The Home Newspaper to Barrie and District County of Simcoe MONDAY ileum Examine Year It AulioRtIEt alumna tgt3 MI let Veal Llrlci titiAdlvlxl tlrln 87th Year 4H BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY 3UNlj riV 195 County Council Will Start MidYeor Session on June l2 Air Force pe Launch Largest 80 Bum Here Many Years Presides June Sessions Ivnimil it liltlll of lIililV at innit ill inniwmi VV All lilltt In hermit Lithium VV RED COATS OF it in point ji it ltll 11 Barrie at VIVVVVV VVVVHVVV VV VVVVV VV RIEL REBELLION 11101 an an opti no it lit1ii1oi Llinip Bola WANTED BY ESSA Iettl the l2 11in and God ii lvtrilrtll is neuritilfr gillllIIulll HiWis llit llllli itlt mienui ii oi itself Itloi roiisitirzl ii llll tiWli It littte Wood oI is We on the hunt Inc of tile tlilns llitill pm as tiled in 1le iiiiiii Ilt ants are led oils ut Viiiiiiillii iold ill ili ll Il VV ht mum HM mu SIOIIOH Lll iii il title on ii VII those new It tlii hunters llil International lliwi Elioti from around In llio Kl north be held iiin llllrl or lIillllIll deer hunting ti tall VIU El l3 and Ill Iii oi lllr red units needed are thtiliniio llov niiii it those out In the troops dur lileisl is ltitili lli iiliiilV in the llilI Ilelirllioii liven leoiiiuil llliid of liiii oils the National rtlillsl does lilittie itlllltl llldl wt ill tiot liir llitlll hill llr Wood Vliillii lowilsliip llllilt sure there lll some uouiiil In Lill he already lilions oI tour would like VVVVVWVVVVVVMVV VVV VVVVd VVV VHVVL to time About It to depict those lithiums lliiiitiLliliiiI the tllllll wilumw rm ltiliiil ill iiiiili iii was in it Ii Mm WWW IVHVVVVVVVV Am SVVVVVVVV VVVV VVV down of the rebellion eeiit tiIlIIllLIILUI for tiiui um nulump lIiltt ell iii cot itll no lii rhur Id 4mm wield humail hand innitii VV1 tItI ii Litt llVlVlliIerVlltVl Vlt ViViViViViViiVVVViii tVVlVViViViVViVIVVlVyVIV VII VI IIIVrVilinVV ViitliVVVVtlkVVV II iN II Iv inei llie is to take place iii Imp slim IHWV llll iere is re im it the aflernooii oen Iliise iie available in Ll lllSll AYS Loiiiieil wtll Lllitlt liaio to IUIIIJI Iuiie task of Itilliillill ils ltw hi2 it presidiill the June hessioils of the otiiieil of the olmly oi Stin WV VV VI Mum In VVthV it illVllilIiI aim in tutor is Vi lllllltllli Il liirie oil londlr SM in mud MHmm IVVVVVV anVVlGVVnVVVVVVVVV VIN RVVVVVVV Ilt lIilkl Iiiili Midland otJHEII HEY Itl KIGHT Will lIlIlollIllll of the Town iii ltlltlitllllllISIltIlt mm the Elltoot pleasure boat built at Delaneys bidder Iintd Sedan and Mrs in zuests there of Walden ll llen ndrlhh lrruh oil 11 moir llllLVliliillltli loathouse last Winter 19 shown llltblllllllu laticy iteol the lloatliousi operator Illllils tor the in parade are MVVHVVVV VV Ni VHVVVVV IV tlrr lid ti lillltsl Miller foriner euiulellliir llllllln tI Illt lillllltlllllt lt Min li Mill in tltorts lidink lr our and OSlCOPOIh RCSCUCS BOY and now caretaker and tiltsseitiltl his ioilniil are rnnHnd From Dtownlng Dock at the tIlIllI Itllllilltn iii place of able The have sold all the txn It ltiV him li pupil lolleit IraiLL who ietiled elfeet VVIVVVVHVVVVVVV VV ltt in llltll pro It sat iV =l in and historical at VlVVVVVVV VVVVVVIIVVVIVVVVV VVVVIVVVVBVVIV narrow escape fionl lltlIilIlt his Iirsl council liieetinl III his new 11 lul is null lflllttl In tllt illillt llli ht topplid off thi Vuouin ipiull meVVVVVVI VVVVVVVVVI VVnVVVV VAVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VV