This Funny World all 136333 livideeihitn PM low hotel at Wasaga Beach on Grgian Bay Ross Hamilton the female im or personzltor hps been entertaining golf and on ever since he left the Dumbclls in 1930 When his jom rstturw WEDNESDAYJANUARY 301952 Parenls led the firms Medical Corps lr WIWIm II lloronlo in 1940 he lumbfoulldm Plan Of war the clerk by giving his occupation tress Now he lives inBrook Fatal accidents on Highway it on succes In an interesting articic unit 331 SUbSldlze Toronto give nights this week brought more sadness to Chlldren Stated led The is and an 19 eJack $13231 hasriuhighlay an lodech OntariolDumbellS by Max Bralthwml vertising business in Toronto scum ms the district It was unique but tragic that iiloclcans Magazme for Jan it en the Toronto Street car obemmrs the provincial police headquarters had only iii 19 an 2I went on smke for higher pay good many two notations in the record book between 24E the Editor ggugaetij Currie irlliBmm lwumd the mg thousands of people living for outside that hour shifts lit the Weekend the death of Mr th eive convenienccd be my found em Day neur Guthrie on Sunday and the death cause the Gray Coach bus lilies ceased to opera In Norm Bay and Hamilton Guelph of Mrs Frost at Churchill on Monday Dcar Sir picture haunts mcGrcot War made its first Cano Vespra the picture of widowed luoihcridioll appearance in Owen Sound hxr all son rc aring thcir Capt Melton Plunkeit of Orillin Ratepayels Assn dlllly local just dandelionignihercd together all of the orig MMI Amrrlcsn lxglon and London Owen Sound and Oshawa and Wh cities towns and villages betweeh those ter someizerqesygildtidSvjhC iiipogigi icnws This is one olscvoral touch61ml cast that he could and after Begum momm 1V 22 ll al this and Toronto le who mg scones reproduced in mourn couple of tryouts at the Savoy ice lug OI yes p0 De 13 something always has British flavor The 3v eld report of the Foster paremrgthmm Owen SoundI he apgmam pra Ratepayers Association Will Do new all litterCity bus mm Peterborough Examiner states There seems Man for Children an organiIg We Ambme 5m the llclguTlLlllllrsday Jim 31 330 me es scnoo If the operators of the bus lines owned by to be no anxiety in Ottawa to quash other Eilzokglrmugh gratingsggagsfaultyciggdegx II the Toronto Transportation Commission de equally outworll allegiances If the British signed has no commie whatever pm Dumbo on we mm rill Joli llhrljlmrh serWd pay increase the company coma survwals are to go let us made Clean Sweep with this orgnnimlion tho picture They playgd Canadian dues for Gennym imiqliigl has stirred him to acquaint yourlmany years and made many to the coun of revision OIIwrm have paid it without service being interrupt of all the rest concludes The Examiner ed by or strike Also since profits of the bus rmde with plans box or love tum engagemems in Owen sound Delegations from Othcr ratepay among Chldmn Braithwaitcs article also points ers organizations will also be out that two of the principals of present company go to the Toronto street railway Loyal subjects must see red when they hear XI company the peoDle nvmg outsme 0f Tor Ofthreats from Egypt and Iran abom exDEI Como for dc Mmm jug had me batteries DOTillccaIl allbrliecitzlrrlgll lhgdpengzllt the company livrr ill this district onto are subsidizing through the profitable ling British people and closing consulates recharer and lm going to open her up relief oggnmuon which has given lie says interurban bus lines the operation of the Were it not for Britishablood valor and tronl MWWW iiudividual help to more than 70000 Invalided back in 1941 after Serving You children in its care at present are car accident Capt Merton pun Toronto street car companywc sure The Ottawa Journal points out neither Fud Gm naming 7000 ll or childlcn 0f Belhlum Eur kctt worked at number of obs of these countries would even have had the my Fman Greece Holland and including mommy anagerlmf