is Mr Taylor ml Tm BARRIE EXAMINER mmsnir Dior digsO 10 lmllibtc an Em ci thr lidr4 I1fir CarloClot Az ALLROYND GENIUS mic limmlhll ill was that till comm me among VlV in out V4 gt ur lorltrrVE Vv tor LilG dry VlJ roiili NMM sup that tho lelllv lllllh iirVrVr lllll beixlti VlVa llttlllg the our hl and mmhxrl lllllllh ll wzr itlilidtd by all llzflll lllw lliniur tlttLllV cm lhsic lutors Th NI rV 515 Ara hm limollllgrl ll onmnhwrdm control but lif controlling the Hijoursleep ltlllol Ltllllltl prrcr behavrour tlul loony and rrulr bv wise tx End min rrmr hr hVhdl In ARGOVAUTS as picture gtlEtMs didnt Llltl ms Sillllltd 134 inf4r rt rlrc lizlrrdx of rim 53 wmnihegs Jhmbs much time to nilk out lllllllllll IllllllllmlC ll ll llll whe his man Arm hm rm ng Mrlll our rlIWJIl 4trllllllllllle uelr St llVllle Illii ll Vsr mu llllhme WVV UHM mum mm Fred Black till find Bud Fowler lElZiV lrrv irllrv Ellxrlll ltrr livid llt It VVlrl lltll in rmrzr rrVr jV youlliltlnfyl xthl 71 was part or the lrev fur Final illutml in lo turn of mild snow and hith slum Vhrr olonluVjour sleep Behaviour of priors llt srrl is rlinlt on Nov 13 The Warrior4 lltlli llozrio unially sullell r0 help 30 llllan llll Ulll1Hl Syllilltmli ot cundi trV 5p41lillly Wrillcn For lllr llit Burir lxulriirirr said uns not rs ii on Olmsox Illv 0UILIerll him lJllJillJH lflss stall riter grub HM km VVttV cl rm lrt uilllllx once cor giJJA NOV 37 SWl llgt ltlllvu policy of grati crlrltrolx tam ll Mlll ll Vought about iiasn this um Kvli ml lllgtlllbll ll our lllt lliilli lvllli Lirul lil lllllh llllllllll By EORGE STOREY lil VVrcur kidneys my ilillly ill other intans thzit go It iIl UNSIICIH NBS Alllllll nonml condition use Dodd ANNHN iron and as one dots not cure 13 iv moderatili thot tido iiiiCtuatioiisl il rlVr ling VV Vv my PM hdpmefjdq Kilt ll lV lmllll lll lllllllllllltlllVlii prices The lt lllllk lll Ill Mlll WIZR ml at WW 30 the cure tor inflation or dellzrihm who tiiiilai in the gtlioil In lw roln system The You Mum illuprem lion must be illttllll til the earrsv lrun that is why in demoeizicv gt restful unbroken ilee hon ukn colic ed Ind or will iillirt than at tht fltLtV lit itrn sluhd hm hwd We vs Kdn pm hulnlml ml mum gl5 lightened and informed Illllll oprzr gtlul Ml pllyl JellMd cl 47 flipportcd by an enlightened and inn llllll ll mmmwd public opinion will he llttll rrr 1niirrl rul ll it in rrlx luv 15 Fvm discussld tlr advantages of 5H am ll mm blllll llb 0f flcxiblc pricls lhesv lilll pioE Wl Ml llmml 1mm Add 91 ill it the live duct de Cgrxurnprg hum hhwl illlll UH lllllE lll l3 Lhmfhloum plhduco or Mime Wlicn gait Black Hawks invade the ice lanes ol Barrie rh VV hm points opp wellington as pVCgtV ML MW Arena tomorrow night to do battle with the Flyers llicrcll will falling prices were ll giiidl to aim an extra Special cheering section on hand cheering nu Mr and Mr ltrrrllll lrrhznrn illillllthl ll lll lll llmv lVWl WW strtion that follows closely the activitiesoi tllLM two thrbs VV VV hwwjh VV It jrnirur miterl Viditll firhr lrl llrv oil lid llrll ii in err plain jhjhyrd Trih 10 0h llllllrlllld Vrm trwti ll llll but rarcly sees them perform tour or on lloillitl wlllVt lzrrllrlil 3355 TltilllCtitll of cars bearing about 30 fans from North Bay ll llllll ml lllmi Ill Control llamllllallo will invade