life Insurance Institutionale Approve Changes to Act Slates President of common The institution of life insurance cannot approve or support pro posed amendments to the Govern ment Annuities Act to double the maximum amounts now available Macdonald president declared at the eon annual meeting of Confed eration Life Association iii Toronto We believe he said that they are in direct conflict with the prin ciples underlying the new minimum old age benefits which are sup ported by contributions from the people as whole and payable to in new we insurance we insur once in force totalling 31162227000 including $952000000 group life in the people as hole Referring to the 40 month pen sion payable since January with out means 1151 to all Canadians on reaching 70 Mr Macdonold said the underlying principles have met with approval from the life lmuh once companies and their field forc es becauscvlhcy are universal in scope fair in application and do not discourage enterprise on the part of individual citizens to better their lot either by earning or sav ing money On the other hand Mr Mocdon old said so long as Canadians be lieve in free enterprise there can be no juslification for the govern ment requiring taxpayersto subsb vlde annuities at the same low rates as the government the loss on op erations would have to be drained from the funds belonging to policy gowners as whole and such an Inequitable practice would definite ly be frowned upon by the Federal Department of Insurance under whose supervision the companies carry on business In reviewing some of the accom plishments of the 00m year Mr Mocdonald mentioned $135829000 surancc and $19634000 paid to pol icyowners or their beneficiaries Some 425000 individuals are now insured throughout the world by Confederation Life and served by 2528 field and office workers in 18 countries National Housing Act loans accounted for 61 percent of the $12000000 placed undenhome apartment and industrial mortgages Bond and stock transactions totalled $39000000 for the most part in the municipal industrial and utility field and of defencesupporting essential and noninflationary nu lurc In turning to the problem of in flation Mr Macdonald stated We sell product that admittedly does not vary with the seasons nor the years Our price remains constant once it is contracted for even though payment may be made in years when the purchasing power of the dollar is large or in years when the purchasing powor of the dollar is small No one likes period of defla tion but moderate one even though it may cause hardships in certain sectors of the economy is much to be preferred to an uncon trolled inflation which after all is The Flzig of the United Nations unfurled from the Palm do Chaillot where the UN General Assembly will open its sixth Nom session on November The Eiffel Tower is in the background nylon urmmnv Plan Valentine Cunlvxl uml will be bcld In Cold uk Feb through coopg efforts of local organim Lot in aid of Coldwaer Commuuv it Comte Plans for 1h event wetcl Id med at meeting of the Com emu Herb Stevens to the Zonel meeting Elmvale Feb clen new members yolncd lll January and among those Introduced Mon day night were Orwllc Abbott Donald Robertson Noble hovering and 3ch Ker fillli on the Tth colon Dom comlructim was shown 03mm sponsored by the Womens the new Wing of the Ram new Tuesday February Contra Council nepotismflexiazgfbiggudgrrgughi Each Hostess will entertain at least guests in in me magnum8 hmrmanjmun of Onioridllydro Clfllflllajsllll home on Tuesaay Night Fabruary 19 10 Jud Mm Dunlop Lew will speak to join segsion Each guest win contrian 56 to pmmg cm once Dullne Lawrence Huwke and unming Sextet Win tributlons together with the was and 8m Secretary Chester Martin attended who partially revamped team the guests are to be sent not later than 500 mu attractions Will likeil In the cellar position Warmmstcr DAY FEBRUARY 19 to the Benet Dress Shwpe 310C mind Wm Um puckstcw which bud not won takmg pm 9055mm against game mm hockey leagw up Elizabeth St or Lpletts Electric 139 Dunlap St utcr Juveniles speedskul Idy dye took Lllpflat wm Durin me evemn 11 11 tIllllpcfillCIl for the fastest 02 mm me pypymmly unbeuublt 