Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1950, p. 28

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28 Illl BARR EXAMINER IlflItSlHl ltNI ti Iinll GovernorGenerals Literary Awards For 1949 Announ ced By Franklin McDowell ii 11ia1oii musos ilioii i1ii It iiiuiti iitii lllRNl lllllll iiiLn runes ltlIANICY LAWN Klll1lltsllll BALL 11111111 1iilcinit Nonsl when rlJtlH Ndillrl 11111111 lii1nili Humor llltlult loetri Illlflzil BURNER Phil ON 15 H0 15 115snfhsmlm gt 11 21 CORN ROOMS SPECIAL 510 Il CANADIAN lelll MUW lllih li 1Wm Vl 1i Are 11111 opposed to the Barrie lovin toiiiieil feeding the much thseussetl Ilt near 11r1 11 11 111 111 11 the Arena to the llarrie iirling liib ll 51 please 111111 lllt tllltlt lvlslld if IS This will settle an argument we had with 1111 Mayor of Harm1111 the phone lins lav afternoon Thank You ll Armstrong 5511 in MM in President Barrie urlini liih 111 E1 21 lLllt 1212 11 iiitliv 1A man 11 Iirlirn tlftall 111 1111 iv 11 11 il CRQQUlil Slulb Mostly vith Stands txlh bAtJtlultS I111 lt111111111111 50C 33 ll IA llN BLUII VllltY HEAVY JV vi 111ll1111 li11 11111 111 IL 1111121 lliitia 1L icc1ilv ritten for 111 11 111 llhc Harrie l12iininer Clothes Hampers lune Brlde suqqullOIlS 1111 11 111 71111 CV CUb Dmcms WJ 1le 01 111111 suvrzn skis lN 171111N1111s rrrrr tll 11 11 l1 111 1111 111 11 1111 HGVC Charge Mccflng 1liw JFKE IVI FM FOR 515 OR Llhnl lipRhoNh 11111111111111117 31s11t1 111 1111 11 1Kws Club Bamc rv ll Ill if 2llri Pink Green Blue and Ivory Wllll Black 1111 1111 11 31 will 11 ik 1=1l lvf 1=1 1111 11111 WhiteBlnfOrCHf 8515 3355111 $11173 514711 5111111 Mfr50 1111 51111111 11I IM 11 111 11111131 1121 1111111111 1111 111111111 11 1w Iii1 l111l1 Minzshi 1111111 broke 111 57950 319130 111 lull 11 11 111111 LOCOMOUVEWAblmRb niiiv 1111 Also 11 lllltiit11 11 111111 11 11 1H 1111 111212111111 11111111111l 1111 11 111111111111i1 111 ll1 0111111111 111111111l11 11111 1l 1111 1111 11111111111l the inem 311300 313300 bid100 5111 EN lift1 11gt11111d inc the t1111111111111i1 itwi 1111 111 lwioie 11 111x11111 1i 1111111 we 13 ll ll lvld mm invarilin 111 11115 111111111 11 ti1111 ltilllli lzan 1111 11 1111 111 11 31 11111111111111 11111 IIHH the 1111111 lllfiilltllll that 111 11 H1 In 31 ll lil consider llliltlldlillt lltittll 111 11 1111 111 11111111al con1111111111111111 111 ltltltllitltlli lll1lltl 1111 lfll11l 211i l1 111 lillll l1iqiiliaieit 1l111a 11rain 111 titstroymg far11 mm in 131111 111upi11 are as f11ll11vs lfil 1111 and Mail lls l111l11111 1111 111111l i11li both 111111 my HIM IUMH heal 1111111 111i1l1 in the ll1ll Fiction xv1111 Itl Ann 1111 112v1 nib 112111111111 l11llll tip phi111111111 11111l NHL 1h mlcl till WM gatn1 luiie ll1i1 tziil1l li l11 Wei111 11111111 11m 1111 511 could he done to 11111 llil Il11w1ver theie is nothini St ummmum111 Hp 11 11 WI 111iliii 111 11111111in 111111 other 216 11 12 liml 111111 111 Hi to stick to that 1111 11 11 11 11 11111 llllll ll11c11 1111i Idif I1c111k i1t1l 111 liianni lii 311 fl illlt lb Sillfl 15 11 19191111 1111l llll livi dollai reserves Dtr11111011111v 11 tl 11511 111 vv 11 11 11111 fin111w 1111111 11 111111111 111 tilll 1111111 1ltl115lt1111 llll 111 1111111 satisfactoiy 1t ip 2112313 1111 vigil II Hlinlll 1x LPmild pl 111112111121 11111 time 1111 11la g11 ml llhldl 11115 liloIv that 5111 Will trv to the fee is 111 be cut it should lie 1JI 11 1liltl llfff ll lult Ille gt11 11111111 