Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1950, p. 27

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amt Bring at Phone you Adchl MILBohr 530 clock Siturdly or Wodnudcy want each minimum 35 word chcrgod Minimum 50 In number 25 Ixtu WET OE HELP WANTED fAccommodohon Wanted FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE ii mm iiiNEH Wm it tfttttIti tth tIIft It tI VII tttt WIN IIIIIII II II Iiallt it In iII IiI iIttIt III Int II IIIII up II EI IIII II II II III I10 II WV iltwe ct ii Et limit iwm tiEw timif ll IIJ 515 EYUlINtl Eli IrIEJltII MUN MUSE E1 11E 3211 liIi 1111 tt LtZTTWM I1 II 1IE II VI VA II 1ilii1t 11 iViiiii in llilllli minim unit sin 211 li EVE ROOM BOAR 1E1 11151 51 lI iIElr lIliNlllIlJ lit iIEli lI II lllIllilJll 31215 5m Vl 11 uni Ht wnnIiia oiiiilt unit Vi 11m 51 EE EE iiiHui it in iiVquVIIEiE quzmi 3iit l= 511w old Em lV 1iz E211 INItItItItI tttItttt IIItI II II II IIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII II II II III III IIII IIIIIT III It 5th tutti ttItItIt WIMttIItE timtt IIIztIIItIV ct Mi llliltil EIE llli EEswmv Ht Hi Ht tttitntt tit5t It tIIIitItIIIIt llljftlll Eli iXlIll 1Vt1 IWI 112 51111111 In El EHi 121L111 ht Eill illllllIlii 11 13mm 2311 II IliImi Ii II WIN EI 53 liilltlsi liliidlS iiriil 12211 Alli llll 1liIll linuw oi apaiiiiteiif it 77 EE fIIME EIEE1 111 11 ii zail II IIIII II III IIIIIIIIIIttiIIIItItIlItsItIIIdI t1III IIt It HIHIH IILII MA II III llitEt III IIIIII IIIIII II tlilllIlI etIIxmIq Ht tttt IIIItttttt IVttttttttlttuhhttlt ttIItVItItitttzttItII II1tIttItI iIltIIII III IIIIIIMIII ItltI tIAIpt lIIIItIIItItI IIIZ II in 11111E1E1t 11 11111 Hta ittgt 1111x131 llaiIiiiE lEIiiiititEi ll 111llii tiEUAlilJiN mil thing 111 EV II VI appli II tItI ftIItIVIttIMtIItI iii xlilll 11 3H1 Eliin finiiiiilt MW 51 11111 11 tIt t2 tLVIEUV tV MM Itt it it ii HUN Alli Hill HUUP IAIIIIIIIlN wwWvWI I1VIII gm tII 33in II lIllIIlJlill ltl ixiftl iii 11 II II AIIIIHI 11 laymen i1 11i vE7 II PH fllltll EElMll lillllf lllllllli E11 hm ii1 777E Eiliitri 11 Hp IVE lfllEliI UnziuV 11m Ioi 111 um liiziislif IlIlIAA EIHII ZIEII Ill IIII lI ILI EMI JUII flE Phil1 ll3 131 bigitll 111 lltllI Illl Lllllti www Ilvtlw IIl ILL linillilii ll 1111 111E111Elt tt 1iyl ll 211112 01 111113 1111 11V it 111 11111 AE VIt II 1V Itw 11 tIIt 31 3m llil Ea fit lit It tv II II 11 1111 ii1iElIi lllliillill lIl 15 iv tEliililiItEh 1VtIiiIii ltIl lllItill Slvjhlt 31ItttlyeiI It tl IIIIIIII IIII II IIIIt IVIIIIII IV LI fiIfuIttIIII II lEiIitIiii 1iil II itI tJII II 111 timii 111 1litiiv 3371 at Siiiiiiiiei Skattiii School in llai 111m 3411 lltl $1 lit II IIttI III tttItiIl II II III IIt ItitIIIItI IIEIIIiI lI II II EIl VINE IiEtisoii loi taiiiih Mw II IL Filli lill lli ltii MM llIiIl in 1ilil 11 IIIlIIIlIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIII IIIIIIIIUIIN IlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II II III II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII lIIIIsIIIII IIIIIII III II II iIIIIII 15 III IIII III lIIIIIIII III II it E1 ti III 11 IVi iot iitii ill 1111VIitiE xxViiiiiiiet tiiitlitioii li lllfil II 111 tItyt tI tt HI IIttlHtHIIEIVt tt It Law 111 Illill 1w TIIIIII III II tIII IIII IIIIII II II III IIIE II it II fill IE lIlli II 17WWIIII giiiw li 11111 itiE 11111111 TIllIiE trilirmiii Jw imam AW II 1IIIttIiI It1ltltI IVIII It II ft ll Itit IIII aEE one iiliim it iii1 i351 Alilili Km liotin liIilgt lllll 1111 111 EhIi11 JIllnI III 1I1I IIIIIII II III llt fittllllfllN 111 11111 117 Im III 1e 11 tItItItttttt utEttVtI ttIIItIIIIII tIIIIII tttxtt3tttttj III It IIIVIIII tnttt 1tIt1ItttI ttIttIt titIIV Wt EI E171I1Et