Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1950, p. 3

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lnnistil Council Busy Session CIdemom Barrie camp Borden Hold June Meet 21 11111J 11111 page one Stroud ing at 111 Illqulrrtl ll 11 Lilnhr ut IIrqullrtI to letltllr 1111 I1rrl0pnlrll Hana Submitted 111111 111lii it111 11 111 1111 3111 111 21111 11111111 1111114111 131 1111115111 11 1111 11111111111 1111111111 11 11111 111l111 11111 11111111 li 111111 pitipril 11 tat11 1illh 111 Htiili ll 11 11 ll p111111 1111110111111 111gt 1511 III liklllfllitll of putiltlllinn thdumuf IH1Iil ONTARIO SllllliNls lll ll BURDEN liic iborc otticer ttllll art showr receivutv lessor 1111 vis 111 1111 1111t1111 111 lilctlltlttt 11111111111111carricras they get 11111111v 1111I1 1111 1111 I1ttttl phase 111 their 11111111u at lie 11111111 51 am 51 Canadian Aimoiucd Corps Schooi at tamp Borden min 1111 mm 1va to 1111111 1115 are 11 Kiltltlltr Barrie tltoval Roads ll 111111111 lr 11111111111 Royal Mlit1ry College1 ipl 1111 instructor and it Black of Stirling 1111151 NAIlONAI llliliENClii Illl11 lm 1111111111111111 l1lllll 11111 1111 1111111111 11 121111 11111i111 plan pictiotisli 311 ottmzl will 111s 111 you do 11111 1111111 1t11111111i HUN 11 noting 111111 11111 1311111 11 till 111 1111M 15 1111111l 111 wily 111111 11111 itltl iiil1l 111111111l 11 1111 p111 plan 111v11 11111111 ltljtlill 11 1t 1111 111 Rem19511 Rand SALES RENTALS Barrie Business College Jose Com 813 TORONTO STREET Phone 4824 Only after 330 pm Please 1t1 111111111111 111 11111111s for 111111v11vs 111111111 llioiiipson appiainl 11 111111111111 111 llic rule and panchasc 111 comet 1111211111 11111 1111 11111 11111 11111 Mt 11111111111 11111 iltt11ltltl 131111111111 Roadst Hotel and llat 1111 his 111311 1111 111 1111 111 111 111111111111ls111111 11111 1111 11111 1111 1111 snout l1 In 11 111 p1111l 1111 p11 11 11 11111 1111s 111111 son intends 111 build i1bbins 1111111111111111 1111111 Vl 111111111111 whom in put chased the 1111111 111 could sell 11111 partc1 year without subdivision lillt 51 llllgt 1111111111 has had plan 111111 Community Tours OF BARRIE 1110113310111 1113111111 Sunday June l8 SYRACUSE nuns 101101110 MAPLE 111111 DOUBLE HEADER Complete all expertise Grip including transportation and top price reserve seat to the game Tickets $401 Each Must be picked up by Saturday June 10 at Bradleys Lunch Buses Leave Bradleys 1115 mm 111111 ll that l111 1131111 astiicii fl til tltil1111111fti 11 11111 1111111111 111 itititlii Toronto 111111 111t 1111 11l111 would 111111 was claimed 11 11111111111 1111 111 111111 war 111111111 111111411111 Il11 I1111111l 11111 11 11111 p11n111111111111111L11111111111 111111 11 111121 111111 11117 1111 1111111111 111111 illo1l lroto 1311 llltllil and beyond tlicI 111121111111111111111111111111 1111 11 1111 111 1l1litt1 11111 1111111atl11 11111111131 11111 1111 7111 11211 111111 The 1111111111111111111 111 11111111111111111111111Iu11 111 1111 yl 111 1111111111 or 51511111 liar 1111 11111111 1111 11111 1111 111 asked 1111111111111111111111 211111 li 11111 11111 1111111111I 32341 KM 1111111111 11111 11III11 111 1la111 i111 111 advised 12111 had 111111 lgtltil for Il 111111s soon in 11111111111 ltlttt 111r1 111111 11111pc1l 1111111 1111111111 to 1111 1111 111 In 1111111 Iltltttltllt 111 111111111111 11111111111111111 111l lvnc 1111 111111 1111111 11111111111 1111111 111 plaullozoti After fuzlltvr 111111gt1111 511111 llltl 111v1lop1111111 111 31111111111111111111 touan slime11111 1111 1111 unlined summer punch which otii 1111 1111111111 1111151111111111 1ittl1l 111 1111l 11111111111 was made of properly tl111l incorrectly lttllllttl liltli 11c1111111111111111115 11 11I MM hun and we in not lend cl sole Iaccoidiinl to description was on 111111 thlll1 III 1V IIIMI hm Idtsappioval to 1111 111111111 111 111111 1111 111 511111111 plan 1by Mr 11111111111111 s111veyor William liliilill Y111111111111 IIiltlllllllillllt Y1 1111111 islzii I1111 Incl otlz 111111uIL1L1111 stand would 1111 1111 111111 11 was 