Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1950, p. 5

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BarrieExaminermassiedlds High in R9806 New Rates For Classified Adlets 10011 NEW EFFECTIVE JULY 31 1950 way Call De Luxe Taxi Statt IrrIw liriilflg service at off Luxe CASH RATE 2c word minimum 500 ltc Ciappcrton St 3211b saw MUST BE PAID WITH ORDER UV 11 WW MW Any consecutive insertions Ilgc word minimum 35c gt llHE HARth EXAMINER MONDAY NOV 27 I950 etrctid as muffin titck iau Ucrlt ic accrrtrot at the item wrwirrg Not 17 also the rant ircd Atkinson Jack iii litKalil Eiffert liltll not ttiturrc are mem lib itII tuttttiil Nash and gri tIitlIlClllOIS for ADLETS lolrlwutu lItnImrIttaIy By HINT IICIIIEIIIIIY These adieu were received liter noon day before date ice W04 mm we pf publication and ware too late to classify under budr inn Wosago Electors Turn Out To Vote In Blizzard lirlngn in School and bolt Ilrt tric OVER THE TELEPHONE OR IF CHARGED 3c word in Any consecutive insertions inimum 75c 2c word minimum 50c BOX NUMBERS or replies directed to this office 250 extra COMING EVENTS LOCALS 3c 21 word ntinimum 750 Any consecutive insertions 12 word minimum 506 IN MEMORIAM CARD OF THANKS2 word minimum 75c Engagement Notices 75c til ilaplc rciiiirn lul cqirnlcu wilit tie my tllltllll litl anlc pilot 41371 flit07p iluii $3 7i ll II location Si ii At itac irROPERTTZFOR SALE Note The Barrie Exarrtiner will not assume responsibility for any error itt advertisements taken over the telephone norl for errors ill copy unless notified after the first insertion Saturday 11 am for Monday issue Adlets will be received but not classified until 530 pm Wed nesday and Saturday ELP WANTED PARTTIME caretaker for Kirtgi George School East Ertillltorpziri liculars contact George Longstalfc SecyTrcas ilznri Public School Board lliolic 1510 during the day 7914121 PARTTIME lrttcrvicwcrs to do occasional work for public opinion and marketing research company Senior Matriculation or bettcr re quired Write details stating age education etc to Gruncau lic seiiiclt lttttittd 20 Hirtor Street West Toronto Ontario lfllilllb POSITIONS WANTED WOMAN WOULD care for young children under years by tire week Irrortllt Phone 5732 20192p WANTED USED CURLING STONES at once for new curling cittb Write Carlof 20011 St Catherine St Montreal 25 Qucbcc ilv9193b YOUNG CATTLE to feed for win for Choice hay once day plenty Of straw water irt stable Phone Bradford 58r11 ll8891b 11 MISCELLANEOUS WATER BOWLS installed press ure or gravity flow pressure sys tem deep or shallow well pumps installed Phone 5484 or Tiffin Street 59092b HAVE YOUR Animal clippers sharpened and repaired now Re pairs made to all makes Clippers for rent Phone 5484 Tiffin St 59092b MIMEOGRAPIIING Let Miss Jane Facltnie attend to your duplicating and secretarial problems She Will be glad to help you Contact her at the school office Barrie Bustness College 86 Toronto St Phone 4824 536tfb SINGER SERVICEYour bonded Singer Sewing Machine representa tive will be in Barrie district every Tuesday and Friday For quick service drop penny post card to Singer Sewing Machine Co General Delivery Barrie Re pairs rentals new and used ma chines available Free ptckup and delivery 550tfb SERVICE AND REPAIRS to all makes of sewing machines Singer Sewing Machines Portables Elec Rental by month Free estimates on repairs in advance Apply Singer Sewrng Machine Co PO Box 186 or one 4365 Barrie Ontario Mr lint sales representative 549t1b === FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE 30 acre fruit and vegetable farm miles south of Midland on Highway 27 Phone 202Wl2 Midland Preston 88991pM MONEY TO LOAN URGENTLY REQUIRED by relia ble party$275 for 18 months Monthly repayment or settlement in full at allggated time Your con dence and assistance greatly rip preciated Box 52 Barrie Examin er 3491b AUTOMOBILES 1950 FORD PANEL truck low mileage first class condition Price $1075 Apply Box 51 Barrie Ex aminer 139091p 1930 DURANT SEDAN in good condition Apply Hougtrton Cookstown or Copelands Garage 1390913 Newton Robinson 49 FRINKSnowplow foot also 11 foot leveling wing Full hydraul ic Bill Grexton 49 Olive St Midland phone 12541 139193p 1938 CADILLAC Siedan in first class condition radio heater and defroster sun visor and new tires GARAGE TO RENT Phone 4904 LARGE ROOMS and kitChenette LARGE ness couple fpreferred 5704 LARGE BRIGHT housekeeping ratesWhtteTOWers Motel Donald Street 1509131 my 90 William sr N0 reasonable offer refused Phone 5064 afterqu pan 1390911 PROPERTY FOR RENT LARGE FRONT housekeeping room Phone 3438 1591 Tit911 iy so ITT BRIGIIT hiiouslesgepgng JP one room Adultson 159 ROOMED unfurnished heated business iris or bust apartment Phone 15le room suit couple or one or two men for realm and board Burton Ave Phone 3974 CENTRAL large ting room small water laundry Adults 113 Bay eld St Phone 2598 15911 warm bdsitl SMALL FURNISHED apartments till conveniences private entrance suitable for couple Reasonable Rearunable Phone the week or 15911 kitchenette with FOR SALE ROLLS HAZOII nscrl only folewm mm mm Hum lliorrc llltix titties Very ictisoriitblc 21180 Oil STOVE llrif stove is your old and in good condition Apply 97 Victoria St 730041111 1A1YS FIIT 10 good length Phone 2080 MANS OVERCOAT Ilti lilli slcrtdcr Good ltcrip Phone 3000 wine good coat Sllt tItittlil iIiii Twillth titted size condition 7vtiltfx REBUlII BEAITY Electric wash cr guaranteed for six months Only $55 Phone 5577 789lllb BADMINTON racqucis with press $4 each white enamel baby bath $150 Phone 3937 7l11x GOOD USED reconditioned buy Box 53 PIANO completely guaranteed Real Barric Examiner 791 SET OF SLOOP SLEIGIIS with low bunks shoeing nearly new Alex Morrison RR No Cooks town 79091p ADDING MACHINES and type writers for sale or rent at Barrie Business College 66 Toronto St Phone 4824 769th KITCHEN COAL arid wood range irt good condition $40 or best offer Can be seen at Mrs Edgar Thomp sons chroy Orrt 7911941 $10yGIRLS BEAUTIFUL brown coat worn only few times detach le ltood $20 when new Fit girl out 10 Phone 2734 791tfx BUY YOUR FROST Fence now prices will be higher Balance your grains with Master Concentrates Free delivery Phone Craig Hunt er Stroud 53r5 7859213 PORCELAIN double sink hot wa ter tank and heater spray gun complete set kitchen cupboards set lawn bowlswith leather case new this year Phone 3368 790le STOKER IN FIRST class condition complete with thermostat safety control time relay switch switch box and all wire connections Harry Morren NortlrSt Bar rie 79091p ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD suitable for gentlemen Hot water nice warm room centralPhone 5211 1291b jERSONAL CRESS CORN SALVE For sure relief Your Druggist sells Cress Callous Salve relieves quickly too gt3091p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED Scotch Shorthorn bulls serviceable age Apply Anderson Glen Cross Phone 5r4 Mono Mills 99092b GRADE HOLSTEIN heifers years old due middle of December