Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1952, p. 7

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74Yearx Record Outstanding Barrie Flyers Merit Support Even Though in Losing Season There was an excellent game of hockey played at the Barrie Municipal Arena Wed nbsday evening The leaguerleading Toronto Marlboros were extended to tlms imit to de feat by 42 the Barrie Flyersw game was what fans call thriller from start to flu ish The Barrie team matched the visitors in every respect but putting the puck in the net From start to finish there was speed stickhandling and smart playmaking on both sides For those who like further action there was plenty of bumping and several hec ticfightsin which nobody suffered any dam age but wounded feelings No matter whether the home side won or lost it was one of those games worth watching It was therefore surprising to look at the seats and see so many yawning vacancies About 1200 attended we are informed The arena can accommodate about 4000 Granted there were several cetings in towu on Wed nesday but that rdly accounts for the lack of attendance the hockey match because ndrcd would be involved else where some other function And yet there was the team considered to be the best in the Ontario Hockey Associations Junior series this season playing against the Barrie Flyers who are none other than the defend ing Canadian champions Let us look back few short months We can remember the great interest in the late part of the season of 195051 when it began todawn on peoplerthat we had pretty good team in Barrie And then the playoffs and the hysteria that began to develop It even began to get tough to get seats here And the wild demonstrations on the main street as the Flyers returned home from Toronto Maple Leaf Gardens after winning the Out ario title It was worse as the Flyers got into the Quebec playoffs and won the Eastern FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1952 finals two Eastern Canada championships three times in Eastern Canada finals three OHA championships five years out of seven in the playoffs In the overall picture it would seem that Barrie Flycrs merit continuing public sup port Wc cant have winning team here all the time Besides if Barrie kept winning the cup all the time the other cities would be disheartened and drop out Theres still full month of good hockey so lets show the team and their sponsors that Barrie and District are behind them win or lose and well get chance to crow another day over those who are on top now Level of Business Depends On Expectations of Future Normally spending increases as income rises But in 1951 while both gross national product and labor income ran about 17 higher than in 1950 retail sales did not fol low suit Estimates put sales only slightly higher in dollarvolume What has happened in 1951 comments The Financial Post reminds us that the level of business depends on expectations of the fu ture The shifts and adjustments which took place are normal for free economy They are not cause for alarm In 1952 the consumer will still be calling the tune but hes an unpredictable fellow and how he feels about the outlook for six he revealed 12 and more months ahead is mystery all business would like to pierce Some fresh looks at prices might produce some easier prices That might help lOt in making up consumer minds OPINIONS or OTHERS Toleration Becomes Weakness Ottawa Journal There is point where toleration becomes weak Canada title Then to cap it all the team went ncSS whcrc confidence is simply follythe question to Winnipeg and won the Memorial Cup in four straight games In May 1951 thousands packed the streets of Barrie to welcome home the champions It looked as if everybody climbed on the bandwagon for couple of months then 50195152 is new hockey season Several boys of the champion team are still playing here No doubt they remember the adula tion and crowds that greeted them last sea son Wonder what they think about as they look up and see the empty seats this winter Must we always have winner Of course this seasons team is not as good as thhhampions But few have accused them of lack of try They are very young team and most of them are eligible for another yearvor more We can imagine how next aca son they could develop into another contend ing club same of these other teams now rid ing ontop of the heap have lot of exper iencedplayersa still on the roster They are going to lbse most of them at the end of this seasoniAnd so it goes in hockey The pro cessof building goodteam is continuing job and losers come with winners Take the Oshawa Generals who for many years dominated junior hockey They just ended an isgame losing streak this week Getting back to the Flyers theyhavenot had good support all season long and We have heard every variety of excuse for nonlv attendance There are times when even the Summarifaeis petition has been tried as the team has seemingly blown game in the last