Premier Sees The Proof 50 Ellen at Bruce leld Hrs Beg Pmm LGmrge Parsons Jr ler Delmcr Bate1 eon of Oscar andVJnml HunmrisV we on Mr Bolus ivy has EtCClQleE Mm mag were 1M troSprlng must be arowdlpcg spent lite weekend will Miser mm mm as new cars are apVVJean Mummmnd 30 llecerat Vulturs ll Mrs kllliulf E01 TVVLVVVHV Vd VVVVVV VVB VV nlr ll Mr Lloyd Log etching lrb raimgg wwkmd Mr shlng was not so good peering in the village driven by The of St James United Don MrNabb Bob tome DWightghad an enjoyable sleigh riding Byfmm The Yan will um Emil um lm imaged go ill Ella Sikh all 331 MI Jilth Vafrlzrll pp rm kw Ald rry In air may inc HUNH Nelson Mrs Lena Webb and Gotpsrty on Saturday evening After dughlhx the sleigh tie the rmurnm MW llcilm Wc lldlzl Walla2 Mr warm my we prayer mulm Mill um Kcllllfl rtclr week in the district churches wercl Shaun LA wmpam VV ded Th Vt Hihtltll lolonirl vlrlhllt lm Klttttl hm will turn to the Slrdttorddmru we often 5ch vs were tlltlrt up lcu door the guidance of all takcn by restdent ministers Rev Bobby urns Night Scalar Win lsapvclul flint he mle oe lrillx it Hit 12 Ill glldri the mumps The Euchre Club melanoma 4ch members Mm Rober tle Thomas last week Pd latent to George Hunter and 1m Keely ulth consolation to Mrs Tod Bird Rogers lrcpn Walsh lip ucrkcnd Rowe Rev Muir The congregation of the VV VVV TVVVVVVmVVV VVVVV Juvmmm in WV ms ill llama 31 lpllm12 thc United Church Sunday evenloot luck supper devotional per to 31 mg service Jan 27 Service wasliod opened the meeting All do ltnllln lllt it VtEONARD BEACH text And He built an altar these splendid reports all officers 1m Jack Enw thv Sl lt in 12 Vr Mayor lxtllllan awn not the littllt at Leon their luck recently and lulldpd YALE dc SIMILAR TYPE Watch for urthcr announcement lindcnt and teacher in the Sun2 Hm llmuur LillCllll Rally lll Elnlvnli ul lm Elmvalc conventr Then clictllt tcll to llt ltllltll bumr than lug lw Cam bell Robert McDon ill Etonr Jack is with lllc RCAF 1115 Whil 1111 0U lhmllthls in run nlsttl Chapter No 162 OES Visit of the business two lms werej mnyunusual insmnccs ofhydros boon to the Ontario farmer is shownin hmm wmmm cumpbeu 111ier dance 35 njnvml by all MFSV Grace Black and her ofcers Succewml mcming and ye VVV demonstrate to Prcmicr Leslie Frost of Ontario the wmking of the lltlmt in lIthCI Skill Party Knapp and Mrs Minnie Thompsonl we were told that Hamburg was Ml Garage pm and mmwmg thc mildncx of he climatc and lllt lllllll llnlt ln Tottcnllam toun Lemon Thu payly mncludod mm good wishes to the gathering Foll by LACARROLLF il0 sec what progress was beingl Toronto after threeweek holi Mum VV Rev Sfxkombe and Revlwnan Chunh had Bobby lltvl lln llillllt llvl lllllllltl mm An hewmk rd1mg Mortls supper and annual meeting on VV My humor and mumpsU he Vlll Lulu utcr his new conducted by Rev Mornslpartrneats of the church showed an Kcnneth Gray preached veryyexceptionolly good your with all 31 elll We le my lull 33 JAN 18 Mr Fred limm= llllllfl lHnl Slm Tllc lllfglrz war and My tltullllllclti low lndlw ll cards The United WA and W545 Wm we unanimously returned DUPV i4 liulll lltcr lJtlllll cor ltd Lmtrd church ill the Sundle llllll ltcci xlzltlllllz lllt prim Wednesday afternoon Feb ltVm few well chosen words pro3 oclock 5ented the Cowan ameg with VmV two wwklt Willi lZlS fll ltmcn Mrs Parson and 055 of Collier St United Church the memory of the splendid murrinxv of MN LINGl Barrie addressed the CGIT atwork d0 1m Elder Clerk oft tltltl daughter or Rot mum Au WW WWW Fishing by the BAGGAGE AND DOOR AltlfZt