mmzwqm gift lee Hall Now Ready for Use From The Camp Borden Citizenl Lee Hall is ready at long last for the tise of all hockey and skat ing enthusiasts in Camp Borden After all kinds of trials and tribu lations now in place over the long miles PERES POPS ELECYRtC RAZOR MAYBE WE CAN VENT WAY TO USE IT FOR THE AIRPLANE To 5HAVE1LL BETA SHAVE DOWNTOWN ILL ousr PLUG AND DO QUICK Iof freezer pipe The Lee Hall articial ice arena is the only one of its kind in any Army installation in Canada The ice surface is 180 feet by 80 feet and the boards have been shaped as they are in the Maple Leaf Gar dens in Toronto The seating ac commodation leaves much to be desired but ftinds have not per Imitted the construction of elabor ate seats this season It is beautiful ice surface is IM LATEn ILL TAKE MY RAZOR TO THE OFFICE AND SHAVE some WHATS KEEPING Youn busy PLAYING 5a MAYBE youo LIKE TO GET doe IN TOY in my Pumas THE mick ON THE rm OF THE wow mammals WILL you snap is HERE LidiNUrEsv st ERI MEAN FACTORY hoped that it will not be too long before this Sittitlllt can be recti tied For the time being the blea chcrs from the ball park will be used Lee Hall will be open at the following times for hockey played by the Camp llockcy League on Monday Wednesday and Friday lnights for open skating on Tues day Thursday and Saturday nights between 1030 and 2030 hrs and on Saturday afternoons Sunday will also be an open skating day when exhibition games are not being played Saturday mornings will lbc devoted to the younger set of Camp Borden The evening hours as faraslineup goes the Rangers saonrs cAnA Specially Written For The Barrie Examiner HY EUR PEPPER gtlgll that stretches over the highway entering North Bay Ont reads lairway to But Ebbie loodfcltow the vex lltttoitei lltlW coaching the Chicago Black Hawks of the National Hockey League reads it another way Gateway to the Stanley tttp and has fast hardskat ing roster to back him up Observers so the Hawks have shown more spirit and form in this years training season than in the last two 111 the same city No one man deny the Hawks Will lJt torlh worrying about this year Theyve got the scoring punch guys like llill Moxienko Doug ileniley and Mttio liystai showed that inst season llLll5ltly tltt Hawks fell down badly ioodfel rlou hopes hes itlltVttl that situa tion this season The Hawks now vhave tXltlllll lltllllllltltl llarry Lutnley between the pipes and that illttlllll who helped the Wings win lhi Stanley Cup last spring has few good seasons left Jack Stew llt on deftnee should help solidify that departinint While Hawks finished fifth last year many are figuring them for yes SIRu better showing if not the best this yeal Things have been exceptionally quiet in the camp of the defending champion Detroit Red Wings at Sault Ste Marie Mich large question mark is how young lerry Sawchuk will measure up to the oing in the Nill lhe goalie who moved tip from the lndianapolis Capitals will shoulder the tiettendc ing duties launley lhe Caps managed previously carried by to hold the worlds professional champions to 11 draw in recent exhibition in Windsor However in that one its only fair to state that the fastskat ing Wings were noticeably held back by soft ice ThreeYear Contract Charles Rayner the Sutherland Susie boy has been rewarded for his splendid 194950 sliowingywith nifty threeyear contract which incidentally is the longest running contract issued by the New York Rangers head office in 11 years Because the Broadway Blueshirts were cup finalists last year rail birds will be paying theclub mOrc attention Pretty well unchanged will be hustling for Frank Boticher instead offLynn Patrick now with Boston on Saturday will be as for the rest of the week when skating is in order On Saturday afternoons the hours will be 1400 to 1030 hrs For the balance of October the rink will be used mostly for prac tices and for exhibition games The first such exhibition game is sched uled for 22 Oct 50 when game will be played Between the RCASC School team defending champions and the RC8 of team who were runnersup in last seasons finals The game will commence at 1500 hrs and the price of admission will be 25 cents general admission chil dren under 12 years 10 cents This is your rink You will be asst EN bitka depositors has groing om 500090090SQDOOOOQ on theirlocalibanltstforagreatI Ivarietyoi servicesrThe banks kceprpace tiththagmwihgheedsjofthatiiitionir He is just oneofthehundreds drop into the branch bank around the corner Savingsfdepositors their pay cheques retail merchants with days cashfi peoplyconsulting the about loans othersccishingchcques ibis part of the daily which the branch bank Shim hbw Canadians have can to if who during the day will Borrow from Household Finance on your signature No endorsers or bankable security needed We specialize in prompt cash loans Mfdr my good purpose out of prefer Household