Never Sneaka 3111 swer Them Earl 011 TWO 1N 0N3 FURNISHED Apartment House My 341 agn PEACHMANS GARAGE mu on no in 31 mm Burton Ave phone 4306 adults and one child Box 15 Bar Continued from 1338 we WJIAY BE mm To 0mg 131 rie Examiner 11111 Lapp of Alliston Warren mo Frank Coughlin of Anten $1113 ma Lean Pickles Rowe brou in 91330 938 mm CASH WM 50 l4 OR ROOMED House or Apart Mm Allan an Miss Kay The Examiner office Richy led um Consecutive Insertions 1950 ward mlmmum 35 wggmral Ologzllixgne ggrg and Dick Steele Three additional afternoon The Size of zoom M08135 51 ORDER Upholstering Repairs Capt 11 Kenny RR Shanty directors nardad from the pomlegs it was found in the nest of XW Custom Fined Se Covem Bay 1141131 at the meeting were Mrs Nsixmonthsold Plymouth Rock MK mm to 25 Truck Seats rebuilt and recovered M1 wmc WWw 4vwWA mum 1m AUTOMOBILES Accommodon Wtan HOUSE 0R Apartment wanted ILOYD TUFFORD unfurnished bedrooms ply who to Personnel Officcr HEPC with enii at lAssocmlon OR ROOMED Apartmem up MacPhcrson Mrs Thompsompullet on Wednesday at the Cough wmma EVENTS LOCALS 36 word minimum 750 Barrie Tent Awning CO lshfd 0r Unfurnished wanted by LL L0 Ammo and um gym Elm arm Mr Coughlin wondered about tho 34 Hayeld 5L phone 4314 couple with schoolage children Camprehem up ve 1c W0 13848b galle ivillllh rogfflhogli Mrs John M50 read sheilarge 51m and opened the ggg IN moaning CARD 0F muss APPRECIATION lmlnules of the last annual meeting nd out how many yolks mm segue minimum 75 mum on lie the Friday evening gathering mined It contained yolk al WLMJMN 038 75 and the report 01 the general chairlrlght but also normalsized 933 st kg m0 95 also an led man was Ewen by MIS Harrylrgm he mm 31 in am 22 ACRES 0131 111111 Cd ugh The Elmer advebin demtmcm 101 new buildings hydro milgs $$sf tell115 rfnmwogicifglmf dirt Fgdgyihmr1C0lgr331 had gt mm from Pclcrboro on itighwa kg 933 Nam mu in and glmfumm Earl Johnston HR N11 21eterlmlrlo giver Sir 33 235 fallcgzyleff hm so whgtr it contlalncd 111 uy yo car pay ens ont love in aying Mines to prSaturday 530 pm for Monday we Ynhlftcggg are nalaha Wm gnappranggmifwfrkegggigg 19131 PM 983 at time boasts the TueSday 530 pm for Wednesday tme SEE her cochziirman Mrs Mac dmnc farmer Thursda 530 cm In Wi for ridny issue JOE Plierson during lant yearn cam LIFE UNDERWWRS EEllNG 94 Ldgr and 51 10 ton rcss or to man 31911 to annuamee in HELP WANTED FOR SALE 09 r085 own Otors $32103 cggdillgifcdto graphing Its just suggestion but our Travellers Cheques publicity given to 1115195162 cm of the Life Underwriters of Cong $233350 Phone 5430 work we will pick up and deny are safer if youre going far palgn and local workers as well aide in Toronto as delegates from Mmw vmm wmwwmw WMWM NMMW TIRE your trqcun no hue Grant 15 Worker at Anlsoni caning 00d1 he Slmcoe MUSRORR ASSOClalLOn DUALWHEEL Pole Trailer Ap is not too busy Elmvalc and Camp Borden The meeting was held at the Royal VULCANIZING RETREADING rtmmlmmwl k9 We mm ply mm 31113b CORBY MOTORS LTD 641 Memberships York Hotel Friday and Sawidai Woman prefcrred Apply All sizes of truck tractor and 2126 $2200 1951 FORD Custom do Home For this seasons series of con Passeer mes Tram the overdrive air conditioned homer 39443b COUGHLlNAt the Royal Vic certs 641 