1i lHlZ HAKHI lXlIlCR IHIRSDAY TINT I950 lllvlll the Lillip liordcii tililell iti Second Public Livestock Auction Sale At Barrie lIlilll If Zr tl It it in ll FLOOR SANDING igtlt lil JJYH us Aid Little Big Results In Turkey lulx le lll no hood to llt illll iilllilikl li llill The gt not lain rnurl llosu lllilii iiilli Moscow lloilats lllld New flours cpertly sanded ihul by mam Ski ll ll tltlrlllllllil Iilll mircilincs Hid lloors also re NH Wm MA mqu and tinrslad ilisrr 41 Wm mm UH Ilie ltllllill lira lllliLx llil lt orknunslnp guarantiid rm Wm HW imllIerrlrdv as iicy hrlik ilS fii l1 May litrlll Itllt Illlili Illlllf Ytlllt illthlthi NIHIDS IICI PHONE 2414 5050 GUARANTEED Quality Used Cars On Display MORRISON COuLTD 3133 Bradford St Phone 5566 Barrie $09so ONLY No EAR BUTTON NEED SHOW No SEPARATE BATTERIES ONE SMALL COMPACT UNIT TEN DAY MONEY BACK GUARAN TEE QueensHoteli Barrie Ask to seeMi Monaghan He has come toyour toyyjn especially to conduct famous Acousticon Free Heari ing Clinic and to acquaint you with this amazing new low priced instrument invented by Acousticon the ds oldest electric hearing and manufacturer Ancient Castles Come Dirt Cheap Along the Rhine lttl 1x liIltlli thin utzi Yi out illlillfl ll with tlyi trr lr li lllli ll ri ihlit llll lli ililltitllgt llll ll lillu itti ol io Ila olm thllr castl lu lllliilltlllt ilul it ialirrnl ll moon tilit lll illit rr til Iflill lll thec titltltl lll nihlllianrtalh About fawn of tin EIiillllll are let lial iih Illr Itd llt partly iritu Ilr Hi illl ti ltll ll Uh aw in the iltlll ltIIll Illloii or twp lill llir hokri til ilth town Marks llll ta iv on the lllllli the inn iliiriilclt ilrti iillilxiallill ill itllil was lllllll lll Skill ll alid ll llllll occupants lilll to por lzon added in tTlIl as the new inn tielit now it is the seat of ll ilioit In preserve iellnan rthn lilch have iirltlllal value llCl lli tHIlIl lillllillllL prcsitlent oi the ltsocil llilll tor the ollsilvatlon of let llllll tasilcs lildltiltll inherited ll work irom famous father lll ruan architect Iioiio lilihaidt Th1 llll lliiltl IS rrr itIllllt llrilun 1illH In his 111405 in alchltcct hullsell but ltligt lrriost ol his tune to save iilllllll lhlligt laiscd about litltllltlll marks since ltltlll when lllgt latller founded it Sincc thi lilgti war there hasnt lititll plcnlui oi income rliii EXAMINER 2w nut is lll castle ownch on way they miidli iollow to keep llllil romcs We advise them oil insur ance and thinth of that Ilillll liut we need money to save them taxes go mlo arrears that the auth jolitics takes over the castle Tire ladministrations are too canny selves with al castle earl be firi ancially embarrassing lamilies often prefer to live 51 poverty ill their ancestral castles lather tliall walk out IIbhardt lsays parts of tlleir castles illlo inns hotels This has ilot always been success because of the general inconvenience of bedding down with history ill pile of stones pie dont realize lhey are lettiir valuable historical tradition go to pot noun SiviNGNEWS i=0R1 Seek jg Raise Productivity survey of West German farm AbSolirtelyGuaranteedRolling Else To Biry wildre1 corirrANr TORONTO 5Moliilay lune lZFromyl t0 pmv Prgiilrmhim flleiirlilirl hey RCS of Provides Guard ol Honor for Pakistan Prime Minister it till lllll tlll luli if ll il ti IEl iil ol ilir Ill in lwll til It will 11 tIr rIl ulli titlil easli oi Ila lira ixct or or null iii llnuillil bit initlewi Il1tlltlll iirii bind illlllltl o1 thr mnve is llil lllliltll says 1h association has What wt do now libllaldt slv This doesnt mean that when they know that saddling them Descendants of our old noble Some not sn proud have turned Ebllardt tllinks the