truth It Iflt ii stiigzi Joyce Lindell Becomes Bride Of Kirk prizi ml 11 if tilii 1j1I Ie liil again weak Itidg lintiv frtflut la biatc critic tailored grey Lfl tries and pfjltmx and LIuth carsasgf tittrtdlcal Ii lit5 Liiititll uvllll to liven zfiiaue iJoycei Izmirif Iitl to Itioisigt ieoi of Ii tho re tuck pint outt blur atter lilxl uf liali IIUv cf and Mi of tie fler tf Site full and LII was lliirw ttists wear Hilt Mart and pink Pilli of purlK litit lititl it flies hat with IIUSI gtn Ltiffflt uilliaiii bciptmoi of Harrie was liioonisiiiaiiand lWilliain Sheffield and Iillltlzll biolltci of the Iiifde both UI IIatrn gt reception followed at the IA Ior itt guests itteteivinc the brides llittllltl was tin grey and wore black accesmries of pink cat nations Assisting the piooiiis mother wore grey and blue ltli black accessorV pink car ie aymoiiii iltiIl Hall in IIdIl lt and Corsage firs and corsarn lllliot llie yount couple lilien Illtfllt Illylljtglrtirflttl lVIchrackenParker lMono Noptials OfWide Interest wedding of nude lllttltl took place ir St Iauls Alllilltllll Church 15351 HUIUm SWJHUMI 1m Mm MIL NIVIIID tion of honor weaiinr noun of lltntt when Miss Marion IClirabcfh Iarkcr IfilllLIlltl of Mr and Mrs Ihcodore marriage to Donald Allan son of Mr and Mrs lialfon McCrackcn of Everett The church was decorated with white and pink mums lliead officiated Kenna are inakniv lifts Greetings for You through WELCOME WAGON from Your Friendly Business Neighbors and Civic and Social Welfare Leader united Iarker was 0n the occasion of The Birth of Baby Sixteenth Birthdays Engagemeannnouiiccmcnts Change of residence Arrivals of Newcomers to City Phone Rev Allan llarry Me and Walter Gardner saiii lhe Lords Prayer and The Voice That Breathcd Oer ranch bmmm or the Mum during the signing of thcl Mrs organist was Ilrial Mchth 27 59 lldeii register The bride given in marriage by treeeived No or or obligeion ye ARE YOU CELLAR COAL MINER Stop lulrging coal The Torld hcct il Burner offers per smartly burner as the low cost solu tion of your heating problem See these new models today S3ft Monarch Refrigeration Co BARRIE fectcd styled 00o000 m0gt000 liucl lit Available 118 DUNLOB ST rain on TANKS ANI men was FOR SALE PHONE 2059 OOll4 GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE The Grey Bruce TruSt Savings Col ND GWREY TR 0W VICTORIA Chevrolet I9SI CHEVROLET for l9il presents new profile longer lower more sweeping lines and many tilliflftlitllltgt iievroletalwi of iiiafic transnnssioii as an option at pedal and the iiieelianieat shift IIiis est price field Alsii otlcred are new llllllIJIIIllilltl brakes liltli rt ritirr Sure Shown above It the till Iieviotet Stylelizie Ileluw four models including the Chevrolet Hot Air Canadas first hardtop Iltl Ifitliif lllttf gtfIlli Kllli eliaiitilly lice ItII yoke au Iuce inserts iii the gtleil which tapeiid to torn ttlain Ilei vitl was flour and was held by pearls headdress red roses with gold streamers The bride was attended by her flow tin for her illltlllttlft taffeta with iiiatchine iiiIlt teas and bonnet trimmed with bronze plume She carried cas cade of bron tlillilllllS The brides brother Harry Iarkei acted as ringbearer lle carried pillow of white velvet with satin bow Alvin lieriiiott was urooinsiiiaii and the ushers were John Parker cousin of the bride and Wray Mc The reception was held in llos mont llall where the brides mother wearing black faille dress black accessories and cor saue of branc mums mother