Ramona mm so News room JAN 23Junior McMnster whobrothr Howard Draper suddenly has returned from Vernon BC Friday Jun 18 spent few days with his fixtherg sun Wt 0m Geo McMaster and his aunt Mrs Baker and 3m new mm of our Hrs Pom recently PAW and Min 111 McMillan Thurldly in Toronto Untied limb had Mission Bond at tho United Church held it tint muting of you Monday Jan 14 It oclock in the church basement with 21 member present fibers resulted in the following be Bartlam recently Roy Prince Braccbridge spent recent weekend with Mr and Mrs George Davis Charles Jetons Toronto spent few days holidays at his home here Mr and Mrs Ivan Jennett To ronto and Herman Jennett spent Sunday with James Jennett Mrs Donald Gregg and daughter Julie Ann are visiting Mr and Mrs Qregg at Lindsay Mrs Jack Donnell spent Saturday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Ellis Alliston spent Sunday with Mrs Halbert and Mr and Mrs Charles Russoll Mr and Mrs Dalton Draper at tended the funeral of the formers brother Howard Draper Monday afternoon at Elmvale Mrs Cubutt spent few days in Toronto recently visiting friends Mrs ll Smith and Mrs Miller spent Tuesday in Toronto Mrs Miller attended the funeral of George Crawford Toronto former ly of Blackstock Contractors have commenced cx cavation work for comtructionof Harold Bennetts new restaurant on King 51 near Mr and Mrs Charles Russells home Sympathy of this community is extended to Mr and Mrs Dalton Draper in the death of the formers Ivy ilocal curlers won fifth place at Thornton bonspiel on Tuesday Six 3113611 rinks participated Their prizes were sport shirts Miss Eileen Pringle Barrie spent the weekend in Cookstown visiting Miss Pat Kidd and Mr and Mrs Kidd Baotou Defeats 000an The local public school hockey eteam travelled to Beeton arena Manda Jan 21 In fast and ex lcitlng game Beeton won by slim margin of 32 Bobbie Whyte was goaltender for Cookstown The ltirst goal was scored by Ronald McComb the second by Bill Popc vich Cookstown players were tak en to the game by Terrence Hun ter and were promised return match soon Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr and Mrs Evans Mr and Mrs Kenneth Robinson of Cookstown MlssMarian Robinson of Toronto and Mrs Frank Max well Barrie in the death of their father Bob Robinson who died fol lowing lengthy illness Friday Jan 25 1952 Mr and Mrs Farts and Miss Lois Paris spent Saturday in To ronto Miss Violet Graham Toronto spent the weekend with her mother Mrs Graham Miss Marion Pearson spent few in elected for 1952 Put president Joy Sellers president sylvla Whyte vicepresident Gail Morris secretary Neil French treasurer Bob Whyte Mrs French and Mrs George Paris served cookies Pat Housman Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Houghton here James Davis Toronto was at his home over the weekend Auntme Potty Saturday evening Jan 26 35 friends and neighbors of Mr and Mrs Henry Davis met at their home to celebrate the couples 415i wed ding anniversary Seven tables of euchre were enjoyed Prizes were won by Mrs Orval Carter and Herb Donald Mr and Mrs Davis were presented with pairof bou dolr lamps jafter which social time was ernoyed Pinecrest Chapter Euchre Fourteen tables of cuchre were enjoyed when the members of 01328 Pinecrest Chapter held successful euchre party in Cookstown hall Friday Jan 25 Prizes were won as follows ladies first Mrs Free man McFadden second Mrs Pat Ramsay mens first Lorne Arnold second Ross delicious lunch was served by the committee cowlman Sturgeon Beat Harbour Sturgeon Bay handed Honey Har hour the latters first defeat in the township hockey league on Jan 23 by winning lively game by an 84 tally The early part of the first period was close with Honey Harbour tie 000d llry Eleanan Since Switched to 51111110111 We challenge you to compare our Snnitonc dry cleaning with any other cleaning service See for yourself how your garments are returned to you with stubborn spots removedpressed to perfection and with no telltale dry cleaning odors Run your fingers over the garment and notice the like new feel of the fabric Yes our Sanitonc Scrvice offers you moreat no extra cost Come in or call us Today ing the score 22111 Sturgeon Bay went on scoring splurge and the frame endedl2 The middle stan za was scoreless In the last chapter the winners