it THE BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY JINF 1950i Paving Soon Toronto to Barrie Highways Minister Doucett xprcinlly Written for tt Ilie Lime hummer in unit tlstii iv El li ti ti lill and it it liimlfhiettall 1i12v is 1fi llfjttlllg UH Lil lli nil othri tut iilx sun in in funntliun Irrss Stall Writer limit iioii damn ill ir Si ll ltll Hill iv allimllltitdi win lil an ll lllvli iic tili iii lii Lari uh 4I Mil fiiii racing lJltttl UN UH3 ik sharp iii knot 11 lit at in ti lt in hunt time il Stu ix lr do lt Will lint when the lit lziriufi llA Ilaz jn Lil tiui iii inn iriiisl of these is ll iith our tI vi tl iii 1izti 13 puff liiiti illbril llllllltl o1 tlLv gin zll Lintlliltll ittls toi their Mint if hi irxllltvs in llllllli cit iliiiwiit stirnil Matron Stokes Winner llll SlAlELY lWUYEAULI by Mrs lniigham of Chutluim and omen lliilllllt llii Tillilruli Siding ill lwu straight ll ic liiiic During illll ltiilmg Shtltiltlli oe ltiltlllli iiii card of Wmliicsilay June id in llillit lut my Stalin llllll tilll Illlgtt of $700 lo on the bill is and 2212 Haas no it boasting it iiiiii of $300 lhe iliitiztl face of the tin lllttl to tannins tliiiiieWhitesell starting pan upon ThreeDay Deer Season Hinted Ii ili ii llIltt t3l is iliii lio2iii niizi liiiiiii lillil io lllgt nmi l=i Low nnzilwi iii My git ll lhc liliili bi ll lilltl oune mm il iii imoi iin ltl thv 55 Ill lwfim ll in li1lll oi tin lllll litiIiSlmcoe llii to lie lliit suit liv lllllll tin lultlLl would iNlIl ii ml rlt lil lllltl on iltlslf iiitt1 mi Illfl iti jliduln ill trait mill liivit unripe hrmhdzw m4 Svum pm llltlil1ll ii lzi litilt ll tlmx tout Lime li Iurlilil 1i ht li touns in mm in mrpmvmml mm ML dill WW llillw mm llim lm letter from the tiin and wild in pronoun lllt hiltii lltt bittenmii 11 ilil mm WNW Imminent my lll mini ill pm WM lfl lands and forests received by tho ivqlu Humor lllll ll council Monday advtseii that the in WU thlllllt ii ii tutor ti lzlll HIHI ii it Mun Zinnia iiid pai mum in vlmmm if lt xim lillll tlll llli proxiziul WW 539 il Mill Iltounship Wished to participate in it itllimi amt iiIimel in WWW MN llPlll plan being suggested to Sinuoc ltUltll til piinin iE iziiz 11 f11 ml 51 Loiinty Iiiiinicipalilits IE ll ll ll than in Iminiiio ioi iNillIltIll The letter said that special li lninnto iieu ioziti1n ts iiii lljl ll1 if itiiic or all niiadinn tiol ienses could be issued at the rep iwuooa to ttilllllltltll iii no mm is Iil loii ilznn sittilliiil llltllltl tee with the number of ii Juli miiiriit ftl other lilmlmlm lbw mmff lulluei lit up paraw toi ii 42day censer to be ronlrolltd by the lml Wlilltl NW MItlwt will in NIy mmm Mannrt lfltlt lllllllt in lul ltiiltownship lhe issuers tee of 50c mi in on Mini in ildiiniiil 13 WW TN 11 in ltl llll station open cwril per license would no to the town wl llllltlllllll ltil iiinin up iihei lnllri ship 1i mm MM Hm Xi Ws llli tlnpniJiuii lll liiil liii ll up Wm Hm mm toiincil lablcil llll priiposal until lill iili to tltltlIlllltl llii irklflumllfhp Mimi mu MM lliilll with lllll aliil Silttlll Next meeting when information mitt the lltV lilill highway lllmlnlrmmnid ANTHMIMZ Hmh limit otiltl be available on the View Windsor thiouiih the Londoiy 51 mm MM llllltlll by county council iiiiii innnilitililt ma ioiii ilhm Elixruw llNlliluln oiiiicil was notified that the tie 7so ltlll ltlrttli 5H liii Ioiiiiii iiiili record holder purmwm highwuys ms ummw inltllll lllllllllt lllt ttltlll llttlt Mva it Lmhw Lmdy lnspr Through the youngsters pailiiu ionH ng 51mm is up hill llll lllt htll lll Huh ot the top harness bones in North lit hopes lllllt education Will fllltl NINTH mm my mud HM through to the 1lll lllill inuilii tintks ill the US MadetOMeasure the weight of it parcel cant be dc terminid by guessing that the best way to keep mail away from the ideadlctter office is to address it properly The department spokesman re Ilportcd that at lieggina where postal official Slomiin has been al ll litTS llVlllllmllml llaliJ Ide Guide nwomms Um cann lltilll Brown of New litights Week 132i out of class of 51112 lll illlFldtm Ul llh 31 girls passed their test with illying colors with fit to flatter you lor the smartest in summer sintings eX amine our range of gnhaidiiies pic and lilgt and tiiiiiitals tllllllllllllllll and also monopoly Wired for Value Society He charged Premier Les in mm cmmwl who 10ml be Host of Ontario with discrim ipostmaster acts as examiner the lillllli 3410051 19 SlaldllKl berS 195 150 mm mam Wing it favor of inninghorse interests because the Ontario government had refused to permit night harn at $5250 $5850 $6500 $6950 wiwnii MENS