THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOV 27 1950 West Gwillimbury Council Returned by Acclamotion BOND HEAD Nov 254What started out to be quiet and Iiniii tortsting nomination meeting de veloped into somewhat of fiery event at West GWllllltibur town ship nominations Friday at Bond Head Community Hall After the candidates had finished speaking they were bombarded with ques lions from all parts of the hall Reeve Herbert Hughes was de laygd by the storm on 11111 be tween Barrie and Bond Head as he was making his way from County Council to attend the meeting The weather seems to have changed with our date he said We advanced the date month to get better weather and here we have real winter storm Nominations were as follows For Reeve llerbcrl Hughes Gil lord Wm Melbourne Bradford For Cnincillors William Mel bourne Melbourne Law Robcrt Wesllake Edwin Fennell John Fen 11011 School board Wilson Percy Reynolds Wilfred Kuecshaw The withdrawal of William Mel bourne from the rcevesliip and John lcnnell from the council gave the 1950 councilthe election by ac clamation Following the announcement that the time for closing the nominations at two oclock had arrived the Clerk Kneesliaw asked that nomin ation for the chairmanship be made It was moved that John Brown township tax collector be chair man This was agreed The chairman then called on Ilccvc Hughes to givean account 1111 of his steawardship for the past year We have had good year the Reeve stated We are well along with the new township office We havc arranged that the high school area be in effect from the first of the year We did not get the road signs for the marshroad that we intend ed bulrthis will be done do not want to do all the talking so will leave seine matters to be dealt with by the other councillors County Road Report As member of the County road committee Mr Hughes read the en gineers report The township has only three miles of County road he said but we have three high ways in the township We are next in line if more roads are taken on by the county General Maclherson then asked question Are the charges for our three miles of county road on equal basis with other townships Are we chattged the same The answer was yes many former reeves have tried to have this changed Equalization Committee am member of the equaliz ation committee the Reeve c011 tinued and we have some very hot discussions on this You will see story in The Barrie Examiner about this at the present meeting made by Eric Simpson county as scssor The difficult question is now which manual we should adopt the county one or heuncw provincial manual which may increase assess ments 011 some properties even more Ilow Match Deficit Mr Hughes mentioned that when all accounts were settled Ahere would be acounty deficit of b1000 on theplow match However he said there had been considerable money left in the county and he was sure we were not out anything He was chairman of the Lands Committee General MacPherson againyfintera ceded with question Dont you consider that land suitable for contour plowing would be more suitable for plow match site The Reeve admitted that it might be but the getting of clearances of 2800 acres of suitable land was real problem Robert Westlakc Councillor Westlake thought th weather had changed to Catch the electors and keepthem at home We have had about 42 meetings this year which meant busy year he said The new building will be real credit to our town sbip It is two storey in front 42 by itifeet The contract price was $19000 plus theplumbing heating and wir actions last yearr said Councillor come in effect first ofJanuary We porttitlon The Village of Bradford takensoon ing these done by local contractors The upstairs would also have to be nished as the Provincial Police would pay substantial rent There was also threebay garage for the equipment which would save great repair and rental expense Asked if they had bombproof shelter also he replied they hadavault which mlght be used Edwin Fennell am here again today and by the ilookof the slatetheie cannot be much objections to the Councils Edwin Fennell have the time for the wink but the younger rlien may haVe the abill 11y flhisrnewsboardwwillsaveithe rMary Sloan from St Peters WA attended the 60th anniversary cel ebratioh of the organizing of Trln ratepayers considerable It will Will receive 70 per cent grants on operations and 40 percent on trans will also pay their share of these cdstsWe will have three members on the beard onefrom the county onegfrom the council and One from 11115 fchool area board There will have tobe an addition to the Brads ford school which will be under William Melbourne am definitely not in the run ning forfthe office of Reeve said Councillcn William Melbourne That settles that be affirmed Atecost of $50000 which