FLYFRS OUTBATTLE GALT 42l Joins Eddie Bush BUT WHAT GIVES WITH ONCE FAITHFUL BARRIE SUPPORT 1f disappointing crowd of saw Barrie Flyers produce1 ctoechecitng +2 victory over battling Gait Black Hawka Friday night at Barrie Arena to maintain their firstplace tie with Toronto Marlboros in the OHA Junior race Io Emir in towcl juUtiS triumph but dampened the crying lllil of few faithful Barrie patrons clouded the owing lite garla jortmi his Flyer celebration when the dressing room litmus cannot understand ngf boat Howard Norris cant Secretarylreasurer of old Kempenfelt coach Hap Man Prcsi dent Chartie Christie is in the saute Archie Marshall is armping And the tears arry right down through trainer Harry Partridge to the boys who are giving their but for the good When asked if he had arty intert colleagues 10113 due to the dwindling crode the coach Entms enthusiastiCally stated who still support us and will en deavor to keep giving them win ning hockey club but do wish the citizens of Barrie would show us they want the team And Mr Emms meant cxaclly what he said for he had his forces go out and battle dichard Gait through 60 rugged minutes for their second straight victory since rc turning from the northern tour The score could have been much As one star forward with Ernms gran 10 had been for ping chi mid What me Black Hawk netnundcr Clarke exp mm Sornmervtllc who insisted every pionslup in lhceniber Had it not been iastic group front hand to see their ducts perform for Call alld Barrie manager Wes Allsopp would have had for to place the ushers in the turnsttle appcarance Tunuvs OUR PRICES ARE LOW COMPARE THEM TRADE IN YOUR OUTFIT HOCKEY OUTFITS YOUTHS size 713 $495 BOYS size 25 MENS size 511 MENS CCM SlO95 MENS Samson $575 $675 Special $1295 OUR PRICES ARE LOW Figure Skate Sets MISSES $895 GIRLS 995 up LADIES $1045 up White Pleasure Sets OUR PRICES ARE LOW MISSES 713 $495 GIRLS 210 $645 GIRLS 210 $749 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM FIVE POINTS 36 BAYFIELD ST us charrt for all enthus North Bay on homebrew pro wm lerowd Coming Events cast Their Shad your boy to have the advantage of complete Flyer sniper return for the third swipe before succeeding with the lrcd light He had 44 shots to handle good many came from sustained drives during which time the Gait defence was stage struck at perhaps the exceedingly poor And dont ever let it be said that Barrics Lorne Howes didnt havc his moments Once again he had low count of 19 shots but made lsome brilliant stops on the youth ful Hawks Collingwoods Len Cook who by the way was drawing card for one carload of spectators helped Barrie off on the right foot He drew minor penalty for cross checking in the initial stanza and when he took dislike to the call was tagged with 10minute mis lconduct Willi Barrics fantcd power play to combat Sommerviilc was busy man but he managed to hold off until after the penalty was up The trouble was even at full strength Galt couldnt shove Barrie out of lanes iii the second canto for 80 lead Jack McKnight another bluclincr with bullet drivc start led the rapid cat with Chuck Wood duplicating the feat loss than two minutes later From the indication of the play vit appeared that Howcs was on his way to his second straight shutout but he was the victim of fate shot by Galts Don Hogan glanced offa Barrie stick and dented the twinc for the first goal The same Mr Hogan thrilled his North Bay supporters in the last minute of action of the middle per iod with successful backhand drivc assisted by Ken Wharram their backyard until lcfcnccman Jim Morrison connected on screened shot to climax the pres sure gt That was the only marker of the first stanza but gave the Flycrs the encouragement to snag two quick Conscqueptly when the Flycrs entered thc final fray thcir onc goal margin didnt appear They were after security because from the drop of the puck they poured rubber at Sommcrville Up to the 12minute mark Howcs had handled but twoshots ville several safe Sommer Yet it took more than 15 minutes to salt the game away Jerry lmerville from close in Highlights of the game were sev eral Dcfenceman Dan OConnor produced the belting act for this one and laid two Gall performers on the ice in wilted form The first was Don Hogan in the first period when OoCnnor sneaked hip into the bucket The second was Len Cook later in the third period Cook probably left the arena wondering who was respon sible for number 44 taking new route Emms dressed rightwinger Gord Warner making his official first education If you are here to pay for it he certainly will But what if you are not here when the third comes atlrers witltcltetfislted dreams for their children tainnot allurd to take any