t0Ut0001IUIltUl1gt1 11 11111 TTOUSE oEII H1 first with the Best in Barrie itl1II1 ROXY T5 111U111Hq EVE SHOWS 655 61 pm Burnetts cry of The 2117 Under The lily filmed by John Huston TAMOUS AUTHORS ACClAIM IT EXTR AORDINARY Mull We Cocoa MONDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 111i11I win 2311 11111 DlRECT TO US FROM RECORD RUN AT LOEWS TORONTO MGM ThoICity Un ORIGINAL GonH Mk MM Demo RARE fWUW 51 mm JAMES SAM 101m mom WHIIMORE lAFfE McINTIRE AINT1 lINllITTIAIN NITINT 11111111111111 STARRING 3111111111 1111111111 10113 1111111111 presents der The City PLUS COLOR CARTOON MIE STARTS DOROTHY MGURE WILLIAM lllNlIlGAN lUNl H1101 11111 11111111111 TNI DURAN NEWS 1ltlIOON COMEDY ENTERTAINMENT TOPNOTCH HITS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Mat Wed 230 p111 ROMANTIC DRAMA ZACHARY 2N1 IT 11 JOYCE REYNOLDS 11 GIRLS SCHOOL Eve Shows 61 840 pm Lal Complete Show at Time in CKBB Each Morning at 1030 mm Police Investigate Vanishing Floor Orillia Packet and Times Carpenters who had worked all day Thursday of last week laying floor boards in new garage being built notified at the Hawkestonc beach cottage gation of Dr Carr of Toronto were con dusk Thursday night boat with two men in it was seen lurking near the beach and it is believed that they may have been respons ible for the theft siderably startled when they re turned to thejob next morning to find thbt the floor had disappear ed KOUO0000000 for MUVIEMERBYLGOROUND TO the job of tongue and groove MGMs 1111111111 111 6101 11111111111 11 840 pm All but foot or two of the floorf had been nailed down when the knocked might and in the morning not 1single board could be found new supply of flooringhad to be purchased in Orilliaitocomplct off work for Provincial Police in Orillia were and carried out an investi It was learned that around Voriieiiowsiiiiairtl r1111 si13111111 sierrata PROCEEDS IN AIID or ruapv M011 July 10 ADMISSION micINCLUDES CARDS FOR 15 GAMES CANCER POLIOI TUBERCULOSIS Dumf SHARP FIVE SPECIAL GAMES All Prizes Cash Children under 16 Years not allowed $QVssooos lltl11ltl1lUl1ltll11111 111 11 00Ul0lttIlt the ION JOINS iRCASC SCHOOL OFFICERS MESS 1lrom llir Arnp Northn ltirrnl i1 i1s121l 15o r1 dildo 111 unlit 11 Iitl 1111 pair all 111111 111 11 ltlz 15111 111111 11 111 211 5111111 burpW 111 1111111 1111t Ii 1111l 1211 unitIn 1111 11111 ottltill 1111 Him in dild 11 Il1n11r 1111 11111 11 1111111111111 1111= 11111511131 v1 111111 11 tight nor Sllltc In Jill111 I151 Iillas old 11d 111 14 pounds but in 1111nlgt tpl 1111cill1liis to XtllTll olliiilllliti 11 lil 11121 11 for glow i111 11111t11 11 l11111 is to b1 lytpii g11li111 1111111 111111 111 lcxas 111 lI pz1t 111 this y11 111 was given to 111 litAST Stile11 11 Ml lllill 11111111ill 111111Jlltl of huhy llios 111111 lhi cub has sincc 111comi trlxlnity 111 his own right haying 1111111 pIisonal appraiunccs at 1111 Lions Club onvvntion In Brann Illlrl all 1111 infests in camp SUP onndmg towns and In 1111 arms of 1111 bio211 llombir 1111 Louis piituic of this lattci performance 11111111ch 111 111111 whim of lllt 1311111111111 Standard 111111 coining to tl11 Incss wcck 1g11 1111111s1111y loJo has doin lllllt 1111111 111111 sl11p and bc ad 111111111 by all 111c111b1rs and visitors llowchr h1 doIs managi to sqIIwc 111 111111 squarcs day c1111 sisimg of cggs milk and onc pound 1of 1111111 Like many others loJo 111lusts to drink wattr acccpting milk as substitutc 11kc all lclinIs 111 has mind of his own and whcn his intentions 11lash With those of his kecpcr 11c gots his own way Catlike he tolcratcs humans but sccms to take dim vicw of thc whole race Contest Results At Medonte 1CentenniaII llicial rcsults of competitions at 1111111111 tcntcnnial wcrcr Softball tournamInt lst VilSt 211d lloonstonc 11rd llillsdalc lriIc money was $15 $10 and $5 Vascy defeated Moonstone in the final after eliminating Hillsdalc 721 in the semifinal Results of games Moonstone ll Warminster Vascy ll larratl llillsdale toldwatcr llolscslioc pitching tourneyvist llub lreganza and 11111011 Stetr 2nd 111rt and Toni Morrison bro tlicrsr 11rd llcubcn