rm ISAHKII tVIIlK riilRsiiAY itsi ii lsiuii W1 Thcrcl quirk Iatlslatlnty solution to ItliiyillAlV money Illkillhg1 NIAGARA IOAN lilc insured II no ruia tosi for our protection can to get quitkl llic Xingu loan Sprtialist ll Iiicudl helpful lllfilllitr of thin onununiu He can Iicip you to hudch your Intoinc to iiuludc your lflulVllltllU He often four kinds of loan plans auto or 1th 21 business equipment Iann limit and fillllllI It husband and wife Thch Inc 251 loan Aiiiounu Illtl Iqmtniciit plan ii running up to 24 months See the Niagiu man piiinicly today NSOJA Iilll llllil IIIilt The Wilson Building lllIlNli 33311 Post Office Square Barrie ff Ilillll Hlllillli IIIll 1iiic lliilt1imill iiii li ll li Ht 1131141 lll WISH COULD SEND YOU To MY SANlTONE CLEANER HED GET YOU CLEAN Clothes get back that natural look because Suniione dry cleaning gets out groundiii dirt and grime leaves garments soft and pliable Heres really better sauce spots are removed even perspiration stiiins Wonderful press stays in lonch No dry cleaning odor lry bonitone sec how clotlicsparlilc likenew again lllvlu eWrIgllI Cleaners PHONE 5531 AND 5532 Manufacturers CLEARANCE OF 128 HASSOCKS gt We have secured the dentirei show room display of one ofthe best known makers at discount that enables us to sell them 5at half price 85 less low of them are slightly soiled All Styles All Colors Regular $275 to $995 Sale Price 98c to $475 SMITH EuRNiTTTRE STOVE 129131Dun16p si mini All Sizes Phone 4492 ll lartriiiucs on Sunday Sorry to lilltlll Leonard lltilllitY ll Willi pneumonia lr and Mrs Handy lllttl at Martin ltllistcr Visited at will liugwoud on Sunday thlis ll Mcitllistcr MrsM llnws and Mrs Struthail attend onuratulaiions to Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown inee lcan Dillltl who were married in Craigluust liislwtiiian Church Saturday June 11 On Tuesday night large number of lriends gathered in the community hall and presented the young couple with miscellaneous shower They received many loveli and useful gifts Both Clarence and Jean replied in few vell choscni words The evening was spent in dancing Parts are scaldiifiitniDirt BOBALAWNCUB MikeJ 40 Baylield St tl ItllLt Brown who was married June traiiihurst coneratiilzitions 11Vlis SlltlSWtll Mrs Miss Dicker and Mrs Partr tended the District Annual Dunn eii Jean Iii extend iss wish to 105 loyce Hunter it at ed the V1 district convention at 8mm 70mm ism0 llllt$LHIit on liicsday llawkestonc on May 20 The many friends of Mrs Slltlhii Weekend visitors her mi well will beaglad to know that she Mrs Roland Locke and or has been abh to leavetlie hospital Willowdale Mr and 31111h rand is now with friends in Barrie llickling Shanty Bay 511ml uSimpsons Mr and 11 0y BrownDunn iiptiais ICOUk Lois Ron and BlifChCOOkS town at Dickcrs Key AIL Missc vine the for North Simcoc on June Congratul Glenoro Junior Farmerlm Vm ning the square Mr and Mrs Stu and Jack Hunter of 1113 were lreccnt visitors at lYS Everything fOr BOBAIAWN IlUNllll POWER AWN MOltR Johnson 5341 PfMotor 18 cut 5Blat5 New R681 Pressed Steel and Aluminum Construc ness and Strength New Hand Throtl Andhepriceisohir $14950 dnd Clippers Mrs Wihpa Dickeij were among Alberta andJ OllSlLna is ad Ken lios attend Jiinior Farmers 101d DRY unwind Park 31115 to the 1n for Light All Moving ht cm East McMann Elmvalc Sunday dance impetition1 art iid lfamily THE Grass Cutting gtFORBES MOWERS Canadiiiii Made Paitsviiiiwrays available Bi Bearing 16tcut $11860 Hinze Bearings cut ther styles and sizes