period afterit has looked to be won But most of the regular supporters know full well that this years team is far from being as bad as their record would indicate They have hadunfortunate injuries to key playr ersand they have had almost fantastic bad luck around the other teams net This 5921 5911 View teams have outplayed the Flyers ter ritoriallyrfhey have lost an incredible num ber of gamcsonagoalrwherebetter luck mold hallo put the final result in their favor igltdoes not look as if we will make the this byany2stretcheof the imagination But if so it will be thesecond swaonsince the club was formed in 1945 at the record In seven years one Cour adieu championship twice in Memorisilcup is whether in Canada we have reached that situa tion We must never be fooled by any claim that the LaborProgressive movement is just another political party That guise is merely garment put on with intent to deceivcclose behind is raging rampant communism which literally would stop at nothing within its power to ruin and en slave us There comes time when dignified silence on the part of the government is just not good en ough summed Social Welfare Boon Examined Swift Current Sun Inthc yearend statement of Macdonald pre sidentof the Canadian Life insurance Officers As sociationare some interesting observations which we think are worthy of being further disseminated and not least among these is the factthat last year life insurance companies paid but around240 million dollars in benefits to Canadians in death benefits and to living policyholders Life insurance as pointed out is certainly perform ing function of utmost importance to the nation al ccdnomy helping to mobilize the long term sav ings of the Canadian people More than 10000 sales men arc professional merchandisers of thrift who earhathcir llVing by fpersuading people to save their money through the purchase of life insurance etc tovprotect dependents should they die too soon and to provide retirement income should they live be yond their wOrking years It is interesting to know that life companies today are administering funds totalling more than $4 billion accumulated for the benefit of million policyholders and their depend ents the pool of savings increasing at the rate of nearly $250 million each year The life insurance campanies believe it or not made submission to We Joint Parliamentary Coni mittcc on Old Age Security in May 1950 and advocab ed system of universal old age benefits very similar to that which has now been approvad When so do ing the companies frankly said they had in mind that if floor of old age benefits were so provided the privzlte savings institutions in Canada such as life insurrlnce companies the fraternal benefit societies the banks trust companies and credit unions would thereafter have the prime responsibility for encour aging and persuading peopltho practice thrift and provide themselves with supplementaryretirement lnCOm rm They anticipated they say that the subsidized system of covarnment Annuitiespwhich have been in effect since 1908 would be carefully reviewed and if not abandoned at least limited in suchwrwayias as be attractive only to people of modest means they certainlydid not anticipate that bill to amend the Govognment Annuities Act wouldbe introduced attire currcnt sessionofparliamcntwhich among other things would increase by 100 the maximum amount of subsidized annuity purchaseablc llbmmaanoc hushed ohdov arhejfllion billion yewl 1WCmdtusweeklr Newspapers Association Ontario Av Ind Audit bureau of Circulation Subscriber to OP Service ACiiossAlNeWSpo er Friday Mauis Brut19 Ontario Canada Wedge 1V Aclllilic silicaPresident Am RivettsecretaryTreasurer saws PRESS RUN ymooCOPIES lly JOHN GRAY MORRIS llhis writer is deeply disturb And it isnt the sinners who are at fault now It Is the Church itself Fifteen years ago when he was called of God to be min ister he considered he was en terlng one of the noble voca tions in which one spent life time marchlng out the things of God bringing therlchness of this treasure to ones people and serving the whole commun ity He has been doing this now for over decade after having spent seven years atunlverslty Today he feels he is least es ieemed and lowestrcgarded of all the skilled workersiln the countryside That is if finan lclal remuneration is any sign The high school teacher in the some community who works with the some children has nearly twice as much real income The carpen terpainter next door receives more money each and cuery week The young farmer down the road has married and fixed himself lovely modern home with kitchen and bath The preacher has to main tain an expensive car live in draughty old mansion dress like banker be as well read as col lege professor and gt along on $2500 year Yes these ARE hard times but prosperous on the whole The level of living is up The older folk are getting perision Everybody eats everybody drinks wears good clothes drives car goes