IeskeyandAlr laii lottcr Oldtime fiddlcrs rcontcsllst lohn Mcllugh Creighton 2nd Geo Barr Vasty Oldest lady prcscntlylrs laide Minn 88 of Ilillsdale Oldest man attendinwa Brit lain 011 of Waverley Lady coming the farthestMrs A1111 McIntyre Los Angelcs Calif Oldest married coupleMIx and Mrs Robinson 57 years 001 lltlf LadEEg Trip Has Sad Ending 1Midland Free Press Herald longawaited trip to Choisy Quewith the rest of his sea cadet mzitcs of RCSCC Huron Midland ended on tragic note for young Ewen Moreau of Victoria Harbour His mother Mrs Arthur Moreau died suddenly of heart attack ilucsday July Ewen was one of group of 28 Midland and district sea cadets th0 left Midland Sunday evening for Choisy some 36 miles west of lVlOlitltBala The young lad was put aboard train for Tgronto Tues day where he was metby Lieuts BemardbcclaHandJ oh nHarber officers of RCSCC Huron They brought Ewen the rest of the way home To Reisuiface Highway 12 Ned Oiri 1111 Midland Free Press Herald COLDWATERA newsurface is to be laid on Highway 12 from Orillia four miles west toward Warminster Two miles from Ath erley to Orillia will also be done by Standard Paving Company for the Department of Highways number of Goldwater and dis trict men will obtain work on the construction work which gets un dIerIway in the near future The Paving company has established highway near Bass Lake THE MEMORY From the Camp Borden Citizen In the southeast corner of the grounds surrounding the RCASC Officers Mess stands cenotaph placed there by the RCASC Asso ciation The memorial installed two weeks ago is to be unveiled this fall and preparations are well un der way for the ceremony The monument of American mar ble is approximately feet high It Was cut and engraved by Kilving ton Bros Ltd of Toronto at cost of $350000In addition to the Corps ed sword the memorial bears this dedication Sacred to the memory of those men of the Corps who gave their lives in the cause of Freedom It is felt that these words are fought and died so valiantly headquarters at gravel pit on the JcrestTAsuperimposed upon an invets Jackpot Game Prize $60 simple yet eloquent tribute to the brave men of both jworld wars who LT SHOWING LION lTlt to Judy lininra Cancilla Tamp Borden Tllltt months old 1111 cub is the mascot of thc ROAST School and was picscntcd to 11111 unit by Harry llaimnill coowncr 111 1111 fircring Dancy Bros railroad circus which will be at tamp llordcn August ITobacco Growers in Sunnidale Get Artificial Water Equipment 11111111111 Star Artificial watering cquipincnt has bcIn instalch 1111 111111 or four tobacco farms 111 1111 New 111w1ll litilllll lhI 111111111111111 consists of good watci supply powor pump and l11111dII1ls of f11t of six ll11 11 maths inch aluminum piping comcs 111 forty foot incchanical couplings As vcry light couplc of 111111 c1111 casily handh Iach sci111111 and set 1111 main Smaller pipc 1s uscd with nozzles and continuous spray can bc arrangcd to coycr wiilc suction As soon as om section of field is watcrcd the piplims haVI to be mowd to do another section As we undIrstand It the equip ment is only used wl1111 long drought thrcatcns to cause crop Itailurc it is said to be espec ially valuable to 1111 111 111111 sum Incr to hastcn maturity and to get 1111 improved product pipi with it IS Eight months of preparation by lravcnliurst officials climaxcd last month when 1111 30111 animal con vention of Lions international Dis plo 11111 1111111 colors ol 11111I11s111 and IWWkpnd Imam111 111111 11111 hemii trict OntarioQuebec took place Delegates from the Blllllt Lions Club attending thc convention y1r1 Mr and Mrs Dobson Mr and Mrs Earle Smith Dr Brucc Johnston Mr and Mrs liar old Forster and lymc11t The convention was highlighted Withjilfl address by Lions llll1l national President Walter lishIr made before approximately 7110 por sons in the GravcnlIuIst Altllil anIrFisher intimated World War 111 would be upon us within two years Im quite certain he said that we are going tosuffer But be related the sooner the principles understanding and good wOrks of Lionismarc spread throughout the