Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1950, p. 4

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llll BARR EXAMINER llllRSDAY JlNl RI llili int ivory 511111 fashioned on lililittI Ililies on sweetheart necklmel IUIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII Hr as lh l11111 111111111 11111111 iiis 11 11 111 1111 111111111111gt 1111 111m Wm 11 11 1111111111 111111 her gown extended 1111011 swcep 11111gt1l1 11 11 11 1l1iiis1111 l1111 l1il111111 lleluil liealtv II II Ir 111 11IlI1I I511 train and her fingertip 11111l111ugt111 11111111111 11 11 111 111 ll 11 llolznnl 1111 thumb 1il1111 II No11 of tulle illus1oii 1111 held in place l1111 1111 1111111 11 1I1I 11 1111gt 111 11111 111 unit 111 111 g11doal1 II II II 1II IIIIIIIIIIIII11 11 11 11 111111 i1 1i 11 111 11 II Iillvollhevallcy lier bridal 1111111Il111111=l11l 11111111111 ll 1H1 ulJ1f 1z I1 K11 111111 was of red roses and stephan M1111 i111 l1l ll11111111 11I111l Ln ills lllllitls 111115111l 1111 $111111 111 11111 HM Miss Eleanor latlons111ei of the 11111 11111 liittililI l1 11lI111111u11l 11gt II Iln 11I111 1111111 I51 11 ii Itim Ill Me was bridesmaid goulied ml IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII III 111 11111 md more blue taffeta fashioned 111l1iIIIIIIII IIII IIII II IIIIIIIIIII IIII III 11 11 net yoke and full skill tube 11 Imlnw 1111111 11111111 111 1111 l1111111 11111111 111 111111111 blmlltl matching headdress and earned IIIIIIII IIIIIIII iIII II IIII1I I11 bouquet 111 pink roses 1111 IIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIII III IIII IIIIIIIII1I OkC AT Hvvr mu iw Him buildinz 111111 1111 do 1111111115 to II was flower girl dressed 111 11 l111IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIII Drumhcad Service irecnawav frock oi yellow 1111111 II 11 the 1111111111 goulls June with matching idelnnumed bunE 11 11 11 III IIII1I III III II III II IIII III III Mr 1I1111 l11l111 sitilll tin ilel She carried nosegay 1111 I111I1 II111 1II III 1II 11y1 1111 1111111l 111 Poll ollmrm roses and sweet peas 111 11111 111 11 iI 11II I1 II II 11lll Innileii 11llla spent Murray hlcllllllt was grooms1 Il l1 1111 1111 11ke1111 111111 iilelids llilL man and the ushers were 111111 II II II 1nd Mix P1111111 41ml MrI IIII and UPII 11min Ml 11111 All 111111 1111111I1 1111 11 11111 111 11 II 11 11 1111 Mrs ll lullililltl spent liiday IIICIIIIIIII I1I1III hold III IIIx Stain 111 11111111 111 111111111 1I 11111 11 II 1I II 11 1x 111 1111 billllli mi Receiving with the bridal 15 no yr 1r1 1r1 II itllll llillllllll iluifalo Isltcd party were Mls Harold Wood 1111 1111 lamlilo and M1 l11l1tlu 11 JiilH 110 r=n= NI ll ll1 lfl ilitll ll lllr 1klitlld bialncr sister of the bride 11111ll111111Ir 111 loionlo Kill 11l11111i n1 1d1 1a lidll 11W 111 ill 111111 MIN 111i Illhll 510M 111 11cv lilliil dress with blue visitors with lll 111111hi 11111ur l1 ll11111 11111111111111 1l IIIIIII I1IIIII III NII III1III 1IIII 1111n1 1l xeckenu at their cottage accessories and corsaee of p1nk1 TI 1III1II IIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIII IIII Ken 11i111 111 ll11iil1 BWUI formations and the grooms moth 11 11 over the elm111i lool1111 1111 III II IIII III IIIII II 111 11 1111111 lls ll luklci spent the past er wearing navy dress wnh XIIIIIIIIH mom IIIIgI HIM IIII IeIIHI 1111 111 1II1 IIIIIIIIII 