Evocuc1ted from St Vitul Munitobu II Tr 150 Attend 5011111 Simcoe wl District Annual at Bradford iiilixxiisi1ici 1111 rois Palsusi slips lii21tl 111 phiL19 11 gtt1l1 iti 21 M11111 l1i1 11111 11 11111411111 ii l111 1111 111 111111 1111 1111 WW i11111ilz 111111i 111111 111 imii itiilklltil rule the 111111 111 111111 111 1111111111111111 111111 111 litllllv 11111it1111 111 51111111111i111u 11111111111111v1 1111 gt 111 out 11111111 ll1i1rilz1 111 llrn roillltl of 11111 lilil 1i1111 llil 11111 111111111111111111 win 1111 lgt111liI 11111 uteri to 1111111111k l1d111111 mirk 1ii1c11l11111111 Ic1llI1 111 111 111111i1c111f lillijliigt jllw 1l1i1z 1ple1hlili 1l l11 1111l1 lltlmiiiliilll 11f Agricultur poiu iniwlly 1111l 111111gc1l the 11 elm1111111 Hillliillii for c11lj1 l11li 311litcu Your Home 111l1 tol 111 1hr 111114111111 clamp and 1111111s will l11 held 111 11111111 ISlrouo 11111 1111ks111u111111i1 111r LI IIfIIIIII IIIIIfIIIIIIIiIIIIfm II 4IlIllll grim I111I011111IriesIoiIzi has131 1111u1111111 f1111I11 111111111l 11 III 1IIII IIIIIIII IIII SLVual frcsliiiitlicir 11111111tl11 il1i11tlllllll1ii 11nd tIllIeui 311111111 111111 11I1I 111 11111111 111131111111 selves preoccupied by the 1i1lgt el l11111111111111egs ll11y 1111 111I11l11gt 1111 111 111111111 have been given sligllcr at Winnipij livdeh St mills away 111 from their floodravaged homes 111 that tlicsc children 1l11ti1111 11f ofllieis i111 lll1tl1l 1111 1Hlllllll as lllilll1 Randa Taylor 11111 Forbes 10 11111111l1s and icrahlinc 1111 11 MINis pi1i1l111 Taylor and hulidrcdsol other like 11111111 may rctlirnto ll 21 11i1 li1 Mlgt normal home enviroliiucnl 11111 the flood has passed the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund has 1111111 created 11ntr1bno 11111l11111li 111111111111111 lst 111I pitSHlllll Mis lSolu111ll1 lIe1 etl Jlld Vicepresident Mrs IMac1i1111al1i littllili Secrelaiytrra Isuicr Mrs l111111 1gtl111t1111 lfl1i1I Ilion 1cpresilitaiircs M134 Kcllffor the 1111111111 111111111111111 and tions may be addressed directly to 1111 11nd iiiIWinuipcg or paidinto anbeank in Canada print CRAIGHURST 111111 lllltl For 0011 Commlmbk and 311s ll Hughes lhstiiel 11111111i 11111111yh1I IIrrItI1IIIIIIIITIII delegate Mrs llillalii amplull 111 time IIIIlIIIIItIgII IIIIISIW Miss 111111111s Neil hilllllllll Whll 111005L l111 l1111111lil the beautiful 11111111 Air and those who so 11l1I 1111121111111111 11 Canning lll ll1111 111 1111111 11i1s 1111 Sulnla and Mrs ll alid fro 1111 wide sclec MIMI to the llllllillllillii 1111111111111 oi1 v1I IIII II III 1IIIII Ag 1111i 11 11 11 lion of cotton tub last II 1111 11 1111 111 1111I1 iidusliies Mls iodd tliui1l1l II II IIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III II I1 III 11 111111 prints Variety of col 2ijflfIlIMIfI 1IIIIII H1141 11111111111111111 111 11111111111111 111i 111111 711 11111gt11111 11111 1111111 111 111111 IcoqumiILs 1s IIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIII1IIIII IIIII IIII