haw fSuperinteritteut rs Ii Shepa pant to the Womens Assoctztmn for the supper and other organiza tions and leaders of variom depart merits Rev liolden who pre vsided thanked the elders stewards garid others for the support given Ihim during 1951 Edna Walk er acted as secretary for the macling in the absence of Mrs Elliot favorable financial statement was read by if Eplett Mrs Eulett read the Missionary and Maintenance treasurers statement which showed higher contributions than made inthe prcvzous year Other reports given included Sun llllARElll SALES sum AS instills iiii OVER SALES 9209 EiGHT 4H ltuonl Lr MONTHG day School Miss Edna Walker Wow mans Associationbdrs Epleti WMS Mrs Lane Adult Choir Rev Holden Junior Choir Mrs Eplett Mission Bandizind Nursery Roll Mrs Lovering ln lll session report by Mr Holden tit was disclosed there was total iClllerh membership of H2 Ap lpmnlments included Congregation SEEKING NEW oven BARLEY ire among the thousands of racially pedigrees of individual was guru on friulli Lil Fed Fdrllm the Cliituim Ag iCLllJi College uzzd st ALLdUllhltl QULDCC Result of summer of ugh IillLilLl gtL1Li eeiiig in 41 barley varicizes Flfltilblt for druids they 11 Will be fillinle through iiv centrations in fields sum slitl greenhouse and laboratory in winter and llltl performance Will DU titrefully rccoidnl report L2 Central Ekpris lELLlZlIil iurzia OKLJJJJ Aithnugh good barley tariclivs lzlcc tluiilcrilin OAC 2i Pontland rb 3nd Charlottetown 210 are al Secretary Mrs Elliott Stewards for three years Ednat CGAEETTES ltuilzibln or the dfcret rugiunr walken Frank Gleam 0113 Bap SMOKED of iiu iLit angle is perfect and nermjin for ca years MC LOVE Slllll have serious tllitCltS it is Img and rm one mrI E1 the plum breeders job to improve Iammx MW mid bigwigb time variants by corrcc mg some ince Treasu er Mrs Epictt lhl liml 10 CNllt lllllhl my wnM iv mpg its gt Goldwal NE Musical ilxllbdhl Coldwater Lions Club will Sta CIGAREr musical show late in Februaryi TES Canada Department of Agriculture Photo was decided at special meeting of undarsund Were not going to Thl briilcy liilltrlv if the future lcl vuii slip through our fingers lllbi ligivl more xlging llSlSIJIlLx Britth has iiululily Wonk straw DONT PRODUCE mun lard is no longer the populir cookinnge club this week The director lilll 132 =5l fat it once was as other fats have taken its place Much of he be Nelson Be Ollllm AND lflljzll mil tiiigttiicu cxccss fat on hogs must be trimmed and rendered into lard Lard returnsi formerly Midland 39 l5 DIMINISHING runluv less to the producer than bacon I3 Veteran in the show business and 11 Al chi In recent check of 20000 tickets of hogs weighing 140170 CLCSMY 3ng my W95 MN liiirlev illillV him ltSlSlilllCl to pounds inspectors of the Clinildir Department of Auriculture found mtamm 39 The 0mm lmize smut 2i troublesome lsuiisu th 74 per cent were faulted for too much fat onlv two ent di meml 11 mdUdC 018m Dllll toili little pal emmcwrs and ichorus of 25 md mme Emmi mm hm revular meeting of th in lL riltr treatment ii nonwin IIII The above shouts tlic difft rtncc bctu een good bacon carcass llcftl will be held MOM mng Banog Simiulhziwncd variety would WWW me CE5 31 beck mm 3m and War which time hydro mi 015 IHE LAW or DlMlNISHING ilmiiuls caught up wilh Canadas ruturea in many parts or 2hr mlsmlzhcllgggrtilIfItuiilquIte116 cross section lupperl cut at the last rib Thessalon project will be shown Tax Collector when the additional tobacco tax was levied last April like iltu illu with an erect comvl IGNITH am rm President Earl Doblc obtained use cmrdm Yearwd QUest l0 relaxed bY Depamenl 0f Nd head Whmh wmlm RM mmk BITTERIhh of the motion picture while on Holland Revenue Nol only was the normal annual increase in sales hem ham05L LIGuTlNG EQmlmr FII II III II II II II Eiontoh Lions 3111 and revenue lost in the months following the tax but overall de built Iff mm may Momnaer CustomMade Ported illle no gflllfcvetlllflinrle creases cgarene Sales 5th Govemmel revenue flow lhls SOUND course the new barlev muat ivc ii ACCESSORIES PARTS 5L COVERS 59 men had yet been made to preII well below the poml of diminishing relums As result everybody good yield and if pUSSlblC be Still dlincluding the Treasu Matt on bl fv it bar sent carnival on behalf of Ur WFme ellgrowers munu octurers it tie ion mu nn Community Centre motion 321 distributors and employees laid off when Production slumpedI only icy us well as good food SuperLastic MoteMaster TIRES TUBES OILS GREASES MarPower MoleMaster By LORNE LETHERBY