111 1111 11 11 1l1I 11l1 tileiids 111 1111111111 llcr matching accessories and corsage 11111 I1 111 1111 rent 51111511111 11111 11 IIIIIIII III II II IIIIIII I1I11 dug itcr liarbaia returned with of pink carnations Get new Pep Vim1Vlg0r III II Mi 11111 311s 1111111111111ins l1111 Mrs leln 11m 111111II111111 II1 11111 11 111 111111 11 111d 11 1111 111 11 and 01 inotoi flip to tindsoi and IIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIHIII III IIIIII WM 11111111 1111111 11111111 111111111 1111v 11111111111 III II IIIpIII1I1I III1 51 I1 Im men 111111 11 111111111 1111 Rev and Ellis llelden motor other Ontario centres the bride QIIIIIIII WI WIeII 11111111 1106 11111111111WWWer 11 11 111 to llisll ilii 1sd ti 111mm sickly 11m 1111 1111111 1111 iilwli cradizauou 11x1111s1s last 11 1111 11 111 1111 1I LI 11 iIl Io Olt 11111 11nd ga 1111 1111 Li IIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIII IIIII irgh 211191i1a11i1 mm MM 11i111111 111111111111111 l1 111 ll111211111 111111 111 i11l111i 11t their little grandson who is matching topcoat and brown ac IIIIIIIIIIII 111111111111111111111111 11 1111II111 pom111 11II IIIII IIII111111I 1111 1111111 11 11 11111l 111111111 111 hospital there ccssorics and corsagc of yellow IIII II III II III IIII1 tonic Usirex list II II II II II II II II II III IIVIII III TI II II HiILII 11 111 ll Ronvnannn L1 ll HIosvldi lLlJ Allgt liuludl lMJ1 l1 ltU 55 LL nll 151105L1 TL lu Lll ll anler IHII VIHIHI MIH anqup cute and hue no 11 m1e1 you H1 I1 11 1trgngthnnduniirlsnuwnrivuinernoeharel 1il MI 111 ll Ell mu Sud 1K1ndkng LL mmK ldllll Ollllm rtlt mmlnd liontfrariieunaon 111i Swim11911 11111 IIIIII1 IIII 11111211 lac Hill the ltllillll cousin Mrsnfarm at Stayiier 1I TI 1111111 111 151112111111 11111 111r111111111 II 1111 hatuiday 11111 11 spl Il 1111111 11111 New H111 1111I 1111I111 IIII1I I1I I1II 1II1IIII IIIIII 111111 11 1111 11 111 1llllltl and 111111 at ilamilton IIII IIIIIIIIIII II1IIII II IIIIII MI in wire ie Tahiein 111 new Kui lt mith 1x11111115 11115ie1yd1111 At alldrurr 111 111111111 included lls 11 in 111s 111111 lb 11 11 II l11I ll 11 Ml AldlenLV I10lllnd prank 11ISIII1II with 11111 11111111111 11111 1111s worn Nil 1d NR 1W1 Mix RUB 1111 l1l11l 111111111 111l c1111 II lI Now AmVIII VISIch the f0I1I 1I 5111111 111 1211 L111li1 11111 11111r119 WU IIIII IIIIT DOI111 brother rank Rawn and return Mr and Mrs llrown wiili Beautiful Lingerie Bridal lraditioii 111 1111 1111 111111 1111111 11 E12111 11111 IIIII IIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII III II IIIIIIII SIIIIIIIIII IIIIIkII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII III MIIIIIIIIIIIII Uur More As it as Always Been 11111111 1111111 1111 11111111111 51111111II III IIIIIIIIIII III IIII gt1IIII1 II Did kill111d Whoa Auntle The marriage of Miss Adelaide GUMllUW 2111s 111 11 Hi 11 1111111111 1111i11111 and 111 11 l1lgt 51111110 ll lllbllt SLhOOTJcn 111 11 liil came from icmarket IIIIIMIIIIIIII III 11 ii in 11111 L1 an 11 beautilul black lwtird l1 liroxrzl 11111111I lliill Slltll gown that had been wo her raudmollier at hel 1i1111 llall Urry 11ml lurll1rl 111111 1l11ie111 sl11 and over 1l1e11 111 white blue black TOWNS iii crepe satin and 11111111 yellow ecu white black piliklll111 I111 11191 1111111111111 hat ihe bobble skirt II blub 112111 bustle eltert at the