Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1950, p. 5

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iiiict ltiiiianrhl ifiaist Owen Sound Reference Barrie Examin er CIassiiigdAds tLrir rth MALI llllllllri Liitw tfiJ ii Ifiizitid to tigltll unit 11 Ilri rrtgi Itrtfi ii lilrllfr Atari lirrx iii finite livizrinri rrrr THAN RES in litiilrt ll Tlrrliiio 5m pprlililll Mr rxoiii icirtI 11 Iirst iirir iii idai lxrznt 1dii Sillltlll ririllib ii=Airit SiONii riihitiihrumi itlltltlt part rmw ririi to icll work 111 titrrrirg rants should iri i1 fair knowleiha gti the building tiaiic lirrt Lot itlll itirl Willi rm iii liliiiit iixtlliid mm for iiifeiii liliillir AUTO BODY MAN for laigi lectrli iirio dealer izaiarc Must lri ex HELP WANTED ew ales or assr ie es mil lillilildllli luv 31 1030 Hit 2181 RATE 3c word minimum 30 MISl Ill lAll Wllil lltlllilt Any coirccrrtie insertions word iiiinirrinrii Zlfk llilt lllli lIleZIIIONI OR IF llARGliD Sic word minimum 75 Any consecutive insertions 2c word minimum one riftpxmlg dunk BOX NUMBERS or replies directed to this office 25c extra OMINII lilliNIS LOCALS 3c word minimum 73c Airy coiisccntivi insertions 2c word minimum 50c 1N MLhiORIAM CARI 0F THANKS 2c word minimum 75c liillttllitillttif Notices 75c AKmm ittiu Hospital liii iiiiII Note The Barrie Examiner will not assume responsibility for any error in advertisements taken over the telephone nor for errors in copy unless notified after the first insertion Deadlines tor fopy Wednesday 12 noon ior Thursday issue Saturday 11 am for Monday issue Ixiiilr ripptrlltiiliiy Adiets will be received but not classified until 530 pm Wed irilitllllillli work iir new lilirlitilil building with azro benefits available Sec Mi KM Tr fillJr lrcth St Itiirizi LIlEi tillIifbl lllllli YOlll pity iltl1l through volume rah to irrslitir turns stores and llilltlstllts This 15 substantial opportunity for lili rrzctliatc earnings offered by iuasiioceasi organization llcpeati Nlllil TWO cash icl leis Nai tioiral prcfciied Ilox Ilarric lixilltillltl ll lilliflb TEIIIONS WANTED MAlllillID MAN desires farm work in vicinity of llarric flux 20 Ilartic iixtltillirli lillb FARMS WANTED MAIIIIllil MAN with family would like to rent iariir in vicinity of llarric flux 21 Ilariie Exam iner III rililib Accommodation Wanted URGENTLY lillQlIlltlID apart rrrerrl or house Family of four sep arated lwo boys ill and 12 needi home in Barrie before eoiiimence rrreirt of school Phone 3703 11 00p IIY BUSINESS MAN and wife be in transferred to Harrie in Sep tember ltroom suite or larger Please reply to 011 Third Avenue on illb request 11w WANTED TO IiliNT by Sept 29 Iiuriiishcti Liroom apartment or housekeeping rooms by working coilplt no children abstaineis Would consider small cottage Box il Harri Exmiwr H544361 at current rates mortgages purch ings Iased Henry and Eliick0 Owen St TWO BEDROOM apartment orl house unfurnished urgently rel quircd by RfAI officer expectant Wife and one child by September 15 Address reply to PO Illiriii 342 Frank St Apt No Ottawa lllIFrIltib LOST FOUND LOSTBlack Collie dog with tan white tip orrtaii Answers to Jack son Reward Phone 4291 176500p AUTOMOBILES 1031i CIIEV COACH good condi Priced right Box 21 Lisle PO lion good tires Reasonable PhonqclNEW HOUSE furnished optional Ont 166fr07pl 5209 1366x and workshop on highway Barrie IM DODGE SEDAN body and mo tor in good condition Apply 71 Essa Road Illa66p POULTRY 1000 NEW HAMPSHIRE Bar red Rock pellets A150 100 Light Sussex for sale Phone 408 Oro 146367p MISCELLANEOUS FIXPAINTER AND Decorator Eaton Company 25 years ex pericnce Estimates free Phone Oro Station 18r20 547tfb HAVE YOUR CHIMNEY and fur nace cleaned with our modern vac ttum cleaner now No fuss or dirt in the house Elmer Drinkle phone 4073 56469p ROOMING BUILDING for rent furnished complete for 24 beds some are double rooms Good deal can be made if