IEEIi ill 11 Vw Elli9EIIfflPWlUlV lI llEl lmsliljl 111111 E1VtiuV ttVtiIt It tItttttI II tVVEyI 1m ElE Ht liidllllti litiiiIEiliai in E1 II II IIIIIII EIlIlIIIllI EIiilii MW HI lIANlIlll tn lllitl in local 61 HmmI LEA lliVnHHhhh lltitiliE flljlli lhI tI VtIHttttI ItI lIif lIlili ER IiI llwtn 115111 111 ill IIII IIIIXII II IIWEW Ii IL 1111111 E1 ltt ttt VII IIIIV Vii iil ti III III III IIIII 1E1 ll JHH 71 EI 11 EI IiEmi H1 111 EEuiiiililil 11111111 IwaEiI Moiiiizniu IIIIlIIItIIII1IIEIIIIIVHjIIH II rttlI tmatijltclAL ltllll1ltil 1111 EH Him 11 HutuV 3171 tit 1101512 Il UR 1lz 111 line tIIlIIIIIVIIIE lthIItIIl III WE liVI 11 llllliltIllYi Iii lillillllt St eiatoiV 11 cu ft lnoiie till ll liltyllljs hut ittimitii liiiE wW llllEE 111E EN Ei WHH llariil llp IIIIIIIIIV IVIIUIVI Itttt MIVt tVHmttttVttV tmt twigSlip 111ng Mttul lllill iiviiiial 121117 the iEitu fiti IItIII IIIIIIIII ItII EI II ASll lilXilSlIlfli Apply lililix tIlII IlIlII ltd iIIr lE St altV llioiiiE IlliliIf 11 Hp ill tv 117 HAill ll H1l II III IIIII I1 III TV lIt llll Il lllIll tl vii4 11111 1Vil ltlilEIAllll WOMAN or tiil ioi II 11 AW llailni Shop 11iiliiilni 15 IittiI II 11VI1i ltlI LllqicI II tIIIIIIII IIItIiiItIIIVII II inllIIIItEIII IItI I15 illElli Eii iE iiiI IVE it mien iiiill ltllltll tlitintti Must be lll llE lilill I1 11 lily IrEII limllill llilil liililrililiil IIII IIIII II Ytoi ll uh II llIl to Vitltil al1i iiiii iti min N111 it 1H 1111 and 11111 to do eveiiini Sunday IIIVlIIAIt inll ItIjlllIIII II AI lhnin altii lllli 13 1lHp lEtH Wm llilEiilt E1l III ltliiln Eii 11 11 11111 and holiday lilli Apply llox 11 I1 lEl Eil Wllllll illlll litxitiitiligirl lsl lllllt uEtlti Nth MENElliill ll lll tttv etx tit iVZvilll 251 illiil llaiiie lilllllll slatiiil aim condition hiht lltttiti illlViV tiltI titIc 111 tititlEiIt nice meal lE1Iil lllllNl iotiiii 111111 ltt11lt l1i1tV lit at 111 111111 II II IIIItIIIIIIII IIIllfI Elvi 21 It IIIII II IIIII II III IIIIIlIIIliII 19317 DESUTU excellent condition III IiIIIIIIICII IIII III IIIIE1III VIII IIIII III IIIIIIII II IIII III IIIIII IIII HW IilIj hm 51 HIIIHIIISh IIHHIHHJ Itjlfttl lll reasonable tiller lhiiiie VFOOK STOVI ml 11 lIh Hun IHI SvttItt tt IIIIII liilli lHl lititt1uiti ltiioziiIliiiutI lWEil illlll lltill lilili 11 iii 1U Im II II IIA IIIII iu illllll iatliI Etillilhih UH iiiirlli llimi 111 Ml1IIIIIII IIIIIIIIILIINIlI IIIIMI IIHIm Ilmllllm IhmI mil HH IIKIELITIIHHIl lIIINlWIlIJHlil IlrIIIIIItIIItIiitIIILtI IIIIIII iIHl av 11 111IhlIIlIih1l1 IltltliI hill tItIIltI Illicit still 11 111111ViEliI lIll Iii sites is $1 II 13 VI llllittil tiE VI tttwgtw tmttttV tthIVVtIt hum 1011 lll Sedan 1111 llt x17l IIII IHIII IIH ImlIIHI1I II II II IIII II IIIII IIIIIIt tIIItI Hm Mt II IttttttVtE tttttIttttt llEllll lllllli Hill ItItttIt tttIttttttttItttItt titwmt Hm iattlil eastV llIIlll leel Street lIlllJIlt ttttHUM my II but IIIIIt II II llIlIlI ll IIVE ttt tIt IItEII lliiilt 11 you gtitE hinting til II wivgirEM ii 131 II NW NY 1E or to II mission tor 11111 or part tune lax WE Ilillllllllill llioiie 1121121 811111111 that 51111 IiIt Ililttmt lll112 liAltAlll eais oi tltttIttIII ItlIItIII lIII III IIIttI tIlI JV1U 71 Il mt iI ItItIItUII liiiieiice not essential Wiite lliit Hp 31111 llleililiv 1111 Mary St lIlllillt 11061 WM RUIN liiliuzile iii I4 tt Mm Ittfm IVI IV lll KilllWliil 11th Siiiieoe iil lMH II rim IfIIIdlIIHInI Ilr lfi lip Elllilllllil litElv1lllll illllli litItcemt ItItI1Itttt IItIItttVIIlItIII ItlIItI hat lIiiti 5100 hone 1001 lI liiilt ththAM tIttitithRI WI mt tttttItItIHEI IIIIW Imtt lNItt Awnts gt111 Near llllllV tllllltlll 1lltl itVIlltItVI tVIIIttII tIIIIII II tIIIII