Illl lllltlill lllNIlt Itilll Hl Former Barrie Teach Rectors Wife Dies OBITUARY Member Oi Gospel Hall Dies In 70ih Year lilIt liItIIIli tI lit til ll11 tl linkt VJi lIIIitII Noumea UNION liars edgimme Jake7 AKIN1km lllltll MANAGER Hayfield Barrie tor llunlop and lclcplioiic 4700 aekgroiiml within Ildetliizitt liisiiiaiittf NORw1ciI UNION love Feedin Costs FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY FULLY NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE MORE EGGSBETTER BY INCREASING QUALITY AND QUANTITY YOU LOWER COST AND INCREASE PROFITS Blafcbford is FilltheBasket 8H and EGG PILLiTs Birds Relish Pellets Sale by BROWN Barrie IRA WILSON ookstown OLIVER WILSON Mincsini AMERER Thornton II BELL uopia Flour Mill EGGS in MA NAME ALBABY We want new nametor this store We will pay you $250tlif your sdggcstioii is selected Fill in the entry blank below drop it in the suggest box at our door Nothing to buy make suggestions as you wish To help You Choose Appropriately Here Are Few Thoughts Thisris Barrieslonly Barrieowned lamily shoe Store 21This is BCtriiessIOre of Better Shoes tor men and women WeidrelOcated in theuhurt OI Ba wrrriegon the Kings Highway FILL IN votiii ENTRlI Now many Suggest Name Address CONTEST CLOSES SAT SEPT 16 New Name and Winner to be Announced Next Week WideAWalIe Shoe Store 29 ElizabethSt Barrie III Archer WIIHIICY Dies in 86th Year lit II iI It i2 Lt 5i II Ex ii tl II tt ISEII tlzw liltl ilttl IIil IIIII III and lIlI it lIIlIIIII lllt licit Int li IIII Iziztit QSECOND IINE FLOSI gt tisgt With lItliiiig lJII 1it liti IIZItl lit iiistiiuit llll Scptcnr tli llllldldl IIlI llt litilit lIgt IIIIIIII IiiIIiIIIIIitI to wcc iiiI In pla tit II IIIIIILI1IIIIII iIIlt IZIII the lid lIiIII Ila Weiii All IlItl ll Vgtlt III and All llicli lIaIIiiIII IlI Liauia iailali lIMIIh lilt llili faiciian lIIIIIniII MI and Mr iIIlI liInifI anti lliillltll hil II Il IItt ll Itay lunch and tiltilli Midland MI and Mis IIII IlIIIIzstoii Miiitsin Illl$l IiioiILh ltLIrbI Iill lIcI IiIyn llllll Helena Mayc Rankin Passes Away At Peel IIIIII 11o IltlII IiItt II1I tMcmorial Hospital lIiIIc tlII iIIII1 3Itt II IIIMI lIiltr Ill lIt gtllttitH ltIllllll la II Iv ho lionic on Monday U1 iniitiai it lIIlIi ll si tIIII1I liurcln lgtlllitiltlll lla tIlt IIr ttlltlllllttl by litt llIIIsnaI Itil llInatI IIIIIIIi lli MI Kidd Iii Vlltltllljltlt anti lity Stacklionsc of lIIiIIIiivI In his IIlI lII ill tltI ipit III thi dross liwlr Iliy ouiIi llllllltlltt Illltl llII Inst tloutl and 11Iti all Io Itillow in litr Itiotstcp lIricntix rtic piIsIni iioa liar llt llliillll Mount lIIIII llanul lzillbcarcis wcrt iIIIireu Ilttl111 tocli lvlrctnr Wriulit llwi llitIiizttn lIlolin llrtnnan lltll burnt and Arthur rcli lliltlIiILIi took plaIII 11 Hi Ioorecs tiizthry Mrs Charles VWOhito lDics In Her 92nd Year Mis liarlcs Vllllt tiic lllllilllr lIunicc ldaI llilll dch in llariwon tFriday Scptcmbci litIll III litl 92 tar lIIlt of Dalston Mrs liitt born tlicrt on lcccmbtr 11130 tlic dauclitcr of tlic Iatc Charles and Harriet llart She had lived most of her lift in lhc Town of Bilillt Sliillliu her is one