Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1950, p. 15

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rally but there are numemm other rinlll THE WEEK iii1ilu of hot from the ser AI OTTAWA hydro faan lllr the iiiyrrtigutalr ll t11llt lncil that the ltlip oi the nlt pail rial lairtin tyri gtririll lioty ill tritleir lurilhlrr lllltllll IUIllthJN pci ialli ILiIlle HI IAviA tr Iii in riilti lllCK mile and ruler hell yl ll ll have lawn lllllti lv ri lltllGlll ltll$ LINIB in ciimh iii lltlichl ltlti no iillltlt lad rirk bullying to ll tar trill lilt total iiltlcmc il lomti the railivays since last Iidlkll lax til tell all rllllllill to be suffi iiill Il llill llu ilitlwtly iidili izvna liltlr of about Silillolliioo jiil ila tllc Ilenjht lll battli not our The nct round will lt an illrilll to the lilltlltrl to preVlnl ii in Lil kl tl tila polo rlllllt lliti oi Ilr lilarr ll lttll tiltw Hll litjiltcaau llillllli ii titl ll or out lllll li xi tltlJllllll alirl Il ill lily lliiitlllllll Lilxill illlillon til tatiltol action tittailrr Action to Iititill illc lulull lr In par coun tillltl iiortlle lllltr llh tonr lltt ll ii llilitltl ozrilirltm illroilith hint lllll and up lilLlfl till ll ilzilrr ehirh ol lira anon lit iai llllll sttlllltll ll illllVltllH tor mm lloirsirritr IN conuoss Long lllc target for charges of urethrahey the Senate snapped track at the orumons last week llld charged that elected body with xllllllltlll ill horsiplrry alid en talint ill Volellltlllllri activities The upper chamber venl So far to introduce motion which would set up joint parliainentary tllllllllllttf to investigate the effi ciency of the lower chamber and to we whether ways could be found in mirkc it better place ill which the work of governing anada could be carried out It is almost certain that the Sea ate would neverf have gone this far iii assairltiiliftlle Commons if it was not for the fact that the ouunons started it first peltallir up to 3l iii llltrlli lillllllli ll Much ll advocated who Ir iclv without the rlltholltv of law llliIlliri ol icloiuplrh any iltlllllltlllll change with tanada lrle llnpr lHillllHll the lop pln ROAD SERVICE 22 war tracer nontn mos 5m cunalwouuurr rigour 0m publish or million all or itlt Illr IliltI an Irvin DRILLIA IARRIEI Drew Progressive Conservative leader introduced lnotion which was later defeated asking that committee be set up to investigate the functions of the upper cham ber Prime Minister St Laurent re jected the motion as indicating that it was ill the nature of vrilitofconfidence ill government policy soundly defeated Senator Ross would not let sleeping dogs lie He started the ball rolling to get Senate approval of his motion for committee to study suggcst ed constitutional changes affecting the House of Commons including the better functioning of the House of Commons in pur parliamentary system Oerbumpstrutsyoull smoothlyglide 00 Supercushions floatin Its biggerysofter safertoo Yes truly its the tiredoryoul Ross former Commons member who represents Alberta in the up per chamber got support from italic other than Senator John Ilaig Progressive Conservative leader in the chamber who represents ill the Senate the same position that Mr Drew represents in the Commons ride tor Ross that lot of horseplay goes on in the Commons and went Commons lnerlygoround of talk Ile lid not want to mention names but he knew of some people in the Commons who spoke 700 times in one session That was the kind of thing that had to be stop ped If he had his way every member of the Commons would be barred for life from becoming memberof the upper chamber the weekend with Mr and Mrs Rix Literpool Ohio visited with the James Rix family during the week Schombergvisited with Mr and Mrs Norman Thompson recently MODERN zE YOUR ENJOY NEW LUXURIOUS DRIVING COMFORT WITH THE NEW EXTRA row pREssuRE at Hawkestone last week Caldwell 5W ydqonYEA Drive in andrnd out how you can get this new kind of tire on your car new GoonEAn THEE mum SAFE tunes GUARD YOUI ll TIOM IlVOWOUTyACCIDENTS TIRE ERVICE FOWLERSs RETREADiNG VULCAHIZTNG ROAD SERVICI 22 WEST STREET NORTH PHONE 5761 11 CLAPPERTON STREET PHONE 473 ORILLIA lMRRH which can be hope tiliig it dismissal ot the