111 sin1 111 2111 acton 1111 11111 11111111 11 tltls fl111 15 11111111 win11 1111111 the steil lie same 1111 all 111iliis lrce lress ltodeiiezt 5111111 l1ii islzv fruit25111 l1111 ml mm li KN IN iiedv Managing lItlitor bailiff Wiiinlbig llr ltlllll ilobins lalv Ml WU NI 13h Iuiltt 111 11 i11i1 loll tlcobii mi mm unpusii if rl Altl II laddlrnll With Ill ll11 41 WW Alflfi ll 1121111 suivey 11 llt 11a aii1 tie lflllft ta es tor Tmp 11 wqimm Htllll 111111 fll 511 3l lll1fll1 1111ll11s 111llitiilii1ll 11 tlllllllllllii lt 111111111111 the $10 111 1l small 111is11n an am Sum Kdmh 311L1111E1 1111lt 111111111le1 1111 blind mum 1quan llltl only 111 exliinn nutmil Immlh ml lawn wmm 11 WNW AV MIL WW ieitive 111I7iet111 tro lief nurdiv i1il1l l11i11ni11 lll mb llIItaIIis decision not to renew 11 ml Hm Hart and Deputy ltecve illl llllll 11111iani to consider iglitlle 11 WNW 111 lllll 1411111 gt111e 1111113 ear Angloanadlan e111 ll otutg 1111 11 Allis Me mex 111111111ls 11 11111l11 quintet5 for NH which Humid 31 It was nonsense that the II Hum lm My lie 51111 llos has truck which lilllll Zlillllllf mhlml may have sliarp repercussions on cence 1c Wltl 11 film IMV Allmklfllllilll lllgt Meltcl Hamilton isi law muwp and Mm am 11111 11111 111111111l loiidoi WUWHHH THU mum TIM mum no uphum l1 Ayns 51id ouncil 111uld ton MIN and AWN 1121 equipment as 1ll as tank of 21 Mmmwl Sm hm 11111 particular1v on the amount oi pocm Cmnmmw wommun trol number of lots in town rcgaid MM VM1 Sitll is 111111 111 111 l11iisliip lllt1t ltl 11 All 110 qwmimg pow mmiuhp 05 mun abuhsh $50 hams ltss of lllt 111 051 TAXPAYHRS Wm mm mm 1111 5111n 1111115 uslierini hln Illm ll fee on used car lots in fltl of Answering question lown ihll ml WM Whldl 1mm MI Am in HIIHIUHHWHI In the lisl two veirs iiiidlll uniform S3 fee for lots lerk lliirtoii said that lltcl mlW 1Ll5llll 1315 large attendance at the lgt1e11rae1 approaching iii1i1111i5 111 lu Sfltfl ll 111111111th from 110211le iltlf gtl lll1lll1 Sllfli mu ha upping 33 10W harms 530 um iirew such as baby bonuses mm mm 5011 1011113111 Angusl project have felt that work should lift Milli SllLh Mullflml IK 11de TWIN lmm ll lnishel for wheat sold to the UK It rvmnnwmldOil in sient licence fee for used car lots lllflllllflll illtlliltttft cit are 39 Conlmtillitv 131111111V U11 SilttdiIVl 511 HOW lU liffll ll 1flliltl lllWllll 1111 Lollingwood lliishl itlll unlimitanl under the contract disposed of Down lnrsmuld wicml This can be retained for fivevearm llwllxl 51 Cdmllml lilxllillfl igmdimwd mlmd wad 11 111 113 11assis1e1l 11 vocational iiuidanee c1112 mm mmwmm WINK Um ago by the Automobile Dcalcis my CUMMHHM In cm Mmm mum mum Hl 011112 ll WWW 411 tween 1111 11111111511111 and the towns 1WD 1ng by 111111111111ing 11111 Association protested the fee 01 05 In r1 Nb llillil Wd hl pml ltev lel VIlltt 11f lrinilv 11g JIMM 41 P110 ullllllitltttLl Imp of that time oi applied on lasts efi 11111 Illlh slim Ill bwumv my WHOWW and 11111111111111 llll 111 51111111s ielped 11 ad1 WWW mm 40 ltqtlllL 10111 in the 1M exceed by 32100000 he mull 1W1 UllllLIL Bdllllv til butl1 program would also be of lttsptvtlon l$5lgtlftl at Spike 11111151 ers tor hits not adjacent to theft perpetuate mtniorv of the0 11 easl t1 011111111111 toc1nm1nt 1x11111 petlctl inembtis 111 1111 11111 11 benefit in lighting fires in build lslimv by erecting chairs 1111 111111111 mf till place of busmess 5111115051111 