Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1950, p. 13

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le ma ommunltles Answerlng Nee or reatlve ctwny II ILI IIl tl ti In 13 it Ly 311 lv II Izlir I3 lI thus 5i tf Iigl litlv Hull mnldfillllllsll iIiIlfiil ll Ilitffli il ll Hi IV Al IiJ IllI II ll lb ii In IlI Ill red Mg If III of HILL ll IIIIII Illll li Ell Ila UHIIH Lil IIslII ll Ixis Ll Ill litili sllil1v ill Lgttllllll Ill thl Ill Ill lllllrtt of It llli li tIl LAItAIJ tlII Ii basil l4l Illlll tl he flint ttlt is the II ml ft Rock Wool Roll Roong LUMBER 49 Essa Rd Mary St RJE rl ll lllltl ttil5l II lll will lib III iltllc ot Izl tier plsilil ll of the Knilul Allis tIlllclt it Hi Mm gourBarrett dealer sells Ptotection He stocks complete line of roong insu lation and weatherproong materials Hes got what it takes to stop almost any weather Whether your problem is leakage seepage rust or rotLsce your Barrett dealer first llll dining lo IIIlIII Llilllllel HIV Itlilltttl lllIl ttll Iiell Wl could create lllelneles llltlll verv gtllttll llllll lllc tllllllllL of people to zlrts alld LAIG 3352 INIMENT Jun but and rub in rnNARDS nick bet you let Mica gnawing no atroxllutunpltlnlodu 0ND Eztdngoydu Rap Ilzl I546 THE BARRETT COMPANY LIMITED Montreal Toronto finnlpeg Vancouver BUILDERS SUPPLIES FUELS manta ANl llD Ulmnws SUPPLIES FUELS BARBIE Ilttlltx 51 col Ililltlf Illt ll mm Ilflllxlmt ltll ti tlll nit ltnnIlI tll llllltl Illtll lllil lf flsillftl with the ilts lllllcti ll lllull the IlIlleIl toulltlf iii the held of all IlIl llzlls TlI lllllrnlllilh II ill lll tt IIlnl ttlllllllttetlrlx 15113ll lllll ol 11 out lllltl tllltle lllclllzll lllstlttzllol oliloll to their value The thin llIt the thrills however he culslicletl the lltvtgtl useful and plletlcl llt In ad hobby lal 12 Ill ttl min the Luge cltles vh lllt Il lhcy for tllelr cduealoll and stay HtsltLlll of some back to their eIIllllllulsltles lllls latter cclltrallmtlon of talent he consider till home ell the gtlllllllllll block III alladlan lllt development Although as yet Illalee not enough Incentive to like he yollllL altls back lo the lnlll colnlllllnltlls he felt that they position there for crafts as pastlllle Mir ollllllL felt was lclletlon away from the spectator kind of existence In which even recreatloll was machIncmanu He felt that It could in of litllltltd tlnle chance whole world He spoke of the sense of selfsub the outlook the It If Bartlett Rookllliot Insulation Step out oflllc ltilltlg sun into house thats as much as 15 cooler than outdoors Theres real summer comfort Tourswhen you insulate with BARRETT Mg And insulation works tlleycar around Viotertime fuel bills are as much as 50 lower It Barrett insullltcd home Family colds are fewerrock wool insulation gets rid pf chilly drafts and cold spots liirc danger is lessened too wheifa reproof layer of BARRETT Rock Vool guards your home Insulate your house this month BARRETT Rack Vool comes in Baits Blankets and Granulated blownin forms NEW ROOF costs less than youd guessl Ask about sturdy ltARRliTT AsphaltShtnglcs See their new colour harmonicsl lol farm buildings get hardwearing Ilarrctt Storm King STOP LEAKS with llllstic Iilllstiguln Cement Seals flashings ideal for patching thin coating of Liquid lilastigllmjemcnt ICSCtlIS old roll rooftngs NEWReddvlomc Barrett Silvex Aluminum Paint No mixing Tough protective finish reects light and heal