SIHIIL IHII lll LtltlllsltliI like new llhilliV lIllllNlSlllIU lil1I llll llllt Ellilllllllll lllgtll litlEV lil lIllUlil Ii iII lot and lliliiih hi lust 11111 111111 111 11 llliANlHl Nl llllll Ltnlltl ftll IINII Pl Ytouqttt QIFDAN II 4le vi lll llttttr ttt tutH195 IIllllul lttl llillli tlllll tiiilIv llltini filll llllIiI ll EHli ttttttItHY VAVTFD IIIHI IIIIII Im Im IlluIIh BIIIE tIIt lo it trtj IIlItIIII lyour llllVlltIS llllI Ill llaytieldI l3 llltttl illilll piIiiEiVsI Illlll llaiE lNllIllN1llNAl Eliiiii S1Hle Hilario tool leacliiiii oppoiluiii tt LAWN MOWER lli llll iood llill sum 111311tiii 1101 011513 Hr llmd 1m 1m etttmm ttttittttt 111 tttttttt tIttVIt1IV tut lies Vocal and instrumental Please Ltlition Sell reasonably Apply VlWli lElYllNlSHlIl hetliooiiis for Will Mil liiilll Illiil Nilt lgttttit 7Itf ttvItt mtt Itttt ItIttVtt mutt MM KIttItIttttII IZIIIttIItIII slate ape qualications and salary Maiy St till mlti leth ltmllIlqll whlt 1m rent limiitl optional Phone 23071 EWIE Hill INHII Will 1I Ill 11111 rim11 11111 11111111 IE it ttttttttt wtttt tt thmttt Ath 1117 lONllAL Delue Sedan ne II tr ttI Atttttt tt Mt tttttttu IttItht IIIIIII iIiII Mil Mu 291 iuimiui sum1 iiiInic OHIllliliI III1IHImdImmmnlllAllYS ONVllllllll trrire 1lEIflIIIIjliliiIIiulI IllIwElI1IiluII183 Fririll Uni Iii lIlIllIIlII III III ttI II II I11 1Vt II II III II rllxltlbl 11 EmuL Hl maroon Slit lraetieally llt ttttI mt gI llhttta humpt ml iMOlllallN 1l1 115 to let ll1ap II TIT vItt tttiv D111 UKI uh nod Ph 3381 llIIul lllltlll 7lii4vlll ilwnm AVHHimII Mily Plum IttAIIGIgtIIIIIIiII IIOIIMIIIh IUIIRUIIIV IA1 IElIIlIildlVlIlV lillil lltll SALESMAN Ff lltiiiie am is II E2253 15 Illltll VIIV IIL IXII tl EE It iI iricl Old established and ieiziiss tIIfV mm m3 BtIIItftrIISINGLIC 0131 until iiizittiess liii s1iiiii listen 111qu 51qu th II lliititnillil WNWl llmli tiItItII ItfleItltItIltIfIItttk ttlIIttlItIfItIIHT 311 1tI3ItIiiItIiItIlhII 1iIIItIVItIIII ItIttItIIIIIItI7 iye Life lllSUlleCl iiiiiiiiiiiy iv my CHIPHLH mid dUPEllHl Ililhlv ailh ice box 100 lb captivity Sim 12 MlERNlMHE llllfttlllhi IilI IIQELLI M111 iiIiIiiiittihIiIiiv 1111111111Il1tII Willi riilliiwiloi 11ml villi Im the SI1II$ tf ImISmIi II It ARI try DAVIDSON 4r lttt thw Hl 10 cu ft Regular $75130 will sell HIS Alli MII Mr IIIljltm mlm 51 H1IIIII Attoplt llttttt liltttttt IIItttttItIt EliliEilttti llStll 11 ituitiw asiE tilmv lli orlt iiiary Iilllc lenera 311 111 Sin Iii li Mu suiaiiee Agents invited to apply llU DJ and buddy Iut BISIIMfIl15TH ICE BOX llllllllll Cilllil liltIttttItI 3113 III III lII 44 ItIltIlIVI lIltIVItIttIttIItItII tItIIIIVIttIVIIVIItII Also will consider part time agents 1mm 13 44pthIlIlNII X80011 tflllllllmt Allltll lUlliIlSlll3l BEDROOM for ieiit 5Il 30311 SUIHHHI 111130 iIWll muty Putt tors IthItIt VIIIIt It ItiItIIttItt in mm cmiiiiiunilics Applicants my EIl 74 BICYCLES ANI accessories soilhrmv 3711 or Eiiiib 105 Wurslei liui WW 5111111115 and VE 11151 114W Vllllllt 11mm WUd in MODEL IIOIEII LyIIIIidLII rears litele sales and StlVlteISllItll 15441lilIiSE InnV HIIHShId NWIII IlII leIIIIICbIllIIiIII11AISit IIIIH IIIIXIII MlNNlIAlOl lS i1oline ll llll 111 applinlnncti and ell11 reward of lunnul Idw $1M hill GlIlLISI lllilkt l1lllllll It IE tttttIt Sttttlt host tn Batrt llCUlilltd illKl llllllllld lIllll lllltl ItIIII II IIIII II hII In LVIIIII ttttmm vtvvt Ht Vt tlit ItII past performance Apply giving an pm 44P Nd blCYCllE plum 451 01 i1llllll Ulli 31 lgtwlltild stttititIlFURNISHED BEDROOM central$ltllll leriiis lhoiie Barrie 2104 RS Him II 55 mt tt tt IILIWV SIII Itr tt ttt ttIII full details of past expeii cc to Hm FORD WIIIIII