Mayor Wilson called for Ic dim 11 Na maul in lllllttlb Lll Will llL lllffll ings ilr tickles said floor and reloading 1111 truck 111v hm mm Sh5hl 13 said the new car dealers ollcr seiCdd Wm Sm pinion ppm Mml W35 Miami pawn NM not be repeated in the 191lzil per via he pm and Should 011 10d WmV divided Vlmng ll Kirby committee enairman and president of the Horticultural Society said large number of 111 teresledpeople many from llsl 31111111111115 gtl1111l1l 1lgt 111111 hut1 giomflpd 11111 11111 11Ifouudlaiitl no longer lll fill the picgenf iflittitltts lllliililll 111 Iillfllllllgtll Proceeds ol the event sponsoredl by the Horticultural Society to furI flier work started by the cemetery board will go towards purchase of shrubs bulbs and otliernecessary Council 1111 the proposal Smith taiiipbell wanted to knowsllllllfI ml what the financial lllttlthllltlllSilllllsl blim 11 help at him laraile 1131111111 be We have to think of the lullzih and cents he said 111 NllllllNllltNll MN and several olher councillors said1 The Island of Newfoundland has they could not remember bad fire 11111 area of H000 square miles the occurring 111 Oltl Coast of Labrador is al1n115l three Councillor Norman Stoddart was 111115 215 11111115 of the opinion the township should was divided lll opinion oreainzn ppm n1t111111iiig service 1lli delegates to NF FIHNDLANI NIIIHI iiileinalioiihl conven ltlioiv ccoioiiivhutalsodepenrls on sec ond lnewsprintl onc tliai 111111 i11g expanding relieving the un eniployinenl situation raising the living scale and annually bringing items 1911Iltlllliflm lllllllvll1liave sonn protection in the north Flood Victim The 90yearold cemetery contains Hn H1 Ule 5f area where several large stands of THVCS dated as far back as 111031 ll115rlilli fl3 trees are located vv1 With the centennial of the CCHlCtl ADVERIISER M1 Campbell said We if me 1i The things will miss most are the papers and mementos of our married life William McKay told the photographer who took this picture His albumshlost 111111111 the Red River washed over his home at Morris were especially pre cious as his wife passed away twoyears ago Althoughthey iod with the exception of small order of 1210000011 bushels with the UK carried over from its 1919 eontract in order to buy Canadian bacon salmon and lumber Britain iiiloriiicd Mr lfowc lur ing his recent wheat talks in Lon don that from now on the UK Will buy wheat under the terms of the niultination international wheat lagrcemcnt which runs for another three years Under this agreement the UK has agreed to purchase some 177 000000 bushels of wheat from the five producing countries the ma jor ones of IlllCll arc Canada the US and Australia The price range fixed for the next crop year runs from floor 10f $1714 bushel to cc ing of Sl9tl Willi the worlds fds iii comparatively better state tian at any time since the end of hostili ties it appears possible that Bri tain may be able to buy her grain 1nccds next year at much lower prices than she had to pay in the past What those new prices will be can only be guessed at until actual negotiations begin perhaps early in July or August During ques tioning Mr Houe told the Com mons that he was optimistic and that he believed Canadian farm ers would get price which would range near to the ceiling of $198 However lot will depend on tlieUnitcd States At the present the US supports her wheat prices at level which is slightly