MMW cooscnsoooo won MN 010 rAsmon mm l111110 MANY 1111101010115 Wings of the past yena hm Continued from worldly greatest occasion when he could faithfully members attepdcd haw awfully the debated matters of suam 3030 appear to be very active and still When you see the curling smoke 00 be dOinE WC WM importance to the town up fairness with which they ream smudge movie 111th sky Among the real jobs open to You may be sure the sugarmaking him 9085113131 the m0 901ml was the vuied problems of town man agement We were slightly 331 awed when we realized we are om at the mmyem who demand 30 days are then drawing nigh as assistant rcrmn in chucking on wood to keep the re gomg on gmuch Nice and give so me in return willow Liskeard 10m Temiskamlnz Speaker prevention is the cure And to prevention must be added education as the answer not only to the accidental death rate but to in fectious and chronic diseases and to social ironged by Welfare Council meeting ry Hall 16cm Rather should we say vital Max for it concerns all of us The Barrie 3nd District Welfare Council have arranged moor forum to which the public are in vlted The meeting will feature several out standing speakers in the field of medicine Mrs mutant Frankel President of Toronto brand of the Canadian Cancer Society Dr Weaver of the University of Toronto 80111001 of Medicine and Mr WelchPre xxldcnt of Ontario division Canadian Cancer 80clcty In addition descriptive films will be shown Dr Tbrnbull senior medical officer at the Royal Victoria Hospital will be chair man The purpose of this meeting is twofold To project program of public education de signed to create public awareness of the cur ablllty of cancer when caught in its early stages that is early diagnosis and early treatment And further to bring about the formation of chartered 111111 of the Can adian Cancer Society in Barrleand District to carryout this program and over period of time to develop service and welfare pro gram to assist needy cancer patients Here are same pertinent facts The Can adian Cancer Society is national organiz ation of volunteer workers with provincial groups in nine provinces The Ontario divis ion has 29 county units which are controlled by democratically elected board of direct ors It maintains head office at 191 Col lege Street in Toronto through which the ef forts of the units are coordlnated in the 11311 against cancer The great need forpublic education in the fight against the dread disease has been re cognized by the medical profession The Can nedlcal Association is directly assoc stcd with tho Society in an advisory capacity Money misedby the Canadian Cancer Society is spent on research service to cancer suffer era program of public education and in many otbcrways All units of the Society are rprescnted On board of directors which must approve of all disbursements other representatives are from such organizations is the Ontario Medical Motion Federat Womens Institutes Registered Nurxu As sedation Ontario Dental Association Univ ersity of Toronto Ontario Hospital Associ otion outarlo EducationAssociation Pro vincial Department of health and others so it may be seen what importance is attached to the subject Tbe Societys education program may be summed up in this way Money spentpon problems that follow in the wake of human ailments Focusing attention of Canadians on the sirabillty of positive good health has been the Job of the Health League for 33 years Sixty one lay and professional associations are members of the leagues national council Working to improve health is yearround job highlighted once year by National Health Week But no matter how hard organizations work disease prevention and health promo tion will be successful in Canada just to the extent that they are practised by the individ ual for his whole life The program of Health improvement embraces the life of the aver age citizen from birth to death from pro motion of infant welfare to studying needs of the aged for added enjoyment and satisfac lion in their later years Health promotion is yearround llfetirne job for every Canadian as well as for every health organization Old Age Pensions Payments February was day long to be remember ed by over 700000 Canadians for these citiz ens all over 70 years of age received their first monthly old age pension of $40 In ad dition nearly 100000 needy persons aged between 65 and 69 also received $40 month wthelr first old age pension This means that five per cent of Canadas population of 14 000000 will benefit under an expanded social security program Cost is expected to be about $350000000 year The federal governmentnow will pay the wholecost of the pensions to those 70 or over and will share with the provinces on 5050 basis the cost of the allow noes tothose in the 6569 age group Previou when only those over 70 in need were receiving pen sion the federamreasury paid 75 per cent of the cost and the provinces the remainder Persons in both the over 70 and 6569 age groups must have lived in Canada 20 years tabbe eligible The breakdown by provinces of those who will receive pension Applicants from thuse 70a11d over regardless of means forthe un iversal federal pension Newfoundland 2614 Prince Edward Island 3278 Nova Scotla 14341 New Brunswick 8530 Quebec 70255 Ontario 140798 Manitoba 20304 Saskat chewan 20918 Alberta 18763 British Col umbia 40283 Yukon and Northwest Terri Wes 291rota1 310375 search is an investment for the future whlll money spent on education is showing results here and now It is the hope of all the groups cogaged in the fight againstcancer that some day curb will be found Mednwblle there are tried and proven me tbods of treatment surgery Xray and radl atlon therapy which caneffectlvely daisy or ovopentlrcly the growth of certain kinds of cancerr11cse methods have been brown to be very effective but only in the early stages That iswby the Society carries on its pro gram of public education which