Will andrebullt the maps the dikes assessment wasjumped from $400 thiee deer be levied at about $4 per acre on engCGEW the Inhrab lands We RomeroFrISauglKeltl 3130131 We could not do otherwise once the engineer gave the report We have held about 11 meetings this year and perhaps another 50 or sixty fence corner meetings These were when two or more members got together and discussed affairs Site For Township Bulldlng have been accused by some that made profit on the building site This state is not true General Maclherson again asked question Are you aware that to get water and that the level has dropped 39 inches The Council lor admitted this might be so Melbourne Law Our roads may need gravel but the purchase of the new maintainer took most of our money We had little left for roads stated Mel bourne Law in accepting his 110m iuation as Councillor again John Fenncll appreciate being nominated but from the time my father spends said John Fennell feel that could not accept at this time take keen interest in municipal affairs but may later consider ac ccpting School Board The Chairman told briefly of their activities for the year Ilc felt that the new High school area would be llClllO public schools in the township We lowered the 111111 rate two mills said Percy Reynolds and hope to do more yet We are get ting rid of baby that never was ours he added in regards to the transportation of high school pupils Trustee Wilson said this would be his fifth term on the board We are getting better grants which are 110w 40 per cent he add ed Consolidated School Trustee Padgct gave his version why consolidated school at Bond Head would be saving We are losing 10 to 15 thousand dollars each year 011 small schools Classes of two and three pupils and an aver age of 12 to ateachcr does not pay or give satisfactory education he stated 11 we build in Bond Head we should do it with the idea of bringing in some of the smaller schools Comments From Audience Murray Faris We appreciate the work of our council and school board Matt Knccshaw Are we not to have gravel on our roads in order to pay for new building General MacPherson refered to press report of fatal accident in the village when the Reeve was said to have stated that the lack of street lights was the responsi bility of the ratepayers 51 say the township council are responsible for the lights and side walks and were directly respon sible for that fatality he stated Mr Wilson Sr feel there is time to speak and time to be silent am pleased that General Mac Pherson is here and am sure he has enlightened us on many points Bcn Steers Was the new main tainer gift have not heard it mentioned Why was Bccton giv en $40 and Cookstown only $25 for its fair Reeve Hughes explained that Bee ton had placed the last year amount on their advertising and council could not very well change it Clerk Kneeshaw told the meeting that they might find his office on the street soon as they were past the time they should vacate where they were and the new office was not ready municipal office is place where you get 1111 the grief and critism It is only by the support of Council that one can make the work satisfactory William Kneeshaw asked why his to $1800 in one year The building only cost $750 he stated feel that $56 is too high tax What is this talk of equalization when the people across the road with bigger house only pay half the tax he asked He was told this was under theieountyLrAssessmeanlan unanimous vote of the meet inhat the doings of the council be published was received when the question was put We should know what is going on at all these meetings was the unanimous opin CHURCHILL November 20 real epidemic has hit this vvicinityi Twentytwo pupils from SS Np7 wereVoutof schoolat one time andnow it is ition School Burke Mrs Wlllson Miss Juanita amieson7MrsDraylorAandWMiss ity WA Barrie on Wednesday near Haliburton returned with Misses Betty Harper and Dianne Lines of Toronto are holidaying with Miss Louise Reardon Mrs Taylor and Mary spent few days during the week with Mrs Fred Mandley Camp Borden Mrs Byard Dennelly and son Joseph Toronto are spending the eek With Ddtineny1 The YRS of Guard11111101 ill met onMohday evening at the draining the marsh may lower the water table so that adjacent farms UR My will be forced to lower their wells Wm of chickenpox Mrs Saim Toddof Barrie was visitor with Mr and Mrs 1E Stur geon on Mondays Mrs SloanMrs BeamishI Mk llrchn New President County Trustees Ciluilcs Barrie elected Nchluil llltlllbel 11111111 Sillituc public schotl president Trustees Vd Cl lllrr Count and Associntusn at the annual nitcum Ratepayers Tonauumty House evening He succeeds Mrs Robert King Barr HH The report of the nominating committee was brought 111 by Hams Bas rte 111 Thursday Charles Newton and was adopted