higher than the Canadian export price lf she dccidcsto continue to main ltain that pelt4e suppoia then it would appear that Canada possib ly would be able to meet compe tition for the UK market with rela tivc case If however the US d5 cides to drop her prices then it can never be restored to him mean1111011 111001 1111111 123231tirrr1 Fund W111 help Mr MCKay to out to her southern neighbor replace his home furnishings Another point to be considered Idbe so is that the US still administers the In factonc upon normal business trons of newspapers and periodicals gorlcytitgbe in Winn1i Emmmic Recovery Program un menwho advertised Were willing or just as there are definite standards rd to der whichfunds will not be made peg 01 pm 1m Aany an availablcto recipient country unwrllmg confirmed speculators or the weights and measure mar Canada such as he UKm the purchsc Theycouldnthelpitbecausein those chandise WW aaYS they had W3 of kmme This newspaper is member of SVPBEED AN what they would getfor their money ABC Our circulationis audited by mmwynnm Today advertising money can be experienced Circulation auditors The 10m thmm stardust DISTANCES wmi PERFch wanted on basrs of factsthe in Ofmatlon US tame 13 Issue mm mm 8m formation in the reports of the Audit ABC feftortSLWhICh Show ho 9501 no sum Bureau of Circulations anational much leCUlathn we have Where it 730 UNDER dreamt cooperative and ifonprofit associa 8065 how 1t WaSPbtamed and Other mum Ion of 3300 advertisers advertising facts that tell busrness men what they 19111111 1111111111 11111111 mm Vllitctu Inuit aggnmesand Puthhels The ABC 01 the moneyWhenth adver omnmzur or iiiciiwm organized in 1914 has established 86 10 these COlumnS 11111111111 standards for measuring the cirCula Ask foracopy of our ABC report 29511 215 THE BARRIE EXAMINER CAN STOP SOON ENOUGH The answer to this question is iin portant to every motorist every Monday and Thursday Our big guaranteed readership assures advertfsers thoroughcoverage in the town and district dont drive at all let someone else minute he is driving along the high way At Bilmiles per hour car travels roughly three carlengthsbc fore mind andrnuscle can translate the sight of danger into3a foot on the brake pedal then it goes another six or seten carlengthspbefore even perfect brakes will bring it to stop common sense suggests staying at least twice the thiiiking moving traffic If you are tired stay even do it more safely distance behind the car ahead in further back or better still 1nq 1111111111411111111o11 11 REEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESSS fll Si ii111111 Slllizil 151 nll ltll$lllti 111 11191 msri 98C $6900 Sale of Ice Refrigerators 1li1llj LNAMIII iii ltl Aiiltli lith LSltl larger iii13 abuw 5221111 Nilllltl titlhbtlll ISlzll 1121lllxl its litlillIINI tlllxllilltlfl lfllttlllf IlNARilnllll ltll thl GALIMN l35l2l1 litllllilt 11111 water lt1llgtl torgtt111lz $1500 tllAllt SIlAl lAllh tl1 kneltti 1ll figured 111clotl1 tIflflthtlAI lClI 150K USED PORCELAIN liNAMlII Illel IllLU BARGAIN Coleman Gas Stoves $1395 $1650 $4790 TWO Illlilll BURNER OIL SIUVIIS SINGLE 61 TWO BURNER OVENS $4200 39c ttllttlt1l11lt1tgt1lt ft 1ltlt were voting recominendation with six pay $5 for their lots adjacent or otherwise gainst the seven councillors Explaining the background ofl the $50 fee for isolated lots Mayor Edwin Wilson said that several years ago expecting deluge