spent the weekend with his family and Mr Don Jean Moulwnl Forum on the radio the farm forum questionnaire was answered ngremm Toronto Spam contest on Islands was conducted H28 lMlxscs Marion Quinlan till the Village me weekend hem with his parents by Walter lluribcrl Lunch was and lellli Riley Midland spent We are pleased to report that Pl id Increasingly popular is this ne it hi wwkc th lt th inlfred Brollc is re ressin fav op ecoratmn Mr and um smne crvcd byMrs Potter Min Wood 1552 an FLB 44le 300m Spent 1351 STRAWBERRY DECORATION Too gt Mrs William Carrol attended the and MY Hurlbtri loy Holnsby orably after suffering stroke BREAD BOXES Decker $295 Same Sm as arm 31 with whit funeral of her Aunt Mrs Schaefcr Mr Ce 015 Weeks Pas BREAD BOXES Single $195 ll 31 av of Fordmh Sunday 1m lb 0x moms be led noting men wnnl Frank Wilson Passes Mr and and ground and realistic strawberry deslgi omc of Ml and Mn Murray JltlHCmuyp VQK mo weekend Frank Wilson passed away inlemily Ivy and Mrs Broiley CANNISTER SETS 01 $139 BOTH THESE NUMBERSARE SOLD IN Ra Duke Mrs Duke and two ons spent Monday and Tucs MW John owns was Palm vital Bum visited Mr and Mrs Arnold Ros CAKE SAVERS large $150 SETS on OPEN STOCK day last in Toronto with Mrs iin Midland St Andrews IIoSpital Wednesdny Jan 30 Mr Wilson crs Bond Head on Saturday THERE ARE PS UCEBS ltescntatlon to Organist for few day was In his 75th Year and had Spent Mr und Mrs Reg Rood attended DUST FANS are 50 SA Cibil Ignaz mm 155 Annual Vestry meeting of Christ Marsha Lamb has Iclwmd his 15 commle 50 the wrdding of John OLasky in SALTS PEPPERS per pair 790 FOUR SIZE PLATES OAW WW lCellulose Sponge Mops 88c $259 3325 $395 SPONGE REFILLS BOLD SEPARATELY Mr and Mrs Orval Carr Mar MpIDm FILTER Dlsw pref and Mary cut Friday in gimme BUY SAP BUCKETS now Miss Esther Downer was in Tor th idej an Walton and JAY WALKER are plentiful even to Beautiful Home The only safe Donna Barrie were Sunday guest rule to follow is have your auto under control at all times got Mr and Mrs Alfred Thompson Cfn Culver of Pctawawa Camp bought now piano and are plan wuk tl Tommo friend 50 CHEVROLET SEDAN Buuilfnl condition throughout Only 19000 mllu Gen eral Motor hater DANGERFIELD MOTORS 233 Bradford St Dial 4981 1775 CAMERON ELLIS GIBSON LTD 165 BRADFORD sr tonc wooow FUEL on TIMKrN OILBURNERS KN home of Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palm hum91 or Monday evening Jan 28 with Miss Zulmu Drinkill is spending Rev Cooke presiding Re this week with her parttits ports showed that the year had Mrs Arthur Reynolds visited Wilson of the 9th Con of Innlsfil He had been eight weeks in hos pital Funeral service held Friday Feb was conducted by Rev been encouraging in ovary respect friends in Brampton recently Muir and Rev Election of officers was held with Vivian Snider and family and Lall ioldcted for another term llmid Silidcr1oromo spent Silli iDuring the evening presentation lily With Mil Dd MIS Right of purse of money on bohqu of Shitltl the collgrcgalioil was made by Mia TC lilbltS Of 500 WHL lllltytd glalmer to Miss Pierson for faith 11 CUM Dally in mi SChOOl WCd iful service as organist over long 051in flight SPOHSOFCd by the period of years All joined in wish Farm Forum High winners were ling her health and happicss Miss Mrs Elba Brown and John Miller Pierson expressed thanks stating Ruth Snidcr is progressing nicely that she did not carry on the work iiflvl being confined to the house with any thought of remuneration having the misfortune to sprain zin mid was glad to be of service The ankle mccting was brought to close Eldon llrinklc Toronto is and social hour was enjoycdurpcnding ll week with his parents Mrs Palmer served lunch Mr and Mrs Thomas Drinklc CALL US TODAY PHONE 5583 nnunnnnnn are fullygequippod tollook after all vour printing prblgma iilloNEEo GET YOUR PINIlNGE OF TOWN The Barrie the latest tituliypeand jSeqUipmean1 vkeepyOUr money lapqtrddiZour home Morris from the Smith Fun clal Home Barrio with interment in the family plot 61h Linc Ceme ltly Illnisfil Illo Presbyterian WMS will meet on Thursday Feb at the home of Mrs gland with roll call to be answered by verse on Love play The Old Fashioned Mo ther is being presented by Cooks town playersw under the ausplces of the Womens Institute on Mondayi Feb 18 in Stroud Soc Coming Events for particulars Valentino dance is to be held in Siroud Community Hall Feb 14 with lucky spots prizes and music by Tom Pattcndcns