tallied another marker and HoneyHnrbour rapped in two counters Lawrence Porky Dc vine was referee Sent Deer Head to Maple The head of the freak deer shot last Fall by Reg Bush in Matche dash township has been sent to Maple station of the Lands and Forests department for research The research station biologists report that the female deer with antlers is very rare but an antleer doe is more frequntly seen than the albino species An albino deer perfectly white with pink eyes has been seen near Richmond Hill rc cently The doc had antlers six inches long with twoinch spike from the main branch and its age was estimated at three years Thorough tattooing Stubborn spots removed Freedom from shrinkopo Breedingond mdnbgement com Witblimeo wmouicunustm FOR CLEANING WW 11 is 11111619111311th 014311civcsmi thaw laced Feeeliilg Kg Mdnagemme xpenence GD carcinoma start now 250digroup pranksuua if letyourfcowsifoituintojhot unprofitable ES Fimmclal Statement Financial statement for Goldwater Public School covering 1051 shows receipts of $1151577 and payments totalling $1137241 with bank balance of $14336 Following are the details as re leased by Chairman Norris Walker SecretaryTreasurer Mrs Ep 1ett and Auditor Ralph Wilson Midland RECEIPTS Bank balance 1950 Tdtvn levy Government grants Sale of black boards 122727 476600 637375 14875 $1151577 748412 58735 37387 PAPMENTS Instruction Instructhnal supplies Administration Plant operation Plant maintenanc Plant Maintenance Auxiliary agencies 5305 8515 $1137241 Crown Rupert Indicates lowe Monollty Role Speaking at the annual meeting of The Crown Lite loamapes Com party in TorontopnJan 25 Stephenson president stated that the companys mortality rate in 1951was little lower than in 1950 and ranked as the sg udlowest of the pastzzyears Morley VBedford Cha Egliuton Ave Toronto for $1 one of the oldest practisingphare Thoma and graduated from the the general pop showroom years consistent otmedicdiscigu Election of ofu stands for DANGER of which theres lot The little dog sees it His master does not JAN 28Mr and Mrs Boakc spent last Friday afternoon in Stroud for the celebration of Herb Wallaces Both birthday Mrs Ada McMaster who has been nursing at Corbetts for the last three months left on Saturday Glad to report her patient much improved in health Mrs Mary Ward who was also nursing In the village here has re turned to Barrie Mr and Mrs Elmch Grosc and Miss Agnes Grosc of ronto called on friends here hav attended the funeral of Bob Robinsomof Cookstown Sunday Mr and Mrs Lawrence Toronto calledri recently to visit their aunt Mrs Jamieson and oth or friends Miss Till of Guelph is visiting Mrs Greene Mrs Halbcrt returned home on Saturday after spending couple of weeks at Niagara She was ac companied by Mr and Mrs Fred Mitchell who spent the weekend with her Mrs Simpson has returned and the following additional men were appointed Lennox Ell wood Bone Peacoek and Mr Bonney Lennox and Wt Henry were added to the cemetery board Mrs Gordon Henry was ap pointed secretary of the congregal tion Mr McKenzie Sunday School Superintendent and Elvin Pearson assistant Mrs Black was ap pointed organist and Willis Smith choir leader The chairman of the board of stewards thanked all the icongregation for their splendid co operation and asstmm to during the past year vote of appreciation was tendered to Mr and Mr Hughes for their fine leadershipi Mr Hughes in replying thanked the people for their coopferationt and kindness shown them Since he came here last July lie alsocx pressed his appreciation to the choir leader members of the choir and organist By motion it was decided to continue the centaday fund At the close of the meeting social half hour was enjoyed Don Mchan YPUI Speaker Trinity United Young Peoples 250954 $2 27933 $4 Buried Bond Hea operated druggist busihegs in theRdvances MNglene 51961jtollowed home after spending some time with Union met last Monday evening MY and MFS Halb0 Beams with President James Henry in the lville ch 11 and 31 members present There are quite few ill with the Three new members were received in this Commlnily The meeting opened with devo Trinliy Chmh Annual tional period conducted by the Trinity United Church held its president with the minister Rev annual meeting 6n Friday evening IIOhnthw gessio various Jan 