IIII IWII IIII 79 Toronto St 7W4 7ItttIIttITltttintlttttttt tttttttttttI ptttmt 5342 ttt ttttmI tttIIttI euton lllllllgttll lth IIIIIIIEIIIIIlt IIEIII IIIIIIIEII IIIIIlIIIlII1 lv lC EEi is 14 lvllifeIAssiliiItldlidItfoiiiIdliyItlItIIIEizfdtIiI blilkkS HIUIXIlI 105 $395 IIIle QUANTITY OF lllll oak plank DRMiEttYI MATERIAL ttttlIIIIIIIII II LARGE BRICK HOME rooms $51 III IhlIktI I1 IIIIIIltItIIttI1ItltlttfttIttIII ItIlIIIIIE 116 Richmond St WI Toronto Anlsmn llu 1343441 and one hay mare Robert Mur httwtttt tttttlg lllllt 111111 hoiiSiluepiiit and bathrooms laree double iiietElhI LNV hth tI II luEtlEHII Ihl P11010610 7441 IIIIII II III EiIIIIEEI gtI rooms furnished Adults only ill lllL lovely iiouiids liiiinedi 14 mm mm IEIIIIPI IIIIII AIIINIII IIIII IIIIIl 1934 FORD Sedan lair Clllllitilll Ultlv 1mm ml Elgt VVlHINIlIl ttt II tt layailable llioiie lllllllllIc 1oullt lWIV 5M llllEiWill ll lItiiiii trt tb tt lilllth 31 lilllllllfl llllilll $900 01 hm 714 15 inhxlm mum Im lttttt gtttttttl Ht ilttl=tI Silxllziloi also llltlttlllts 1111 all VIUE bum IlimMI LIIII ILI K1 BO excellent IonllmL apply til Mary St TPPEEHlbmm IiEIhi lxlmUI ng IIImEI II II Miiiiiegipiilu ltilmt mt tt tZZa lllZillJLlll St l1vElEll 50 lbs eapziLity Porcelain lined lTWO 112111 housekeeping li1lls10lltl phone F1205 llimlElb Hag V01 Too Tt III IIIIIL ltitmm mm EtttttI ItIiItItIIItI Ihtinu 011 43111 7C4 tttt ttV ttt lu VI LlMAh Kl1HlN RANCLV ies 511111 01 tllll 19111 pt 2012 Stioiid 29 IILV ClleiV new tires ai lt 11 chicks at 1111111111 List hutch 31 llll ESLHOOI V1 LACIlER lo15 pmktn U00d condition 3175 bmt mutt FLECTRtC If tI TlVUH 111111 WImmR CliELl bllms Ld mm 2M 1I Hi IICVUSII VIDAIVEV II litiie liltli Some good bookings 11m WOW Billllei JUL Aulll 11 wood only also box stone bath lLnuEKLE ii lh 11 56711 ll44b illllillll Sttiitttl links alo itail IISII CIIIIiICIII IIIIIII DICIICIIIId BoxlIyIIlEILI IOIIIFIIIlgItnI IIIIiIrII III IIIIIIIIIII IIIII Id IImI mmm Cami NIIIW C0 IAGII IIIIIIIIgtIIII IIHIIIIIIIIIIII MIMI CIIIdIIIII IIIDIIIIIIiIII IIII llJll ilnitiies loultit lliiitlin L0IAI FURRIER iE EL IIII IIaIIIL IAIIIIIIIILI IIHIII I30 CHEV Voton pickup truck IIII IIOIII in III IIIIIII IIIIIIIILI OIII IIIIIIII TauIII ilIiiIIiIiIliIIlfTItiifilIiIiciIIIIIIIIIIIII ltIlIlIllllIILi3IIIIflIlnIIlljlllll IItIIIIsIl ItIllllI FmIm In lIInImmI 51 mmne 2mg MHBURN dt 20 CEivitic 51 1I 11 Biliric 3443451 i200 Flint ti st 11 OMPANIONJELP complin ism CID 11IHE wl BURNLR Vllllt llillllLl Ultll ill Il11 Ft FCTRIC mutt hp Illlllll Bdlllt Juli lliWEHl AIIII lone 21 ttttt5tcttttttVtVI EngttsttmmtttnIImtd Phone 2613 after 11 p111 11Eles1mvt will Wehsuitable for eot 116 wt Ett 11001143 furnishud or unfurnish Repairs Remodelling llIigIdIlIlmblc typing Icedch IIIIICI IIIIIIIIII 2333 LIIIIII IIIKI IIIIbIIII lIerIIIIIIIC ISIIIIICI IIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIII WIIIIId IIIIIIQIIIIII IlgIIOIIIlIIlIII ANlI Al IIIIIII II IIOIIIIIIlIIIIII SIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIQ mttI tight housework plat cook IIOIIOIIICII III SiIIIICI AIEIIIV Roxy couple Phone 2610 1illpI atn eeent IlllllI iiiicleiEI lIAIt VI II IE II StorIIIe Imd tmnin inc tirst aid certitieate References twupei 81900 InXRSlll LVi $1030 ELECTRIC WASHINGVMQCMIW Thcglltc 111mm filial or lulu 7441 lEXCLHLIm WIN IlStdiHlliil ittIftttLlIntat ZIlIllItItftI small resultg white ougmttt Ix ttttI Burnt Exumtnen ZAIMD No dealeis Phone 2967 ll44bt wort sending SuilriIisztZo iorIIhome ROOMS otie large housekeepinghaeawte to school and bits Lot IIIIIZKI tIIIIIIIIIa ItlILIIiIIIIiflItIIIItIUI 01 C0 1ch 10110 Willi OUTBOApD MOTOR 71L Sctttt one furnished