II II IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIII OIIS and IIIILICHISI lien bit11s IliaId on lis111111ilIIIIIII IIIIII LIIIIIIIIIIIWI I1II IIIII IIIIIIIII SIIIIIII III IIII llcsearch Miss llothwcll 111I WIIIIIIIII lord Publicity Mrs 11 latlcrsoi1I III 1IIII1KlIN loltcnham Resolutions Mrs lleiilI Ij iliI Im Iiill II l1 II lliorntoii Jiliilor Work Mrs luarl IIIIIIII II IIIIIIII IIIIII IIZIlIIII IIllI II hll1ll1 it IIINIIIII IIIIIHIIIII II 11 1111 111 1111111 11 y1uu III SIN Morley All111 11111 111 Mnllandiut 111112I111I MI IIHIIIIIIILI n11 II1 lssI 111Iuis1II1 111111 11111111 11 IIII SIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII II1IIII IIIII IIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII mull II BIImhIDILpIlImI If ins at the church camp tl1111 1flr 11111 11111311 and Judr and 1tilLli 11111 wastiisi 11 11111 1x MII IIIIII MIII MIII IIIIHI III T111 1111 Mrs llusscil MooIIIIIIIl pressed great satisfaction With the IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII III II IIIII interest and cooperation being lIIIIIIIIIII IIII SIIIIIIIII II III shown iii Junior Work and cspee lally stressed the high percentage TIHIIIITIlll Fllll llHl of projects being carried to sur Im Hm cessful conclusions by the girls in MD III IIII Mrs Swillei who LI 113 Il HHS IW illitllll Clubs Slipper lubs llau dicraft llubs etc The meeting then adjourned for lunch which was served by Brad ford United hilrcli WA The afternoon session convened with assembly singing led by Miss 111111111 l1ch 1l arc Visiting 1l M11 as 1s Mord1111 lilowu of lllltlllltl 1111111 111 week with her lillltlll1 very pooily of lati has gore 11 hnl llieces at il11lililll1i 01 11111 Mr and Mrs has Wice 111 Tor onto spent the weekend Vth lr III IIIIII MIISI IIIIIIIIII WICIII 111111I lbs ll I11111111Isl1r bibs ll11l alcliillic ol T11r11llto Mr Mrs Im HM spent 111 weekend with 7lllii ouisc Culley iiillliC mm lklmvh mud 51 il1i11l1ill 11111 other friends One minutes silence W115 Ill ml MW 17 Shimm Ella111 Drinkill 111111111111111 it served in honor of those who have Silllllil Lrl 11111111111 on Mondar on the 111 answered the filial roll call Visitor uuring lite were at 111211 11111111 of 1111 ill1 liliillfllH Mrs James Bell presented llie Shannons were Mr and Mrs Cw 11IIc MII1111 penning Tammi report of the lWl Board meeting cil Sheardown of Edgar Ml 111111 isud dill hcrpareuts Mi 111111 and slated membership of 17230 Mrs George lriuec of Barrie Mr 1II Ann H11IIIIIII5 with 140710 organile branches and Mrs Rusk of Long llraiiel1 fIII IIII1 MIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII Th ll lWI llV tIll Il W1 ilope Mr and Mis Iralil li the 11gt11II1I1 1I1IIIII lyIIIIIII1 to altaili membership of 710000 111 1IIIII1I MIIcI 1y IIChIIIIICI MN licy1oi1l1I Funk Brown 1111 Mi do Mr lchrtliur were lllld 11111rs with Mr and Mlh llib llolnsby Ltd Mr wcn French and lhos Bowman Six Louis Shalluor Ml and and Mrs OConnell who haw been on the