To 11111111111111 Georges Church 111111 uoiixixi 1111111111 11111111111 TN 1251th llthAClllth 121 Mulcastcr Street with lci1tccoslal Assemblies of anadal SERVICES SUNDAY JUNE 11 111111 111 1111 Sunday School 11 1111Mor11ing Worship 7111 11 111 Evangelistic Service 1Alf1lialed Friendly Welcome Awaits You SUNDAY 111N1 11 111111 11 amIIOIINISS MEETING mean pn1SUNDAY scnoor Olllel Si BODIIST ChUFCh 711111 IIVANtHCIJSlII s111111vI11I1 llndcpendcnti REV MITCHELL Mlnlnter SUNDAY JUNE 11 111311 11171 1m 18113111 SCIIOOI MORNING WORSHIP GOSPEL SERVICE Wed 11 111111 Midwcck Prayer Sci1 11 11111 pm Sunday 111110 11 llllllCIIS ZIIRD NNIV1RSRY Visitors ordially WiIcomc lmw 11 amMORN1N1 Gaspel 1Hall xarkslde Drive 11111111 cownn 11 1111111s ll amNURSERY SCHOOL Mia Brettin Charge pm EVENING SERVICE THE FRIENDLY lllilltll SUNDAY JUNE 11 19511 amBREAKING or BREAD pmSunday School and Bible 17 pmGOSPEL MEETING Thurs pmPrayer Meeting 1Welcome Seats Free No Collection FEEL METHODIST Church 2011 anfield St Phone 4572 REV ANDHMRS CHASE HOLINESS CHURCH Evanch Gospel1Centre NICW HALL HIGH ST South Off Bradford St Pastor 1T Noseworthy SUNDAY JUNE 1195 SERVICE AT 730 pm EVERYONE WELCOME LIOlOlllOi101111 TWENTYFIFTH ANNIVERSARY The Unitedghurch of Canada SUNDAY JUNE 11 1950 14 THE BARRIE EXAMINER IIIIIISI JlXfi 11 111211 PER SONALS A11 11 11 111 1111 VI 111 11 11 l1 11 11 131111 111i 111 111 1111 11 III II 11 111121 Munrtvr lltllllll11l l1111111 Alli ifil THIS 111 111141 lllWl s11N11 1131 liiulli lli II 1111 All 111111YII1111 of tin Full GOSpel Tabernacle 11mm Come to Church l1 Class Oro Tawnship Boys of Graduates 111111121 Woddiug in Parsonage fiofhurch 111111 St Andrews Presbyterionf Church REV JAMES FERGUSON EA 111 11ltll1lf1 Siili It LJ 1111 1111I11 11llllli The Salvation Army 60 COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly Worship Sr Captain and Mrs 12 Strachan Thurs pinWomens Meeting Fri pm Prayer Mccting ls hrist the 11111111 of Your 1111111111 Wm nlll First Baptist Church tev Luck BA ED Ministerll Miss Elsie Cloughley AlCM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY JUNE 151111 9110 amSUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all ages WORSHIP SliltCL gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgt ministers SUNDAY JUNE 11 111111 Tune in 91111 cur11 11311 11111 1111 Light and Life Gospel program 10 AMSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AMP1eacliing P1IPreaching All Are Welcome lflOO Bu 111 amNursery 111111 Avenue United Church MINISTER REV CARDER BA Organist Choir Leader Mr Dempsey 11 am GROWING AND UNITING FELLOWSHIP All departlnents of the Sunday School unite with this service llolly Services pm and pm Central UnitediChiorch MINISTER REV Joli BEWEII BA Chair Ieade1MrsG Lenover Organist Mr South 11am THE BODY OF CHRIST Broadcast Over CKBB pm NEW FRONTIERS CHURCH 01 945 amThe Gen 11 School 1100 amBeginners and Primary Collier Street United Church MINISTER REV LEWIS Organist Choirleader Lloyd 11 am GROWING WITH THE YEARSL THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 nineJunior Intermediate Senior Depts Beginners Primary Depts pm EXPANDING HORIZON Schwinn olllervlce in the Maple Leaf Gardens over the National Newer11 the 031 at 11311 11111 00000t101 ENGAGEMENTS 11 111sl1111111 1111 I1 1111 ll LlLllllll 11 l1111 31 1l11 Lli lllrll 11 lml 11s 1111I 11I 111111 1111 11 11 11 1111111111 151 1111111111111 111111 lltl 11111111l All vi 11 Il 111111111 1111 11 111 111111 311111 111111111s111 of Toronto 11 111 111 hr t11l111 91111 111111I11i 111 the 1111M 111 tl11 lillllt lllllli 1111i 11 the l1111lc 11 