25 Although the weather and li edj aged nund the roads were not very good there was ma 01 good attendance The meeting Secremry Louse Shmmm letter from the YPU at Newton gins 313533 Robinson inviting the Thornton Brad was ornted secretar ro unm to swung pint tcetrin the Slice of Mr McKengie ford arena Monday mght The who was unable to be present Mr Vitatior was accepted Wlth muCh McKenzie has been recording stew apprecmnon the program 991 ard of the church for 39 years and 106 DO MbLan SttwlSm re Friday nights annual meeting was 13071 the 016 BYS Parlamem th tattended Port Hope which was griefmvthm 133 xing very informative and interesting portd $3399 had been raised 01 Tbe speaker was thahked on behalf church purposes with balance of Of the YPU by Ck Brethetr 63 on hand The grand total referred to the good work being raised by all organizations was over done PYthe Older Boys P31131031 400 The church has been re and Similar groupsBecreatlorrer wired and heavier wiring put in the 106 was conducted by Jack Brethet Parsonage as well as new furnace and Morley Allen which was 101 in the parsonage Some decorating lowefi 103 emolable Web The was done in parsonage and base evening closed With the Singing of the em ypu was the national anthem the ab $221u$uch nbw has mem sauce of the pianist MarionBlack bership of 43 young people The through illnessMrs Robert Riley 1951 stewards were all reelected was accompanist for the evening ship who predeceased himsome years ago He loaves oncdaughterers Sterling Robertson and son Leonard Armitage both of Toronto Burial Was made In the United ChurchCemetery at Bond Head Phamafl Widow or Pic Cole SlclneyArlmtage Passes At Midland Annie Amelia Turner Cole wi dow of Freeman Ci rtisolwrpasscd eventh St Funeral Servme was held at 130 9930 hurddmrdamElrwrithe er yegfay 155 Born in Innlsfil Township the smug late Cole attended school at day Midhurst In 18831 she was mar CPWDPEPBIE ried in Barrie to Freeman Cole eVasammerTrmlesidentqand lived in Hillsdale unaware and at his retirement in 1948 33 when the family moved to Midland Mrs Cole was member of St Pauls United Church andvthe Wu Armitage 82 who died macistsin Ontario He was mem ber of the board ofexaminers for mews Christian Tem emuce Union the Oilin vconege Phalmacl aha was an honorargy member of for 17 years the Midland Red Cross Society 5119 was wellknown for the active part she took iiiknitting forvthis organ rhmmacy college in 1892 lie nationalism World war 11 She is survived by four sons Har VBY of Barrie Cecil ofLansing Royiof Long Branohrandrliowom house Optical Co in TorontoAtter ogrmimandy two daughters Mrs 192 he reemere the dragon Frank1aylor Sadie of Midland rude and operated store in East mm Mrs Ndlnglad pearl of 0101110 0130 Yers in Toronto upd three sisters Mrs To relieve yotmgsdruggistjoi GAE service he managed rant Pebrce andMrs waterrercwnun Hill drug storedurtng Wopld um inhale 111novingto Campb rd 111 Mr Armitage was born at St Paris out for some nearsialnd in 1916 becameowner of the Culv offering prayer Frank Wiseman Themas HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS Where You Buy More for Less Our MidWinter Sale ls SALE OF DINNERWARE VPLATTERS med size Reg $125 for GRAVY BOATS Regiszjzs fer FRUIT NARRiEsRegfZSc for 17c DINNER PLATES Reg TEA PLATES Reg 33 COVERED SUGARS Reg $135 for CREAM JUGS Reggae 60 CREAM SOUPS Reg 50c for 33c COVERED VEGETABLES Reg $200 for COUPE for 026 Pink 8r Blue Sectional Plates SLOP BOWLS Reg 45c for 130c OPEN VEGETABLE BOWLS Reg $125 for All these in the Freda 51 CHINA CUPS 8r SAUCERS SET 91 warm smuroacauun curs saucans par 19c LARGE WHITE cups ONLY 19c 150 34 PIECE SETS FLAT SILVER Regularly $1150 Set $750 59C for 40 26 PIECE SETS FLAT SILVER This Silver is in the Laurel Pattern 83c for 7722 The Regular Price is $950 CHILDS ALUMINUM BAKE SETS $119 Regularly $139 17 Pieces in Set 90c RING TOSS GAMES Reg 7510 HANKSCRAFT WARMING PLATES s139 wHORSE AND MILK WAGON only $3 $l35 All wood gaily painted well made Pattern Away below the regular value Those who seek to smear the reputation of others had better watch out lest some of the tar toll of the brush On to themselves CURLING BROOMS Five String Dependable BLUE BAND CURLING Quarts 98c HOUSE BROOMS SKATES BOOTS All Reduced in price mew OIL SPACE HEATERS $8500 $11900 