Barrie tomorrow to take in the DNA junior Coir WM 5m ll th lVllitl thlitr lliozriirE lVx 13 lffllllllfi Ill mlmyxh test between these two rivals and at the same time honor hymn hm ll illt North Bl honcbicws now crlo tl tl Flt Vl rtymlike fluid rrrilk lllllllla Wl ll 5915 rl Mr and Mix Wts Hugh and Vlf you set out to fix the selling and Hawks hman WM Mummy MVUHM pm of uid milk maducml ht the processor and thc distributor of WC ll VOlmt PUG Svll 0r Stir llllt tlllllll rawI milk will ruitc reasonably dorrrnrrll ll lllllllld llllllld lllol lord and llllllli oi irtrlmllmli rrrdl Take It In Now Save up to per ton that you also control his costs llllllh oi the Bloch llzrwks Wlllltl ers loodlrrirrrl Barrio lSllld The cosh hmdhchm hrwwy me will be vctrrilitl brilliant Vrl Bllltt Wires lllllllt on StirrrlzlyV Bllml Y0 Ml irig and distributing oven Sinipli My llmlm commodity like fluid milk has the Tlie seven North ilay lads wrtlr widest mnhhcnhoni The dth hill tire Iorultnd ltliBVlilllllllm farmer will insist that yhu comm Georgo lossc in lzrrti oyce ote the prices of his food and fertilizer Allbrty Torry loetlr and Don Ho Ml llllll IlllV Nlll Jim illlll Alllll llllllllg l0 lllll Al lllllllm Mrs Paul lopr lllll lilllr jzirlsr lillit ilV Wlltll you llitlll ii are spendiril li duyr rrr lrrrr mm hm Wk Get Well llttti Fertilizer If You comm prices of PM MIL and Butch Emme ddcncb family My uh huwvmhli anm COUp swing mm on and fertilizers you are almost irri rnarr le kllnli 11llrllllxl wit FlHHt llH tr vrrzrkrl weccnt llS hit it ill incdrrtcly dr run into thc control ill Ltll lt rnd plry Ll of wide range of chemicals fish Don Enian is thc North Bay pro home of Mr and Mrs John ouzrrtl Place Your order and let us DGIIVGI Your oilshand otheringredients even to duct on the Flyer rostch wlrcvrc llitilll turd fhlifslllllllil Fertilizer Now the Jute bags in WhiCli they Alll Duh Emm nephew 0f the Flyersl Courin itctiitt many rillus tint PCde nicrttor Zip Illinois is in his first gt llllllbl ll llsllm Spring 1951 Fertilizer Price Lists are now road The control of the prrcc of feed 5015 with the harem Five HO lltltlr birthday lll Spllr of tho wry grains will draw you hm the com pcrhmnhd last season and the pro unfavorablt Llillll lll the gt trol of wheat and flour bccziusc if mus Shawn with the Fryers OHA workerrd Wrwursh both of line the price of wheat gets out 01 pro junior squad Dd played mid lildlts the very host of health and portion tot price of oats lzrrrrrl get in the Gateway City for three lliillJllieSS to ill rany condition at 915 Will produce Ol OnOllllll Oils years and in his third year won Mr and Mrs Brrico Coirarr at and perhaps 100 Well Vllml the most valuable player award in tcrrdcd the dinner last wwk or Moreover if you control the lie SPClll one year in DON Emms honor of Mr and Mrs Willis or the league UWMMAWW price of fluid milk UU Vlll 50ml juvenile ranks and school junior rigans wedding llilliyllSlll FrlmrmmvgTrumml JmxrmmFWWWFthmlmhlPWmmOlldltlmwmnlmmillll Y0 UTH EA Of all 0m dim Pmdudsv cums Squad Emms or Bill Hagan on left Doll if you held dll plECCVOF VfIUVlld Don is very shifty centre and has amassed record of eight goals milk and other dairy pricesltilc wry capable plaqukcrl Contra Elnd l3 assislg 1h 17 mmhs to dam owed to use you Will find the lnv rhl