Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1950, p. 25

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11111 flan IImms didnt 11111kc owning is Wmnl MUM TOWN COUNCIL DROPS FINAL Brockvmes Gain CURTAIN ON HOCKEY SEASON HAROLD COTTON ATTENDS 111111111211 11111111say 1111 11111 has bccn brought to the 1910 1111 hockey dawn 1111 night at Club 19 the Town Father placed the 11111gt11111g touches 1111 another championship year for the Barrie 19111111111 llockcy Club when they paid tribute to 11111 111111111 11 roster and their OnlarIo Hockey Association 11111 ll 1111 1111111111 411114 111 tiliI1s11i 111 1111 11111111111311 1gtl lmliil llliL 11 I1111111l 111 111111 Hm 11 1111 111211 UII 111tl1l i1dlihh Woplnhd l111l11s 111 also 11111112111 Z1 le Hm RH ill 151151511 UIIA Junior Ily 111 1111 ml dem If Hm WHEY 11 ho 1111111111 11 11 111 11111 11111 1in 111111 lown 111111111 and MMNU 11111111111111 11111 1111111111111 11111 11 1111111111 l111I1111l ll11 111151 HM dszqu MW 11 1111111 111111111 1111s also 111 did 11111111 15111f111111 111 lIt lit lcl IM MUN 11111 Ilium 1111111111 11111 llll l11111lllilklgt who 111t ULHHL 11 All k111111o Junior 111111111111111s111p 111 pintnl 111111 111w 1111 1cl1xt 1111111111111 H11 llt11 1111 t1111111111tl AMMHHL mm Hm 33111111411 1115 111111111111 of 11111 111111 111111111 MI 11111111 11lilIcgt11=l mmm Summing 4m buy lloppciJ111111511111locn Hick llllgtlr kl11lgt111111 11li on ll111s 1IIilIitSlun Im Ml bhiim SM mm MW mumUH Nabncy 111111 1111 McAIlhin 1111 11111112111111 tl11 1111111 spcnt 1111 A5 humlCd gm 111111111111111 11111111111111hu 11111 wcir Illllllu Fan111 Rusty 11nd 111111111111 1111 1i11111 llIIEtmI 1lii mm liilllll1 11mm rctly to 111hl1111 ll111 linullgilllytl 11111 11111111 111 1111 l11111111Il 111111111 1111 111111ch as 11 1111411111111iup mm HWI 111 11111 1151 now making 111111111 toI 11111111 1111 also 1111111111l 11111 11111Il11111111flL mull NM 11111 111mm to 11111111 11111111111 and 1h lillllllllllhlllll JUHIIII lIopiful tll111111111111l1111 tllll 111 111 HB him imhlmmi THWH my nu 1coach Hill 1111111 who guidcd 1111111 mm mm WH mu lthroughout the winning clIaIInils ml mlmhwi 1m MI Zif1ll111 joincd forms and picscntcd Iliatcs It 111st wont 111 11111111 111111lmll low qulmvl their training 111111111ls wIic of Al WM Mm llilh WW whclmcd thcir 1piictspolicn pilot spwhuw my HIM WI mm 11 hand I111 tlic 1111111111111 w1s MHUHMR Hi In Wm formir naiivc of 111111111 Jack 111111 our 11115111111111111s111d11tt1111 bulwh is minimum In his hmm CH Human Mi mgdzunping wounds to handle 1111 wilh llaIIIi 111111 11111 ll11s WI lislImf Mm SVSUm Lant Ihc 11111111s 11f lilllllt I11 Iccl MN Ill 111111ak1 in affiliation l111ttllllt$lj hm WIN llh WNI Ni wt um Hm WI Hm 0mm fs1lancc from Aldcrman Rel Ayrcs Is 111111111 111ll1111tl 111 its powcr to mmlqlm Kr mus mm muttde Hm mu 111 1111 piano llrnic iiurton with And 1111111111 11111111 who has hidllli ccllo and Stan 1111111 vi111111l li ll lVll 111T 1111g1111 visit 111 11111111 111 heart 11111111111111 up in thc Fiver or lldll lllllltl music for thc oc HHHHT WI Izanization said It wilh 111115111111 ViflWll MI 11111111 was thankcd on 1111 As cntcrtainmcnt 11 Alcx 1liitlii wmhlllw 1111f of ulhprmp by Aldvnmm cson of Camp Iiordcn playcd his Art lugh who 111111111 that Ilostou bagpipes throughout jivc classical did Inuch to ccmcnt lhc affiliation mums is Pnsvmll Im mllduml when they 11111113 1h Bruins nunodcrn and humorous 1111111111111 Barric last lllll with no I1crs1111 0f filllliliin songs 1111 was i11111111 IIt $310k IY SMIIIM 111111 of 11111 111p 1111111111l1111111 cincrgc 1111111 it1111111 11111 81111111111 lhr almost i1111111111 111111111 1111 511111111 111111 1111 ltlliti and did achicyc 