Comics ForThe Whole Family Specially is Tm BARR EXAMINER IIIIIIsIIn on 25 1970 BLONDIE By Chick Yoimg wwrtff YOU CCNE TELL ME HOV Liam has Ice BLUE Tmiaimwstmdmma iERB GOT IN THE LAST WORD EI=IIIHHHIHII Jlllrll JT wosmt MINWILL AG you INIICRE INP EILgaggaIpxLiloun JITH THE warkm cx VACUUM IN AND ILL FCCPPED MINUTE emuNIL MY CAKE AND CANT WIPE UP THE CQIJMBS DECK us ALL lN scaTON CHARLIE THATS seesaw youIE NOOT Aw COME oN IM may 10 BE FKANKYOU WALLA WALLAVA6HAN KALAMAIOO memos IN NOT SINGINTHE POINT LET6 more TozCHIzIsTMAe YO WV m5 25 KNOWIN FULL WELL IN THE AGE WHO IN NozAa FZEEZIN ON THE TKOLLEY ME Poemwow KIND WELL THAT you ITS MO or THEM THE WIDE 0W AT MOST THAT PEA RIGHT CAKOL lfo my we LL NEVER am Is CHElTMAS ALLEYGAROo ii EM AT ME ONE IN THE To IVE A695 WORK GIVE TAeTEr AN Wm YETEKPAY SWAMPAS THANKECEIVE MEATIE GHELD AKE To No LIKETHI9 VARTZVGEI Iilmllhlllhi iv II IIIII ltIIIIJII II JHETIMAGINE POVKY PINE A9 WEWT THOUGHT JTQHELES THEMASIE Murrow managerIn YauOHGHTAToEZEAKriw wAmIltINquIIAIltEEIMIAMI TElCW U5 HE HA5 IDEKTE fyixyggfgjfgg OF THIS HOE55 LITTLE WOEK 0N ght yvou MAKES NEW OuoHT To KEQOLuTIoN now AN IS our zesoLuTIoNs LEFT EAR WHAT oIT Hi9 THEN 7010IT MIGHT 2550mm 0V5 FRW 57 NEW YEARS YEARYOU SELF REEFKEEH LIL IeNT EVEN HAD TIME To THAT ROUND THE TABLE 60 NEVEE SEEM air or now am BREAK VET 55EHE6 YO5ELF INOIDE PRACTICIN WAKE IIRALBERT warm IUSGOTTA You vILL COUPL FII MT 051 HE HOLLEl IINA WAKE HP WAKE uP WAKE qu GIT LIP ON our NEWBPAPEEG eggTHREE LIKEE we 50 ff THAT WE 1T gem16 1M 60 my 16 DlQoN Ia comeovee To ENJOYIN LEF Hi6 COFFIN FOEA CAIWIAT 90 WI COMEIAIN 97 WHUTFO WrgDEtggsgy 3ng or McCuLLOUGH ILL BEAHEAD WE GONNA mar we than yourom LYINHEEE To To NozLEANeAN 7HlVA 775 gmM TO THE IN eTAMFozp AN WISH OME CK AMWEIIP MANAGEMENT gt MERRY cHEIvTMA PEINTE THE CHnsTMAs EVERSODYA Am NTHE LEAK OF HEN 945 Go max MY ROOF INsz CHICKEN PELIVEK wIIATs MAlTER CHEETM 6TKIP9 TH NEXT Jamg game see Dom you WANT WITH th H1 DAY will contain the average quota ofuis being made of the equipment irlrustrgtions and disappointments availableainderchargeof thepIIb Franklin Stwart Ottawa Mr and vaeidIMr and Mfg Fred Quantz Tb th th MrsmElmerwDungcy andchildren and Betty Toronto Awith their With no desire to promise 1c rary an roug in gt December 23 of Mount Dennis at Stewarts December 26 daughter Mrs MacDowell 561mb 13 prophesh appears appropriate COOpemtmp 0f the National Flm Happy New Year Mr 311d MTSW1nLEWBillyi Dar Happy New Year to one and Mrs Curtis Sr Toronto with Mr and Mrs Ralph Allen and to write the last column of the BoaldIthh t0OUIfn1ndDFOVS Trinity United Chmch womans lene and Diane 0i Allandale Mr IalL her son 3211th family of Toronto were at Glenn IYCHI with few words about the me Wed and desuablllty 9f sum Association will meet at Mrs and Mrs Bresse of Oshawa and we have had lover white Albert Lewis Toronto with his Allens Sundaly new program and recreational 01m iconncrln We feel surea permanent Thompsonsi on Wednesday after Mr and Mrs Doug King of Toron ganizaiionwhich we are hopingWOLFi lurbe formed Shortly sister Mrs Curtis noon January to at Dr Horlong Dr IC Lem Christmas and quite numbe1 twill appear in the new year Mr and Mrs West and Her iromdifferent parts have spent the A113 Prophet TOIOUtOI at Harry bert were it is hoped through collaboration Mr and Mrs Dickinson OX and M15 Lem0 0f Clalkson Leesons Barrie Recreation Counsellor AThevltime Of