Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1950, p. 15

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Inntsfil Deputy Rem To Set Price On Site for Disposal Plant Tin Lo THE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY DEC 1950 15 lt in target tri pioxlfrle of Mablishrrzezit at Recreation Plays Big Part in urbing JuVeniIe Delinque cy tln support of the recreation program on which Barrie voters will register their opinion at the lltc ll elections The Barrie Examiner his published series of articles dealing with Llieimporuncr of recreation to the lUlllIIlunli The following article is the fourth of the seriesl By FRANK DINGMAN Probation Officer of the Simcoe County Family Court EHA fr atkcd ad man hall on iiddlestd Barrie on atom bomb xelilli fin hurl Mo nil tulLfr no pgetii tltilll terry Uf tilKft ruff Mi those who took pot ill ittlrirliulll itLirliLt dclzrouczzt iiii 1215 the per lrou where gt NF LU Lo porter ate Jttilll it lzravpiril iv Martin l1 Netdililll Jneiah illeiiiiquincy in tltrtltlil Sorrel New York illill iloreovci the most tchZlellttd lsorrectional workers on this con lirierit hold this sarrie opllJuli about Recently 12yearold boy we will call him Jack ap reared in Juvenile Court in one of the towns of this county ac faced serious charge of damaging property heard under the Juvenile Delinquents Act This was not Jacks first Hills BLIND 15m at Al repzcseit 1141 1i urents appearance in court during the past fifteen months but hislure llllprdthlde or Ittliiilltlll it ad IVltitll the basic inqucnt is rrlways ere are reverer causes of de hard job possible factors nyolyed and the real trouble may to any one of many different is icts of thr cliiids life in Jacks it was not any trouble at cliool iii grit seven of l2 years age Jack was able to romp hiouuli his work with little effort llicn row of figures Went up on he blackboard Jacks hand show 1158 that he had the answer before chalk was out of the teachers nd in court Judge Foster said Jack You seem to be the bright st boy who has come before me in long tirrie in other words it is not Jacks basic ability that at fault he is highly gifted oy in mentality and general per oiiality No Outlet for linereg What about the home Al liough the fairiin is large Jacks are genuinely concerned bout the boy and have made real fforts to help him avoid further roublc The family attends church airly regularly and Jack is well nowri and liked there check of he other important factors leads one rather obvious conclusion Existirrir community agencies have of been able to challenge adequate Jacks farabovcaveraize drive nd energy As result he now ecms to be on his way to an Ori ristitution where even skilled of to help him are by no means crtain of success Then too there is the financial of the picture The cost of try ig to correct delinquent child is ltlaltllrrltlllwlllkk tax payer than dcquatc preventive programs As iintcd out by Judge llawlcy Mott ten referred uvenilc to as the Dean of and Family Courts in astcrn Canada The fence at the ihop of the hill costs for less than the ambulance at thc bottom In his Simcoe County town where Jack lives recreation the providing of useful supervised leisuretime ac fivities has been left largely to the dhirrches and few local clubs Those clubs alone although they have done their best with the time and funds at the disposal of their VOluntccr leaders cannot be ex pectcd to meet the recreation needs if whole town of several thousand ario training school correctional rector lllll On Mon Dec ll Relfle FOR TRANSPORTATION DIAL 4569 0000V00 Mo 90 Elect Narm Candidate for Aldermanlwayd As substantial municipal taxpayer have always taken deepinterest in the Town FOf Barrie feel that my business experience will be beneficial to the con tinudus healthy and prosperousgrowth ofourtown am firm supporterof Town Expansionwhich will bring employment to our boysyand girls Qm WQWM ws VJ arises O0000J sounamAamrnrsuarram Sand Economyin forcingthemtoiseek it elsewhere am interestedih recreatiOn health and sanitation good roads adequate police and fire protection Souhd Administration and Economy will see that your tail dolliir is well and carefullyspene Your vote and influence will be appreciated ELECTORS OF wArio 4Il VOTE Daugherty lorlldermanr It you requiretransportgrtion or information phone 2381 0111111 Will this repetition of trouble on the part of thisi delinquency preyentiye lri ltllr when ruyernh delinqrerey was reaching ii1llllll llolllllillgt lri igii pva ml MW mm myfdgymd States ttoiiir inira cur planned community recreation in the Town of Barrie there are like Jack develop into tlStftli hap py citizens healthy in mind and body and equipped with qualities useful in an unsettled world lar lltfi schools churches municipal authorities health and agencies all share this sobering re sponsibility each witlrits own par ticular job to do Spare Time Activity Lacking The Family Court is one of these agencies