assisted wearing vinc crepe with black accessories and corseitc lot yellow mums coat and black accessories with corsarze of red roses McCracken will reside on grooms farm near Alliston Lions Auxiliary Hampers for eedy Lions House Club incl at on the evening of Decem gathering with Mrs Knight and Mrs Allen charge of the program Lloyd Cook entertained mas Lullaby Mrs Johnston at the piano 000000000 Mrs Rowe first vicepresi All Overmwnfliere are people ytdwhom Christmas isInOpping is nOIa problem Theyiplan gift which increases Inlvlue eachyear For Mother orFather give an AccumulativeCerfificate for $200 due in months whjckcostsiSI48I8 for this amOunf may be increased liFOrsonlordaughterplanningto attend cpllege give MonthlyPayment Certificate for $IOOO due in60vAmonths which costs v$l5IS monthly TheselinVeStments include the accumulated interests at per annum USTCO tili of wlnti leuutn She cai ried cascade of The prooiiis For their wedtliiitiip to II um and the United States the bride tYIiOSt uiey Izabardinc suit blue Mr and Mrs the IPaCking Chrimas Approximately forty members of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Barrie Community her ml for their special Christmas Charles Gray in Lending color to the surround ings were pine boughs and bcauv tiful Christmas decorations which sparkled reflecting the lights from the caiidlclit room Mrs singing Little Old Manger and Christ accompanicd by UII Model Introduced Willi extended icai ICIIIIL newly designed grille cost lov erglide tr fully automatic and eliiiiiiiaIes the clutch tni tltgtt fully automatic transmission to be offered in the low iii percent less lets loweruhde iato pedal pre velour Ettlfili There are 11 other vei toEe MRS It IllIIEII of lrotlilhli COIIingwoodBorn lBarrie WI Works To Send Gift Hampers Overseas Ifti ltttlllll Illttlllllj of IIiv llairie WI nus field at the home of Mrs Ilctesky Innistil Street with terrifyeight incinbers pres =int Ilepoits of the several successful tIICIIlt were piven goodly sun iezilixed from the sale of lilitl on the quilt blanket and pillow eases lliaitks were given to thow who had worked so hard and so lllllll1l It was hoped that many folks overseas would be made happier by the several hum ICI sent to them and to the ill and lonely at home Mrs Baker read several verses rntifled Boy with Broken Sled ieniinding the members to look about them so that they might see who needed kind and William who was recently electeittllttl tild president of the Federated ens Institutes of Ontario sue needing Mrs ILIllICIitl of St Thomas is native of the Simcoe County town of in the town since the fairiin inovI ed to Fort William when she was girl dent acted tISVCIIIIIIliiflII iii the ab Sciicc of the president Mrs Allan Byers Each member brought contributions of one or more arti cles of foods toys knitted goods efc to be added to the Christmas hainpers being packed by the lad ics for delivery at Christmas donation was also made to aid the Salvation Army in their Christa mas work On display at the meeting were articles made by the members which will be sold with prOcccds being used for welfare work The various committees report ed on their activities and two Ict tcrs were read thanking the aux iliary for donations gratefully re ceived It was announced that bridge will be held on January 24 at Mayor Motel ChristmasStory TO be Presented In Cantata Form About this time of year on one of the roadside billboards of coin ineicial advertising appears bean tiful picture in