10p leg Of mums Win be announcm Lovering Reeve Andrew 0V made among mt mm hm MM Mmmum Wad Oin CKBB P111285 have been doomed by local Citizens cl Io look Iftcr the races and func lmmx gm much 0f mi gun Dim 9d BMW Will Inf the game which attracted anally and may or comic drrwwu rink Jan 37 by 31 3Inimw glld merchants FOR FURTHER INFORMATION lt4 cvcnt the Lions and firemen Chalk up mm me cm cr of ceremonies Among those rv if yLI mg Lost SplClJOrs xIngjlid to old In key arranger ma Th Leilm WW 1399 35k uvcrcnmc lend held by Murm Phone Mrs Boll 3358 114mm hOCkey game Stcvens of Co wafer was referee mch besides mendiers of the Com we ATTENTION NEW and USED Car and Truck Buyers Phone 3775 or 2449 lSlnmllllf IS 0f JAIL33 llnlroduccd noticc of motion lllull To Contact Any One of These Salesman PIS taxes bc payablr July and Nov lflloonstonc liApprovul was again given to tux River TIpIeszymont plzm Arrears of taxes ERNIE THOMPSON Illoncy Harbor 3f locally rczlclxcd In Illliyc high of Izlunlty Centre Council were BillT Wylic Jock Dunlop BIll Pheasantl Ilhc firemen are donating the rink 12 the carnival without charge North River ulscorcs Jumtt About 230 11115 turned out forl Ihlonday nights rural league hockey Elil betvccn North River and Jar rult with North River emergingl Iwumer by 10 to score It was llccvc Andrew Dunlop sbggcstcdl at Monday nights spcczal meeting Snapping cold night with of Coldwtlter council that muting nwrcury dipping 30 below The Int 10 pzly 111x05 In low InstallI 215 Herb Stevens of Cumd moms main result In promptc wold rcferccd This week winds tilllpiIVmd mduw anm Im regular schedule villogc Council thought lIllS guitar and Councillor Victor Iurmr 18ng Bay $5000 Inst Four MacooxALo dize in the way proposed the com parativer few people who elect to buy government annuities and who would appcar to be best able to provide for themselves He con tended tlit with the present high cost of living and high taxes it is not often feasible for family with the average Canadian income to purchase even the maximum amount of annuity now available $1200 or $2400 for maimed cou pie And the government rates at subsidized make no mistake about their emphasized the speaker Since 1908 the people of Canada have absorbed notuhlyufladmlnis tralive costs of the annuities branch including salaries sales commissions rents postage etc but also large losses arising from the use of unrealistic mortality tables in the past What is worse the more money the annuitant has at his disposal the larger is the sub sidy he can obtain Only those rela tively welltodo can afford to pur chase the maximum amounts now available much less the double amounts proposed Mr Macdonald said that if life insurance companies were to pro fcIIIIIIrL 0051 Good supply on hand for prompt delivery luv Phone 246l nothing more nor less than legalized confiscation or legalized robbery It bears most heavily on those peo ple who are least able to protect themselves refer to pensioners the thrifty and the salaried work cl Mr Mocdonald concluded by say ing that increased productivity is the only economic basis which jus llleS higher wages generally or shorter hours with the same pay When everyone is willing to pro duce whether in goods or services at the rate at which he is really capable of producing then can we hope for sound economy The sooner each one of us realizes this basic truth and takes steps individ ually and collectively to rectify the condition thequicker will be our return to healthy way of life llt Churchill Mission Band Holds First New Year Meeting Churchill Sunshine Mission Hand met on Saturday afternoon Jan 19 in the Sunday School room Mrs Charles Lucas the new lead er gave reading from the study book The meeting opened with the singing of God Sees the Little Sparrow Fallwith Kziy Sloan at the pianofhe repeating of the Mission Band Purpose followed and roll call was anSWered by payment of fees Plot Nagel was named to look after the hym books The members decided that three girls would help with lunch and washing the dishes while the boys wouldclean up followingithe meet ing HIGHWAY RUMORS UNTRUE use Liom Introduce New Members STATES SIMCOE EAST MPP Midland Free Press Heraldl