VV iViViVltVVilitVligitVttuV flabtIIVlVlVllIlt nulls llus booklet Will he WING OMMANIHilt ii AmyV Mmth lVVVVVlVVl out wet but otllirlxise uilllalined for sale at llllnllliitl sum and iVliiV illV It tum My VVVVVVV ll iicl thinkin of Dougie was driven home to his ill be historic record of the Vip iltlivill it lllt itiii tiiiiii ll pinm SVVVVVVVVVVVVV VHV Dr ll Mtiitloelt who pulled tunilsliip llte llllt area but it team ll mum CVVHUVVV VVVVVVVIVVVVVV VVV HVVV VVVVVVV and yoke could VIH had iiiir HVV VVVVIVVV VV VVV Iltililt ll uouIiI Illllll inat pl to iliilzwi mlii mi iiliii IIII lane Iliioiiutit tll iztiiliimi iIZNIjllAI IRIHEIIAH ii Fiate Station Hillel Ilttlxlt iiiiviV lilrilllto llailaitl Im parents Mr and Mrs llohert liii tiirliiil ilub may VeIVlose in mm bu ml hi Bibby l2 McDonald St The bike it unite tillproperty beside the 1d I1 iix si is it VV was hauled out of the water arena it littulilt apparent ill liollVRCUHIOH FOICSICIS anusiV IMHVIVI VVVV HVVV VVHuIVVVV ppm MMVV MW HVVVVVVVlkVVVV AHHVVHV 311541 VL THIFLVV hV MI also and Dougie got off with little llsn1ttlllllttl Barrie lowii Coilii lltlllllil ltii lnis Aii Illrei Day on Sitllrilil l=il 91 alieppalil pilot on ie wes site ie oer ear inole than good wetting and ii CiiV Lis llltll III town limi hilllllliiV III nillIH of on Iil Queoet Illll uliillI Aircraft contest VSllliijVliVV afteriloiVlli he Inch wiiild Scum er In Illli pine for tiltwily polletV ivV ltttlillit llillllllillltlttl iiin Ilili Film ii llil1tlllill Signals llt limimu IVII Va VdHVIIV VlminV Hivrvivumgwvu ilii wivre iiresti ti lll article ml oils Allouelte lloillilei stitiadiilir of lIlIlIIll ll land en alii ie os iis laauce iiHl both he aild the hike falling into AIIK Anllumh Oiwl iiwgiisllip to boost the Mann VV WV WV HVMph HUI HI MUM curlers and that bylaw to transfer til on hotel llt line the goods to being posted to Vamp lloideii in tinfi little over five feet of water Dr NIIW GLASGOW 335 toba lloou lleltel llll1l lie litlllt the propertv luid reached its second uie liltltlll Ioliee baek lltllllt Malill 1041 he was on the staff of rbtwult IIIIlIllill Signals Ile MmpckV wt was fishing on tho ille gills pipe band in this Vlllthllts VV VV mg good results and setting up or VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VV lVN VKV Hm hVV VVWV V1 AV MPH HI md MI 1in Bmd mm 1minth wharf lowered himself over the trial town has accepted an invita dime fund eonuiiiltee Ill not he nee tVVVVVVVVVVim it lump AVVhm 1th side of the lock with the help of lion to play at Cape llletons an Vl1ltlltV between opposinu factions 055le Hm lVVVVVVshVVV VlVVVVVVlVVVV VV inlpoi ii iV another adult who was on the dock iiual Gaelic Mod or ualherillc ill on council irose when Reeve mmV wrung MVVVVVVVV at the time and hauled the boy August llait rose alter the second tttitllllti lullill lloilu to Iii pIziiii ttlitlltlll Flynn ind Sti1tll that details ol the Ilotiildaries thI the VpionertVy aiidI chc if rni is position on it sum be 13 Hold June Meeting at Siroud understood by all parties before the Ily ltli the township and also botll sides of bylaw is passed lluriii the lengthy argument enV suing the question of whether the mlm sump lhe llighways alld ounty roads also the Bill line This bylaw had been passed in November 1971 This in spite of the facts that totnrll at recent iileetiiiu aeieed Ill il the properly should be sold to the Hm Ill ilmai