Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1950, p. 26

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EE int lidltlill tilltlti Ml 31111 Jl All 13cm BORN IOWN OF BARRlE AtIliston Monthly BYILAW NUMBER II FfiltijrlemIIIIlQIlItif communin on iii if mini 11 imam of oir iiuium atliulli me zii li1iI 13V 11 Minute hclwol Board or iv low of ifsrnr to nhr in IEI All of $716000 for altrratlum 1111 alltlniulh iu the Srluuir ISmIday Jung to 1950 Mm WIN In 1E 23 EE 11 it not 1151 ililllETAS iii nuua Ev EE hitmist Suit letls 15min 11 21 1i MONEY T0 LOAN 11 iiiit 1i tilf iii 7A It 11111m 111 11 111 Milton 1111 tIIIIUIII II tiItIIIIIIIIDtII III 1le lit a1 imitduziuiz 1E llzzttits lltin 1t 111 all and run IIIH EI Lat tfllllt ExNIi WHEREAS 111 =1E1111 it uin lit Liarmil lt iti llii Lottie 111E1 11= ST tutti EIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIH IIIII IIIIII II JXllIlHIlllii lilt iitlil 121 it lliIi tlimr 1111Il11r tIIVill i1li II 2111 111 1I1711111uil iiilifi fii lt=1 ml liniJ 1iitElll VI5t tt at II VIt II iv II tt ttIIII tV IIIttI IIIit EIjtt mt 11 mm tVEEiiEu ltoil 12 mm El IE ltll Ant ttItIt AND VlllllIKS llii 1415 t1lt lillilli ttzll wt 111 1111 NepasE EI Ittmtnt IItt SttIIIIIt 11 St 77 IIE nut ttIVr II II EI III tII II IE IItI II II III III III III II II III IIIIIII tIIlIIKK IIIIi IIII III llIll It iIitl Ill liiIi IlIt 11 111 11 11 iit 111 tEII tluxt rlE 11 11M Hi lmflai rinnw liizlEiw It tI II IIIItI II III IIIIIIIIIII IIIHI that the sum 11157101111011 11 11111 tin twat oi ll uiiitiim 11 13 tttttt MM ttttt IIMI IIIIH yIIItI tItII 1h Illiniililiti lei tlit alli ltllllil Vital iilEVlit1iii 11 liiiti 1liE1oiE OR am ma 31511 1111th 11 aid one auditoiitiiii 11 the 51E mate Selma 111 ill to tiuiigil 111ii VLA It Vi 11 tIJtitttttItttt litttltn tttEtttt tutti EV ItiII ItI Il itI ElIi 1Uvt tiiiiltu rock it shall he lazytul lot the illtl lorpoiaiiiii it 1tli the vltl sum of IrJIIIII IttIII tIIIIIIIIIII III tt 31 IIlIII TIIlIUllllW liir Ivue oi diEbiiitute of gttlil tozlioiatiiiii to tirh ui IV II IV Hi I1IIIIII11 tttIItttII It tIIIItI tIIIIIII lllllll Ill ltllis til inil liss than Slllllllll tacit payable ttittiii 191111 11 lii 1lttI llhrltttu HRH1101 lliilliliiol theliiial ltgtlllllil llll 1152111 illb lIEllIzINI ll1i1E lliitaih $1111 titi 11th ltlIVE ttti ii lIlli Suki lltblllllllh Al to be illt1l 111 1111 11111 571 lltllllltl EllVill 111 iru luiiuiiaiuiii lhlik ltntxI 1a Vttttl tHttttttt hear iiiteitst the 1i1i iii 111Ei11ii hull tt tuttt mitt tm V1 II II IlEiHi H1 lltiiiii 11l liilititi in like iiiI Sttlttt ililtE It1El lltt 5ttttt tttttttttttt ttItt ttIt ttttt NH III It iEI EtIItIi VII II II IE IIIIILIItlttIltIIItIInIt II IHItIhIl ilItiiIii annual hillttlt iiistahuetilx min aiiiiiial lllllillllll iii lilllllllllil and ltIttttI tttItIII II II WWWl in Dr Mllll amount that lllt apple 111E amount payable for Trucks leiiiietlial and