Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jan 1952, p. 4

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112 232 Dogalwem the Wild animals uulc Ccillecuviy me whale group 11m Lunchan Inna dumW9W Th0 fpd Will known as lhi lien and Cbickerm dmi W33 93 cm mm mm 71219mmm Emmi wllhemuwdlawd EA 811 114 island lacs off the nlooth of in prmg me M1 11 Free in Hrruld mt Mbmgo my te lBewcgl Bgliit on Friday January Swim 39 33 All who have seen Hnncy llsrbcr high Vllh clump of ccnlml clms ll 1353 11 Mvi V503 313 built 5W milieu ii th or 3113 13 lg DH Cllalllli in gt Domini only dJUlilcf of Mr and 73 5Lmli in 1s in and Lillie Dog Challlrl hey cm ah LV maximal outin NH Ellis Frkli Docmi Vcspru was my 113M by Chief Delowam in LVN hm LL LibM 0m mum m5 mm mm ang mam murrlctt to 011W my 53 Ram in Us in cry of the pet dogs of ms unugiz nm at mm and its gt lion if it and My iizir Pur Km We News 300 at sum kl 901 Pinter Party 31 43 NW 03 52 gt of 51331 Bu falling rock along with he pets 16 151 If 0311 Holt Li Youl1xlr1tu lmez in Schumann Summit the 311 at French tradcr Chwml nm In mm ea gt In Rm perm ban 35 53 rah Wl 332$ vigil 1015 in in Chwel lite pride wore Sky hiuc circa Hm up hum 100 ue Hosanna iih alive SCCCSSOflLi llcr 11 um lcru ltmo $313111 dlnt Letitia lcrkiils til SEBEE Clix 1130 News Manama Hidden Toto Ciul 130 icontd News Movie HTW11 Tlan lur T011 County Hour until Sports 3ich rue lth ml tlzc groom VOlr Rev Dog pm and pug pom Show inch brown in color 11 derives its are near the Mmismqu my mm mm MM 61 mm mum only bloc 1115 wztlt whiti LlC mun Lx0lt5 uvvuoaowuhuuwl mouth Dog Home Pass is not in =l 11 137 writ1 from mummy viw $5 titan an The groom 1143 F1 zinh iii lil 115 News 7500 331111 Weiilm Tl brll 31 cc11 on ISO gngmbngl milling 11NlZlgliLl Fills L011 L233 ifgnmfgg thcir return reception held 23 Bin Sfldrhxngglmmx ill he liOlllk ill lllt glUOIIlS pill 905 Twunzm Tints 990 Auan up Dormer cut at Shanty Buy lllusc alitlld 133 giggmlglfgxmy 252353858 stand in Parry Sound mm mm W1 Mm no Lie amp BOT gm Mm hon amped ULLLLLLL Ofcers Confer at This name was usad for Fitzull 1mm island for number of Mars lullowing 1828 when valuable Trenton wnh carrla horse swam ashore me wicked banner Aim Husk llllNTON Jun 21 1r Viceg He evudvd lillSlizll CUR Sic111011 CB CBE Air 11 in raft will 11 1119 been desoribed upllllt 1141 dlcd 05F T1 SECRET LlSIo Bn in rcccn came 15 new 3e WV Jud 1030 in old age Diriccr Commanding Training Cm the mystery lighter In releasing thcttrst and only photograph the Briton claimed tho to be amiinggmm md dawn 133 mmmu 11145 in ltlir ciiimel N0 GeQrglall 33 lhlillid ii 31 land nmmwamn me LMaydad the Show twmengmidtomtwn in Is an mangaingEcxrg grltgadaelfrnmdeL uksmw and 5i slillmm W9 11in mop common 11153 other em were scarce in naming um mnn Tim fill oily giiiilhllcng than mum gafhcwd at Station Trenton 0qu the uhnguhr design mum at some speeds known to have me qmdnme wllmm pupa Slim IBJ x1113 Align mam are mg mt no in uumiuv cunigmpcg we at two Sapphire jets to be dayandnight lonyrangc allwcuthcr Job and as the British hate him Lconu lcrklm alumni Mgliim 63351112 us mun Killing Tm M110 81 nami Umur 11 thrir defence 11 Pl of Burma 53 0r shape The highest is 21 full WM remark luring his mm they wmemmg be It comes ms mm mm Should memn was em Emil 2322112111 of Sixlino Buy the net 17 feet LVIICUMW er55 LLACmchmLms