ilt paine stilt Is if Ilit iiril Jirrtiie rli11 the Hull Ll lEll lchti iii tlillx II who as it illlfililtLll he was airpor il 1th fot illlllii lictliel Dry LHIAtfl iliirrt lro Lad been Kuttlil tlitlillM of 1H from coming into force The v1 llltltHt dur to become ef Ittllt June it lher ll1lt llltlitlo$ ari tak ill lliltlllll view With new incitasl in costs through greater am demands already on lht hor iorl ii is expectid they will launch further appeal for another rah llost the third such applica tion since the Second World War the wage llllltilt have not yet lawn riaJlttd but railway llllll res have tilrealemd to go oil strike unless they girl wani boosts irtroiirrinii to about rtltllltltltl Earlier in the Week George Although Mr Drews motion was It was tit for tat and Senator Senator Haig agreed with Sena little further lIe called tile CROWN Hiii till Mrs HrRrMuinoFWestonjspe Mr and Mrs Jones of East Mi and Mrs Hodgson of Eight of the WI members attend ed the East Simcoe District Annual Tine Robinson has been holidaying in Detroit for the past WEOK Mrs Joseph Seymour of Oiillia is visiting With her niece Mrs number from here viewed the apple blossomsin the Georgian Bay District on Sunday Miss Norma Caldwell had the misfortune to sprain an ankle badly while playing ball at Mid land on Saturday Hope she will soon be pitching again Mr and Mrs CLDlilismore attended the graduation of their daughter Miss Helen at the Ham ilton General Respite on Wednes day Mr and Mrs Vernon CaldWell and Miss Joan were present at the Armour Heights School North To ronto when the pupils of Ross Caldwell presented their Operetta last Wednesday eveping iTheJulie meeting of theiWom ens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Switzer on Tuesday June 13 at pmr Motto is Wholesome homes are the step3 pingstonesfor great country Topic Historical Research and Current Events by Mrs Part ridge Roll call current event of the week Demonstration by Mrs Chappell Lunch commit teeyMrs Jory and MET Part ridge gt Painis not an early symptom of cancer Dont wait for pain you have reason to SuspeclrSCG doctor at once Many types of cancer can be cured it discovered early MEw Studding Provides Home Framework purpose is to provide framework for the wall sheathing and to sup port the weight of the ripper floors As for joists the standard spacing between the studs is lti inches ia tf arm cwroz or Wm W2 ON TV sites ll SIARIEOTMEN ova0 VLC2RJ no r15 MADE mi BET our WAS IN 0+5 Ni 75 50 70 0s HELLONAM mow WHAT TO oer pm WAS THAT FATHER myEAHTHE LIKES TO EAT CAprAm RADAR WORK HOPE EFFIE LEFT SMK FOR The wall skeleton of frame house is composed of vertical twol byfours called studs lheir lnainfabout ill tllllt driven by tl illthiri was returning to amp ami ill very low and scored sev iBorden last Monday from trip elul direct hits ito rlnievillc lhe lom line of ever the adets were oul of trucks had passed through llim harms way ill hurry rose and was well on its way along ltlilmil their lessons ill the first the IiinuoseAllislon road vllciilllllck on Monday $UTTltAT WAJ rz ONHISINVSIBLE GEE jig camps CUE WORerNe Rsi Adda Bf PUT IOWE kRENEVEKPf vJANTlNd YOUR OrlN CHILD TO LIFE YOU STAYOUT ME TO Yl Convoy Bombed Twice by RCAI All ltS School convoy of Beach was bolubcdund llarvards OP PLATE some of the drivers noticed an lilli aircraft coming in rapidly nJZZ lfroln the rear ol the convoy HORIIONTAL enema The grade and species of material whims tht UH thundm l5 dlllallly the same 15 that 59d flashes were roaring and hanging in tile joists arid rafters The lum sucks Hum WU ning up her shouldfbe straight to avoidlImmmd bulges and hollows ill partitions and walls Studs should not be out more than half their ltiltll 10 jumped frorn their vehicles and receive piping or other installai lions Studding should be in one con DIAGONAL URACING tinuous lengtlrfrom the floor to the ceiling The usual practice is to use one twobyfour brace between each two sluds These should run either horizontally or diagonally throughout the length of the wall as Fshown in the sketch Each biacmulenailegfyvitlitwg nails to cachstud Dry lumbcr must be used to prevent warping and pulling out the nails In erecting the studs they may be braced