llllllll 111 any one year shall in 15 neatly ritual as 111111 Slluiiliziii small tiiilialit IMI Wu lillitllt WI lllHlllill llllil Inuitgt1 lot warn of llll IIIIIIIIII THIII MIII IIIIIIIII IIItttH IIIIIIVIIVI Ut ltIII IIIIIt IIIIIIIIIItI IIIIIt IIIIII of IIIIIItI IINII II It III II II Form SfOCk implements ilruetiina than 11 tittyttlm Um Vtm tttIm tttI tut DIN IIIItIIItttIII tItItVIIIII IIIIIIIt IV IV 33 and HousehOId Efecn liliIlliIIlIi lIII15IIIl IIIIliIIIIIIIII II Emmii iiiiieteiii iiistaliiiints shall be liaialilr on the EEaiiie ili II 11 III III III MIIIIIII WM IhV HUlillllll llill iiiitl the said iEiiily iiiEEt11 IIt lI Ellliili it iiliiiitl tract tmptttmnt$ Will Hi Hilltest shall he payalile 11 111 mm 1tquI tthtl mth Ut tttt It 1l EElliltllilm llitii putt HI Iit II raid tliiliiEiiliiitg ghItH ttttttttti tttt ttVttUIt mm It liiiilii hi out 1111 l1ililt ltl tilt toiksliult 111M111 tuii my 311 lltll eit1it coupons for llllltVl ltll lt 1V llilllIIM kHzow liven EililllIllt lirr Itiiim at llollylt pluw uttttl ttt Ht ti tIut tI tttt mitt tintpmuttIHI StIIItt IIIItttII II MIUW Ev 1111 illlll lll111 11E Viuotl iilllllilit 1m heiselt on I05 itttEIttII It 77 Zl 1lli 21 mimetic tirviiialii vin our 111 iiiusiv li i1 11 Amt Illll l11m ltttttttttttttt im iIMImlIE l1ti HIM 11th liiill lie nimble at iii 11 PI at Etil ll lilI title is til 11 hi E11 1111 1111iE1111 zitlsi II Vth tt t1 t1 Ivat tV IUHWWHIV 111 lItini iilI 111111 111 yliiiEljtiiI 111thanking1iitttE11i tuning 511V11111Ir unlit IJIII lII6 lttm ifIttmItlIIIIIIItIIIIttnIItISI ll Slilill be lawful tor 1m huhmutt tttttl swtvtttttv tttt tlttttttt HtE ovEmwv 51 is Oh Hlll 1111111 pot Ittlt so slit tlUtbttl tltItltgti tltme 0y une It IlIiusletg til lltt lt If II II II tI tilt tttttt iiii1V111I V11tttltt gtttIttIttt Istttmt Butt tt lIio 3111 i1ll sight tVII alts HIVI IIVIII IIWIVI intwettunwus tllttttttr tltttt ttttI It tImVIttII IIIIttIIIIIIIIId IIIIIt IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIMI tieVi V11 Ev II II IIIIItIII Sin II rt Ittw Hid It It LEW WW II III III II II tttttmtuc ttIIIt IttIIIII IHKII ttttttttNth IIIIIEIEIIIIII SIIIIIEIIlIIIIIII IlII EItitt IIIIIIIIIIm IIIIIII IHlIlIIlitlllliiilltlI to he issued and the interest in II aeiet iereto ant tt lIllil iI1lIllI llolstliii and liism IiIIIIIII IIIIIIIII3 IIHIIII Iki Ililltlittitioti to the said debentures II II II II III IIII IIIIII EE tIEI ti yiV lIgh lvttt ttttt litIIIInt IIIIHII Ill mmdII EIIVI llttitti ltt ht tut It IVv II Iete lti ltiitalile lltilktl iEvttt Iii tati Veai tuiiiii the currency IiIIIIIttIIII IVIIIIVIIIII NI QI II II II IIIIIIIIIIII1tIIIIttItIIIIIlIIIEIIL llliil ltiwei lite mid lgike ff MIMI II 10 llbilllllll 01 My llI them 111 spttlul mlti tittttttlt II IIIII III III III IIVtI III II II It II ttItclttttVI tI III IIVI ttIIIII II slelq Il yttth Yttrktht I1 all I5 ElE HEN L1 HKllLI IUDlytihlhm INK 11 10 Milli lillilltationV 