Vaccinated and herd accredited Harold Robertson phone 42r2 Stroud 991p DRIVING AND Saddle mare and Shier 451Hurontario St Coilingl wood Phone 9774 991b Kmmweaummaenmezaeaem colt quiet disposition Mare years old colt year Reasonable gm gt riglm IldUt Deadlines for Copy Wednesday 12 noon for Thursday issuet II OliOYLE ltcal Estate Essa Road Phone ll Laccy chrcsgiiauve llilltv phone 4840 borne and farms with us 107 Hill ONE OF iiAltltllS rrios Inodcrrt lrorriIs not dollar has to in spent on lll boost Very reasonable illltt Possession to gtllil Contact iicrtry lilriclz Ilillliid Barric 10 i11p $1000 DOWNWG room house by 11ltif ttc or FUR COAT Hudson Seal siyc 1tillmn Hm Hi llii If drsircd several apple This property stiiltrlilc for ittzirkct lillitlllliltg or poultry farm in Big lltolit 3368 iii 90le AT HILLSDALIlwii rooms and bath white cctrtcnt bungalow ltngc sutrroottt with chicken house IlrttlIII cupboards oak floors hot and cold vzrtcr heavy wiring electric range full sire basement open fireplace good for Itacc large lot surrourttlIIl by cc Ilrn licdgcs At shopping centre and churches bus scrvtcc high way till rttills north of Barrie This home Is in tirslclass condi tiort Price $0000 Suitable for re tircd persons Apply to Roy Jain icson llrllsdali 10Slillllp SEED Cr FEED HALED HAY for sale Apply Sobetman Angus Ont or phone 83411 Barrio 1049002b llriy Point Road FEED GRAIN Galore barley $140 and wheat $170 per bushel at farm also side double plow How ard Gill Midlnirst 84014 1091p FRUITEVEGETABLES BEST QUALITY N0 Table stock good keeping potatoes 75c per 75 lb brig at the farm lic delivered Stanley Applcgatc phone 5122 Ivy 208895p CHICKS ORDER YOUR Hunter chicks now First hatch January 151 3300 Canada accredited Breeders all on Ottr owrt farm Barred Rocks Light Sussex and Cross breeds Hunters Poultry Farm Stroud 5315 244592 LOST Cr FOUND LOSTYellow figured kercltief scarf at Community Concert Wed nesday rtigltt Finder pleasc phone 3176 17911 STRAYEDFr0m Lot Con Innisiil white faced red steer be tween 700800 lbs Phone Elmvalc 9124 John OHalloran Reward 179092p LOSTA childs pct black short hair male dog long ears and tall with white star oit chest Answers to 3Pont0 Reverse call to Cooks town 27r11 l791b In the estate of WALTER SHEP PARD late of the Township of Tecumseth County of Simcoe Gardener deceased who died on or about the Fifteenth day ofNov ember 1949 at the Village of Beeton in the said County of Sini coe All persons having claims against the above Estate are required to le proofthereof with the under signed on or before the 4th day of December AD 1950 after which date the Administratorw111 dis tribute the Estate havmg regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 8th day of November AD 1950 COWAN COWAN Solicitors 53 Collier Street Barrie Ont Solicitors for the Administrator 8791bM in mid lic Ilnr lr Ha liillletllpr WANIIZIL irc plzorrr ilYlC it irlw for lizivi liagir atrrnr lsllcr iit hill to and talk Iv at it Mapli AM In llair Que1 lite Li ttii lob tllrictl Itlli xiii it lrac 41 THIS YEAR all ltc Ilti lit llt lllli SALT it lIi rilil plv form also itlz tautor run abort 1200 illllt Apply irntc Sir fill FUN SAIJI lrrrricr Willi all Ittaclararrts tillllcl used very litilc condition lltonv liliiJ Roy Tliil including ii llmml lOli SAI1 Illili For It torrpc condition Pitcc Apply itvc rit St Photo 4021 iii Elli FOR SALE liltti 1lIItlrri luv1 ltllll oacli lli Iyccllcrri condition lltonc 3002 llarric lit t1 Ell015p litlll liliNlAiitti sitting