111311 51 following 11111 Rebekahs and lOOF Sum $200 Flood Relief The 1111111 1111111111 111 the an l11111111l1r and Iolio Fund 111111 by lhc 011lf1ll11s 11 11 11111 lls s1s11111 branch the 1111111111 111111111 has donated $3110 111 1h IIaIIItoba Floor Relief Fund T1111 1111111y was IIiisctl through 1v11nts hcld ill the Oddfcl 11111 11111pl11 during thc past wi1 1111 ll11 111111111 nights arc continu i1n1 111111111111 lhc sumincr providcd 1111 1111111111111 1s satisfactory Thc 111111111 1111111111111111 1s headed by Mrs iii Walton iClearview lGrandmother Members Honored 1111 11111111111 grandmothcrs meet 1112 111 11111 vicw Womens Institute was hcld at tiic home 111 Mrs lWallzwr last Tuesday with 18 mem 1111 12 visitors and lOchildrcn 11111s1111t Mrs Fields lst vicepresi 111111 as In the chair and opened 1111 111111111111 with the singing of 11111 111111 and repeating of the creed The roll call was My grande 1111111s oldiet grandchild urai1dInotlicrs1contest was 1111111111111111 before the business 114111111111 Sonic time was given over to the reading and adopting of the 111inutcs 111 the previous meeting thc trcasurers report communica tions and general business Mrs Patton and Mrs Huish were appointed delegates to the district annual 111ccting to be held in New lowcll on June 16 1h motto give every flying 111111111111 something to keep in store was responded to by Mrs James Patldison Mrs Paddison spoke of the greater happiness that could be achieved in the lives of Institutcpnembcrs if they lived nearcr to the creed The district Citizenship convener Mrs Rumble told the members of her trip to Guelph to the recent convention description of the day was also given by Mrs Paddi son district agriculture convener survey taken showed Mrs swrandaVlrWilloHobeth oldest grandmothers present while Mrs Rogers and Mrs Wilbert Wal Trinity Church ANGLICAN SUNDAY JUNE 11 1950 11111 Holy Communion SiihjectLTHE ONE TALENTED MANK 111 11111 SUNDAirsoiiooL pmEVENING 1111111111111 Preacher The 111111 11111111111111111 99th Anniversary Services June 11th ll45 am and 730 pm Preacher Mr Lewis 3310 13511 1vis Lay AgriculturalMissionary to China Served with UNiinA incc You 1111 cordially invited to hear this outstanding layman REV NEWTONSMITH Rector 1114 paler vsT PAULS ANGLICAN CHURCH INNISFIL 11111 11 311 11111 11 231111 i111 l1 II $1111 i1 111 1111 1111 111 11 111 31111111 1111111 111111 15111111 1112 111111 11111111t111 1114111 li1 l11111c hip 11111 1111t 11 11111111 11r 111111 111111 11 1111 311114 1l111111 It1tl11 It1i1 I31 11111a thal 111 I111tl11 IIII11IKI IUIIII 1111111 512 l1111 Mind 111 1111 l1111 1121111111 Sun of 1121111111111 11111 il111111I1 IIIIIlul iii 111 llliiil ill11 11I1 lltiildi I111 llllll fullti 11 111111 11111111111 111 11111 11111111 1111111111 111 Mrs 11111 hat 111 11 Mis 12 31111111111 Lords l11111111l 11111 b11211dx gtpcti1l 21111111111111111111111111111 Miss loaii $1211 1111 1111s11111111 11111 ll11 llllt 1111 tin1110 t11111111g 111 l111ds1dcl lIII 11111 dolmlwl ly llI1 Innsm 11III11111 11y MI 121111111K11app 1111111111 pi111l11111 All Md lI51111l1l illlllltl 151111w 111111 111111 1Ill 1111 piilc for birth s1 Illlltllllv 111 11l111111lt 111115 211111 and th11111l111l1111at1d 11y them1111111 lv1v111oltls 111111 fllycai1111lgt 111111 Illl day111111 trip to tlIc 111s toIIc and Stillit parklands which 1111111111 along 1171111il11 area l1c 1111111111 11111 11311111 and Lake Ontario similar trip had been arrangcdl 11y toinmunity lours 1111111111 the ductlion 111 Wally l1Iccman on lllossom Sunday May 21 large p11ccnt1gc 111 11111 pas scinzcrs had IIcvcr