ilihitnriat it ilARRIE ONTARIO CANADA 87111 Year No Frbm Examiner Files if lears Ago 1111 ELM 11111 1111 11 111 111 111111 1111 31 r111f iltii LI Illittrugts COHt I111 111 explotr I111 11 111 51 11 11 11 1111 11 DrlL JUfCl 111 l11l11 11 into 11 11211 311 1111121 Iiioii1 111111 1r1 4131 1M1 1111 11 11111 11111 11 1111 lv Mh mphdjm 11111111 HighMl 1511 mu 11 111 11111 111111111 11ilt 111 liiniv 411 1lltf=1gt VHHH wl I111g 111 1111 1111111111111 1i IJitllli Lil thc 1111111 111 1111 11 31mm Jim my on Lip said 111111 that illiterate pi lNIl ll am 11 11111 wah lll driving 11111 that l1 io1111111 iiiasl an ht iiioio YVIIILiei iiiidcislaiaitizg mm numb with 111 11 1111111l 11f diagiaiiiinain 1111111 gt11Ii 111 MN MN All Pm 111111 11111 l11 MN 25 rlmlill Hyman Hi 3I iii 11 fltilI 111 1111 tI lli 11ll11 ll kw Vim Adam Deutet The tlttl necc 111 1111 ll Mum 111111 111111 15 111111 IH ililb 31 5111 11 11Iiiil1 iiii1ii1ixiieii ll in Hm =1 111 11 Hall 111111111 l11f1lliil 11 11111 121111li1 111111 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mm MHzg UHH Xlllzll3 HIVThin the Liiieiiiplmid hair 111l1 11141115 Jession 111 1111 111111i Xllit for illiteracy 311 1111111 11111 11 11s11 1111 ticiiiii 1911111111 il1ic 1121 11111111 tall 1111i 311 Illlll1llln flillllillll Elm 11111105111 ll 1H1 Itllilflli 11 the amount of woik 1111111111111111 tiliill for the privilege of 111111111111 bill scaiccl in accord 11l con 11m lhyl lei1111 1111 dangerous machine on the public mi on hm um 13 highways seems to be quite iii1de HIM MNHWK my llama quote lreniicr Frost should take look at the situation Soaring traffic accidents are adv itialtr proof that standaids for driver intelligence and respoiisiliil it are 11111 low Provincial Government To Consult Municipalities ls Indeed Welcome Newsl 1siiawa liiiicsGiilettci Announcement by Premier Frost of Ontario that the provincial goVernmciil proposes to hold 11 scr ies of conferences with the repre sciilatiWs of municipalities will be cleonieil by those elected to con1 dLic municipal affairs throughout the province lheri liis loll been need even hunb MHMI ha iwildest outbursts of enthusiasm 11111 demand for such conferences particularly to discuss the prob lems of financing of the mimicr palities Dependent almost entirer on taxes on real estate for their rev enues municipal councils are be ing hard pressed to meet the needs for services and at the same time keep tax rates down to reason able level The system of making grants to municipalities from the provincial treasury has some good points chief of which is their effect in keeping down the municipal tax rate It has the great disadvantage however that it does not permit stability in municipal financing These subjecti grants are adiaii change or withdrawal from ycarto following the example of the tilt year to sail the whims of the prov ouglibred horsemen our sport in Claims Government Discriminates Against Night Harness Racing To the Editor The Ilarrie Examiner Dear Sir Rural folk with more time to relax and reason are often slower to anger lliaii their urban friends Unfortunitelx they are often sloww er to forget as well And rural ed for the last two months under the ills of our provincurl govern 11111 oicii don1 111 half an hour The lioaid of Works l1lt1illlllltlllt 11111 iciiieiit walks for the west sidel of Mary Slice betueeii lllizabitii istr 1t arid the brewmy 111111 I111 in 1111 tiiistcad of the plank wallt lpreiiously recommended1 also limit 1111 the east side of Mary and illimlietli to floss and coiitiniia 1111111 of the cement walk on Vliiw lley from lappcrton to Illllltll Member lcds At St l11111xi tlllltlilllk loroiito on Saturday inioriiiiig the marriage was ibrated of Mr Leighton ioldie Mc Carthy Ml barrister and Miss Mlllitl Campbell daughter of Mr and Mrs ll Campbcll of Tot onto cele lretoria Surrenders 0111 of the nurio ever witnessed followed the announcement last Wednesday mm and Mum Tumnum night that lrctoria liad Stllltlltl newspaper5 have been brought to wry Thumduy was muclmnwdl the angerpomt by the suckerlu Hum by May Hudmhum sport editorial 111 yesterdays llobe and Mail They shall not llorseless Carriage vehicle forget quickly either the editorial or the present provincial govern ment Harness horsemen 1111113111111 leadership of lIlL lresiclcnf of the Canadian Trotting Association and tlielrcsident of the Canadian Standard Ilred Society have at tempted to bring night liarnessi racing to Torontos Thorncliffe= Raceway It had been the hope of all Can liarness