Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1950, p. 17

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GMATRIGYGIES The Home Newspaper for Barrie and District County of Simcou 111111111113 to Fest INl1 87111 Yew No 14 SOFTBALL CURTAIN WITH WIN OVER THREEYEAR CHAMPS l11111111n 111111111111111s Harris Motors were till111 1111c 11111111 111 1111111111111 111 the opener 111 the Barrie and 111111111 811111111112 Assocaation 11111s11ay at Queens Park but 1111 111111 in 111111 careers they started 1111 on the wrong foot 111111 iilwttxt puwcifnl new 1111 13111111111 111 111111111 slain 1111111111 111111le 1111111111111111111111111ml 11 lIltlc 11111111 11 1l111 11111 111 HH lll 111111 1111111 1111 1111111111 111111111111 1151111 111 llllLJ l1tl Hal11l 111111111 51111 he 11l Stcrcns T111 131 ll with 111111111111111111111 ll lllUlx 31 1111 11111114 Mnlnin 1111111111111 Iail In 11111111ponlnp 11111111 11111111 133 1111 the 11111111111 111 1111 gt1111 111y IIcttjs 111 11 11111 1111111111111 11111lnclw 1111 ml MN Illl gt111111 111111 111111 the route for1 my Mild ll will ml Kl mp Hwhummi sen11111 and 1111111 111 l1a1x 11 1111 111s1111L lo nine1 mm fanned NWT um1 11111111 11111 to h11 l11 11111 X1111 walked 1111 111c 11111111111 1111 111u1111lm Hum linminhmw Althomth 1111 1111 ofcially AH IHmmwl km Hh1slarttd 1111 111111 1111 1111 11111111 llw hHKHHH Vnmmhwl 1m Ujlil11lllt It 1111 11111111 111 fuel 151111 11111111s wlnn II was tied 1141 llutii lrxl ll11 lZnnnx 111111111 sped to four 1111111111 will 1111 11111111111114 111 cou1111 111 1111 ilnrd innings llal MHnil MW 115 111111111 last 111 111 1151 Harris Inay 111111111111111111111 year 1111 mm bunched 11 mm club cant lose 1111111 slais 1111 1111wcr 111 four fr1111s They tallled 91d 111 NUIHN 11111111 1111 111 In 11111 1111 Humtot 10111111115113 11111111111 1511111 Hutchin son who Is now 1ll1111 f111 111111 lilcclrii or 11 11111 11rk 1luke has joined thc ranks of anadlan 111111 1l Hicc 1111el111 arc 1111111111 111 1111 1111 11w 11111 are back 111 1111 111111111111 11111 1111111 sporlsnicn The Molornunhart11ch 1111111111 ly in flll the maps The 1111 1111 1111111 to lack 1liIIplI who Icinoycd 1111 1111 111111111 111111111111 who the retired cloak Murphy perform ed at short and 1111111111111111 two hits 1111 four official trips 111 1111 1111111 lhey obtained catcher 11111 Air lurdy from the defunct 2111 Mol 111s and pitcher Johnny Snachc from lryson irillc who withdrew from 1111 1111111 11111 1111111111 and 11111ray 111111A ardson were the heavy hitters for 11111111115 Illcctric IIach belted lw11 111111 homer and double Ilnltick was also top 1111111 IlllIlt runbatted in department with four Chittick lloppcr and Richardson paced the winners in the 1111 depaer mcnt loo w1111 111111 each 111111111 llutchiuson 11111111111lic Laws suplt plied two apiece IV For llarrIs 11 was Murphy and Jun McCurdy who led 1111 attack with two safeties each ti 10113111115th Iur111IIIR11 IDONY DELAY16R EM NOV At DIXIES SMOKE SIIOI JACKSONS GRILL SMITH STUDIO BRADLEYS LUNCII lillth llllillll 1111111111 1111 tick ss Cook rf cf McC111ncy l1 Hutchinson 2111 Richardson 111 Laws cf Gariepy 111111 111111111111111 rf Aikin lf HARRIS thIlOltSBicwcr ill Ilines lb Miles 21 Snache 11 Murphy ss Shewchuck cf McCIudy Arnottrf Ilarris lf Favcro rf Stevens 11 WHEITY UMPIRIZSUlld Knapp 1111111 111111 DRUG STORE Armstrong base 01 Emms am 11511 11111 111 15 Member Klwallb llarris th 11111 lUU 11 ll that you policy covers your house better than the one pictured here Consult Malcomsons Insurance Agency 41 Dunlop St BARBIE Dial 3735 CI000t000O BICYCLES CCM RALEIGH CCM BALLOON $5995 CCM STANDARD $4995 CCM BOYS 01 GIRLS $4750 CCM SIDEWALK $3795 0fl0 111111 ftptIIIMINI started rolling 01 mph previous to that The