membershi were ob MKAFORD PHONE mg and Semicli can immaculate interior This car 15 W1 JAN 28 1952 toria Hospital Barrie on Janli laiilCdL enabling thcpconcerts to gfffawogg absolutely in top condition and CASE Hammer Mni mch 26 1952 lo MI and MFS soc 14042 GARTSHORES in good condition Reasonable 0G9 CAILLTLE EGGS mm mm the ROXY lhealm atc editor of Siturdav Ni ht made FmESTONE STORE 1115 low mileage This car is 110m CO Frank Coughlln Antcn MlllS Miss 1011c 15M loud POULTRY Sam argarct Sinclair present four day tour of Simcoe County DIES dropped in price over $500 Apply ihtn MES nggE 3195 Box 10 Barrie Examiner 13911 3910111 Fl DWINNELEA the Royal Victoria ingher report as 195152 concert addressmg Canadian Clubs Mr AS 10 BOOPCWUVE Hospital Barrie on 13an 26 Chairman at the meeting stated that Barkwgiy opened at Barrie on Pnc era or arms 1952 to Mr and Mrs Charles the imcmbcrshgp was generally Tuesday Jan 15 Orillia the next phone 3405 5486 7p pulley Excellent condition $850 Dwmnell 141 Collier Street Bar time Write at once Rawlcighs ford St 7710129 UNFURNISHED Rooms heated Gardeners Save labor time mon EGGS 1952 to Mr and Mrs Frank De Pam Infantry Chorus and Ham The Kiwanis Club of Baum Om Del MLA128189v VMomreal and private entrance Phone 2321 CY Investigate MllwukCC CQUlD Large Ford RR No Barrie son tario has accapted challenge for lSt gt 11 15113 giggltlibnl03romlegegaggglggg medium HOBBS At mg Royal Vicmna had0bzemgllgsipggggcigrgargi mreemonmsi anendance race gists sell Cress Com Solve too FURNISHED ROOM central Phone where in Simcoc County Write LA Small ng girrlghfnlnuggrdgt thanked the theatre management lelaKziangs Club ofeLiver 7llp 3352 between 79 evenings 1591tb Bob Sutton Nlldlllllsl 39513p Hobbs Market Square Barrie and William Lambert who was re POST DRILLv used vex H10 UR HED son sponsible for lighting Ushers this with Chuck for twist music $2350 loctlonlv ISlhone 2lclgrgigmIstucLszilitrSzitl Deming planter potato cutter CHICKENS KIMBELLPM me Royal Victoria year have been chosen from among ers Jenny Tourel new tenor td Apply Examiner 0mm or 151113 Massey Harris sprayer Deer Berth 1b Hospital Barrie on Januar 27 workers and members 01 the board David Poleri Johnny Sebastian and lb yodmarlci iup phonc 3661 710le wccdcr McCormick bearing dig var 1952 to Mr and Mrs Albert lm of directors and the exeeutive Igor Gorin were some of the artiste aura Sneergmgistagaqitixe HW WARM FURNISHED Bedroom der picker grader All this equip Spccim be 64 Pug Street Barrie of whom he made particular men 11 SINGER SEWING MaChlne desk continuous hot water Phone 2308 ment nearly new sum Service GINO daughter Diane Lynn Final 00M Apr 24 cderte Jcsco Mfg Co Agency 1W TRACTOR Cockshutt 60 and pleased at being back in the the day Midland on Thursday Stav VACANCY Rawleigll busmcss now FURNISHED BEDROOM central Phone 0m 4323 3911b In alm She Slaled that theatre er Friday PO Box 351 Samia Ont lBllbLARGE ROLLJrop DESK g1 2furrow plow power takeoil and in Barrie Trade well cstab LADYS BROWN Moumn Cmt unsettled FORDAt the R0 at Victoria 1105 ed Excellent opportunity Full size 1416 good condition 55 San Mention phone 3425 151 GREENHOUSE Operators and pital Barrie gn January 26 geaiegig charreteseggil 31113 ATTENDANCE RACE mm 11 ble