horsemen that by that attracted good deal of atten tion around town on lucsday and Wednesday was an automobile owned by Eaton Toronto John Eaton and Saxon Shenstoiie are making trip on the machine hav ing left Toronto on Monday The machine is about one horsepower and is run by steam generated by gasoline Its average speed oii country roads is 18 miles an hour and it takes the biggest hills with ease The sensation of riliiig on it is very easy and pleasanft and it iiicial government in powcrso that 1050 could be dragged from the the possibility of sound longterm thumb planning is precluded In addition these lions conditions and qualifications so that by their CCCpIaHCC muni is under the complete control of the operator who can make it do of 10mm bookmaka nearly anything except climb tree The locomobilc weighs 000 who hav ii thld ih bel pounds and cost $900 It is cer grzwg ting on this sport and be placed often hedged about with mimiunder the protection of the pari miitucl system But the hope for night racing has cipalities have to surrender certain been shuttered first by the lremicr rights and power in order to se cure them There are many problems today in which the line of responsibility is not clearly defined between the province and the municipalities and it is well that these should be thresth out ata series of confer ences so that an adequate and sound pattcriifor the future can belldeveloped Some Conflicting Ideas In Economic Theory LetterReview Fort EiieVLi Canadian farmers are actively engaged in demanding that the government higher prices for their products Government is actively engaged 1in trying to dodge this of our province 111011 by his new unprejudiced Racing Commission and finally by the sticker sport classification as applied by the edi tainly great step forward as medium oftravel Time will sims plify and perfect them and also re duce the price to more reason able figurc than $900 Mr Eaton and Mr Sheiistoiie left yesterday afternoonlor 01111111111111 Graven liurst lt The locomobilet is sold by the top ycsmrdaysr GIVObL und National Cycle and Automobile Mail 8111er the two spans of C0 44 Km She wry mo thoroughbred and harness racing were not placed under one com mission inordcr that one might be disoriminated against It is interesting as harness horseman to learn in Torontos morning paper that the police are indeed fortunate not to have to deal with the powerful gambling tagsthatwould have led on night racing Would the gambling rings mem bers of which according to seine Toronto nCWspapers have invaded many Toronto offices be any larg Incvitable result of farmers er in the evenings when the offices having turned over control of their are closed Would Torontos office business to the government Outcome of this situation in any industrial nation has already been shown in Britain Evans Par liamentary Secretary to the Miiiis try of Food in Britain recently an nounccd that it was about time that thefarmers gave some thought to the rights of consumers and tax payers As result farmer pro tests led to his being red How ever the UK Government far more dependent on labor votes than on farm votes is admittedly planning 11 workers be so anxious to take slim book odds when they were free from work and able to place their wagers under the paiimutuel ma 1chines at the race course in the evening The decision to refuse permission lfor night racing to corporation that has the legalright under their charter to conduct such racing the samccharter by the way that ap plies to afternoon thoroughbred racing has no connection with the antigambling campaign at least no Macleans Magazine of bookmakers lcagalized though f01110 too close to Toronto the This is tlii second holseless cai riagc seen here llllSWWCCk The other passed through town few days ago drawn by pair of mules icollllCCtlUll that caii be seen by liarncss horsemen That is not to say however that such campaign directed agztlinst illegal gambling in both the racing sports may notbe well justified Night racing is legal under any charter held under the Criminal Code Why then should the pro position of night racing be asso ciated at this time with illegal gambling behind false shop front or with the gangstcrism of law breakers Surely there is no just ification in trying to prohibit the activities of those who are within the law in order to curb or re strain those who are and have been outside the law The Government of Ontariohas nt ventured to close one cocktail lounge in WM to curb bootlcg ging