1111 would stay 1111111 and 1111 naturally 111 told 1111 111111 1111111 tioootcllow lloyl 1111111111111w and 1ll1111l1cks v111 askitii apptoral submiltcd last 19111 Ilic question of water diversion Ittcrsion Mir pr1111111 plans ilisctiss 111s tax 11111115 as 111 was 111119 111111111 1111 illttili of 111m 111 1111111 oi 1119 ititmmi 111 said and an agreement belwccn parties concerned was 111111111111 and so far had not been presented to date Mr Iacks pointed out that ditch or water course had to be made Itspcciallv where the water llhe road into the licld south of the Vtioodtellow icouncil she would give them 1111111 1October to take the water off her advised that complaints had been rcccived that lands on the 11mm habitation was diverted This and results leaves 151111 line Mrs told propcrly lhc lcrk lts11nic plans itvurt 11111 wet for lit ialso if vould flood lands now held 1z1s denied Rev inson and lilllllttl Were not owing and 11114 sJIcrs 01 lwmsv l1tlt 111 had 1111111 tendered his RTlTlTls Vanil EM 10 Solidcss II an yiod xi1 11111 I11111 I1 111111 was 11 yheumlloid 11111111111101 Mine and New Hm nHIadiial cclvct 1111 was than to halt ycm She in totally crippled ORA 51 liavc 1111 1l1l111 sold 11 11s11111 and 1111 been cnnicd about to 111111 Dressan CICACIP LTIZT2ZS9 13 length at tmc But am sure 1111 twain 111 illtl 1111 treasuxm Md 11 113 ind ailing DISCARDC0 Ruff 39 1on 119 at 1s1t 11 would 111 clul want15 used by Polio 9mm VWV 3101 1111 too stialtthttn 11111 any criors 11 1111 will Tm ffCo NV ma PUI IRON WIM If 69 AA FHO WW Ulric lit Qnult your doctor and sec 55 95 R5 33 111111 gt 01 equipment he would We IA Vizilkn in Truck nun mum11 Then it he does 2111 III II II gnu 1111 walker they can rent you 076 or 23 DH1 II 11 II 0111 You pay 310 depot which 77 truck was present to talk to touii 15 mpth on your rent 11 is $10 C0 CREAM Ruls1c 33 Roi 313 59c 1Cll about 1111 10011 UH week from 1I1nn on The Hartz Co 1111 Man Iamcs Ferguson l11111ltl Cameron accr of 1111 Royal Victoria Hospi tal lloard were plc111 to discuss 111411 operating deficit of the explained that in 11148 deficit of about $711th adjustch throughthc Itown and townships affected 19111 hospital Cameron SPECIAL nos FROM CAMP 110111111111 Tickets available at Air Force Canteen had been incrcascd costs POWER INTERRUPTION Town of Barrie SunJuneli53llam6illam Ask 111 1ltliliotal 51 All electricoi serVice in the Town 01 Bar 1I111l1l111121 III rte Wlll be interrupted for one hour on Sunday morning lune 11111 from 530 11111 to 630 din my VIM Barrie Public Utilities Commission 1x 11 11111 11 1I CAI11311111 1ligtl iilii ENLARGEMENT Special This Week From Your Favorite SNAPSHOT To 51196 1111 1111 1111111 1111111111 11 111111111 111 11 111 SUMMER PUNCH Could you 3111 me good taupe Io on could keep in the refrigerator and hand out hot 11ny nun1 1111 11111 tor 111 111 11111 we do 11 drink cl une dnnlu Somathin homomilk 1111111111111 1111111111 1xp1 W111 l11s plum 11 111c 111 the cold drink van 1b1111 111 11 og Ccmr 11111 lt1i11111l capsl 1111 111 mmuc 11 umr 211 1111 IJ Jltl Ii ill 1111111c1111 91 ie 11 the 101 illutc 111111111111 1111 11 11111e11rt 11111 11 11111 p111 111w 1111 HI litilitrI SltYltls its 11s1111 111 hesebroughs 1131111 SPEcngg Natural for the 1111 iees am 5350 cunosm nisiu rcrm 33 29 3335 49 1011011111 11111111 nor WEATHER 001111111 quoted Stillgal punipcr at 3150110 31 311 Crenocs Snort and 111111 Will be happy to be cl 331313160 to DriveIn llieatre Discussed YOU Lm LWMLML 21IIliltiij PICJIC 10nd Yul unIIIOIII rniilsz st of the new Drive111 Theatre bi KATE AItgnNtiiztzgtitimu 5L AszfterSJOilgh cafds 053 39 111 HOUSEHOLD 11111813antic5111533 property The Reeve adviicd 1111 Excmslve Wlth Ton 39 In HOUSEHOLD iiuuNui 110MB 91311111115111 DE LUXE REFILL 195 11213 111111111111 ncohrbunn TABLETS 125572 219 road had to be acceptable to the DLDZlIIITlLIII of Highways to be taken over Mr Summerhaycs explained limited time only there was plenty of parking space for perfect neckline curl 111 1110 should I111 be 11111 Muck