unannnously Lee Banting of Ivy was chosen Vicepresident and George Woods of Barrie was retained as sccrclarytreasurer The following were elected to Hamilton Vatson Ross Williams Flos imbury Adjala Mrs Essa Reg Archer Wilson West Jack Westman lwill Innistil Borrow Matchedash lraw ley Medoutc Donald Brown Not tawasaga John Currie Qio NEWTON Gowanlock Orillia Township Thompson Sunnidale Edwards Tay Emil Nerpiii Tiny Murphy Iossorontio Frank Houghton Tecumscth George Johnston MPI Vespra Ernest CuniberlandfAlliston Mc Veigh and II Harris Barrie McDonald Cowan Bradford Lane Coldwater and Gorslinc Collingivood Howard Iriddle Crecmore cH Bray Midland Tissington and Rolland Orillia McNamara and Zoschkc Penctanguishcne Wood Stayner Courtney Tottenham Bruce Eplclt Victoria Harbor Vasey Port McNieoll Gold Beeton Major George St Amand Les McKay Elmvalc Mss mwmmm MQ ss QMWQ$ Congratulations to Miss Margaret Smith and Jack Baxterwho Were married on Saturday Ivan and Leonard Burke and party of eight Who were hunting For fr Contests lor Reeve Deputy lnSunnidale There will be contests for lectcl and deputy recir 111 5111111111 when the election is held Mend ULL Reeve James 131110 is Opposctb by Deputy Reeve Robert Brock Well For Deputy Councillors are Gilpin and Abner Ra have entered the field llirec councillors got lions John Holt lred Male Wesley Bates Mr 111111 is 5111 member Male and Bates are new Male resides at Wasaga Beach connoillor for that area of Sunnil dale Everton Lawrence 011 reeve was nominated but Wlllldl twoltway fight School Area Board ed with Russell Thompson year every school section is incl ed in the Sunnidalc area land good order lBreaks Hip in Foll on Street Mrs Clarence Srigley Ilarries wintry she fell and broke her 1111 front of the AI Store on DIII Street The accident about 4110 11111 Friday bone was broken just below right hip was called Srigley Mrs Srigleys An ambulance the store and Mrs rushed to the Royal Victoria llos nital where her condition described as satisfactory be her removal to Toronto on So clay afternoon at three oclock will have her hip set and pinned in Toronto Mrs Srigley slipped and during the heavy snow storm Fri smith Wasaga Beach School inspectors ALapp Alliston Gib Orillia ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that NOMINATIONS of Candidates for ONE ALDERMAN WARD AND ONE ALDERMAN WARD 31 will be held in the Council Chambers Municipal Building Barrie at 1200 oclock noon on MONDAY DECEMBER 1950 and polling if any will be held on MONDAY DECEMBER 111950 At the Nomination meeting the Candidates shall be propoSed and seconded seriatim Every Nomination shall be in writing and state the name residence and occupation of the Candidate and shall be signed by the proposer and seconder both of whom shall be municipal electors and present and shall file same with the returning officer Within one hour from the opening of the nomination meeting If proposed candidate is not present his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence satisfactory TWeReturnm gOffieerthatbeconsentsto beso nominated BARRIE NOVEMBER 27 1950 BURTON Returning Officer forSaundlldminisnation in 1951 Backwatersol 11111111 making headway in the continua vy amputation to the polls Clhime 55311115582 acclama e11 to leave Buie and Brockwell in 21 was return chair3 lman George Ctilham Douglas Day George Rogers and Wilz fred Davidson The last three 1111 for Icelection this year This Nominations were held Friday at New Lowell Hall with Clerk 11er bert Barker as chairman Despite the terrific snow storm the hall was filled llherc was keen discussion Holly became the first victim 11 conditions occurred Scott Barrie Gillies Collingwood son ililliiiliilliKii1Ii 501IllttftIMKKlK1KIllilll CKWKKiKICZKCKliikilKKU 11 em ash and illors for ll 111d 111g 1151 01 Llf udv 12124242211214 19C11100000thKKKKKKKCO01KKI 11f lien 111 111111 llllll W115 was fore tur She fell Boys and Girls Everything is Ready for my Big Parade in Barrie on Thursda AKKKKKKQKKKKAKVKKKKKKKKKKEZZKKKKKKKtKK4KKtKXEEKKQZKZIZKXKC mmcmx KWKKKKKKXKKKK The Old Lady in the Shoe MotherGoosretheBigrBadWolf15Ci ants To Ther uel Abe clOwns and bands and all kinds Of funny characters and meet me at my temporafy headquarters in thVOddfellows IiANTEE clerella and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer are iust few your many Storybook friends who will be in my parade time well havethen after the parade Iwant you to come nwwwss on COIIieT Street Re 49 Ws as ssmssm my parade staplingpinAllandale pmionThurday Nov 30and We will passpalong the follOVving streets EssaRoyaiclBra f15rd andEijzabtlizfahd 91599911111 56611theEivsP9ints50 FDLWL 1193151pm thenWefwill go along Dunlap toiMulcaster 1113th Iielrixanc1 back tothe Oddfellows Hall where hope toSeesy all at aPPlXimalely 330 pm if