bedroom Central 9110 X10 0W1 payment iiii tiikei IV lUBLlC STENOGRAPHER Ex 37 CIIIEV PANEL BOdy Ail Athilei 1648 model in perfect eon WWSICY 81 P110110 2853 15441 IlgiI APPLY 73 ltiill II WWl IIIIlI IO IIIIEi WWI pericnce counts Let me take care Cmmi new UICS rwlllacn REMINGTON Il0IlLIE NOE 10 ditioIii Reason for selling owner IW Sim mH lIIlIIIIIE 1IIIIIII3 LlilIIIIIi IEiIIlIElltiIIIElIlIIIiEIIIIl 01 your IiiimCOgiuphthl mailing ce IOII owner phone 2000 13pr FOdel IccoldtOPIdE mlrallltod has heavier iiitidelIA11lv The BED SITTING ROOM and kllChLrw IIWII IIII II IIIIII I2 2313 mrmqundence NC prompt 41 CHRYSLER SEDAN I00d riiii $27I30I PIIOIIII III LIMP Thom C0 AIIiSIIn UII IIINIIIC ISU IIIIIIIIId SIIII IIIISIIIIISS IIUIIIIIIII IIIII II IIIIEII IIOG IIOIISIIII IIIIXIIUI IIIIIIIIEUII Imcmm SCIIVCLE work called for 74lbiBx 30 Bmw Exammcr lillmime DIWI Al mum Ixo SCELLANEOUS and deliverch Excellent references Im orderihemer dOE good Vms ELECTRIC CmemHHQHt USOd Mllnmld CW SlitUll Milli timid be Pleased me llioiic Miss Lay 2468 2441 BIudmd St phone 349 Gum IIeam enamel mg 5145 CHESTERFIELD suite piece BEDROOM KITCHENETTE and Sim Ml dI COW SElTlC TANKS ILEANIID Phone dead IIimlId farm 3mm l344ptRobmson Hardware 741p 30 MI snoticssI wine with Rnth StloCDCCllll porch suitable for 2th CourseI Apply Sandy Cove 315 514 2115 and pay highest prevail II WM FORD COUPE in 300d com LARGT ICE Rdiigtidlor holds CIIIIIIII EILICIIIIC IIIIIICIIIII IISCII yIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIs Phone IIIIMIIII IIIIIII EiiiiIIiiiLlIII IIIIOIIII MIIIIIIII ltIFIilIIlliIRI 11 31 OM IIIg InIIIIIISI For ImmodIIIIe 11E AN 1d lion Cheap for quick sale Applylioo lbs ice Used months Apiiy Lift 13 fl Liloyflwrimm ROOMED furnished apart b5 1351 Twice pIummuI Biiiiit Stioud lhont 4li42 aftei child the la lhont llili ri 617 $31500 HRST MORTGIAGE Ed MiIVller Cundles Phone 4911 86 Henry Stor phone 4656 744p I7 4344 meat Sorry adults only PhoncISlX ROOMED bungalow modern 3Lttbt luim Apply Box 271 Barrie Ex 13441 II 47110 noon or evenings lllMSUpTliill conveniences 600 bird henII Gordon Your miner 34413 COLEMAN OIL HEATER nolTYPEWRITERS office machines lo0 garages rzclI CY ITHERRIAN BROS Stone iiiasoiisI 1938IDODGE COACH real good blonde finish constant level valve p01tabteSI addmg machinesI cash SINGLE IROOM apartment furnlland well wooded within iiiileIof tmttum ttrmptttvm ting stunt wuth CALVESE FOR VEALlNG Apply condltlml BIOWHS C0131 SGIVW 397600 ROblnSOH Hardware 74Elli registers Sales and servich HI ished cabin style Suit two pcoplcttown Marshall representativeptttmt 4421 $42451 George Sheffield RH No Bar RR iv Elmvale 10130 18 Gosttey 17 Francis St Barrie 1S6 week East end Phone 4818101 JA Coulis Real Estate Bi=ukt IIICI phone 845II52I III44b III4440p iRlOLLIIIlIhASIT lgALLgOIlq 1IIlI0II bIIIIyl Phone IIIIII BOX 87 smIIIh COIIOIIII 1544IIIIIIpICIII III OWIIIII Phone I237 IIIMI pAINTING AND DECORATINGI 1g an Id In EOUC si its 11nd El lllii iI CIRCULAR SAW in good condi 1947 CHRYSLER Windsor 1941 condition Phone 4706 alter pm ROOMED frame house in villageSIX ROOMS modern oil llcnltll8t3 It ILtttIStea LI not PVVNG lion Wilbur Dobson RR No Chev 1934 Dodge Coupe With rum 744pt FOR SALEFtndtay Heater tot Egbert Apply Roy HultI RR NOItiexcellottt ctmtttttmt and tocttttmti III III iIIi IE Barrie Ont Phone 81512 l44p blC Priced 10 SOIL 70 MapleI AVG Ii equipped with tan Cost $150 new Egbeer or phone i12 1lI1Uick possessimi FiVIE rooms VOi lCEMENT CONTRACTORS Richz Complete mVkm 9111115 1344DJC REFRIGERATOR lpiisltI 75 eighteen momhs ago Excellehi Iii44bthnl Euldtn 0W avallubkrmf lessurdg and 17111591 