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reward for conviction I170inlpllllfIIS IIIIIcIIincry or equipment Newfmmdolimt or bounding livestock Afainn electric system Fences drainage or other developments Newfurm or home buildingsl Additions or improvements to existing buildings FARM IMPROVEMENT FARM IMPLEMENT L0 AN Sfor the above pur poses are available at 11in mm my mm branch of The Royal Bank of 1131161113 and equipment Pay cushto goesd ownvga 841411111111114111117 111117 111 11 91111 11 1111111111111111 11 7111111111111114 11111 111111 11 11111 11 l111 1111 l11 iris mr 111111111111111111117 11 1111111 111 and 11 11111111 11111111 c111 11111111 111111115 sin 111111111111111 111 1111111111a1y 11171s1111s 1I1 11 1111111 1ur1n 111 111l 11111 111ks of 111111s1111 play 1111 1111 until it 1111111 1111 111111 111111 1t slowly 111 111111 11111111 If you a1 canehl 111111 l11111111il 1111111e1111 111 11111 1111111111 111111 1111 11111 1111 111 ll gtlltll Is 1111 111 carefully 1111 111111 1111111 the 11111111 and 1111 111111 111111111lt1 111 family ll1111lyltyou 111 he saw 111 11111 111st 11111111sh 11111 lurec 1111111 crow Into adults 11nd provide better fishing for the future IIILAVIQ FA NS ALONE lhcy kill them with kindness Thai is exactly what many iptrsons who would not williner 11111111 any person or 11111113 thought ltssly do danue early summer to 1111111111s of baby fawn leer 1111 bers for the lyglhy bass will soon the urIIve 1111111111 11 1s al 1111 11 111111111111111 111111 l111tltll aylnn 111st 11 11 11 otxa 1lllll1l l11111l 1111111111 111 111l1111 lllli 11111111 11111 11 5111 11111s1111llil lllttil lltltllllv 11111 1111 11i111 11 11111 11111 111 ques 11111 1111 1111 111111111css 111111111 h1d to 111isl 111111111111111c11 1111 11 111111111 11111 and 11111111111111 1111 in 111 11111111ss 111111 11111111s would s111tlj 111111111 If that 1111111 11111111 111 111 111111111 11111 baby deer to 1111111 111 1111111 slalyation or If 11 could 1111111 1111 heartbroken 11111111111111111111111111411111111211 11111 1111 baby slohn one officer 51111 111 1111 111 31111111 cases however 11111 1s known 111111 the mother 1111 11111111 killed by 11111111ar 1111 tines unlafully left to run at 111111111 1111111 deer f111111111l thn 111111L fawn found under these 1111111111171111111111 1111111111111111 it 1x adyisahlc 111 contact 1111 local con lsenalion 11111 11111111 who will 1111 111s1111111ons for Its11111pi11111c 1111 sec 11111 11 14111111 secure hay 1111 Laws are 111111It11 for the 111t1 11111 ion of w11dlife and 11 is 111111111111 1111 law to lake or nioltsl deer out 1111s111s11n younu 11111111 the 11 11111111111 1111511111 tifflccis 111 111111 IOBSEIlVlI HAG LIMIT llow 111111111111111 it is 111 obscryt Ontarios 11111 limit on pickcrcl or walleyed pike as the Americans prefer to call themsci at six per day not less than 121 inches in leneihwas discovcrcd by nine hio residents in North Bay court dnrime1 the week Fines and costs totalled $22951 when they were convicted 11f hav ing 11171 more piclzercl than the law allowed and in addition their fish Flecced Gold Mine HazardsLUU 11 1Mcul Deliyeuj 1Surveyed on Rand 11111111 111 15 11911 1111 111131111 111 Hill 11 1111 111 Il 11111 111111 111 I11 11111 1111Il11 1Il111 11 111n Noith llay llart 1111 regulations the court pointed gt111 11lnn maiden 11111 15111 1111 11111211111 11 the 191111518 