22 TIT BARR EXAMINER TIIIIISDAY JINE 1950 Cs 900099419t9itiwu t=9 IAST THREE BITS AAAAAiAs BARGAINS BARGAINS All Prices Slashed For Tremendous Sale Heres your opportunity to get good used car at an exceptionally low price All cars in tiptop shapeall reconditioned to sell under our 5050 guaran tee plan All have heater defroster and license All sales on an As Is Where Is basis We need the space so heres your chance to getthat new car and make big saving Utttitli Ill 9949 MERCURYC Five Passenger Ionpe$ 15000 miles Color Black 1949 MOIGOFVCUSIOttt Sedan $1680 1949 Ford Cost Coach grow$1680 9949 Ford Deluxe Coach $1680 1946 Chevrolet Sedan $1325 pt 1942 Ford Coach El 725 iQAiEFard CCach 700 1941 Dodge Sedan 725 CHALStudebakeriCoachHradloitL 1940Hudson Pass Coupe 665 1940 Plymouth Coach 575 f0UOUUI100lU00t UUl tt 19 tttt ivw 4999IHon9tUlltt 111111 1919 METEOR Custom Sedan Seamist Green Excellent condi tion tltilARGO 60000 lwo lon Truck 150 Wheel ltaae Excellent condition throughout 9940 Dodge Sedan 51 57s 1939 Mercury Sedan 545 l939 Ford Tudor$575 1939 Ford Coach 675 1938 Ford Sedan 325 1937 Dodge Sedan 545 rade InS 1936 Ford Coach 300 1934 Pontiac Sedan 250 1929 PontiacSedan 85 1949 Mercury HtToanickup$1275l ng 1948 metcttry lfTOniEXPfDeSFS $1275 19 3933 BRADFORD STREET We on Used Trucks 48MerCurylTri congestion Dealers welcome Monmso METEORMERCURY DEALER huwuCQiionAWDQMoiihave900graded010000050tW0W0W 1936 Chevrolet Coach 400 19347 Ford 3Ton 158WB $850 1942 Chevrolet 727Ton 550 99246net K7178WB2$1675 1l935FordHtToynPickup $275 71945Fordf34ToriStakejvj$6509 PHONESAA i010UtUV Oltl 0l tftttt tt 00O00U OQU 0I7b0000000 t0000000