daughter IMrs ll Snell MabelI of Win lilLL Manitoba IIic flintrat invicc was litIII on Vlonday Septcmbcr at the ldthg ickSmiih luncral Home in Barrie Pallbearers were Alexander Grant Paul Hart Russell Heffron llar old llart Frank Spicrs and Walter ilayercroft Interman was in Bar Iric Union Cemetery IRetired New Lowe liFarmer Dies At Barrie Thomas Whiic rctircd New Lowell farmer died at thc Royal Victoria llospiial Barrie on Thurs tlzigtAitgitsi 31 1950 in his 81st year Mr White was born at New Lowell on April 10 1870 the son of the late Elizabeth Patton and IGeorge White He was member iofLhc United Church and of the iConservative Party StllVlVlng llilm are brother James and sistcr Mrs Margaret IFlight alongwiih several nephews and nieces The funeral service was held on lSaturday September with Rev gCook officiating Pallbearers were Frank iluntcr Harold Martin Luth Icr Maltllll0lln Martin Frank Har lrison and Hariy Gordon Interment iwas in tllCUlllOll Cemetery by the Womens Associationf Relatives and friends attending Floral tributes included one sent llitII lillIIl away at lctl MeniI 1ial llttllill lliaiiipton on Saturr li KIIpi 1010 Helena Mayt llanttin ourili tiauelitci oi tlit latc loaliin and Martha llaukni of 13 lIrsylicltl St llariIc Ill Is sur Iyttcti by two iisItrs Mrs Sis this III litiiicIIitiMIS1MiIb oii ot lItkcrIne Mi llankin was born and edu IIlttl In Barrie and taught public Ithool tor iimc away from honic lIIIltl graduate of tlic ltIiIitl iitltitlililtll School ltiitiIIto shc Itaitic tcaclitr In that school also at lIariic and New York 113 bc lm wmmy Nlmm lml Tmth ttiliilll owner and principal of ihc Iramptoii Business Collegi in lllt ind prominciii in the social ictiy litics ot the town Eighteennionihs Into she suffered stroke but was iaiIr ablc to take part in lltillIt lllt ltiil locd by lil ltlillt and large circle of friends be long missed from litl placc amonc tlicm Goodnight bclorcd slccp and take thy rest funeral service was held at 3011 pm Monday Sept at Illt la clurc Funeral Home Brampton Interment taking place at Slit p131 in Il1 famin plot at Barrie Union Cemetery with Rev lohnsioii of Christ Church Brampton of ticiating Accompanying the rcinains were Mrs Gibson Mr and Mrs Donald Gibson Miss Marjory lib son and Miss Marian Macrostic dearly loved friend liic Barrie friends attending vcrc Mrs Sissons Miss Jennie Acon lcy Miss Alice Greenwood Mr and Mrs William Gates Miss Sara lat terson Walter Patterson and Oliver lBurnett Patterson Resident oricundieg Fred Martin Dies At 82 Fred Martin retired Innisfil farmer and resident ofBarric for the past 40 years died at his Cundles home on luesdayfAug 20 1950 in his 83rd year He is survived by his wife Cas sie Dodds Martin son Nelson at Cundles and daughter Mrs Bert Fee Audrey of Hamilton There are also three grandchildren surviv ing him Dorothy and Elsie Fee and Kenneth Martin Mr Martin was born at Ailsa Craig in Middlesex County on No vember 1867 He was member of the Anglican Church The funeral service held at the Lloyd and Steckley Funeral Home on Thursday Aug 31 at 230 pair was conducted by Rev James Fer guson