horas and tworequestiappearances an lm KIWI Saving THE To 01 mm AND COURT OF amen Since 1864 88th YeahNo 14 AND MEN By KEN WALLS Did bear sec shadow Saturdayff We wouldnt know not having seem bear but according to legendi February is Candlemas Day Onl that date the bear and the woodj chuck too are supposed to come out of hibernation and have peek all weather conditions If these rcsl idents of the woods see their shad ows on the snow they will return to the comfort of lairs for anotherl six weeks of slumbcr But if the atmosphere should happenlto be cloudy they will remain out await ing the arrival of early spring If there was any sun on Candlemasl Day in this vicinity we failed fol detect it Further to the old adagcl was that yesterday was warm andl sunny followed in the evening by rain Just week ago today the temperature was down to 26 below here but there is still chance that the weather prophets of last fall were right when they forecast mildywintcr Thereiccrtainly wasnti much snow in January The First Column Was reading in the Star Weekly yesterday an article on Jean Beii veau which brought back memories of the glorious hockey season of 195051 It was headed Highest Paid Amateur and one gentleman wanted to kllow how an amateur could be paid Strange indeed are some of the things that happen thpso days in sport but at least they pay openly by cheque instead of years ago when some of the stars found cash stuffed in hockey boots in back room Another person re marked that there were no longer any amateurs in hockey which wasI rather broad statement Over at the arena Thursday night there was whole bunch of real ama teurs the boys of the church league in their finals Turn to page two please Form lrades and labor Council l011 County District charter from the Trades and Labor Corlng of Canada was of flclally installed on Friday evening Feb for the Silncoe County and District Trades and Labor Council Leonard Lear Otawa organizer fort the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada was present for the cere mony when the following provision al officers were named President Harry Cicarc Barrie VicePres ident Lorne Pcnlcy of Orilliu President Lorne Penlcy Orillizl Recording Secretary Andrew Nich 015ml Barrie SecretaryTreasurer Ronald Sproulc Barrie The meeting in the Legion Hall Owen Sound Barrie was unique as an index to the developing ma turity of Barrie The audience was comprised of representatives of most workinglradcs of Barrie and Orillia The charter had been applied for by the Barrie Local of the Carpent crs Union the Barrie Loeal of Bricklayers and the Orillia Local of Carpenters This Council will be open for affiliation by all AF of unions or union locals chartered directly by the TLC from Ottawa The purpose of the Simcoc Coun ty and District Trades and Labor Council will be to coordinatc the efforts of all unions in this district and to consider matters civic and otherwise that exist above the level of any single union Next meeing will be held at the Legion Hall Thursday Feb 21 Of the provisional officers Mr Cleare is president of Barrie Local Bricklayers and Mr Sproule is re cording secretflry of the same group Mr Pcnley is president of Orillia Liical of Carpenters and Mr Niclr olson is recording secretary of Bar rie Local of Carpenters COUNTY ASSESSOR OFFERS PRAISE LLOYD PARTRIDGE FOR BARRIE REASSESSMENT for Kincardine and Muskoka town fore the county judge and of at tending courts of revision In speaking ofappointments as Mr Iship shiealodspOke of appeals be assessor Simpson suggested the small municipalities engage an experienced assessor banding to gether that an assessor would He stated that an assessor doing three or four small municipalities would ke greater interest in his wor better and more equality shown over larger area iwork the full time on assessing Heralso spoke of the 26 county assessors throughout the province ando their association Telling of the value of their work and that of the association he stated that it was just as desirable to have equalization among the coun ties as among the municipalities throughout the individual counties Speaking of the county equaliza tion that must be completed by mc SIMPSON County Assessor Eric Simpson appeared before Simcoc County Councilat its January session with report crimson girlish merit log 1951 girls wOrkconsisted of three parts supervision preparation of equal ization andcourts of revlsion and appeals before the judge andmun icipal board Seven municipalities completed assessment during 1951 Coiling bd Barrie Goldwater Cree tenhamTay and Innisiil ve more Would likely be completed this year beingihe stage ofreassessment Midland Orillia Nottawasaga Adjala and Orillia township Vitoria Har hourwas the rstmuniclpsn totrevalue its assessment it being gdonersix years ago During 1951 he appeared before the Municipal Board three times once for the county to Penetauz lor slicecollingwood was withthewres Awardiior disr He stated that Jnn he stated that the two coun ty municipalities reassessed