is creating Publl biting intensified every year as waycand means are found of reaching more people 11re11ess of one curablllty of early cancer 1111 the danger of delay The program iv Needy persons over 70 previously recipients of provincialfederal pensions and now auto matlally eligible for the urliVersal federal pension Newfoundland 1185b Prince Eda ward Island 3260 Nova Sculls 21002 New Brunswick 16913 Quebec 75626 Ontario 93229 Manitoba 18044rsaskatchewan 17 928 Albrta 18419 Brltlslf Columbia 32746 Yukon and NorthwestTerritoriesilltotal 309200 Editorial Notes The recent tragedy near Big Bay Point when wellknown Barrio Hydro man was killed and others indicates the danger at tached to the work of cutting treesln dil 1111111 dcurc is discovered it is our greatest ferent parts of the province inthe past week logic weapon in the fight against cancer PbSiflve GoodHealfh Needd Acldeuts claim mars lives of Canadian children than the 10 acute functions dia 0101311011060 Each year some 1500 Canadians die largely as 1110 result of and cacbyeartherate morass 0111 not are needlesslywastedwtbtough 0018011 shockrfalia and misuse of firearms b53111 of Canada reports addict cod outer adults can save many lireer care example and train two more men were killed in similar accid ents There have beensome complaints that the windshield stickers issued this year by the Department of Highways instead bf metal plates dont stick According to the depart ment those whoh had trouble didnt put them up properly Given proper It the stickers stickf they insist It all depen on the ticker Char191311 banksin cities with population 011330000 Will remain closed on Saturdays starting Feb 15 to give employccsc five dayweckfliowever banks are cxpected to keep opeolonger on Fridays to take care of latedeposltors It is not expected the move will be oxtcndpd not all forme time in ruralcefitresw Letter To The Editor Some Thoughts Barrie Feb 1952 To the Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir Having read the state mcnts published in the daily papers and the discussion on the radio Sunday afternoon relative to The inability of passcourse students at the Toronto University to master the primary fundamentals in Eng lish Appreciation 11 amazes me that such prominent professors can so gliny pass on the responsibility for said conditions to the secondary schools and into the home Lotus mu11 over in our minds lbe present setup in education and who is responsible for the upto date methods in teaching and who is responsible lbr outdating and out moding the old trends of teaching English Grammar Certainly it is not in the home and it could hardly be laid on the doorstep of the secondary schools After all these teachers had to pass through the portals of higher edu cation which wer entrusted to the safekeeping of its profcmors Could it bc that these former students were duped and the vic tims of terrible hoax perpetde by incompetent shortsighted irre sponsible and selfstyled education 1515 The Star Disagrees With Us on Education Would it be possible for such irregularities to mate extenuating ircumslanccs sufficient to warrant the downward trend in English Ap preciation This is not condition that mush roomed overnight but slow malignant growth that has been gaining momentum until it has reached the saturation point and has now boomeranged on its cre ators at the Emma of the present and future genbrations It is easy for professors to cast their shortcomings into the lap of those underneath them and into the laps of parents granted there should be complete harmony and cooperation but far too frequently the onus is placed on the parents The student is under the super vision of teacher for five or more hours per day and it is hardly justifiable to hold the parent rc spomible for What the child ought to have been taught during the day Have the conditions made manl fest the time for complete house lcamng in education Let us garner the good discard the bad and try to establish level of honest rational competent and selfsatisfying learning Yours truly FRANCES KNIGHT Gray Coach lines Finqncibp Editorial in Toronto Daily Star than the $50030 of interest and irritated by the suspension of Dust aboutS one some Outside Gray Coach Lines service during the ITC strike The Barrie paper suggcs as The Examiner has done that the City system is be iner says it is absurd Toronto 15 SUbSmled by the inwmlbfi street car operators strike can in lThe 13 seems to be 31 130 my convenience great part of the population of Ontario and since profits of the bus company go to the Toronto street railway company the people living outside of Toronto are subsidizing through the profit able interurban bus lines the open ation of the Toronto street car com pany SoTbe Examiner thinks the bus company and street car company should be segregal by provincial action if necessary The fact is however that the coach lines do not subsidize the To ronto Transportation Commission there is no Toronfo street car company except to the extent that both the city system and the interurban lines in afsense sub sldize each other because of the economies made possible by joint operation This is case where two can livetogether if not cheap erthan one at least cheaper than two dissaclated concerns could live lf outside puints were served by seuesation cdmpapyyithoui this advantage theywould get poorer starlight higher fare arrangement mutually advantag eous to them and to the city The commission originally invest It is ab and outsidepolnts profit from the association of the two types of ser vice happiest Frosty nights sodomy day make the maple pulses 9113 Till congested with their sweet ness they delight to drip away 011 bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble goes the pun Furnish any better music for the season if you can You can see the golden 1111101113 and can watch the ebb and flow Theyre the sweetest joys indeed that the