cipal and teachers of Comwater adopted to pay the deficit of $23 Ihesmugglens gomedoodinglheConadian bluckmarkelwilh American Wm belmsmc Plan Music Festival iWaiGr public School remammll from 10 treats provided cigarettes taxed ulle cents against the 252 federal tax in Canada mm 11 barley mam my SuperCycle ELECTRICAL meeting was held at Coldwaten The Huronia Fair Society com for the Communny Chi15mm Tm The held d0 canadas wle unnucl cmsumpllon unsmug dune are 13 beufai Luv BICYCLES PARTS APPLIANCES AND rLiltb Will be neede to best serve MILKING MACHINES SERVHE DEPARTMENT in connection with statmt EHoney Harbour PURCHASE POLXCE CRUISER bilily of holding music festival aDDOinted to obtain information re Companion at 0mm Curling rink mm 0f Country Moreover HOBBY TOOLS AND Mastepcra don Cooper Gcor Abbott ndl Prince Edward Island possibly the to be obtained from man commun held meeting on Mandargifter will Cannmg companylnd Mb ac SPOHITING GOODS expense to the SchoolllBoard United Church Reports aGmd to curling lDetails ofthe incident were filed tIIurcd her left hip in the home of If only few or these aims are Discuss Agemem clerk Obttlln compensation 01 mak1ng5eady pragrcgg ang 335 er held mp servedmthe Sunda School at Soldiers Memorial Hospital Or $211351Egt visit 02 123 igrzguldebgna Wale 30 0m Janiillia where Mrs Lovelace was taken purse crop for seeding down mm mu woman CATALOGUES Available esuval at Mldiand INearby ruralIconglanthH is seriously constdei of one mm the equalized as limit cxprcsscs thanks and izieatIomer improvements win be needed BE AND Goldwater teachers have promised Hughes moved vote of thanks tol approved by adjoining muuicipab menls Showed Progress made by St kels of delicious fruits and lovelygstem rust At present concentmJ C1dwnler festival Attending MIS Home MOliOHS 0f apprecia merit in Ontario Co th Water When the annual Vestry onlv one lace sh would rather sents summary of District and Local News an at problems as well man of the School Board Norris leader and organist Mrs Lloyd townships attend Oriuia CollegiateItpaiish Hall Rev Pelletier Belle EwartImth an Old he and and Dr Hughes and the prin Mrs Argyle Eplett Sunday School 101 Norris Walk gave report ChUICh eliVllieS lsident of Beeton Horticultural er an orne 111 ing of 0mm Home andschool AS POPlES wgfdlliwHk Tipping 1A3 of Jan 11 Hooper and Mrs Farrier sec High Lettuce Prices er Reg Tipping North River Amour vl tt is 10 9n io partiCi ated Public School on Wednesday after Tm 93 Mrs Sheppard sled Cigarettes loless than the United Kingdom half the American role he mms condiuons of different lasterCnft SUPPLIES he tworowed varlelv Chaim 1noldwatenonasmall scale Fur gardtng posatble formation of are Le Comm Ch woodmu moumv db 0039de from hell me MECHANKA SlPPlIES ities which are holding succpssful noon at the home of Mrs RUSSQH MOon For some ofthblompanicd by Mrs Stanley Lover5 JANJSMrsRobtCanningIElizal new ow for mm Shomdl What is being considered in Coldl VCOldWaC united ChUTCh annual by Lovelace With Village hr Son just before Christmas is accomphsmd mum lmpmvemem Rkews and assessors COIdlthe mishap The fracture was set tunity to tzik rt Without costing auditorium by number of girls of 25 to deal with the request of Rama mode Hogpm fr conmum 93 Even after varieties with thesei schools are to beconferred with in ing inStallation of an Oil heating sessmnt for school purposesI In St Malmm Annual gratitude to her many frlgnds for some of mesa are resistance OI PJI the meeting were Music Instructor tion were also extended to card prevailing in Simcoe CountyI Some meeting was held Monday evening be than in hospital and that is HEADS BEETON some liam of Goldwater Home and SchOOllmduded the appointments were Society at the annual meetinsl sedation Secretaryneasuren Mrs Leigha retarytreasurer Miss Anne Wil IAIIIIIII come IIICEIVEII II CIIpII noonI Jam 23I to discuss the possilfrank Williams and Jack Tipping recently in an unscheduled curling ther information themIaer is Horticultural Society in Goldwater Jack Sallows Clarence Ward Gor place employmentm Copper Kelti loltctown 80 is much favored in Nmionnl FISHING AN ventures of this type without undue Sheppard me ll was their filfl lntroductlmlling when the accident occurred lBelle Ewart who fell and franbe womwed water is varied type of musical memmg on JanI 22 was well llllIIIldlL been made Barley would competition which would give all lendEd ll was held following water district attendedameetingin my more than rtiCipation in the Sunday 53th 59mm CIGSSCS Thl and Mara