rcsi moisture corrosive fumes salt spray zDIIS Rtga Trme Mari Phone 2556 Allandale lumber Fuel Col Phone 5581 Phone 2461 lv til ll Littlllllt Itstlhl t=l llc humill tit pscholo1y null great litany professional tlllbl tr ilowd peril1e III the liltlllll Natlu As ocullull lft lflfltlklltllltl1lltltlllllll tlvtillr lllllt tl Calhoun tfeult rll IIf lnbltIIi liltflllllmr In thI Il tlllt ill tle lollllII llllllllt the Is llllllllll it in rcpt Il he LI different IIIIIHIlts of tile llll iolcls ilitl lilLlolllltl Ifllxlttll IIIfl Allll Art filonp Antoni lt lrltnub stoned lnll ellulll lleeolltlllli have bIcn St Marys tlulcll ll Iliitttl whme liltelioz he Ilttrs sllpllvzsInL hill lle also Htilitfl on ltnllals for the Queens liotcl lll llazlle ltlile tire ll lot The speaker was llltlolhchIi ll llew llealer vIcIplcsldellt of the Isroemttozl and hnnltetl by Mr Mar Stirling of Colllngwooti The slllzlll liltlmtll of only over 1th people at the lllttlltil due to bad weather eonIlltiolr lulectlolls lttltl at the lltt of the lllttlllii placed Elx new on the executltc coullcll of till all II ltllll ltttltlllti inlul crafts association The IlI lll Maelhlllgall lllfl Ell Illew lieaver for Illtle hlllleoc tans lllllllllIl of llIIIItyumll rm South Slmcoe Mts Lurch of Stayllel for West Silucoe Mls lihlitl5lf of Ollllla for East Sun leol and Mrs ltrowllelt of ilolt MINieoll for North Silllftl LAltlltlltlS lttllllllttttlt on the countIl Ilre Miss Itora lurIlon and Mlss Dorothy llall of Alllstoll Mrs ll iRells of ollillgwood Mrs Maude Row of rlllia and Mrs It lel fer of Wyebrldge Mrs Gilbert Patterson of Celine lwood was chairman of Mexico was shown at the start of the evening Rain Barrel Proves Effective In Catching Rats lxlltllllNliR Ont Theres one thine June fnrnler will in charge of llllshell In llllf 1ll4 tltltlll lll tlfltllll tl Bet You litout littow Thiii About Advert isntg Oweo ll Quiz No litre llllIll does it YLII pl In to advertise the lv tiling mantle ofsollp ls ll ll It 33 per 111 It Osls less than T730 per can to advertise the bigvnalne brands of soup Thats only half the story Advertising lowers your cost two ways Cuts the selling costs And by llcpl make mass production possible fours the produc twn costs too So advertising saves you many times that at Merv aptain Borland of Medonte Township Supported Sir Isaac Brock in 18l2 During Battle on Queenston Heights lllI followup lllfolll lttoll on llle tclll lllltltl1 ol Allflflill van ill Frontal IIIE KIliffl the Rent lump Rh mth Um my Hy IN Elli lltlfllttl lll lllll tellzll III the pomsJolt ot Imll ll Ilallt of larlll It ltlllL tlltllv ll gtl lll llV lI llll lloll the Wetland fnnal ill lIlt Wl Ils flu All lIllIo Illf itl lllftlll Inlll tlgtilt on IIlfllerlllj July Il tllll null nlloss Mir Itllt Mmmctmlo sin It Illl col lb Itlilt 5hr Tm gal IlHIv Iphm what an cI In Lloyd and was afterwards became the antnltlll li Illl 111 WW ot Metlolltz was nullle alezlg lib Mimi umll llhmll Illlcnfi lelletallelllsllelze ltoilIl Lttltlutltt llll Thats the number of rats In ltl tom was Thumb NW pp bum cenlber lttltl Not that its any reflection on pmeml Dun lk filllllllt5 mill made lllltll lltllfl and lllofllIl Ile By Harnso 3y olle almost foolproof way of Pfeade passed before anltlllnt lllit IllIler North llll rid of lllClllrvbul he alwaysf Ilneml settlement began NorthNinth gilllc feels uncomfortable lll nlllklllg the John Holland was one of the Incl admission