of used car lots council had set fee bf $130 $201k according to memory of other alderinenl as means of control Later this was reduced to $50 after protest by dealers The present fee for an or dinary used car lot is $50 lllll EXAMINER CAN FILL YOU for it The mayors vote in favmlRlNTlNG NEEDS PHONE 2471 The spokesman who presented the petition had told council that if the purpose oftheiit fee was to control used car lots the petivl lion was justified Deputy Reeve Griffin said council depends on its revenue to take care of budgeted cxpenditur cs but now it is suggested thcl revenue be cut Ald Ilarrison claimed it of products elsewhere which are declared surplus in the US There was much criticism when the US granted the UK 51754100000 to buy Canadian wheat during the current crop year and it appears out of the question that this ges ture will be rcpeatcdin the next crop year PROROGAIION DRIVE The Commons launched an eight hour working day last week in an effort to clear up its business and prorogue parliament before the capital begins to swelter in the ex pected summer heat blast The target mmorogation MFA June 30 and to clear up its busi ness by that date the House now will sit in the mornings starting at 11 am adjourning for two hour lunch period at one oclock and returning for their usual ses sion at three oclock Meanwhile the Scnatc is lan guishing with little legislationvpto pass and more or less waiting un til the Commons gives the signal 111 the 5upper chamber to proroguc The Senate must remain inwses sion for one traditionalrreason mong others That is the gesture Ir which it approves of the goverir mcnts money bill which then is given royal assent andallows the governmentto spend the $2400 000000 it hasdoryecast it wlllnced to carry on government businessl in the 195051 fiscal year From the vantage point on thereof of flooded out home Frank Armstrong volunteer on the antilooting patrol working in the Riverview area directs traffic His traffic however consists of boatsand floats instead of autos and trucks FOR GOOD RELIABLE USED FURNITURE APPLIANC ES AND RECONDITIONED srovns AND HEATERS COMETO 111 fA EJSIMITHS TRADEILNSIORE 1133Dunlop St 12111111114492 Barrie Below are listcdlust few of the good hiiys new ready for quick sale Your PRESENT GOODS ACCEPTED as PART PAYMENT Two Barrie Men Graduoio BREAKFAST SUITE extension table buffet and 11 chairs good Am gme ldliflacs11111swarm Fm RCAF Slam 11011111111111 cor MATTRESS TV Bunic mn graduated 101 ICE BOXES TEA WAGON solid walnut excellent condition CARI TABLES LAMP1TABLE solid walnut CURTAINS pair only nearly new AXMINSTER RUG 12 OAK SWING MIRRORS FOLDING BED SCREEN OCCASIONXL CIIAIRgrceri OAK DINING ROOMSUITE buffe table good condition PC DAVENPORT SUITE excellent condition DROP BACK COUCH PAD DROP SIDE COUCH good condition BUDGET TERMS Balance in Easy Monthly Payments sss cently as Acre Engine mechanics at the Technical Training Schbol RCAF Station Camp Borden They were LAC Alfred Douglas Walker 205 Bradford St and Act George Arthur McDonald 18 Grove St Both technicians have completed six mumps course covering the installation maintenance and scr vicing of all types of RCAF aircraft engines including the famous jet engines hydromatic propellers car buretors Stiperchargcrs starters and all the other allied equipment that goes to make modern air craftpower plant 10

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