orchestra Sec Coming Evonts Mr and Mrs Lonnox Block spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Rug man and family at Midhurst Mr and Mrs Alexander and Billy and Mr and Mrs George Alexander of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Blythe Black WYEBRIDG lEB 4Thc Ludies Aid met at the home of Mrs Curruthcrs Wednesday afternoon and quilted Phil Lamb Gravenhurst spent the weekend with his wife here picture film was shown in the Anglican Church Monday night and was much enjoyed by all The annqu congregational ineotv ing was held in the Presbyterian Church Monday evening Mr and Mrs John Fcltbam spent Sim zly ill Toronto also Mr and Mrs Harries and family Mr and Mrs Cecil anan visit ed Mr and Mrs anun pt Stroud on Friday Mr and Mrs Plumtrcc and daughter visited friends in Lind say on Sunday Hill lllbl Ql Illl lllIVlN monsoon TICKETS OJPOSTERS HAND BILLS OfFOLDERS QCATEALOGUES BLOTTEBS OLABELS i1 ANYTHING for womanly office about doing fine Scott and son Larry of Aurora illlld Raymond spent Sunday with onto Friday night Those having the high scorcs were Mrs Wilbur Walton xkix Vlxy and Mm Jack che Toronw Anglican Church was held atthn itr spending the past month in 0f the late Mr and Mrs Stewart Toromo last week were weekend visitors in Tottcn ham Mrs Kenneth Tcnch Ottawa is spending few weeks with Mrs Thomas OHcarne also Miss Olive OHenrnc Adjala was at her home for the weekend Mr helm Much Improved Alfrd Daehn who had the VIlllS fortune to fracture shoulder bone due to full some weeks ago is much improved GRENFEL lchMr and Mrs Carnot ML Mllster and Mr and Mrs Percy Ford returned homcon Saturday after three weeks tripto Florida and Key West On their way home they called on friends at New York and New Haven Mrs Frank Ford and son llzllldy Francis returned homo from the ll Hospital Barrio Friday both Mr and Mrs Alton Scott son John and Mr and Mrs Emerson spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Mr und Mrs Dobson Ken Mr and Mrs George Nixon Tor very successful clokinolc pllll was held at the Community Celllli and Everard Horris BETHESDA Feb lMr and Mrs Stephcnson and family Barrio spent day last week visiting Mr and Mrs Cbalmcr Moybs Mr and Mrs Norrie Coutts ai tcnded the Simth Golden Weddlnu Celebration at Bond Head last last week Mr and Mrs Ivan Baileyand family Sutton spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ed Bailey Miss Shirley Bailey Toronto spent the weekend at her home Mrs Sarah Fox and Clarence of Wlmton lire spending few days with Mr and Mrs Jim Ruincy Mrs Lcs Smith spent Saturday in Toronto also visited her brother at Port Credit onunday Mr and Mrs Lorne Pearson Miss Verna Pearson Toronto Mr and Mrs Jim Pearson and Barbara of Bradford were home Saturday to STEP or KITCHEN CANS $185 ALL COME IN RED OR YELLOW TRIM The Best Valuc We Have Yet Seen English Bone China FOUR AIIRACIIIVE DESIGNS SET 750 FRUITS FRENCH CASSEROLE COVERED CASSEROLES OPEN VEG ETABLES CREAMS dz COVERED SUG ARS CHOP PEAIES 10 dz 12 TEA POTS SALTS 8r PEPPER Mummm sun THE DINNERWARE AT OUR BRANCH STORE as ELIZABETH sr mo TEA CUPS AND SAUCERS 32 PC SET BLUE TULIP DINNERWARE $695 HARRY and Room lillusrnouc TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 Dunlap Sf Phone 2801 6971 Elizabeth St Phone 4946 Obituary 5th Deofh of Frederick Day Deeply Regretted by All In ShontyBoy District In the death of Frederick Ralph Day on Jan 27 1952 at Guthrie the Township of Oro has lost valued citizen Involved that night in traffic accident on Highway 11 he was thrown to the pavement and died almost instantly Born in Pickering on May 1880 son of the late Thomas and Mary Day he had lived in Olillia later and came to Shanty Buy 48 years ago There he had carried on his trade of blacksmith land welder and mau of sterling character true Christian and of friendly disposition had through straightforward business dealing and good workmanship built up steady business through the years Resident Here 42 Years William McKever Dies Funeral service for the late Wil liam McKcvcr who died at his home 105 Maple Ave Barrio on Monday Jun 28 1952 was held atl the PcthlckSmith Funeral Home The service was conducted by Rev Bewcll of Central United Church Born in Sunnidalc Township in 1869 the deceased moved to Barrie in 1959 and residedhcrc until his death He wasemploycd by Barrio Tanning Ltd from 1910 until his rc tirement five years ago Surviving are his wife the form er Ellen Deadman two sons