Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1950, p. 17

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evlery creek emptyi Ehiinrial ling of 112 Titanic Examiner 87th YeorwNo 91 Fred Grant Reminisces SOME FINAL RECOLLECTIONS 3would bolld OF BOYHOODS MARY STREET AND ALSO OTHER MEMORIES itonlmurd from 115 WLiK LET THE OLD AI DIE My lliililtil goes 1wanderiug back to 11i long gtill gone When as boj liked to swing 2111 deiy 11 Sewreys 1111111 The gtllltigt took it turn about and LVll boy would cry Dont stop the sw1ngdonl push me out 111 the old cat die As life iiil on we feel the same we men who once were boys All how we hate to quit the game and cling onto its joys When younger comrades restless grow and show 11 in their eye We want to sing as long ago Let the old czll die Aiid so think when the eliti limc claims his linai due We shall not greet 111111 15 friend his face rejoice to view fear for one that shall grieve to see his SCIIIWIII sigh The swing of life so loathe to leave Let the old cal die It seems less strange now thanl it did 11 that time that our Mary Street boys band was never 111I viled to join in any of the parades either to Seerys 11wn pzirlles on holidays or even in the 12th of Jilly processions where judging from the music 131 some of those parading builds produced ours would have been winner 11111 We collld always make money olil of those parades just the same by gathering Orange lilies oul in Todds Bush as they came into bloom just at the right time and selling lhcm for decor ations to the more aesthetic mem bers And well tell the world most boys 111 those days had to earn even the little spending money they 115uzilly 11nd FRED 111A NI or $99171 Illadenhurst and Ald Boys 4111 dressed poultry meats b11111l good market for all the produce ling for the return of the Canadian BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY DECEMBER 1950 50 YEARS AGO In December 1900 two brewing announced that they cold storage nooses for tin11 beer on the 3TH propelly idjouimg Johnston Warrens oil house Monday December ii was the le on which all the loop lams for 1805 were supposed to paid The total amount rc ccived was 533800 out of levy It was expected that the inayolulty contest for 1901 would probably be between Mayor Were Holding Our Breath Next Monday December ll is municipal election day in Barrie and it promises to be Imlcrcsting With contests for the mayoralty deputy rceveship aldermen for seieialwaids and three seats on the public school board there should be large vote We hope So let the citizens of Barrie choose carefully ilor never before 111 history have we reached conipunzes Winter Fair Im1111115 for 30 miles around 5111111111 take down then 11111Iltiul5 and put big red mink under the date Deceinbcn fur Th1 is 111 day or name 21 more dangerous Siltlttbltili At any time we bilz Winter fair Cush 1111105 10 may be fighting for our very existence as the Kimmm rim will We Red hordes have begun their sweep 111 Asia and may follow any day in Europe This is time for strong democratic leadership be it on the international or municipal level fair coming just Christmas ensures eggs etc The week before Mum llere in Barrie we need an able council no less For the past l0 years the town has been suffering from growing pains But there has been tremendous progress probably more 11 Sunday cvcnllig lrinity Chincli was crowded the occa sion being service of thanksgiv1 E111111111115 The church was tastc llCtllI ICVCIOIHIICIII lll IIVC years 111111 Ill 1110 fully decorated with flags flowers previous half century The population has al 1e1c 111111111115 Henderson Bing most doubled new industries have located 111ln Black and allighen OCClh to land 11111511 lliiill highclass gear as with some of the crulic oi the linny He always meant business and when he saw anything that looked good to cut he grabbed it he line and sinker The best lime to tlILIl them wi5 just after rain when the water was muddy There used to be lliosu who de vclnred his flesh was mil edible but rolled 111 bread crumbs or floor and fried with couple of strips Turn to page twentytwo please 0W CM Realms The Glorious Twelfth ways 111 important day for us boys with their plumed King Billics like Bill Armstrong moun ted on white horses gorgeous rc galia and brilliant banners as they paraded iwith our halfnddzen limes back and forth between Barrie and Allandale as was 11 reception committees to incomingl lodges AndI never could understand why it generally was some big husky who carriedthe Bible on dinky little platform the size of book in the parade in the morn ing who before the day and even ing passed would bccarrying load that would now take ten ton truck or police patrol to move We used to think many walked in the parades just as an excuse for the celebration which used to end the affairs for there certainly was much more drinking then than now in those affairs And every old Barrieite will re member just what twohanded drum artist Tommy Sampson was in