OUF BUSI 855 car erato strch ThataToronto street independence to mention such things WI Founded by Major John the Albany Club in Toronto and lndonDWlCS Londonv Eng recently retired with his wife to can inconvenience great part of the popu lauon onmrio is absurd The bus company All Old Latin writing of 1546 said Not un lllt Phn now is cciebrwting its 15th Colllngwood Ont Now at sixty and street car company ShOUld be segregated II Printing came could learning knock at anniversary of SCerCO to war thme he is greyhaired little Smoke Childml man slightly crippled with arthri law if 18095811 If the for gummy every mans door International Printing 11 ct ta et eproper Mt on it pm Week was Januar 1319 dilllll Wthh til Continued from Mondl ulnbcd on the big loose slivers The aim of The Piln as its name appy llmd the chuck you got almost indicates is to have its children 338110 Pluncett 1in success in an mg work in ably will not since Toronto is not likely to bum was given in many places to an art HE OLD WOODBOX Th welcome loss of the subsidy it receives from much has played major part deVelopmg iknocked your lllll around to tho IldopledI fos er linens Montreal and the US durin Ithe the manor sewed the Gm Coach It was kept out in the kltchcn undbnck of your neck 15 manual 0111 $180 303 Mid P0319 pr vmcial govgmmem mist And the education industrial and social standards was long and deep and wide But hng wood hadits plms paymm may be made mommy amthes glowthe walks for the us vnario er tinhws of toda With rintln came the ra ld ad ualtelly Ol yearly One may pa men ay And the poker hung shove it and ule too for the energetic boy adopt child for one year only and helps his wife run the plum Without delay Vancement 0f Clvmzatlon om 0f the Mlddle the wovel 00d beSldc hOOkmg many dc thclif one wishes or if unable to af keit Nursing Home Ages Printing Week served to illustrate the And the big black cookstove grin bobslcighs on their trips to and mg through was grate from bI ht ford lhlb amount lny contrlbutlon II ewma who made three $003 Paradox importance of printing in daily life and to 350111 mlcolgzig no manor how man will be show the rapid strides of the industry preciatcd person may 10059 ondcnce with the chld th seemed to 100k as If It loved 1t load from Ont in me country the nationallly age and 59 0f the llle Plan office is encollrogedfolllll Ihese days the word security is on every like brother pretty near II up and 13 popular with headline writers it The Luurier Club of Victoria British 001 Flowered oilcloth tacked around 052 5231 pgxlemmgowczegl lChlld hmmsms help and cor Lanzlladmtn agdlesst is it kc its cracks and knotholcs OS or arcn an or ar has come to mean protection against mls grilling havgelecftiedttgrtlle boailrdlf dlgcctilris hid ma wagon whom before ml lhoms and driver condensed mm Children one eel rs nese mm And pairof leather hinges fast Vmer Set Sends recollecm white clouds willie the frost form Box 65 Station Montreal fortune insurance against old age believed to be so honOred Vancouver Island med on its heavy MI back to the Wlnter days when the ed on the metal xings of harness Qua dry SnoW ground beneath the 11 and sleigh and the clear sunshine Illustrated literature will be glad erg the b3 bObSImghS as the was without warmth with the lysent upon request without ob1i it hail somithlng d0 Witih Piggy ganglilan NewRepublic newspaper in Victoria and alsol least it seemed that way hrmm came into town with 10W penn es pll away or 19 ny ay ll has grocers store He came to Cimada in When you hurried up to m1 it so smoke mm mneys rlsmg ln ga ion reelplcn of green maple and beech cord til If ld1 what 31 meant Ming one 10b because Toning 1920 and is chairman of the Benevolent Aswauctgumd ut Pl wood piled high in rack between Stagh mm mm is bgcgmgwa Pmn myr ottan WILSON Salesman with Stone gathers 135 3000 cm 85 But the hadWPd bmes 30 Corby Motors Limited for the past 5C on represen