hm Ms cm model 51111 Sears Warranl as 151112p phone 104123 Creemore 39 139 Grade pnlNGLEAg the Royal Vicgona The final concert of the season is on 93 new Applyic HtClinton No GlllL Hos ital Barrie on Januar 25 on prll 24 when ldred Dll me partlcmarg and Wages to $01110 Loop Camp Borden 711p FURNISHED HOUSCkGCDmg Room 1949 FERGUSON Tractor 1946 1952 to Mr and Mrs Alwyn harpls will be the art1 ist mg BOX VI BorrieExominer very Gentlal SUllble 01 Collple Ford Ferguson Tractor 1937 Ford 10 lbs Pringlc 34 Wellington Street 19 Miss Ruth Brother presented the USED RECORDS 25c each or AVMlable llnmedltelY Phone son Tractor Bolcns Garden Trac Sieclnl Barrie dau hter 50 11 mp for $1 Magazines exchanged Bet 2951 15111 tor 50m opemed chfrew Cream Gimme ST DERISAgt the Royal Vim ensure report to date as audited LADY PUBLIC School Teacher tor Used Furnitllrelslores 113 Separator used one season 1950 torizl Hospital Banjo on Janu by 53933 and gen 83110 woulld tutor girls or boys any Dlnlop SL1 Phone 3032 72129 $AEx$3cis mgtegnd Eata Wlth plilgglrmD zand gry 285 1352 to IE LMaid CMrs lhblleef Dublicxty rgportdstalmg 23 re gm Time to be arrange Wlitc decorated Phone 18 ols 05 ge mm amp re wspaper an ra 10 had particular1110801 14 Ex llsiLlitiih wifiiifiintgll 1781 1313 1131300111 Trick to 51b5 Borden daughter given excenent publicity to the All 1951 Licences expired Emmet 21112p 0rd to miss Prices on room 10s LARGE FURNISHED Bedimng Firm iavest 360mg Icrlgusonlspocial WILSONAt me Royal Victoria campaign and series An infermm be 31 19 mom ground oor kitchen pnw arm qmpmcn ayiggd Grade Hospital game on aanuary 26 vote of thanks was moved to ecem or by the roll Robinson Hard No Barrie Dhone 353 ware 7111313 9395 Slut busmess gill MISC Grade Bu 1952 to Mr and Mrs Lorne Walls 01 The Barrie Examiner for on and February 195a Licence layLaws 73 High St m151112p Wilson Anten Mills son 11 Glndc 20 wa Rob or 9n behalf 01 the associ SCRAP IRON any kind horsehair ELECTROLUX Vacuums P91 UPPER DUPLEX atlon unfurnished Capons 20 over the aboveprtces gdegakfevnioggagg 332 gglisgggy grugeegr bcdrooms 11v1n room dinette Inpresenting the report ofthc the Town Barrie rent mum Finer Queen kitchenette bat room and sun Fowl Four Camp orden rimming committee Mr Bell will bestrictly enforced FUR RE Dealer phone 3482 7312p glsiggggl WgltgictOIlAggggfe SAlviolltDwie wisboto mural grade lb gommented that the pastyear had Kindly procure yours be SE NITU our men an nelg rs of ver 29 9811 most successful wanted Apply Better Used Furn FERTILIZER Buy in January Feb Apply Box 16 Barre Ex Churchill and Edgar ommunmm to 1m 27 SOIdOrS nvoved association would appezongtvg fore this date iture Bax 89 Orillia phone Bar and save Prices will be higher allllner 15 11b for then kindness durin on re 242 pay May Cumplete line of Mast cent bereavement Specigl tganksllndei lbs 22 16 In Threecar crash Ogngfd rlslegfldsgbutzgg BWTON tcr Feeds For service phone to Rev Mr Newcombc 01 his GOOSE 7103 582001 Craig Hunter Styoud 71129 FOR Eind words also those who were tl Clai vine Jan doctor Statwgdtgal the Sllc Town Clem any qua Y4 Day NEW ROOM Bun lo so kind and sent owers cards C855 year een due to lb LeVlts Trading 33 Colllm SL ADDING MACHINES and type 9905 andletters Mlld1cd and