those Twelfth of July late 21f ternoon and evening programs in the immediate neighborhood of The Five Points WHERE ARE THEY NOW Where are the old boys gone to The dear old boys knew In the oldtime days in the play ing field Where the grass was wet with dew Bound for sweet old frolic Saturday and no school Fishing for minnies and having sw1m Down in Simpsonsvpool Where is the old crowd gone to band 991ndcssay Someare alivebut many aredad And they have all passed away Where are the Old boys gone to Boys of the dear old times Boys of the days that have passed and gone Friendsofmmy fancys rhymes Ahhow Id love to meet them Greet them and troop away Through the dewwetigrass of the playing eld At the ope of summers day Bound for sweet old frolic Saturday and no school Fishing for minnies and having sw1m Down in Simpsons pool put in many happy into the Bay And anyone who felt the tug of husky catsh at end of his line remembers he was some puller You didnt need full can of worms or any of the abouti attendancci ndeasy session of IPrivote Citizen Commendg Fihe Job Dorie Clearing Snow To the Editor Dear Sir As private citizen wish to express my appreciation of ithe magnificent job done by the meu of the town engineers staff in clearing snow during and after the lunprccedented heavy snowfalls of the last week was particularly impressed by the men who continued to work on their Saturday afternoon offl This effort of removing soft packed snow and slush showed the use of limagination and forethought be cause if the predicted cold weather had arrived over the weekend and this muck had not been removed our streets would have become well nigh impassable with icy ruts and bumps As it was this work greatly lessened the difficulty otmnt subjectwinwthesyeaHggH dealing with the very heavy snows of this week May urge the cooperation of all car owners with the snow clearing operations which after all are car ried on almost entirely for their benefit Signs are posted in plenty of time warning drivers not to park in areas to be cleared yet on Wed nesday night 20 Nov no less than 16 cars had to be towed away from the main street This lack of consideration causes unnecessary delay to the clearing crews as well as inconvenience and expense to the car owner The men of this department rich ly deserve the gratitude of the town for their unselfishness in working around the clock and through the nights without sleep sothat4he ltraffic which is the lifeblood of the town can flow freely regard less of storm or weather The town engineer also deserves commendation for the efficient or ganization of the snowclearing ef forts The readiness of the equip ment and the effective use made of it demonstrates smoothrunning welldirected department Yours very truly RICHARD EDWARDS December 1950 First Electric Lights In Town Of Barrie Io thFEditor The Barrie Examiner Mlb YyOuTe right certillnly cant afford ii new car and tiale visionrsetzmy peasantsalarxlbuitbgtis what came in to see you tacbed house at 10410490 Muenster Monmouth and InduairialErineerins Street lifltlloywired witb1drop those who lie in gravcs somewhere liisliiv Illllr it Wellington St 15 BarrieI Dear Sir We noticed in recent issue of your paper an inquiry by Fred Williamson about the date of the first electric lighting in Barrie Also we noticed Mr Salters letter Radonllurst here many new businesses have been estab lished With this development have come numerous problems and it has been no picnic sitting 011 the municipal council We need imore housing what similar town or city doesnt We are building two new public schools we are faced with construction of vitally necessary addition to the district col legiale but we have not made immediate Ipied front pew urling Room The largest land most enthusiastic meeting of Icurlers ever held here assembled ion Tuesday night 11 the Vesprzi llolcl to reorganize the Barrie curling club for the coming season ill Grasett presided The toll lowing officers were elected Ilon ornry President Judge Boys llresident James Vair Vicelres provision for suitable auditorium We have 1111111 1111111111 Hogg Chaplain completed huge alteration program at the RW Dam ngm $0yrrsg municipal arena We will soon be start ing to build new memorial hospital unit Mmmgonmh Commiuec John but funds are short and the necessary nurses 1Coifey lliomas lcarccy and Don ald Ross skips McL Steven residcnce is being delayed There isexpan slon in public utilities We must have an ade son George Ilogg Lemon Dr Smith Alcx Brownlec lMcNivcn Dr McCarthy I01115111 From The Press Of Canada But We do urge the people of Barrie to Northern Hockey Association vote Yes Monday on the question Are iIfthehzmnmiyrind interest shown you in favor of the continuance of the millil int the organizanon meeting of the Cipm recreation lgfai lNorthcrn Hockey Association is any Cmmon of the man This pioglain ls somethlng Barrie should ner in which this league will not be Without As matter of fact the re creation service herc under the able