crepes nylons satius 111 eslutcpiuk IlIIIIIl ml 1Il1II1 twin1 11III 511111 BID III IIIIIINII OI IIIIIIIIIIII blue navy black 1111 Miss Shirley model Alis Clilillll l1uities girdles pantie girdles garter belts brassieres gloves nylons For The Bridal Trip Gabardine slacks and slack suits shorts mid9 riffs short and halter sets gahardinc and pool skirts sweaters shirts sun dresses Lenos Lingerie Next to Roxy Theatre Wildmaus material Vera 31s lustre Wycmle the 11111111 herself 210 where llflll Johnston Ipainted Phone 2221 longer if you use G1E7Washer Its threezODe washing action is thorough clean Its permanently oiled mechanism parts for long II demonstrate how GE Washer can save you tune money and hours of needless drudgery has only fourmoving THE EAMIous GE Acnimori psi Jts steady sure action causes powerful currents of water to first dip then flex and finally gently scrub the dirtiest clothes clean FLEXIS emu scnuns 139Dunlopsiree1 BARRIEI I1 39h ins JciflUciiiclll Ls 11111 111111 1th 11111l21111 taillc e111 llltl l111111l III 11r1re 1111 Queen lark last E11111 11 was 1111111 ll11i by All 11 in lit and later 11 fontederzlI zls loaned by Mrs ll by Mrs elineriS Mrs ll1li 11chrane hini loaned lhe gown she wore 11 her wedding woollen 11151111I1i1 shot green and rust 111111111l1tli1 iil11 1l1cke 111 llll same mater laltou i1 gown ol laslllolitfi with the high neckline of 1900 had been worn by her lllfllilIILIlIlll was married in the orchard of her home Ion the banks 111 the Wye River near Mrs ltildlnan had 11411111 years when she was 111111111111 1111 the farm 111111 and dress of Scottish origin made Your clotheswill be cleaner brighter stay newlooking yet gentleIImakes clorhes sparklineg troublefree service ComeIinIioday Let us EPLETTSELECTRIC Phcgtne 3721 511111111 loleslelflt lrr reuinn lital reunion irumheadI II 1l1j 111111111111L A11 llAl padre III I1i111111g 1111 war apt Downer II III lllu chaplain 111 the 13111 AntiTank ll RCA 111 the ilescrvu 11 IIIIIIuIl1I1111111111 l11112e iAssinibly for lluntroou report of ltis iltlIl black if given 111 Mondays 11111 slrlped 1111111 ll hail ii white silk NV IVWI NEGLIGEE Iliilll collar and tin taffeta 1aIs it lxillllmtl beautiful slicer o11 111111 or sheer ilfl I1I3I IlilllIsWl lilt 11I Illtl 1111111111 111 1111 111 II IIIIIII IIIIIII SIIII skirt and bustle back lasiuon shows commentator Mrs Harrie Johnson in 1859 Miss Mall lung silk it had huge skirt 1111 ed diagonally and berillbllili waist The basque dress of cream lur11 worn by Mrs Cooper ol Codij the collar of lace and was tri111Ci with ruffles lhc SleeVes icrc pointed at the Mist and elgc1Vith the same wide fine ilace 1rd in the yoke LittleGary Lchar 1111111ch ringbearers Isuit worn in 104 The gown worn by 111 Sister Mrs King in April it was modelled by Mrs Win 111 Willi her twin daughters Dame and Diane repeating their peIimance as lower girls The heads of the WA 11111 Mrs Frank Dobson and Mrs 11 Hagan lreport quite time gctt some of todays huskier OllligrldlCS intoI the tiny gowns of iflcars mm and more COnscqiicii many of lhe models were 05011 from among the very yolL girls Music for the Ibrie zIS they DIO ceedcd up the clCli aislewvas played by Mrs W1 Griffiths on the organ Violinnd Piano ducts and solos were pilld by the Miss es Sylvia and J11 Fisher Solo ists were Mrs Litllc Mrs Roach and