Sllltlv JONES who visited Barrie on May 21 with his Musical Depreciation Revue of 1030 is Mtll with The Slickcrettes during the spectacular llawaiian War tliant Im Iliis number The acro done iii luminous let lighting by the Barrie lfii tsrlrri llel litr batic dancing routine was Red TwoGame Series rliir tI men Capture Illlllllll Ill llrl IIIKVrI txrtvyante gt only try lrt Il lilolatter Fridays Fir Al =nrltl la Iitlt latter ltilr lirtthtrzli lint llilillit not lo 111 lltrtl Fege mes rrl ixv could liltlirll mu llrzs Inltflltrltq liliit lo fallpnn slroudn lliin llt junJ Wuhl ltirllv pittlrct WI ll ll lwnntrl to Siriiutl nui llltll llctl lltl tn tire tl Stillllt lv it the in to he walked off the mound wltli victor conn LI Hlllll lint lire latl tss lt rtarrtlv liah lclpupl Hymnc will in even lilrlltlll 2o ciil in the wax 111 lllrluV unly Ill our Strrittn Ilurilitrll Ijilc lat Helpl walked llltll Illlitllt lulal season and MirIr vr ur nit Nl lllr lll Ill e11ecttciit will llttlll V1ill pctr llut llllli now their chances look rl nunrrl ttt laml llu bat 12m 1mmle HM my VVV Il IV ltlfsltl lltl tli MUN itiar llic wcotul was til lV tclp IllflllV at he ilatc anvwav Mmml may lWI 1V VVV VVV VV llltl Hair 511 Ilkml mud With Joe lirnicau coach ol litf Ill lltlrl ls puking the litt1hc lm Wm WV 1V amateur lormrto Mailliorns tak le It 10115 Illi llMltilloriltli llllil ltlllllt the season In ll lull were peckiin the offer trips of tlar lllletI doubles tournament to ttorlld exitml to all other Leaf The THIS yin of hits lllat was the ball luariie as ions run WHITE PAINT the Hill Iovcr bell two llllll 1115 Hum Ousr PM it Wm tvon HIGH STANDARD HOUSE PAINTt SEIFaEJNSING Whites stay fresh and clean throiugbout life of point film HRl cor3405 Better hiding ability means paint covers more area 01 is perfectly stowmm Slows down wear and nish ages evenly surfaces are troublefree for repointing MW AND PROTECT0N Weathertested improved formula odds seasons of wear of of FORITIERANDAHS VAND INSIDE rrooris noorwrNAMtry Stays bright on wood or cement indoors or out iteration Dries hard Vand brilliant overx night Tough meoth SUPPORT THEBEAUTIFICATION CAMPAIGN IN YOUR COMMUNITY Sllourl saw that Flctzel received crici lloeartli for seven hits wln Strorul broke 131 deadlock with three runs on the same num Strond fourth with the error disease lvys side walk and twolSllullsInans Liti the bit sixth lthrec passes 2b 11 Flegel ss Wiee 3b Bow lf Flegcl Wright Campbell IVY llogarth Davis cf llir Speers 2b Laycock lb Mc Farland rf VBroley ss UMPIRES Gibbons plate Bowman bases Claims Lowly Eel Menace to Fishing PORT ARTHUR Julie tCl14 lhe lowly eel is menace to the fishing industry says Maurice Ni lcol of the Nipigon Bay fishing company Mr Nicol told the Lakchcad LXecutrvc Assocratron the lamprey fish prleferring the soft skin type and sucks the bloid They first invaded Lake Erie int 1021 and later entered Lakes Hur on St Clair and Michigan The lamprey was Superior The life span of the pseudofish is buried in the mud for four years then comes out and does its damag ing work the years Excessive loss in Lake Michigan since the advent 6000 to Since as 40 miles upstream it is possible itmaydnvadcvinland lakes unless stopped by high water falls or dam structures years and ship lumber year lien to this contractor who the stern wheelers Fraser River to Prince George order big inning was the sixth lull Ivy to make lair name tlw rrnscues tn the first frame pro it Wm WM Imm Bowman and AUS in the first frame each scoring four Vllll Bowman collected the hits lvy to tap lleuel were Vlvan SltlS= llol Laycdck and Gordon Speers lV llleltel fanned seven and walkch baseballers successful enough over the route llouarth sal rf Wood lb Davies cf Amos lf Speers 3b Laycock Ve itself to various ccl attaches first seen in Lake in 1946 approximately seven years It next two or three has been incurred the lamprey with the amount fish caught decreasing from V350 tons the lamprey travels as far ltoni the Iltirrii tllll have been held on Wednesday was VStransmans lvgs rally mustered bu Opener 156 to Errors in the Stroutl infield all Orillia Eniry rtllias new entry In the Barrie rallied for pair in the seventh Tropical Whaling lect and apathy Australia is now lpast her shores to join the hunters Htunuls IVde ultraVHF