Eldon nd Howard two daughters Mrs Noble Laura and Ms Bur gess Katherine and 10 grand children all of Barrie Also sur viving are four sisters Dolly and Katie of Toronto Mrs Duck worth Annicl and Mrs Mc MockonCliff of Angus Interment was in Angus Union Cemetery Pallbearers were six nephews William McKcver Clifford Duckworth Arthur Duckworth William Scholl Maurice McBride and Joseph McBride The many floral tributes were from friends and relatives mirth Tanning Ltd and Central United Church WA Relatives and friends from Cap reol North Bay Toronto Angus BrentwoodLisle and Glencairn at tcnded the funeral celebrate David Pearsons bilth day Mr and Mrs Alf Pearson Yol low Gross SuskJ and Mr and Mrs Duvld Martin Elmvulc visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs David Pearson Mrs Harry Squib spent few days last week with Mrs Bill Ruffctt Belle Ewart Mr andMrsJim Franklin Eg bert spout Sunday withMr and Mrs Joe Roulston Mr und MrSJWlllium Bull and children Cooksvlllc visited on Sunday with Mr and Mm Ab Mar ling and Mr and Mrs Oswald Jones lEllLMlchjnwclcomc to our community LAC Smithson Mrs Smithson and children of mSunni dale who have taken up llvhlg rosldcnco litRon Parkers Mr and Mrs Isule Black Coll lngivood visited few days last week with Mr rind Mrs William Parker lmd MrslvT Anderlion and Helen were Sunday visitors with and Mrs Ralph Humor and Wayne Alliston Mr and Mrs Gibson Bellamy and Ralph of Barrio Mr 9nd Bill Dowling and Douglas of vaonburst visited over tho Week and with Mr and Mrs Demon MrsDowllug andiDouglas arc up big for Mn and Mrs unwound nee Maryarrl of St Cummings cred to male on Sunday xtpklnp orqu IPcrcy Camillome with lhemlfdrsavnuep 1le Elderond son Davld or Tomato vlaltedi on mun With FourYeorOld Son Of Stayner Couple Dies The sympathy or the pcoplcof Stdyncrund surrounding commun ities was cxtenddto Mr and Mrs Taskcr Grant following the death roadblock know My lover of home gnu child ren he is shown hero together with little gropddougbtor Alum MlDuy was number of the United Church and for ntnnyxiyears wars on cldcrdondivstmdy $011001 teacher He had 10120YEEIS1T8611 school section treasurer of SS No Oro and melnbolfof the IOOF forkycarSrw The funeral was held on Wednos duyJau 30 from Oro Unlted Church whom the service was takcnrjolntly by Rov flShannon of Huwkcstone Roll $10 Light bourn DD ml ShiuiiyAgBaY and Capt Rev Lark forlrierly ofShantyley Interment Was in Oro Cellietbry Active pullbeureul were Alex Gra ham Mervyn Sanderson David Cox Hcroward Martin William Brooks and Howard Malcolm of their footwearold son Jimmy on Saturday Jan 26 1952 Taken to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto on Westley Jan 22the child was operated on Friday Jan 25 but about 15 milk utes before the operation was com platednhis heart stopped Doctbrs massaged the heart for Over half an hour and heart action resumed but too lute to save the child He died ori Saturday morning The funerul service was held on HM Usedliailot fliooArno Arid Hoporary pallbearers were Ilqu Graham Harry lMartin Thomas Atkinson William jPiitteison wu lhqre were Unltcd Church can Church Inn82 snno St milHarry Mommy highlyin meet it Mn Workman no no Lou of Au respected milieu of this mum on Thursday Feb fl Roll Lon spout the end with In xml lawzd Ev guild favorite poem and author Thom Workman Sunth vbiton were as follows Stoddart Bond Head Jan in 1952 Death Eur TN hockey team malaria lengthy um Surviving Word has been received beam and mm Tuesday afternoon Jan 29 the Presbyterian Church in Stayner and was conducted by Rev James Jack Interment was in Stay ncr Chapel Pallbearers were Ross Dickey Willard Fisher John Hood Robert Marshall Pearson Spellmun and Robifhlhompson The many beautiful floral tril butcs included those sent by the family relatives friends and neigh bors Born on Sept 18 1947 the de ceased leaves to mourn his loss his parents and one sister Marie ASIA is vnsr AREA Almost onethird of the earths Land surface or 17250000 square miles is in Asia and its island groups Herring Fr White Fish lb 45 Bacon lb 35 50 Pork Shoulders lb 40 Fresh Hams lb 46 Whole or Malia Loins of Pork Ib43c Untrimimd Pork Chops lb 59 Trimml Smoked Picnics lb 50 Picnics Boneless lb Midget Picnics Iv nice Grade Lgc Eggs doz 49 We carry Mull line of poultry Turkey glblets fixgood supply WARM Frosted foods 29 Collier St Phone 3750 rBHONESSSS Boneless Ham lb 80c

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