Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1950, p. 8

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IIIII IHIi L111 IIlILR IIllRSlY MN 1950 in 1111 WI 73 V1 xi All 31 11 11 t1 LAST CALL lor 11 IV Hybrid and Other PUtItlftItlbfll NEWS OF COOKSTOWN 11 I1 It 11 31 iii 11 i1 11 FIELD CORN 17 Insecticides ka Sprays Sprayers Turnip and ij Mangel Seed 51 11 Garden Power 21 =11 r111 11 11 1111 fin szmiiw 11111 H1121 fflli 11 1111 111111 till to llinicziw 11111 1211 BrownC0ltd A1 117 Dunlap St Barrie Phone 2267 Id11110oo and Lawn FERTILIZERS 111 i1 SeedsmeiiSiiiec1871 mm Mm lililll liilttlal 111 Li 111 Siiiirii1iii 111ih 111111 11111111111 111 11 11 tivhinn lliilill li lleati ire 11 lil1= 11 lil1111111 111 11111 811111111 1111stx11t li 1l11 llv I1 11 11111ei1111la1 leriiei Mack Ruth1121 Iiicclit Stan aoks 1111113 Mr and His Quests of 111 11111 lr This Time Give Dad Treasure for Years It may be business bag at club bad Junior or Streamline Gladstone Webbs now carry very extensive line of for all occasions and quite reason ably priced Come in and see it for yourself WEBBS JEWELLERY Good Parking Allandale oiacaircay Rccls 51475 111 $1495 Trollingr Rods 1111 Lake Trout $6713 to $975 CASTINGBAITS TROLLING LINES All the best ineluding 117 Williams wobblers and many others TACKLE BOXES $495 Preserved MlnnOWS and Pork Rind 351 1nun Fathers Day June Gift He will fllO0 Dad will be King svwmm For His DayJune 18 Make him happy with FISHING TACKLE Shakespeare and Great LakcsCastiiig Rods 1ljicctl1$525 to $1495 Wide Range of the Popular Shakespeare and CASTING LINES CAMP STOVES children Monet and CQpper Nylon $110 up COLEMAN SPEEDMASTER for that snack 91397 Hummer 111111111 1iaooD PARKING Portage La Prairie Aids Flood Victims Crown Queen Essa Centennial 11L11 1n the 1111 11111 11111111131 11111 poop trait 1211c the townhip It Pays to Shop at 115 1lillli Zlitiii Al tlitllftSli MAKES Il FRIDAY and SATURDAY SALE LUXURIOUS BEDSPREADS 11s 1101111 CHANCE rRiDAY afkers IIS lltlil ltinrilllllf milliflstalict 1111i 11 1111d11111s 1lliil 1d tci from Iitlllliil 1111 1111111115 gill1 111 111 oldest iiti iltri 11i1 113111111aii attending Illt l111=li 1gt also aria111 11111 Iiiii Hifiliil 11 1111 liiiilltii tlim 11 the old111111 fltltllrl 1111 Saliida nth111111111 tilt gt 11111 1Il shut off 1111 1111p111 lhilillutlit I111115111w1rl11giro1in1lthe 111 iii l11111111111tiicicixcta11lasandwiicolIln111111f1111 fl ill ill lilidth 11121 17 lwltiul lllL 5111 iilllllllthixtl 11111111s 11111 iiit 1111111111 11 111 field toiioiio hmnnv lyml 11 liwbi and 1111 gt21 15 iis Nitt l111hiii 11111 lwnwhalal frail NM vllilt KWUWIS 11 119 1x111 11 in 11 J1 r1 i1 111 111l1ll il 1pph 1p 11 11l 111 in mm mm with colored IC 1111 of 511 11 1l111111 11 11 111111 1Iltlll 11111 titllntl its 1111111s 1nd or 111111111111 11 1111 i11lx1111 11111111 l1lil limit lllllli that 11111 111 LeannHi 11 51MB It 01 111 r1 ii1iI igiri 1viitllfiiiiiiiilull111ill1ti1wsc1ltotiic Im Imlh lm grounds uh mu 11111111 11111111111 or 11111 111111 111 lanadiaii 1111111 Ml CWHl olors lie my MANN signs iioik1 in blinding mm 11 1111 sun to sm those spreads on 011 iii11i1ti oldi 11 times 111 the Tuna 0m in H1n lhcv CHURCHuL 111 11ml 111111 