Bill it now proposesto cur tail legal parirmutuel betting with in reasonable hours in order to 1elose illegal gambling shops that operate atall hours The suggestion as offered by the Globe and Mail that harness rac ingunder partmutuels is suck er sport angers our rural horse men quite understandably so taketheir sport out of the hands they may be And now in they 1950 When Good 10ng famous as running horse preservetheir sport isbiaid ed as one for suckers and offered as the basis for powerful gambling rings This sucker sport suggestion regarding sport which was more popular by numbers in attendance last year in the United States than the older sport of thoroughbred racing must surely have been con ceived by the prejudices of some persons judgment as to the dignity integrityrrand sindustry of rural harness horsemen Respectfully WILLIAM ROWE Newton Robinson 0111 June 1950 They have tried for many years to HURSDAY 11rd agr at 61112 Titanic 15311111111121 Examiner Feature Article CHRIST OR MARSHAL STALIN all as the sliortstenimcd grass which glib 1talkiiig salesmen used to try to sell to un wary property owners supposed to grow so high and no higher it kept right Oiigrowing like any other grass as buyers discovered to their sorrowubut the By LEWIS HILLKIAX licforc lilt First ol1l War therei Vi my Cm Vw MLtlic cold war iii Iillltlllt and the So in anada and the 11111111 Statesva UWIHPM 01 hum 1M MW and prominent among 111 ilthtNZIltSllUl hm 5mm Wm WM 10 lbm Tmm WNW announci tliat 111 has iiofiutlier ter ois most of whom rctuined totieiw 11mth Hummus 1p whine be many before the outbreak of the my lmd mm mm puppy war and at least oneof them in Toronto was iiilcriicd soon after the war started While there were many good loyal Canadians who supports ed the movement and who refused to rbclieve ill the German Men ace they were disillusioned when icriiiaiiy tore tip the Scrap of Paper and invaded Belgium The interned German professor was also disillusioned but in different way He expressed his surprise and cliag rin at the instant response of the Cinadian people to the call as he put it to ieiipuiicc their autonomy and go to the aid of Britain PURPOSE PEACH MOVEMENT The purpose of that leacc Move ment was the same as that of the present Peace Congress It was in tended to softenup the Canadian people turn them against Britain and present the Kaiser in the light of an anch of peace llitler before the last war occasionally tried to coo like love when he offered the1world thousand years of peace at the price of Deutscli land iibcr alles 110 deceiVed most of the German people who would have been glad of hundred years of peace at much less price But the rest of the world had not for gotten the Kaiser und there were too many bombs and bayonets ill concealed lll Hitlers olive branch and dcr feuhrers voice was too fer ocious for man of peace Hitlerhas gone the way of the Kaiser and come to an appropriate end beneath the ruins of his palat ial halls in Berlin where he and his war lords gloried and drank deep to the day when the Swastika would wave over allBut it seems that in this world one despot falls only to give rise to another and the role has beentaken up by an even more formidable successor Soviet Rus sia is far greater menace than was Nazi Germany Hitler was brag gart and no one mistook him for anything but war lord and wouldbe world conqueror Stalin is silent or softspoken tin publicl but he is politically WflclllIClVlSO crafty and farseeing He partially deceived even thestute Churlchill and Rooseveltrsmiled upon him as brother The disillusionment came too late and believe Roosevelt lied from the shock AC TORY 7177 am Reginald is improvising some morning waiting to bestow perfect peace 1111111 sec preachers who were ordained should be necessary is to spray the lawn once or twice when the turf turns green in the spring The growlliretarder will do the rest llI1ltl lllll The new pcatt movement 11 an attempt to detract attention 1111111 to grant peace in our time as Ilitler lid at Munich if lresidenl Truman would fly to Moscow and beg for 11 Moscow radio is nightly broadcasting propaganda to the Western World in which Stalin is described as sitting in the Kremlin democracy Ull mankind Ihcsci broadcasts which are 111 English with heavy accent are literally pepper ed with the words pcoceand le iiiocracy and they are repeatcdl over and over with musital llllLl1l hides as if from record MOSCOW LIE CAMPAIGN Tifff Peace Congress is merely 1111 extension of this Moscow