11 1111111 11nd 511111111 1111111111 and calling 111111 clIampionslIIp 11llr111sl w1111 coinpctcd for tollowIng Iiigwood joined thc 0111111111 1111 11111111111 iiiciIIl 11111111 How and now 111111111 11111 11 111 111 1111 1211 111 iill1 1l 11i1 11 1=1 Ila i11iil 11 1111111111 13 1111 1111 1111 111 llj111al 11gtl1111 11111111 111 1111 111111141 111I111 of salt 1111 1111 5111111 HIV 1111 1111111 111111 11111 1111 1110112 l1I1111111 11111111 11111111111du11 lii 1111 1111111 liltgtitill 111 11 Kt 1111l 1111111 1111111111 111 111 t111p lloi 11111 11 ss 1141111 11111 311 11111I 111111111111 111 gunman1 1111l 11 111111 of 1111 Camp Iinidyli Iii 11 C111 1111111111 111111 1s 111s11ss 111 11111111111111s 11s li 71111111 who tillllti p111 s11111l thanks to thi 1111il1l111s 111 311111 111 lIth 11111 111111 l1 1111311111 11111 3111 p1s1 11111 unalt 11111 so 11111 the 11111111 tit11111111 411111 1f111 ltlgtlllltltil 111 the Can 111llflll ll11l 111 Shin 11 l111lii 1111 course 11 111111115 11111111 SpcnnI who s111111sstull WATER AND SAFETY COURSE mm COMPLETED AT CAMP BORDEN 1111 II I11 I1111111111 11111 2111111111 111 llz11211 iii 11 1111111111 11 1111 iii hr 111 li11v l1 iiiRSt 111 11 111115 11 15111111 ll1 I111I1 l111112111 t1so1 Shun1 luil 1111 111 ii1111 llnu ilwmt 111lgt 111l t111111111111 all lill7 11p ilvvtdxII 1l 111l1l II litil Iilii liirrr 11111111111 fully 1111111111111 Instinctoi 111 11 11111111111 1111111111 11111111 spcnl last 111111 1111111111111 11 111 1111211 In 111111111111 1111 111111 ti11 111111111 Bathing 111111111 111111 111 111 11111111 111 111ht1 ls 11111 1s1111111s sfattis 111 11dd1111111l111 11 1111 11188 1111111111 11111111111111 11151111 SIMCOE JR FARMERS HOLD ANNUAL FIELD DAY l111il1111l upon 11gt 111111 111 11111 111p 11111115 111 11111 gtllllllllti season 11111 annual Iicld 11ay sponsored by 11111 N1111h 51111111111 lunIoI I11111111Is 1s111 1121111111111 11111 11 And 1111 Saturday throngs gath 111111 at Midland for the cvcnt 111111 111111chch 1111 11111111111 pro 111I1111S but 11 Llcaicd 11111111111 11111111 1W 11111111111 Imcly afternoon and 1111111 for thc 111111111s Softball vollcyl1ll IIIgofwai 111 1111 zills softball g11111sVascy rion 111c111npanicd at lhc piano by T111111l1l mm lllihwY mm 11 Will DillWm 111 Ill Nllllll 51m Ihc 1111111111111 mainly s11IIctl as llr ilU Cilml llilldtll 11111111111 opportunity to prcscnl 11111 111111111 11 Ilycrs with thcii awards The Town Council gavclzo cach 111c111bcr of 1111 Iostci foun 1111 1111 11lycis midch and bantaml 15 1c rcgu 111 1111 11y 111g It 111 The lll1s organization L1slnfli1K 11021CNlim mwn bnmg next 111 1111c lllll awards and to uth pan fl Wm mch numb of lmm mm gtllltzS 1111 Among the players vcrc lscvvral ncw members who madc 11111111111111 activity 11111111 111suited Iii two out of 1111111 of Brockyillc Although he suition hum mlsmn hm WWW icicd from 511111 arm and lackcd 11y mummy 1mm VHHW 111111 tiIchall of 111d Smith still 1111111 lhis own for 1111111111111 and attract 11d spcclators in c11y park IsIlcd lain pcn and pcncil sct and crcslS GIIIC cams In Two Games In Three Valley Explode EightRUn Rally in 11s1lDefeaf 111ml first appearance on wins for 11111 homc Slfll Barrio WCHR F1131 prize was takcn by 1V1lllV Tux lucnld 1121111111 Valliy laXI showcd littlc 115 MCFdan imd 1T anson socUbihk wlicn NimelllHl DIXUHS clllrcspcct for Midlands Joyce Mos 1011d went to Nels Mach and Jim 5turcd 52 win at Qiucns Park diIfcrcnt story 111511111111 at 511111151 Ina1 showed signs of strcnglhcn ling whcn thcy downed rilha tlIi return lFtliiS third to McFadden and 1chf Webb and fourth want111s park Wm and Drive It Yam3 Plant and partnch Tonight at thc Barrie grccns thc 1first round for thc Berger 111111111131th