Miss5055i0 Spearn later Acnirvs DEGREE William 01111111 son of Mr and Mrs Graham 27 Cum berland 5trceBairie was among students of Vl01100 College grad uating at cchnlcs held lastisat urday at WeflllUnivcrsity Lon dnnI with wLh Waterloo College is 31fitedI graduate of Barrie Collcgitge stitute Mr Graham received hiBachclor of Arts Dc glfeQI His arcnts journeyed to London who eXcrciscs Newm Robinson June EROy ooks was h0meI from Gait fohe weekend M13 1d Mrs Lloyd CoboriiI paui PcterIMrs West and Mr coboripcnt Sunday with Simon friend ThKiircctorsvuof the TeeWe Gwillunior Farmers met at the h0mf Mr and Mrs Lawrence Copnd Tuesday evening Trsday night the new exe cut of the YPU met at the home of president Allen Homer to diss activities for Summer Council Mr and Mrs Ver Council and family and Mr Ia Mrs Eigin Connell and iam 1ie on Sunday 1d Mrs Harold West and fa Ltendcd the anniversary and Mrs and Member of Legislative I01 Mrs lunroe AciamsI chncsday lufferinSiincoe lle 1ltcrnom Willi good attendance rector of the Anglican Church The DITSUCN MIS Calllllhel51 with l3115llltLiile Park in the near future Af had been II1 worn by the grandmother 111 tlic IIIIhI MIR Levi JOINS gave Iqad answered by naming missionary 11111 loslcr modelled the Clillll The hostess served very daint L11qu 0111 In 1303 by Ml lltlllt lunch assisted by her iaiigliter1 Mrs Nichols town who celebrated her goicnlMI wedding in April was nialt0l1C 1rcL1 Mr and Mrs Foster dau ldlllL and had high suit 111Ld1ghwm Joan and BCIIIICCIImdMISIc Lea Toronto Mr and Mrs John Mrs jattended Connell Reunion in dr and Mrs Leeson Mr and Stafford and family MixI in the 1cotch Settlement church on Sun lay and visited for the day with west Bradford Zpla Lll prl of du 7111l1 11114111 ll J0101 Fillm iIMrs Thomas Dunn of Craighurst undo 10 USPICOS Of th All to Clarence Edward Brown son of Mr and Mrs Wilson Brown of Ed gar terian Church Craiglnirst on Sat urday June 1950 at three oclock llcan 111111 and was greatly cn wed by z1i Zifllts 111 llan Pot Luck buppcr ihe Lniics Aid met at the home was ir charge The scripture wasI cad RV Mrs Rawn The ladics lave liberal donation to the Man tobg relief fund It was decided to 10l pot luck suppcr at Littlc the business was dispensed 11g on Missions The roll call was GILFORD June Weekend visitors at the home Of and Mrs Greer Matthew Banks Barrie Mr and Mrs Gaulcy Baxter Mr and Mrs Fletcher Beth and David Mr and Kelly and three children Barrie June Council held special meeting on Monday in the Town Hall Mrs John Barker spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Decr ing Allandale Mr and Mrs Wes Perry Col lingwood spent with friends here Mr Snow Burford is helping his sons plant tobacco very busy time for planters 1Mrs Armstrong Collingwood returned home after spending the weekend with Mr and Mrs Geo Russell Miss Newton Missionary Smokey Lake spoke to the Sunday schOOl on Sunday Hcr talk was Monday SeelerPalton May Nuptials George 501111 inthc afternoon of Hillsdalc performed net of 011 5111111111 31111 11 11 1111 111111 Ni 1il llcnli 1i111 l11 lull uaughiil 111 P11111111 11111 Elhi ialt 3111 latton of 111 11 Jack SeeiiiI 111 111 51141111 11111 111 Slat liti i1111n LL 111 criienniai Liiilcd Li111i1 lit1 li1l11zl Liiulmllx the doablcvruig Slulicl iUIliicd c111 ruuiiy against floral lthgitldllil red tulips