temporarily then too nailed to the sill This is awkward moreconvenicnt method is to space the studs on the ground and nail on the sills and top plates When the studs have been spiked together they can then be raised into place ill one unit This saves time and does better job This is the eleventh in ser ies of articles written in the in terest of readers who are con templating building or buying home HALFMILLION VISITORS 206000 PLAY SAFE DRUGS scriptlons Save time Brin yours Your doctor knows Royal Salutes for su Canada and the USA It is estim ated that theymay reach total of WITH The law bans thesale of certain drugs without pre best Dont try selfmedication lhe pilot of the aircraft SI line Mirabelli dove his plane at the convoy and SillilllitllltllllSlys bombardlel Sheppard re leased his bombs isackr of llouri At that moment the Willi instructors tossed total of 25 thunder llashcs ill front of under alld iii the boxes of tllei Most of the drivers llllllltillli quickly arid pulled off the road dove for cover few llti9Vtl drove happily along untilitold that there was an air attack There Were noalirect hits and no eas ualties Yesterday the same story was re peated An RCASC School convoy THE BARR EXAMINER uttttaimr JL Bruce Brown Of Barrie THU Enrolled In Course On Form Production rvw iiU7iR CHAZKE HAVE lo ATMWJQ re Mi Liii lli Wilson Building THORNTON iila litItll lupin Ii ll HUH 5E5 vHEN PAPA row CANT REMEMBER Their Irl ll ilwl if DID NOT iltllilll IIllillll tlrri ly for Sum me cousin PERJURZ prioth HOME ME ifs Answer HRIi lliilr ol III ltlllri lilllit ll llti CRAIGHURST lllll illti rli1 and llillil Isl lllllt til lali Ill La tilt in ri Mix Uallw lIlltl Air ltl lili ill rill llr llllillrlill tliili lirii Max Sandor Wcilii llll Lli lid llgt ll and llrst lllgt to luleliie llllllllltl on June II II Kirov fiiiirii ll very pitHy trlitilirll Miss lluth Icall hitMaster lildin Illc weekend with llllsmcre BrownDunn tlllllt rsrtol oh liliillilll liicv lllzillipwlr llfraii ii iii lc lol Iil Ior ill oc lhi ll all strafed ho which and by two IiAl lllis tilitf litiw 13 Tulumu They had Iillllgti and lltrlal mmmxccc PHILIPS ifE iKings Birthday Monday June and the day will be observed as statutory holiday by the Canadian Armed Forces Royal salutes to mark the occas Nfld and Winnipeg Artillery in process of organization in New nipeg the gunners are still work ing on the dikes and will forego the saluting ceremony When your BACK Backche is often caused by lazy kidney acids and poisons remain in the system Then backache headache rheumatic pain dis turbed rest or that tired out feeling my ma follow To help keep your kidneys Britain plans to welcome more workin properlyuse Dodds Kidne Pills lhim hall 1110 VStors from Timetested popular safe nonhabiEform overseas this year record num ing Demand our Kidney Pills inthe blue ber of travellers are expected from box win the red bum 551d emwhere135 DoddsfKidnevPillej PHONE 2903 From the tamp Borden Citizcntllll Tile Kings birthdaywill be otl ficially celebrated rin Canada on ion will be fired by the Royal Canl adian Artillery in Ottawa Vani couvcraridallpcruLiuciaLcz1pitais4 with the exception of St Johns units of the Reserve Force are still foundland and saluting batteryl is not yet available while in Wini action When kidneys get out of order excess 24 Elizabeth Street PHONE 5577 ltlc inane Blunt will in grad ric irt 1l ultimo tli i11nJtitLl ll pluglhll HIE EXAMINER AN FILL YUIh l2 Merrill SQUARE liAltltll Phone 5531 tillltllllllllllllllllliliiili Airy Playtime Sandals for the Funtime Season Just the sandals to pack iii your vacation suitcase our ever soconlfortable smart ly stripped and bright white styles So low in price $4958 $5550 Walkwel Shoe Store luluuics LEADING siloic sroiilz li lllSl liliul PHONE 2397 HAItltIIi mCCW5c=CQCDC Stays on the beam wherever you go luau it ll tdlil timely Willi cm =G i=nD Mariel OMB41L iThc ncatcst little trick in radio introduch by PHILIPS Bothbat tcry arid plugincforAC or DC cur rent makes it the perfect travelling companion Amazing power undton at fidelity Builtin tuucdloop an tenna Selfcontained batteries Dimensions width 715i height depth

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