Ilelonle settlers collie 1o tolIl 17 sense of unbridled llatleIlgwatel was npl ltollnnd who comes upon the man who discovutoll Qlleenston llelohts lIllllNll it ers large section of his grain bill severely wounded plllowell on ltls cunrerted illto bulls or bags of breast the head and bent to with At II grain ripped open and their con le litl Xltlllllfs Hulk INW at tents scattered Mashed eggs and mmtk ti 93 lenllwed roots and fruit have the Durlne ltltl the fllsl tllellllI v5 ll Mm om year two old colllrzlllljs til the 13th ui Numerous lilllllllll lnethods Ll NAM HIl ll II have been trled from sllooflllg ltllnlIHH ll the Peninsula sol ollt fronr llll Instill fellets All ale slow when mum My an In lelr 55 mm as mdwtb mfght lmlt tl rllltill stltion ln In this null from rllbhrr Cw f1 1U It tt qua null as IIIL cue lvv Mmm NH mum the St Lawltllu ls lnll If the llts lont get lIlLlll fllst lllllnns nlr olll Bul rm Jllvhig cunning mewx travelled on until tlel LC lnts am mmwd My mm 618 unimm in early in 1931 these became the llrst Jump to Four Spiltlfys Vt ttn red llttlllll flftlllt lhl it llnlsll hlm otf nearly every tlme Umlil will nommc meriwa Fm Tth the common rumbale settled In what latel came to ll Hum bm Nmm Mm known as Conlsons Mills sltzllulll to six SpadesAar lhc barlcl ls set so tats can lllll mwmvmmm WM my mummym plumb Simc along tllell paths and leap on to ll lI SSW 4mm Warm ll its head to feast on bait left there ylllllCd 13 Wl al the gaps after his became the first reeve of lllltltl limited menUL Afttl cw days the htad Is It moved alld balanced on celllre Will it 51111111 Vessel was blllll West opened ILL and TI ll STQ rod so that any welght Itll be tlznm gilfl 1m lth DPCd 10 the bmlch hCh ern states are prolllotillg fishlllgnlll West hand and iled halfmlcl Wale that area with greater variety of Silllglllslfylait When the rat Jumps to It for cam being consumed 60ng his cuslpmmy handom he 15 BlilllSh commti is Illllllh Emuu il thrown Into the water and the this challenge lyhlhtly head swings back into place Farmers who use this trap say of weeks will catch all the rats ill barn AIIaIIncFIQIIlnE Challenge to West VANCOUVER June ICPleror years British Columbia has been able to boast that she produced more than half of Canadas fishing harvest but adding Newfoundland to the Dominion changed all that Advent of the oldest colony tilts the output at least 60 per cent in Columbia may be able to balaee the combined productions of New foundland Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia but the hundreds of miles of prolific coastline in New Brunswick Quebec andGuif of St Lawrence make it an uneven scale Newfoundlands economy has it is foolproof and over periodi ed for herring lurlher WHCOQSLBlikishM long been based on her salt cod in dustry Now while Canada is ap sorbillg the island the salt fish in dustry is running into heavy diffi culties Better marketing and shipping methods are bringing leavillg less attractivcr salt fish little market Soaring meat prices ill theeast ltsumuchr cooleftbarrylng it thil way fresh fish to the consumers table Overall changes are being made to speed up catching alld proeess Rom Worlds No1 Typewriter inn Salmon trawlers are being constructed with interchangeable fittings so tlley can be transform llTst 21 NW lions will make the same power plant good for handling halibut and other deep sea fish Some firms are arranging to supply