111 1xporle1l durine the season 1111 dcr either the individual or family 111 11s1 each species of fish i111r tackle was confiscated Altoll nether they had 913 niektlel which nos w111111moc1 right clamation to the pIeSIdency convention in Mtami of Winnipeg MAIL was elected by ac FloridaTTecently Here Mr Murdock is shown being congratulatedby the retiring presulent HUGH JACKbON left of Ifalo Alto Callf New Kiwanis President Kiwanis International at the annual ELECTRIC APPLIANCE AND RADIo SERVICE GUARANTEED Prompt repairs for all makes and models of Electric Appliances at Radios also wiring repairs COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR THE HOME counts Strengthen your at neareStimelch positionfwith suppyerl Terms repoymon or for our explanatory booklet and full particulars ranged to meet your needs Come in and talk it over 11 aIIE ROYAL BANII or CANADA WESTINGHOUSE BEATTY 24 ELIZABETH ST Authorizcnepair Scrviccilor IIodvnn PHILLIPS PHILCO SPARTON HOME APPLIANCE SHOP DIAL 5577 111111l1111111 to 1111 15111 lit 1I 111 111111 11 111 11111 11111 11 111111 11 11117 111111 11 1111111111 112t12 1111i1111111114111111 112111 11 1111111111l1h 1111111 1111111111111 11111 ti II 111111111 ll 111111111 111 11 111 11 111111 11111 111 th 1111t11 111111111 1111 1111111111 111111 11li11l 11111 111 11111 11 111111 11111111 1111 1111111111 1111111111 111111l1111rl WP 111 1111 114 111111 111111112lil11 111 11111 111 311111 IIiilIIu 11 111111111111 11111 1I 1111111113 1113112 annual 1111 11111 IlIIIlI study 1111111 51111111111114 111111 1111 1111111 111 11111111111 111111111 11 gt11 111 1111111 llltllYI months and 1111llillt 11d 11111 11111111 1111111111111 lhc 1111111 1111111111 1111i11 WW conditions when 111 tX1I1U clunalic 11 by 1111 1111111 11111nt1111 1111111111s 1111 11111 111n111111 1111111111 was no excuse for 111111111111 stand 11111y were printed on the licenses ll11l by 11111 is 1101 11111111111 111 nonrcsidents In 111t11r1o11Ispointcd Departiucnl that 11111 Lands and which may of the limit is 111111 days legal catch of 111111 1111111 111111111 11 11111 ll 11111111 1111111 12111 11111121111111111111111 1IYII1I il=l11 full 111 11 111 1111 1111111 11111 111 111 Ill 11 11111 111111111111 1111111115 111111111 11 11111 11111111411111 11211111111 11 ll 11 1111 111111 111 111 1=1I111I 1111 out of con 111111 11 1111111 11 1H11111 111 lciiuduallj 13 31 Al 1111 11 by 111111111Vl1111 1111111 11 111 111 111 111 1111 11 111 111 1111111 111 1111 111111 311111111 111111 11 i111 1111 WM 1111 1111111111111 111111111111111 1111 1111111111 111 11111111 11111111111 11111111 111 111711 11111 11111 her 1111 mmh mm 11111111111111 had 111111111111111 l1 1111 c1111 1111111 fion 11111 labandonnn the 111 111 His Mails 111111111 lgt no 111111111 wines 11 wIll 111 111gtl confident 11111111 Lions In Streets Why Sanctuaries ltlllANNlISlllllltl la 13 The Illlllll people cannot undcr South to preserve Union said chairman of 11111 SjllIIILLN Wild 11111 Society when he told 11111111111s of f1 Icans 11111 iregor 1111111111 11 recent ll 111 111 1611111111111 mines for asked Why bother 111111111 preserv ing the countrys wild lifc when you hare lions 1111111111111 about the streets of your cities at will 111l 11 111 11111111 111 13111 11111 7311 1111151 11111211 1111 11111111111 III 111111111 111 11111111 and 11111111 cu husiasm life said New 81111 sensational 