ml markm BARRIE iwm be played hurlcr 111111111 llarc who tirctl thc NONfitsnmivr iNvizsriiiTsNis i1l Imi Totalyvaluc of ntiiiicgidcnt iiiinc Compmy lelged gvcstipcnts in Canada amounted ini Earric Ilvcrsof the South Sun11 HERIZ DRIVUBSELI 11948 to seven and half billionlcoc Ilascball 111111111111 snagged 11111111 LICENSEE dollais almost three quarters of initial vigor 111 550 lh 69 Collie which was held in the United Fair Grounds with convinc111g States 62 triumph over TitoPla LAWN CHAIRS 11 BRIGHTLY COLORED CANVAS DECK CHAIRS STRONGLY CONSTRUCTED OI HARDWOOD AND CANVAS BREE ANGLES DU TION Garden Hose 50 length ply hose LAWN MOWERS tetior Work AND CAMPING SUPPLIES work Looks like baked enamel 111111 1111 1111 16 cut blades bcdl bearing 80 Dunlop St WEDELIVER 131 11i11 11111 SKMEII 81111 111 STURDY HARDWOOD WITII f7 hr Pyrex Refrigeraitor Sets6piece setfSpecial 99 CLOTHES LINE WIRE50 6strand 29c GALVANIZED FAILS042 29c LAWN SPRAYERS 911200 11 $875 15if$5251 LAwN SHEARS f$i5o 1295 ifLowEBRosrAINTS 14 cut4bladesbctll bearing ANEPTOLAng Enamel glor $1295 woodwork furniture and in Hi andcrrd OutsidePaint $1495 $195 qt $630 gal COMPL 111111 LINE or COTTAGE Union Paint $295 gal REMTONE the new miracle lustre fln ishltor kitchen bathroom and wood 11 00000b00000P lcy Monday night in Midland when lthcy slammed 12 hits into the 1115 turcs for Illti victory 11 was thc locals second win in as many starts in thc Barrie and distIict Ladics Softball Iicaguc and certainly illustratch their 11111 for loop supremacy Imound for Vallcy Taxi and 1117 though she 5111111111 poorly 111111111111 contest in strong fashion at 44 bench bases in wholesaleifashion roster to go hitlcss was Pearl Copc land big guns 17TH GOVERNORGENERAL Confederation cd in the clutches and Iinished 1111 8111 Athn Valley unloaded their 1s11rgmg power in the fourth Mid land wcrc bcatcn ball club With game 1111 Saturday the commanding lead provided illllltt settled down and prevented Camc out on mp but could such an outburst from Midlandsnualih 10 hold first place and so Parker Longhurst and Noble lcd the Valley attack with two hitsl apiece TheJ lone member of thc ITiith Rutherford with three hitsl Joyce Rutherford and Frances Bro dcui with two each were Midlands Viscount Alcxbndeiuis the 17111 GovernorGeneral of Canada since 11111 11111 1111111111111 111ti111 soitmli 1111111111 111111 111111111111111 1111 11111 11111111 1Ill1 111115 11 11111 VII111V 111111311111111 1111i11 11111 11p 111 1111 11 with 111111 111 possIIIIv Ii1 11111111 llu 1111111111 1111111 1li11 11111111111g1 111111 11 11111 1211 Luils 111111 11111 1111l111fl111ll i11111111 11111 111s 11111 1111 11111 and 111111111 ill11 l1111til1111111111111111111111111111 111111 Illll1l 1i1111n1 1111111111 1111 1111111111 Is11 In l111 souaii 111111111 11111111l1111111111111s 1111 111 1111111 I111l111 11111 111111111 1Iilll11lgt hold 111111 111111111 11 Park s11l1 11111 1111111 11111111111 11111111 11111 11v111 11111 111111 our 1o 11111111 111 111111 to 11 11111111ssl111 piogiam Vasey Trounce Wonder Valley Move to Guelph Vino 111111111 1111111111Is tlul soli ball team arc still thc undcfcatcd victors 111 the North Simcoo lunioi Farmcrs annual 1111111 lay hcld last Saturday June 111 the liltlc 1111ch Park and Agriculturc Fair Grounds 111 Midland This means ihcy will Icpicsciil North Sinicoc again this 111111 at Ihc utario Iun ior 111111111115liild lay at iuclph Vascy dcfcatit Wondcr Vallcy in Dorothy Miller was again on 11111 Rh 21 111 the girls softball scmiIiuals Dalston lcfcatcd Wondcr Vallcy 111 to 21 Vascy In thc finals came out with anothcr victory by dc ifcating Dalston 17 to 13 hugc eightrun fourth Inning salted the contest for Miller Mid land kcpt pace with