111 111115111111 mmmpt IV iEI 111 II II tIIIII tIItII II II MI IIxtiI Ii lllIi Stlil I11111111 tt1lEIltltltt l1IItIIIIIII IIItuIItIII Im IIHW mlkHIi they IIIIS NI WWI Slim SlllIlIltltlll lo pEiV 11111 llsthlltrt tttt KEtttt wt ll 111 1E ll title lzm IlEI 11 LIMI It tVtIIIIIIIIIIIIII KI ItIIIIII due IIuI 11 ill IoikshtreitIIIIIIIrIII 11 stuiIalI ytatly sums of piiuttpal and interest and interest so lttllllllt Esttuna iiiu lliI11 ltt EIII ataiks 131 llV eaeli Ila White tututttntw VIItIIIII IIIIIIIIIQI III tillle as the same becomes respectivrly t1yttlltI tttwmtm tttt ttVHIH gtIl1lll iii VI VttI IIII II III II III llElI IWi lilil liens laying witll tut ttttmtl VIIIIULIIII IftIIIIIII Hi this llyluw that is 105in tltt tttttt Icttm ltt $ItttttVIttt II IttttttIIIII1 IIII II IItltitIi Iirs IOI an 111 V1 tiatuiu rooms MtitItVIttNtS Mt tIttttItII tiltISIMIIttII IIIIIIIItIIINIIIItI IIIIIII This Hyatt StIIItt tIItItI no IIII IIIII IIIV IIIIIIII II illli Hf liliilrlll Blur 1t lliI t1ttttrttittitttttg I11Ij11I titttttl Htttttttttttt II IIthta IME Elil llll ptl llilll iuiux 11m W1 ltcltitl it 15 tIIII tIttIIIt II IIII ARMY III IIIIIII WM IIIItItIIIIItII III NIIIItI SIIIIIIIII IIItII itiIVIIIttIII ttIII IxtIIlIIIyIBIFSIIII IIIIIIII ItIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIk II II II In lil lltlt1l BYllv 1111711 anti turn 111 utttt tttttt IItIIt tIIItII HIV II IIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIJIIIIIII ttItttm SWIM TIIIMI arrowsIttHIIII III VIIIIIV IIIIItIII ItIIIIIt IItIIV Elli ur Interest Principal Total Amount ElfgtItII1iIHii gt1 rm la 15 11111 1111 ViVVi L1 unit1 th tIIIItIIIII th ItI AVII liukshiiti 1i1i1ui T111 that Sall 12461110 351111111 tttttItttt EIHIW lH=i Hiiiiliiiivizl will lill tttIIIIIIIQttII II Ilt II VI gt111 liiai lllllrinJgI sect1m 1ttttt Mn ttttrtwt mm tutIIIVII 139113 35985 Ittttmt 1ll steel iiuiic ti would Ii tit 11 V1 EGGS tE tau tIiIoiiI lhiliii Eliht Mtttttttt Sttttatttt Rt tI FINN ttV II AI It gt Eittttt ttt liliiirl hardwood lllille 1tl huh 211 ma 1VV lIVu 13 iii IiIiIiiiIil iiii Mall also 51 cold l1 tttht tit tut tt SHt 19 Jillcl till1l ut uiEiitV ciao nut uui 11111 ii1il 11 11 IE 37 illlflii cutv 111 11115 tut rIIiIll IltIiiiItIIcltfimlftttJ 231205 178115 El 111 if llni to Itti 1t lllll flit llltt 111tE may wt Ill tItM tttII tutt llEEltllll or lllgtlll lartiesV liiugtl H11th ltttl wtttttm ttttt lilu11htI 1111 ottieeIIaIlteilllIiiils II IJJIILlil Jthtlllll 151ml lIIIIltIM IlIllIlIllVHll llllh ton liv fgt iiut fsiti 1E Ht tIv Iltll Siiiieiiig 111111111Etl 1111 lIgtu llatlt Still 11111111 ullltvttltttg I3 wt htttitttt Sttttttt Qtntit itiIttttIItv JHlIm Iiillilllf 1095611 IIE mm 15 II ilI iiuii tiuiV In Eir e111 11 mil Itll SllitVle llow 11 lt limlllvlz IIIII 308031 ttr it 1146111 imqu ii 111 ItttIIttttttttIttIttt tI Suit ItIIItItK IItZt Sti stoop Sleiglis 1111111 rttWt ISZtlItlS AttIiItItttIfItIittzltttlIItlttItI1 