and Rev Newton Smith Pallbearers were Gearge Martin Leonard Martin Lloyd Mar tin Charles Martin and Melvillo Martin nephews of the deceased itlie funeral included Mrs Margaret and Kenneth Martin grandson in or Martin all of Toronto Flight Mrs McMinn and Luth torment was inSt Pauls Cemetery llnnisfil Heres really stylish accessory that adds to yearround driving enioyment Letyour nearby FordMonarch Dealer or MercuryLincolriMeteor Dealer demonstrate how this Exterior Vtsor protects your eyes from DEALERS GNUINE FORD PARTS Barrigjitamiiiei llli lllNll ANY All WINS $50 to $l000 Without Endorsers or Bunltable Security Air Force llllllllll in search and rescue work and iiillllit tlIlII was on tarstl IhI lakcshoii granttsiand llllll 115 gtiltI liiII satin tIII which was attlainicd re ttntljx by tht Dominion lltiltnllllt Service in conibatiinfx iorcst tire irom the air iicar lieutenant Harrie and Leading Aircraiiincn lIIarl Irctnouizli and lId Burrows plus an ad ditional iiicinhcr Corporal ll Robinson lltilllll Illt aircraft to loronto tlll AlliSEA RESCUE gt icznai operations simulat out 1ch ud llcstuc units oi the Royal Tan bciorc all even carried dIIiiionstiaicd during lttAlI iir Show daily leniurc 11 Ian oi thII 1115t1tiiiiiilini National Ex iIIi trnuorttiiiaiiiig for the display wcrc fltl htlicopici oi Unit ltlltl Ioiioii fioiii llouscliold luiaiicc on your signaiuic tc specialize in prompt cash loans tor any good puiposc it out of prefer llouscliold linancc for fast llltllflly scivicc Phone or stop in today Trenton laiav liligziit icorec tshowii aborci and Marine itIItitIn Inchspeed launch also bascd at Lfon iiiario one of ich major Rescue III ordination IEII hclitoplci Sikorsky 851 used by the the Hudbaiy lilptlii lIjI 9Illt Robbie fciiircs RFC fanada Scillflllllti lIIiiIIlt Illa itllltl oi lIaysvillt isr llltl lIilIon hands on lliuistlay Sinclair and lainct liayc Inoitd to ll11 APTO fitpltniiiwi lIinII MIDHURST litilltlilltl Ii Atiwnut of loan Mont lin liinIrIII Si 800 $3000 $3300 $156le $10168 liont llnn lIIi 11m John ltIItl ltiiltll itcd III yttk at iVIIinItix li llowtlciy Illtll loitinlti lltlllllIt lIcrtI ptlll wcck iclaliycs $21479 $49056 $70058 ittil litttII it IIIiIIi lII IlIlIIIHIIifI and Ill and Jim tIInition aiIIi and Iliiltlicn llilllrtltty Sandra aiiicioii had llcr ion Midland llIigiiIl Ifitlllll I1III lintliziitlIii Illltltlltlll IIpt IIllltIli lilltlitlttl CANADAS URGEST AND OlDESl CONSUMER NANCE ORGANIIAIIOI HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 26 Elirubolh Street Second Floor BARRIE ONT ORIlllA BRANCH as Minimun SI ail 2nd Floor Phone 239 Houri to by appoinlmunl sci Illk course in ltrcss lItsignIng at rltlllililtt Sthtiwl llllIllt July this loion it icmovcd August 13 Illtl Mrs Inttl1 Ilrllv In Hamilton and St litllll Mills aic isuin has rcopcncd with SOIIltl IIII litgginntis and Mrs lIasion ofl traigilnnsi as iltlltl Vomciis Mtlcllaii aIIIl boys loroiiio lrllttl III Itt land at Carsons threshing ntl Mrs lIIrtIam anti family from motor tripI lliI licld lnsiitutc will lliursday Scptcinlicr 31 iIisIIad oi lliursday Ii MrsfVlliorntvon Laisous