chiinccs cspccially since it 15150 easytp guarantee tIicfullnicnt of plans through the wise use of Life Insuranco Modern Life Insurance is socxiblc iii cirn be arranged to prvide money when it is needed for alnrbstianypurpoSe Manufacturers Life repre senlativcsarc tIuindlughelp youguarantee if fulfilmean of your family planar in the most economical and practical Way HEADornca RRirrKEru INSURANCE coiniANY Bttablilhcd 1857 TORONTO CANADA Barrie Office 70 DamonStreet District Representativm 11 1min 1311300111 amazon 08m We are certainly grateful to those Toppazzini who teams with centre Don Emms as though they were born the same day snagged one of Dons passes behind the slow moving Gait defence to beat Som 0Wslf meet every weekybeginning in the joining ourgroupeither learner or AB BOWEN who thrilled his iltoinctown fans with brilliant LElllh is starring for Eddie Bush and his Collatguood Sillpblitldets this sea son Ab lined up wrth Orillia Sliver Bombers over the past two seasons but when Orillia were forced to vacate hockey ranks due to no or ena the husky highscoring 51x4 footer joined his next closest home North Bay Fans Honor Boys at GallBarrie Game host of North Bay Black Hawk Booster lub members headed by himgo scout Bob Wilson and refereeinchief of the NOIIA arl Palunglo honored eight Iformer North Bay hockey stars Friday night during the ialtsBarric contest Between the second and third periods Wilson and Ialanglo presented Barries Don Emms and Gails Ken Wharram Tony Poeta Garth Royce Don 110 gun George iosselin Pierre Aubry and Hal Butch Iimpic with beautiful valchs At one time fhcy all played their hockey and learned their hockey in North Bay start with the learn The limniins lad worked with Leo Labiuc at centre and Real Thcvcfiis on the wing The defence showed few loosc moments but for the most part really turned in great stands Mor rison Pcarsall again McKnight and OoCnnor all worked like trojans in holding up their end of the game The best attacking unit was Emms Toppazziuitllagan Iagain with the others working but just not click ing They will though and brother watch out Morrison was the recipient of three stitches when flying prick nicked his check bone vhilc gain ing rest in the players box Barrie Golf 11A Junior Barrie Arena Dec GALlGoal Soinmcrvillc dc icncc Hill Price centre Pocta wings Cook Carruthcrs alternates Conacbcr Hogan Gossclin Aubry Boyce Buchanan Empie Wharram BARBIEGnal Howcs defence Pcarsall Morrison centre Labinc wings Chcvrrcfils Warrior altern ates OConnor McKnight Iowcrs Wood Barber Hagan Emms Top pazzini OFFICIALSAb Grant Torontof Jack Mchlcnbachcr Hagcrsvillc FIRST PERIOD BarrieMorrison Wood 435 PcnaltiesChcvrcfils Cook min or and misconduct OConnor Wood SECOND PERIOD BarrieMcKnight Emms 756 BarricWood Barber Towers 946 GaitHogan 1138 GallHogan Wharram 1914 Penalties Aubry Chcvrcs Empie Warner Wharram THIRD PERIOD BarrieToppazzini Emms 1533 PenaltiesMcKnight Carruthers OConnor IlJUIIII It VIMInitiating Vanuatui very interesting evening of chess was enjoyed by chess club members at our last mecting on Tuesday Nov 28 Some very good games were battled outnone per haps that would make history but all brought deal of satisfaction to the participants We were pleased to haVe new comer to our group Mr Scotty Wallace who has recently arrived in our townfrom Ottawa Scotty plays solid game His infdrmal as very01W HE about the Ukrainian chess master now living in the capital city Dr FBehatirchukwho is making name for himself in Canadian chess tournaments and of Iotof inter esting tournaments and chesslore which was new to most of us Our next regular meeting will be held at the Canadian Legion on TuesdayDec 12 at p111 We are making it Rapid Transit or light ning chess night Moves are made at 15second intrvalsand anyone the game We have ebuple bf prizes for the winners so hope to have an interesting night This will we hope to have good turnout Ithas been proposed that we New Year ThiscOuld makeouh chess fellowship lotcloser and help keep the tournaments rolling faster This proppsition will be dis cusSed at our meeting next Tues day cordial invitation is extended to all whowould be interested in master We read with interest not long agd in anihistorlcal book that Thomas Becket was the best becomingthe Archbishop of Canter bury 1162AD 10311 The Examiner or Printing PHONE 2414 ice play Vhllt with Harrie Colts chat about chess circles in Ottawa failing to move on thegbelljforfeits be the last meeting of the year So chess player in England prior to his ghts out 915 Montreal tOO tough Dauthuillc beat iGraham easily in SPORT ANGLES By GEORGE STOREY Frtrlllllli FLANAUAN oath of iirlollio fvliefrtzei Ollxgc 5111 or all the OHAJunior