enthusi astic direction of Kenneth Robinson has done so much for the youth and adult of the town it has almost come to be taken for granted That is not enough The recreation com mittee want assurance from the people that their efforts have been worthwhile and are appreciated Ofcourse they arworthjwhile We need them expanded actually Looking back five years we can recall that there were only two organized groups func tioning in Barrie on community basis Since then the community groups number in the dozens among them new clubs for adults sport leagues for children and adults play be conducted there are good times coming for hockey in this district The first business after it was re solvcd toform the Northern Hock ey Association was the election of officers which resulted as foll lows President Boys Bar lrie lst VicepPrcsident Dar roch Collingwood 2nd VicesPresi dentR White Midland Secre itarry Dr Clark Newmarket Treas urer Dr MacLaren Barrie Not iwithstanding the sneers and oppos ition of the OHA executive the NRA will thrive and its officials will not have any difficulty in keeping it as free from favoritism and professionalism as the OHA the decision was made to go ahead he could have supervised the work to ensure that the ratepayers got their moneys worth withoutex tras The architects fee for complete services would have been only of the cost of construction In other ds $7500 on building costing Andhe likely Would have saved his fee by getting competi tive tendering Whos to blame for the fiasco 111 way its the architectural pro fession itself It has been lax in familiarizing the public with the nature and value of its services This arena commission composed doubtless of sincere conscientious Architect Could Have Helped From The Financial Post The value of retaining an archi tect on any and all building pro jects is insufficiently well known Additions were made to an On tario town arena without archim tectural guidance The work cost 51313000 When finished it was found that spectators in the upper tiers of seats couldnt see the roof leaked and the heating systm did not function properly Ratepayers now must vote an extra $28000 to put matters right Not at issue is the structures ap pearanceIt shoulddacForrare lly has such ugliness offended the human eye An appropriation for vines to cover it would go far to wards restoring faith in the towns awareness of such thing as civic beauty An architect could have designed building that would have been credit and source of pride On the basis of his drawings and speci fications he could have called for tenders in order to determine the cost in advance Then supposing Ilength lease of water power was 1obtained at the Findlay Bros saw lmill at Mldhurst on the Mill Road and four miles north of Bar rie Poles were placed and wires 1strung to the town limits then Edown Bayfield Street to an old iwooden warehouse at the rear of the present building The neces sary generator was set in place at iMidhurst while the transformers wereboused in the old building land on Saturday evening near the end of August 1888 we saw our lmain street suddenly break out in electric lights where once we had igas lights and lamp lights There was ceremony at the town plant for only very few minutes for all the attention was outside and the newlights tobe admired The mayor of the town at that time was Ross reeve Browndeputy reeve Thomas Cun dle secretary department Fletcher council Hussey John Hinds Ross Vallcau BothweIijAJ McAllister Seveigny Thomas Pearcy Mar rin and James Pue During the 10 years street light ing was extended while places of business became users of the elec tric power As the maintenance lmen were changing often it be lcame quite problem to keep the Iutility going The first at Mid hurst Toronto man after four months service day and night ad visedthe company to get another man also an assistant as hewas with without suitable home and board and was disappointed On July 211898 Mayor Wells and the town council decided to bave vote of the people on Aug 15 re installatibnof an electric light plant in Barrie and called for hard way instructional courses In fact the recreation committee has been responsible for some 25 It was kind of The Financial Post to use the term an 011 tario town in the above edi torial It would not have made too many people in Barrie mad if it had said locality on Kempcnfelt Bay and we dont mean Minetls Point There are many who will feel that this editorial gets right at the root of the arena troubleED Regardless of who might be responsible or why mistake has been made if such is the case two wrongs dont make right and it is necessary that the Barrie Arena which is owned and operated by the Town must be fixed Therefore we are in favor of support ing the Arena Bylaw next Monday and grant in Europe but on the dawn of mg the commission up to the sum of $23500 November 11 We who were the comradesinarms will remember to get the promems settled at IaSt them The housing project of Gunn Street which