with Etlllllltfl tIIiIIIoIIiz Phone 5529 liit Illtl ItaliItl hum Ml 55 lit ood tuinoiit IIi iiir II 11 lli lIiiIiiiIo tIIiIncin niacliinc IIIIII slitIII Iiii Nlh Mrs wIiI lltltllltllft IlI losliiia ltiolt and family 01 iIIIIIt Irc spcndnn la icw days it her biotlici lltfilald llioinplt Iaiiiy wcatliti lllililtllllII Lump ilic slitarts still in llit lltltl in IIl siitiiiliii badh aiitl laul them illt icturncd SVIMMMT Iid will iitt Iid tiic NlI liycr chc mi llJIIH loam made to Iriirlenli of nearby toy arson anti isiioII lloliinson itttill Im SIHVING no wait SIWI I878 itl don lrs Mr and Mrs iionio day llisi wIck rtlatiycs llllt the litilllILV includcil Mrs Vllllll loroiito wItli taisoii Mr intll IMis Irccn and tlauglitci IIay aivi Mtliddcn Barrie Miss Lois soornc Dalston lat Mladtlcii arric iiIIs bccn visiting tiicre for tl$ larric llIcntllt and liaiikcoiii tliltil Waliwui are pal Victoria llosAi 711s llunn Mrs Ind Mis Iciit III the Royal 1pital early ltillis and retiring aboiii tII yIars ago She wasa faithful liitlli bIr of lirist Church Irampton im Susanne Milcs Mrs 1lcilattr Mrs Lynn Russell conducted LIB Interesting litilltil ltlt tional pciItid lanls IncciinI lllItl HmI ml IIackson tl llllfSltilitlly Mrs lcacI ick have lttll lilaniiltoiis lloracc Iloliiison lo loliii Johnsons LllllS Quinc Allistoii Mr Luca and Miss lanct Toronto ltllll MII lltltlII at two and Mrs WA lltltl homc August of Mrs licllliousc Ncst incctine is to IIII lictirgt Smiths Mrs llcrb ltlIards and Marlenl Smith Buffalo aftci spciidlnt Ettlllit time at Donald lliompsons mum and held at Mrlt slic xill Miss llazcl also have turned hangers Scptcmbcr ii nylon plIIIII ltnionstratimi will takc place The WA Lori at the honic of Mrs 85 No l7 Vtspia at oclock lliI George outts with 20 niciiibcrslaiious nylon plastic Lists In the and visitors prescntlhc ladies dc home will bi shown This will Iakt cided to cater to the Imperial Life ilic place of the regular Home and Assurinct dinner at 1230 on Sept School meeting Topic llomc and it and on Sept 13 to the ForcstSchool Everybody is weicomc ForYour convenience ElAlllRS TC IHIIFYV CANADIANS 60DUNLOP ST have established free Daily LDeliieineIIitze BARBIE to lamp Borden Angus Ill and all on Highlway 90 to Camp Borden on all orders of $200 and over MAiL ORDERS Ami TELEPHONE ORDERS WILLBEACCEPTED iMITED PHONE 2439 Residences Yes reallyenjoyed my shopping tripVI boughtall the things saved for Thats theway Iplan bigger purchases They seemto comeleasier land inorequickly when put something into the bank regularly like the comforting feeling of Watching my account grow ZELLERSL an Account May5 sun glare helps keep snow sleet and bug splatter oi the windshield Its It Genuine Ford Accessory zits guaranteed its qualitybuilt lowpriced and available in your choice of colors hate keeping too much dash around the house Its so convenient to have thebank takecare of itAnd my bank book tells me where stand guess most women are much like me housewives with modest savings who nd their neighborhood Ibank handy useful always obliging MERCURY thCOlNMEIEOR DEALERS METE or 38PONSOREDI YOUR BANK