year has arrivedl when we feel we must Offer the seasons greetings tOall persons whohave been so closelyallied to the recreation program in Barrie earcOm to cl As each use sponsor two courses under the K1 Wanis Clubgone in connectionwith we realize how fortunate we have beenin meeting SO man new per sons in cementing prririousrelakl lionships both perspnart nd profes sional It appears an ideal time to cast off all discords and view the new year with an optimistic viewpoint solutionsrone makes andface 51 with determination to institute all concerning all the ofhbroken rei Sunday guests at holiday in town Chappels The recreation committee have with the public school board toseelspent Christmas with Mrs Mlri and 15 coge Lennox ialready approached and met with Iconstructive steps taken with the the High SchoolArea Board irithe ilaying out of playgroundand play hope that some agieementcar1 belareas on the groundsof the new reached concerning the promotion public schools to be openedshortly of the teenagorswsocial activities At the Time of writing no decision has beeiireceived but it is our sin cere hope thatsuCh weekly or fort nightly programs will be com menced for the teeners early inxthe new year Also in January it is hoped to youth leadership and the other touching on several phases of pub lic affairs There will also of course be the reorganization of the Vrecreation committee which involves new members taking their seats on the committee and this willall be in tertwined with annual audits an the enlargements and improve nual reports budgets and all the exitswhich one feels must be in cluded in the cOmmunity recreation th the knowledgei he cessary and procedure necessary to start the wheels moving for another year egsame time fortify It is great hopeiof ours that solid organization will take place of the Barrie and District Film ill not eveh Council Although not officially WacondngyeangJunctioning as yet considerable use these requsities Through joint efforts of gt the parks boardand the Moose Lodge it isof great impOItance to see the establishment of like area inthe son of Avening Mrs Earl Burt Toronto spent last weekend with Mrs Purncll Carr Christmas Concert OnWednesday night Dec 20 Thornton public school put on their Christmas concert in the Or Gunn Street district This can belmge H311 under the direction or considered an essential enlargel mentdueto the large number lower agdsgroup children in the area and because of the withdrawal building program We would like to see the institult tion of some system whereby the beginners and figure skaters will be able to work in withthe pro gram of ice skating at the arena in order that both of these groups Of skaters may carry on their own portion of this physical actitity We would like many other things butwe knownonly too well that all our likes involve time and patience and finance and planning so in closing well ask Santa to give us genemus portion of all Mrs Prentice and Mrs Coch rane The curtain rose Sharp at oclock which was something wor thy of note in this Community and of St Marys grounds from the 101 tWO hOUISMthey entertained playground System due to their large audience with their music and plays which were credit to their directorsSanta arrived and presented each child with gift This was the first concert in the Orange Hall since remodeling and everyone seemed well pleased with Itlie stage All the pupils