Flvlrs tryd in of Jerr And tomorrow night you can bet farmers tending to Withdraw from 10 lhe be the giving his lhe Uld milk market and to put best for his llOIlltllll fairs and their milk into other and more pro loezirth explanation of the govern trying to add to his mun9551 nicnts postwar price policy which scoring total You may find yourself with sur of late has been subject to heavy1 On the other Side of fencc pluses of cheese or milk pOWdclV criticism It helped explain to the Ga Black Hawks no pushover COO lor evaporated milk and shortage man on the street just what Fin am time will hC going an out 10 of fresh milk In other words to aricc Minister Abbott has boommpress Norm Bavhdm the same do thorough job of controlling meaning in budget addresses over me dump their highhving rivals Phone milk Pllcesr you are sooner 0111mm the last few years when he said the Gait have true North Bay litre in un op drawnhulno complfle contml 0f Sillhmllhlrcgggssilf dbldlrollsm pm Up llCl It nds George Gosselm be the economy ween Garth Boyce and p010 Au down It was Perhaps the 05 Labor Viewpoint brcy They havg the top forwards ft didnrt mean that all Canadianslin young Pete Conachcr and Ken will be satisfied with thelgovemJWhallam Wharram centres Con fitabie lincs mem policy of Course one conachcr and another Bayitc Don Sisteht Spokesman for price conh Hogan Hogan performed last year igoggoTem Eligagdfdlmgrfggless lmoved to North Bay The omy houble with Ml Ta Len Cooke who starred for Co lits OHA utllOI jugs ls rst 12 out nine years too ate third trio with Johnny Sleaver and So price control is all wrong Tony Poeta the srxtlr Gateway whirlrlild littoral on trol Mosher president of thelWith the Bellevme ROCkelS Vduring the summer his family mem was hot Turing the fever it The latest additions to Galts dc was Just lhxmg the thermometerhh fence corps were the securing He added that Mr Taylor during Dmll Iiemhan from OShaW Bail if AnVi thewwaprViiwaghimselfwhelpingito 595 or Pete Gmmame an administer something which was EmilInllfaallffSlllfidTW it mDomlnlohsfriendlyservicl doesnt stohal the cashierjsrcoumer when pack or nonsenSe Emple lslfmm Ferrlsv suburb 0f youve paid yOur bill No sir We wont your shopping to be com Em Em It ows runs up agamstthe lllIijlrltrogdd oultetnllgadlefeiirbe brigde pleter enjoyable and who enjoys struggling wrth several bags or Harris Motors are lll Offering some real standout bargainsV used hard fad that the government did with Jack Price Jack Hill Mike big box of groceries Thats why we provide CarryOut Service impose price control and it worked CMS and tFUCkS All 300d clean condition have heaters aVnd It kept the Cost Of livlng down The Bggngrifhggd zoisoigmsee staff owarllrng lads to carry your purchases out to your car Dont action on the forWard contingentg frm hesitate to ask the cashier for carryout service Theres no charge Eldebufing rthe 2rlrllzrlrrsllguts soibubcil havlng returned Elmo llowmg and no tipping please Shop With true economy slr0p wrth CHOICECAR an injury layoff And course =7 St Chevrolet coaCh that we Cannot lleal What You Say pleasure at the Signpost if Satisfaction Your omr ion or hows Clarke Sommerviile still does Chevrolet Coach EAL CLEAN CAR ll lgfafhl lifwrifcrilrdmg nets flaridfmm arishnad ill Galt incidentally is