FlVIlUerVl ru=ts 111 mm rer lllllVl1 VV rut rrtln lzi 111 nether lhe revue Was sponsored licrcVprtipr all lul vulllg Club litrlirlltlccl Ii lint itmtil lilt lshrrwrles inike xlvdlll til the lVlganic Anti as rilltlltllv gamer loi rus ai or for Un Ndllnllrrl lllorkcy lwnruc lc Tili In pcri The ticli illititll ttnltrt rtc flat that 15 was tllllltllth lrtstrartl Vltc ltiltl llolmseil lnlt LII rc was lulrl at the xllaridale bowling clrtl last Week Nvl gt lcnth playcrp kttr on llrllt1 tor eoriirius ttrti including gtccral and also playcn lwo llerrttV cs wt re played and the corn kcen lnst lllllivl ii to ltov Hutchinson tlllrtt Jun bolus Nels Mauve with 11 Bavliss plavnrl his first JII took second wrtli lack Malici rnlrti illrlllllc he ct lion was Tarn ried out 6er il pan Sin larence lollarlh with run space Ivy went ahead 20 ml Diemm lumpy sump 1mm of person never really units ltn the second on sirilllc hit VV inVnVV nViVoHd off up thth rtler loot ARGO STARS Mu cat or it in ount lll LIVsV iVV ciiVnnV Vlt on V1 VVionn Alum VVILVVWWH WW mm mum sprang into 1111 news tor tune llllilm Shth Illllntle WW1 oach llud Knapp shoved four ronlo l1llttll tlash srlzricd up lllt Plilllll ml St Ill 5101 Wlextra players into the local lineup with Western ariadas aluzny lll an attempt to pull out win but tampeders llitrcs little doubt SllUlldS llllS tlC Wtll scammed the Drillia roster were not to he that Argos will miss the speedy lllt IOSltI Wllfilll CilllllJstopped backfielder and passcatching ace Danny and Harvey Flegel THO ppm pm with Slmnsmn but there was another interesting ule to the swrtch 111 From that poitit on Orillia runs VII that enjoyed their debut they comprl mud Dd howl SINK Stukus teoach of lurlmonton lzsk mm imosl offered Copeland 80300 to co Dot Knapp and llickling took are of twotlrirds of Stransmans Villud lllltt strikeouts and issued 10 xruns Mickey lxashner and Nancy rs STROUD AV Bowman muck 1Matthtus tosstnp tllt platttr or re isiiVViules bi tr pro hockeywsupposcdly the top sportin this country It makes Copeland one of the highestpaid footballers in the country The top paid probably is Montreal ace By BRUCE HAMILTON PERTH Western Australia Julie ReuterslAfter years of negt trying to revive what is probably her oldest 11ttl$tlhilll11g For years she has watched Ja panese whaling expeditions and more recentlyl Russian ships sailing from Norway Holland Britain South Africa and other countries in the icy waters off the Antarctic continent But Australias new venture will have nothing to do with the ice bergs blizzards and intolerable cold which are usually associated with whaling It will be located off the hot dry coast of Western Aus tralia almost on the tropic of Capricorn In the early days of Australias history small parties of whalers and sealers lived an adventurous and highly dangerous life round the Australian coast operating in tiny craft and fighting against rough seas uncharted shores and savage natives became more difficult to secure The industry practically dig out for nearly century lDaily Air Service Cariboo Country PRINCE GEORGE 30 May tCPDaily air service into the Cariboo has started The service takesiin Kamloops Williams Lake Quesnel and Prince George some 500 miles north of Vancouver The Caribouranch countryL has doubled its populatiouin the last10 years cant begin to thats coming into it from the prospectors Smith member ture for Kamloops Prince Georges population has grown from 2400 to 8000 in nine 8000 carloads of making it the big gest lumber export town northof Vancouver Our land office her handle the wor up north saysSi You can justlstand still and 1i country GET PLENTY OF REST The time of year is coming up vhen long long drives are and youat the Vtheel getti sleepier and sleepier WatchVoutT Thats how lots of accidents hap pen You cant dream the mi away the BC legisla grow says Martin Kane retired building remembers when cameup the Warm sunny drowsy days In mrdTJure two whale Chasers will put to sea from Babbage 15 land off Carnarvon in Western Austrialia to begin hunt Which is expected to yield whale products worth $1500000 in three or four months The Chasers will work for the 25 Australian Whaling Commission set up last year by the federal government in an effort to share Australias back door UILT 0N CLYDE They are