campaign of lies and it is pathetic sight to to proclaim Christ as the Prince oft leace and Savior of the Wolltt IllIll mg to ruthlessdespot I01 peace and salvation It would seem that the Dean of Canterbury and the citmissionary Dr James Endicottl have been disappointed with the Gospel they Were ordained to preach That is the fate of all Christ ian ministers who 1111711 become im patient with the delay of the King1 11111111 of heaven and who turn asidc1 to seek first the kingdom of earth lhcse preachers speak and actras1 if Moscow were the only place from which we can look for peace on earth and good will among men If that be so then we had better close up our churches or discard 11 Cross for the hammer and sickle and displace Christ with lVlarshall Stalin COLONIAL SIRUCIURIZ HALIFAX tCI The lZIINCUIV old home of Richard John Uniackc attorneygeneral of Nova Seotia from 1797 to 18301s being restored by the provincial goveriinieiitfAr1 chitcctnral experts describe the building as one of the inostinter esting examples of colonial archi tecture to be found in Canada SPRING FEVER This is the time of year for many dangerous things Willi the coming of fine weather people are anx ious to shake off the last thoughts 1ifwiiiter TIle break faith with all manner of activities 521111 as ii in Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering result are open to various forms of injury HUMBOLDI lSASK JOURNALI popular priced automobiles this 11 1111 1111 11 to 1i 11 11 11tlzgtpliuitli 1iiii1 11e 111 in 11 1111ic it of 11311211111 111 1511141 1ii 11 1131121 11 21117 to111 11 ltig guided tours 51111111 At zainp ltordcn liae ltoyai ltyig iiildiiig military 1p 211111111 Illill training 111111 initiain 111111 during oilxl 11111 1111 and the Royal aziA ii i11111 3o 131111131 there Will 1111111llllollll flair 1111 1111111 111111 111 imp 1h Bdrm 1131 giqlqlm 111111 111 1111111 311 l1 1111 11 11ii 151 11l1131 1111111itiph WVMA ill lliv 1111111 of 111 1111 l1 hardtold thinneri111pfl=11i11l1gt1111t1ucii111111 first to 11111111111 flu 1111 iiiii11it achieve 1111 111 i1 111111 11 ban 111111 during 111211 11114 1112111 111111 tar Iwo Sec foild T1111 iiiidicd of fighter utid 1111 111 121rd lie ti1i1ii ptiblit the op 11111111111 111111 were giadtlatisti from No poiiij 11 ivmvw 111 1iit11111 it has al scrziev 1211311 li1i111 ciitie of thi Cltllr inidj 1111111 11 pit21111 9111 three days with 11111111111111 111 lia11ug pl111 the 111111111lt1t111i 1111 1111ull1111 ol Il1RIAI Since 1111 war the 13111111 lloidcn lttl lliird 111 iiiplay 11Ill training equips Stitioti l1 been 11ililihed iiiiiilj 111 men 111 1111 non of illilltsl to the pub teiiiiiicai 11211111131 Iil liouselioldirs chore Itlollt heavy and llltll toil 111st iboul 1111 Illllttll 1111111113111111 the Illilllglioli land the Qlil illlkd call and the evenings are too pl1ri1iii than sitting on the porch oratorirs llllll1 to have come up with new tlltlllltlzl to retard the growth of lawn gias the dream up llll he pauses to rest his aching back 111 trundliiig the grassautter through parlicularLy tough stand 200000 year in advertising revenue that Staff ViceAdmiral Grant had previous Navys budget or about I$20000000 year single item of expenditures for defence is ICommonsis entitled to full and frank ex planation of the conflicting figures cost of gas to the consumers in 130 Pages to 16 Air Force Day Saturday lune IO eliool 1111111 iiih several 111 111111 111 1111113 the boiLds alic1lex thc taion 1l 1112 Il1tla the 1113111 11d the ziiitidiau lilti 11111111 tiller 111111 11 hoilll 1111 Saturday 111 the pubch iiitween Lawn Mow 31 Far owell 1111 it Iliow the lawn111111111111 iitlllitt 11 1111111115 to for 11111111 iiwtte 311 1111111i 111 11111111 1111 rate of that 111 whole season the grass i1fgt tlolllt but littl 111comes long cii oiieli to be lli1lIlil 41111111 11 11111 111111 111 1111 the 11111111111111 of 11111111111111111 1r oiniiiier bondage to the lawn mower lliose eiziziy afternoons when 11111 11111111 clouds pile up and roll lazily acress the bright blue sky Will be available for pic 1111s 1111111 trips or golf lliosc long sum mer evenings can be devoted to dozens of pasztiiiies suited to 113 living And the tired householder will never come home from work to find the lawn iiiowei waiting for him on the from walk where it has been left by wife with ll1ltll 1111 outdoor tidiiicss 111 1111 anythi more stieiitiwi The white coated experimenters111 the lair To 1111 tired 1111111119111 the lawn mower idea may seem the