taken at onceAp ply Box 18 Barrie Examiner 56667b ATTENTION Builders Farmers EXcavating grading terracmg fence lines removed dozer work of all kinds Reasonable irates large machine Contract or hourly Prompt service Phone Cookstown 30111 540tfb BLASTINGInside or out All where Stones stumps ditching wells bridges etc Blasting sup plies for sale Authorized by Ex plosive Division Toronto Morning explosive operator Aur ora PhoneAurora 266W 55174p MIMEOGRAPHING Let Miss Jane Faclinie attend to your duplicating and secretarial problems She Will be glad to help you Contact her at the school oicc Barrie Bustness College 86 JOIOIItO St Phone 4824 536th SINGER SERVICEYour bonded Singer Sewing Machinereprescnta live will be in Barrie district every Tuesday For quick servrce drop penny post card to Singer Sewmg Machine C0 General Delivery Barrie Repairs rentals new and used machines available for imme diate delivery 550th SERVICE AND REPAIRS to all makes of sewing machines Singer Sewing Machines Portables Elec tric Rental by the week ior month Free estimates on repairs in advance ly Singer Sewmg Machine C0 Box 168 or lllit lltixli Apply iiailcs lliiw and white markings on the legs6 OR ROOM house wanted in FURNISHED Housekeeping room riesdriy and Saturday Me Hi FOR SALE PERSONALS on lift No Shanty Ilzry one Tmimii mml Saturday from visit with Mrs Sill llllYS iilliY IWHII Sill li llrvsori Ii arnp illvlcy lirii 15 llla almost new lllttlil Shemn Mg balix llitiiiiiifriiriufhlrt fiillilIiliiii Mr Hill Mi= llainld Noirrrair of 1=lillililll PIANO good liiirsir Ap Atlanta Georgia 1lti several Itll lililllk KVIllllil Illtillltllidays recently with Dr and Mrs ilioire llliirvale till 00p luitibuii and Mrs lsabcl liit ADDING MACHINES and type tick Mrs Norman is the former writers for sale or rent at Ilziiiici5l WI MIT Bruin Phangmgmci 66 lowlfggti Mrs eorgc adogiri and fam ily moved from Ilarric to their sltdnloy Mi RADIO mki1ll home in Durham Irry oun stove with water front jacket ty on Saturday Mr adogaii heater arid iiiilltll water tank alsofiooh river the publication of The pipe fittings lhoire 2730 litlpinmhum hlmnv Jul Ill FT LINK Motor float Ti hot iiicsts at Mayors Motel Wed lohtistoti motor boat house Allinesday were Mr and Mrs Allirir Ililtlltilill 13 IllCIIILIIllr Iieili rshirrgion Legislat 1mm 63ijsz Il analyst in the executive Offices lof Ircsideiit liuinan Mr Reid HAIIIS About 10 used but seIl15li 1h 511 1h 1m viceablc 73c each No delivery We illoii Mackenzie King Mrs irave put in full set of new ones who dinmg his 5mi nl Barr1e Mr gillIlillllRIFLE ollvcc it $95223 llieid had personal acquaintance with Mrs Lays son oiriirrodorvm Mctmirv iiiiAvv DIIIV tarotrite Nilmn Lur RtN unurliun flange ii burners iti illiod ctrlitiiINZIVHI Attache at Washington The lion Autorrratic oven broiler pair Ileids are travelling on holidays Willmintl iflil htil Iil illltllithrough Algonquin Park and will iiilllillth St Piljnii Visit Ottawa and other centres be UMHHP fore returning to Washington TYPEWRIIERS office machines poriablcs adding machines cash ICIlislers Sales and service Gosney 17 Francis St Barrie Phone 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona icpr 7249 NATIONAL HOUSING iohhs liultlimi and 00 builders loans properties financed to Class under hed Barri 3444436 WANIICD IlViMICDIAIICIA vonr an in care for small baby light 330 AVAILABLE mist mom housework good remuneration we 1mm hmm 83 pcrniaireiit position if suited Phone only John Millar Broker Harry 4357 1li Iovcll 15 Clappeiton St Barrie 502 Sal RNMSCIWIIVQ Th roa QUICK SALE 0110 sectional HUUSO 0f vallws 34661 sct Ill piecei maple dinette set l5 piccesi Ace ice box and util ity cabinet all new Phone 3101 or call at 58 Worsley St i7166b good location Cash offer Apply for mm 91 WalshV St phonc Box 17 Barrie Examiner 285 1566 Arrangements Proceeding For Match Plowin illil ifttbir lid litrlt