world the less suf cringwill be endured Calling for an allout campaign to circulate the doctrines of the or ganization of which he is at pres ent the head Mr Fisher who has just recently returned from visit ing about 14 countries of the world said no time can be avastcdbecausc we havent got two years He termed the Lions as Inore po tent than the United Nations in ringing Linity There has neverbeen war between two countries in which Lionism ex isted the speaker proudly stated His visitations took him and his wife to Sweden the closestthey were to the Iron Curtain and while there they heard less talk about third world war than in Canada and the United States ed the growth of Lionism which started in 1917 and now has more than 400000 members and 8000 clubs in 28 countries England was number 27 to join Mr Fisher preI sented the charter there in March at which time he and his wife had an audience with the Queen Den mark was the final ountry to link with Lionism The fourday convention official 11111111111111 Peanut Lion Cub at RCASC School IuoNS INTERNATIONAL ArIFOURnDAY CONVENTION STAGED AT IGRAVENHURST and Mrs into the1V0rrdHLnoimen The international presidentlaed ly opened Sunday June 25 with Citliens of Barrie and The silrrou Irici and all Ihosewho assistedin making is gratefully accepted by the and by The chdere have made possible llllr lHltlilL TISAHTNHT MONDAY JTIA 10 1931 MW 816 FIRST RUN PICTURES FOR BARRIE Having contracted for some of 1950s most outstanding pro ductions the following pictures will be shown on our screen WERE PLAYED OR PLAYING FIRST RUN TORONTO lIIiyirsit and lI1lltllUl if Slur ll Mutiiiscull SlitJs liriglil 1111 Slit4s liookcd lIIIlcr Ethicurn lit511111 1111 luicsl 01111111 111cits 1111 ll tttiy lltc llISlltlTUf innml liIIpIIiJl 11 111cits MontJpn lulu111 111pk 111111 lightning TITlTHTlJl Hcks Barricadc SinAs 111pg gr1311 fright 1111or1o111 111rim ITlic llauglltcr ol ltusic OtiiathI Slit21s 111pt th III11 Imperial 11h Jlltl llllt 1S 1111 Illsl OH 1111 liSl llu lunnd Dont lyj11sl l1lsttlillcl 1111 rd ccks 197 it wo 1111 Angus is 31111 as mror THEII PRIVATE LADY of AIPUIBLICENEMYI Swimof111111111111111111 iiislallcd 111111 111111111111111 lll draw 1111111 SwItII 1111k whilc 1111112 111 11tt1111 up pumps on 1111 11111 111111 Still 11111114 using 111111111111 to chair puiiiir 1111 111111 own farm1 111I 111 111 111 1I11111 1111 cost 111 11 up 111111111 11llIt on l111 111a 1111 11111 amounting lo gt11l11 11111115111111 1111 11111111111111 havi lIIlllllS 111111311111 must 111111 111 what can 111 111111111plish1111 bxcausc it 11 said 1111 11111111fac1 llllcln 11111 Inslul 1111 ttHllpllllllli 111111 l1k1 11111111111uti1111 111 basis 111 1111 cytntual crop slam 111141111 lolmctu lliliycslcil II this 111111 111 litIE1 111 gt11r1 sct back 1ch out 11111 111 watched with much Is Tmlay IMPERIAL 111t111st lln 11111l crop 111 ion AlliiT 111 11111111 11111111s 11111111 paying to put 1111 11111111 financial 1111 1111s 11l 1111 111111111 basit 1111111 SO Youre Having Inlcrw Trouble Bugs Bunny Cartoon lla win1111114115 now 1111111 curg JS av V$X$SS$$Va 111lntr11 11 1111111 51111111g to 111111 busiIas egI 1111111 1111111111 to satisfy gucsts want to 1111111 back to 111111risiyr rcstIvatioiir 11111 that Nurthcrn IAIN11111111 ItrollS iIportcdiy 1111 ilowii1111l 1I lIiIllIL heavy tilll Ivllatiuns 1111 was 1pr1111 that if 1111 1111111 11111111111 thoughoul lhc gt1111111i11 It was piobablc that 1111 laigci and both1 known Iiisorts 111111511 orts 11111 11111111 substantially out i11111 Highway Traffic Last Weekend Heaviest in Years 12111y11111urst 11111111111 Traffic on N11 11 1131 6111 11111 11111s1 1111111 UMMTINIIT SlilHHlZ 111111 is 1111 111111 to introduce the librar to 1111 yoiIIIgir pomration 11113111 contniuc to be lillcd but that 111111on 11111 111111111d1r1 11111 1111 1111111111 Ion111 wllclc malln VlS many 111 1111 adult populauon are itoi 11111 1onc Ill rcccnt ycitlS Iwarc 111 l11IIII111tf111 1111 books whcn unablc to 111111111 liltgcr us 1nd 11 11111s which the 1111111 of lt lltllil Art111 1111111111115 of tlclc lNcciolopy Sci1111 