and yet it is in some what uriiqric position When child comes before the court the courts first task is to try to dis cover whats wrong To do so survey is made of the childs life his ironic school and church activ ity play etc with view to find ing some reasonable cxplaruuion for the trouble Very frequently it is found that there is serious lack in the key area of sparetime activ ity that this is the weak spot in the childs armor Use made of childs few hours of leisure time often swings the balance one way or the other If spent in construc tive activity under the guidance of skilled recreation leader these hours contribute to the sound dc velopment of the child If spent aimlessly with undesirable compari roris and little if airy responsible those hours may prove the childs downfall Constructive use of leisure time docs not guarantee that your child or mine will avoid delinquency There is no insurance policy against that kind of trouble Yet there is much less chance of trouble when flitcliildsbasic needs are under stood and met guided recreation helps to meet many of these needs What are some of them The National Committee for Mental Hygiene Canada has listed the childs needs as follows The need for Affection The need for Belonging the feel ing of being wanted by the group The need for Independence The need for Achievement The need for Recognition or So cial approval by friends and as sociates The need for Selfesteem feeling of being measuring up These are essentials for sound ana stable emotional growth The child also needs training in ability to think clearly to solve problems iwisely to live with others in co operative and worthy way Then toohenccds healthy bodyarrd good health habits Children must find outlet for these needs in some fOrm of activ ity If not enough scope is to be found in work recreation human relationships or in the case of old er children community service then the needs will be expressed through delinquency and mis behaviour nervous disorders or eyen mental illness Frequently in home or school life child is un der some kind of pressure often due to circumstances over which parent or teacher has little control Guided recreation if available can release that pressure in healthy normal way preventing the dam age otherwise likely to occur Not Just Theory Nor is this conneotlon between riuvenilerr delinquencyrrWandwrecrea tion mere theory One recent re search study covered more than 22000 children 10 to 17 years of age and about 18000 delinquent incidents The report reads in part as follows worthwhile or Daugherty rather than rssss swsss welfaiu the many agencies trying to help boysWWW 0000000 sailed ii national conferenci on pit rlilltill and control of juviviriligde illLil brought lointiter more than 300 leading American workers in this fltiti The resulting surnriiary report makes this stioiiu rtcommendation to citir its and municipal authorities lftLltZtlltlll is pririrzrry respon illllill of every conirrruriity and must be adequately provided to meet tile needs of all youth All communities urban and rural lzilue and small should establish and strengthen yearround corrirnuiiity recreation programs and servicrs Recreation must receive mirror attention in planning for the con servation and leyelopiiicnt of youth and in the prevention and rilllloi of juvenile delinquency Of course we are apt to tell our selves It cant happen here Act unity the facts are otherwise Dur ing the past 13 months in the Coup ly of Simcoe there have been about 250 incidents of invenile delin quency sufficiently serious to be re ported to the Family Court author ities These include almost dozen different kinds of offence includ ing many break cases and one of armed robbery The court deals with these boys and girls not as criminals bill as children who need special help and guidance Often however it is too late to change pattern which is alrcady firmly established Not so long ago some of our Puritan ancestors thought play was of the devil at best waste of time Now we know that play and re creation arc vital elements in hu man growth and adjustment fail to provide the best in recrea tion for our children is to deprive them of one of the musts in their development even to risk their be coming burden both to thorn selvcs and to the community STAYS IUT One of the largest of the worlds famous rocking stones huge horrid crs delicately balanced is in Corn wall England enter and theft IIALLEY was room Halleys comet is named after Edmund Halley who in 1705 ac curately predicted that the comet of 1682 would return in 1739 li te Reeve truth Iow Sernito furei Burton Deputy mu of liiriisfil for um it ill be It llltltll OWAN who moved up from councillor to rc Lith an acclariurtrori at the annual noiriinations Mr oiiaii was born in iiiiiisfil iii ltilltl and educated at Knock 85 13 lie attended Ontario Agrictil rural Collier at Guelph and has1 been tarnu all his life specialilsr hill in the breeding of Hood