Emphatic denial that the new TransCanada Highway would by pau East Simcoe was voiced by Dr McPhcc MPP Port McNicoll Orillia council was recently told by Deputy Reeve John Mclsaac that the TransCanada route might bypass Orillia and Waubaushcne going north from Highway at Brechin Udncy and thence to Wasbago vhere it would link up with Highway 11 It is true that the provincial dc partment of highwaysdhas taken over the Udney to Washago stretch of food explained Dr McPhee but on an exchange under which the county will take over thc mainten ance of the Atherley to Washago route The TransGanada route will by pass Onillia on he sdulh and extend west to Wuubaushene from which point it will run north to Parry Sound and Sudbury he continued Construction of this section of the road however is starting from the Sudbury end The department of highways is planning to put the SudburyltParry Sound road in good shape first and then work south along the eastern shore of Georgian Bay to Waubaushene At Waubaushene the road will go east toward Orillia and new collection was taken up while Allan Stewart gave out the World Friends Edith Kell read White Water and Ruth Presser and Lois Burke gave readings of The Boys Festival and The King with the Cardboard Crown The membergng one verse of ffrell Me the Stories of Jesus Mrs Jack Constable looked after the games and dainbrlunch was sword Lions Auxiliary CompleteI Cooking School Plans on Frillay Jan 25 committee meeting was held at the home of Mrs Qumnowe for the purpose letingthe details of the museum Htliatwill bev spon soredliby the Ladies Auxiliary to theLions Clubof Barrie The School 115 being put on by Ine Robin Hood co on Maych 13 and 14=at the Roxy The atre There are to be 24 bags of roceries given auteur eachday bee sideS many other ptizeswt valuc which arebeieedee ed 50m VBarrlcmerchants The objector the cooking school is to pay for the furnishings ofthe Auxillarys twin in th hos gnuwing Loosinanrthis waste have been threoyear pmied limit 45i9594WAWKWW up IJIaIWMWm up boom 00 IOV 393 nor natural lrtf to orthecoun urea highway villbc built south to link up the Cloverleaf being construct highway of Crown Hill Street Reviews Successful Year Collier Street United Church held church parlors Mrs Bruce Johnston the retir ing president called for the an the reports were given they re ected highly successful yearfog the group The treasurers report present ed by Mrs Green showed not total of $342 It was in the secretarys report of Mrs Smith that the members realized the true work accomplished through their many activitiesand catering events Mrs Johnston introduced the new president Mrs Victor Knox who took charge of the remainden of the meeting Mrs Knox asked NHA DESIGNOFTHEMONIH ed atthe junction of the Barrie On Monday Jan 28 Group of the Womans Association of its rst meeting of 1952 in the nual reports of her executive ASg their regular meeting Monday night Coldwatcr Lions discussed several suggestions for aiding thcl Community Centre carnival on Feb It was decided to postponc the stage presentation planned by IIII Lions until March Ernie GodE gfrcy requested more backing fori boys hockey teams sponsored the Lions Cars were volunteered for Thursday nights game at Gru vcnhursl but transportation was still to be secured for this Satur days game at Parry Sound AS many Lions as possible were asked to accompany District Deputy Gov Mrs Charles Newton to give the group talk on the meaning andl work of the WA Group has volunteered to do sewing for the new hospital unit and large bundle was dis tributed among the members by Mrs Harold Forster Lunch was served by ihe social committee Tablecloth Gm Links UKCdn meens Institutes ninefoot linen tablecloth made bymembers of the Eversley Wo mens Institute Hampshireg Eng land is being sent to their link branch atUnionvi11e Ont as an expression of gratitude for food parcels Sent during the war It is no ordinary tablecloth for an embroidery pattern symbolizing on embroidery pattern symbolizing the bond of friendship between the two Institutes which began during the war as the result of visit ofa woman membercf the Evers Icy Institute to Unionville lwo members composed the