far can tungsten 1011 LABEL romp 11 73 111g of the township roads al CM to hon IILIM He assured the 1111111111 1111 1111111111 icially 1111 c1111 FAMILY SIZE SHAMPOO AND DISPENSER ILIIIEEEILOV HEALTH SOAP 24 11 wLI 11111 1111111111 business lfllltlk 11gt bklllszewigl Eglcmicawrl LIQUID GREEN SOAP 511352 23c an lisciedit to the inanagcmenl yo now ham gift in any way and assured them he Td Th MILK 0F MAGNESIA 1133 27 would continue to see that the the El ours In ls Fm LK 0F 0N 11610 atre was run on that basis lie SPECIAL VALUE II MA 35 TABLETS 111231 23 asked for some improvements on TONI REFILL KIT $225 VALUBI pARFlNOL MINERAL OIL is oz 40 the 14111 concession in order 111 bXRbHLAdwllWReff33 339199 avoid any accidents The railroad R151 01 59 400 89 crossing is also dangerous spot AVERY SPECIAL OFFIER TOISAVE 23 Sm Rum 79 LL49 and the approach is very bad He EOUUSShE YOWIIVlOWQdtllglffgl 4UES 33691 ICC 3m In CIICIOUS hope lllL Roads Dcpaitmnit could Family Sizcoplugmc HEW handy p135 ALOTVN TABLETS Gg 191 assts Jicdispcnscrvalucd 27SBoth0rthc TINCIURE IDDINE 31 23 Shore Area Wants Fruit of the shampoo alone Hurry wuimjsc Better Policing iurrygcryourswhilc 11c offer holdsl TRULY YOURS POWDER PADS gm 23 Harold Sheppard asked what if ahead Q63 WITCH HAZEL DSTLLED 111515 49 any action had been taken 111 ref WINSUM LOTION Rigs 33 11011011 DAY its 11111111111 to know if anything has been WIMcettlieiinen See the modern equipment service charge to cottages together your Air Force GROUND DISPLAYSI Bring your prily and friends Saturday afternoon to 1111 AND tions along the shore especially in inspcction IAs far as can see Station Camp Borden 130 pm to pm crence to the policing of the Lake Shore area Reeve Lockhartadvised that thc feeling of Council was when pub1 lie opinion expressed themselves in favor of Provincial Police patrol1 land were willing to pay for same theCouncil would take action acv cordinglyau Mr Sheppard stated that if petition was required 1131111111111 see that same was obtained It is over month since my 1I lplace was Irobbed and have yet DR WESTS SALT 1011111 unusurs elp Relieve Indigestion eadache nstipation 1111 Jillianr 3757 Sopratlercmo For Powder Llplck 150 100100 150 Carefully keyed to your skintone the clothes your wear the way you like to look Smooth DuBmy Sophisticreme light as all 01 feathersover your skin Follow with the caressing cling of DuBnrry Face Powder punctuate with the satinshinc of creamy DuBarry Lipstick RelicveiTeething Troubles found The patrolling of our shore and the control ofour sttmmcr conditions is too big jobifor our present settip All am asking yougentlemcn is to give the mat ter consideration said Mr ShepI pard Iflthe associations are anxious i1 for this extra service we will be glad to hear from them theReevc stated Mr Sheppard asked if the town slTivaas aware of the raise in the Agni11111 Waterproo Surgically Sterile with 19 blade Plus FREE m1 bind FRESH DEODORANT Stop Perpirtion Aquamarine Special Offer Limited Time Only Erect In with the kwh rate He felt this was not justied and the Cqunci1 should have aricontract Mr Sheppard asked if the park condition for Belle Ewart had been dealt with and asked that consid eraItion be given to this matter soon feel also the sanitation condi or Gritty 391591 MECCA OINTMENT our district should be given better there is little or nothing being done in this he stated It has just cost me $5 to come here thisvafter noon and hope get value form he concluded hour Regular $100 size Aquamarine Lotion PLUSIabsoluldy free the only soap in the world made with Aquamarine lotion MOTHS 11111111111 BEDBUGS 49 99 350 Loss 01 Pig From Warhle Spray Parker Peacock claimed the loss ue Thur1 Fri 830 am 30 pm After intL 011111111111 NAIR3E0RCE it fey DELIVERY ST The Department at Guelph had Will 930 amlo 1230 pm Sat 830mi RO admit the loss was caused frmn tested the spray and the pig and Phone 2650 79 p111 llll IHKRIE EXAMINER TIIIRSDAY JINE 1950 101 Sunl21o p87jf

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