sugarmakers know When you see the farmer trudging with his dripping buckets home It is certain days of sugarmaking then have fully come As the fragrant odors issue through the sometime open door You can hear the eager children crying Please give us some more For fever croup or chllblains or any sickness tis the thing Taken in great big doses repeated often every spring And big thick slice of freshbaked bread laid whole upon plots Wlih maple sugar shavings or syr up is simply great If you say you dont believe it take saucer and spoon youll be sweeter very soon Until everyone you meet at home or even upon the street Will have half mind to envy you for you look soVcry sweet There used to bec0nsiderablc maple syrup andeugar harvested each spring from sap tapped from trees in many hardwood bush in the Barrie district which long ago became cleared land And some of usstill remember as among our boyhood amusements those occasions when we were in vitedthough it was usually self invitedto help some friendly nearby farmer in sugarlngoff on an early spring Saturday away back many years ago There was delightful air of picnicking about sugarmaking for the small boy of the family and the announcement that operations would soon begin could only be occasioned nowadays by the know ledge that new motor car was to be added to the family posscssions Though youre sourer than lemon der the big cauldron or in driving the old nag which hauled the polls of sap from the woods to the sugar house loaded upon the bouncing sliding stoneboat or bobslelgh The sap was alsogathercd with bucket on each end of neckyokc carried around and across the mans shoulders But maple sugar is not now be ing made as it used to be and good deal 91 the fun and pictur esqueness of maple sugar making has gone so for as the small boy= is concerned and he now rarely has the opportunity of enjoying the old pastime even were he so ln cllned Usually the juvenile members would be given little plant of their own where they could make their own candy by spreading the hot syrup with wooden ladle upon the clean snow already be ginning to settle down and which when cool enough and still pliable was rolled up into sticky ball of waxjack all ready for cat ing And was there over such candy mado Most of times it was so tenacious it glued your jaws to gethcr and you just had to wall until it dissolved in your mouth But no matter how much was eatenand the general average of normal boys eating capacity has not greatly changed with the pass ing of timcvno bad effects ever BABGAIN PRICE The price of $720001 paid by the US to Russia for the Alaska territory worked out to about 21m cents an acre COMMON AILMENTS Civil Service is very unhcal thy occupation positively dan gcrous The Bureau of Statistics recently issued gures which show ed that out of 127l96 civil servants 91689 must have taken some sick 1cave in the 1950 fiscal year Annnpolls Royal 1N3 Spectator Serving You Is Our Business were apparent such was the purity of the maple candy It was indeed wonderful the amount you could eat and after you had lled en tircly up on it all you needed to do was to eat pickle or two and then begin all over again Even the family dog was in it and when he had been fed big lump of waxjack and his jaws had closed on it it was with the expression of deepest surprise that he found he could not open them After shaking his head using his paws as lever and then running around in circle he concluded the only course was to follow his young masters example to lie down quietly and wait until it had dis solved Concluded on Friday 1111 NATURAL RESOURIVCES orEANADIA CONTINUE 10 UNFOLD A1 RATE WHICH gt 5111005115 THE IIMAGINATION ed million dollars in establishing Gray coach Lines Limited as subsidiary and what it has received from the Subsidiary has been $50 000per year the interest on that investment at five per centhard ly subsidy Prots instead of subsidizing the city system hove been used to im prove and expand the service that is they have been reinvested in the coach lintis boomers for the benefit ofcoachvlibe services There not always been profit The 1950 report the la ELEV immoljli 13810 that Yeare paying the TTC its 35 000 It was ingested however that fake increases would probably en 0151011111 linesth pay than way again It is to be rememberedbf coursedbatray Coach Lines Oper ales tho twcsfarc coacheswithin part of their loss in the oily rind 1950 Was thusincurred The was not simply one of Toronto gtrcet car operators as The Straw but equally strikelof lbterurban bus operators to which the outside points Would have been subject if their service was run by company dissociated from the TTC Every now and then some Toronto alderman suggf nests dist the inferurbonservicel chouldpoy more to the city system any man tonne on the town com 011 and become target forabuse said Cameron KUN test so far printed Paidup Capitol and Reserve Funq If $12500000 Cosb band and in Books increase w$0200302 9110611555 DURING 1951 87790765 1110104190 0275277 161d 3101358520 at ottoman mogl 501532 1mm 0330050 135775lr BOY GRAY service statltm de partment of Corby Motors Ltd hails from Northern Ontario Roy came to Barrie six months ago and has been with Corby Motors for the past three months in which capac ity he operates thercar wash docs lubrication jobs and helps attend the gas pumps singer of note Roy used to crawl popular and western ballads over radio station CJKL in Kirkland Lake Advertisement minFS Roborlson President cod General Manager in presenting the Annual Report of the CANADAiPERMANENl MORTGAGECORPORATION EXTRACTS 1110M i111 PREIDENTS morass Canada is beCOming ihcrasiugly important in its new development of Ibopper lead zinc and uranium all of whiclroxe tool and jet 011311100803 essoniial tone machino Ill who 47 wmtpW Cmdineconqminehis gt solubility Period 11 forth jresl backbooo Cj farm income 1951 highestonrecord20 wears rfectiuiatedrtliglfv the mag palate