play MALI 11 911111 MEMBER 11 Till lORONlO TRACK 1l15 team which won the Western Medley 11111111 for the third year in 11 row was Bar ries Ree Roach extreme right Reg was 11 ways 11111 111111111111 the Cinders while at tcndinu Barrie Collegiate Institute as he captured the junior lnter1nediatc 11nd sen ior track and field chanIpioIIShips along the Lawn Bowling Activities Now Underway 11111111 lawn howling 111111 held their first 1111111111 111n1y last lIIday t1llllL June 11 with 1111 111111111111s present lhc lathcs remind their section would 111111 111 11111ubers that they started their reenlhr Iuesday night howling on 111111 11 Games start at meeting ways welcome Emms Defect Fennells 714 Exhibition haunts lIlcctIic 1111111 1111111 11111111111 Monday night 1111111111111 11c111111llsl 74 in an exhibition softball game at Fennells The game merely sewed as tuneup for Emms Electric who opened their 1950 schedule this week For Fennclls it kept their highflying roster in the groove Undefeated 111 four starts 111111111lls had weekilayoff inthe Soulh Simcoe League Emms had 111311111111 bunchino their hits off lIurchs Cord Knccshaw vantage of every cross the platter After Fennclls 111111 lied the count 11 in the second and moved in front 111 inthe third frame Emms Thcy tallied once in the Dortmund tied the count at 44 in the 111111 Rusty Aikin grounded out in 111C sixth but scored Eddie Laws the play Laws had poled opportunity lo and Blake Constable but look ad Member of Winning Relay Team frame while Bradford cuddled the by 11 ball and Jack llughes of Fen nclls sustained severely cut nose THURSDAY thL E11 1731 Murrell Motors Determine Effort Squelched in Late l1mian by Frisky Fennells hit department even if they did drop an 83 decision Blake Constablcwas no more of 1162 stnmbline block to the Motormen than Steve Simone was to lcuncllsj onslablewas tagged for six hits the most this season while his mal 1s found Simone with seven The fact remains that110111111151 uncovered their power bats in one clutch hats in the dugout threerun explosion in the fifth innings killed Murrcll Motors who tried desperately to stop the win ningstreak of Fennclls Four hits and an error were the damaging figures recorded The clubs uncapped the first in niuu tied at 11 Petmells broke the deadlock in the fourth with two runs on one hit They snagged thrde more in the fifth and two uncanch runs in the sikth Although Murrcll Motors threat cncd on numerous occasions 111 break out 111 11 scoring rash they couldnt solve Constables offerings when it counted most Ken Tupling of Bradford Jack flushes andiGcrry Prka 10f Fen nells were the big batters of the contest each connecting twice Catchers of both sides sustained injuries Robbins of Bradford was relieved by James after being hit when struck by foul ball $1395 up CCM WAGONS $1395 IIIl RALEIGH BICYCLES IN MAltlY MODELS 3Speed Rear Wheels NEW LOW PRICE SPECIAL Speed Up OnulhechveliCut Down Those Hills Everything1 for Your Bicycle TIRES TUBES SADDLES KICK STANDS 81 Completestockof Bicycle Parts FIshIng Tackle COMPARE OUR TACKLE FOR PRICES OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND FRESH Baseball Softball NEW DESIGN GLOVES AT LOWER PRICES RACKETS ALL RACKETS NEW CLUB PRICES 311131131111111181 FIVE P01111118 raved to leethe wimpng litIll Jim McCartney singled George Storey home for an insurimcc run 111 the seventh and Aikin made the roundsin the eight after receiving walk H111 Hopper Jim McCartney and Murray Richardson paced Emms Electric toth win Hopper and Richardson each connected for home run in left field plus adding single to their record McCart ney contributed double and sin gle Altogclher Emms garnercdl 10 ney and noneoffErie Hall who hits off the combined offering of racked up six