SALE OF PAINT =CONTAINERS Gallons $325 MasterPalnters House Paints Enamels Varnish Floor Enamels HOCKEY STICKS 35c to $200 ALADDIN SPACEv HEATERS onlyi$2995 SUNSET ENAMELS ARE BETTER JADEITE GLASS BOWL SETS $169 Broom ROOM 75 GLASS HOSTESS SET ONLY $511 Juice Goblets Sherbets Plates In Pink Red Green and White JUSTRITE BIRD SEED oSURPLnss MAXWELL WASHER ONLY 13900 ONE USSELECTRIC WASHER Cash JEWEL ELECTRIC STOVE 3125 to $250 $3 500 With Large Cooking Oven Large Warming Oven Chromalex Elements Divided Top Reg Price is $38900 SOLEX LAMPS 15 25 41 60 100 to 300W SALE OF FIREPLACE SETS Reg $795 for $595 These are Black and Chrome HARRY and norm ARMSTRONG TWO STORES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 DunlopSt Phone 2801 6971 Elizabeth St Phone 4346 owners Jury Say Negligence Cause of Wreck Continued from page nine Fitzgerald said his side was sore from crash injury and Isome people from Severn Bridge came along and assisted in getting line opgrgting Heard winnus waisue The northbound frohtend brake man Romeo Morreau still limping as result of broken foot caused by the collision remembers talk ing about the meet He had gone up to lookout caboose and saw the rellectlon of light Then there were two short blasts from the whistle which he took as warning Others who testied were Gor don McNabb of Gravenliurstl and Frank Clerk of Washago station operators on duty at the time of the collision Provincial Constable Roy Robeitsonc of the first on the scene and who was the investi gating officer and William Drake dispatcher of Allandale The juryrxwas comprised of Douglas Prentiss foreman Johnston Kerswell Dan Mc Kenzie and Stanley Taylor Dr Johnstono corozterof Graven hurst presided Acting Crown Attorney Aikenof Graveuburst was assisted bylid VCNR representative and barrister for the Railway Brother 00 There are 27 grandchildren and 25 greatgrandchildren Th late Cole predeceased his two years ago Thefungral cc on Wednav 11800 Dec or on Iatercsldgnoui in temporary in terment moview Burial will take 11 dale Six grandsons Run George cur lord and Groydon Cole and Francis and CecilTaylor acted aspallbeara 21s Outoftollvn 1318111195 andTriends were piesent from TorontoBarrie Long BrandiLansing Penetmig Victoria Homestead Hillsdnle Hannlbnliltbo great Carthaginian general commented his first army at thence 6118 37 111W ai Wrenho seruma UNITEMHUR 11 February services 1T0 Pembroke Man ducted by Rev when at her husband was earlier elected chair man of Orillia Water Light and Power Commission Both Mr and ERacer DIQ Mrs Cavana headed the polls in the Orillia elections for this year Dundalk Herald The fast and game fouryear trotter Dr Ridden 211 changed ownership recently when Mc Cool Pembroke bought the son of Van Riddell 208 from his breeder owner Earl Rowe Newton Robw inson and is now quartered in the stable of Floyd Milton at Dufferin Park Dr Riddclls dam is VeraBald win and grand dam the sensational pacing more Vera Grattan by Grotton Royal dam Vera by Hal Back in 1923 Vera Grottan was the outstanding threeyearold pac er and not only did she race in the coldevents but took on aged per formers as well and always gaye good account of herself being driven by the veteran Ben Porter Van Riddell sire of Dr Ridden is son of Mr Van 207and Miss Chilcoot as sterling race more as ever faced starter and the only Canadian bred and owned trotter to gopostward in the Hambletonlan at Goshen NY driven by his owner Earl Rowe record hardly likely to be equalled for some time Pork Shoulders lb 40c Fresh Hams lb 46 Loins of Pork untrimmed lb 59c Trimmed Smoked Picnics lb 50c rm Midget Picnics lb 62 BonelessHom lb 80 Grade YA Lge 5991 dot 49c Turkeyglblets in good supply BARRIE HUSBAND AND WIFE for her thirdterm as chairman of 29 comer St Phone 3750 OrilliaPublic School Board For lb 35 C7 50 Whole or air lb 43c Pork Chops Picnics Boneless lb 60c By aim We carry fullline of poultry Mrs Cavana was elected LOCATEDAT nzaszgamdrora 51 PAW iiHoNE 5355+ 1950 PLYMOUTH senor SEDAN 1950 PLYMOUTH SPEC CLUB COUPE 1950 PLYMOUTH DELUXE span 1949011RYSLER noratsnoau 1949 rumour serum SEDAN 1046ME YSEDAN 1910 apron GLUBCQUPE ELLE1940 FORD COACH 1939ODD75MOBIISEiSEDTAN7 1939sPomraoooaon 193 HUDSON SEDAN 195 TON onenessv Trssormnntmunxmnss 1943 194 momentum ya you PANEL ray is non son Triennial