Bruce was critically Insured and 0111 the unity of purpose and effort of tibulc and replace oak oors Codrington School lit stone vcs Barrie phone 2301 11 13b 31 niggeiizgr sifgggtatrtlg SanfOICL 11p garglltonlsoldieis Stationed at Camp the entire exacuhvc or en css seriously hurt near Dr MocPherson inducted Mr LIVE POULTRY Will pay bcst gimme County gimme Business piece bathroom builtin china cob Clalrvillc Fliday night when three Tiifford to the chairfollowing tho cars and truck collided during adoption of xthe nominating com LLLADDlleallonSrWlll be received by snowstorm mittees report the undersigned for Road Sup ll 11 met in dining 100m modem kt rce cyls mung If Ma hinewws to 1c gt Lgllierdlszt Baring pioqu 2301 We 32 11 735113 on phone 5754 iiimun IN MEMORIAM ng is once ca acccp GOOD BUILDING LOT on Amelia gt SETS SlOOPMSlflghs glassfy appmmmately 56 fl by 127 ROMANSIn loving memory of Ql MFS SMacxay of ng 35 PreSidents Remarks elvgobalor t2 Tolllgllgxp 0f Essa IN SC 110 Mains 113325 4a burner wafrsiiril ft Pmne 3343 1611139MF dear father Rom Romans admittedt Peel Memorial HospiaL The new president in his ie 2nd trugy supp id Allpegpplllng guts 111115 Lvesiolli cabinet st Basils Novmate wwhcgnplaasecdlagwayguiaghga lfiiastlie SATURDAY JANUARY 26 Bcanipton lth head and internal Barka stated that he felt the asso tlons must be leCeIVed not later Fi dc op ertIceS pal 131C Yonge St 11 miles north or dear Th inlurles an two broken legSTakc1atmn was in very healthy post than 12 oclock noon Saturday vere WI new ca LRIChmond Hm phone 609 7104 ere was agOOd average market en sunnybm0k Hospital To mm and on the pswmg The February mark your envempe inn 156Tifln SL miles from YOU face we calm 599 with fair attendance and good ronto wth nd br Application for Su rvisor Allandale Cam Borden Road DAVENETTE on Hideawn bed But let this little token tell 9595 were ObJBClIVe for the year is to have pe Phone mm 2983 residence in lovely condition newly gphob Kelly Chmk Hatchery That we Still remember thee quallly Eggs wele leader 11350 Cpl Coughlm Rieman full membership NORMAN COXWORTH gt 5306 Stayner 9812 9813 Max stered sturdy in every way Can blocks north of thoFive Points L0V1n5g1y remembered by to 500 according to me Chmce Hebde and Rmeman J03 DiSCUSSlng plans 101 the coming Clerk gt 911 Pushkoff Co Barrie 316311 185d CVltriiallrnlnaut01fljlag 315 CLAPPERTON PHONE 2320 daughter Jean and Lee up 10 ens ere 50c 1b Sprite Eggpyzglrlguggtdid not re campaign at the meeting Mn Bob Thornton Ontario Hatchln Barred Books New WILSONIn loving memory of POtawes were unchanged Prlce msollgcommumty Concerts repre AGENTS WANTED 23 $115852ng Aoles491zrl plggllle Hampshlie and Barred Rock Cross dear wife and mother Violet at 60c basket and $410 the 75ib 1301109 sald the foumvay crash senlatlve from NewY0rk advocat TENDERS FOR TRUCK 4501 7111 Hatches come off on Tuesdays and Muriel Wilson who passed away bag Vegetables were not so men occurred on No27 Highway north Ed that dinner meeting be held Township of FIG ANT Fridays Jan 29 1949 tiful and in 006 dema of Albion Road in Etobicoke Town again this ear to giants 311 angeclgillnirysiilig Order NOW 001 any Me EVCF remembered by husmnd averaged 105111 age ship They said the soldiers car naign He 