hell liiiiu the atteilioon all ltil plimi lmilVlpl iml VlilwViV North Stzii aircraft will do series CV VVVVV VV VVVVVVVV UVVVVV VV VVVVV VVVVVV VVVV at lle post Also all static dis tilready under wiltV tiiltlllllllllt lllui ill Him fl Siliim in 11 various iaizears ii itioii bl II II aI Ioatiiie which should prove of i1iiii lIlltltnl will lie the StllClUw VIVVV ol llltwiiilli trie of charge to anv point in Helium for any aiid all l1ltll who wish to avail them Council tonsuleied IliaI illuminant Voilieiis institutes and otlierl groups already have their funds in operation and mettins witll satis aetor results The general SUV for the loutlywlth laIepaVlers affected by ship of lisa will go up Ihree1propnsed Armin Drain in Siniiildale tenths o1 mill to fire mills this Iovrnslnp llltII the eiielueei will ear Iist year the eetleral le ltteiid Il W15 lllllltlllllnll This in the township was four and The total road atioiint Ioi thefflnw illlllllll Ill llll 7eilteiitli1 null mouth of May presented at the Ilm Amimll 1mm hllllc Monday lllttllllL was Slitltlll lotal payments to date for wer culleis should get the property was reopened Mayor ldeiii Wilson made the stileillent that he still felt the pro perty should not be sold to theV curlers lle suggested another niect line between parties hitherto coil cerned plus representatives of the tightly equipment suitable for any Agricultural Society which he said district were mecivm0nC CUm might possibly offer alternatch rolerlv pm 300 gallon Plumb mm was stated at council that an upoil ladders suten extinguishers boost When supporters of the Curling MViVVV VVV VmV VVVVVVVV HVVVVV UVVV glutin km mhry VHHV mm the who town or Iloseetc at total delivered Club objected tollle Ieligtllyiigiil ltLlVUL MM Sin ij gtH VVVVVV VV VH IllV er PITItd ill elm0 1999 pi presldeiit of the Grey Simcoe the Julie council nicotine held in up couldbc ava at by Obtmm cost on we mcu ant dVl ill pas ill 1L VVV lion and operation of the ltCAl er ASttitlllt11 which heldi mm mm Anius lttil lleeve ii rv lhiid to display aircraft trainill int gravel for various pits At second unit on 1930 VGod lllw ll 115 90le bl Dtpllylbm imwould subsequently receive lUS OverEahng further meeting the contract was Iiedson chassis and reconditioned lariflhl Council had over lhc ms mgimenml reunion in Bar ret fl ill Wilkinson and CoulicillorsiHarold lltIIilgtll1llTl and other itcmsef in Hit 11 11 tinVV give me Cook Construction CO motor With 150gallons pVhVV and right to question boundaries and He met the past ittkcnd Ownii IIdIIJtIIllltllld haul and John But MaInourished IM to the public Four to Ci DlOVidinti hC supply bulldozer new 300 gallon boosu lam in addition lance lgtltllltlltl1l iis Friday at inthrie toiilniuilitj all iii aid of the fund The nice is sponsored Il the io uneil and ladies oi the township to bring pies cakes and other ms of food to be soldat the re shinent booth All promeds are Vvl go to the fund lay luilel at It tinl with members present Minutes of the previous regular meeting aiid two subsequent emer pmy meetings were read and adopted The first special meeting was hold lUV dISCISS willful Vcolmfds it uh weed Itd1mm 10 mm the matter of pits to see it OBJECTS OI Alli FORCE DAY lhe llljeel of Air Force Day is The relief lee was placed at one null and the levy for roads and mum twp1V mills hle fly sprayitiu presented iii the WVqu HVVFVV V0 CVVleVVVVuV HVVV Monday meeting