sccn the main attraction of thc trip the falls ot 41 Niagara at which the bus made its 111st stopover shortly Ittcr noon Sunday Aitcr two and half hours spent In 1111 city allowing enough 1111111 for those who wishcd to cross over the Rainbow Bridgi to the US the party Inovcd on to thc Whirlpool Rapids and Inaiiy took the cablc car ovcr thc lltl basin abow thc whirlpool An hour was spent at Quccnston and Blocks Monument and an hour at the reconstructed Fnit Georgi at NiagaraontlIeLakc 1h1 tour lcft Barrie shortly 211th nine and returned to town about 1030 at night The trip was made via Highway N11 27 and the Queen Elizabeth way with stop atBur lington both going and rtillllllllt There Wei1111111zerow latc blos kcr wcrc the youngest Mrs John Murray and Mrs li111 Dickey had the honor of bcing the only tlOIII grandmothers prescn corsagc was presented to each grandmother at the incctmg Mrs Rumble and Mrs llrown entertained with duct written address and gift were read and presented to Mrs Patton by Mrs Kane and Mr Nevillcs as token of respect and good wishes on hcr departure from the community Mrs Patton thank cd the ladies for their kindly words and assured them that sheword come back to meetings as often 11 possible The meeting was closed with the National Anthem and sociaLhour On June at 830 pm pro gressive euchre was held at the home of Mrs William Kane The next regular Institute meet ing will be held on Sept at the home of Mrs 1111111 Fields PRAIRIE OCEAN PORT most use of facilities for ship ping wheat by that route and Im prairies 11 am Morning Prayer syns sgspss 1111 11 lb nospilah tia11111gt Mans Ina 2111 Joni Kiillllltll laiI 1111 For some time the value of the port lof Cliurchillt has been mat ter of controversy between various interests throughout the country but the value of an ocean port to the west could not be denied It would also seem to be in the in terests of economy to make the ut g1mp1gtiled goods to the lROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL GRADUATES EIGHT NURSES 11 11 11 1111 11 111 1111111 l1 11 11l il1 11 111 =l11111 lups 111 l1 l= 1I1 111111 111111 111 TI 11 1111111 llu V11 1111111in l111t 111 s1 111 111ml 11111 111111 L1 11111111 1121111 111111 1IlII 111111 11 11211 111l 111pital 111 11111111i111111111 11111 l11 1111 11111 111111111l 11 11111 Iti1i11lltc l1111111111tz11111111111111111 i111l 11 11111111111111 tl1c l1Il 111111111111I 511 111111 11l111 li11 liiIll H1 lli v11l 1111111 ll111 I11111111111 and 11111 11111 111111l11111171 Community Tours Makes Second Trip To Niagara Parks with 70 Passengers 1111 111 111 11111 111 1111 11111111111111111 1111 1111111111 thc group of III pcopl11111111Id1 1111 Sunday who liavcllcd south 1111111 Illlllli I11 1111 Niagara Parks district l1slTI11 1111111 1l11 1111111111dIII11111111111111 Sunday on 11 Community l1111rlv11 bus loads 11f siglitsccis 1111c f111111l1111 111111l1111 111 linclish 11111111 Home 1111I111111 from Camp IIoldIIi 111111s 1111111 1111111lll111i cnlhuscd 11 1l11111 111st 111v 111 11111 c1t11 11111 lws p11111111i included 11111 1111 111 1111111111 1151111111 and Min 11m11 111 11111 p111pl11 had takcn 1111 own 1111111111s 1nd 11111111d 111 picnic 111111 111 1111 1i1111 stops II l111111111111 11s11111at11s 111111 nun121111111 111 the 111112thoil111o1l 111 1111111 snapshots must 111111 1111111 1111111 1111 111a lllI11 1111111111 li 111111 Althourh only small pcrccnt 131111 iconic 1111111111111Iy 11111111 next plans hip to 11111111111 1111 lunc It for Sunday baseball game Anothci tour Is 111 lhc wind 1111 carly 1111111 111 llala and pcrhaps aslioitci onc 111 