111 1111 ravcn gates 111llll lll1 11111511111111 pur Highway last their partics from various scctions my IISIS1S TumlmsonI ol Intario and Outlac plus many $0114 Muskwku TUMN lllllltlHtlS ol 111111111111t ltSltltllIS Devopnwm ASSOCMUWI and man witncsmd 1111 i111prcss1r1 ltltllltl gm of MTDA mulled plplmhlmimsI my 1pm businms MN Prior to 1111 convention openingifox1311 bum hmmmmSL down The thought was furthcr llTILAIJYIUN 1ONIT pancrow lI1i1cli1on was 1111d He says sever11 hundrcd callcd at IXIJIWW1 111111 11 bellumts Ltl1 lIlllisSIIII with about 111 111 111111danc1 Busi lup pun111 setking information iicss math1s preparatory to 1111 II convIntion propIr 11111 discussed still accomnIodatioiri11 the Miislcolcii II II II II 75 nnrvngour Taxrm paw 1111 District despite the many visitors cowurssuowsNIoHIIYIsriuvnousx Monday was highlighted with lllL prcsidInts 1111111111111 at which scy Jral could not gain admittance due l1Tlack of acconnnodation Inter Iiiitional lltSlIltlli Wiltci Fishcr tlclivcrcd an Inspiring speech on Lionism Also on hand for the convention was Kate Aitkcn famous radio commentator and journalist who arriving 11c says there will br1 plenty of accommodation until 1111 11111 or l51h of this month Business in General Huronia Theatre Located two miles south of Barrie on con cession 14 Drivesouth on Highway 27 turn left on first road past Cloverleaf Discussing the tourist business in gcncral Mr Tomlinson says at at rcccnt meeting of the executive otI II the MTDA tourist prospects for the 111M1K If IiEmu Im mg present season were discussed and IdIlLSI unLMkaInAfilfllvhohPliBIIthat rcports were somewhat conI IC 11nd FRI flitting l1111i was stiitctlialieI Canadian Government Travel Bu which took her to home ltaly rcau was having about 311 31 where she had Visit With the moic Lllqlllllts than last year the Pope stated the Holy Father uiged Ontario Department of Travel and the women of thc woild to pldy MM IIIIIIIIIVIIIII 20 OII more constantly for peace 15 increase in enquiries than In 1919 Berlm German5 She Stated sun that the MTDA office was him 9de the Cm of the dead Mrb dhng an average of 10 enquiries Aitken related there are no JODS day but thousands of wo On the other lumd the monthly men The Russian youth army from East Germany gathered in the reports The DOIPJmQD Bureau 01 Statistics were read which seemed city They consist of teenagers Edown t0 12and 14 years of age The lto indicate an Incrcasmg downward girls are most vicious breakingtrend in the number of motoring bottles and can kill man by cut tourists from the United States to ting his veins The boys use raz Ontario which may be of great sig ors Police hold them back she nificance totheMuskokI District Said and the Russians take pictures 81ng the children no sitting problem 41 If ndividuolcar speakers No parking problem om dressed as you please Ideql for shutins Concession stond MONDAY fIIHE SwoRDSMAN LARRY PARKS STOOGES COMEDY COLOR CARTOON of the officers knocking to the ground members of the youth army and use the photos for propaganda mammoth parade took place during the convention with Bala Lions Clubs float winning first prize Bands took part in the fes tivities and about500 attended picnic at Gull Lake Park Speaker at the final banquet of the convention in the Gravenhurst Arena Was Professor Parker ofI McMaster University Hamilton Of further possible significance it Lakes the weekend or June 17 was to Washington to see the cherry RED SKELTON JANET BLAIRa Excursion Down was reported to the meeting was NJ the fact that the Buffalo Courier Express excursion to the Muskoka down 40 in numbers comparedf withI1949 It was also learnedthat ll the Buffalo Courier Express sponf sored eXCursion 1111111 early spring INI TECHNICOLDR blossoms was down 40 It was1 alsoIreported that Adirondack re1 II Sponsored by theBarrIeIChamber of Commerce proceeds in aid of the Barrieand Districtltlemorial IHOSpital Fund WEDNESDAY and THuRsoAYQ GRAPES oE WRATH HENRY FONDA DARWELL Cartoon DRIVEJIN THEATRE riding dis Your contribution Kinsmen Club Day success Barrie The Kinsmen c1113 of 5Q$$QQ yy