sort man might ll the substance works siieeessliilly all that No more Illlti muscles No more whirring of the blades to shatter the stillness of the summer twilight No more wearisomc grop ing wit ii the grass shears at corners the mow cr couldnt reach 1111 right now well have to ask you to ex cuse nslfwe hurry we can just manage to mow this back part over to the fence before dark The invention is not in the same class at The short grass was SeliSupportirig These figures hardly confirm the claim that the CBC virtually selfsupporting Actually till radio license fee is direct tax upon owners of radio sets but it is unfair be cause there are thousands of people who nev er pay the fee Many people who do pay the fee to so under protest because they listen for the most part to the private stations or to broadcasts from the United States To increase the license fee as the Star suggests inightritiider it more difficult to collect and it would be an even greater imposition upon those who are forced to pay againstethcir will As iiialtcrs now stand the 7130 isvir tually selfsupporting says the Toronto Daily Star in an editorial dealing with the financing of the publiclyowncd radio serf vice The Star was Opposing the suggestion of the private radio stations that the annual radio license fee be abolished ahd the 080 be financed by funds out of the federal trea sury This says the Star would cost the government upwards of $8000000 21 year and turn over to private stations more than 32 now goes to the 080 and deprive it of $500000 in radio license fees Confusion InDefenceEstimates Cause of the confusion is the Governments reluctance to allow Parliament complete in formation on defence estimates Reluc ance to submit such estimates todctallcd scrutiny on the part of the Public Accounts committee undermines public confidence in the Defence department at the very time when defence is assuming greater import ance than at anytime since the end of the war Desire on the part of Pllltllllellt to scruti nize defence estimates rests on conviction that more not less needs to be spent on the armed services Under such circumstances the Minister of National Defence should wcl come inquiry into the estimates return 11111119111111 the House of Com rmons by Defence Minister Claxton on the cost of operating Canadas lone aircraft car rier HMCS Magnificent indicates an annual outlay of around $4500000 Chief of Naval ly presented figures to the House of Comin 011s which estimated that19 per cent of the went to maintain and operate theMaggie difference of $15500000 between two es timates both from official sources on disconcerting to say the least The House Of Vancouver Interested In Case No wonder then that Vancouver is becomy lug concerned over this matter TlieB C1 Financial and Industrial Times said recently2 fAll in all therefore it can beseen that cer tainly million year can be saved and passiny far more by thorough study of the whole pipeline problem It would be only proper for this city and the Lower Main land business interests to be represented at Ottawa when the questiOn finallymust be settled before the Board of Transport Com niiss1011ers Anottawa filibuster conducted by Several members of Parliament blocked two incorp oration rbills for months bills that would grant charters to companies seeking to build pipelines from Alberta gas fields to the Pacifv to coastal citfcsTlic filibusterers obstruc tion was continuous through We sessions and attracted national attention Their main line of argument Was that they wanted the gas lines to be built along an expensive all Canadian route regardless of the priceboost ing effects this would haveVonthe ultimate Elfin lliarrir hammer Class Weekly of Canada Published Every M9uday and Thursday at The Wilson Building Post Office Square Barrie Ontario Canada THE BARRIE EXAMINER LIMITED MacLAREN President WALLS VicePresident EJIAE SecretaryTreasurer Member of Class fA Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly NewspapersAssociation0ntario Quebec Division of CWNA and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Subscriber to CF Service 7096 AVERAGE PRESS RUN Average Net Paid ABC Circulation six months ending March 31 Highest in Canada To Weekly Newspapers MacLaren Managing Editor Walls Business We George 031108831 New Em IChIttlckAdvertlslng at mm mm Mm Cooper Punt Superin Authrfzad media ciassmaii by are PostOffice DementmfI Subscriptions payable in advance 3300 yearly in Canada $360 yearly outside Canada cents single copy