under the provincial manual and the ye municipalities not reassossed must be tteddn with the other 25 as sessed under the county manual Hemwmahiwosedwafmost difficult situation Referring to the provincial manual he Stated that Barrie asw sessor Lloyd Partridgehad done good job reassessing Barrie us ing it andthatthe reassessment BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY FEBRUARY Combined Effort At Elmvole Volunteer Labor Crews Build COmmunity Arena The pluck and daring of group of Elmvulc and districtliwzct They Will be the boomers men otherwise known as Elmvalc Lions Club the untirlng efl piwlmld 135WjUf5 forts of select committee and cooperation and support anfgjmmllffmii nd Tub village and district residents have combined to form an 1111 Mm Mt llitlk fine Simeon County cltlzcns detectable force transforming 21shaky paper plan llllZO tum pllsllcd forward ovcl lucky concrete achievement now so for advanced along the road lt05 when only dream LXlslud to completion that any thought of failure has been cast aside cvldlnl it Just another in llnc uf accomplishments that can be suc And when this unrelenting COllltlzlll the people of Elmvule and Eggilegigmimtxh billdlloll leachcs the end of thcgdlstllct Will have clcry rlgllt to mmde cooperation mm exists and blossoms forth in smaller centres Lct us go back to the first It all 5111th about two years ago on desire dccpscatcd desire fin lncial strength of two dollars slllll that wouldnt buy the weekend groceries and one other strength Illat third possession was the telling possession It was strength of community minded citizens who could be depended and counted upon for aid untiring lid and com pletely volunteer aid With this kind of backing com mittee was appointed of Fred Mor rlsscy Reg Bertram Iipward Rit chlc and Jerry Chapplc aided no end by Milt Trace Prcsidcnt of rElmvnlc Lions Club and the men immediately set to work They uimcd their sights on for distant target Carnivals raffles and drives VLiC organized Elmvalc and F105 coun gcils were approached us was the ilrovincizll government All with one objective funds for an Elmvalc Eillulil The committee and their lwor crsfound the 00 10 read and AS EACH EIGHTTON TRUSSsw1ngs into place 11 irons waiting one llalldplllptllelr pgckel squarely onto metal face plate on concrete Supporting piti Elmvale council granted the com lar Herc two of the volunteer helpers Earl Parnell and Stanlmmu 3590 find F105 lune 3190 Ritchie are seen securing truss atone end after it had been The mvmcm gmemmem assured them of $5000 dropped into place Turn to page clgllt please 1952 guarantee of success was Clnppcrton St Prominent Citizen FRANK McLEAN SPRY dicd ycslt tcrday morning at his home 101 He hzld bucn ill full lng health for the past your Scr vicc will be held from Lloyd Stocklcy Funeral Home on Tuesday ill 230 oclock with interment lt Barrio Union Cemetery Mr Spry was native of Barrio major in the first world war and prominan in locle business circles as 1111 ac countunt as treasurer of the Ki wanis Club for some years former director of Barrie Golf and Coun try Club and formcr president and captain of Barrio Garrison Badmin lon Club Dancing Oddfellows Temple every Saturday night Music by George Wilsons Orchestra 2tfb Dancing Monday Friday and Saturday nights at Club 79 Admission ladies 50c gentlemen 75c 48tfb Ladies Auxiliary to the Barrie Lions Club annual bridge Wed nesday Feb in St Josephs Hall Anyone who cares to make up table phone 4253 Admission 50c 1013bF 14M Shncoe53cebytelty YPU Valcnl tineskating party Barrie Arena Wednesday Feb pm Prize for couple on skates with best cos tumc Prize for Union with vmost grand events and assessment would be members on skates and other Admission 35c in costume 40c if not 14b Dance Orange Hall Thornton Wednesday February 130 Beattys Orchestra Auspicos LOL 16 Lunch counter Admission 50c 14p SemiFormal Dance Elmvalc Community Hall Feb 930130 Don Gllkcs Orchestra Lunch scrv cd Admission $2 per couple Spon sorcd by Elmvale High School Students Council llp Euchre bridge and dance Chur chill Hall Friday Feb 11111 Auspiccs Womens Institute Bent arena walls They are built of BCfir and boltedrritogetherNine of these trusses are needed to support the roof of the new Elm vale community arena GANG 0F VOLUNTEER WORKERS is seen preparing completed truss for swing ing into position Each of the nine trusses is built on the above platform within the Wu was moreequitab1e than many municipalities assessed on other basis However he believed that only Orlllia Midland and Coiling wood couldbe agfssed and use the same rental values as used in Barrie Weare it long way in using $1 for $lvalue in local mlmicipalities he stated He did notcoininent to anycx tentOannnislreeasSessmentgstats ingxthat he hadnot had good opportunity to that township asyet Cannonball Merchant Atlflcniwnra Convention TORONTO rel Mhalmrs Go presented eerith overwlgard word For Service study results in Lunch counter tys Orchestra Admission 50 cents 141 Senior citizens