sponSOred by 1941 Chrysler Sedan 4m $9750 ArerlC9V SUPPLES BAKING NEEDS defrosters people remember that Their an sponsor North Bay Black Hawks 1939 Oldsmobile coachHREAme 50 WlnleirWarlare NOHAEW FLAORANGES Doz2slg HARl MleURE 1938 Chevrolet COacli imitatier 295 Tramg the Armed FMS CANDY 1b THC Mimemea all Whiiereservists this year will WWW rvr$47225 VVV The ca adlan Army Commu receive their coldweather train Lame First ofthe Season SAXONARED GLACE wt REAL BARGMN igfllslo glerm Plan for winter ing Terfhonr an undisclosed training for members of the Act number of Active Force men will Cafeams JUST ARRIVED FROM Cherrles AN OUTSTANDING orrii ive and Reserve Forcs military attend regular winter warfare CALIFORNIA SUNKIST NAVEL Chevr0lel CoaCll authoritleh said this week Schools in Westem prairiejcflh CREAMS VV Vv But title plan as implementd tral and Quebec Commandsor at last year has been changed someItheir horrigmgtatigns Under com gt what VepeciallyhUwhere ReserVepetent instructors they will spend ORANGES eusruirmaszuiiss Raisins or 31 Force piersonnel are concerned at least two weeks learning the mom4 mm FIRST FIVE ms tff NV This yellr thirwinter traininglrudiments of living and ghting SRLENEV 1947 CHEVROLET FLEETUNE SEDAN willconsist mostly of weekend outdoors in winter two or walnuts lb PRIME RIB ROASTlbmC currahtslwrg 6c VH 1V EXCELLENTBUY HEATER AND FROSTERS initddorexercisechonducted loTcal threeday outdoor exercise you EITHER END V4 yVLast yearihulldredoof re3VFV= SQUadron com any orbatteryj level PANISHPIMENIO ists were graduated from ActiVe wjll culminatep theirjtraining SHELLEP tress Force winter warfare schoolsland Another group of approztimately OIIVES 4a SMOKED 8D 39 YA thisyearwill instruct RFlpersong 100 Active Fprce personnel will 49C Vllsr it n61 in vim m1rinmgtlall llcal unaergo threeweehmdocllrila erve ea quar ers my ew Fot urchi mm CHOC PKWYll VVVVV and niOr NCOs will attnd Act equipment trials in the far north fl Ranges Refrlgerators live For winter camps this year llater this winter Just What the 1938Inlcmatmnal t0 cab and All new models on dis Some picked Active Force exercises are and Where they will PU VlV be held rmains militar secret 13 Oz Chassis la read for imme rolfllffs and 1en rhd thlo is three Tint omato etc up rum ah ciVilansempoe eence 1937 Chevrolet 112 ton Cab and Yd lResearch Board ow are at Fort pLAN NEW RESERVOIR 43 oz 1m 33 VA ADDS 151 To ANY MFAL Chassis ate IverY Churchill Mari sixweek MQOSEJAWr SillSK CF 11 arctic ihstructors qualifying Conslleratlon IS bemg Elven to con lame course The Army en once 5WMnel an rgs Allanscircles cONDENSED qualiedVwillact as inst etc at 11 0l 0056 3W mall 106 the variousiwmtcr training hools Ilttanla Park four mlles West 0f Tomato Soup Ilnl to be conducted later this Wl ter Iher ll would cost about $10000 The civilian scientists rst to and hold closetol0000000 gallons gt UhPlGhIADEQa 655 1VIANIII tend theinstructors coursessince The TeseTVOll 15 needel because 200 pr no Errn sci ted Reserve Fo officers fore carrying out exercises and Rs on So er to lls Grd was inau urate three ears OOSGJaWS storage 15 Only 150 ll 99 llng Statign 659 V7 Al Ill 1h gt VV 21ng tzgfiigglgzglggaggibh2 lnfgdarils hfrecrtthznogoohao vino Emctrvc rrrunVrauhsoupgc 1139 terarctic clothing and equipmentlgaiionsally