sick list are all leci ine much better soon IltlOSl and Mrs Bell urged each district to try to add new mem bers iii their respective branches and thus hpr to reach the object ire Mrs Bell also spoke of disl 4sA1 1I linguished WI speaker Mrs IV illlMls l1c1111 llcnry Visited Brown in Canada from England llh Ml and Mrs lid French in whom the Department would like IIIIIIII III Toronto lhc branches to liczir llcr address MI sump IS IIIIICII IIIIIII1 MI anthrs 1lorrilt Drinkill and Eitls 11nd 1111 11111111111 11111 JUhnsrm 11111 1111 111111111 111111111 may be Oblililltd from this COD and able to be around again NSIILVL r11 Iq Ii 11I 0111 lLLtl ill in 11 igIImIIIy III IIIIdSIIIIII vener or from the Department speaker from the Cancer R1 scarch Clinic Toronto was pres nt and addressed the meeting on the Symptoms and Trcatmcnt of Cancer $50 was donated to the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund The Barrie 124 Dunlop St Phone 3030 Victoria Hospital Barrie Rm UIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII UIIIIIl Mr and Mrs Anderson lm Ied liLlieh onicrcnce in Toronto ill onto are spending few days The Dlpilsul 11 IminI who their cottage look lNll in he Music Festivaliu IMI and Mrs Fred Brown l111 Mldlilildg M11 11111 M1 11111 1111111111111 M1 ml MES Ellood Mooney and tilllulmlHIoI Buffalo spent the ft1k11111 111111 fir and Mrs lilmcr members were pleased to hear brief address from Mrs SIlone Bond Hcal1a former lror incial iiiesidcnt ontowcrc at their cottage for 111 weekend Beverley Cochranc is home mm after an appendectomy in the French As dutcrtainmcnt the members Royal Vicurl Hospiul Bmm Tell Rana MM CU enjoyed splendid instrumental Mrs Bccton 11f1Barric has rel 1TII WIAIIT II II CI 11 111 e1 nirci turned home after spcnding s111111 Miss Myrna Todd Churchill skit And the Lamp Went Out 51 Gilford Wl was ably prcscnlcdI iiicthy Mrs Morrow and Mrs Spence was much enjoyed by all present Mrs Watson Churchill reported l1cld home ll 1111111111 meeting at the time with her daughter Mrs III BulmeIi who has been ill IIIIIIII IIIIQII IIIII Dont forget the 25th anniversarr the garden III of the United Church 111 111oncydonzI in Holly United Church Morrison itoba Flood Ecrt French with final plans for were made and lo the Rev Georgy rial Fund and Mani icf fund service Canada Sunday Julie ll at Oclock Pa 11 11111111 Mr WE SELL RECOMMEND BENJAMIN 1110011 PAlS Benjamin Moore Paints give your home 111511 add tcction Theyre sure guarantee against rapid dctcri Im sure promise of increased attractiveness 711005 In paint from our wide selection Wherever y0u1go fora holiday weekend you Want your first impression to lead to lasting friendshipsl1et usI assist you by filling your suitcase with freshly cleaned clothes Our cleaningservice givesthgrough but gentle attention to even your delicate blouses and sweaters 11111111111111 1Diql2835= oorwhllePrlmer and Elite IFREE PICK UPDELIVEBYSERVICE $1180 Ql$I625Gal Ask about