townships for reductionlby Dr Hall 203 convalescence MVS Cal qualities are created however connection withth proposal Thel System for the ChUICh Dr recent years this reduction has been Repom the various depart the cards She has received bitst mot rm leaf spots and leaf and full cooperation and are in favor of the minister Rev Holden and mes because of the higher assess Matthias Anglican Church Cold lpersoml ngI She says there is ed work is in progress on these when your Canadian Tire Assocmte Store Barrie pile Harold Dempsey of Orillia Chairtaker Norris Walker Senior ChoiiqmpuS from the Ontario Countleiln 21 f01l0Wlng 11 Slipper in lhelrigm back in her own home in Walker Trustees Mrs Manning Letherby the Junior Choir leader the Rector acted as chairman and Cecil Ferrlef was reelected pre Mrs Millard MrS Tuy pm of SaupI Association were guests at meet Rectors Warden Clarence Warmciories and no losses Vimwmsidem Iggy 952 are Mmi lCooke Misions SecretaryTreisurlMoonstone loughby II II hing from Arizona relatives recentI Hear Travelogue EE 1y setting forth reasons for the hiin Mm E919 COIdwath pricmforleltuce grown in the Salt River Valley Heads are priced at prices last year and some of the crop was destroyed by bisects Higher prices are expected for the 25 cents each in the Valley and are the same price in Goldwater short cropthat matured at the right time sent the prices up it stated Growers planted less because of low next supplies of California whole sale fruit and vegetables dispatches to Canadian papers advised This is because of heavy damage caused by rain snow and frost in theSun shine State the article pointed out Sulfers Broken Wrist gt Mrs era Lovelace suffere broken left wrist when she sli ed ion the icy street at the cornerof Harriett and River streetsrecently Young Peoples Association an illus Ham trutcd talk about highlights of her iwarmilselp OHM 142 ebonyoars acao8 OILLIALIUICQ Sturgeon Bay lmotor trip to California recentlyl The meeting was held in the Presl The Young Mens Christian As byterian ChurCh and PIESldEmsociation was founded in London Wallace Todd introduced the speak in I1I51I4 by George Williams er Miss Kathleen Galbraith moved vote of thanks for the travelogue Plans are under way by the young people for skating partyIFeb rr Rural Hockey Interest High Interest in the rural league hock ey is at the highest pitch in years at Coldwater rink Monday nightI anotherrlarge crowd was on hand to see Jarrett take its first victory in four games by defeating the win less Warminster crew 1412 Herb Stevens of Goldwater officiated The regular schedule is slated to wind up February Moonstone is Mrs Lovelace residentof Bose at the top of the hIIeap with four approved the purchase of new cruiser for the police force and titreeycarold snow plow the lat fer at onethird regular price Council also planned to acquire onehalf mile of snow fence 96 ELIZABETH 8mm Barrie OM Phone 3502 Collingwood town council has At Home and Overseas SIERVE cANApA gt III II4M Ir Lohg uwlL up t81m Plannnghelpsyou to raise moroxy ililtttIlIillitiIIfwerage foryour area This planning orht I11 811 hue Sho be II areI up to you to make each factor work haul for YODv Many farmers havefound it helpful to talk VI nth their manager He mpmnts abank thathasformany yearstakenakeen 100mg bankmgneeds was Modern inventions have not tnken away fromthe Infantry its allimportant port in victory and in thelto 193945 and in KoreaI Infunuthus proved itself Queen pfI Battles The johof the has become tougher more complex He must be able to handle more weapons antlm meet greater variety of situations in defence andigunak II fro attain the Specialist ranko1eading than girapay that goes with calls for intensive in may aried subjects For the Canadian Infantry Soldier is ouofthei most momughlytrhined men in our Varmy He ranks with the thevezbasic factors Offarmin Land Livestock Labour Capi of Fami or Farm Business Every fidi cut and has itsjndividual problemsSo its ad ill Illl loll own lion this Easzvffcerolnlull wily nest ghun ii men in the world more men areneeded bwarrynto servewilh Altddlhs 321m of maybe labourand norm lumbuthnildfm ill moslimpommsn mike Armyo gt Romeyoumlf in mm ly ee II am bmlleI jmterest 1n promotinghetth farming andin To list Vllllk We WW Shirk4 52 WhimdWIuMmymW Vi It fl till is while9 hop notingnu Jolelhelomdsiofnwfmn WI 051101 dwgumdomphnsrSmilrot My Besspages hold interestfor enzva owner II mwgv ndzser use How Modes list NmuquntocoouuucuuuudunixtinunnilunddunnoAuden Awkqauiitkdoc 11 dontHA any mucnqudu