ltfpltscllmllun from ld ngicV Hut KadeHd Chiism youth week day School and other untiring ofr Aucrlqln oh can pco VV tlt Dnllllloll roll gtlllli Mm Herb mack 3de her on5 of the 13m thn Cmmn 311V Tl mlmrv MW ll DUNN gtlf llllS llSllltl report llll lllf MFV Brown Lg patient in No Cowan received the In Memoriam sf in lon belalf 41 Jdvk Dunstan Wm Wok plau un tlu AtlA and market h05pltal ch broken leg ll Lowan 31ml daughter Jan and son Hurry lgnltllc Church what Illl AYlA glmum NDTld FIVE POINTS vxmkcnd for tllclr new home do for tho Church and an lldltldE Rpm Hm mcmmd Damn On the evening of Jan 25 DDGllg aid expressed the appreciation of Cm 11 and mo Chum waking 1nd Dob Mrs Jean Wri ht Lindsa the on r1 Own 15 Lganon to RW and Mrs llcv btubbs conducted an in MM or were present from Barrlc shown The Innisl Commth this picture of an electricallyoperated apple grading iilcitlll Me wmmgmi evening hm my pe 24 It lm it Lindsay Cookstown and Crecmor and splendid picture For Good wocd Orchards Agmcourt Ontwllosc300 acres of apples compriz one wcu Ml Ck Dlmlim lm pb$f on their work and denvered an Close vysllgrchVindnnbhoVur gimlts 500 bushels by alumni qumm 1lele has amed Bethol Aypn hold their annual inspiring message from the Worth pt buslucw for himself at Colgnn Re Skaung puny SL151 Arum forlnrllt vl Barrie and presiding Matron Handing me whole of Gonna in Tm pm Aunt Abby Am wahwdhl Hurl lunch VMrSV Ema BarriCV Mm Donne llL lllCllldftl hot dogs and cor Cookstown and Mrs Sidey Crcc Vsaw tender shrubs and bush plantr llzlll last Friday evening Again winging growmg ln many gardens thr lllll was packed to capacitv owing the mectlng scent hour was enjoyed imade at the E930 experimental JAN Mr utclunson day at her home here PlowMEgVNSTARIO lfarrn at Dcthllnxcn 60 miles south DU mm pomgmd for Spent low days in Barric vitlil Mr and Mrs Ferguson ASSOCIAHON Be ll sweetheart this Valentines Day and remcm those you care for with meaningful valentine Youll guagc but most of those rcscnt MI and Mrs Georg WMde find ll our inc coll ctio bl ll sm car or your There is quite story to this spoke ours and for the one or two and children Cookwim VI large congregation attendedlfrtday night After an enjoyable WVVVVVVVVV VVVV VV VV The llebyttrlan Young lcxyplllliil Lil iltv Shtlburm Offm Wlo 59 ll Berton Schultzbun and Tut llelpful and timely sermon from lheishowing decided increase Amer in llllbclt Mg Wwim trizly afternoon twirl hlli meet in the church school thorn lag the evening Rev Muir 0m trough luv055 lzng ltervceby Rcv Jlllr Dilllllizl WW and Ilium ls mun lob Miss Margaret Smith Dcaconuln Memorianl from the members Dilllilllmt lWULM llltl Wtuid their meeting here last week s5llon gummy SChOOl SUDNml Dvlwlllv lorlncllv often tlnnlull llltlltllLl tltc Stttilltl Arl mm KEYS FIIIED Blplzl Cllllrcll lnlolltlll ilt it to father alvValtcr Brown last Friday departments of the church Frillth Mub Md mnmp lRatcnaytls xfoclltlon is doth and voiced their appreciation ores Wetter Mocking Hamilton at Gordon Slotg lg her offlclal inspection tlslt to In Muir At the conclusxon1 Rural hydro installations lznve doubled in the inst six years Oueofthc HUM Oumud mL Slrucll lltlimlil POIiml The DDGM complimented WM or Evil Benediction brought ll Canadas largest orchards MrsMollic MCFrcdcrlck and Frcd Clark ll IQRlVllld ho CW Grand Matron pDGM MrSV Mary worde ha in me OM Jun 23 Sklltlng was from to 105 this regard We were surprised at swvls An Ad W115 lllCStmitl for fee vh ccvvcd bv Rcv and Ml more addressed brief remarks and The land her is relallYell EN The February