our 100 Exterior Paint self cleansing leiitcfor 80ch Board Siding A1 excellent paint for your summer cottage 109 Durilop St Oppi Queens Hotel Barrie fI Ems1 311111111 19 Bell Telephone Business OffiCe Pearsons Everett LOBLAWS JACK 1111 35c IO PEANUT BUTTER SPECIA WESTUNS WEllllillG BELL CREAMS SPZCIALT QUALTY PRODUCT 0i THE L0851W UAKLR LUBLRWS lCEll Biliifillli CAKE rnuo 111111 Lillian 1151111 11 1311111115 211511111191 51111113115 111 11 11311111 1111111 22111111112151 SUNNY WlNTER 51111212111119 1111111111111 1111111111 1111111 all JIFFY CHOCOLATE FUDGE MIX 1f1731 51 271 NUT BMADS 11501113 1915 19c RELAY131 SVMNKLSWEGS CHEESE 32312311 512 24c LACE MAZDA EJEMPS 11111351 wf1f11e1315c 811 20c KEHFT Piiiililliiiii 11 3331151121 CHEESE He SCOTIFLN GOLD FANCY APPLESHUCE oiiihs 31c MAKE YOUR OWN MIX VlKlNG BRAND 25c Liiiiitli TUMATUES 1112911111 5mm WWW 11111 11111101 1111 as 52 21 34c 11 153 77 DIFFERENT BAKED TREATS FROM MILKMPOMTDZ N5 25c II 11111111 1151111111 60211111 1115111 16 illllinlllilfll 1311 9c 11111111111111111111111115 111 35c 91113315 53C 11111131111115 wlxrn Pan 1311 31c rec PKG 12c TWU CUP LUFFEE JUNKET BRAND FREEZER llllX 45 SIEVE CHOICE 7111er trial SLICED BEETS 1111 27C women PRODUCTS fllfmlli iii 15 11111112 131111511111 PINEAPPLE 1151111261 NEILSUNS mum rIIp 29C lliiEllll BUTTER PICKLE 02555111 24c 5111711 IIIII REiiiii oiiiiiR 390 5W0 111 29c 111E311 1111111511 1111511 111111 2311 Iomgws 3151 1213 1311315311112 uranium 111111 3411 WE PURE RASPBERRY 111111 1111111 251 UNSLlCED 240Z LOAF 111211111 111111111 1111111111115 251 GET JELLY MOULDS FOR 251 WITH BOX FRONTS 01 L0AF AND NEWSPAPER COUPON WHITE WHOLE WHEAT CRACKEDKWNEAT MAIL TO GENERAL FOODS LTD COBOURG ONTARIO SLICED CALIFORNiA NEW CROP VALENCIA 111111 0111111115 352 391 35 AT LEASTONE SIZE AYAILABLE I1 5le 344 0011 IMPORTEDSALMON FLESH CBNTHLOUPES LARGE JUMBO 4551217190 l2ll 298 19s SELECTED QU LlTYGOLDEN RIPE Bananas 1111111111 IMPORTED GOLDEN CRISP CARBOTS I1 CALIFORNIALONG WHlTE NEW Porarozs iiiniiisoils 11111111011111 P11er 15c BENNIES SEEDS HIGHEST QUALITY T133 270 SEEDS 551 50 10C REGULAR CAKE 8c VERNMENTSTANDARD 1602 276 Plillll 000 CAT F001 SPlC SPllN CLEANER UXYDUL 331 TlNS SMALL PACKAGE 23c LARGE SEEDS PKGS Sc 10 EVERGREQINIBRAND LuwnSIeeil 47c 851 231 lLB PKG PACKAGE BATH 511E CAKE 12c lLB 49 TIN PACKAGE CllllillY TOILET SUllP IlllllESUL 18c HAWKS WllX Aw oyIAILiIrv rinsrlllclrrs FINEST QUALITY LOB $171111 LLREEELELEAE PKG SOIL CONDITIONER HUMllll JLB PKG SPECIALFPTRST 5111135 PRIME 1111111111151 11 72 fEfEKTI III BLADE BURST 1136311 STEAK 0R1 ROAST 1111111311555 1111111111 111 821 lb 650 11337 COOKED BONELESS llriii Flinn 111111511 Blilillilscliwrlrrn SAUSAGE MLK 9nd ICHUROEIZE FROSTEDI FISH CHOICE COD lllnlITIS CHOICE SMOKED nuns 1111111111 11111111 11111111 651 SLICED ItiiIddicks Baxter Plaxtons fliclappertonStIir WEDEEIVERIffwPhene15206 II SERVICE TO ALL AREAS OFIICAMPBORDEN CHOICE HHDDOCK lllJEIS LOBLAW GROCETERIAS CO LIMITED