room and lllll Ilir l3 Jlll lrollvi Ty and If accepted by Mr Mullroil kitchenette ccnlral PironI cvorrmgs lltilct wricr STRAYEI Into tltc pasture in July may claim siniic by Ithnltlyntg and paving IXptltsts itIitt ttittpltIll Shanty Hay llltlllt itt 47 10817 Stiztycd yearling frotri 101 toni 12 Vespra red brill rising years Anyone knowing vlrIrc bouts of above please llllllll Milli sing 11 Maw 17lll112p AUCTION SALES Wednesday Dcc lart1ot ill oii Oro mi1o cast and one mile north of 1r1 ston auction sale of horses farnt machinery household effects ctc lernts cash Sale at 130 pm Slcssoi zructionccr lliHlilx BORN lIOOPERAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on November 24 1050 to Mr and Mrs James lloopcr 13X Depot Angus daughter HUEYMAI the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie on November 23 1950 to Mix and Mrs Cyril Huey RR No Barrie daughter WILSONAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on November 24 1950 to Mr and Mrs John Wilsort RR No Barrie son IN APPRECIATION Mrs Earl Purvis wishes to thank 1110 many friends for the flowers fruit and so many lovely cards and other acts of kindness while she was in the hospital and since she came home 91p My sincerest thanks to Dr Lit tle neighbors friends for best wishes cards especially those who made it possible for Ken 10 be here with me Mrs Kcn Elliott IN MEMORIAM KINGIn loving memory of dear husband and father Robert King who passed away Novem ber 28 1946 His memory is as dear today As in the ltour he passed away Sad1y missed and lovingly re lildwin CREDITORSlmembered by wife Violet daugh ters andson 91p Norman Coxworth Clerk of the Township of Essa hereby cer t1fythatI have posted Lip inmy office at Thgrnton on the 8th day of November 1950 list of all persons entitled to vote at muni cipal elections and to the Legisla tive Assembly hereby call upon all persons to examine the said list and if any errors or omissions are found to have them corrected ac cording to law NORMAN COXWORTH Clerk 9091b Township of Essa trial your Ii prion Jill itiAtJpwai Vacuum ritll liltill 1th Iiington IttlJ Harbor ltIiotc tlr Phil of this ycztz 17 5119311152110 lltr ic WTOWNSHIP OF ESSA mcucncecemieameieiemRestatement ERIEezcicrsiczciciczcieTaLEisCi5tameeraisicrciziaieiaisiz Rom HARDWARE Saturday Decemberl fromg230430 pm and each Saturday Uhtil Christth Aim humanitarian BIIIIIW has aluminium marlinmaynurtureanagramRRRNRNRRNRRRRRMRMRW MORANSuddcnly at Craighurst iillit KtliWLll Ar Ititi Tillitsl Kir 25 311 legit ANTEN MILLS yuwr bcr tinIN In pr ill Injured In IrIIn trash from rut lt lviz ed lltlI lJriii II 2111 rgiiirl ililig 1IlI 111 bazaar ill Wilson Studio and lLIIit Ill 1111 till tt il Turnout ylr illhl Mr ll Pm Stu11 iiiltll inlaid Irnagrr 311 Ronald filclizrc spent few t2av lll Toronto ill alitl lrzlns iliil lll er H11nn Il1iil by it llti It l1l1t llianrii lIwt lto tii 11lt1 Eliinuriui iIl lrl ltini1 ilil lnrvcj Iii iiiillitl in all ltltc ricl Ti onii tIt lllllt ti r1tnr IpIi 131 iii pioiirirwl sisters iosr plt til lill win 11 tlrs Lights and fixtures properly installed IrrslrytIriaits ItertIl ill 10 Ilc llrotrias 1IIIlio1IItIl Itiwiiililtt E1111 Iltiitlc ycvrttrikct Iitd our llI tlllll at ltbill itrl1rll lts rtnrirt of ill lir 11 liiilliililill lltlltlliti Min mi Ertf tIIIrtds and Iiuiicnlrots lri Tum KIMHL at wwui utiSatnIoa night at warmv any Ing part Ilrr rvrmrn was mirth ariyoyld With good livtiy card lr tolr lliirr just IIirttpictcd lowly new bungalow Iillhllilli llx111lt