mcctlny of the and poor so we were interested Vancns Institute will be held at MLss Joan Black has returned to lot Hamburg not being able to speak their lan her mthrV who is Sick Wayne and Lynne spent 13 farm It was rented in 1947 by that didnt there was an expert weekend with Mr and Mrs Stewart in Owen Sound Mr and Mrs John Cowan and Gordon and Mrs Campbell This is the fourth of series morning and we had wonderfulI Elsie ffgggigtg 102 of weekly stories which John lview of the Eu glLsh countrySlde Carroll assistant deputy and were able to see the shippingl iieszfgrzscfHOSSdfagfils fit all moving and tuna and formerly secretary coast mm the Kentlyears The owner 1051 his only manager at the Ontario Plow Mrs Cowans brother William ReidV in Private Patients pavilion son during the last war and then 1le and immigration prospects yand Mrs Cooke one day rcc tly nterprctcr The attention paid to Mm glossor spent few daysV remarks and ll 599mmle in Toronto with her sister who is neverending questions directed tonV us lndlcatcd keen interest in 399 Institute News cotumn fl match plowlng Canadian agricul report of WI meeting in Mrs Laud crs of thegeneral hospital number from this vicinity at tended the funeral of Mrs Eliza beth Corbett in Toronto Thursday Jan 24 Mrs Corbett and her husband were residents of the 9th Line for many years Mrs Hand is spending the week in Toronto Mr and Mrs Campbell spent Tuesday of last week with Mr Fraser in Creemore AW Dorothy Terrancanni DALSTON JAN 2sSympathy is extended to Mrs Williams whose sister passed away at Midland recently Miss IreneJory entertained Va number of friends on Saturday evening Remember the supper and an nual congregational meeting on Thursday evening WI Meeting Dalston Womens Institute met at the home of Mrs Wood recent ly The meeting opened with the Institute Ode followed by the Mary Stuart Collect and prayer MrsWlight the president con ducted the business and reports Roll call was answered by naming anold fashioned way of entertain ing Mrs Forbes gave an ex cellent paper on Citizenship demonstration of tea biscuit mak ing was given by Mrs Randy and Mrs Forbes The hastess and Emms supplied refresh ments The WA wilL mceLet home of Mrs Bertram olilTuesday Feb at pm GILFORD JAN Mlsstls Rothwell spent the long weekend in Tor to EM Mrs LeGrOSandVsonKit of Winni Were Sunday visitors at Lou Neillyis Sorry to report Mrs Rox is in hospital in Toronto also Mrs Porritt in Wellesley gVHospital and Mrs Owen Bell and family visited Mia and Mr John Bell in Toronto on Sunday Mr and Mrs William Gorham visited their sonCliff in Toronto on Sunday Visitors with Mr andMrs Ellen Sawyer thisWere Mr and MrsWilliafin Eisner ZaVnd Mr and Mrs Walter Fisher Stayner Mnl and Mrs Stanley Kearns Brad ford and Miss Lois Fisher Lari moregV North Dakota Fisher remaking withVMrt SaWYer f0 spent Saturday in Toronto visiting minister of agriculture forOn mens Association will write about the visit of Canadas champion plowmen to the Bri tish Isles Germany Dean and Sweden COPENHAGEN DENMARK Yestcrday we stood in Danish cheese factory and watched the making of the rst experimental batch of Cheddar cheese produced in this country The sight left us withnlixed feelings As agricultural observers and your reporters we knew this was redhot news But as three Can adians we also knew we were watching something that may turn out to be new threat to the Canadian Cheddar market in Great Britain We gathered from our Danish friends that the experiment was being made to see if it were accept able to the British in an