Finance for stop in today CANADAS ARGEST AND OLDEST ONSUMER NANCE ORGANIZATION Phone write or visit 2c Elizabeth 5mm Second floor Phone 5519 aAiuiIEonr onitLiAaiiAncm Mlnluegq SI Eon gird Floor rhea 2394 Hours 910 or by oppoinlminl loam mods to retidents of nearby town smvms tarsusuc smc 1878 Tdronto Agr lllllthem Direct Van Service tanastern and Western Csanada and the U3Ax Illuminati shave tractor rlgiwhen you tfthBYJiltITORSIJLtd Osman Llinltcl Phone 4803 My Montreal Canadicns coach Dick Irvin calmly calls on his top line of Elmer Lach Maurice Richard and Norm Dussault to rap home 100 goals in this years 70game sched ule He feels the Ken Mosdell Floyd CurryCal McKay line will be good for another 50 and the rest of the club 50 more Lynn Patrick reports shortage of rightwingers for Boston trying Milt Schmidt and rookie named Ferguson while keeping the high scoring Paul RomyKenny Smith Johnnie Pierson trio intact surprised at the excellence of the ice if you have not already seen it The other appointments about the rink have also been considerablyl improved Obey the simple rules you will find posted in Lee Hall and everyone will get the most benefit from our new ice arena Sailor Badly Burned on Ship Collingwood EnterpriseBulletin Ben Thompson 19 son of Mr and Mrs Charles Thompson Pine Street is patient in the Giind hospital here suffering from ser ious burns particularly abouthis anklesreceived when steampipes blew outwhile he was on dutyas fireman on the Norcof The accident occurred when the ship was eight hours out of Sault Ste Marie and on arrival at Fort Will liam the young man was removed to hospital there for treatment Aft er three days in hospital there he returned to the Sea on his ship and madthe trip from there home by train It is believed he will be hos pitalized for some time MV RETAIL SPENDING fast friendly service Phone or Last year Canadians spent $600 per capita in retail stores twice as much as in 1941 IRACTORS roe IRENT Anette isyour opportunity to need it Gall intodayvand intMI quire about this low rental service nitrite sq Barrie Phonesszc HamiltOn 08 522 Heci or hxsssssssssussssssssssaooLu the North PENNY D21 You Dir2g caqu jungay 739 2774 11 SUIk1 BL tid gt NATO discos tMPRESSED WITH CANADIAN ARMY ll Ll LallliIJJI ltl tlrom ihc amp Borden llllilll Ill addition to the tour offic 3i Hit in lit rl Ni liltl lt Inhdw Aim who united at the ltoml taitadrati School of intniitrg ril lo rillti iiilltttr tillt 31 Slantt ot lite Frinth Arnin iiitl tapt tnldui of the ltaiian llt are attending couer Jt ilat school taiit llillltt and apt taldiwii for attending the Majoin Qualify int oiiiw and litiilllllylis Vaiit Bcuwttoin litltttl Vnn lleri DoiptI and Van Vooiui tilt attrndim lib 3inch mortar tutltse pirseiitl In llltf tllliItltll by the school These ottucir are attending Ctlllt lllltltl the North Atlantic litaty Organization Mutual As sistance Part in order that the may Incomi taiinliar with the arm ies of their member liftllttll The conduct of training and the facilities available at the School oti infantry have left good imprcsi sion with thesi otlicers as they are Very ctinipliiueiitiiry in their it marks about the iourscs they are attending and the manner lll which they are being conducted Then hurried Atlantic by air and their short stays of few hours Ill the larger cities of mm mm MW Um no Up officers of the Royal Netherlands portunity of seeing much of Cath adti other than Tainp Borden lheI vastness of Canada in comparison to their respective countries is quite change to them Iapt Mairet of the French Army was engaged in man oeuvres in the area of Lourdes the famous shrine in France when he was warned to be pre pared to come to Canada Tire officers of my regiment were extremely envious of the oppor tunity was afforded in visit ing Canada Form the time was warned it was only mat ter of 96 hours before found myself in Camp Borden During the last war as para chutist Capt Mairet had an inter3 esting career while serving with the Free French Forces in the Middle East and Northwest Europe Mostt of his service during the war was with the famed French SAS Bri gadc This brigade of well trainedi parachutists was responsible for the organization and control of the French underground organizationi well known to many Canadians as the famous Maquis who vere ofj so much help to the allied forces in Northwest Europe Capt Calduzzi of the Italian Army coinpztiiy coiniiiaialii at iiLltttl training centre lit itniy fruit llIt the italian Army lll Albania aid lieuw unitiilitulu returning to Ital llt hid out lli Hortlice until llllllltlltl and was ubsuiuciitly attattied to the nutcr tcan 5th Army as liaison officer during the allied campaign in italy The size or tamp Borden the friendliness of anadlans and our standard of living have impressed apt alduul no end We have no large military training camps such as Tamp