WEAR Allandale Phone 303 Barrie ery well Whats more the value of the quide project which was begun 53 lh immo in the imprommentiin the quality TllIllilll iiltcitslttl in running harn of mail being turned in at post ol ss races under the floodlights Buffalo NY where the United inches in diameter are being used mm 1mm hm $5 000000 dam ll Flush zlvmm 09le ages by John Carlo aBuffalo dhlill Clng rho 10W lawyer and martowner ofia chain thermostatically controlled ot harness tracks ile charng the association was ionducting monopoly and con spiracy in restraint of trade His complaint was that the association ttillltllll permit him to operate as general manager and secretary tieasurcr of Northville Downs near Detroit and in Warren Coun ty hio VICEREGAL malaria ionNs Nlld Erii Cov jltllltlllllfflill Viscount Alexander will take brief fishing trip on the Gander Ritier early in Jilly He plans to leave Ottawa by plane July it and return there July mum sconMciiiiii snoas FOR MEN iiiDot By Harisory Dealer South Love all Two Feet Deep in Comfort no iii er 7W WQJ64 Sixmvart New Styles Widths Colors CD Black or Brown no Blutchers or Balmorals begnlgggtm5wftgisggg Eafter bad openlng bid South bid One Spade North Two Diamonds and South Two NoTrum which North raised to hree With lSouths barren hand the cautious ap roach method would have can better on opening One Club should lead to an unbreakable con tract of Five Clubs Against Three ItoTrumps West led to dumxiys and 01K followed ast playing towljhen came and the critical moment East held off declater could run his tricks East bow everghad noted his artners play of Kat trick Al ho would have etered with doubleton ere Was no Elpomt in turther holdup and Heart return detente the contract Practically Canadian Standard Bred llorse last November already is reflected llrown is connected with group 15 055 3ng lhe monopoly eharge came in Imbl mm ml mn States trotting Association was tops for Strand Insured against See vm and the post iiii in up Im 31mm will Hi pundime mtmm wads mwmmnmi HIWHUHI 1ltl lllt Mltllilll llllland lrllll in lilfit oiincil had asked for approval of $42000 Sub sidy of 55 per cent will apply on the approved amount Received from the department of municipal affairs was state iii most major sports not merit of grants for Illll lll llLu Ol ttlllllt innrested in harness ran the onclmill subsidy which was ml is satisfied itccni example Idismnpnucd The subsidy to Oro oi that mine when harness racing in 1948 amounted to $104489 The as ltlllitd both victim of its lgrants for 1949 were $00212 paid under the Childrens Protection Act and $32630 paid under the Homes for the Aired Act with total of $92892 To bring this up to the 1948 subsidy the depart iinent added $101597 Other items subsidized but not applying to Oro are fire and police protection under separate acts gt5 lAlliston Stymie Redmen With 90 Shutdut Thc pennant balloon carried by Stroud Redmcn of the South Sim coe Baseball League turned into the dream of the year Monday night when Alliston shut outtheir guests 90 The Redmen who went into the game boasting two victories in lS many starts finally found that their ace hurlcr Danny Itlegcl cannot work every contest and re mainisuccessful Flegel enact the top hurlers of the South Simcoe race showed de finite signs of weakening through no fault of his It was his third appearance on the hill in seven days which is truly an ironmanf stunt Strouds top brass werent con vineed that Flegel needed well deserved rest until the filth frame when Alliston boasted 50 lead Then from the good of their heart they scooted redhaired Johnny Bowman to the mound lad who hadnt pitched ball thus far in the season Consequently Bowman was wild and nickeda few batters issued the odd pass and gave up few hits So Strouds win streak came to an embarrassingand abrupt end dueunainly to improper manage ment Meanwhile credit cant be taken away from Allistons Jack Graham who scattered six hits over the seven innings He found himself in trouble on occasions but settled down and protected his shutout Alliston took the lead in the first inning added pair in each the third and fourthframes and clim axed the win With threerun splurge in the fifth Scottpllayden and Buyers were tops for Alliston First baseman Jack Wood witlithiee hits was GOOD SERVICE MONTREAL CP City hos pital ambulances were right on the job recently when motorcyclist Ghislain Allard 22 was hit by car 35 miles east of here Three of themarrived at about the same time Allard was placed in one of them and brought back to the city He thanked the driverand walked home All Risks Sport Calendarlwallace Fights