ti 1I1i111I411 3t tttttiIt 4IIIll ltgmlmt mt IVIttIIt CHWKFINS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIItII IIIIIIIIIIIt IEIIIIIIII 11111itVtttImu 53mm Matttmu tintttmmm tttmII IttIIlIIIIIIIII HI 11 tIttttttIttt 33 IE III II llllt 1010 tttm iltt ltliiiiio ill lIeulIi llllll 11 glltillll EIflllll None Barrels lIoiks lliston EtlliI lll liTlItl tItitIt 11am 111 11 14 tI I1IlllV 11111 vVIIhWIIIII ttt itAN It tI II it till 17 Vll 11m tIHtI ItII If lliUHe 1Iiill 4ElltllT tttttNtVqIQI gm Hth ttII III Phili 3541710 OI WWI tIIIWII ttItt ttIIIIIlIftIIIIII II 111 il it how 11 1111 Ntttltmi MI tIVIttIIIt IIIttIIIfI 1331lVlll 3156145 iiIE mE minis tom New lizns 11qu iii Eii iiiu Without Itiiiiiii 1301110 3711374 Hll 12111 111 t1wilixaiiti ue llllll niiii ill5 llll llltl live IlllltllIllIlIl Only ihElyI lllllAIhiIIIsltlsElIsIDllIlIIIIIIBIIlIE II 106911 PIGS II IHI ltttttt AIIII II QIIIIIHIV AtgttIII Ig ttI My 1h lldlellUltd llll lIlCLthtl I5 Ht wt ttt tL fml year ago we had to part ttlt ll mom IV 111 lttul Cltww SItIt IIII umm mwllms mm tt IItI IIIIIIIIItI rillllt IlI liIIilIlIt wtttt tttt tttttt tutttt VIVIttI Itt IVIIIIII ll lIlIthll Shan lit llunlop St 41111 Ougpttougi Itytstsorq RI 4206 11 11 1c are you drinking llllll lLiLL 411 1th tIt tI SailliI II1111gt1tl in tlillllllll IxIII IIIS llaiiie troop ltlil1lIltI IiEInon IIiI ItItIlttItIttIIIIIIt slIlIIIIIIIIIII1I IISEIII lIII IIIIp Lori 14 con milFl 411ifllItl Ij Ali llyitlt oiiiiili1i villiIEii tiid I11 MI III iiioult tEilix lIillIisllH iii111 llimIIi IIU 1I MIl II 31 15 Silliness Lot 1o toii vi 111 IIII IllIIIlltl 12 II II 1II IIvld WIWICII BIdII and MimIIssI eSf GwllmbuY ll IEIIIt IIMIIIIIII llllllgtlll ti lltt II 11 LILHHM 1111 1Iiililiilegt oii gt lables and JECllilllSl llulfette Mile South of litmilk tI law 402670 4111mm IMI lidintigil 111111 iii111110 111111Eit1E There will Lt mime ttltttitE tttt1 EV IIIIIIII DARK ROAM 10w IV tt R13 RUN IiiiiiiiiiE of 1111 ialiur lli 1111 wunllid ttt It mt tt tt it 11 ttttmcmt I151 IIIIIII ttth IIIIt IIIItt FIIIHIIEI IIIII ileai father Itarm lttvitiI ylttti alt HHV at Wt Itmw Wm IItIII tIIIIII II II Tum St 031t1tEHIlItmtw pm 1011 byapublijauetion mi RPM II Iblll12lIili $71Iotlllnn Igtgt 1V1 11 Vtt list Kermit and 111ml lttttilttttbt In ttIIIItIttI til liliii 10 1014 1151 Stlt UIS 0y une llil iiill litialli passed tl 101 ttttII Icl SI oi llLllllllltI lat Mi 1r ll II lltlII Iliill hi las 11 plat1111 110WL II lImII PINE Iml EEI plmttt 2577 BttmeI It ptmI tDISITIt Ilm llOLSIlClN OW ll ID Im 11 mm llllt DFC tat old out IOLliOWlNG ARIE Cliatim June 10 also letstEr tlls old IIII IIIIIIIUII IIII IIIIII IIIIinIS IWIlI Oyii III 1h 10 ltlIIIIIIII mm lllt Willtl pips ibottt 10 lbs 12 Digs McVFIll IIII ivn IlIIlItlIiIlI IIIIIILIII IE IIll ME WWII Illll IiItlIllIIIEIilIiIi lIiIiIIIIIIIIII IHI IIII IIlIItIIIIEl to 11K ltl Ii 16 IIIIIIDIIIH mm MM punV ldILI bill 63 32 