iie tock llolsteiiis Yorksliires lydes tales and light horses being his favorites Ilrovan is interestedi in sports and especially harness horse ltltllltl lie is past presi dent of lnnisirl Farmers Credit Uii ion lirnited director of Simcoe lis trict nvop Services and vice president of Simcoe ounty Feder ation of Aurieulturc The 1031 deputy reeve is moon ber of Stroud Presbyterian Church clerk of the Sltlll and superin tendent of the Sunday School lie is married to Lottie ocliraiie of innisfil lilti they have family of five Robert Jean Mnidie Elean or and Ronald Scottish ancesE try ilr Iowan is solid type of citizen successful farmer active in church and community lie will be decided asset to the council of the County of Simcoe L7 agrariansi Council Seats At Penetang lcnctanuuislicnc will have an election on Iucsday Dec 12 for six council seats with eight candi dates having qualified following the nomination irrecting Dec Hunter was acclaimed for his fourth year as mayor Benson warden of the county in 1950 was returned is reeve This is the 20th year for Mr Benson either on the school board or the council of lcnctaiiguislicnc Alfred II Cage got an acclaim tion for the office of deputy rccvc left open by the death last summer of Thomas Morris Emery was acclaimed for the open seat on the water and light commission V00llllltlj1 Haber FOR AldermanWardt AFoir Deal for All Citizens I000000lld000O Smith 000000 Friends As citiZen am naturally in terested in the welfare and de yelepmentotthelewnofBacri have enjoyed living here for the past fourteen years and foundirty associations both pleasant and interesting In ap preciation should life to offer some of my time to assist in the managementbf the towns af ffairs While residing in Barrie have been on the Board of Direct tors ofthe Simcoe County Chil drensAid Society and was Pre sident ofthe organization for three years At the rpreseiittime am on the Board of Trustees in the Royal VictOria Hospital For three years was member of the Town Planning Board In my home twin of Meaford served on the Town Council as fChairman of the Finance Com mittee for four years and actedas President In my positionas Manager of theBarrie Branch for The Imperial Life Assurance Company Ishall be superannuated on January lst 1951 Following this will be in position toydevote to the Town of Barrie large portion of my deal of timiS required in handling the business affairs of town the size of Barrien present myself as candidate for Ward If you deem it advisableto favor me onelection day Should greatly appreciate it and if elected shall endeavourto conduct matters the best interest of the Town of Barrie Sincerely Yours McCarroll TRANSPORTATION To THE POLLS TELEPHONE 3763 of the Board of Trade time In my estimation great involved to xsxssnaKssmw =0 All oitreii of 2hr if joo=o=o===o=o=o=o==o l3 HARRY DU llirlll it rillri Respectfully Solicit Your Support llllll II It AldermanWard SSSSS Your votels Respectfully Solicited John sf Elliott Your Alderman Ward EMPKE FOR ALDERMAN WARD have the time and business epcriernc to serve you intelligently 001ttlltlllUyltltltlUJ for efficient administra tion continued progress VOTE Aid Harvey PADDISON For Deputy Reeve For transportation to the be pol ls hone 3077 For Sound Administration in 1951 Backed Ye ars of Experience am contesting the officeof Mayor for 1951 because am deeply concerned in the welfare of Barrie its expansion with sound diversified industries creating employment for all recreation program for people ofqu ages good bathing beach ample parks and playgrounds years as alderman for Ward years has Deputy Reeve years as Chairman of Dept of Public works Presidentiof the Bdrrie mmereeandeedireefersineei inception year service on the Recrediicm Council Served as member of deputation to Ottawa resulting in establishment of Radio Station CKBB member of deputation to Ottawa resulting in purchase of Victoria School by the Dominion Government as tliesite for new Post Office 4strongly Supported establishment cf Earniers Market in Barrie and influential in securing from the Deptof Highways half the cost of resurfacingscvenvmiles of streets within the town limits lion Mortar VoiceCharles Dia n3259 cCheCkThisnRecord year service on the County Rec reaiion Board years service on the Simcoe Coun ty Special Property Committee Director of the Kiwanis Club of Bcrr rie unis Club Boys and Girls Work and VoCationcrl Guidance Executive experience through man agement of own business Sidewalk improvements In 1949 1100 ft of sidewalk laidon BradfordSt at cost of$l90000 In 1950 1200ft ofsidewalk on Toronto SL cost $19520080 ft of sidewalk on In nisfil StI cost $14600 Asphalt and chipped treatment to parts of Davis Collier Charlotte Pbyntz Mulcast er Owen Sophia Clapperton Wellington Brock William and Park Streets in forMayor IFORVTRANSPORTATION roiHE Ports ssgfww 5582 3554 3684 9029 rid Fridayldt 700

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