of the townshipVEICClJuntsi were $93597 magnificent achievements of the council making total of 123 mills II was decdld Mundny ml lttAl iii World War ll Secolidlu This excludes the school lell3hill SSCSSII Nlmlla CUX to leltllTllllt Canadian public till which huh not yd hm doomed worth would be kept on for aii VDWMHHIU 10m acquaimanwg ruther year at the same salary he it hag Wimp mudu 6pxui0 Air lorce days with the organiza Offered Itoconditioned Fire Fighting Equipment Two offers of la complete lire other details at thispoint He drew of niodcru hotel at Burks lalls igiliccmpl VIl 311 II III Willson were present alonu with mom the bonds already existing 21V ble $2 000 delivered attention to the fact that the bvlaw litCol Fell came to tile Foresters lab ICdUtllUii purposes mail supervisor William DempsteiI Ctiiiii mp RCAF and its rm wwre mquncd the Plum bung d1 could even be defeated bv vote of from the Algonquin Regiment iii lolliiship treasurer llarold Bell and NIJW XOR um 0mm 1h Limldla DUNK $11 per yard minkhch tho iowln Ieltcr Ho High School township clerk Norman Coxworth Nlllllm JUIMI Mr 3011 Al III Wm lime All FOICO Dill siii stb to row tie Dellydrhimieti pp Budding Grants Jew mum11 an the second wadingV 1941 as company Commander and motion also passed at the spe ICllCl ildViSinti lhill 10 Ill which tllll0 Out the whole 100k Ill 3W1 Army Timk matter ineiit tGley Simcoc Foresters and was adjourned shortly belorep Ulhmh lllm ldIIIUUILKd Ulllmllllnll VIUV lllill hOSl and lo Moster Kerr Lodge six oclock today than dump the war years show appreciation for the hOSpital Anions supporters of the bylaw VCISCUS Cllllllilndlllg UlflCCI 10110 was WSW at the Incufwl out Hlillt is lllt iaust ll Kllltll has thnPexteuded to Rllll InstanedJune The meeting opened at one pm UL Iltilllll Itllillllllllll Sill lllUVldLS each air Station with tho cial meeting arranged IIICVEippoillt partincnt of Education did not all ment of Black as park SUD gram the auditomun p01 hilld liliiiilciliiiliiili llucimddiillll inc to the effect that the township Em interrimv he ineduml bl Al F01 by minwde at 70c pm hourVVAtcx tion of the new school but do allow VCV VVV V1 VV 1d VJV uf hr VVVVVVVM not bVV VVVVSVVVVVVVVVbILV or hovlfmmm Show my Sim unitm eitixeiis of the district surrounding BlacltVVas assistant at We per hour $30000 901 C1355 100 WUS FCHd ll l1 Im Vii anl the problems involved althoueliV mm bills Income living inCllSunlpllil of sugar and im hus the Air Station Nowhere has thiu and 559 DOI hour during July an 1355 moms do 39 C953 1111 EliV 111V31Ll5bclm Elan they had approved the sale He said Icamp BOVle and making thCiVV1umpod 30 50 pm Wm willmul hospitality been more noticeable August Other employees of park amount 1chth 900 Pl EISLd VlViVlVVV1VIVl VVeanVLVumlc ETVmVVhe would continue his opposiHoiijj living smut ThiswmumwdithcVVlHySmmncunt than mp 10ml than in the district surrounding will receive 60c per hour may be Headed to ldllolmm puthUh mull comm 015 and vote against the bylan aflerlV Hummi Bi balm10V mic RUM Station Camp Borden copy of the letter from the lmd hat Vdgwlcdwzgoltuglly t0 Vex Vevery reading llle harm he said lies not in mm Development Bylaw Department Of Education reads in iiilC thew it b0 0ndiii Altcrthc discussion and argumcui ratios smears or fats but in sub bylawv NO 872 to Create part mdL up 50 My used up the regular council time lllulmg will EHld fill9 IOI PIU