full Nativity of Christ with the words jAsk your teacher to tell you the Story Nowadays in the progress of edu cational methods young people get more and more help from pictures movies and dramatisz stories In the increasing pace of our civilization adults too appreciate the speed and effectiveness of movies and profusely illustrated up to our standards of information audiolmrgi Also at this time there is trend toward presenting certain of the worlds fine oratorios and sacredjantatas in more effective dramatizedform with costume and stagingii move which is heralded by music critics as step forward day in the art of music When per Woin Collingwood Shc is the former Edith IleceroftI cOlors of the Appreciation was expressed to Mrs Morris Vespra Street for use of her house for the union chicken supper for the WI members pleasant evening was enjoyed by all daughter of the late Mr and Mrs km HillC he mgetmll James Betcroft of follinmvoodIWS the excliilllIIC Clllllmilh and has been frequent visitor In by WP III ltlmbcrs The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Donald Jacobs Bayficld Street on January It potluck supper will be served at six pm with business meeting following WOheIO Class Welcome Executiveo At Annual Party Mrs Italph Green was welcomed into office as president of the W0 lielo Class of Central United Church at the annual Christmas party last Tuesday evening Dc cembcr Green succeeds Mrs Jack Garner Ito the presidency of the group The Christmas gettogether took vthc form of pot trick supper which was followed by carol sing iint and an exchange of gifts Mrs Itoss Healy and Miss Betty Hook Ientcrtaincd with duct and Icouple of Christmas readings were Ionioyed Other members of the new exe cutive welcomed at the meetirn lwcre Miss Agnes Lavery lst vice Ipresidcnt Mrs Jack Slessor 2nd lviccpresidcnt Mrs Vernon Hook itrcasurcr Mrs Cook secretary ers Viktil corresponding sc lcrctary Mrs Russell Jory group toaster Mrs Alvin Robinson pian ist Mrs Pickles assistant pian ist west end visiting committee Mrs Arthur Worrall convener and east end viSiting Committee Mrs Ellsworth Gilham convencr at use of drama in divine services 10 vivid effectiveness that would iscem to be ideal for impressing Biblical truths in this age It is in this Spirit that the choir magazines and papers in keeping of Collier Street United Church and their assistants will present the Christmas stOry for the fourth season in their dramatized version of Maunders Cantata Bethlehem With members of the choir as solo given with full costuming and stag Dec 17 This is being done because of manywrgpeaited requests formed in church in the maddenLT9Ecilifetetheseatingoit of the mediaeval miracle play the beauty and color of such worth while mnsic enhances the tradition upon Hdvifyov congregation whichusually exceeds the churchs capacity the service will begin at 730 oclock er Distributor for Barrie and Orlllia Districts SE GEORGE wlhone 010 122 in the church hall Mrs at the evening SerVice on sun NIBIETS CUR FANCYUNGRADED remain tens stocked SPICIAL WESIOhS BISCUIYS HIGHLAND SIIGRTBRERD 29a IICIALI MsCCRMtCKS BISCUIISWCHCCOLAIC GRAHAM warns tf 43c SAITlltES ae 29c SCOYCM srrir LOBIAWS snoiirnriai he HO pitifiiaisr Iiiiii 331373c9p 145 NUTS IN SHELL MIXED NUTS Shift re 47c BEAVER PERRUTS $25 LARGE CALIIORNIA 19c FILBERTS armour euooio CELLO 5490 STORE HOURS lLB c1110 BAG 430 Alon firs Iliurs it in to pin cit it in to 13 noon Iii Itle am to It Mt X120 am to in New Season 001 RRVEL