li lJii linv Iii illlll iIlliiili HIV lrl Sziritor Anne SLICSSHII flilliilJi infill iliii rit iii Ilialir iiiirlit liirtug lrrri rtni no1 ii ili August Jack At iri lid it and Mi Fill iiI to Mr Ill Sophia St itlili iiirtrtrrlir lirdc riri l1 Maim leiuiito tiiitittirtci Alfs sister Ilettiriti ilistiirg lllllt iri Luci illi and dull timil Mrs Quairt llll1lil ercuiut Ilii llil Min Myer lo cha lntciririiit iii Streird imttciy Strouil ioail Ill I1 ii 12 Home St rvicc Monday iririt iii the ii 1illiii1ri lilz Iolicc lrotcclloii 11 iilrl llgti iIIZt1 Victoria flos pital llairic on Sunday August youngest daughter of the late Iacoii ii lllll lIIialrrth iuliNrlt Nell Ni ll Mis lusting iiiiiiri day oclock on luesday SlllNlli iiltiCiiiil August 3ft Stringer Spence Funeral service Sunday iiiterrrrcirt Sixth Line llilliilli Suddenly home Angus Ontario on Friday WuoiScy beloved husband of Isabel Secier Funeral service at his horric Sun day August Union tirietery MARRIED PRATT N1IIIIS1 wedding Iiresday liazel lioydi rIiItrl Till lvllllll lir ii iii itrroiiu iiiizry huh lt In ti irii to irrir lilfrll iiace llail iirl lciiris Tractors Iolrir lilr liiliilnl Mai luiitr and Hall iiioiirci manta wile All itlilll Cumin itllliii illii mi and Tirruiitir Ir union Icnnctr siiy iii August illiila riiiI lliriiriio Flint 111 iii lirirrrjti liirY lilili llliillillll lli Itll Sitiiiri oirpi litriiii ev nzm Iiitei rirciit liamiiorr IIcast omit iiowi Suddcnly at Ontario lilirll beloved lil AXIS NOON lIlIlIIING liliul rump iiO lliift applicirr liticflri litriiic Friday liliabeilr lare livani iulr of or lionr itlltllt iii ir tlli rf thr indict IIilttiitiirx xviitiiig merit Next incltines ii tniiririiiirrv lilitilll ii iii Sept lllll Mitchell Staviier xvorr two Judging Sattiidav beckccpcrs piucei Markham Antiw iiiiU tutti lrrr firsts liiiti liflllill rr illliZrtllllgt from loroiito and liilgililtlil Annie ifc clirl rsirrirrri IIONIIY August 27 cnret ISICY 1iiitiii ilatl him by liltlltl cn lIlll ltill tililti Ici iIIIlltiilm eri 3iIllllOttlillOttll make and day liactors pio1dcd rri tv app cunts will lie oiripetuor Intar to ccp irI lilsl liltl August 1930 Jack It lirteiiirirt Hump ii lirli llur turd August 21 lli thanks lor those who help lligl laughter of Mr and Mrs itll iillit the children to the Ilardra Anderson the bride Iratt and 1itt ipi Eowrr plow Ielephoiics ltillllitt iiirc Tiuteri Iy ilil be loinricii it it Iii direct line forrr Ilaiiw lciits Tents may be icer it piiet Toronto 1030 irdersoir place August Agnes look when Herr ir til Ill llriitiJ Scaforth Mel Mrs Fred William rit ville Fied thrill to swim liiy rird Mlgt severai lirnrs iitllliii Fiiitoii lratt lratt of Ilarric Iarllusli rrrd rthrtr girls spent tierks holiday ati Aillllklill Lake lndvr IFcr ii the lite tif MIS Francis Vicks the day camp held its closing day mdi in August stiper isioir Ilainpel and ICARI or THANKS IIICKFAr Mr fairiin wish to thank Dr Shannon and their many friends and neighi bors for expressions lhirtymeveii pupils ttcnded and all had good time Mission Band liciiic The Mission lland held their pic and acts of kindness extended loll in Minisier on Friday August thcm iii the loss of dear vifelm mother Iijt Kiri Raymond lloherl Super Iiirritcu iifi Kiri St llanriltorr leterhorriugh St John Airibiiliiiicc orgairialioir like llickey loioiiio lriilrrii III2ZngDZDCZDCCDZVJZDLZQZCCWg sympathy TH lloirks were presented to lim and Wit ne Burton by Mrs Built illti Mrs Lewis who supervise the illIission Iland The mothers tit1 pmwm tended and the children put on arrI Indian skit rrrakirig their own cosi which were very lhey danced and sang riid played games and lrrnch was served by Mrs livans Presentation Io Angus Principal farewell surprise was l1tii at illc park on lhursday for Mr and Mrs Burton who have left the viiI tinge to live in Paisley where Mel Burton is to teach school Mr Burton was the