rI 939 and the leaVes hung dry and till e5 gradually disappearlng from most onli gmfg do recewe and year was born and raised on Then 10 years ago an the world lheard citizens on the Island Bing joined the Llllle And the locusts in the orchard There are many who can remem farms in Central Ontario and it gigpgggghgoagigg fax1311 the Everett distrim was her the picture these words brlng Will be but short time till coal mllch as ye have done it uh one in the trucking business for several eral club two years ago started up their planing mill And the llplip of the wavelets was to mind There are many too who Oil gas as well as electriClty and of mg least of these let us help years for me three years mm to about social security when Sir William Be coming to Barrie was in business soothing tempting roll as young men have helped to cut other fuel will have to be used these innocent victims 10f mans in verldge proposed his revolutionary plan for public welfare in Britain OPINIONS 0F OTHERS And you knew the gang was the wood in the bush sometimes as substitute for heating pur hummn to man Iho that on in Toronm Married and now living waiting at the joyous stylmming almost in town and hauled it into posesI Coal yards how replace who rea this 35 35m circgmh in Banre orvai has done out Market on one of those wonderful the longl plies Iof cordwood which stances permm will let some child arming job promoting and Selling Today it is the favorite wordof insurancels0nfarios La bop Wei Louder than the locusts buzzmg sharp winter mornings when the used to be stacked alongside thevloveyou Your dollars could do no he and used cam trucks and thI companies They claim the more insurance louder than the walfclets roar continuous sharpIsquealing of the railway tracks and roadways and ner thing tors Givehim aIcanyhe mm be youbuid thenlore security for yourselfand Laws ar rah Corby Motors You could hear that woodbox holl iloury snow under the runners in every farmers yard as supply able to help mu for ourfamll if bur needioriearthl se minis should gameyto an abrupt end by or could be heard mile away in centres Sincerely yours Limited SpeCIal Lenglallon Come and fill me up onceImorel the clear air the breath of the Continuedon Fridale eERNEST BARKER Advertisemem And the clock tickedtucked and Each individual looks on it from different Bowmanvme Statesman shtickled as you let each armful rop point of view When railroad strike paralyzed Canada the fed Th do it said Hurr old siouu Ch man 5995 security as plcmre of oral government called special seSSlon of Perlla poke you nowimrgs near the himself clipping coupons and taking trips to ment to bring about settlement top Florida Thc transportation strike which ended yesterday In the chilly winter mornings did not paralyze Ontario nor even the clty ltsclfn whenthe bed was Snug and warm The Wdrkmg man thinks abOUt it its the but it did create great hardship rcSllltEd in lremen And the frosted windows tinklcci III day when he makes the test paymenton dous lossoi releliue and employment to manyTbe noath the ngers of the Storm me mortgage and retires onpension to his II sides the TTC and the tram and bus operators hot And your breath oated from you loss was not conned to Toronto so this becameran owergarden bl In smoky cloud of steam II 53 em Then 1that woodbox grim and emp hift Such security is fine as long as it remains for tsclliebgrrgsriotlgpl ingggciallgzsslicgnwg absurdities dancing through your Come and pounded at your con science screamed in aggravat ing glee comfortablething and doesnt become ah Pr 1L endless Quest for morelmatericl possesSlons eg lt But the man who mthe name of security In our opiniou it should have been called long piles up dollar upon dollar for moneys sake befote Phe Strike became senous Nt With the Idea So you want to sleep this morn of settling theIstrlke by capitulatlon to the mens de one is 01 mg to 1W9 tOday 3910 long mands but to pass new