design ex bylaw calling for gxpenditurcsg of up to $3500 on roads in 1952 VHSI approved Amotion was passed that no village equipment be loaned exI ccpt under supervision of town cm ployccs and that articles brvsubjcct to rental fee Councillor Turner sponsored the proposal Hum ilton was appointed to Coldwulcrl Library Board for three years Fidelity bonds on the Clerk and lrcosurcr wcrc rcncwcd Coldwaler Rural Telephone System Ends Year in ReelE Subscribers and renters of Cold water Municipal Telephone System scts received the company annual report in the mail Monday The statement covered the year ending Dec 31 1951 and showed no loss of $35021 Annual meeting announced for Feb at pm Coldwatcb Courthouse Chairman is Coultcr and other Commissioner 15 Smith Fesserton Millard redigned as Commissioner effective Dec surcr Mr Smiths term expires this month and the vacancy will have to be dealt with at the meeting The vacancy caused by Mr Mill ards resignation must bejfilledby cduncil appointment as his term had another year to run Revenue totalled $788921 Oper ating expenses amounted to $5138 82 and additional costs included de Ipreciation on building reserve for depreciation on plant interest and principal 6n debenture and tiled Herb judgment of $1069 which was paid off Added outlays 91110 of operating expenses totalled $3 10063 cameo in panelsso ihat lndivid ualsandvgroups could work sim ultaneously in their own homes Embroidery and assemny of the panels book year The cloth is of namralvlinemv worked in royal blue silk The bOF dcr is of maple leaves with the Hampshire rosg in each corner one of the toil main panels de picts thearms ofUnionville and the other is designeduupon the broom tIiEllnglrsh countryside shrub which ppears in thebadg of fthe house of Bramshill Jac IfThis bungalow provides7 veg comfortable home for sm obean mansion standing in Eversly parish famyuvlkhasanrimm tyne penanceand wel de signed oer 13311 which makes av excellent useof ailable spaw an itemtoyinterestmany proopec five house builders The large liym roomprovidesy gdequate no fairlin activ lines As ownviul tchrof ithe oor plan there is ni for for jon specialoocasions Therwlndo arrangement has ve cross veutationiinthe master bedroom the livin zoom thokitc en ilhe window over the kitchen provides brisk about the mix from the or Im mmmn thpartsfhho 930 Tomorrow 2tfgetznnd no ashes or uginiaupplies forpmpbes the area is 132 on convert 15223 canceled column neor living room furniturevwou alloWspaoe lo Sv COPPERHROME LONDRY morons OFFICE SHOW ROOM 21 MARY ST USED CAR LOT Corner of John Bradford St SEE THE EXAMINER pron VPlllNTltNG NEEDS Fanhe Firstlime In All HistoryEXCITING NEW SHEAR CIIRlS WAVES IIIIIR ITS IILL IN ONE Safe Instant Curling Chemical00nditlmer mngcmmmeuycim Soft nonbindingfair lasting Curls and Wave Just Wash Your HairThen Satin Pin Curls or Curlers the lfsucIWny successful hair beauty scientist has just discovered wonderful chemical that are molly curls and waves hairr and it into an amazing new cream shampoo Now while you sham out dirt usc excess oils and loose ande you mn Eqo 1N personaliZed curls and waves that after you best halo of soft ringlcts or loose naturallooking wave Marlcncs is new principle thats as as shampooing but the waves and stay in after you set in curlers or pincutls No worry about split eudsruo drybrittle fuzzy hair no conditioner no special extra shampoo Not wave scLNo heat leaves hair soft manageable fairlyglowg mg with new life and instanjlndyou can try on our money back offer that proves every word beyond alldmbc EverllIlngmalinto mum Yes Marleue contains the new sofa hairwaving chemicalfhis safe shampoo actually imparts softylovely manageable curls and waves as wasth out dirt ex cess oils dandruff scales All you do is shampoo with Marlencs New Hair Waving Shainpoo You need nothing clse Then put it will last and last Get Marlencs many Safe for ycd or hell Wand fulfbr childrens so fine dry hair and oily hair of poo must wave yourhaif as icghmym the nest shampoo you ever colored return in 10 days furmoney your hair up in your gular curlers or set in pin curls Presto When hair is dry the wave is inand eseu emiton AMBIYN oIluGfsronsg