attempt to take up the slack of Canadian Cheddar It doesnt take an exceptionally keen eye to see that if such Cheddar is produced in the years to come it may not only be the slack that is taken up Even with that thought in mind the three of us Norman Tyndall of Richmond Hill 0nt the chami pion tractor plowman Eugene Timbers of Milliken Out the champion horse plowman and my self felt great admiration for these enterprising Danes They need the British market asV much as we do perhaps more so For despitetheafact the people look welldressed and are well ied there isausterityihere No automobiles have been imported since V1938 and for those with cars gasoline costs 50 centsa gallon Britain has been importing only limited quantities of butter bacon and eggsand at low pricesr30 sterling credit is asHow as dollar credithre We have been here just over 36 hours and have another day and half to spepd in this orderly and wellplanned little country To marrow welshall be vitingftwd of the area show farms one of 90 acres and the other completely mechanized farm of 1500cres It had been originally planned that Wewould motor from Germany to Denmarlc but out German hosts thought we would appreciatemorethlme here so they made lastomihute arrangements for us to by FinnishAlrlines from Hamburg to Copenhagen becoming lmost rou tineawltthls for it was byair that we travelled from London to Hamburg That flight seemed all too Vshort ItVwag beautiful VVVVForgAlljthe indows onXourVHomel Awnings that will marI vellously improve your home from theloutslde annotated yourmrmsh suns glare Can be pur chased here now far alll re Wind9WS pot vow order nw Splm VV 4314 19 VV land whlch was revealed as al From the st gorgeous patchwork of green 1935 food for empldydgsatls gaming our rSt gd View Of the con when the Russians broke through lunentwwing to SUddcn lower they plundered the propertv and l3 Clouds was over Hon red many of the buildings tures canals and rcdtiled houses now graduated into major Yes sai have Sn $321395 VWIE pcrlmcntal station which uses all Toan lithe hlattisl equipment and farming met to increase or short Vstop at Amsterdam andlthis rather poor soil $11422 then Within an hour we wheeledition is up against strong fuel into hamburg Waiting for us was tradition but the scientic meth Hansyurgen Zetzsche of the Gerlods and results ofthe Essofarm man Essa company Tall pleaslure making headway ant in his early thirties this for potames are imlma mer youngV submarine commander diet of these peo lep andn llId was our guxde throughout our Gerg the Essa farm hgve beenyglbsstatlln man stav Even tlally increased Stock on the farm do VhouVl Vrlef glimpse of Lon includes about 250 hogs of all Gor 11 is now pretty vellman breeds tlathelfat compared pgtcltlfd upllad not prepared us to Canadian hogslfsome 20 cows slVthVick we received when Vtit is planned to incrase the herd bonbed Vsectlons of to 35 and about 400 sheep called am ulgV Vsometunes Just rubble Heidschnuckcn These are cheapl lVthVlVdothcl tlmcs open spacestherc to rear for they thrive on the forl Shl VlngsV once stood We were age from the local heather moorsl own two air raid shelters built We startled our host Dr Sven Sgurpstefct Vsaooo persons If this von Muller when after noticingl tam tV Van astlc ls it any more rye was being sown we suggested VV us to than the factV that 30000 that it would be plowed under fol glncrrtathenglgVeVd kllled in one raid soil improvement When he recovl POVVVVCEVCV rauge cred he said such action would the border from rggrrrgdllg czduse revglunon Eye is