isnow to all intents andPupOshapnilr occupied bx some of the vetsand families who needed proper housing was most certainly and for quite while jug gled around and was opposed by some members of council won der who But the persistent ef forts Of woman and mother who must have cast ray of sunshine into the gloom of the council cham bers along with committee some of whom were veterans succeeded CICIlmS Vets Housing in making that project reality For that as tenant of Gunn Was pposed Street along with my family wish December 1950 every success in the forthcoming The Editor election to her The Barrie Examiner fogymtyvo cents veterans and Barrie Ontario lshehas proved that she gets wha Dear Sir she goes after itsyMrs gamilton The time is once again at hand 77 wYDUIS 11132 when we as citizens of the Town ARTHUR GABLE of Barrie MUST exercise our fran 168 Gunn Street chise and vote to elect mayor and Barrie Ont councilfor the year of 1951 The PSI as ehnsumer am veryi final outcome should be interesting much in favOVrWOf the central Asa citizen ofthis town for the WEighSCEIe ystem for 9931 past 20 years and veteran of fromthe Tetaller lights in each part and costing $95 for the whole place James Dougall spent long years in the service Of Barrie Utilities mostly with theelectric division We remember John Hare as our most efficient manager and Frank Carpentr spentanyyis in the electric light services also Walter Hook and James Neill Hydro coming in 1913 made complete change over We think in the attics of many Barrie houses the original wires are yet hung on nails from the ceiling beams NELLIE RANKINSISSONS November 23 1950 fronting anyone who sits on the arena com mission It is anarduous thankless job In in September 1945 and gave the new com mission no working funds whatsoever So the first commission was at once faced with the problem of carrying on operations with no money in bank Since then and up to June 1949 the suc ceeding commission members along with the manager have had to carry on all operations and alterations from operating revenue that ler skating lacrosse 3nd rentals First thing that had to be done was the installation of metalllcrete floor so the building could be was necessary to build an addition to the front to provide proper dressing rooms of fices and lunch roomfAll this was done along with numerous decorating and repair work purchase of necessary arena equipment and supplies But there was never any time when the commission personnel of which has $35000 in 20 anniial instalments World War II for five years inthe clear The vote of the people was un would like through themedium of N0I ALL INCOMING While American visit0rs bring animousiando part of the present building was then built the office part during 1900 The motive pow er of the new plant was steam Water power was continuedhgenerr ated at Midhurst forthe townarc lights operating at night only chairman of Water and light committee 1896 ad setHhetown councilthatrenquiry in other tOWns showed Barrie rates for street lighting asrefasoneible andin addition to the 13 are lights thereWere 12 incandescents which were supplied without extra charge With the water power plant proving suceessful letters patent July 1895 were applied for by the Barrie Allandale Electric Street Railway Company but thisdicl not material ize Griidually the service was ex tendedlto the housefof town the work being done by he men employed and the chargewas at cest of material and tinie spent at the work We had semidc yourpaper to havega few words with the public in general First Of all there is an clement very much in opposition tOus vets Per haps We should have stayed at home too Iwould like topoint out to them thatour branch home on CW en Streetis very nice place to wealth foCanada every year as tourists Canadians are reversing the favorby spending well over half as much in the United States The moral would seem to be this publicity of Canada as tourist rc sort should be beamed to fellow meet and reminisce Drop in and Canadians as much as to prospectiveI 111511711 Cami Amssiscaxisitqrs We alsgnheavlemmembers who are Lmle current Manitoplm blindor have lostla leg or an arm gt Explsltor Now the reasonfor that must be obvious in that they did from 1939 The gfgggffrmg this to 1945 give themselvqs Whouy and weeks council meeting that re not In part and forfeited the com1 creation committe be appointed in panionship Of their aliiisy Ame Cochrane permitting the commun warmth of home and fires1de for it totake advantage of grants of that ung we have emoyed to fered by the province for assisting the present dayfreedmn recreation programs is well worth have not mentioned those who fontswing up did not return who for that free Cochrane Northland Post dom paid the supreme sacrificeln the years since thecessation of DECORATION GRADES hOSIIliIIeS1 IDfitting bimodal has The Royal VictorianDrder insti been erected to the rfemory tilted in 1896 has five clasSesfijom members to Knights Grand Cross at The Inpatient