WMWMWWMm Mum Mm nw AW The bride and groom tlllZRLlRQLT 3L MCCLLLOCGH CHAIRMAN AFTER TAX oamooms and is in Hum Kg if the new stations 1ch been 11 13 can Ill hOnL it Hill 11th 31 LicCuuough ekgt Victoria Harbour conned at Bruce Mmei nuummy mama Tmmmg cumf hmma 0f Midland Dismc 952 inaugural dead ML ryg Pig and Sow flintLil NM wmtmm Pu NM sum Map silicli School Board at inc 1952 in trong action against delinquent for the smoothness with WH lnglllJl dill 11cc litpaych Love red Savage Procwdmg 110 th 1111111 lu Full 4111 in uullllllb hint ODLnCd iciiairman Other board membersv Said he had examined the tax asp $2mgnfcggipnfnytf ilffEri3nlxiff 913sz JAN ZSMMESS Mary Stone ilcw Gll Rev Gosscliii John rears book and was shocked to find 0mm 15 Cd Li TCA to Bermuda lrom Vlallllll Air ysliinu Clarke Edwards Fred Bell 50 many with good mumswar 55 Egg IE ii r3 Sg it ii Hidden To LSSSSSESGES 38 uaubtuuuwloio land is mmcd from 11111 tumour in which llll hl our BlipTum Xi Lc1c pom Friday to resume her former mum Brown Nelson Jones and had paid their taxes gonnaH of olargc bouldu Six fut hish T111 vwmpllbhm position Elba Beach Sui dub John Rumble wan Sow is rather larger lSlillld 11 The commence commqu mm rises 10 lectobovc the water 300 Jun 21 yards westward of the pig and is Unmmdm islands knpwn as the ilaysticks1ioup Command No 14 Training First step towards putting Northstzmd out from those of other ccnlstutizimrm touched off controversy because their 5mm 833 LGWUP lltudtluarlelS Winnipeg Simcue on the map 151 recreationtics He also strongly urged thcbctwccn himself and Victoria Hill near Bruce Mines Iliay Islzlud is GlOLlp Captains Bean RCAF gal playground area for tourists an erection of maps located at strategl but delegates as to the advisability 10 mlles Om wmmn hilsmlmv Camp Borden 51 WA Cole industrial site for manufacturers 1c highway points whlch would degul spending the money on come gum OdeOQIJOYS 331 1211111 lBCAlF 5138 gimp 8041011 and an agricultural production ccu pict zltle glance the important teait Talilullgoiifzi03311393323g gt ow all 1135 is name of 0P 3mm Fen tre was taken recently lures is area gioup of bare steep rock the high ion Hutton RCAF 813 meeting in the Parksuic innal Mayor Charla parka Midmndullh wuuumtlts muchbtllci 05 0f Wm 31 lee i5 SUV 13 Chm Mnyml RCAF Itnded by WWW COUHCUWS andiwho urged uniform regulations 013 RCLVLS 0f 10 Ullmmllucs 0t located no 31 fmm Lime Curmm Station Summersidc Lipton chamber of commcrke TONEGMT tth type of accommodation the ruprcscmcd at the meeting are to Mare Island small and narmunIRCAF Sllitm Glmli Mark lives from 11 of the 13 municipalimunicipalities license and better be approached and 85km 10 low in lies off Drummond island Shecplnandall RCAF SW10 Winnipeg ities concerned decided to launChipolicing of the lodges cabins andllllu loll PmmOliOlx DTOJGCL They surrounded by thch smililcl rocks Georgian Bav is not dcmid of medkd Lommwom WL Brown Traini Con 111 Odden Near Moon River are two tors Air Commodore Bryan5 Midmnd Free press Herald should be of Calibre which would spring Rccvu ixlnriczn stated This ee Island is near Killarncv 1J Slime RCAF Station Camp concerted effort to this 0mi so forth received Reeve Becksi were Wulltl Middlelo F105 nd Iwo Goat Isles Acmlgr chmgkrrnmicblf The game Goat Island OccmisCAF Statlonv Saskatoon BA 11 Mn Suplw Mayor lleSl lms we Wang thce first off