German per Most of our castles are incoh tcnielltly located toll casual visi tors Ebhardt explains So our llan to get tourist income failed German Farms By JAC HENRY FRANKFURT June tRelllers ing conditions has revealed that there is 30year gap between the agricultural knowhow available in West Germanys research institutes and its application on German farms team of United States Danish metroagriculture lexperts who have just completed two wcek tour of West Germany report ed that use of modern methods could raise Germanys food produc tion by as much as 15 per cent in the two years before theMarshall lllan ends West Germany will face grave food crisis unless it greatly in creases its food output by 1952 when Marshall aid stops Most of the Marshallvllan dollars are spent rood import billthis year willtotal $5000000001 Ler Miller US representative on the team estimated that German farmers can cut their man hours by 50per cent by introducing mod crn methods Anderson Danish leaderof the team said the WestiGerman vernmcnts agricultural experts re lize these deficiencies and are anxiims to correct them He said agriculture had been neglectedun der Hitler and had been sleeping until two years ago West Germany contains 35000 Olllhacres of farm land but 40 per cent of the farms are little more than large gardens Their average size is about 30 acres with an av erage of six people trying to earn living from it In addition many of these small farms have been subdivided through successive in pieces LAND RERORM NEEDED lilo ili by lii Itoyal ullailianl licllllll from lay onwards and he litltttlll no ruins the ranks tl beret were Iiil cnruplisln All bolm lllilrll tlllltl tor iillllltl liovii lllllmttt that the di ot the liltl ll headdress or because they had be ome covered Ill reddish clay agriculture Much farm work is done purely by hand xen are widely used thr lrzictorsand otliey modern agricultural implements are into numerous strips because of on import effood and fodder Thc hcritance into numerous parcels of between 40 and 60 separate smalli Lack of land reform to develop larger farm iiiens is regarded by allied agricultural experts hereas the main reason for thejtechnical llllU became plain Mrs Ioschilni lakiilsuknsn wife of sJnamonlli museum attendant wedding curb as she posed for pl liilltiS ill lokyo May id The wedding took place at the home of Prince lllliamalsu Illlu hilos brother in TORY lhc Ilerl lcrrt has been taken of many other famous units will lllVl tllill lllt IIlJlltltlll lltltl HS ll Ullltlllll known The olll ualrdiui tiltlcel illcidcdwlleil the illliilll il originally committed to an llllllltllli role that the nlaiv ion ltltl hoillil be worn when 75 cent of the prisonnel ot lhel gtiitllioi were trualilird this isl now colupleii The lirsl units to wear the led alrdml by Na and it it and coin slril ll hi5 ifcmIhlpluu du llllllltl llll well known novalist It becamcl the recognied headdress for all Cilnlnollweulth Airborne forcch whether llldcr lilols llllltlllllltilt1 or Airborne lroops All but llt lhvision subsequently lllllttl the llllt of llt lied ltilsI llltl there is some doubt as to whe her this title given to them by the Italian forces in the invasion of Sicily ill 1943 was because of their uackwardncss of West German MIS Diliwoody came from Coun arely seen Bill the breaking up of land into anall farms which are ill turn split the hereditary system is generally lecepted as making illecllanization impracticablc increasing produc tion costs and wasting labor A1 amines that one of the most immediate steps to be taken to increase food production is to develop the coun trys agricultural extension tadvis my services so that farmers can