ocialtoii that eight of the it ciao ie allowed 11 ilu gnuyott rounds when next Spring rolls around The governing bodies felt the suggestion wise one and have plaCed it on the shelf for further consideration To these keys the thought 15 absolutely absurd Juniors of today are llaylrg heavier hockey schedule than the iiluftsmdfml lean that reaches the Memorial Cup finals plays minimum of 71 hockey games And titaximum of appzoxunalcly 88 can be ltutllld Thats lot to ask of boys who are at the age of lti to 19 Whether if holds any truth or not is another matter but Cslvifl product who performed for the Flyers few seasons ago stated tho the reason 1hr lette the statement heart and admitting they are no better than an eighth place club if that Apd It is plain to see that the problem of the al mighty dollar is the major Interest But if eight clubs do roach the playoffs It practically makes the iiigame schedule use less commodity It merely means that six months of hockey were played to eliminate two teams Why should an eighthplace club win the right to overthrow firstplace team IIO by rights should be considered the class of the league Six teams are definitely enough for playoff competition and even that is stretching the point too far However it is the time of year that clubs hope to emerge from the rffl and its only right that they be given the opportunity After all should firstplace finisher fcur sixthplace team We dont want to see eight teams but tle for OIIA honors In the Spring though The public are no fools and know full well when good thing has been stretched too far HAP MMS and his brilliant miracultuis Ilycrs mv lltilllgrlli seasons schedule anything bill soil They played three games last week and now face another trio Tuesday evening they are zuests of St Michaels Majors at the Maple Leaf Gardens and will be out to avenge 53 defeat suffered at the hands of tlzc Hay Hirerleis in the latter part of October The Majors pay return Visit 191 iday Saturday finds thc Flyers tit rugged Gall Arena for an engagement with Illack Hawks The halfway point is not far off In the Schedule and in direct contrast to other scasons the Myers are still goiiu to need points The race is exceptionally tight and unless two more teams fall from the pace during December and the famed January stretch drive playoff positions will be anyones guess through the crane season considerable success thus far And it is not hard to understand why They are presently the highest scoring club in the league ftls Jerry loppauini Doug Towers lIu IImms Leo lLabine Chuck Wood and defencctnart Jim Morrison arc in the 30potnt class or better which ptovcs Coach Ilntms has his front lines well balanced There are two members off each line Goalie liorue llowes hasnt had much op portunity to threaten Icepces Don Simmons for the Dave linkneyi Trophy but if his defence remains tightened for the rest of the schedule he may creep in there WE HAD THE FOLLOWING PRAYER submitted to us and feel it is worthwhile to pass on to our readers Dear iod Help me to he sport in this little camp of life dont ask for any easy place in the lineup play Inc anywhere YOU need me pnly ask for the stuff to give YOU one hundred per cent of what Ive got all the hard drives seem to come my way thank YOU for the compliment IIpr Inc to remember that YOU wont ever let anything come my way that YOU and together cant handle And IIpr me to understaan that the game is full of knocks and knots and trouble and make me thankful for tltat And help me to take the bad breaks as part of the game Help me to get so that the harder they come the bettcr like it And G01 Irelp mwto irlways play on the square no mat ter what the other players do help me to come clean Help me to study the Book so that Ill know the rules and to study and think lot about thcGrcatest Player that ever lived and other grcatPIaycrs thatarc told aboufln tIIe BookIftheyfriuiidout that the best part of the game was helping others who were out of luck help me to find it too Help me to he regular fellow with the other players Finally GOD if fate scents to uppcrcui me with both hands and Im laid on the shelf in sickness or old age or some thing help me to take that as part the game too Help me not to whimpcr or squeal that the game was frameup or that had 1r raw deal thn in the falling dusk got the final hell ask for no living complimentary stones Id only Iikcto know that YOU fcclithgt Ive been GOOD game Guy Amen There will definitely be no hockey in Orillia this season which is sad blow for the towns rabid sport fans Orillia has always been powerful figure in Senior 13 circles and will likely return when tltcy complete the construction of their new arena The abschcc allows