yOu are invited to attend Film Library program at Library Hall Friday Feb 230 pm Come and bring your friends Barrie Recreation Com mittee Ml5b HostcssNightchlxvl+A10cial evening of parties sponsored by Womens Hospital Aid proceeds to furnish hospital Wing F0r partic ulars phone Ball 3350 1320b Cross Socicty had fairly active lilo llllo chairman Wednesday Uhcliiarrir Examiner musiccm Cim Mi of MS mini Wt an 1wa mm Audit Circaan ltocal Branch Red Cross gReporls 1951 Fairly ve The Barrie branch of the Redi 111 1951 President Dick lcclc stated in his report to the unnule meeting Thursday night Mr Slcclc Wit rcclcclcd to off ict for second term during the evening litviewing ltputlh of committees1 tlltl convcncrs the society llcad complimented the workers onl tlclr accomplishments of the past thiil Tllcsc converters and their commltlccs are the ones rcsponsi for the work the Red Cross has done and is doing in Barrie Calls on the society for emcrl gcncy rclicf vcrc fewer in thc Epzist year stated Fisher rc portlng on emergency relief cx pcndltllrcs The branch had con tributed $35389 in three cases of relief to veterans and dependents and had spent $2440 in relief to lllllCL civilian cases The fact that the amount spenti on emergency relief was consider ilbly below the average for the past several years Mr Fisher con tributed partially to the fact that lthc actual number of calls had been fewer and partially to the spontaneous assistance given by Eotllcr individuals and organizations In number of cases of fire par Iticulnrly he commented employ els fricnds neighbors and other organizations had given assistance so spontaneously that assistance from the Red Cross Society was mot necessary He particularly llncllliollcd the Salvation Army the Canadian Legion and in one par iticulnr case the Barrie Air Cadets The society has twouncomplct ed cases on hand which will in ivolvc an expenditure of an addi emergency relief committee wjtionul 5251 approximately added During the year the committee handled 17 contact cases involving Ecorrcspondcncc and assisted in mnking it possible for three fnmf ilics to be brought together Turn to page three please For Library Hall Cancer Forum to which that ing heldin Barrie Library Hall Wednesday evening at pm The meeting will feature several out standingspeakcrs in the field of medicine specifically dealing with the dread disease cancer Barrie Welfare Council plans on Showing descriptive films on the disease and to drive home to the public the need and urgency for some measure of control of cancer If sufficisnt interest is shown at Unemployment insurance Act Fine Imposed In magistrates court here Friday morning Feb case under breach of the Unemployment In surance Act was heard before His RCAF Commander paw1w GROUP om JOHN 81m who has been appointed common er of the RCAF Station at Camp Borden The tavyearold RCAF officer began This comer as an aircraflman 25 years ago and re ceived his first training at Cbmp Borden GC Syme native of Wolver hampton England started his lung and successful Air Force career at Camp Borden in April 1927 Work ing his way up through the ranks he was commissioned there June 1940 Following this he was posted to the Aero Engine school in Montreal and commanded it from March 1943 to May 1944 He later held posts at Air Force Headquarters as Director of Trade Advancement and at Calxaty as commanding officer at No 10 32 pair Depot For the past two years he has been in Ottawa in the Dir ectorate of Maintenance Services at RCAF Headquarters GC Syme succeeds GC Coleman 45 of Hamilton who moves to senior staff position at Air Force Headquarters Outstanding Cancer Forum the menus and public are cordially invited in be immermxoroarmtnonm lishment of Cancer Cecilio for Barrie and district ent of the Welfare council unit would be easily 1ch to all concerned with the rccognition and control of cancer Three outstanding speakers have been procured for the forumon Wednesday Mrs Egmont Fran kel Dr Weaver and Welch Worship Magistrate Gordon F054 tel The charge was laid in October by resident auditor Fox fol lowing routine audit against the No returns had been made by the management for one year although they have several employees Mr Fox testified conviction was registered with fine of $60 and costs of $250 and addition the amount 01325960 ohoverdue contributions must be strict audit office was opened August 193112295 fcc istrict auditor is Helm who as also present for the trial The maximum enalty for an of fence of this na is afjne of within threem ntgllm war inns noncom mm Mrs Frankelis president of mum branch of the Canadian Cancer Society and has beensince its inception in 1950 She member oftbc boardof directorso the Ontario divisiouaof the Follow an excerp an article aboutMrs Frankelpr ted in SaturdayNight in 1946 list the organizations andcommit tees upon whichMcs edwouldibevtoiIiSf Valllclluil Permit 0014f In Berlin only one pets mil for dwelling was 1118 Jamaica However repairs and altemtio actuary was the one dwelling 55L