be kept abreast of the latest scien tific methods of farming Tile office listed threg immediate problems which must be solved The small German iarins need to be consolidated Land con solidation is required on nearly half the farm area in Western Ger many Thcproccss consists of sur veying and redistribution after abbut the same itime it the Ealllilld iii hull of that part of Sicily late the color red oi Illtlllnilli hair illdir lrlol litigllnlnl llw blrrt was illm taken into use lllt Indian Army irl 1943 and by South African larachulisls attachi Ilri lo Iaraclriltc lrigade in Italy iiiach gtlll that whatever the lllll and whalech the army when lkll you ruav be the red bircl has In areal illlil vaind history Museum Exhibits Suppilcd by Simone County Womens Institute TWPS It PHOTOGRAPH OI FIRST WOMAN lIONI Mrs George lillttldV is line of the interesting exhibits of tho Simcoc ounty WI Museunl ty Monaehan litilaud and located Lot oui It near ookstowm Essa Iownshiptthe first white woman settler The Drill Fatally friends of the Iinwoodvs settled William llinwoody son of Ml andMls George Dinwoody was the fiist white baby born in Essav Township and John Duff sonof Thomas Duff who settled on Corr had the distinctionrof being the first white child brought into Essa Township The photograph was loaned by William Dinwoody and is of par ticular interest on the eve of Essas Centenary LionTn Borden From the lamp Borden Citizen Captains Harry McKenzie and Al Wood of RCASC School ap pearcd in Camp last night with llOlllld the community Forty per cent of the land area is at present devoted to rela which farmers retain their mvtd ilal holding bill will have their farm in one single tract instead ofl lingWOOl ml lhc W3 10 Parr lnumerous small plots scattered Sound The two Tarzahs brought the cub and showed him to the C0 of RCASCrSchool LtCol Ilai cubvess boiaaawedfrzomtbcD Brothers Circus presently iii Col tivcly unproductive meadow and pasture Yet German farmers sel dom have available the power for and immediately bared liis teeth heavy plowing or the capital for However young threeyearold seed and fertilizer needed for necessary improvements From $500000 to 5001000 hec tion by drainage sachias has been carried out on large scale in the Netherlands In some cases the identical type of land which has lbecn darcdto bring himback for point Tiler young lion Was not impressed with the colonels rank Ronnie McKenzie Was able to pet the cub like any kittenand thc Zdisplay of affection was apparent tares hectareZl acres of land lly enjoyed by the youngfeline could well be reclaimed for cultival Weighing only 30 pounds it is ytexpected that the young cub will igrowto 600 pounds within the lyear and the intrepid captains have ltllltlllll tilleii loi Jill lliilli till 5pm lJll Illllll IllK lir ll Siltrllmil Il iil ltom triailrtl ligt ilaizii liaix Iv llil Itilals tlll Ilt irri ill lilimtuv illtl it lillllill filial llllUtltlr liir liltl llzrt Ill ltl tripe lilr llll riiitrutl lit and kilnll tlloli Ill IN in mi lll ir iai Ul ii llrIiir1 Eilli II Sun tllttl tlm tlril life to thr icaihlm lllllullltllt iorlrrriirirlrii Iilll lt lil thrill llliii illll linili to IJIII lunri UIiltlS Illlkl laalr proposal infill isliy rower4 IIllt irlilllll Irlllislr ml in llri titlli in tillay at al rint absolutely lieu pic ilru ioilnl trial only lizhnh could lit lair sworn datum nt juinl plan ll llll lit vtlilll illlllltlll ltrllltlli whose lllllliltl li ilox liv ll nrillalrorl liilltlliil ltl Hi llu lllllllr lllll he arrrplhlih below irttll ill HIHVH who vll probably be Iliall tlllti upon to llltltlt xhclhci pel ivlll lttll ed In Ulla lil be Irilrv illfi It It hike lltll loan ill itllill to