111111119111 Gasoline 111111111 1111111111 3111 111111 111 111111 1111 XIINIII 111151th 3111 111111111 111 11101 III By 10111411911101 550 to $1000 Borrow 11 Illt 111101111 Jaum or Mnlull lhldlItIhl1111lllifhl50f vur marry 111111111 INTI you need It to 11111 m11 111 Tr111 up old b1s 111111 any gun putpusc Choose your repayment plo Sclcil 1hr rlpAytltnl plan mod 00 hIzirnt 11 you 111 to 21 months to repay Llzcrk lluv 111111111111 rain British Cattle fKept Off Highways ttrlll 13 11111S11W 1111111 111 111111 $10168 Id mun $1800 $11000 $41300 $11300 CANADAS OLD AND lAlOl CONSUMII NANCl QIOANIIADOM our or mooss HOUSEHOLD FL 11 bodied 11y mote than 32yeau 1pmcom Berncr always friendly and neutrons No 1111111 It 11111 of prefer 11111111111111 Itwnco 1111 Ill1 today See plwrn 1111s 11min 1111III111II1 IINANI MONEY WHEN YOU NEED 1111 HOUSEHOLD 111111111111111l las 26 lllxqbath Strut and floor Phone 5529 MINI ONT ORIllIA IRANCK Illulnugc 51 out 1nd Floor no 1894 Horn 9111 or by oppclntnul nu made to 11111111 of nearby 19 $21479 $49046 $70058 1111 111 1I11111Il 11 Il 121111141111 11 1111111 1111111111 lawns 111 112111 11 111 1111 11 1111111 11111 111111 111 111 11 111111 11 11111 11111111111111 11111 111 11 1111 t1111 1111 1111 11111 11111 111 1cl 11111 1111111111111 llvt 3111111 111 1111 T111111 111111 1211 1111111 11 11 1111113 111111H1 111117 311111 1111111ivl111t111111111 11 11111111 11111111112 1111111111111 11111 flhl 11111111 3111111111111111 111111111111 1111 111 111 IiIl11 111111i ram 111 111111 111 11111 1111111 gt311 H141111na1155wx 188 3111 l1nnls 11111111 11111111111gtl111111 111 1111mm 111 11111 111n 11 11111 winter when 11111111111 IIIIAIT AND llILIlY arc 1111111 proridid by 1111 awn ings 111 are now offcriuu One of these Icllmadc awnings will add IN charm to your home 1lcrior and protect your family as well as your the home furnishings from suns most intense lzlys Your choice of lll or painch shipcd color cflccts in wantcd sires Ihc Ilrilish showed 111111 interest It 111 South Africas 1111111s1on 1f sanc 11111 annuals 34 Bayfield St Phone 4314 Barrie Announcing Designed for 111111 1ighoompressi0n Engines Gives IlcwLiie to All Bars Worlds most modern re nery unlt This giant continuousow catalytic cracking unit at Suns Toledo renery is the only one of its kind today Another forward step in Suns program of develop ment and expansion to bring youhightest gasoline new CIIIIUOOIoutuncleOODIIIOOOOIDIOIIO MAKE 775 For best results dont dilute NEW BLUE SUNOCO with other gasolineWait until your tank In nearly emptythen put in 10 gallons of NEW BLUE SUNOCO Compare 1H Fool tho difference Wu helluva youll never go back to ordinary galolino l0 GildaV 7557 Extp FEE 7H5 DIFFERENCE UCUIOIOO0001IIIIIOINIIOOOOIIICOOIOIODOO PERFORMS DIrrEREurIr DE New High with 101110111111011513 The Sun 011 Company is proud to announCc that the gasoline being sold by your Sunoco dcalcr right now is better product than ever before Already recognized by thousands of motorists 11s tops among gasolines in Canada Sunoco again steps out ahead to bring you even better performance even more for your money than ever before New High ANTILKNOCK POWER Tu Hills seem atter miles shorter New High In ROUND PERFORMANCE Like extra horsepower under the hood of your car Improved performance meansincrcascdr value for your gasolincdollar AV NLIIM 9AA CAIIsE 1111s MADE DIFFERENle 13