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111111111z 111 leaves p111 Should 1111 book 111 CLHIII lost it may be difficult if not unpossiblc to 1111 an insured 1111 51111 Ittiil for 1111 contributions 11 contained 111w book may be 111 taintd but it 21111111111 111 under 1111 propirV111111zb1z or 151 there is 1111 iilditional risk of 1111 contributions for past years 11111 1111113 located 11 111111 of claim gtli The Greeks l1 shin113 their horses as 11111 ago 11 201 ll REDUCTION ENTIRE LINE OF NEW LINES OF AWAY PLAN 50011 PHONE 2395 5111111 soon 11gt 111 starts to 1111111 onoclion UN Brigode Troins At US Bose By DOUGLAS HOW From The ump Borden lliacnl Ottawa Nov lmtCiir lrime Ministii St Laurent indicated toi 111111 that part but not all of the Canadian UN force will go to Korea lr St Laurent was met by rcf porters after emerging from aV l1bin1t 1111ctinglle said he felt 1111111 sure some portion of 11101 force will go to Korea presumablyl for occupation duties Under cir1 cumstances as they now stand but did not feel it would be the most llSclul role for the whole force 10 go to Korea This 111d in With authoritative reports in Ottawa that arrange ments are being made with the United States to train the bulk of the11000man force at some US base this winter and then send it to Europe next year VV Mr St Laurent said vDefencej Minister Claxton will bring Darr11 with him Friday from Washington the views Vof our associatesthatl is Canadas Atlantic Eact alliesi on where the force couldbest be used The final decision of course will be Canadas to make and this will be placed before Parliament for approval The implications now shaping up are that some 1000 of the soldiers will go to Korea for an occupation and possibly partly reconstruction role while the rest head for the US to extend their training before go ing to Europe But Mr Claxtons statement is hardly likely to make all that clear For one thing the creation of Europes integrated force hasnt yet jelled and public Canadian commitment would therefore be premature For another the Red resurgence in Korea would make any part lar stress on Canadian decom tal there unlikely The stress is more likely to fall on the small force Hy LEWIS MILLIGAN ll Davies minor poet 11111 111 wroti at least two lines oi 111 that will live and they are these What is this life if full of care We llilW no time to stand and start As young man Davies migrated to Canada where he rode the rods until he fell off and lost 111g under the wheels of the train llc returned to England and wrou 1111 Autobiography of Tramp which attracted good deal of attention to 11i111sell and his poetry Being tramp he had plen ty of time to stand and store and his poetry like that of Wordsworth was of the common thing that ill telegraph pole To the passer round us he the harvest of quiet eye In modern city life people have no time or inclination to stand and stare unless something unusual happens to attract and hold their attention That happened in Toron to in the excavation of Yongc St for the underground rapid tran Sit railway when hundreds of people found time to stand and stare at the mighty machines claw ing up the clay deposits ofthe agesI But none of the starers has so far published poetic reflection on what they were staring at In normal city life if one should take time to1 stand and stare one is liable to get knocked down Russell Lowell an other minor poet put it this way would be played by say enginccrsl who could build bridges and do other reconstruction work This possibility has been under discus sion However there also is 1a need for 1vesteriiitroops who could not only guardagainst Communist ac tivities but against possible excesses by the South Korean conquerors Mr Claxtons statement will prob ably clear up which sort of role possibly both the Canadians will fill The Winter training by the rest of the troops may be done at Fort that actually will go to Korea than 1Lewis Wash near Tacoma the on those who wont The rehabilitation role in Korea Keystonein The towns of Canada are friendly places Theres thedrug store thepost efiice and you bank where you meet yourfriends and exchange neighbourly word Vwith the people who serve you 13 vast military base where lOOman regular force staging party already Departing Gift One Stray Puppy Ends Foxhole CelebratiOns All the smiles and handshakes in the top picture happened when party of lommies arrived to take over foxholis from battleweary Gls in Korea It is hard to sort out GI from Tommy in the melee but roughly speaking the Americans seem to be surrounding the British Left new tenant of foxhole with gift left behind by former tenant Sergeant Tim llutchins of London and the lliddlcscx Regiment and Bob former stray Korian puppy whose regiment like his nationality now appears to change vcryquickly Britain is also taking part in the sea ghting off Korea British fleet has been alongside the sailors since lhe first days of the conflict TIME TO STAND AND STARE ahnhunniv of honor at by tile Coiling 11 New Storage Coop 11 iiadu At Collingwood Opened VI Look alive dope said the VV 101112 51311121 81131111451 b055 meaning oi til11511111 Ontario Min1 11 41 112 1111 it 1M LIV EViltfliVlVUVt HVVix IItiIU liltiliitLl 11 0111 on 1111 jot wily wining Cold Hung1 0111 111 S1 in Llidr and 1112111114 mloli gt11 oral lllllillt1t gzowris of look jetpropelled VV VVi 1111 N1111111sag1 11131 Jud pd fli it till lV ml ingwood 11111191 111 Monday Oct iiiiHiiliioxijh um um ill Willing 11011 Thats 111111 liic loss yelled for me Col Kcllhtli plcstlglcti tile itci to pin nv eyelids 11 111111 gil 111110 to Douglas blcriitliin pinident of on Later on in 1111 1111 1111 he took the