the taxi girls for three innings tying the countM Wonder Valley was weakened this year by the loss of two valu Lableplaycrs through injuries Miss arjory Gough sutfcrcd broken ankle while practicing for the field lay and Miss Norma Caldwell sprained 11c1 ankle during thc In the girls volleyball Vascy not lDalston wyll rcprcscnt North Sim Fivc walks and hits by Robbin Lennox Parker Marj Longhtirst and Noble sent Vallcy around lhci coc at the Guelph 1111111 day The EGlcnoral club bogs tugofwar team will also Compctc at Guelph 111111 annual field 111 dance was held at the Parksidc dance pavil ion in Midland new event this year was square dance competition the par ticipants supplying their own music Then Glcnora club receiv cd first place honors in this evcntn There was an attendance of well il ovcr 200 at the lance which was the final event of the field day c1 EXCESS PROFITS TAXES Illlll01lg and excess profitsi taxes only Canadian corporations paid $673000000 in 1949 shirts good vcarIIIL covclt cloth Ncat 1rcss style 111111111 button trout two brcast poc kcts Sizes 1111 to 111 work long $179 MMER WEIGHT TEE SHIRTS Knit from fincconibed cotton yarns Neatly finished 11i11folc ed sleeves Yellow green powder blue navy and white Crew neck style laucho collar powder blue and green only $108 SU opera Brothers Colin rid Stanley mith Brothers Colin and Stanley Smith who recently 5311311 To England denied reports that they have given up their plans for Utopian colony in Nova Scotia They have returned to Europe and Britain to organize some 400 people who have requested part In the co ive village Both are expert boat builders they built the 29foot sailboat in which they sailed to Englandlast summer to attract attention to their lans for Nova Espero New Yumouth County NS hey will spend some time in muting and choosing new recruits lt mm r1 the colony 111111111 LiSizesBj Snappy striped pattcri1sThey1e favorites with boys because theyre smart cool and comfortable theyre favorites with Mothers becausetheyre so easy to keep clean lgiitln 31 fine cotton yarns and patterned in sporty horizontal stripes Crew neck short sleeve style Small Medium and Large SSMLEML BARRIES LARGEST MENS 11 BOYS CLOTHING51361131 Dunlop1S11 flat jersey stitch from IIII IHRRII LXAMINLII IIIIRNIMI JINI 111310 25 JCC ZCW =ltD xxcczmzcz LET OUR Greater Buying Power WORK FOR YOU YOU 11111 INVITED 1111011111111 our 111111 Outstandiii EISPECIAL Mcns quality Values For Men IC 112 KIJNII SIIKIAI Scc Ilic Spccial Yal ucs at Brass and 11111111 This lcck cnd QUALITY WORK TROUSERS Sturdy blucdcnini with triplc stitch scams and rivcttcd pockets VIIICKICNI SIIKIAI Balbriggan Combinations Knit from quality yarns 111 thc bet tcr quality balbriggan stitch that fits snueg and comfortably with out binding Popular weight All styles WEEKEND SPECIAL Economy Price Specials IPOLO SHIRTS1 Finely knit polo shirt carefully woven from light weight cotton and well reinforced for longer ivcaiCrcw neck short slecvc style Sizes smallsmcdium and large Buy your summer supply at this law price MENS TEE SHIRTS Of finely knit light weight cotton long ariug cusiiallshirt thats hard to beat for real cool summer comfort Crew neck short sleeves WHITE only Sizes small medium and largc Buy 110w and save money 891 9811 111 FOR PLAY 0R BEST WEARQ STYLISH STRIDES FOR BOYS Good looking rayon and wool gabardinc chll sewn smoothly finished pants with double pl 1211s selfbolt open lap outseams and Zipper front BROWN GREY TEAL and BLUE Sizes 510 $1195 Sizes 12116 L1 $595 Sanforlzed Kn ea Pants liltic and brown cotton gabardinc 1111111T pockets IVILII 1strap1a11d buckle at front forcasy adjust Barrie Phone5111

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