principal oil iAngus school for the last nine years and everyone in ioined together to get him lovely beautiful Rev hit lo the my for his comforting words and and These adlcts were received Mum after noon day before date lhis operating by Iravirru IN MEMORIAM OBIIIIIN In loving memory of husband Ilrien who passed away Aug ust 20 Gone from us biit leaving memories Death can never take away Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stayf lini remembered by his wife1 Laiirinc and daughter Lynn Fran 0le llicn Iirerl When you are tired you may in imperial chairs will be liltHilttti tor rsrim who wish to rest awhile Water Water will br pipcd to IIiI strchs of Tented City for of exhibitors and taps will be conveniently local ed for use of the visitors Local Ilay Competition on Local Day This day October 10 wiII be open it competitors from the ouirties Dufferin Iumes of sacks dear and father 1011 ilcicr ion and WEBBIn loving memory of my dear husband Marshall Webb community passed away August who 1948 triIight laian GIT WWW 3366671 ROOMED COTTAGE chicken house and one other building on 13 acres for sale Open road year round West of Camp Borden AUCTION SALES land 19555713 Wednesday August 30 Mrs McNeil Minets Point Road sale of household furniture and effects FURNISHED Housekeeping room $19550 Athm 64 74 on Elizabeth St Phone 5082 Wednesday SeptemberG Clarence 15561 Wingrove North west quarter Lot 20 Con Vespra opposue FURNISHEDBEDROOM central lionecr 6267 Apply 105W01Sley St01 phone Saturday September 16 Joseph 2712 15661 Harrison 53 William St Aliandalc sale of household furniture and NO OFFICE ACCOMMODATION leffects Terms cash Sale at pm left One WOIk Shop Ollly 51111 VEC Slessor Auctioneer 657Qx and Cowan 1576mm Mark of Hongs Cafe Duniop St c== Barrie sale of entire Restaurant equipment supplies etc Terms cash Sale at pm Slessor lCOMPLETELY Furnished house Auctioneer 6272x keeping cottages by the month or Wednesday September 22 shorter periods James Hughes Edward Wilson WIz Lot Shanty Bay Phone Oro 4B24 Con on 8th Line of Vespra 112 2850tfb miles north of Minesing Station off c==== Highway 216or11 milfc south if Anten Mil sac of arm stoc implements and few household eff ects Terms cash Sale at pm LARGE ROOM House llvmg Slessor Auctioneer 6471x room bedroom and kitchen on No 11 Highway 3miles south of Bar rte across from IriniswotigTLGEEIBg BEST OFFERSnack bar Grocer HOLSTEIN COWS FRESH Ap ies fSmallwares close to Barrieply430r5Cobkstown 966p Excellent turnover all year store cornerproperljy Particulars John AYRSHIRE HEIFER CALF lMillar BrokerHarryl1ove11 15 weeksbld Phone Minesipg 321 Clappcrton St Barrie 5021 Sales 966p Representative 16661 WELL BRED registered York $7800 NAPIER STREET new shire cows Apply Bruce Cowan Iseven room brick veneer house Son Phone 15111 Stroud 966p garage Ready to move into Lovely large lot For value and quality see BLACK MARE 10 years old this John Millar Broker Harry Weight 1650 lbs sound quiet sin Tovell 15 Clapperton St Barrie gle 0r dOLIthPh0ne 803114 966X FARM EQUIPMENT 5021 Sales Representative The House of Values 1666p l$3500TOLLENDAL ROAD IOVC 1y room bungalow and addlthDaIlCOMBINE OPEN forcustom work small cottage Large lot few min10 cut Gem amm RR Nor utes walk to Barrie bus Good cash Staynen 52511 396567p paymentg immediate possession IJohn Millal Broker Harry Tovell SMALL SIZE TRACTOR wanted 15 Clapperton St Barrie 5021 used anycondition in running or Sales Representative The House of der Also disc plow one or two Values 1656 furrow Phone 843r23 3966p $7000SIX ROOM Spotless house ELECTRIC FRIGIDAIRE $75 1000 OVGIIOOkmg 333 Dams Stret loca lb scales potato bags single rid tion Barrie telephone31A mbeauti mg plowv also furrow plow ml home at 10 prce Th5table saws with motors gas in ShOUId be seen to be apprectedhrs drillpress Ford tractor 80 Believe us it is real value and ap10w and cultivator