tIl ttlltir rl td ini It Adequate Wiring means Better Living tillill toriiicirltor Al Litioiid 2llwr 111 toitirlrr tlllIIIiiiIill 11 house lllt inoiww yrw and errrlIi to has Iyliiiiiollnnii le tttlr lltc Ilztllltlll rrtovctl incihircn liIIritlII rltl Iur Rapid Service All 3896 ll IAIIIIY ELECTRIC IIYlll JaIV IIAIIIIIE IllllllC AUCTION Every Friday Tit pm Barrie Fair Grounds MARTIN KEN CAMPBELL Managers PHONE 4350 BARRIE call km ZClinic leIN llcwrw at liltc of in cnitstrrl lr Ila aitIr happym LjuldyAHMT his 31 birthday on Aug ilc Ulwmdpd gunner unlit the Second 111 hi Achillcij 11c spirit innl period at Petal Zl imiorx tour to anrp Sitilri Manitoba training He ilcw liriiliv lhartltsgtvzni and was it ttillll on cnrbaikationl WImm pp than ltlli lillliliii fir rIcciit itli llri Jqually by Mr lliillllliillt1 turned in iatlrcrs bunting party Mmpmhl 0le on lllt 1ukol lttvci but llti Iiot lrclriirrian Church illtSitlttl as d1 ll liliillld 41 Hill rim rnodcrnlor and Arclttr lil lllilllimlllll llll nmmwn pm MNHH an eight irrcntbcrs of 11115 icir hunt is srttillil for It trimring ll 1m IIIHU Irlumml With four dcci was ilittIi that if Mr Mulbolland TUHHHN Hilllil ll Ill 53 KiiWii ichpl the call the induction ll will Him111 11 1W ialti plzrcr in tlt Irlrlwatcr church ml mm mm 501 litrvrous tnIlucltoIts illli bcIn Hill lll 00 leK ll was employed by Maconaclnc olriwztlcr novcllics lirnt lie illrs 13 Flynn entertained thought about putting tip for some group of guests from arttp llordcn tune and made the decision to to following tltc initial conccrt of the so this strtrtnicr lo of his bro tlrcrs Edward of oldwatcr and Community Concert Association last tcdncstiay evening The trrp team at tlrc 111itll vlRY AN EXAMINER WANT PHONE 2114 be and 11 is would litiii lo Ixpctlr tl licl tltc lllilligtt at Vic tor 11II mccinrg approvcd an lltltlgt ilpilltl trout 83100 MINT 115 Don of iillta served on the conl tincnt of Europe III World War 11 gum mud 40L and Mrs Tircrc are two other tIilriwater Am Mum Md Mm tnch tn the Special liorce lhcy ldllllll Ipitin and Mrs Paton Ell0 RUN willmmqn und Roam Imi ulinr IM Chig illiblilll vclcrans of 1111 last war CI number 01 progIeSSIVG holnr mers in western districts who would like to set out commercial block Of red rasp berries either for your local trade or for shipping to city dealers Prices at 3040 per quart would indicate good demand everywhere cy Adjalo Council Returns By Acclomotion BROWN At lnriiswood Pains The 1950 council of Adjala Town Iviclt on Molldi NOV 27 1930 ship were returned to office by ac JNllul Taylle lvfi lflli clarnalion following the nomina Chl BUVn EU fl tions at the township hall in Ior Resting at the 110mi and Stch 1m Fumuul 11mm Hum 11 ctto on rtday Clerk ltlfrcd Solo titan presided scrvice on Wednesday Nov 20 at pm Interment Barrio Utt Uaude Hall was elected for his second term as new Councillors ion Cemetery GRANTAt 1110 CNN lliiilllllill returned vcrcalolnt Small Lewis CUUIDEWUUCI ijlllmnlv N0 Ward Thomas Keenan and Wilfred 115 1950 Georgina rartl beloved 01m wife of the late James Grant and IIIMI CY FIRES dear mother of Mrs Per mart Annat Niillltlllli01lillll England William of Stayricr The colder weather has brought several calls to Barrie fire brigade to handle chimrtcy blazes There Robert and icorgc laskct Pct crborough in her 70th year have been 10 calls so far in No mother for minor causes sttclt as Resting at the home or her sort Pastor Grant Stayncr uneral chimneys cars oil stove bulldozer and shack