1111111111 are double lied size JUHV lolin iligt11ii were htlltfltllttli 11 Him l1 111p 111 1111 Six Nllll1ilt1i$ 11 IN 1111 li1lt near Iliaiittoid 11ir If the week to make arrange 111 11 151 121 ftllihllitllitlls to take part 1111 l1i1 1111 Illl 14 11 connection lIIlIllt gemrail 1p 1e H5 11iiip piogiaui being sponsored 1i xx p11 Motown 11 fulfilhunt the township to pit1 51 NW 11 for the expected 3001 visitors Hm KIM HI 1H mda 111 liil neckend ltlllll residentsi 1M my 1111111stcd to paint up theiri My WW Hmd Hm 1ll Inix1llli put their names on Hm My and mm 111121 so that their farms may belt 11 lhp mm iiillIllHll by the present owners Angus Ladies Aid liaxtii l1 11 11111 11111111111 1111 1lies Aid lliorntoii Womens 11 ly1111 111 11 111111 1111 11111 HIM mm titutc Angus leeii lown 5111 1111 some 1r111 111111151 111 111111s Anglican Iliureli atif St ailiarinc and has taken up 1111a and the Angus Ladies Aux mnh IN MINA 1111 51111 111l M1 1111 to the iiiadian Legion have 111ii111 111 111 i11 1111111 liiitl Hl In Nlh Mm Id ilWl 1119 Am Mn 11 six 11 11siniiiit 000111 1onces$ 111111 Instituti 1111 XIiv 51 111111 1111 111 11111111i $313 $1111 itfullfmui ilzc 2111 1114111111 111 111111111 The 11111111111111 St Peters th9 10 ignlnulnn lorry liltlt lire chist lii in tooK 111 held 11 1111 leone ol 311s Wm ll ll in 1111 1111111 on July it tii1lovii llal1 Ul on TIilllwiH 1llll ten liltiHS 11 liiiM ltllllnlllllllUPIIIfliilinIL It 111s11l lzairi v11 11111 111 tIi1 mum HIM erpum lmkmnv Lmy Ivm 1111111 Borden and that arrange ou Wou expeCt to pay at east 1k Mun pansy SN mum 11iits were being made to traiis 19 l=1ii lint11111 111 the ill be I924 i1il11 the llilitvf1v1x 11gari l1i gilllt liiifiLu visited Manitoba 1111131 tooks HI in inted by the press of the Allllt town and witnessed the Lodge 1111 MUM hmth Tam 11 Cllilln 115 1111 111 v11 al 11 b1 l1 mon 11 book 11 on 1111 tiiird degree 1111 Satiiitia c1111111g June Attended Sum111 WI liiiibeis of the local IiisItltli1 who 111111111111 the South Siine land Womens Instiiiite convention 1111 lllnl Ll1 Minionwar 11 Ir 111 lotion l1sv lonkiiian llrs 11111111 11 111 1111111 111 11111 artz Ii Millie 1111s JIM Adair Mrs 11 111111 Mrs if Mctiusli lrlt Ira Wilson Mr sl licil lilil and 111 lcl1dd1n llie ffdlYtliIliillINN elected Monkniaii tor illl 1lll1lll year illlgtiliflli 1ll lilyltoys Association liciiic ookstowii Old Boys Association of Toronto are planning their an nual picnic in Toronto on VVLlllIsi day June 38 in area No High lark Cars may be driven into the shoe pitching races for special 11cnts for old timers and Tea cream and sugarl supplied for basket lunch at it p111 everyone1 she lt Bring prov1s1ons for your tamHy and friends ome and bring 1111111 friends and meet old friends anii icquaintances curling with tpi 21 11 it 121 Vrtl 11 Mn mm Vltlliifnl cilia llSpIdid killlsvi take it easyf Rtisss Group Meeting Rosss Social Group met at Illti home of Mrs Batters on ltlfll with if members and two visitors present The meeting opened with the Lords Prayer in unison After business discussion Mrs Gilroy the president called upon Mrs Bert McDermott to read an address and Mrs Iolt and Mrs Norman Campbell presented Mrs McArthl ur rnee Ruby Batters