lareer Urban Development Area Uthl gt 1x the conned Vd DUInod in ream tents lltiits and 1LlliII l11tl1 was presented together With sket amend suwty Ws mldc Aldi Re AYICS Chairman of the detetmine the number of rooms necessary that the mayor call an Vches covermg the propcmes affect p1pl ty committee who presented VV edV necebsdxytVandVVthe Dcpmtmcnt has Um bylaw under plotcstV said the other COUllLll mtctlng llYlmCdldtLI dvised your board to proceed to continue dealing with the curl Tlie law assed last November Cl Ml IL deldlls W919 OW bc providesy the 1council may by law with the plan smce there are SCV ins WCligated DIOVCd many COUII mg Bulb Dmblem and 0th VILI designate any area within the queen additlo1 Spaces Willi 91 cil members know nothing about Turn to page four please wigVSth as an Urban Development vided the maXimum approve L05 presentation by the clerk of scveralA accounts for such persons ltl BICNIIVOLIINT FFNI One other object of Air borer Day is to raise contributions to the RUN Benevolent Fund This fund was originated prior to World War The township clerk reporting on meeting held on May ill in Bari ric to consider tenders for gravel liiic in the township reported that Allah Cook of Barrie had been ENTEIEIECRAVEIY II to relieve the distress and pin awarded the tender at price ol VV mote the wellbeing of serving and 98 cents per cubic yard The only GRAND BANI MM exRCAI personnel Contribu other tciider had been put in by II5W 30 ll tions to the fund will be welcom Spencer Vernon of Bradford at tliciClilmmond I051 lddlms Ill ed but will be entirely voliuttary same pliCCV Iaiid guard lhilc hanging out the contain valuable nutrients On which grants will be paid szWWwoeueew Area and thereaftcrno parcel of landwithin the area designated may be divided for sale or sold in part unless the lands are rst shown on registered plan The list of lots affected were shown on sketch of the town ship covering parts in Concessions amounts to $510000 Many of the rooms will not cost $30000 and iii that case portion may be applied on the auditorium The High School Area receives grant of $100 per school section grant of $110 per pupildepcnding upon MMWWWM lw WmQW ld Tyine and modern dance Minels Ioinl Pavilion old time COMING EVENTS The council had also held meet liilhlllllg IN Vtlll lilltl llll ing on May 20 in Barrie to confer guard was found and returned to with township auditor Stewart her The ring was found recently Jocelyn regarding taxes in arrears In excellent condition and sent to in the township the owner now living ill Saint June 12 meeting willbc held John NB Im new and better teleeriou studios for the BBC were recentH ly opened in London One of them is exclusively for special trans liiissions for children ddfellows Temple Sthurday dance Thursday June 15 Admis iisl Wit Barrie and DislriclMemorial HOSllllal PIGCIQBS Dance at Baxter Friday Jililcdli at Edgar Community Hall Friday to the musch of Plaxtons or Juliet VGood orchestra 44p V1 VV CIICSlmV Dallcmg 110 930 l0 IOV Grenlel United Church killiliVClf LLEWELL BEAVER will be Blfbrl salyV Sunday Junle aml Stalled as shipful Master of ii Dancing every Friday night Bce RC Robe Graham an Staynm KVerrV LodguV 230V AF 3V3 AMVL tonVconlmuintyVMcnloriVal Recrea V730 meVV Rey Glen Emch Crew Barrie on lh ayV June 15V As rigglidlueho lingsailgulglilmorcl will be IIICgllCSIw speakers Ew Sprott who has Short lime agOMr Wllghl