tltc middlc of ncxt month up to 1111111tang Midland 1211111 tlIcMar Iyrs Shiinc Is sort of picnic 1111111111 new idca to this district 11111 munity Tours was orizaiiizcd to provide Incans for 11111 pcoplc ot the vicinity who do not own cars 111 sec various platcs of interest andto attend various cvcnts One hundred and forty pcoplc havc al ready taken advantage of its scr icc Barrie Native Smon Spotton Dies At His Galt Home Funeral sciyiccs for Arthur Spolton who 1171111 born lit Bairie in 11174 and attended public and high schools here were held at Gall where he was widely knpwn resident on Tuesday 1111110 ada and contributed larg loathe progress of steam engiiTc 11Lg gen erally Mr Spotton yas life member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and member of the Professional Engin eers 110111111io He was married in 1910 to Ethel Eleanor Insole of Hamilton He leaves two sisters Edith and Mrs Sheldon of Toronto CANADIAN MIA 1S Mines are operated in every provmce of Canada except Prince Edward Island BALDUR1Man1 GAZETTE Pigeons Tamed By NearStarvation 111111111111 11 ad 1111111 of 11 11 11111g ti115111t 11 111 passengers 1111111 th1 cahlci Iciins 1l11 hiIlpool liapidsi 111 l111l1111s 51111111 1111 cxploicd old l11sbytci11111 Church and 1111111111 in politics 111 11111 hc was 11111111d to Pearl Armstrong 111 Sunnidalc who surl ivcs 111111 with tour childrcn IIarold of Alliston and 1111c1l Doris and May at home also thrcc grandchildren He graduated from the Univer sity of Toronto faculty of engineer ing in 11191 He was advisory cn gincer and managcr of Call dis trict sales for Babcock Wilcox and Goldie McCulloch from 1931 until his death He designed some of the largest steam engines inCan Made tame by nearstarvation pigeons invade rescue boiit itiflooded St Vital ManitobaJThey refused to leave 1111111 11 111 111121 A11 1111 cluiis 11111 111 111111111i 111011 111 gt i11111 11111 111 li1i1 ttllittlIitl 11111 Intcunt 111 111111 I111 11111121 111 M1 lI111111 IIllll lhvic 11111 211 11111111 1111 H1 11 p1 131 111 1111111111111 was happily 1111111111l $11111 fellow1111 1111 1i1111 was Ah 1d nfmi il1111 71 1111l Savi t11 K111 was punt 111 1111 my 111 111111111 of His illg1IV EPETEIiAf CILCHRIST 1DIEs AT BIRTHPLACE iFARM NEAR EDENVALE liiil1l 11w1111l11i 1111111111 111 iilint of lIIi1111111 passed away at ihis lIoIm 111 StayinI on Sunday iil1 21 Illiiil III IIII 11l1111 HI l11I11 iAl1X11111l11 iilthIst 1111111 111 IllnIs i11l Illltt ttplti Mr 1ilclu1st 11 1111111 at l1I111 1al11 111 111511 Illt son of Alexander IilltllllSI 111111 11111111111111111 Iilliain iwho pr11l11c11as1111 th son by short 1111111 months 111 c11111111111d to 111 siilc 1111 1111 111111 1111111111 from the hcavy forest by 111s grandfathcr111111 father 1111111 I11 years ago wlun ihc 11111111111 to SiayIIII He was 111111 husband 11111 1111votcd lather llIs 11111111111 was 1111111st his actions 1111111 With 1111111111us hand and an active InIIId III 1111 was 1111d1 11111111111111 by kindly lccds VIth lIclpIIIg hand for an othcis 11111ls So anxums I11 phase and loathi ll liliflid He died as 111 lived 1v111voncs friend 1111 was 1111111l1111 of Stayncr Thc funcral was held on Iucs day May 1111 from 111s Icsidcncc to Stayncr Presbyterian Chuurch and was conducch by Rev lack who litl his rcmarks 1111 Psalm SH Favorite hymns of the deceased vcrc sung What Friend We llavc in Jesus and Abidc with Mo The choir sang lhc Old Rugged Cross Interment took place in Stayncr Ccmctcry Pallbcarers were six nephews George Livingstone Aub rcy Giffen Wiltrcd Giftcn Carson Schcll John Partridgc and Robert