5comriliriiierritLialixi tr $31 wilfnifemieivid l5 themliili sell owerirllg silvrvlibii1 and VESTOCK FOR SALE 245421 Bob and the children 11p Squash of various kinds was on driven 1ch Cougmin hit t5 assooiation on the success of its signed until 12 oclock 110011911 recs wee be or part time willie PelhzlmfNursely ORDER YOUR CHICKS now Hun saleoand carrots beets parsnips if off an Shoomum mck cammed Sixth yfgar sum hat were $3ka 1115131531311113 Co Toronto Qatari 4829bM 2Q pIGSI WEEKS OLDV Don tans are hatching weekl cock turnips also white beans sa and on con mi into anothercar and many ine new artists availablgfor ed nhil 13 wice phone 16r13 Stroud 911p ems available now improved Svory then rammed headlong into car the coming season tspp heaJy epaeaghggg strains of Barred Rock Li ht Sus owned by D12 MocKay mm LL Eggicoggfgflg$830133 seti anci Craissbrfds Ilrgnproved Elfsopl ndggmg $399132 Fresh pork went well with two Clifford Smith PortElgin the He revllgugi the confer heigaegrqugg 55 not nec un er ecor Per ormance vendors at avra iices of ma up ssittlced1938 Hunters Poultgygarm $22 212323 osL3a Stage lb 55c chopsg 5014 to 555 33 $31 21111 firvsvtzlfiltorillvgbrllle grcifbgif Eliprigmtf 11mth my awepies 11 SMITH TAMWORTH HLOG out 200 1129 ribs 43 to 460511 10111 2ClerkElmvailerOnt Dixon At the Chapel of Morley ou der 60 to 49 hit by the soldiers car escaped in meeting about the artists whohad poundswtllsellreasonabePhone Bdf 15 Eli 31 FOR RENT 914 Stmud 9np CHICKSGilmores have day old to Ave som ham 50 55 Slde 40 Jury The 999d the engme performed mentioning several pOR LESCBlleS Blvd for 581 to 48 liver 220 to 25c hooks 111 your own oors Its easy Dune at Large bmle c9 vice on Tuesday morning at 11 mom oug ms cal tossmg 3t young Gamma iammg the Wm 1339 iii sisle 11 1113 uninspiring ggggfrgnfggengrggggieofvniotn 221513139113caloric 15332zlsehlillaleliim $1112 32111315 nah15 cw 8131mm 11 ers mar as conth Comp1 ag of oor nishmg Phone 151 ll 12 late ellvery 01 wecan start to mq and liver 8001b mohshed Wynns car lost one weeks Drop in and Jim Gilmore me the 1950 5935011 mm WWW by me We 31mi3prglzfecvghg 180mmonshomm gun will show you how to get more MORIARIYAt the home of 11181 Home baking was appetlzing and Wm Tenor Dawdhloydraritonerwmo SignedW ifilxk nn 591111 illew dollarout61thatrchicken house daug ter Mrs H0158 Stoadal honeyshown in the usual att ti WSm amWrfield1MildredMtller Safurdayi F93 1952foc dmsh 1151 lid T1eWW Email biioii 51321ililliiunsill dismi SOmidairy butter 51a 55 in 11 321 mo iii the Memiiii scrolling 11 sr 1c roman ree it rl so lilies Commls itan Opera the Columbia Canadian yards more for less of gravel LL LL farm Canada Accredited aud Batenla dear father sion has served town II gt cpuncll notice 10 101111151336th can COD Lt comple HQLSTEIN HEIFER years old ratin ere Gilmo Po it Of Mrs HulsdStoddard Ruth and WALLPAPER due to freshen early mmbwary Breeging Igarm KBgnfel pitting Edna Clarence and Mrs Regla g1111 01231 Vtggosrlsiozgetg that it may need loan of $750000 en whomhe smgled out 83811L18i July1 1852 I9 16 rtort St Phone 5206 Vaccinated and TB tested Dr Sdale Marory and this 39 t9 expand 8L seTVice it Watch amo all the viblis left ed 11 ucior 00 to acL Imp Bell RR Barrie lieuisplvu 273 Mfg