Bartlett in Italy as our country is so soul that the space is not available Your training aids and methods are excellent fch fortunate in having had the opportunity of coming to visit anada said Capt alduni The four officers from the Royal Netherlands Army Li van Vooieii Yan Willem Friso Infan try cht of Assert van Bensekom Limburgse lagers ln antry litgt of Venlo and Rocr niontl Burger Stoottroe pen infantry ltegt from llerto mum Km mpfgenbosch and Li van um Dorpe ranje lelderland infantry Regt of Devcntcr are all former lntionesian Army All four have transferred to the Royal Netherlands Army within the past year When the Royal Nether lands indoiiesian Army was dis banded ovcr year ago these of ficers were given the opportunity of transferring to the Netherlands Army arid did so along with 7000 other officers and men During the last war they were prisoners of war having been captured by the Japanese in 1942 They were held in Siam Singapore and Burma until 1945 when liberated by the ln dian and lhritish Armies sroneigours CLEAN Daily or Wee Exper Workman hip PH NE 3107r and arrange for most sulfa day and hour CARSONS Window Cleaners ALL WORKMEN ARE QFULLY INSURED nI illt air ltlltltlgt llillit more oi lit PRICES are DOWN PHONE 2429 THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER 23 1950 Iy Hony Hum has the who th aptx Winn tstui lion tmt tft im vlriiet and atiiuxzi little oppor pry Hi my Tannin iril tllit Lindy Lax imzi afforded tile as the hot it to or auttda yet to lll tauntta but vltat they to ioiniizitt but that ltavt ctn from the trait and from tho found breath of thtiz tfztl llllii lttzlrhtii tin ii fstr and ri attritsling mariner io fllilfvtll 11 tininr opt rul tltilttd thzii ilotlazitl lht wand aid of ILVltlt enjoyed its ttllliillull igt to then itiniiitvitt of lilrill days in llltltllllll lltl AN EXAMINER WANT AD QQQWMW QQM ON MOST Beef and Dairy Feeds Blililf lllJ $0100 delivered your farm price ittllllttl to ton in ois to iilll Inst of let Novfniti the Ad for gtltttl il price to lunch of carton about it liili lnr ltltl lttll Loml but vupplns iie lintldli iII will each iaII so it ir to order LINSEEI lliKE MICll itir lioteni old process delivered ton $14400 Order are twin taken now for cat to txtisyt lust vle in Nov CORN iLITEN Flilll Itlllttl lll not reduced to too Sti500 This for rnlitil in stock loi tlilIHl lit llKli JANE MOLASSICS Available now This olit feed on which the Montreal car lot price has now advanced to ltlglttr than toop retail price de livered your farm Slot barrel allowance per gal 45 Get your molasses nou later in the season pines Will be much higher only carloads left at this llt Coop 32 Dairy Concentrate $470 cwt Coop 24 Dairy Supplement 3$420 cwt Coop 16 Complete Dairy Ration S340 cwt delivered POTATO BAGS No lttltzlllCtl 73 lb heavy lutes Bale lots at These have been short several thousand just ItlllVlfI Hc each WIRE FENCING llere is tip that could save you money substantial price in crease is expected soon Stock fencing it and it line hog and poultry fence posts barb snow fence gates and lawn tenee are all in stock at Coop for prompt delivery at present prices QUAKER CHALLENGER OIL HEATERS Prompt expert installation from Coop now on all sizes oil prices down oil contracts guaranteed but owing to tremendous increase in oil heating the steel situation Il STOVES WILL BE LIMIT ED LATER llllS SEASON COOP BARRE It QWQQQMQMWQQQQ Hg Thre wasnow of the youngsters Outside For free bookletlfStory In the everincreasing easy to drag 225pound invalid through Window but determination gave McConnell added strength and he succeeded For his heroic actions where many man might have panicked and failed Frank Mc Connelldeserves great praisie We are roadie pay him tribute through the presentation of he Daw Award hit osle space in the small tworoom frame house One room was occupied by Frank Md Comtells 78yearold mother an invahd weighing 225 pounds and the other by the McConnell and their four children It Was about 430 am when 6year old Francis wakened his father screaming The house is on relg Quickly McConnell mghed his wife and two of the re was not now EREWE of the Dovrchrd We iAMIlYtlF THANKS ATHERSBRAVERYT Frank McConnell oi Bancroft Ont calmly and quidin evacuates children and invalid mother ushome burns newspapers selects umd can IRE By this time ames seemed to be everywhere but McConnell plunged inand carried child out under each arm through almost wall of re One of the smallboys had already suffered bad burns McConnells mother however was still trapped in the burning house and he knew she had to be saved Rushing around to her room he smashed the glass inthe window THE DOW AWARD is citation presented for easier outstanding hroism and includes asna ta rble ex resszonr appreciation $100 Canadaavqs and ward Committee agroupVa edworszgfleadingQanadmn from mp 7d Mammals iaionriiEAit item 20