needE Iggvlelalnost dofubledthe population and againllfs as med for humanal am urg rom onemillionxlto press conference was held tori 330100 Recovery both building up attended by reporters fromvel conomlc is remarkable and elty dailies and 20 agricultural pal With the interest shown in im Congratulations to Roy Penhailel migration in Hamburg and elsecon and Shirley Ash who were where in Germany Ontario should mam Saturday Jan 26 have no difficulty this year of getting its quota of 2500 German immigrants Time is short now and wll lln ish my story about Denmark and report on our tour of Sweden next week can COAL Good supply on hand for prompt delivery slulllllul CO LTD Phone transom rs HARRISMOTS can to clear GLOVE nonhuman mus 1549 srozr all models plugs 52 Chevrolets Pontiac and Oldslnoblle reVgV$235 $175 PARKING BRAKE SIGNAL ALARMS into cigarllglllien Reg $1070 ss75 TURN SIGNAL INDICATORS 194952 orbsmlmlle Models 36 Reg $2295 $1495 194952 Chevroletb Pontiacs and Olds TURN SIGNAL INDICATORS 194952 incline reg19o $l60 1NNERVcoumorl sror LAMP 194952 $1975 gigolo Rommelamtoxdsmabne reg amnion use ragga Run 3118 vrson 14952 Vevroe once andUOltiSlitotllle eg$3ao 5235 MENTOR INSIDE RE pand PontiacVVreQ 60 $345 FUEL noon Gums 95 Chevrolet and Pontiac $180 rum noon canon195 Oldsm bile Buick regst8o $140 $1425 Chevrol 1949 Chem $1425 Chevroletand Pontiac Sedans Reg smut UNITS 195152 Chevrolet and Pontiac Sedans reg VV SHADE UNI$SF1951524W Pontiac doors rg 3LVV EXHAUSTV Damons all models roundtype regsl8or $120 EXHAUSTVDEFLECTORS all models on type reg $180 smo LICENSE rum mums in chrome Accnwnnroltrnou m1 emaili 13 53 9mm and Muller critergsrllilloaixiiviidlliiiiidzfll lregxsisx models reg mssmdnlm Manon 194 EmilV EBAVc males with automatic switch roletP6nthaoand QIMObllemegAass reg VttVVmglx withopt automatic UNDERHOOD LAMPS 194t53a0emletaz swimmer 3350 Pontiach Oldsmolmeneg $211031 BACK sum minerslitmus 1949 93 52t3hev101etL Pontlaoand Oldsmobile 39 reg $1150 con 18 onwmoumcs re 1375 roleth Pontiac lfthese mm ms teschartlolelisodkti FILTER all models Vreg $145 CHROME ampules 15 wheels loved ones Sclcct yours todav Weaymouth Book Store 30 ELIZABETH sr PHONE 4055 The Story of lhfal Facfdr in Your Communitny Welfare Benets for Canadians living in communities from Solohns to Victoria are highlighted in the V65tb Report of the Manufacturers Life Dollars paid to living policyholders and to the beneciaries of those who have died pgovide lnthousaddsof typi cal Canadian homes elderly people are enioying happy and comfortable retirement with guaranteed monthly in comes provided by their Manufacturers Lilo policies The Manufacturers life has made available mil lions of dollars in mortgages for those5iiyia76raitf new homes helping to meet an urgent mediamany communities in part by Manufacturer life funds new were incomes that help to maintain good 1mg and guarantee nancial independence Premiumdollars held in mm for Manufach Life policyholders are invesred in public and enterprises essential to community progress Highlights front the 65H ANNUAL REPORT of the Manufacturers Lifef 410000 cusms IN mum 30 twnllcround the World are now JulianaIf substantial amounts of theirisavlnowlho fflamers Life to protecttheicdependenfs undillil oworetirement damnzsaousuwcs and protection is provided by the policies they VV $449783836 ls sacunsur luller is guaullntee payment attire benets thesopolicieelhelnterest corridor Which are princblally accumulated ratatouille cost of insurancg slogansmlorum custom 1951 by over 35000 at about already ownersV