pledged $151000 mlt Euchre and dmVWV FmWV June til46p 11 31330 VUVfVISClle addition to previous pledge of $40000 providingthecom r9 815pm OiaiingVHallV Allali mlcsKlVlms AIISpp cutiiineddo Ills bmumyffiblan munity served by the hospital subscribed $716000 in the sec land Picnic Vili Springwater Park 011 mummy be In charge of 0nd campaignThe community over subscribed tilelj objec Irom one to 14 and entirely around Turn to page three please 28Foor PIeaSure Boot Lounched Ilnrriei dale under auspices LA to the MVdV 26 RVTV iV tlllS ulle por an 001 pine 42 MDT 310 lrrison assisted 43 prizes Tickets ivailablc from 01 on Line ococr Vt gt cm Lyme and modCVVVV dancc vine TVVddV Lee BHVVVVVVVVVVV BVVVVVVVVV muniniVilesutit Km and CW live and MrWiightpiompt1yhonoredins pledgeV gt every Wednesday night at Club 79 Elmmgin Downcy Victor Ross mpjkmtf it Again we must say the citizens of the community are Tom Pattendens Mountaineers 0y iC lllg 44p WW Mr VBcavcr Sponsored by Barrie Boxing 01le Bingo tonight at Market VHallV has CSlchdVlii Ba for 23 erVVVVSV deeply grateful to MLVWlight for his outstanding support The Admission 50 cents mm proceds for Vthc Red Rim Vale He was initiated Ken Locich hospital 15 nowa reality and work will commence in the very Dance Ivy Orange Hall Friday Flood Relief Fund Alimission 25C January 1939 H0 active in the near future June auspices LOL450 Ivy Time 815 pm 44p Work Comm ited Church Music by Simcoe Ramblers Mixed Rummage saieV stV Georges pay has been Clerk 0f ion or sev The hospitalcomnlibtee expects all subscribers will hon dancing Lunch Cqunlelt Admission isll Hall Ailandaic Good used 31 years and is mer super or their pledges for future payments and this time next year 50 Cems 4413 elothiil number stove es June miendent Oflhe al SChOOli 5th Palms Church IVVVViSmV 99th VVVV 8ng AVVSPVGCS wit 44p He was one of the VVdeVVS of the 11v1ng memorial Will be nearing completion which will honor anniversaryV SundayV June 1145 The anniversary services of lprcseiit clifureh hoc league and IVVIOE only those who did not return from the world warSV but am and 7V3o meV MFV LewisV mtg Chmth United Church will be some ary or some he citizens of this community who subscribed so generously ABOVE IS THE 28FO0T PLEASURE BOAT launched recently at slonary from China will be guest held June 18 at 11 am and 730 He has been pie to lov1de ade uate hos 1t VDelaney Boat1511195arldegviecsLtdBarrIe where it waVVPulltV cluf speaker 44 pmV The special speaker will be Barrie Art Clubsincc 253212 51 facultles for our communitY mg the past wmter Largest boVat built here for many yearl ls AmmanLionsrrctubwsilmmer RevEfoMacTavishwfiBradfordrandionr thestaffsofsT116194 Silicon also be proud of the fact that the money was Wed by Balm be 91m Del was Frolic Saturday and Mondarv Aug Thechoir will be assisted by John miner He is married the form provided without the heed additional taxati ii bum by Flea Sedore JaCksonS Poml ESSISIEd by Charles MCAUSlans ust and Bigger and better Sturgess in the morning and by or Audrey Partridge Ne and not held by many communities lecorV Who is in thaIge Iepah wolxk at the boathouse Ihe cxaft has two than eveij Lucky draw for money the Simcoeaires in the evening they have daughtel 810 and engines iscapable 01 spew healer than 40 miles Perhflur dressed dolls both evenings 44b cordial welcome to all ttitIttlbtlV son Kenneth vv Vii JACK MITCHINSON General Chairman