Member of Class Weeklies ofCanada Quebec Divisionof CWNA and 7096 Average Net Paid ABC Circulation Six months ending March 31 1950 MacLaren Managing Editor Farr News Editor Tomlinson Printing Manager Rivett Office Manager Barrie Electors Urged To Choose Carelu 11y Support The Recreation Question andjirofessionalinWlEifnedtffE groundiandbcaclrprogramsrleadershipeandrw The Arena Must Be Fixed Vote for the Bylaw We are well aware of the problems cont thefirstplace theTowniook over the archaic being obtained from hockey ice skating rol ity that the arena could be closed unless this used other than for ice operations Then it changed fromyear to year were able to get Ellieiarrwxammrr Class weekly of Canada Published Every Monday and Thursday Wilson Building Post Oice Square Barrie OntarioCanadsby THEBARREEXAMINERYLitTED Walls VicePresident Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontuio the AuditnBureAu of Circulations Subscriber to Authorized condemn mail by the Post orb Subacrlptionapoy0b1je in advance 3390 yearly incinadaoh1onths 3175519 months 3100 Section 3Pages 1722 quate sewage plant and clear up the polluted water or the bay We needmore recreational facilities There is the curling rink problem All these matters are the vital concern or council along with many more subjects and details such as roads and public services but 111 the same time there must be faced the need for holding the tax rate so that it will not become unbearable Both the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Barrie Branch of the Canadian Legion are campaigning actively to get out the vote There is slogan Vote as you like but vote This should not be interpreted as meaning it doesnt matter who you vote for just so long as you vote Nothing could be farther from the truth for it is very important who you vote for The Barrie Examiner will not be presump 1110118 in telling you or suggesting who to vote for 011 Monday We believe the bulk of the citizens are intelligent enough to make 11p their own minds All we urge is that care ful study and consideration be given torthe capabilities or every candidate in the light of current problems Statements have been made by various Ytllldldates 011 the radio Similarly We have published reports from the mayoralty can lidatcs and in several previous issues as well as todays we have endeavored to print some biographical material about each candidate for council and school board seats It is for you the elector of Barrie to judge wisely and vote accordlng to your own opin ion new organizations administration of 14 com munity projects and at least six fundamen tal services to the community Planningfor the Futurethis theslogarhof the town recreation committee Here are some of the objects Continued counselling towards more recreation and in the home and by family groups Continued counselling service to all community groups requesting advisory organizational or administrative as Lsistance in the field of recreation Continued concern towards our young peoples leisure time activities Ccmtlnued playground beach day camp and sports expansion in line with population growth Improved sports facilities to meet existing demands These are but few of the aims of the committee but we think they may be sum med up best in Mr Robinsons statement To work together to promote fuller and more satisfying existence in the life of our citiz egWhathiner ideaLcouloLiberebeiorB inc Let us giveone hundred per cent approval to the recreation program Now we come to June 1049 and theta payers of Barrie approved the bylaw whereby it was possible to spend $131500 on the en largement and modernization of the arena That sum evidently was not enough Here is wh Money was borrowed from the bank to de fray the cost of alterations to the front of the arena in 1947 There was still $6000 of this loan outstanding at the beginning of 1950 As previously arranged with the bank $1500 was paid on this account leaving balancebffhwll arguisidsralls the arena are constructd of confeteblocks This makes porous type and because of the shape of the roof water runs down the out side of the walls from the cave In order to protect the Walls from disintegration ade quate flashing of the eavesis required in ad dition to waterproofing the outside of the concrete blocks To finance this project about $4000 is required The heating system must be changed and this will require $15000 In fact thlsis on orders from the province There is possibilr work is done1No money is being requested for the proposed alterations to seatingat the present time Still the fact remains thatwehave these obligations Elsewhere in this issue you will find complete statement from the arena commission We are Supporting their recom mendations and suggest that the ratepayers of Barrie endorse theArena Bylaw on Deccm berll new SecretaryMme AVERAGE PRESS RUN 7800 COPIES W1 Walls JEcmniekndvsnising 11900911le Stabbinss was ce Depoteet 0th mt Wrwaimiiil

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