Watkins beautiful location All convenien Craighurst opposite CPR Station ces immediate possesswn John 3946mm Millar Broker Harry Tovell 15 Clapperton St Bame 5021 Sales Large Readership of The Examiner phone 4365 Barrie Ontario Mr Representative The House of Vai Flint sales representative lth nesw Means Results for Advertiser Wmwu Mm Not dead but passed beyond Sm iThe mist that blinds us here Into the newer larger life Of that uncloudcd sphere Lovingly remembered vifc Olivia and York ENGAGEMENTS Mrs wish to announce gagcmcni of their daughter Mai garci Roberta ettyr to la son of Mr aird lrs Albert Selkirk Manitoba the marriage to take place early in September llllh Mr and Mrs Astiidge Barrie wish to announce the engagement eldest laughter Freda Barbara to Wilbert Wea youngest Weatherup marriage to take place on Satur day September was presented to him with thevbest iwishes of the community by Mrs Evans ihim for teaching the children and thanked him for the help he gave the community Ronald Dexter the TeenAgers Mrs Dexter thanked Rev Hunt and ihantiei ABOMB 1N KOREA Blilitt It is entirely possible that few Abombs in Korea would turn the But for President the only man whocan authorize the use of this would be grave decision It would mean the killing of many peoplei but it would mean more than that It would invite Russia to use they and Russia would IUD president presented to Mr Burton lovely Kentvood blanket and thanked him on behalf of the teenagers for the help he had giv en them iltarl Mcgei tide Iiirmaii dreadful weapon Terms cash Sale at pm PUTTING III HAY Baling as method of putting hay has increased from 14 per icent of the crop in 1039 to more Most of their second and of Mr Toronto thcrup LARGE FURNISHED bod sitting Barrie Union Cemetery Auction Mrs mom with grill Phone 5763 Sale of farm stock implements and 1566 household effects Terms cashZ Sale at pm Slessor auc same weapon not likely stop with Korea ROUYN lQUlS than 50 per cent in 1949 RouynNoranda Press this is now baled automatically I00tIItl001 in Toronto ant 53 Collier St Apply CowaanhurSday September 21 VBOW 7W We Beat the Shipping lieup ng unpacked at CrosSlands huge shipment of Super Deluxe liooscleaf Binders an outstanding value to sell ti Popular Prices TwoColoir Lined Covers Double Trigger Release Heavy Duty Zippers Double Pockets Rich Assorted Colors Real Compellich $395 and $475 Extra Special Pup Scot Leather tan red green with generous zippered purse insert $625 See our new 22kt Gold Finish Personal Initials that will Add an Individual Touch only $100 for set of three Get Your Public and High School Text Books and Supplies at CROSSLA 50 Dunlop Street Iltdll00ll00llIOOWIOL Now bei Genuine Leather from $500 NDS Opposite Post Office Square LOW ill COST our MM SOFTWOOD SLABS 13 ivlrxtli illili iiiiiii Phone 3713 Epletts Furniture Electric HIMLitELECTRIC111th115 authorized iflxltll WESERVICL WASHERS RANGES lltllNlIRfl littlfifl lllllltl iltlll VACUUM TLIIANIZIIII IliaAl lfJI PAIL il IlIIliIS lilint Hi It Illriltlultl IiANS AND IAIIILY IIil lSSOlLIMlNI OI AILIS 139 Duniop St Phone 3721 lllAlHill ltAlJIf TIICIlNHlAN ANIIIIV1TIMAN CW tt lirIr Illl WHEAT Ccrll Us When You Are Ready To Sell Your Wheat We can tlllllll bags or iccept bulk deliveries IIIONI 313 ROBINSON Elevator and Feed Mill Stroud JIII illlll TZZZCCCCZCZrzZZDZZZ23 TLIZCZZCZFZDCDi gt pm PLASTER AND LIME lllflII and arrangements illliil made direct with toliiiwllt 63 $433173 concerned ll lfililltiiiltll iid Soiz Ii1iir Street Battle bo Marcheir Irgtelihmotel ICC DD ==Q=irv 1DC if ii GIRLS TO LEARN Ill TELEPHONE OPERATING IIilI iii2hr iiiiiiiriiiii co our arrhi itliOllltlZH OIIZIMIORS FOR lIiRMrlNllNl Wtth III ll lllliVlfllS lZXiliilliiNtli Villniii IN JAILHISFISS IHlitlIIIIllllNIIIli5 lVIllI WWW ciiiici llllltslllllt II THE BELL TELEPHONE co iiiiii7Aiiiriii sr imiunii IM iWJrx 243325 llarric 16 Hug Grower $729 