the eastern entrance chber RCAF Station St Johns Ehdjfishfxvcgf115SEW MaiOI pillkel UbselVCd that OVLri Beach with milliondollar assess colllns Inm lh second G08 Q1104 RLD Blagrave RCA Sta 1th course the years we iype Wills V019 8150 to be approacmd Islnd being near Little Current Elton MacDonald Man Wing Com Sifvgf tourist which this district was at2 ycxt meeting of the committee 15 on Island eight feet high lieslmandcrs Gilmom RCAF tracting had Changed COHSldemblY likely to be held in Victoria Har anemia mile onshore west onsmuon Claresholm Altai 23 lil3 izciiiitiiiiil the may we 11hocameandlbcr in February EXCEPTlONAL VALUES IN LATE MODEL CARS Grondine Point group of smalliiiolmes RCAF Station London agricu bum his summer home to those dry rockSL the Chickens extendle Walsh RCAF Station lmbgg 531 116233 xggmgl who came and had little to spend Cl rm westward for threequartersof alCamp Borden Reeve Albert Calvert Port Me This latter type tourist 15in CARS 1Nicou committee chairman and ing the better class family types outf Victorh Harbor Clerk Valter10f the district he said JAN illA communitymeeting Joint Army Air Force Exercise tem Rccve Bock in supporting the ociiscuss the possibility of secur Midland slam said regmmwummemGU COME CHECK COMPARE AND CASH IN ON THE SAVINGS Sun Dog Three to Train Men Spentheaded Move simngly favored better policing Heliliiic will be held in Guthrie hall Spemmad of the SLmonL hwhmas mm to dlscounge young 111 gchoaolgaontl rIIBIible untotheaieal dealt Willi SUDJLClS th ran theilmplL fl commc Airborne igamut from poor roads to summer but he did not want any of thel Clans of the United Church mil holiday hoodlums was Reeve Calqhoodlum element coming hcreihold their annual skating partitiatl nglwgmthmhoigegomughy The enemy force will be transiven of port McNicou He acted asllliey gave the district bad name the arena here from to 10 pm ported to the Chimo field and take Ha JFlidav Feb airman of the meetliib Mayor Pmer clarillcn 1115 p051 RCAF exemhe 315 February 11 over on or about January 29 Laying down threepoint proliion on the young people by point By an unanimous vote the Mme15111111011 in this stand Ficd Burrow of Matchedash Slln semativcs endorsed motion bv ilildalc and Notlawasaga townships chLc CS 31111 Sfckclemfcntscf Eanagust mogThe Department of Transport and gram for disuion the 48 mem mg dummy Should not be discoum MIDLAND ms 19 APPEAIS it mg orce enbage 1r orneigcmg commumwtion Channels will hers launchea into thetwo andzaged from coming into the districts First mum of revision on local enemy forces the ungavaLBav lint01 Army Headquarters 0f he onehalf hour talkfest by review but rather an effort should be made improvement assessments in Mid area of northern Quebgc lattack Both paratIOODS and glidelling first the industrial potential 1119 supervise guide and lead them land recently heard 10mm 19 3p The exerciseSun Dog Threelbome troops will be employed by the area and what could be doughResorts which cater to young peals It was the first in 20 years hembeld on palhum mlthc attacking forces RCAF ham to promote industry locallv people should be kept under strict and only One appellant was reportl 51 33 rgzigsdifntg iegfgzzlmsm bombers Wm be sea for Reece Canal pointed Lou mlsupcrvlsion he stated ed as not satisfied with the courtsi an airlld at Chim quebec omreconnalgsonce purpose of the meeting