strikeouts in three Knccshaw and Constable who 31 innings youngStcrs had little trouble roll ing to their third victory of the season Tuesday night when they swamped Bond Head 161 at Cooks town The losers have been hit hard by injuries hence have found the going tough since their success ful opener ternated innings on the mound Fennells paced by Ross Neilly1 at the plate obtained four hits off Pat Poland three off Jim McCart HayCouseandhisGookstowr line He later raced for Ace lcrcIVal direct1 or of Torontos famed Sports College and last 1111 ran under the colors of Westernj University respected performer in 111111 sprints Reg joined the Toronto Track Club early this season 111111 is quickly 11111111111I name for himself Bradfords Murrcll Motors had one consolation alter their riday with South Simcoc Softball League leaders 7311 lelllls 15 Feunclls They at least matched the undefeated colts 111 the Parker Chills James trouble disposing of Bob Graham Monday night on the professional fight card at Oakwood lFirst Round larktr 11111 Stadium Toronto Barrics dynamite 111111111111 of the jhcavyweiehl division chilled Gra ham at one mmutc and 111 seconds RECOVER LEM Rocheslcrs HusmNc FLYERS RECORD 11 11 1111 11 Valvu Klarthlldvm 11 11 vldl THIRD STRAIGHT TRIUMPH 11 ilidtllrl 111117111 If firm 11 1111131115 team minis 111 little IIZIEIJI Itlll Iaali Ithc leadoff 11111111 and 111111111111111 111111 111 1c ValentInc at f11gt1 111s1 1111111 11111ved starting l1qulc11lar 31114519 131111 11 BUR 112 hard to 111111111 the Baltic llyc1 ban111111 111111 111111 human 111 1111 11111111111111 the North 5111113111 League Manager and coach Itoy 111111111 EDGE PENETANG LIONS 54 1111111511111111111115111 thrcc 1411111111 and two 111 111111 111c1 111 the closest variety lhc 11111111111 111111 Pent11111 1111111 may well 111 credited to hasllc 1111 1111111111s 11f lhc Ilycr 1111111 Mega1 and I11 Poland 11lill 11 Inst 11 111111 to win 1111111111 route1 11 11113 1111d 11Ilttl 11111121 tIophy I111 11 1111 1111111 IJt1s111111 111111 coin 11111111 1111111 lllll111111gt1111l1111l 111 1111111 11111 11111111111 Ially 111111111 lJ1 1111111111 1111111111 111111 111111 11111111111 of 11111 scrcntli 2111111 111111 11111111115 1111 IlycIs 111111w1l 111111111 caused pitcher 1lllt1111111111 to stand llllltll1 1111 1111 11111111111 111111 1111 11111111111 1111111111 1111 WI 1111 plate 1111s It happened McArthnI 11111111 Slrachan the 11111 est11 1111111 ot 1111 11111111 run when 111 1111I1tl walk Slin ll1111 llrcwir who as 1111111111 111111111 willow all 11111111 heartd an 111 fly to Quesncllc in centre field for the second out That brought up cleanup halter laul Mcccr and the stocky 1111111 produced 11 51111111 single 11 111111 Strachan Meecr 1111111 1111111111 as lcnctanc were more worried about Ilycrs next 11111111 Dan Poland than they 111111111 hlcecr Marchildon 1111 111 the llikes IIZNIIIANII MISTIRISH llowcycr Morean dropped 1111 11111 and Poland reached first $llft1 ly 111 1111 Incantnnc Mcgcr 11111111 llurd Then came the mistakes 11111111111 wanted to go to second and 1111111 off Morcau threw recklessly 111 second and allowed Mciicr to romp home with the winnch It ended nipandtuck contest wlnch Saw 8111 Hagan who reliev cd Carl 1111111115 111 the sixth 11am credit for his third successive win The mighty Lions were lancer lous and with proper application of ihascball knowledge micht have skidded the Flycrs They oulhit sixth cot Poland on the locals 11y slim margin of 871 with six of them coming 111twol Innings lcnctane drew first blood with 11 tworun splurge in the third Moe Moreaus double and Bill lVIOl caus single were the big factors But the Flycrs came back and captured the lead in their portion of the first round 111 11 scheduled sixrounder It was