Eg4112 iDoslngllsnliirlcupfAtrGladysl Interr and and Mrs Lange This may required for building ll World 1330th rillm committal 9heqtender$8 p1 merit Couisorls Hill Janng With hfWinning tlckeh 101135 andequipningawaterintakeixomnw maleqllart ttei wm LamL QLmlrnlendMLME REGISTERED Shorthom Bulls Cemetery Jan 21 prizegtiing to Mrs James Scott 32 Geor 1m 38 and 5m 1y niece ted 5me gAWOUGHmG Tgwn 12 months old roan and red Phone Bradford St wage lsposa NanMemmaneorge wont RHOS SMITH minlitWmmP110118327611473711 81813Willlam Walton RRBar MEVEgmhgnmpghlg 335 mi LS11Beu $1 rsrcaiiiieiigliawxonls LLClcrk Elmvale MACHTNESJ Electric 911 211 1952VW11liam McKever beL WMh LL it for rent the month GRADE ONE it loved huband of Ella Deadman rrc proud pl mpPhun 75 vwm Nre 0W and dear father of Eldon Laura 77 er 86111111111 Machine Co 43851 giggle$515 Elf 531 Plans bluegrmgwndividugerhius LrJMmSmNhle Howardlld gt in gt 5511241 Legroyiurlh Katherine Mrs RBuigess 1n ing designs made to your speoi his 83 year Restln atih RING1111111 publlw REGISTERED Berkshire Sow with 3352911 0111015111 inst 101 $1111 Peiliiclcsinitn Funeral omerlZ January early gdGllVOly discount $125 per ton Lnhii We wegkgt 01111 03055111 lth 713ml gamigeer Egypgnggagergc 134181 There is no FebruarydiScount 61186 at 015 rez egsere or re 510739b our pgcretar at work about 200 AD 11 Lew merit Angus Cemetery Co properlamounts nos of we come and animalpm 112 $1921 Cundlitv PM 4991333 ROBINSONA1 BarrieuouFriday with allthEe casein ila mm us in makegosqw In Bathroom Jan 25 1952 Robert Rom Protect yourself now against an Vearly Feb price in 111 We 48111011511161 Yonxsugno sow lined months The lovely Martha Washlnimli heme h5b3d the crease All fertilizer mahuiaoturershaVe advisedus that usedfiewlrizma ate Florence Cooper and loving $9 118 Macth 31150311311 Signings lllixieifowalr militia 331103 33 willing other of Edythe rs whingingredlenl 00861111181th certamlytmiean an low 7W Also wantedoo use seed r111 ture vith bathtubto et bowl and Maxwellli Dell Mlsw creased price list lnearly FebruatypAct novain the few gt GOOP CHICK TARTER is formulated to uppxy moi EvansMaiion andKennethiL ID datum HR Eltarsrlcimlp gkitngeagllgingggfglm $1251 his 3311 yearl Interment Thom remainingdayis lhglonuaryzto save aunts Write fancataloguemll of homo J9 cenjetellli Jam 27 UR CHOICELLUK 5Tbmw6fth makllWLcsl lailln XL LL Hillo aro slxvgood reasons foLLbill Si by stde12z1ilmworthgeshrliie plugging in Mummy irssnynw whitetailer 987300 lbw Your 81111 vats moan Mg WWLL $353131 Silfliiiihgiiilii will MP mm 1gt WednesdlFoli 11130 dlnboard sinks and he var de la mama one ac us Ens $101 20 Concession tactdowry to your farm Memo truck tracking dry my eld ignitfagnvfle 11 Townshipuo Essa2inllesl lowanog toiyvou nonthpflhorntonlon th go la 31313331 $3313 113135 27 Salem armsiock1nli1eix MW 3011139111111 calcium11119 it ii to en On 11 unlit pr pnoomo 01159 of ecs arms mm chm cash Sale at pm Slessor Advlq on cerium viriewmduioorlht aiket atrainetar and swim snout Auctioneer Mm me mmjngPlmemyvm mm Mongolia acre orwle and plump11151111111 Johnson how Wm nbL Li fol plumbing 811131111135 or unit WHYLgt 130 calf 151 1M Auction cute Jam atonkJm 1e Ml meats and household effects ale Sproule Ill 11 lifted mlint and