Barrie I5 Hut Finisher $7200 51 Buyer to Supply Bugs BIiIiltllI rtoui iriiu SHERIFFS SALE or LAND Under and by virtue of an Execution issued out of the ounty Court of the County of Simcoe in suit wherein harles Reidis the Plaintiff and Allan Warnica is the Defendant and to are directed against thr goods and chattels and lands and rciieirrents of the said AlianAVarnici have seized and taken in Execution and Mlil offer for sale by public auction at myoffice at the Court House Barrie Hn Monday August 28th 1930 at oclock Noun all the right title interest and equity of redemption of the said Allan Warnica in and In the following lands and tenements THAT IS TO SAY INSTRUMENT NUVIBER 25020 FOR INNISFIL In the Township of Innisiil in the County of Sinicoeand being com posed of part of Lot Number Thirtyone tillr in the Thirteenth 13 Cniircssioir of the said Township of Innisiil described as follows 0MMENCING AT point in the Nortlwriy innit of said Lot Number Thirtyone 131 distant Two Hundred Feet lltllir Easterly from the Northwest angle thereof measured along the said Northeriy bound aiv THENCE southerly and at right angles to the said northerly Iiiiiit of said Lot Number thirtyone lillr One Hundred and Thirtyfive icct llllr lo lane THENCE Easterly and parallel to the Northerly riimitrof said Lot Number liiiity4one i311 Fifty feet 50 to pomt HTHENCE Northerly and at right angles to the said Northerly limit of saidLoti Number Thirtyone l31r OneHundrcd and Thirtyfive 1373 feet moreor less to the said Noitlielly limit of said LotNumbcr lhirlyyoire iillr THENCE Westerly along the said Northerly limit of said Lot Number Thirtyone 31 Fifty feet150i more or less to the place of beginning gt INSTRUMENT NUMBER 21307 FOR INNISFIL In the Township of Innisiil in the County of Simcoe and being Compnscd oflhose parts of broken lot number tlurgtyono Clivin the Llhirieenth llili Concession of said Township of Innislii described as foilows FIRSTLY Commencing at the Nortthest angltyof said Let Number thirtyone THENCE Easterly along the Northcrly limit thereof One Hundred 1100 feet THENCE southei and at right angles to said Northerly limit one hundred and TillllyJIVC feet t135l io the Northeily limit of lane Iweniiyiive feel 25 three inches l3r iii perpendicular vidth Thence Westerly along the Northerly llimil of said lane and parallel to the northerly Iimilof said lot Oney =lIurrdred and Seventeen Feel lli7r more or less tothe Westerly Iiimit of said lol THENCE Northeiiy along the westerly limit of said llol One Hundred andThirtysix feet two inches 130 to the place of beginning and bignposed Secondly of that part of said broken Ilarl Number Thirtyone described as follows Cnuntncing at ipoiril in the Westerly limit of said broken loi distant One Hundred and Sixlyone feet Five incheslllll from the North Westerly angle of said broken Lot Number Thirtyone 1311 measured along isaid westerly limit and being the South Westerly angle of lane IIwcntyiive feet three inches 25 3r in width THENCE easterly land parallel to the Northerly limit of said broken Lot Number Thirty lone lilii Severity feet five inches 070 THENCE Southcrly at right angles to said Northerly limit if said Lot Number Thirtyone 31 OneHundred and Thirtyevcn feet eight inches 137 THENCE Westerly and parallel to Sir ortherly limit Eightyseven feet nine inches 87 9I to said Westerly limit of said Lot Number Thirtyone red and thirtyeight feet Seven inches 138 more or less to the place of beginning This desirable corner property is situated at Big Bay Point across the iroad from the Golf Course upon which is said to be erected four Iroomed frame winterized cottage wired for electricity and many auxiliary buildings at It CI131 THENCE Northerly along said last mentioned limit One Hund Dated at Barrie this 22nd day of May AD 1950 DBURY vlrtffcuptr91iuscrw

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