Armstrong Numerous beautiful floral offer ings bore their silent messages of sympathy and included offerings from Noisy River Telephone Co Presbyterian Ladics Aid Stayner Edenvale neighbors room five of Stayner public school Relatives and friends attended from Alliston Port McNicoll lu thric Barrie and Orillia 611111111 ApiDTistDies Native Of England gt William Gardener died suddenly following heart attack at his Gil foid home early Monday morning May 29 1950 at the age of 80 An apiarist for many years Mr Gardener was native of Alton Hampshire England where he was born 011 September 10 1869 He came to Canada at the age of three years with his parents and settled at Carville in Vaughn Township movingto WestrGwillimbury Town ship six years later He had been an older in the Unit ed Church for several years His wife Miriam predeceased him in September 1945 Surviving him are two sons Rus sell and Howard at home three until fed by their benefactorsW Wilson andlimes lWilliamson Rehabilitation of the ooded areawilLbe undertaken bygthe ManitobaFlood ReliefFund 11 11111 11 311 111111 l1i1 111111i i11t 11115111 1111111 ll11 111111 19111 111 ltilll 11 111 l111111 11l 111 1111 1111c111111 111 tl111 21111111 1111111 1111c 111g1l 111 1111 1111111 111v1111 1111 11111 hippcwa 1111 1111111 Ill Welland 1111111 197111111111 11111 1111 111111111 111 11l111u11 111 111 155111 1111 Way and 1111111 11111111111 111111 1111111 111 lIaIIspoIt 11111111 1111111 llllili to Ill13 llorn 11 Kingston 111 1111 we lhc son of 1111 late 111l1111111l 111n W1ll1oo1l and Man l11111 llIll ll11 ll1l 111 Kingston I111 131 yiai1 l111t111c point on location 1111111 tlI1 IR Ior six years IIL lIv1111 111 IIIdwatcr 111 for titilll ycais pilot to 11111 First World 111 111111 1111111 in Toronto and Welland h1 pmm QQQQQQQQQQW 1I1I111 111111 11 l11111111111 11 11 1l IMH l1111 111 111111 1ll li 5111111 f111 11111 111111 8111111111 1111 TH T1111 111 iIA 11111 111 11 11111 Vll 21111 111 1111 11151 3111 113 111111 1111 l111111111 11 111111 1111 flu I11111111 1s llf 111111 llllll 11 I9 1l1111 litllT l11l1l 1111 now had 11111111 11111111 111111111111 111 91111111 1l1v1s11111111 11111111zi11 11 111 11111s1111 won on 1111 111s11111 111111 111 1111 1111111 lli t111111 ltlli 111 11111 1111 1111 1111111tcry gt1111111I1111111111111 1111l ilii 11 111111111111 111 tlu 1111111111 i1I111 Railway t1111t1111111111 Imp 11111 Set it and forget ittIiatD the secret of the revolution ary new CRUEN AUTO WIND It winds as you wear it Priced from 56250111810150 Fine BIRTHSTONE RINGS Ruby Garnet Bloodstone Onyx PLUS complite 111111 of Signet aiuanyx Initial Rings 51111111111 VAIIANT ENSEMIII Pen 675 Pencil $550 llll NIRI Ill Iltilils iTIizlltrfl IIAIIIL 11 Prominent Civil Engineer WW tir Moi Henry Wellwood Dies l11l 111111 11 l111l1 1111111111 11111 1111111t1 11111gl2111 111111 gt111 lf11l111 ll1111l1111 Ridin 1111 11tlv111 1i l11 li1111lzi11 11 l1111l 511 I1 11111 1l1111 1Illll ttii Hope 111 1111 11111411111111 l11l ltIII1i11l Iidlwi IlliNIlUll 2111111 TJHT 111 llll 111 was $1111 Kingston 111 1111 I111 iii i11111 lT111i 3111 111i1l111 111 t1111111 lltl1 11111111111111111 111111111111 FRESH GRAPEADE 10c llIlt llASS LUNCH AT BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy 22 ELIZABETH 8T somyossssswm As ILLUSTRATED UEN AULOWIND CLIPPER10 111 gold lled case procision movement$851 FINE ENGLISH BILLI=0LDs iewel Priced from ALSO AISLARGE SELECTION 0111 Leather Keytainers 11111111115111 Utility Kits1 etc PEN and PENCIL SETS1L Priced To Fit Your Every Requirement Mm smw JEWELLERS 1390 DIAMOND IUBILEE 19511 $99QQ955ssssxaq 1111