priced iromsioiis to $3095 lawn Edgers from$l25 to $95 SHOP WHE3 YOURVDOLLA RBUYS MORE iatives here SILENI HOMER ROCK DRIVE VASEY Morgan Stewart is visiting rel Mr and Mrs Morgan Edwards visited with Mr and Mrs Thomas Miss Marie Tinncy Coldwatcr spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Murray McFarland Miss Edna Edwards spent it few days Willi Mr and Mrs Eric Cur rie Wyebitidgc Mr and Mrs Ellsworth Collins Wyebridgo visited with Mr and Mrs Edwards Sunday Miss Jennie Jordan and Jim Simms Toronto spent the wee end with Mr and Mrs Orval Edr wards Mrs Annie Jordan Orillia and Ernie Miller Barrie visited with Mr and Mrs Orval Edwards Sun day ARRIEEXAMINER CAN OUE PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 2414 FILL FINGEI IIP ADJUSTMENT 0F CUTTUI BAR AND FOLIEES $1450 Dial 3664 LLBariellalilw1oI We DELIVER AYLMERCHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES AYLMERBOSTON BRDWNED PORK BEANS LYNN YALLEYSTDGOLDEN wrx BEANS io iiiii CANADIAN MAID AYLMERDEWDROrSIZE 45 lt 12c FANCY PEAS 718lt AYLMERFLEM EEAUTYIN SYRUP 23c CHOICE PEARS i9 AYLMERCHOICE 10c SLICED PEACHES 26 iiiiii BRANDSLICED 25c 15 01 iii 15 Oz Tln 16 Oz Tin ZSEPINEAPPLE MISS CANADACOLUMBIACHOICE hf 25 FC FANCY RED SEAL NATUREsaEsTcnoics OUAurv COHOE SALMONE 31ltTOMATO JUICE is13 UT V9 LinenAssam gt PEANUT BUTTER 35 INFANT FOODS 3m 23 Sandwich Biscuits 29 EINLIrtEAch 12 11115 75 CALIEOENIAN TOMATO JUICE hf 15c VCEIHIdIOppggsZEIlS EA 21c SALAD sussssnons LARGE FIRM ICEEEEG HEADS KRAFTKITCHEN Eiissii MAYONN Anbs 1551 To SALADS LA 01 PllMItOSlSWEET MIXED PICKLES iiiiiiiliiiiiiiis IGGS WANTID We pay higlmt man kot prices Ior eggs Sliipplng lagi avail 29 iisE 29 GRADE ALLWEIGHTS lb inrm tPICKLEPIMENTO Loaf LB FRAYBENTOS SLIoED 45c ll Corned Beef Signpost of Satisfactionit II dd 16 Ol Jar 65 Values Ellecllva able at our Itores 0m hqum or Thurs EFL Sal ticulars 1199 itqtlon WI GtIAIAIlmII Imbaiunliu you BeulahSim HIM Imn64 no sin int iiiisiisiio wv Bu Number ls lucky One for Girl Iwugcc Hsfoncal Booklet Marks LUCK GOOD Essa Towns ip 100 Years Iillill iMt izt 11 if rw iiilili For PaCIIIC liner iiii uu dwelt it 11 in il1 1111 it in 11 tdi liv MV iv lfii lusta ii lill til it llt 15 ii 111 11 ii 112 Eli iii iii 11 i1 31 litii almzi 111i hi and It ihl P111 mi iii lllllt 1m FF liit JH 11 lit11 tilttl til 1ltl it li lliitllttillllt11illllri Utlu tmi 1112 iii of out lit il itillltlllt it it lwiiw elm lwclveicarold li Ilprrniaiiis holding flowers Iclt picture gets special sendoff at Brunet1 Lari iw ii it Ln Jiiomv ii11ihiiiliiiiu vv liltll itriitrill when records of the International Refugee Organlullon IRO dHtIOsed Muir pin ii in tili iii Iiut she as the lStHititith displaced person to be admitted to the INA mill Ill ll ltliilllll llt 11 llltt iiiidi tillldi ill poi ss ii mi mother and father leaving an lltt camp with lace for their new home stand Vllllll Iii lruiiti umith and tilinlii iitill 11111 Illit we lion up 11 ui the sign right Dace is shown llllUJItI LII RUchartered ship just lter she first saw the Itll Itiiili 112 intuit is izaiisiniumi ii 11 Illtlll buildings of New York Large numbers of refugees from European luiltli I131 also iildlinit 411 ii In ltlllillil not cmi Turind new homes in lrtel Australia the liiitcd Kingdom mull Inuitc Algtlltltld and Ilrazll Illirllllit 111 MM 11 My pupsslum11 hm WWW Hm tl ilAl riiitii viiis iltilLU spent the lllhl Siiiidax 11411 in when sound Jun md lllm md My M1 and Mix loliiidoii 1iitil Davidson htriiutu Visited on ciuiiipliii1ii ti illitl luv11 VThml