Dtts about 85 lbs IHIImbII IIIIIIIII 411 VII tiul ilic unusual Kills iouu lIttiiii litters Wtiincd pivs 10 pi Es witl EE lltIeI III 22 14 II is II II ShlllellWEltl intnum ill tim t1 EH IVth Vt tIIIIt um II llll iiii wtidntsduIVI Jum James gt0IEIIOI IltiIeI lIlISillL Iwo year litlltililll lllsie Elizabeth Smith prices aIiiItl lltISllllltOlhhlIll aIlItIilliiiIlil IhIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIII IIIII AIIIIII IIlIZIIIIIIIl LIII Cnn IMIdmC IlIlIlIlsIIIlIlItbIlIItltIStigttgfqg CUIHU For PHth Needs The Barrie Examiner SIIIIIIIII II SI IIIII II to passed awayIJune 11 til12 ti II II twuy and we 111in to sent ytiii Ownslle Imllts cast hhtl tit ll Htttit IEW IItttl liIiIutii tie 1re lllllllilllg ui gt1uitI thttEtTLIIIiIIIIIIt 9031 to IIthIEIthIIIIlniglit and out all which lam tmllIIL south of Ilillsdale aiietiuii sulut thug It II mt IVItttVttIt ttIItIIIII IIIIIt III IIIinI ItIIIiIII DIICII IIIIISI IIIIII III IIIIII IIIIIHIIIII IIIIII tot tItt thItIOt ICIItttCI IItSII Show IIIId 11c 11i11111 llltt ItE It II II true EI III tpoii ry eservo Terms cushI llfllSIlllYlllSl0I IIII IHHJS IM 11 Smile was as llllLllll as thi suii Unfinished poultry are not mum UHU III Emit sale L30 lint lDSIi RIF dam IIIIIIIIIIftlELlIlff II lltIIlIlIUl hhttiI 1b 111 11c tiled at the present timeti 131ml Slessor auctioneer 4245 TAKE NOTICE that Canadian iioilhII from Elirahh Unitst lIlsie that stunt111111 it Elilllltl Dad lop what Iritliini June 16 Fred Cole Lot National Railway ComllllVI iiitcnds IItIIII lover you call him dont forget 116 011 Plus I1 mile west of to dispflse of certain lishiiIig shantIH SHADYHOLMF Yoilshirw IIISMIIII IIl llIE Mum and lhat one day in the yeai thats me MHEIE Allcum 51110 or fillm 105 Wthh liilvcbeen deposited on tmtt Opt tIttVtV It tin IH llltldy lit tt VTme Etptttttttltv tttsI txnthtt t3 tN SlOCk Implements and household Railway lands in tlt0 vicinity Utt Chippewa IpotaloIesI uitiiIviIiI ilItIlIlllIIIILEI EE It 1I ddlyIll IItIlIIII IItIIIItI tluiie lliI or Itml l1utIttmItIth effects Terms cash Sale at pm tlicAllandalc Slation without duth SIICIII IIIIIwIIIC TSIIIIIII UIItIJIlI1ISIIIxI7ht tumult MINI IttI III1VgIIIIIIIIIiIIIIiItIat IQIIItIIttIIItfltII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIII III ItIII III tDISIrtItI RI JI SttVSSInI AIICtI 42mm GritVI Owners of such SIIIIIIIVIOS IIIIII lhHIll lllItIIIiIl IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIfItlIIIIIHI IgI IIIIIIII liiiiIi IIIll loiilt ltlll lllIiliId he IlliIliIieeIiittIsI IIItliiIiliI tiIiIIIIiiI iIIlllIsIsII IEIIIIIISQIIYINIIlIIelflt SIIIZIIII MIIICI agVIseddIIIIII IIIIICSS IIIey are ClaImI II 5w lls1lli II II Harrie lit 01 14 an 11LnEl JERsEY siiii W111 tumt danglilii Iof Ni and I311 thnkuiumic ttttlest thtttmbtttt 13 their mi5 Wle 91 CO its 18 lllllt south of lemma hunt the R11 and tittcclttulocl latI IlIulr Ittlittlflii iii the hearts that hired