off Davis St Saturday service Presbyterian Church Stayncr Monday Nov 21 1910 afternoon the call was to house on Sanford Street to clean out at 230 pm Interment Stayncr chimney fire To encourage limited planting of new high yielding patches nursery man of many years experience in commercial production will personally interview and educate interested farmers in raspberry culture This should result in higher unit yield longer patch life less hand labor and when translated into dollars at normal price relatively high ratio of profit is assured If you are genuinely interested in berrygrowing as sideline to farming mail this advertisement to Box The Barrie Examiner on or before December giving your name and the location of your farm Cemetery on Saturday Nov 23 1930 Hannah Moran beloved Wife of John Moran and rrrotlier oi Sister Mary Rose of Midland and Jack of Craighurst Resting at the Bishop Funeral Parlors Elmvalctrntil Tuesday Nov 28 Requiem mass at 930 am Iri termenr St Patricks Cemetery Phelpston McCUAIGAt Oro Station Fri day Nov 24 1930 Donald Dani McCuaig belovcd husband of Gladys chfrcss and dear father of Elsie Mary Doreen Mar jorie and Sheila In his 09th vcar Resting at his late rcstd ence Oro Station Funeral ser vice in St Andrews Chitrch 010 Station Monday Nov 27 at 230 pm Interment Guthrie Cemetery SOLOMONIn Stevenson Momma ial Hospital Alliston on Friday Nov 24 1950 Samuel Solomon baloved husband of Agnes Flet cher and dear father of Earl Kenneth and Willis of Cooks town in his 87th year Funeral Monday Nov 27 Resting at Thomas Funeral Chapel Allis 1011p forservice at 230 Inter ment in Alliston Union Ceme tery We will pick rip your reply and will call on you when in this locality and Completely analyze this business soil requirements and preparations uptodate culture practice home markets andsurplus shipping cast of planting estimated yield and profits per Acre Later replies Vlll not be covered We will also cover those interested in growing berries for themselves WANTED Portable Steam Engine in operating condition 1020 horsepower suitable for witt ter construction work PHONE 2907 WWWWW MWQMWQ GiOWhere You Want It TO Not Where It WanidTo Go Saveup to 40in Fuel THE FRANKLAND HEAT DIRECTING OIL CONSERVOR IS GUARANTEED TO MAKE YOUR OILBURNER MORE EFFICIENT Lower Stack Fem perature CWTTTIre Frankiana Conservordirects heat to the most important areas of your furnace the tOp and walls Without the Frankland this heat goes direct ly up theflue iiSteadier Heat The coldspell so common with oil heat is banished Double turn spiral shoots lieatto the top and sides of your furnace Notout the title Eliminates carbon Burns Oil more completely Wide Side slots forcelieat against furnace walls Holds it there 2r212128272722r212r2t i2 mascaraizremaaawerzrsrzmmm iforever The Franklandhas immenselheat storage capacity This heat is given off long after the burn er is offresulting in great fuel economy and long1 er burnerlife SON Pays for Itself The Frankland Conservorburns oilmore complete No more carbon soot or odor of oil You pay for FEEKRIERHWeR if yidit tiavgfaeteduces burner noise to mere whisper No Service or UPkell Nota single moviugrart No service is ever requir ed No Change required in your furnace structure or oil burner No oil burner installation is complete without FRANRLANTI CONSERV PLUMBING AND IIEtiiateih Fits all shapef furnaces Two sizes 11 and 22 For complete Information Contact our office torment1

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