Barrics Ab Bowen to perform for Eddie Bush and his Collingwood Shipbuilders which will be big lift to that town Orillias Ralph Gordott is performing for Wallaccburg OHA Intermediates on right wing after hav ing had good lacrosse season there Ian Fraser service station owner in Orillia had his hometown fans wondering his whereabouts But he surprised all when itwas revealed he was standout hockey star with Denver Falcons of the United States Hockey League Last year he was with Minneapolis rather stiff and as rcsult the 10 cals won 25 of the 40 games played Final scoreBarrie 50 Orillia 30 Two points for each win Barrie Ouipoints Orillia Team in After the evenings play lunch was served and dance was held in the Officers Mess Harry Young The seasons first interclub captain of the Barrie team wel badmintonmatchwasp1aycdat ComEdAmQVEHDlSandJIIILBIIJWIP the Barrie Armoury on Wednesday ing replied on behalf of the Orillia evening The visiting Orillia team Mrs Anderton social team found the Barrie opposition convener was in charge of the ar rangements for the food committee Results of the games Barrie names first Mens DoublesOugh and P110 lost to Dilworth andv Howie Chit Iick and Rumble defeated Smith and PipherSmith and Bob Sar jant lost to Browning and Harn den Oates and Todd lost to Glend all and Byers Young and Doug Sarjeant defeated Millard and Bawden Barrio8 Orillia 12 Ladies Doubles Mrs Harry MiddleWeighI Contender led Mrs Bchan and Mrs Albert Asselstinc Mrs Donald Rumble and Mrs John Ough de feated Miss Barbara Hewitt and Mrs Ed Sleeper Miss Enid Col eridge and Miss Dorothy Kidd de feated Miss Jean Campbell and Miss Connie Hardy Mrs defeated Miss PatriciaSteepvand Miss Jane Long Mrs CharlesWil SKATES SHARPENW Mums GOODS 114 nuntop St Barrie OTIS GRAHAM 21yearold col ored boy from Philadelphia found Laurent Dauthuille of France who their bout at Montreal Forum Dec Grahamstill has aspira ions to movetowards Jake LaMot PHONE 653 tas world middleweight crown ed to tile Ontario Hockey eplesclilattves of the st reached the Memorial Cup finals inslich lute playing conl dilion was due to shorter sclIHlulanlnc West reach their peak at that time he stated Whrhcas the Ontario or Quebcc lCpItgttiltllt have played so lunch hockey they grow stale There seems to be logic to NOW FATHER FLANAGAN may have only St Mikes at tprograrn to include foaturc lilnz inlitled Iropical Fish Life Urn lhc Ilycrs have met wilh Real Chevre Young and Mrs Roy Smith defeat Seazram and Mrs Chittick son and Mrs Kenneth ITieadwcll Town SemiFinals Resume Tonight At Barrie Arena There should be plenty of citement at Barrie Arena tu night when the rlnlvflmls of the Town and district Hockey Lean more into the final lap Wonder Valley who are down three goals to Dominion Auto Wreckers in the gualelowunt series must hand the Automen their first defeat by three goals or better to qualify for the championship round They will open the doubleheader Canadian General Electric find themselves in the same trouble They lost to Aces by 42 count last week and must make up the twogoal deficit tonight Starting time is 730 pm Tropical FIST Fanciers Plan lSpecial Meet President lCrtust llankin of the jSIrttcoe County Aquarium Society Estates that the ozgauiation will Ehold motting at Community gllousc Harrie this Thursday even grog Dec li starting at pm The gathering will not line form of the usual lllftllllg but Will have an enlarged be in monthly ltl Water speaker front llhe Toronto Society will give shoil address on the Pleasures and interests of the Hobby of Aquai ltlll Iiifc Ill thi Home New Feature program feature introduced ffor the first time will be pc fcurl class competition which will lie rpm to members and airy other llUDltnl tislt hobbyists interested Thc classes open for competition are Illacl Mollies pair Hell Swordtalls pair Zebras pair Tuxedo Swords pair Special jclass arty pair Mr liinrlcd Hamlin slalcs there is only scaling for this program and competition and that only about 30 cart be comfortably ac commodated Society members are requested ilo ensure full attendance and to bring along for display plirposcsi any special specie or outofthe ordinary exhibit which they might care to have viewed As nal fcature some lucky person attend ling will be taking home draw iprize of specially donated pair lof fish Further information may be obI taincd from Mr Hankin Blake Stl or the society secretary Ross Bradley lBradleys hunch Eliza belh St lclcatclMisJames Millard and vlmhlWed MrsJack Bawden Barrio 20 Or illia Mixed DoublesMrs Young and Ough tied Miss Campbell and Browning Mrs Ough and Pile dei fcatcd Miss Sleep and Harndcnfi Mrs Scztgtram and Bob Sarjcant dc fcatcd Mrs Bawdcn and Glcadallj Miss