IllllI llillfll LmlHII IlIEElEI 91 iltetmcllst i2 Imttt west IAItcttOIItttCmtSCS on OtV but JIItVIg0t ll 50 ItttttIttt mum uIVIIIVIttIItC oui iiiItEiiitiiy lingers Ive IEIlILIlIlItIgtIIjllilIIlclI IIIVIWIN sale of pigsI tilt TermS cttslt Salt the Railway willtake suchIImehsiI III and standard 11ml Jgttlt Martin ELIoviiiu1y ieiiieinbeitdV Floriiv XIV ff IIIi lit pm DS1 sin01119 ILlICS to dispose of them as It secsI Edonvulii pltmtt IStttttttit StttIt imd Madeleine 44bit t18 must AN Auctlmiem ttltsx tI Owners Vin be required on 9445 19 ttt WrtI EII IIIOOII 1101mm claiming such shanties to my to SEALED TENDERS are hereby called th LABOR mun tutj lIl1I 51 ImI 5L 011141110IWctlnesday June 21 George the RailwavE the costIof mIovinr of house th movmg PUREBRED SCOTCH SlltHlhOldl Front 1514 to 1940 the xiliiitEq ICIIItIlIitZliEEilIIIIiIIIlilodItIli 1IIILIIlIIIII I63 lllllgiliIlItllIIIlgIdlIoiittlIISIIii IIIfIthlIII IEVIIISIIIIISIII AilISIOIII LIII III county same from Ilhe Shorelihc dlwm In Town Of BarrleI bulls accr 111 Il v11 II II II II 03 m1 05 llUIlh Of 89 Him to thLi Alla VtceabttVI dsttfttfttvlama IIEIII EllIt gtllllltImOIIeU lEIbm ijlid lute Pauline Leis ldlt John and Christina illeAuslwuy mi cumttlule dispersat 0t immune 1956mm Smon catVlon and pdrtlcumrs may be had by applying to IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII one IIIICII bVII BIIIIIIItnUmtt pItttt t0 CaIIIIdIIIIIS IIIIIII tItttttttttIt MtVII mt IMISI Isaac tttnI ltts 811th that Rttstmg at pte Lodgc hem of IhIgII CIaSS HUIt EJ STEVENSON the office Of the Town Clerk Municipal Building 84 C01 Farm JI Mccttmg thtpstIIVItllWIiIduuhlid iiiiounlinp to more QIVLIIIfIIEIBOBI glllleIVk2wm Volu1lQtFllllSlltl HgiliituBai Islciiis carrying the blood jf Marks 4441 supmntendeht ller StreetI BarrteI phon Elmmlo 231I tthtgytttlliziri sewn and half billion d01t AttIIfoI 50f XIIIIEIIdIlI JIfIIC Lmft 531W WINllLdeiiyvtmaii and Sevoreigii Terms cash tats lust WWI II ca ii BI Iii p111 iiteiinent 135110 at pm SpioiileTAuc xnmxmmmv above tenders W111 be received up to 50 YORKSHIRE AND TIIIWIOIIIII II martin I1 uiie Union Cemetery tioncci 4447x pigs tittween 51 tmtt ttttt 111ml 1111 saw with tuttmgtgiz Premlel FrOSl Oiilcmtes at Plant Openmg ilRYAN nngiNER WANT FOR SALE Monday lune 19 1950 50 HQ SIIIIII IIIILI IIIIIIe III PHONE 2414 Ir SliOilliorn Heifer cull weeks old OCk noon pltom Bouttm 4932 GIIIVttUII twin Allistoii $44m The lowest 01 any tender EE IIf3cfsarj Qccljled II SENTATION stz 42 33 44461 It BURTON Ct Ek own er IV GILCHRVISTMIS Gllchllst and flmlly VlSll to LVpIcss tint canada Lmmd thanks to friends and aisg tt RWI It efghb SALESI SERVICE It SUPPLIES SARJEANT INSURANCE ac and Di IrbWhOWefef3tr CLEANERS POLISHERS AGENCY thoughtful at the mm of their tC Branch we 31 Vespra St 49 Iccnt sad bereavement of dear TELEPHONE 339 un 0p Barrie Ititsbaiid and lather Peter Gil 1115 44b II WE WILL