and tougher regulations to ng he willdiscover that he has more faith in his correct Ontarios weak labor laws get up and me GOshl How plain it is this minute 1193th himself Thar When too No one will deny that all workers have the right shed and ham and drifted snowI gt much security results in feeling of in to strike Aslong as this is free country they will piles 01 beech and maple cordwood security and should retain that right stacked up in an endless row Workers hi factories injure no one but theni Never was game Shinney He may be small Who sticks forcvertoa selVes and lhelrcmplovers when they use labors was game or bau Mrsu But that mean IplOVOlemg Wd dullehuilthough ddyenture beckons in disl ultimate weapon The men or women paythfprid box had to come and spon it an tantylan But he dare not take oh no 101 lbelroctlon in 195t Wages somelime ihlosl lobs because he will forfeit what no regard In 199 Mm When mm mm be made Ygllldnlllleats 5th alto ifs THE5319s CAPTAIN 18 mt Content to Peer his course by what security guilt istheirright just is is theti righlgo more But just arm pirate storygarlli he seas of the iceberg in the distance He krioWsthdtsevenv mehIan womenwoserve epu no at manrwlthvmoneywhorrisiofraidiauwllhln cityoc wltiilrlIIIg prIovlnchleleh they Isgmziiegi ggglewgm in it $3th 0f theng is below Water and plenty ofIrooImI must be to input4 his countrys development he halt public service such as transportation light ahd aims in imam what allowed for the unseen gt garnetholsIlostthecourageofhis pioneers if R5 All the other chores thatcllmd orefa es illor ere all cu Iave rg sri ht tht oodbo 71 em but the penalties paid tor that right should be stif Aewil iogk 129le scoliosis hpIatlentI or 23101 hospital you sec He lathe farmer who wont grow new ferthan they are for no group of workers has ill shaking or the caresc mens me on service at WWW rightto make their neighbors suffer still can hear it screamiri Jf kindof wheat because it might fail him The 1813 law ml its Mimm which came and up gaming gocstomakc folks well and barbarictar real security the middle road be what the gt79Y199779Q33999lneeds Th Strong again II VI er resentda rwBarrle findg is besthNatigraUy its wise to prepare for the ipmmes int tramwmuon or Omar public um his grgatest lhtelest in in heat I0 ariinyiiomolioilnf lylieiill crosmllrlcc iititlliiti its litilhlmaiygg 2e03 seen all to and ashes from the basement unity when itchinesupon usl Their employment with the utility is considered at an mmm But the pxdrdays Ml In end IIp TI did not ISupply onetenth the IIII gt After the strike workers may be rebiredru they moililnlfft le for therdordinary reunions new employees on two years pro at on am oesnowa ays an lo ta na es in wereued n1 gt gt makesislmishi roads lhe mildgllleiffgllrgrildferlliilsin8y agan lt szhcplacose as churchses glue IfThereIl boIstIQfynseenPeopleTX labora I7 without law arguedaw winners is wha premer ehtiigrge IV tCChlClanSydleutlallS medicalleCOIdShbragns asllzvtermotshuldsolows HOW to the ordinary family home stfsmtsr Willltsllanodryworkersr housekeepers ofcoand But to theretobox when 18 mmtmanwstahstatlonary engineers lectrlclonspwrpc JV pie andrbeechacolsdwood constllulrr tersirancl others making up the teamrthati ImIthe patlent ed the almost exclusive mu sup ly ndhhlmeuhaaloul thecar and comfort eed gplitaalootlon tthat supply aasna lifeurvgllcnKilnasksorn the an ms 3th eagyssigg emigre gpseglailyu fl strike whom Sm our hospitals do notdxsplay muclr of horror tooywhen he wanted to enjoy lot of other worthwhile pastimes and then fill pp thegblc squat Ythesick of thefcommunity We aslcitilzonsfowlavgreat deal mom to healnonrodt public meritorious which 533mg page of to CP 3364 fitoren wood hbor tiara held easfasmuc aslxrear0rt an recited sway=lrwameet mg9VWWP99Wcorsair WW so IIIIIIIIIIIIII mmmmm emicroscopichospitalisorovifutiliiriirdiss nth mull II nitadnsewic if Iv talle fellinlilesd WWW