to the theatre and generally has good timethat is nearly everybody Some who are trying to start now find the going hard But one thing seems to be principleamong Tami peopleDon ay anybody do much dont be 00 quick to ratlse wages and above all raise the ministers salary last If you dont believe this consul history particularly the history of your own parish Lhope my own people will forgive me must write to the county as whole Some churches which contribute large amounts to missions which is all very fine actually pay their own minister less than the mission aries home missionary in Nor thern Ontario receives $2700 to $3000 ayear plus occasional sub sidiesfor car minister in this area has recentlyvhad his salary increased to only $2600 straight =O== 00 He would fare much better on an aidreceiving charge Another congregation votes $2000 to rcdecorate their building and keep it up to standard but their minister receives less salary in comparison than they paid in 1939 And 1939 was NOT banner year The stewards saythat the money cant be found But we nearly al ways do what we want Some of the men contribute 10 or 15 dollars year to their church and spend 100 to 150 dollars year for their own personal tobacco This is tith ing of sort but somewhere or other the percentages are mixedup Another man left his parish last Fall Before he went he confided to uS that he was two or three hun drcd dollars more in debt than when he came to the parish He drove an Old car and had three little children just starting their education Another neighbor went 5400 into the red in 1951 As far as ministers are concern ed the cost of living index stands now around 200 His expenses have been less stablethan the average Yet his income on the whole is up by slightly over half Costs up 100 income up 50 How do you finance therWord of God on this economics Another clergyman in Simcoe is ministering to rich agricultural area where church wtraditions are deep and strdng Yet he is not paid enough to buy himself car An automobile cosisbjust about what he receives in year These are young men trying to get started to buy few necessities to raise couple of children one brave soul has lIthle and to find little secur You know faith is all right bear ing crosses is noble but you hate loses themlnister bearing the only cross in the congregation Faith is also meant for deacons stewards and managers Crosses are meant for Christians in general iRecently the United Church lay men took cognizance of the crisis They put an urgentvand careful ad vertisement in The Observer about the situation They wrote sincere and frank letter to the local boards urging higher standard and better treatment of the clergy Its amazing how quickly these let ters get lost how seldom they turn up at board meetings and how many arguments there are against them One of the prophets in Israel felt Turn to pageten please LIhis Fupny World stir smog t9 Ina3 American Magazine pennant snore pm SUNDAY sougpbri Fred Grout Reminisce Continued from Wednesday IIIE USEFUL OLD STOVE EWc have fumlce in our house the parlor stove is taken out lea doesnt like half so well with nothing to sit round about ille misses the old stove he says because he has no place to throw lllis burntout matches any more right in the stove they used to go EWhatcver father didnt want from fimatchcs to an apple core lllc used to throw inside the stove now he cant do that any more Mu makes him keep an ashtray near he has no place to rap his pipe IThere is no comfort father says Elle misses that old stove so much the top of it he used to swing And on the coals all discards wont it was most convenient tiling glhc furnace warms us perfectly but father kicks most every night Because he has no place to throw the stuff that should be out of sight FRED GRANT Sometimes load of wood was delivered to someonewho hadprc viously ordered it or fwas offered for sale on the Market square or at convenient stand in front of tavern where the driver had temporarily stopped to obtain bracer for rthe chilling effects of the frigid air but no one then had to fortify himself with any thing so lacking in body as 44 per cent bccr Here too was always to be found group of farmers who had put up their horses preparatory to their shopping in town exchang ing views on the general questions of the day as well as enjoying social glass or two or three or halfadozen according to circum stances theoretically andapractical 1y with congenial companions Most of them were dressed in coon skin coats with the curly brown hair worn off in patches or scrviceable heavy cloth coat held in shape and drawn tight with thick leather belt perhaps sec tion of driving reins or hauling trace and borneadjusted buckle With this went fur caps and mit tens made from the smooth hair skin of the deceased family watch dog or perhaps the shaggy hide of sheep whose original wearer had previously furnished part of the winters meat supply for the family There were