Colcridgc and Todd lost for Mrs Millard and Bycrs Mrs Trcadwell and Smith defeated Missf lllardy and Millard Mrs Wilson and Cafes defeated Miss Long and Bawdcn Mrs Smith and Chittick and Mrs Rumble tied Miss Hewitt and Howie Miss Kidd and Young lost to Mrs Assclstinc and Piphcr Mrs Chittick and Doug Satjcant lost to Mrs Sleeper and Smith Barrie 22 Orillia f8 Your Mcrnirvrg Smile Sergeant in charge of classAt tention men Lieutenant Smith is going to give you an education al talk on Keats but dont sup pose any of you ignorant guys know what kcat is NH RI fluIm lMi JimmySki Club Introduce kccping and administrativc hcad inches for the executive lbrary hail hoping for the biggest year thc club ihas ever lliifl tied Mrs Hobart and Dilworth Mr i9 again hailed llaqJJ TSUU MORRISON Co 1m 3133BRADFORD ST no BARBIE EXAMINER nusuar occ 11 use Membership Fee System tonaiiutec remark Ustmlufl warranted was trnpelled to coke lid Ski91 should tell being approach ii be thankful because Wu doing it in their own in well as the interest of olizeis lne sk patrol is equipo ped to tdlnilztcr flzsl aid and gen erally looks after the enjoyment of llle spot by elizimiatzng accidents iFamil 13 Iioan lllrarty Ski 1L111 cf lee 1ul 1u 111 that and 111 The c1111 hating just one set of lull 111 which will piqut the incite be up all club foclitics including lhc ski tow instruction and parking The new fee are $3 for collegiate students 57 for seitor titenibers andl $10 for 1111111 riteinbcrship mute which should meet with great deal of approval fiom iatrtlltcsl There xi ill IJC instruction through out the winter for adults on Wed hesJays and Sunday and for SChOOI Clilltlltil in Saturdays Public scllool eliiflirln must attend instruc tion tlihx and be passed in qu 11111 lt1 before tllcy will be zillow ed to 1111 to low whether they uro expert or beginners with two more skiers among their member The executive tlitgt to point out that lase are rock bottom priLes and with 111111 the club hopes to receive greater support locally Last year oriitrfto11cis made lip nine tcnlhs of the club receipts with their daily gate fees The sl1glc fee system will also rlnninate great many of the book 11 Four nine were shown at thu gluicral town They were Ski Esta Ski 8k Ski Haliday and Skiing ill lill of thc Saints Mrs Moody was it charge of the projector Chairman Jack Maclaren of the ski cluii advisory board ventured to give general forecasl of good ski ing conditions for the coming wiri lct last luisday evening at the gen eral meeting of members in the II llc said that he was Through the new family member gtlllli the club hopes to encourage families to play together by skiing together Only 10 or ro skiers turned out for the general meeting partly lieg cause of the bad weather and partly because the meeting was held on week night it was announced at the meeting that llilplll hands were needed out on the club hills on weekends Members are being asked to clear up the hill grounds and do the oth er necessary work to maintain the grounds Volunteers will be alppre filtteli Borrow from Household Finance on your signature No cndorscrs The emphasis nits year is beingI or bankablcsccurity IlCCdGZI We letldlilll stiltisliiiti 31113131 31 spccializc in prompt cash loans lilf Moody if the for any gOOd purpose out Of prcfcr Household Finance for fast friendly scrvice Phone or Ask Councils stop in today CANADAS MIGHT AND 010 To CONSUMIR FINANCE ORGANIIATIOI Road Signs Phone wriIe or visiI Township councils throughout Huronia will be asle early next year by the Iluronia Association to erect road signs to beach areas historic sites and other points of tourist interest on township roads 26 lulu Socond Floor Minn 5525 This was decided at the Ilurortia Associations animal meeting in BARRIE ONT Barrie ORILLIA BRANCH marking has already WM 1nd Hoot Plum 1194 How lo or by appoinfmuv loom mud to Illldinfl of nearby srnvmc IE will In SINCE Ill been secured on provincial and courtly roads it was pointed out by President Clarke Telephmtc Call Company ANSWERING SERVICE will commence as soon asicquipment bcconfcs available and installation completed TIME MONEY and PATIENCE SAVER for Insurance Salesmcn Real Estate Agents Commercial Travellers Manufacturers Agents Night Service Operators Doctors Engineers Fieldmcn and many others Special Rates to First 20 Subscribers Phone 5234 For Information Wait rill you get Meteors ncw Dynamic steering wheel in your hands and feel the thrill of Vtypc Scylindcr power Youve seen the 51 Meteor 1owc0me in and drive it Flowing body lines 10W fDccoramicinterior new instrument panel newcoloursrinside andoun Come in make your demon stration drive todayl PRODUCT osrbao OF hank BARBIE DIALZ sass3