URIINGES Calif Setliens Intention TRBIE RRTES CRRRBERRIES RPPLES LOBLAWS FAMOUS RICH DARK URRISTIIIIIIS CARE Plain NEH 53992381LO Iced 119 169 LOBLAWS FINIST ORANGE PEKOE REII LRBEI TER RRGS PKG OF PKG OF 34c PKG 0F 15 19C 30 FRESHLY GROUND LOBLAWS PRIDETUF RRIIBIR COFFEE CANADAS BEST COFFEE VALUE IUBLRWS TWU CUP COFFEE LB 91C 88 LUBLIIWS ALPINE CLUB 30FL LIME RICIIEY DOUBLE Silllll Doom FittedMAPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS CRRCKERS 12 IllFL 59c dittlllilllltl otttls zzc WELCHS rune GRAPE Jury Ora zzc CANADA BREAD 11111 crowns WHOLE JELLIED cameo 011111111115 asst 31c CLUB HOUSESAGE SAVORY IHYME POULTRY DRESSING shits LOBLAWS 801 iiiiiioiiii PASTE SHIRRIFFS LUSHUSASSORTED FLAVOURS 11111 Iowans 291 CRACKED WHEATLOBLAWS zolibizsilISer 12C Shelli socxrvr FANCY RED sovrnrioii siiIiiIoir AYLMER FANCY IIISPIIRIIEUS TIPS SWEETeTREAT FANCY istsr andsailarge cast it will be if NFL 01 TIN 39c faiths 39 Iilirluz 33C FANCY WHOLE KERNEL IMPORTED BISCUITS AN IXCiLLth ASSOKIMENI AVAILABtt IN ATYRACYIVI GIFT IINS CRAWFORDS HIK film Axes HUNILEY PALMIR Mcvmt PRICE MociARlANE LANG SIMIIS CANDIES 296 29 cum ERERMS Ii GUMS LUBLRWS MIXTURE cMIivcmar PUDDINGSo MINCIMIAI MRS RAMILTURS LIBBYS ROWES 01 CELLO BAG 1101 110 BAG Irt8 CARION 2901 27c 37c 39c 29c 55c 35c 49c 97c MINCEMEAT MINCEMEAT WETREYS MINCEMEAT PLUM PUDDING CRUSSE f1 BIRCIIWEIL PLUM PUDDING LUBIIIWS PLUM PUDDING IDBIAWS PLUM PUDDING 7t IVAOZ 1601 I801 CLRRIIS Ittl CLOIH CLOTH 6m Flt44 kc75a Villlfi 57c 53C 001 252 47c We 42C 001 002 AT LEAST SIZES TO CHOOSE FROM FLORIDA SWEET JUICY CALIFORNIA FRESH EXCELLENT WITH ALL MEATSCAPE COD 39c GOOD SIZE 96s 802 PKG POUND 25 POUNDS 25c GOOD SIZE BUNCH LARGE SIZE BC DELICIOUSRED SIZE 163 CRISPEXTRA FANCY DOZ LUUISIRRR YRIVIS mm CELERY IIEIIRIS snow ouvns 8t memes PLAIN QUEEN Ifiil57 RYLMER ULIIIES AYLMER COMBINATION QUEEN JUMBO ULIIIES CLUB HOUSE PIMENTO QUIEN UIRRT ULIIIES PIMENTD QUEEN IIIIcLlIRENS ULIIIES ci RINS 17 16FL OZ JAR 47c 63c 75c 35c 37 31 29c 310 35c 35c 30c 13 48a 21 49c ItsFL OZ ICE BOX JAR lbFL OZ ICE 80X JAR 6FL OZ BOX JAR SWEET URIIIIISBY GRER ROSE BRAND MIXID SWEET PIIIIILES SWEET MUSTARD CRUNCIIIE PICIILES ROSE BRAND SWEET 27c WRITE URIURS MEDIUM SIZE RIPE cetsns 23c mnys auras QUICK OR REGULAR UURIIER UllTS WHITE 0R CHOCOLATE CRIIE MIX TANGY OLD WHITE LUBLRWS CHEESE CLOVER VALLEY mar CHEESE GRUYERE SWISS CHEESE IdFL 01 JAR lbFL OZ JAR IFL JAR 9FL OZ JAR IGFL OZ TIN 4801 LARGE PKG 1501 PKG ROBIN HOOD OR 12 PORTION 801 PKG SLB BAG lLB CARTON 6FL OZBTL IZFL 01 JA lLB CARTON 7LB BAG NILLEV CARTO 20FL OZ TIN 34c 32 25 37c 336 19c warn noun Millionaire Mauritania zoo sinusoid MARGRRINE GOOD LUCK CHERRIES SWIFTS LSWEET iiiioiiiiiicii SRURTENIRG RYIMER pens COTTAGE BRANDWHITE WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR JEWEL FANCY N0 SIZE LB lN INSIDE FROSTEDLACQ MAZDA LRIIIPS APPLEFORDS FOOD SAVER WRXED PAPER GIBSONS Titre Tissns wooniiiiinis 254060 I00v WATT EACH too7T ROLL 31c PKGS 35 37cAK55295L FACIAL SOAF LARGE lFL ii 1011 iiaiisT he 51101111111115statute rBltlT nonsr jf ITUllitEYS homeowner Point snusnai Pttiiit SAUSAGE erasteen FRRNIIPURTERS FRESH OYSTEIIS ureter 221 CHOICE LIAN SMALL LINK time KGl 375 FRB rise 38 oz TIN LEAN IEAMEALED ERIEII BRCUII END CUTS BY THE PIECE LB CENTRE curs OR sucss LB eiioieia mesa fiiaiiii can 1339ei LB51c 75 79c 11151111151 mch OCEAN PERU tti 39c CHOICE FILLETS Iillll CHOICE FlthTS SMOKED oil Tunis LITTLE PIG LB LB 55 51 65 lb 35c SWIFTS PREMIUM SPECIAL CELLO IlLB PKG 901