Vwkvliv Ninth llli ll IltIlltlLt 11 Mitchell nurtured in lheli gt 7N luv WA is lluiiiii buxom itlttl il kiln too tiiiiv1 11 itiltltl iili her tUll Mi 1111 11 pm 1m hm Hm ii MVMJMH WM Ill kd nhll All IM Wk In URI MW 11 MI liid illml illiliurvcrs paiciitr Mr and MS Wlml im illmli liili tlll Sunth ith Illllltlfi mm on Wm In anml Iml li iiiit AllltlW Tip ltoulstiin Mi Mi 11311 ll iiiil Ii Izii Miltllutls MM MIM thl mmlsm allvavillilllitllvtlltllkilllx Iitlllltll llio llllltltl 511 Similar will H111 1n M1 WWI 11 their ii gt ii fJHmeL lxiims Ml mm KUUNUHDurham tililiwii 11 mi Bradford St on NM NM uuu sh Fdiii 1uiuiuexid Ml mm MN All Wit md is tilllilIllnu lllll v11 loiunto gtlilll idiesday of last mm 5pm Sunday Wm Mr and iilmv WW in Vimimi iimsiiuiiiIiivmtliii iin wmiimi Iiiimiiiiiiiiic limitii oi In Hix ltunev lr lIltI lis Max Mun 1H lltl cousin lll All 11 H011 Mm WHMWM WW 11m 11x MOUlll SI EciAi 11 Suva llflil Hm Um Dmqu of Sunday with their parents Mr MMHM MH Mm mp 1918 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN 1c llgt Rain CENTRAL ORo 1948 DODGE SPECIAL WAN liuusiil iccupicd some years also WM Sim 1918 ILYMOUTH SPECIAI SFDAN in Him Inland llldsllltl III is ixpittul lltilllt soon liiiir il Mi llindle had the llilsltllh my 31 lllllalll oil to gtzood staill 1347 PLYMOUIII bl ELIIll SEDAN in Alli ill iil from pHm 111 had burn Kl 5mm mm 11lllii mil 11 111111ijlllwinlilt 19 OLDSMQBILL COACH =ii1i til in iii tits lll iiiiiii viii linlI litii1udiii icldiiinu is toillii will hmm Wtl lwnd tare getting team 111ch up also 1940 PON FIAC bllDAN HIM mum and Dung lxhwhd flmllx guiltVltiiislgllmarkg Vttllltriililllilllllis to Mr and Mrs 1940 FORD COACH iiiIil lhi iiililltl at hii Win and los hitMaster rcceivrdi IEZim Jnl hm mum Wil Emmett tilltltllylll arriylal oi Ill 1938 BUICK OPERA COUPE son in iyi icoria Isnai ill ll ll1m llhlil ll lllNklgdcxhMd Npillv IBWHU 1936 CHEVROLET COACH and oiii vii lltil sister rs airn ii Cosson Oiillia MI vgt lt lli nul lw 1tc Melxar torn Man had passed away imlllld 11 Mike COIIingwmd am Alllm 1035 OLDSMOBILE COACH Viw llamiizitu lllllt iitiinili 31 mm H115 and mm 411511111 blc Mine Visited Ni and 1950 ESSEX SEDAN zucrc callcr ll MU lllllnlllhlls It Koiiv 11111 rentwed ll ill tin itlllild Hall lwiih and Mr and hlis Minty 1947 MERCURY ION lANEI IN WM urvm Rm Ildlllh gtllY cquaintance iii the illalie and dis 45 ivllm lnm1l In hnlml1 Mi and Iis ll Griffiths oiltrict DODGE DUMP idllli li ind lis Williiiu llci FleV and mutime Jmnl iuests lt lllelpston llolel Mr Hhmf iii lorontll called lon their inzliny rand Rush MI and Mm Hi My MVAHhH June llllnflb IlltllllllllltlllllTllifllllntlLNMELIugPhn M155 Mill WWW iv MN ihrmm my sum 1if ll lillltlll ml llllitl Mi =11th lmmlllnw QthlIH iii 181 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO L1 gt mean ol ie ttillll 1ll lll iiiil All NHMHJ UNIV lt KL rm 1111 Mr and Mrs harlcs f3iinpsou1l IHl 11km kdlnonglitllllt ltlr and Mrs McIntyre in and lr ll Ilctuaie Main Vlyriia and Vaiie attended thiiimi lllncmm gummyloronto 11 iiic iiiun ilcuai lgtllliSllll51 vttldllll Jim 3v it 11 smmiwr consul tiivme service on on my WWW Mens and 511 11mm Analican ChurtlL MMWEU 91mm Mummy Sham Buy littlclllsdtvolt pitSCIltfigIZOI bitx1 Mr and Mrs McLean Rolsm Mrn gfialilluli mid tarry and Shirley vcrc amo llg1l1llrh1fil Mr thosc attending the Apple Bl TM All 111 MH 1mm Nun Rm Juno 5iiinlwltstiities in the Iliornluny in Aumd lud Mrs 15 lohnmu llltl friends llflltlr blllldfl in Toronto for few days lllt 11111 Invnds hero Cld