FolllldullonsI side pared Bills of materials bliw LIVE POULTRY wanted any lbsEEI ciiptiCityV excellent condition condition Witt St for $100 or best llhm TOUT lhOUSillld We 03W walks and stoops Phone 5711 prints supervision reasonable quantity also scrap melalSI hldcsI COMBIItINAIIIIONIDIttmp Truck 1033 white enamel $20 Phone 3973 Cash OfferI phone Camp Borden BRIGHT CHEERFUL llOllSLkGCl01SlCIlelllilDlIplltd Contact HeInt SwtmttpT mt tttSI feathers otCI MI pughkoI Ion ape IeaI cw mo 01 Igoo 744p 294w noon or NOMINSI 743I44 111g itmV Air Force personnel oiiIiy ElllC callers BarrieI 33 Collier 51 Phone 2933 Barrie tires Phone 4370 days 5265 lights course preferred Adults Phone 1644P1WANTEDNo table stock put1 WRIGmIM Stayner 9819 31950pT 134Elp BURNIEIRIIIHOTI PLIAIIIEII1I301tab1Ie t2 IFIHPLYWOOD BOAT with 3714 Iii44b 3tOCSI Market price tor good tap Guthrie iitIPlioiic 010 1712 Yelv 9CXPE Ilalli 13115 Johnson hp motor wheel VN AT WELL EHADED home ullly Clarence Cumming Phone On No 11 lligliuiiy Next to LARGE SIZE used we boxI lo be 1936 CHEVIstandard new motOI ticnch Coat Size 18 lhone 31185 tmtten 16 tnI most tabte saw FDRNIISHED ROOM good iCstdcn Wzisugu IBeach built for year4504I 2t3145bT the Sign of the EtkI used as cabinet not necessarily Sgal beam lightb heater and 200d 7441 with extcnstons i2 EttIpI motor on 1111 district central Breakfast and around living All city convenient IIsuitable for ice No fancy prices tires $250 hlmvulc 1W Robert stand in toiniey on stand Apply evening dinner optional Phone COS including 011 healing 01050 loriLTER QUEEN vacuum and CGEi VJosephQuinlanRRNIIITBaiiiegltA119hC1IwE ltlitSQQZENEHINIEVIGIAIPE 411319110 MupiewAycBaiiic7np 10444513 schoolingchurchW has in eximpoiishcr it rent by day or by phone 8411 344p with Silvei sneaks mud guaids lotI foi gatden or sale Priced forweek one Fitter Queen Darth 1936 CHEV ISItandaid Coach ex in good condition Phone 5496 sET OF BOOKS of Knowledge like FURNISHED BEDROOM for rent quick sale $5000 CotittsetI RQV metI 3481 5llt PART ER ANTED with 000 0311901 Condltlon MOlOI Iecemly 744b overlooking park closeIto Sivim Real Estate Broker 15 Owen Ni IIri ovoirlid Ronald McEachcm mVI waIIIIII IIbIaIy table smgIe 1g Young business person 16 llplvaRANs DFCOR TOR in new mod ck Cllmpee lg1Wy 5111953 95 cot washstand suitable for sum IE for El hornt 1344 STEEL OIL TANKS co at 4x thIImiICflbImSiIelc Yea bub ET wtth ttttn 200 wt moi cottage galvanized fl hog ONE VH0 liilst climb painting and deceiatiiig CentrallocahOhI now for ness foi testauiant $12000 in pro g5 gaugev sill 015 trough galvanized chicken hopper AN DOWNE 5mg With all work and materials guar ject to tatCI References reqtttred 1937 FORD ICIOACH lIl Al condi each Used one season Phone 5328 pruning saw Swede saw gut AND ROOMED Apartments small home Seven hundred downdmtteCdI plume 5421 5I44l rent Ch01ce of one two rm toned motor recently 744p rivate entrances well furnished small homel several acres Fifteen 31 Ll1k 11191th1 kitchen unit Vit 01 four looms 344p installed Can be seen at BASta mous chtnt1 batmom xtures mints only wellington West hunclivcd down7 Lrooms and bu1hrArmgyougtNmERESTEDJHNbUtttt tion Cundles after pm ld44p 1948 IAMCA iangctte Excellent snow Shovel round 0th shovel Saturday 14 lSfltlp barn large garden Balanch of mg Capable bttttdm ttod Fete Apply PI Djcattcma condmon Owner has StOVC JOhn havetSaCkSI Phone 3756 74413 3130 Prlccs 011 rental baslsv mllences Nothing too large or too and C0 rI 49 FONTIAC CIIIII coup new IlliqeeShIIw GiIfOIIdI Phone anmd lt== APARTMENTi pme duplexi lemme 1305595510 These plIopCIIsmull Call 4737 Eldon Brill ii 21 awaiti