the Gascoyne 344ton il in 55 Elizabeth St les prclJI Jriarlisn list ltlVlilJl Monday null lttacnrr trial ua tl coach llap oinl World War and lie tltlnt feel res ill the lrilgtl trzd if 1m is forced Vlun that hairpins there will lie farther up the liltltlt At no time though lid Hrnyllie nios fans Illltllll up on llfltlt iiicoast llay docs llltit up 3qu ilitl policy ruler recently when Royal Copeland lo lrcsrdent have offered him more reputedly gets about $10000 imports will be seen on Canadian gridirons this season They dontxcome north for peanuts when they can make pretty fair living at home iii some pro or semipro league own VVVV newly built on the Clyde to sea whales which come Antarctic to tropical year ually seen in Gradually the number of whales decreased and remunerative catches the island converted into pro ssing factory Five large digest in Oslo will be operatedl VV and each one will be chpabl of processing in from four to must be processed within 36 hours of be ice the wealth taken every year fromVV vessel which recently arrived at THE BARRTE Freemantl from South Georgia and alsecond vessel the Carnarvon auto for llir IIJrrrr Altlillrf ALLY llK Ilcs Mitt ritrr iirru Stidtic lrr limmltu ltul lo llr itltlil rnarim Lents it lIlt on of iriltlll Srilylic lll suffering from irs Iit picket up 11 the Sew arlrl carry ort Illi tlltt1 dut llll me till llt Would like step ll and tzikr over lltlIlV til vccutnc lulus rural gtIllll o1 coaches upwards clubs at various inert ninved And 10111 dict Ilttilth of the coast liroatlcasts of Toronto res arc willinr to bet even 11 named yllic wrlr be the unidirn lizinrl llrs lrnirn typi he was lclinitelv through Bob Moran of Argos Aunts to Edmonton so aluary must lhat $0500 figure is the inter ting angle It points up the ex nt to which Canadian football is become big business and the salaries paid out by the game That much money to sign eon act compares favorably even with trarterback Frank Filchock who Their there are the United States more and more of whom of then They will operate about 50 miles seeking the humpbacked north frointhe Large numbers ofthese are ris the Indian Ocean off the northwcst coast of Australia between June and October The commission has set up modern whaling station on Babbage Island after levelling sandhills building roads and creating miti iature township with electric light and power Norwegian experts who will train Australians in the work of the whaling industry are already living at the station former Royal Australian Air orce workshop has been taken to ers made with steam generators an entire whale six hours Each whale ing caught This season the Whalers hope to six humpbacked whales measuring 35 to 40 feet each day The great digesterswill reduce the tons of whale meat bone and blubber to pulp Oil and meal will and the remainder convertedto stock food by mod catch be extracted em plant of American design PHONE 2414 When it comes to Wheel Alignment Truing and Balancing QOME T0 are tonline or outof balance Arid you should than expert Wheel Ser vicing Work SEE US llAllLll mu Mum CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO Phone Barrie waters each EXAMINER CAN FILL YOUR PR1NTINGiVNEEDS USl You cannot take ch ce with theels that nt take chances with less Never before such smartly priced selection of Choose them today while ossortments are still some selection of many pat lIlF BARR EXAMINER TIIIRDAYVIIF 1950 11 EVERY GIFT ATTRACTIVELY BOXED please Dad and give ifts All manpicked to long time to come im handsome wear for omplete iSilk land wool ties in hand terns and colors Handkerchiefs of linen or cotton initialed and plain Belts in variety of leath ers styles Initialed buckles too Tic clasp set Iwith hand some matching cpff links Arrow white dress shirt with new style collar Bar rel or French cuffs Large range of Arrow sport shirts Hose of fluffy absorbent wool Perfect for warm summer days Slacks for matching or con trasting with jackets Fine wool sweaters made by Jaeger and Warren Wide Selection of styles MdBrineLugage in matchi ing SetsGladstones Dnlfci bags and other styles And many many more gift suggestions that are sureto make this longrememb ered Fathers Day The Store that Quality Built ESTABLlSHED 1894 AT THE casino oitiirrsroniir s9 ns599s99ss9 5G6969 sss