COitptfliiibt Mayor Etihilicii tlttr ell to one ride 111113 th moi McIntosh 111511111111 thi Visiiois andi LEV tnllglillllitlhti 1111 gzowcrs on their lrlNlllnr UV 0r 36 1111111111 errc1111 1111 1111v 211 Hum Wt dash in Life slant space of kssl NOW senator youre sure thats 4915 1m 211 153 33 131111 111110 months after 1111 firsti 01 iUSt an 0199mm promise VLIIJSHV inlrjgixgrhig thigh sod 11111111 l1i1 1111 1111111 1111111111 in 111111 our 1r 11 Dig11 Li Vliilllt 11 11 11151 of $11V0c10 the VlliVVtfV513VV31le fVVV KTVVVVVZZV l311111 1111111111 1111 stint record tor con 21 ViliigtV Void 111in1 six11 1111 VV VVV VVbV VV 51 Renppmu Wllti tVmrms un NV fu 01V zVip Josue 111 zipp ins and is cap 11111 i1vi gone iroiigi 11111 11 It is able of freezing two ions of 11111 lkilillllmm 11 591mm So if 1111 giiiing you down if you or cgrtnhlcs 111111 01111111011 110111111 111 making 1111 111111 111 i111 pilhitr 111111 your 1g 1111111111111111g posszbic Mr hilllltli 5mm in yum 111 1111111 1111 or mowlien in your Followinc lstllUCl of 1111011ai it 35 mkfllmi IntTHINK itllyVilW Full JIVHH W111 mm mm pmvmdul and DomV and iiSlllinllllLL fruits and vegetaui 1111 for you rota package of ltruschcn 53118 today Cs REGULAR get Im active cs had changed greatly in the part few years and the erection of cold 11111111 authorities the constrintion was 11111111111111d111JL1111 ill and the m5 1mm 0f JDPM was AUmp 51011111 Plants 111111111e 111111 to 51an 35V The mum is mumpmi Wm til311 lllllVuil 111 HHVVV VV up wry pm WM 01 rpnmcrml lllb 0011 Hui111 item lot 1111 greatest arsets oi your coni ton lr McArthur pointed 1111111 great inunity declared 1111 Minister lol lowing the opening cercnzoniis P111 feeling The man who stands with arms akimbo set world thrusts aside Lowell was an American and he had no patience with standers on crowded sidewalk Nothing Else To Do There is man in Toronto who The angrily gois around without hatwthere are more than one of course B111 this particular man seems to have nothing else to do but stand and stare He has refined face and 11 SupplJ high bald head and whenever see him he is standing and staringl upward apparently oblivious of the throng surging around him once saw him on quiet side street he may be illllli llL or like Arnolds Scholar Gipsy is waiting for the fire from heaven to fall Judgng by his poetry Davies did most of his standing and star ing in Lllt country He wrote most ly about birds cows and sheep and 111 may have got the habit of star ing from the two latter Sheep par llClIillli are great starcrs and if you stare back at them they will say Baa and return to their graz ing Cows just turn their heads way in disdain Long Stare Wordsworth was lifelong star 1r lie stared at the hills and val leys the woods streams and lakes of Cumberland llc gazed in rap ture on the countryside dotted with thatched cottages green to the very door and the bits of sportivc wood run wild along the Wye Valliy llis heart leaped up when he behold rainbow intlie sky and it danced with the daffo dils Hazlitt describing Words worths features wrVotc llierc iygs severe worn pressure about the temples fire in his eye as if he saw something in objects more than the outward appear ance ircssurc of Thought That worn pressure of thought was not the result of staring at the bcaiitles of Nature As young man Wordsworth was political idealist and an enthusiastic admir er of the leaders of the French Revolution He lived two years in France where he had an affair with French girl But he was shocked at the terrorism and blood shed that followed the rise of the revolutionists to power They were far weise than the aristocrats they had overthrown The young Words worth fled the country in horror 000000OOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOO COMING 1111111111 Standmg with loveL and intent gaze and stguslV He mmmed V0 EngV bv suppose he is just nuts butI iatndzl dmuusumcil thuclill Ilcleal 18 is own counr sometimes wonder Who knows faultSV 100de andmit load to Mir land he wrote these lines 0510111151100 10 0101 the force travelled among unknown men through 10 KOFCR In lands across the sea Fort LCWiS 15 one 0f 111101139 lNor England didI know till then wh1ch have been under consider Wliat love bore to thee ILWMorrisonCoLlil 0000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOQOO IICOCOIOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOItOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI000000 ation in Washington in talks be And the moral of an that is ob twecn Mr Claxton and American vious Take time to stand and stare 31 Bradford St Barr officials at this wonderful Canada of ours omndmnnhngV Now you can do something to help preserve peace and freedom in Canada and throughout the world Today more than ever before Canada and democratic nations everywhere must be strong to preserve our way of life againstaggression from any quarter From coast to coast every unit of the Canadian Army Reserve Force needs more men who are willing to devote part of their spare time to our countrys security In the Reserve Force you will receive full Active Service rates of pay for time spent in training and in summer camp Join the Regiment of your choice and get full detailsabout how you may best serve in your ownstea Get in touch with your local Armoury today Juna utenooim T1 Canadian Bank of cgmmgre lThe commerce Your Commerce manager is man to know man whowants to know you You can trust 111m tokeep your Condence You Can trust the men and women who work with him they are trained to be discreet about your business Yes our Canadian towns are fiiendty places and the men and women at your Commerce branch are good people to know 1405011