and said he may commum Cam Park led acmen rmessments ere lewed USED CAR LOT 233 BRADFORD ST of trrrmif 3330i effort to sell this db off the dxsmgmn on agriculture followmg some $50000 sewer exj ngava lmL exemse ramltrict totourists and industrialists He spoke of the change which hadgpenditure on certain streets in 1947 Elements of the 151 Battalion Army and RCAF officers and men lv lcould achieve excellent results laken place in the men from 319548 Royal 22nd Regiment With sup 1111111nler Arctic airborne opera early days Agricumre an over In of the im endi Con pom umts W1 be employEd asmns The General Ofcer com 18 ng had now become 11 11 33 com and wuistruction of the St Lawrence vater th pr9VinC the attacking force and W1 eman mg lway he thought now was the time spammed Industry such as dam supported byRCAF Mitchell b0mb ldircct the operation and the Com be to get together and promote 51 1310 mg market gal emnb 01 1111 ii ers The attaCkmg tome mu on man mm Group hi Ijeci of this type The seaway he glowmg said would be detrimental to shipZ Closely Linked me from Goose Bay Labmdt Lappmntednewty Dlrectm Ebuilding industries inthis area and 111 ld hit rain trans Consensus the Speakers mud Sgentigggd $311321 wasv that afrlciillullcgggl lmcoe was cose Lake 13ng WW be able fowitxhthe industrial and tourist prdz mmpete against Bumpemlmnsporw ialinn or ship construction firms helm0mm 91 am giculturallprodugg such as 9012110983 StxeLL McCall cretary mmme iKLiwieglftsonagge 3237 aaor emes wou manager of the Mating tcliambeig kct unlesfs there were mtourgt pig of commerce averre any inlcanning notories 111 no dustrial momotionlschemg mad tolwmch womd purchase them Them be approached on coloperative would beasubsequent financial lossg level bv all municipalities involved it eithei of these factors were miSSv develo menthere up 5993 el at em ushed as hard as it mighthave gem andlhaffiallbeen Wprahl32ugnngdifggoigaucggxliei $12131 coccii 21312331353212231211121 led that an industry of this type gt At 10581 in mum waif it could Emma Midland chamber ofommerce LL tted out the difcultis the adequate PP mm ed1 look after our rinn pom might expect to Lace inthe 31 Productsfwm year to year are eq fi ARoads mime 339$ am info meet they de bl tcsm Seve al fablems VHF quate labor Supply for Nowell 3313 fin cranky gownfag lagggggrihaogxbme Placmg 00 thh mPH$ PldL lconstltiction in ther soutlterli fplllt hesaid Natural resourcespf the 11 area and agricultural productS SlipL 0f the cumy were others mines to Chm Clam felt dem Tay reeve Fred Kinnear county iillfiainigf ugtmw WWW aslfaregfgadsv werelmnch of as yet expcndtilres were clonccrnds gel suggesici each municipality mgtgnaiomg 60 page ma easurveYofthe manufacturers of them wereaiitzthe NorthSimcoe ho have summer cottagein the are he 5913 omniotionrandl loulyigkgpimgn road committee member replyingi Pmiectsrwete 059 to this charge said that in his win Nomi Simcoeareoi The beaches ion me North gimme area had Any StylelLL sVick gt to $$itdfgt mg The county was alsolgomg to do NO NEEDTOGET YOURPRiNilNG their industry nerd MSW the7 It urist r04 5mm LT TowmmpmLme LL mmmgp mmpwgg DONE OUT OF TOWNS The Barrie 1me whoadmaedpubp uliaroiiimmmmmuuu 51 EH3 0N 116 Examiner basil1e latest in rid normiitiou on the salient points of Mi ggearggrglscigwh Elm l7 Mammy

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