SUMMER comers miter VACANCY Ruwleigh bustness I19 Ellal 03 0011 Il 10 ll III aim size an pione ox ar eiiiy llC ca tors ull10t now Dam in BaniQI Trade well 29 McDonald SL Barrie ldl 5D 15 MARCONI rigged sloop no Exammcr 1544p l644p IHIAIVE YOUR Chimney and ttttnl ace cleaned with our modern vac SUMMER COTTAGES for rent and rooms Huntsville area Beau NEW MODERN roomed home $1000 WALKING EDISTANCE of ttttm Cleaner ttOWI N0 fuss 0t dirt tjful lolSI safg swimmln boats in bedrooms 011 heating central loca Barrie town bus room cottage on in the house Elm DtEtnkleI hmte eluded Abstalners orgly Phone lion $80 per month Box 31 Bar lot 120 front aiidI2OOIIdcep Berries 4073 538I344bT 4159 2844bIliC Examiner 1544b fiutts real nice place to live Excellent Water Vsupiilr Property MIMEOGRAPHING Let Miss Jane DOUBLE ROOMI $81ISingleroom nicely ttecd ltllCl and private Faclmte attend to your duplicating If $5Vgentlemen preferred Garageto Vacant Open evenings John Mill and secretarial tn0btemsI She Wt let Ori bus route in new factory or Broker Harry Tovell Stroud be gladvto help youContaCt her at GOOD HOMEwantcd for Coek district Phone 5664 154111 SllOUd 48 501135 1011CSCWUVC the school office Barrie Business IVtbtIh dI Ex cllent mlunll Sound SmOOlh bouomi With Ier gsulIl Illmee Wricte at 022e Raul 1931IMODEL Ford in zxgclleng bgaid 31I3111y BOX 84 AlbertIcy or leighs Dept MLF128189 Mon CIOIldlllOil NIcw parts mcu mg 16 441 44413 tires kingpins cotl clutch etc Cheap for quick salePhone 2948 ISHVEiIiALII ELEchiIiic iigm ME 11 canvassing For $15 Jitoioffers GOOD USED CARS trucks and Phone 2680 744 on the ortunit to start your parts 01 all makes at real low liven 131151112551 225 hell knownand pliCCS WCSl Em used cars and USED FILTEREQUEEN vacuum $$SS$$S$$SSE FOR SALE VIVSlucco Collage consistingIof combined large lining and living room kit Id III II guaranteed Jito products tea cof Wrecking Ferndate Phone 3111115 go CO my Ellie Queen er Spaniel Full grown very good IGMIII COIIII III III TOIIIIIIIIII StII PIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIJCIIIOO IIIIII IIIIII Em IIII4248pT Deaten ROyITmcyI 37IMaple AveV petI phone 710 384413 ROOMED Self continued npaIItI 4824Ig IA II III3mm III IIIIIIIII SIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIe IIIIII merit for rent on purchase of furn BUNGALOW blle V009 10 fIIItIIIVI tI e1I ccvecr CmoniIlIly ltIiIcItIinsssIIItIiIiasip gig III Phone 3482 II 74413 without risks JIIO 5130 Saint 1949 METEOR doorcustomisedan ddle aged IImng II OROUGHBRED Cocker Spaniel iture=or furniture for salc separ months old full basement piece ATTENTION BuildersI Farmers Hubert Montreal 44447b gitdercoatiitIgi IISlipI C0II5i lg Cmti aggilggornggtggyligmagg Btyp from ICEiSlCFEd SlOCki 315 alely 38 Bayld StE 15449 hamtgmacf bUSSCIVitceE jt Excavating grading leliacing Priced to SEII Honing ea erI ie 51 ewa awe oun Canary Singers Phone 5789 119 lt 10 callles Bresnlnm tires in excellentcondhlonI Best Bustness College 66 Toronto St CgIlliep St 38444p ROOM Apartment for summer eipal and taxes Fullprice $6900 aliIciiinIdIins Pidgiiiiibleoiglegolgrg For further IIIfOIImaVIIOII offer Phone 357301illia 13444p Phone 4824 7V69tfb months Electricity supplied Suit With $2500 down Immediate poss machine contract 01 hourlyI Phone 2766 Barriev MONTHLY MEETING of the Sim able for adults Block to beach cssmn We are open LVEDIDgS John pmmbrservtctt phone Cookstown coe County Aquarium Society Apt 17 26 Mary St 154413 Millar Broker Harry Tovell 301I Hm Monday June 12 at Community Stroud Phone Stroud I48 sales House pm Eyeryone welcome NICELY FURNISHED bungalow representative 16441 I3844p