of Barrie recent bride with lovely cof fee table sttby thanked all the 35 1v lt1 fDialv3997 l11l1lgtil the home 111 li Wat lli lr1ti11n on siiioclziiig lr1 William tilluliiliil iiii1llfive cents All the advertising 111111 111 Toronto 11 Ix Stiirpugcs have now been signed 11p 1s l1 ihills Ranting 11f lor for by persons in the township lill Mrs licaiiipl1ell wvMVAMi 1111 1111111111 11111 111111111 mu Mi and Mrs liirlie Mr cods il 111111 Lliaica at her home iliiriix 111 11111111 1111 the 11111 1111 11111111 was then 11111l 111 the li1111gs 1slitfl by Mrs 11111115 Nixon lht rest ol the afternoon was spent in quilting The next meeting will be held on June 13 at the home of Mrs llaiiisay and Mrs Really IIMIIMRIIR IIIIC llILDRIIN park where they may be left all alternoon and evening licnic iic Hum turn Fm hm mm gins at 111111 Spoits include horse 114 mm mu dents tlt doiil 11 the idea that lliev are ill but on foot 11 lllf sniinncr months= 1Ill increased travel nior1 cliilI ct In the are injured inside cars fhai 1011 Thats something to her and dad to keep in mind whenever they are tempted tolake CW RADIO WINY 7071 IIERilVIUDEE DANGERFIE Bradford 51 at Iohn flirt oxen from near ttawa Souvenir booklets are many as 130 pages icll for 30 cents and special iiiail Visitor 111111 111111 holiday 1ll1lll envelope and postage to en lilli111 Sloan and Frances Stevenwilile buyers to send them to oiit 91111 of Toronto at 11 ll Silill 1111Tottowiiers will cost an additional 1G To Guano Island lltl 1111171llllll South Africa June 111 elf you are allergic to colds you should live on guano island According to lrouncwald who Cold germs smell cold on the island icant live in the guano he says REDUCE UNTIL SOLD Now $10350 Factory Recondition One Year Guarantee Wash and SpinDry all your washing in one hour week WAS $13950 lieConditioned WASHERS M05 Guarantee Easy white porcelain tub chrome wringcr safety type $7450 COTTAGERS Several good slightly used Coleman Oil Burners like new small size $6000 up ycaiguarantee Several small used coal and wood stoves suitable for cot tage use Erica from $23 up Budget Terms AVailable on all Used Appliances ALLAN DALE HAR DWAR TRADE1113111111 34AEssa 1111 Phone 2944 GOOD PARKING HEATER Siiltfcoosnirnoivriai jW LD MOTORS Dial 4981 being has been 1111111 man on Bird lslaiid the government guano island in Al goa Bay nobody has ever had of the ivory with dots Each pair is 80 wide and 81 inches long gt SENSATioNAL SALE or PLASTIC buy and pass the saving along to you Theres wide ran every purpose Cash in on the saving this weekend 361NCHW1DTH 99nd PLAID FLANNELETTE 70x 90 niches 1111161111111 on 1311115 Ticups FOR HOME CAMP 0R COTTAGE Che Sale of high gLadchrcnc Plastic Reg 59c and 98c Walkcrs made tremendous nines WIDTH 49c Yd BLANKETS $489 fpr BATH MAT Pretty Pastel colors very nice quality others To $595 WALKER STORES IS HEADQUARTERS 11011 KENWOOD BUINKEIS Theresa grand selection today on Walkers second floor The new colorsarc dream JOIN Walkers Layawaiy Club Choose your blanket We lay it away you pay $1 and $1 each week soon you possess lovely Ken wood By 11 YARD ge of patternssuitable for nille Type SETS 298

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