conibizuu 111111 211111 and pink snapdragons Mr Clarence llczliiciml played Illic wedding music 1111111111111151114 the winging 111 Because before the ccreII niouy soloist Gordon lloll 11 1111l and lil Walk Beside You ling lhe signing of the reLIliir lhe bride who as grcli 111 111111 took place in Knox Presby Rev Gcndron the ccrc many The church was decorated with early summer tulips lilacs bridal wreath spiraca and lilyof thevalley Mrs Addison Iof Craighurst play 1cd the wedding music who was given in marriage by her father wore at gown of white nylon marquiscttc over satin with lace pcpliim and yoke Her fingertip veil of net was trimmed with lace and held in place by lace bonlict head dress Shc carried bouquet of American Beauty roses The matron of honor Mrs Frank Reid of Hamilton sister the bride was in orchid figured nylon chenille with matching halo headdress Slic carried noscgay of yellow reses Miss Marion Brown of Edgar sister of the groom was bridesmaid gowncd in powder blue figured nylon chen ille with matching gloves and ruffled halo headdress Her flow crs were noscgay of pink roses and fern Two little flower girls Susan Reid and Linda Hodgson nicccs of the bride were in yellow organdy worn over taffeta with matching ruffled halo headdress Each car ried small nOsegay of pink and mauve sweet peas Dallas Slcssor of Edgar was groomsman and acting as ushers were William Brown of Edgar and Ivan Cairns of Midhurst 1At the reception that followed at the home of the brides parents the 65 guests were received by Mrs Dunn mother of the brich who wore white printed silk jersey dress with corsagc of red roses The grooms mother Mrs Brown was in navy blue crepe and wore corsage of red roses For Wedding trip to Algonquin Park and other northern points the bride wore suit of powder blue gabardinc with navy shortic The bride vIeIry intercsting and enjoyed by OPP POST OFFICE WW coat and navyacccssorics On their Try These for Walking Ease Here are Ishoes that make you Ifairlygfloat on air Qgive yOurfeet that comfort espe cially import ant on hot summer days All brown perforated or Woven Calfskin 15695 1o $1050 Land Sale To Curlers riage by her father Wide gown Ho roiito and Hamilton You will be delighted with this fragrant tea nging In Balance Illustrated is MODEL DM90 Has cu ft food storage space FullWidth Freezer c1111in New IceBIueinteriOr trim In New fulllength door New SuperStorage design New allporcelain twin stackup Hydrotors New c111 DrawerI 511111119 BoskelDrower for eggs small items WALKWEL $11111 $10111 BARRIES LEADING SHOE STORE PHONE 2397 BARRIE YOU snii cw B111 111111111 At DONT DELAYGRAB EM NOW DIXIIIS SMOKE SllOl JACKSUNS HULL SMTTII STUDIO llRAlHdlYS LlNCll Vlll TYS DRUG STORE TitI Any Member of Kiwanis Allaluminum shelves New split shelf Adiustoble sliding shelf Allperceloin MulliPurposo Troy 01 Exclusive Quickuhe Trays Famous MeierMiser mechanism Wherever youliveI whote11er1he size of your family kitchen or budget be suredo see the new Frigidaire Refrigerators for 1950 See the four new models 76 and 92 cu fidsizes See why your No choice is the worlds No Refrigerator FRlGlDAlREI ComOinIlI Got the facts 111111111 IIfho how Frigidaire models for I950 Immediate Delivery Easy Payment Plan LAEMMS 47 Elisabeth St Phone 2493 Cilil Barrie

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