about 70 were on the stagefor the Open iiigchorus and re not crowded The acoustics reso good that thoseatt eback of the hall could hear perfgctly Holiday viSI included Miss Edythe Greene of Moose Jamsin Mrs Russel Wallace Saskj with her mother Mrslace was well known here having gret to hear of her sudden death Toronto at Lennox Mr and Mrs FrankLennox anddamily of Mono atJ LennoxMr and Mrs Harold Langdon of Clifford at McKenzies Mr and Mrs George Spencer of Midland at Alfredi Spencers Mr and Mrsiilames Simpson and Boydhof Barrie at Simpsons Dr Hill VandiMrs Hill of Hamilton at Bantingsr Miss Ethel Matthews at Thompsons great many of our lcitizens wentoutof town for the holi ay some of them included Mrs Armstrongr andMrS Cazaby to Toronto Mr and Mrs Thompl son to Angus Mrand Mrs 0l Carr Mary and Margaret to Tor onto Mr Shaw and Calvinalso went to Toronto Mr and Mrs John Simpson Larry and Robbie to Stratordy Mr and Mrs Halbert to IIillsdale Mrs 11 Rcvthcs with her son in Newman ket Attcndcd Funeral Mr and Mrs JC Boakell 1101 Visitors were in Thornbury on Saturday attending the funeral organ cou rs Wal Holidays visitors in town were Wray Lazenby of Toronto with his sisters Sgt Ernest and Mrs Baxter and daughterof Camp Pet awaWar with his parents Mra and Mrs Gordon Saunders Jr andMr andMrs Saundersr Sr and Mrs HBristowBarrie and June Walton Toronto with Mrs Walton Mr Heatherington Toronto with Mr and Mrs Johnston Mr and Mrs Lloyd Buffetl and Steven Wiarton Mr arid Mrs Jack Ruffett landson Toronto Mrs Hildon Mr ancers Forman Toronto andjtlayden Cooper Barriewwith Mr andMrs Fred Reid MW and Joan Toronto with Mr and Mrs Ruffett Mrs BSilc0x Iand Pamela Mr and Mrs Rennie Toronto andMr and Mrs Harry Ross Cookstowni and Mrs Raymes Barrie with Mrand Mrs Quantz Mrs Atkinson Toronto with her mother and sisters Mrs Hornbostel and son rwin Often been guest at MrgandMrs Boake and her many friends re Toronto with Mr and Mrs James Mr and Mrs Trombley and Ifamily Mr and Mrs Troma bley and Robert Torontoat Trombleys Mrs LeahMoore spent Christ mas in Toronto also Mrs Hilland Roy and the Astill familyall spent Christmas with friends in Toronto Mrs Canning and Miss Cora Can ning spent Christmas in Lefroy with Miss Canning Mr and Mrs Reid entertained number of friends on Saturday evening it being the ninth anni versary of the wedding of Mr and Mrs James Reid Jack Barry of Saskatchewan is visiting here after 10 Years ab sence Mr and Mrs Danks and family visited in Toronto onSunday Mrs Danks Sr returned home with them for Christmas Mr and Mrs Moore and Mrs Pinkerton school held their Christmas concert and dance in the hau Thuisay night with good attendance The executiveot the WMS metVE at the home of MrsuWesley Hal bent Friday night and planned neXt years activities Mr andMrs HarolndCulloch and Wayne and Mr andMrsJFoxd of Ballycroy visited with Mr and Mrs Noble and Mr Hornet ion Sunday The YIPU held their annual white gift service on Sonday evening with good attendances congregations from Ron INeWton Robinson Rev5 Thompson sang two solos whit Moore were at Stouffville for Christmas gt lto NEED GOOD LIGHTING oocl lighting aids in Imainten ance of health and operatjn effi ciency It should be Tfin all industrial plants andottices as well as in schools and homes the poming yea Gladys Hotighton Ito the IL congress in Clarence Brown ah IChriptmas tree wag lunch wain gavea short talk and int