TRAINII THE RIG In Er mull El 3U 3711511l3letb were born WANT ADLETS eceVeCl msiruciions from =I iHO PEOPLE FOR THESEIOPENINGS ESALESMEN lhese adlcta were received Kaith noonday before date ub canon and IweeIIoo II II late to classify under head lngs VV II one OneHalf Miles East and Quarter Mile South at EXPERIEN II insult by Show gglgpILgINeElgginttzdanclgg VI II bl II IC AUCIIO on do 1installations and general tele phone work State qualications and salary expected Apply Stroud Telephone Co Stroud Ont 144b Three salesmen wanted in this districtIto sell theII lines the public want Hospitalization Surgical Prepaid Medical Income Pro tection Lifetime DisnbilityIand Accident Only Insurance Policies FOR SALETomato plants 25c AVERAGE EARNINGS SHOULD EXCEED 4000 BiIllzftIil Faerslidziig 0de logSI I$ yea Applicants preferably marriedt Should be between the ages of 25 THIE FOLLOWINGI WALNUT DINING Room Suite and 40 friendly with deep driving desire to succeed clean moii COMPRISING IN PART OF Oxford Breeding EwcsE Phone 5700 744 1115 and financial Stabilityia must Car asset but notIesse Lambs Oung TTLE 21 Young Grade DUI pOULTRYV 39 Cr WALNUT COLOR bed Ispring Interviews mgy be arranged by contacting 33 argkggeggtfmgsi $11533 and New Hampshtm $353 Mk mattress also amans CCM bicy st DAIRYE city All Dona eerSI 118mg years fat 12 QIIPMENT2MHR11I1V 27th 68 Pgrlgtgl CIIDIIHIigllgiOIIIIEITDIlggg mfg nggsfrlls Shown cut materials Meat packers and the food in bet IItIhR hRIImIII st 6190 CIIIIIIIII to IIigiItIIeIiIsIdriinIrIiIg DZIIIIInginIis SIiICIISiiIrIlEd IgieIiIiIaerratorRIiiIiIegIeiw EICOIIIC tom enin cere ween is ours mm on one 6W dustry are now usmg thestPmdUCts PXten ford and Durham Yemllngs 22 positively no reserve Hereford and DurhamCalvs Reg FOR SALE6 mom brick house mony when the new modern plant of Visk sively CANADA HEALTH ACCIDENT Withrurnaceiiiabatii on good Li ii Aii bfthe bove me street 6500fJ Ing ml ed was put mto Operatlon at Llnd Sh 9X91 Dommov Reg N0 19 lfle mm husev the phomgraphi mm the 16 ASSURANCE CORPORATION 215770 Born Apr 15 1947 tglcfgewglgefecggt1343811333 one EblockV from Collegiate $5800 saY are McQuarry Industrial Commissioner 11 HOME OFFICE WAITERLOO ONTARIO SHEEP Good Leicester and and are heIalthy in every way EJE 5991106 OBoyle Real Estate This 12ml phone 5743 DI arges its kind in the Brit of Lindsa Premier FrOS II anyItme 1544 15h EmptreI distributes cellulose meat cas manager yof Viskh tttJdII IIJIIane SalesI CANADA BU KRAKEIE mounted on 15 cwt ing and also the famo tEI Iml rs FrOSt arms as at pm or SaleI also IgvaIy dump uIs as In mmvls CI LambI Mayor of Ltndsay BI Hi SchenkI ranc Office II RI tmnabte Phonemsz BIIII queen which wasIused extenswgly during General Manager of vtsktng Limited 69 Comet StI Barrie 3944b the Will as protective covetin f0 II II arrle sussssssgesensupcs

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