Parkers sixth victory in mistake out seven pro starts 11111111111 made the 111 slugging it with Parker Perhaps he hadnl heard of the powerful right hand left hook and right cross sent Gra hamlo the canvas almost as soon as the curtain was lifted IIIE BARRIE EXAMINER CAN FILL TOU3E1PRINTING NEEDS the early innings to make one be of the stanza Marv Brewers double was good for two runs and Paul Mcgcrs single bringing across the front runner Pcnctaug recovered the lead 111 lhc sixth when Dave Marchildons single scored Valentine and Mor 1e11u Then came the Flycrs rally Marv Brewer and Paul Megcr werew the bright spots in the Each supplied twu hits L11lgt 01 LANADA AND MONDAY AND THURSDAY Sc 11 Copy $300 Year CIRCULATIOH 5111113113 Jones 17 to 22 131 UNI311s 1111 lI 1111 11111 Iildl 1II IT1 11 11 11 ma 111 ml 111111 1111111 1111 11 1111el11 112111141 1111t11 11311 11 111 1111111 111 1111 11111111 11 11111111 11111r11 1111 311111 1111 1111 111111111 1111 1111111143 11111 11 liaxriw 111 11 11 111 t1111 1111 1151 11111111 Il 11 1111 ft 11111 1111 111 the 111Ill 11111111 1113 11 hl 111 11 111M 1111 11 71 fl 11m 111 11 1111 11111111 111 It or 2111 131 11 11 And 111 ll11s 1111 It 1111 Icnci 171 MIL huupru tun 1111111 11l1 11 many 11111 nd 1111 111 vtlt ht III 111 IOSNI ml mum MM 11 Mm 11 ilori 111 1111111111 1111 11 112 1mm Im 11 10 115th 1111 111 ilp p111 11 1111 11311 11111 11 1111 whth 111111111Il 1111111 211111111111 the 1111 11 11 1111 11 MAURICE BARRE Optometrist will not 111 111 Itlcudaucc at his 1111111 ItlI 11311111111 Ill 1111 to his 1111011111111 postcraduatc lectures at Penn sylrania $111111 ollcuc 111 Optometry Philadelphia Office hours as usual following that pctloil HARNESS RACING 11 MILS 31 IIIiAIS BARRIE FAIR GROUNDS Wednesday June 28 pm imwzowocmvavcwccooco41onwccccmnwoczwecs FATHERS DAY 111 EIFIS IIOXIII ON llllttlll 111ks no new WEAK if 111s11111 51 BARBIE Tq 1y xsxccgcr HBaseball and Softball GIOVBS=$27510 $2150 triumph to the winning cause John Feltis Larry Campcau and Bruce Kerr who sacked triple helped dump the Lions Ca11 Emms showed enough in BARRIE BRANCH Troyppers $42510 $2175 SPALDING REACH WINWEIL SOFTBALLS official $275 IIARDBALLS official $280 Baseball and Softball Wm special invitation is extended to one and all to attend theiService at the Angus Community Cemetery on Sunday June 11th to per petuate the Memory of the People who have opened up this sec tion of our Township as well as those who have carried on the work of establishing our Community as we find it today Angus Community Cemetery Sunday June 11 I950 Placing of Floral Tributes 200 to 3100 11111 Service 300 to 400 pm Rev do PencienWright of Trinity Anglican Church Karrie and Local Clergy W11 Officiate Sponsored by the Angus Horticultural Society Au offering will be requested This will be used by the Hor ticultural Soclety for the purchase of shrubs and Idecorate the cemetery grounds 11 111le to further Nome 11111111011 111111111 Radio Talent Contest Posr OFFICE 5621111111 11111 15 11 CONTEST ENTRYFORM PLEASE PRINT NAMES 0N ENTaYronMS1 Type of Talent Address Further pa iculars aswto time place etcwlll be forward of thisentryloerl entries must be re uceivedby th Secy of CanadianLegion 26 Owen St Barrie by 1u1e 10 THECONIEST WILL BE BROADGAST OVER CKBB $1125to$440 BASEBALLasorIBII LL snore $525pr lIofessiouan UMPIRE INDICATORS We carry everything 161 the ball lean including univ forms masks leg guards sliding pads bases body pro tectors score books rule book etc We Specialize In OutiiltingClubs PHONE oawrtlrn F011 CLun PRICES Sunshine Bicycles $3850 to $6195 BICYCLE ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS EVERYTHING non THE SPORTSMAN 114 Dunlap St 311an 11111111312653 IA

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