Would like to rent for July and August Very central Abstainers 100 ACRE FARM Barrie dlSlllClt HELP STEP UP your vitality with 1946 CHEV SEDAN 1939 Ford FREEZER I120 cu ft capacity lodinel Take NovaKelp Tablets coach 1936 Chev 301305 1934 Chev Good operating condition Apply the organic IIodinc your system rc Coach 1934 Ford edan Apply Jim Mayne Superior St Staaner quires in Simple palatable form Cities Service Station 150 Bradford Phone 851 744b Help overcome tiredness rundown StIt phone 3405 Banta 1344p Jeelmgi n6rvousnesu Three ecpnI FLAT CLARINET and 3503 two FOR SALECanaries Border Fan ox 32 Barrie Examiner 15441 medium loam excellent for grain omical Sizes at all diuggists $1501929 MODEL Ford cIoachI diIopsiIdogcouehes also small IelIec Cy SingerSI cages and Stands AfriI 01 root crop I12I acres hardwood 3044bp 19 wheels sealed beam lights 111C Idlo All WifeCt condition can Violets 40 colors 75c Mrs RNISHED Apartment recently bush GoodIbutldinIgs Hydro mod good body new paint runs gOOd Phone 4518 7449 Wm Agar Phone 84 Beeton decorated self contained tvao em conveniences in house plenty Also 1928 Model Ford Coach as 384246pT rooms and bathroom Would suit of waterI Complete With tractor is $50 Phone 4074 bctweeIg ts XESthINgHgggf otgfiigglorarl couple 22 Sampson streetIigtiutiI1e t1IndFmathiiI1rydats9I herd tIiIIcatI OCCI usmessmcm WIS es to 16an ouSe KATAHDIN POTATOES fOIEsale L051 FOUND 5273 01 Ur 91 ealsconsu aC Woodward RR No Creemore DyckI Salesman Henry EmckI Wit or rooms liIilflIfIIleliiOIlIiIIICIIEIiilgteIymlgggi02134 333 PLgMOUTH ISpeciIalI CoaciIiI Phone 64123 744p ST II II II RgOlIlIED BIRICIh house for retiIt Realtors Barrie 1644p con ition rea goo Iires LO ys ar rimme gass on ig way ree mi es sou III44p nice clean our above average con CORONA RANGE bums 001 es Barrie or Allandale Phone of Barrie Modem conveniences PRIVATE SUMMER home close to CONTACT WOOdi g0d COHdilioni $25 Apply 1744p Close to school and church Immed Highway 11 I5 100 frame house dition Apply 13 Gowan St Barrie 806113 KATAHDIN POTATOES grown JCk MCCUilig Shanty Bay RR late possession Apply to Gordon on acres wooded grounds beau next door to Barrie Spring Ser gjgeettgfddtfff 3113 tfngtld Vvice 134411 Phone 0m 317 744D LOSTChittrs Iwine and grey tri nix Stroud Phone 28rl3 154411 tiful sprinti ted pondI VPIitliil dam cycle sma ast Thurs ay 147 private ma to proper price Gm Mdhursl PM 804 10 FORDS ECHEvs Dodges and othl HAND CARVED SETTEE and two Collier St 17441 OIL HEATED self contained three $3500 teIrms New home rooms TABLE STOCK Chippewa and ers at prices that are rigIhtfOui chairS $22 Wliite enamel top kil ioomed apartment unfurnished ex and bath hardwood full basement Boynis pAINT WALLPAPER supply Katahdin potatoes quantity of Work is guaranteed Welding and chcn table 20x36 $650 used LOST Suitcase small brown cept electric range Pleasant sur furnace laundry tubs garage cen small Katahdjn seedI and general repairsilo till makes ThIese lawn chairs canvas seats folding tweed Friday night between Tor iouiidings maple trees and laWnSt trill full price $7400 $1650 will 16 Clapperton St Barrie Phone 5206 of EVA cut seed Cobblers Fran cars musthe Seen to be appreciat $5 Panel front door 32x6 ft onto and IWaverley Via No 11 and Available June 24V Regret no child handle Kellough Real Estate Elpliick Utopia Phone 6122 Iv ed BarrieBorden Garaga Cam used two weeks $11 Phone 5420 No 27I Highways Archer Colwnl ren Nonsmokers Phone 2859 Broker 101 Diinlop St Phone ill11de Borden Highway 1344 Barrie after pm 74111 Victoria Harbor 6r22 l744bi 1544114869 1644

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