markets as far south as San Francisco by lir ect truck hauls Both east and West coast fishers melr agree competition is doing Canadas fishing industry lot of good New and better freezing faster transport alld less salt are expected to revolutionize the fish ing business from Alberni to Cape SALES RENTALS Jose Com if TORONTO STREET Phone 4824 Please call onlyafter 330 pm SEE THE FAMGIls orAco N0 21 MANURESPREADEltS Moos for more than thirty years the Otaco No 21 Manure Spreader is designed to makeyour spreading work easier speedier and more protable Atllrotating parts except the conveyor Ire roller bearingmountedJWooden box Autom otive shortturn steering Loading heTght 40 inches spread to feet Equipped with pneumatic tires as shown or steel tired wheel models No 21 TRACTOR SPREADER rwo WHEELED ALSO AVAILABLE Phone 1429 BarrieBusinessCollege it BARR IXXSlINHt iIIlllISlHY Jl VI 1930 13 Mrs Fieldhouse Reelected President of Midhurst We serve wherever the Ileied prises tt III JfIt Illllllllllllll or II Illlllll ltltllll II Ill Il Ill ltlfl of l= Irv lll vi litpltnzl vl at at It trlmlll in thiI stll NOHCLIKI UNERAL IIOM 41 14 STOW BANNER EDITOR RETIRES ov lIf ytl llul llsllrll lII Itl IIII1Ii IIlolhll ill up VF Iil llllllfu lITllIlIlt tllitgtt II Hllt VIMr lIU IIIY IXIINI2R WANT Al Ii jttf ltLttttl lit utclclivll lllllIl 1335 lIIvoIllln II III xlili hI Lair lltrtul booms Zilllt Ill Illtltiflltl ltI of towel buxom lfllllti Ilul punt ilAl Il IIE llil lt4Il slIlllIt ll lv IM zlrjl lttlf alli lIIIIl till all llon tlil lhc ulilill Illls Us Illlltnltloll fir lml papl 131 ill Mi allthnll sltlHl wit the tSalllla Canadian lb tfl lIlIl lspolts lllltl lu lflftt lllt Ill iItlt olll ol Elle lllll lItIl he joined llllI tllllullll Ilfss U1lll tlt lhe lololllo button and stall lnlllsplrlltlellt hllftllltl llll In Salnln he played football xlth the selllur llrpellll nl tllI lil lItltU Rugby Football lilllttll to Jlltlt Ille gttllttlt lltll Fire lll WhatvCan One Do With 14 Trams JfllANNlISlllRG llltt Itll Jlllgl Keysr scrap ltllllll nlerebnllt lit vlth problem Slx llltlllll ago at all lllctlon gtillt be bid fSBHtftl each for three llllllllelpal trams and it to tol ll others llever thinkingr he would Iuet them He lldlt of them Now he cant get rid of thelnl and the Johannesburg nlllnlclpnllty wants to charge llllll stolaee space unless he remoes them from tllc tram sheds The ShurGain Growing Mash Combines HIGH QUALITY LOW COST vol as ulcow orr tllt rllllrs IuIlolcl Illass vr LOWER Iosr THE SHURGAIN WAY ItlllthSltN of father bringV them tram lIonII lf they are good is keepltttj Inllcyear prospect having their old Bertha and fiveyearwltl llnl nlanllel on llltll best behavior My big problem is lnovinl them said Mr Reyser who has GRAIN and FEED STROUD =Phone 52 bought special trailer for the purpose Its tricky work lll GRINDING ROLLING MIXING some places have to drive III the middle of the main roads to avoici overhead lamps and vlles Its also slov bllslness be cause the trains are top henly Custom Chopping on Tues Thurs and sat until 12 noon should be kept aloligkwith bonds your will and other important papers where they are well protected until you need themIn Safety Dcpostl Box You can have this protection for things youvdontywant to lose at cost of loss than two coals day Nettleton Manager Battle Stevenson Manager Allundme Incorporated 1855

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