also themehigh yarn Socks inside the serviceable shoepacks or buckskin moccasins as well as an OOcasional wearer of the oldstyle coppericed redtop ped leather high boots with the ma TRINITY CHURCH Rev carnivores WRIGHT Rector armHOLY cosmumon 10 SAILSUNDAY scuoor ll rumHOLY COMMUNION Subject The Road to Happiness pmEVENING PRAYER VWhy The Church Young Peoples Meeting Vi CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES sure HALL HIGH or Sunday Morning 11 Sign ALL ARE WELCOME intoleranti REVF LUCKBA BI Minister SUNDAY rune 1952 Sunday School 950 can 11 ampWorshipf pm4Broadcast CKBB cum AlloSTlllchFAilll nsunoaxiiuba in furnaces of modern type AN OLD FASHIONED WINTER HAD MANY ATTRACTIONS pullstraps to lug them into their lproper position And the real aris iocraf sported pair of moose ihawks made of deerskin With the bair left on pointing downward to shed the snow It was for removing this trusty clinging old time style of long iboot footwear that the late lam ented or at least now rarely seen bootiack was popular and much uscd implement in every well regulated household in the old days This wood cutting and hauling was usually carried on at time when only minor chores in and around the barn dcmanded atten tion after axes and crusscut saws had been sharpened and new han dles supplied from whittled ash and elm saplings that time and electric heat being cool gas than lt SERVING 0U IS OUR BUSINESS BOWER TYNDALL service sin It is hardly correct to speak of tion manager of Corby Motors Lin such work as if it belonged alone ited has been resident of Barr to the past fer in many sections for thepast seven years With War it still goes on but the district der Bread for 12 years Bower was around Barrie has been so well manager oflhcl11ke Simcoe brunch cleared up and cultivated since for years and in that capacity oil and gained considerable experience in either the maintenance of trucks lrlc stern nonexistent or rarely used those vcd in the RCAF for 45 years and cordwood cutting Operations on is now member of Kerr Lodge anything like the scale of the past AF andAM and the Kinsmen Club days are not carried on except of Home Turn to mention please Collier Si Baptist Church independent REV MITCHELL Minister SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1952 ll amMORNING WORSIIII COMMUNION pmBIBLE SCHOOL pmEVENING WORSHIP Mon pmYoulh Haven pmSenior YPs Society Wed 615 pmChurch Banquet Visitors Cordially Welcome tzzxz Collier St Uniierf Church REV LEWIS MABD Minister Lloyd Tufford organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1952 ll amMORNING SERVICE Personal Religion and the Lords Prayer 41 Thy Kingdom Come Infant Baptism THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 amJunior Intermediate and Senior Depis 11 amNursery Beginners and Primary Departments pmAdult Bible Class pmEVENING SERVICE THE ABUNDANT LIFE 81333pmYPUFIRESIDE Older Teenagers Invited STROUD LEFROY UNITED CHURCHES WHAT WE CAN LEARN FROM EACH OTHER YPU Interdenominational Fellow ship Hour at St James after even ing service St Andrews Presbyterian Church Rav iiuss rmtouson BA Minister SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1952 11amMORNING woasrup Broadcast over CIGBB ramEVENING WORSHIP COMEToonuncn THE CHURCH SCHOOL flameNursery Primary Junior and Intermediate Departments 1215Tcen7Agers Bible clan Church sbnnkirrlfzbisabanw 1952j 830 am andalm am and iv Rector MRavrw nwio OrganismMRS ISBN The Minister at both services BEGINNERS 117a SfGeorges Angliconrs SUNDAYFEBRUARY31952 Advertisement r1 Full Gospel Ta bernacle 18 MULCASTER ST Affiliated with the Pentecostal Asscmblics of Canada Rcv Wurrincr Minister SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School for all ages 10 am Morning Worship 11 am Evangelistic Service 730 pm cordial welcome awaits you here Esso Rood Presbyterian Church REV MUIR BA Minister Mr FRANK DUTCHER Organist SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1952 1000 amChurch School 11 am The Nature of Christian Faith pmGod in the disasters of Life 1815 pmYPS Fellowship Hour Mr George Moore Cookstown 7J Central United Church Minister REV BEWELL BA Organist and Choirmaster WARREN MacLEAN SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1952 117amMORNING WORSHIP Christian Youth Day ThemeStand fast in the Faith Young people willtake part pmEVENING WORSHIP ThemeHow to find what is lost VCIIIURCHSCHOOL ll akaBeginners and Primary pmThe Senior School 230 pmJr and Interm School Come toGods House on His D831 b22321 BURTONAYENUE UNITEDCHURCH m1me BEECH BLA Minister orgtmst MR HAROLD DEMPSEY sunbav FEBRUARY $1952 saunas school 10 am MORNING woman 11 am lhe Moral Law Absolute or Relative EVENING woasnrp 11m TheMagaificcntj God Holly Sunday sch60l Mn irony Church Service pm Salvation Army 60001le sr savuarruunas lt flhe Home or Friendly Worship amiiomuass MEETING 230 pmSUNDAY scams purestLiranon Services lOVO

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