lllll illDli my whirh will i2itllii hl lllllllillllll lull lion iiit Quebec $1iiilllllltllllltl iil ttlltl oi wars hotel cllrnuiolniglst illlll illltrtili tltllllllllllllqttt llit llltt mirthti ll mpnum lehmlmy with lplllHlt ltlllltlllrll aclior oi pram llre gti ttlilllllii ld til turn ml thga tltlj In HIV and uouhl llilllllptltli solidarity cicri hmthr HM Ill 1H ltllil llilHli court would have to il fl ll1 lll ln Mlptriillirl by independent tttlr St coivrrrlol rrnr lllll lllrlcpclrilrid llllt$ Billlle Listen Sun 530 pm Chapel Chimes CKBB and social pl Uri iv ltstlitllVi ciIiillr lt Attractive lrluxphss TARA point daughter of Emperor Ii lo WHI HM il Wm iItlINIIIl 20 is shown lltlt in her NE lynvanm HAN llcanwhrle worked on isllllliit strengthen teilrtlrrlliiiull Royal Canadian Regiment Now Wears the Red Beret From the amp Borden ititciil illrltlLll llItLIIIJ lll litnilhes iii the lillhrlrnill Ir ll llllllll illl tar irrti tlfltl Al laris the filltlf lulniahrs of the Marshall llarr tllllllllts adopt fell liveyear plan to primed lhi lilllllld Stall tllan lillllltrldlt Illcvivci tilthemov Ihe lllilirlrorr lni lTuropeani oipelallon program Illillllll for liillUltl lo backward tltpllilll consumer littlllllllllt announced available plant it res always born associated vrlllumik loorne linens and was also innlllilr ilgpnrated in th leizaslls liiLtlllllllmtlll lid and qu putt1L Tho Ainwilhin the compass of it also lllll the red beret lur the period liltlwt when lhcyfllid If luropi to illlillllllllll it tllll11 on attachment to the world position The large ootls lhis llllll be done lll longterm would tllli lIiiroptarr comrtrris to expand production steadily and maintain plan ref framed photograph of the late Why throw OULL Grid everything yu really need for safe comfortable driving in llillman Why pour extra gasolingilitmtra cylinders the Misses Lottie ilntliLQigiiDiIllhV woody Cookstown daughters of Ajust IQSEHV around unnec weightand Ipace you seldom use Consider Valuethe Hillman has hosi of big car features It has the looks and riding qualities It handles and steers beauiifullfy Its easier to park Ami ii has the strength scvenweeksold liorl cub The been brought into production on lreturn visit theDutch side of the border is left as practically waste land on the can be persuaded to bring the cir cus to Camp at the end of July German side Barrie 16 Barrie l5 $7000 Hog Grower Hog Finisher $700 22 buyer to supply rags BRIT FLOUR lull It is hoped that circus officials amourMilt wormedirate Inaigoammasnlmjuamdt Oemeirlonlvu forth lulu Group in low Inlet VIAtun 0M 1736 utlnn St VIRIIIIVM It Eamon 0M SERVrCE GRAVES lolioss ST OH Holley Toronto PARTS AND nr wourooooq la tiitii lil er rli liwpolislbllilv Anionic lfl IUttii and up evidence of al liuncral Home illll PHONE 2530 lil months of ilraclivilv hathp lli1lli Malina loa volcano has ii ouun Hamilton Toronto Canada Limited Direct Van Service to Eastern and Western Can For Information CALL BARer 4803 Montreal and safety of heavvagauge allareel unit construction New PlusPower Engineprovides smootlrgetvawavsclimbshillsrsmarlly and gives up to 35 miles to the gallon You save on oil and tires too Why VELQriextras you dont need Se the new Hillmantodzlv Drive ill Compare ii Youll be glad vou did Rooresorour 77 lllllt WHEN LIITIN WORK lr llllltili UVt and ltirltl one de Iall lurr vooiwli the adtl rhazl and torilmunrl til strain of thallium iniiltsr not the multitude of walnutlil lltlitil VI ltil rr iilcl yionislmri TERMS funerals complete from SIM undid Lion plowd place Pelhicli Smith to riiillite docilrlrrrl or no iii of qda Winnipeg PRODUCT Minnal Alum Donl LO FRM COAT TO COAST IN CANADA MOTOR SAL ES Titania