iMain Bout Stir liHLl Senior llllRSllAl irorn st iiiit lii USED CARS BOUGHT Si SOLD For Heller lrltcs all 4981 DANGERFIELD MOTORS Lulllblll St at John HAIUHI ilntrrnirdiltr lHilllAl iui minnow tuilato llll ltillrs llllislll Sliaiisiirniis Uiiil llllutlkl Tiiiillalivl South Slmeoe llHRSUAY tirtown itll vloliils llllddltdtl lollitihaiii at lliuirliill ii nus FRIDAY lit ll Wit It iiasiiimiJ North Structu lltlllAt YMV IRY AN l2llllt ussr an plfllUllll South Simcoe FRIDAY llllrltt it lhnrnton llirtoti al lalgiiaxi Ivy at Alliston Eyeirtl at Sirtoil ttllllgtu lllitl abou liii Van owned Will titi lllltll lhi liltittlill last ynni iil their 53 tutu iSr Schedule Revised Due to Withdrawal Doc to ti withdrawal ot pine fourth softball llVlMUl of the llillllt inil district association the mill sihid tile was ltIVlltl igziine cm illi lllt nrromiicr liable teaiii senior already been played Wllll tlu gtttlllltl slated toi tonight at Queens luik Owing to the fact the league consists of only three clubs all seasonl panics will ll played at himits lll ftUUUlgttl of users acrec that the irhl lllOllSIlfltl does an oiiistaniliini ioh iits clean last uniformly no lllrftltlllll Malai silage that pnls well no air porixts no nclhlrd Harris at till lilllllls at il llarris at limius ll at lllllll llI at llfllfllS spoilage June June 13 Junr if June 20 June 92 THORNTON lucsts al the home of Mis lco Sunday Terry and Mrs it llaincy of Se tittle Wasli Dueson Mr and Mrs lllliott Brian and Peter and lieyiiolds Harrie Mrs Cunningham nndi Alliston The Grid does an equally ne job on uinilrowcil hay flllllllllttl straw or row crops like corn and cane Mower lizir attach niciir also available lhc iehl is powered swiih own motor or potter take nud How hop Alut mu lCGE Smother Legionnaires TitleHolders tnniiilian icnernl liIIiclric open ed their inlerincdiati softball seav oii wnli ii first lllllllll l2iiin oiil aiizidian Monday nipht at Queens Park and lllll coastiil to Illellf victory lhat two way all from tractor liiiili to Stand up year after year Elliott tcrt Mrs Gahl Equipment Does the Com plete Job from Hold to Storage Mom Bu Armament and Mrs lilll5l iitainst Legion GElll BLOWER elevates to highrst silo or mow Accessory power takeoil from lilowrr or separate electric drivcoperatcs lllll selfunload in wagon and others Miss who In was and ltlltllll Beth imninghiun celcbiutiin her birthday with htl uncle Kenneth Elliott ially was enough to l1 at least lie but they werent really smothered the The Electri 9ch FREE PLANS for making selfunloading traitor and hot using iehl piirts kit iollltlll dclcidini cliziiiipions ciaiis counted in eviiy iniiiiius bill the eighth Come in and let us show you fly the field will save you time money and work Coor BARRIE Phone 2429 Tsinxssssuxsv batsmen for the Ilectricians The Motion tried hard to over come the huge dcticit but never Players like Russell Clark and Scott led the unsuccess ful comeback EXAMINER CAN FILL Dotti Walsh Earl Cote Andy YOUR PRINTING NEEDS TELE llllltt and Ilnirlow Were effective Lloyd olc was the winning hiirl er and had little trouble breezing lie was also big factor in his own cause by slain three hits and crossing the platter on four occasions did recover ftt 101 to triumph llllli out THE Olttltgttttgtltlt PHONE 2414 VSSS$VVWS$Sh$ w$$$$$$ Will Make The Difference Add new life to your home with fresh ceat of paint Youll marvel at the new freshness and cleanliness and youll marvel even more at the low coSt Call into our store youll iindwe have the paint you want Iimtr an Mi Ifi lllllllllX 0M 0M ltlllllloll NIX DRAMEX Interior Wall Finish low cost easy way to brush on new wall Dramex camouflages cracked plaster drab wall board Apply only one coat Choice of lbs covers area of 60 70 square feet lbs non fade colors $125 See our Demonstration Tabl You test the paint before you buy BONDEX For Exterior DeCoratTonfor walls and foundations Bondex isa patented cement paint that stops wall dampness Ideal for stucCo cement and asonry surfaces lbs CEMENT For filling unsightly cracksvaround tubs and Sinks Dries hclrd andWhilerLong lastingEconomicCIL NosijlONE TIM mat swim min Mfumet tigersEm to only Oct rut color emf today $1307 snonmuo oom no no Tliuuml pmuuo Mltlll Iiil pilotian compound for n4 pigtar without Mari PU CRACKfltlEIl VAn liiupcnslvo cucli tutor for minor tspIn for man my typo tur ncc Euytomll iid apply mum ginon Sets slowly do in shrink or cud for polmun in tor Hooper hint nutI or met IMII hwy mm LEADNG INDEPENDENT 530E STORE Fire Auto cindOther CaSualty Insurance Ross Block Phone iboth Street Barrie name 52 rhoniszoo l9Clapperton St WEVDEIJVER im1ix