MYTHS BARR thldlklzli Anvil die JUliLil lite Reeve And Lounml Acclortistior to Tossoronteo Township REPUSSESSED 48 CHEN SEDAN Dangerfield Printers ORG GARAGE ono sixnios ill call tor and dtllerl an 194 cs for repairs hymngi lti VALVE 1035 sue crusher one EIGHT YLINDI 33 do Are and Acetylene trldm Motor Mocks Batter chtal senue ROAD SERVICE Phone 296 Iro ELECTORS OF FLOS Having apprei1eti ion gi iltrulllhl IAAFIIIUIHHHU Would like to ill 51 ue next for sound idiiiiiasirai in It 11 George Wicldum Deputy Reeve 1954 reroute We take this opportunin customers FRO lllli IIANAGILMIINI SIAIlS til BARRIE TENT AWNING Gil INI wish our tliends iiid Iood Health and Irospclili during lftfil agar24 Home Furnishings Holiday Closng nun awmm Gil0P WILI BE GIGSEII SATURDAY JANIIARY FOR INVENTORY To ensure sufficient supply for the weekend RDlilt FUEL OIL now for delivery before the holiday oop have Retail lunip Service on Fuel Oil as well as delivery coore ONE 2429 BAItItIE Mitteli BY ANADIAN AIHIIIIS tSlAVNHiN lli iliv xSiHil are li liw tl tirii 3i ii In triti ili and Mrs trig spent the weikerui follow tliiLsiniLis ii London Miss Iliiiezri Steele was lionii ti iii Montreal to spend hiistmagt lici orients Mr and Mrs li hitch tipnlltili SHxi Veinoi liowen vi Il lklI tlizisliiias Ii 11 ii ICium Mr ini llomii tiiivlle eel li Aliw ItlL tii Siiiilci il It fi 13a lifilliilillti ll1rfli$ll ind A1 ilv tailxei Mahasez SlIeet llev and Mrs ll Mun Erin iHJI tiirislnias lit loyntr 81 With Mrs Muirs aunt Miss Kinu Ell ii lirotlier Partridge Tel Sh ie litlei Kin 11 llI iliii llieoke ot loroaii r1 vsilos tin luillit ef Mr and Mrs llll AI vrimaii lovell Iolin Iiu ll ii lohn lovell Ii of To main were Christmas guests the In my ol Mr and Mrs Warrei iz Kelcey of Iorontc spent ii nas zit the home of her brotheri law and sister Mr anc Irs Aubrey llooper Granvilh Siltll Miililis Jolin lloss Kerr oi Ioeno and Richard ollin of Gal spent hrislnias at the home ol Mr and Mrs Kerr Torontc Street Mrs Raincy spent Christmas weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Herold Stapleton in Toronto Mrs Stapleton is Mrs Raiiieys laughter and Mrs Bilkey and heir son Timothy spent Christ mas at the home of lrvBilkey lathcr Arthur Bilkcy Meadow ville lload Harold Sprott of Ottawa and Miss Mabel Sprott of Montreal were weekend visitors with their parents Dr and Mrs Sprott Mary Street Miss Nan Hamilton is spending the Christmas addNew Year holi day in Scliumachcr at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Hugh Hamilton Miss Dorothy cooper of HainiL Eton and Arthur Hardi of Toronto spent Christmas with Miss Coopers parents Mr and Mrs Harold Coop er Ross Street Sgt and Mrs Kenneth Cooper were Christmas visitors in town with their parents Mipand Mrs Elgin Harris and Mr and Mrs Harold Cooper Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Johnson for the Christ mas holidays were Chpt and Mrs Robinson and their two chil dren of Kingston Miss Jean Elrick otToronto spent Christmas at the home of her par Illll Il IIIEIII Fttlll Iiirlllil lIIL Burke and ML Iiltlit alioti ii rige Lill sililtlltrll lIlvlil in IN Nttii was IIH well ILd iliii ii litiil Ill ltl 1ei iit to IIllI ut lbl Mint me pai he itli not be llllllll for tiit rcevcsiin Ra ive ibrlf IIIILIEI well IR ivw warden of county loth oumillor IIII7II oiruillir Iiiieti Liespai relliili In Iill flute Ull IUWlll ee lisiilt Ltltsis ct hits llax ste Mr Iii Iilll iI Sitet ienk II and ltl 151 Mr uiier and iiei vi Hi in and Dick sieiit Cliristiiras in Toronto tli Mrs Cutkrs bretheranlaw ll1l sister Mr and Mrs Campbell and ilrs Cecil ieen and family and Mr and Mrs Sliirton and taniilyo1 Long Beach were Chrisiiias visitrs the honiL of Mr and Mrs Itolereen Camp bell Avenue Christmas isitors wlli Dr and Mrs luriiliull anl Mrs ls iliei liittak were Al aziil Mss Nermazi of London anithcii daughter Marcia illti Miss Anita Ross of Meritital Pie Ted Williamson recently retinned from Germany accomp anied by his parents Mi and Mrs lC Williamson and brother Ray spent the 1hristmas holiday witl relatives in Detroit Mr rial Mrs Staiiehatn and Mr and Mrs ll Roulian Spent Christmas at the home of tlieir par ents Mr and Mrs Stone harii Bradford e2 While here they attended the funeral of Mr Stoneliams mother in Alliston oi Monday Christmas visitors wzth Mr and Mrs Craig at their home on Peel Swet were Mr and Mrs John Brooklmld Sr of Lindsay Mr and Mrs William Craig of Kitchener Miss Frances Craig of Toronto Ro bert Cranzlall of Moiicton NB and Basil Stewart of Vancouver BC Christmas visitors with Mr and Mrs Snelgrove Wellington Street East were Mrs Snelgroves parents Mr and Mrs Victor Graves and her sister and nephew Mrs Doris Faulkner and Bert Faulkner all of Toronto and her aunts the Misses Edith and Maud ents Mr and Mrs Elrick Gmwsv 0f Kingsmn New Year holiday Mr and Mrs Herman Tomlin son and family spent Christmas with Mrs Tomlinsons brotherin law and sister Mr and Mrs Alec Moore in Aurora Mrs Earl Reader and her daugh ter Lynda of Port Perry are vis iting during the Christmas holi days with Mrs Readers mother Mrs Clara Quantz Miss Dianne Hill is home from McMaster University for the holi days and is spending Chistmas and New Years with her parents Mr and Mrs Harold Hill Miss Shirley Gillespie of Hamil ton Spent Chritmas at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Scott Miss Joan Gillespie is also home for the Christmas holidays Mr and Mrs Frederick Hallett and daughter Donna otBranttoid aaniIlbeinMonlreat formthe Co ngratulatio itsWare during the holiday season to Mr and Mrs William McArthur of 0m Station who are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary on New Years Eve They will be at home to their friends and neighbors in the afternoon and evening at their residence on the seventh concession George Holder Well nown ro tired plastering cont eton of MinetsPoint is recuperating after rather serious illness in the Royal Victoria Hospital where he was taken on Dee 14 Mr Holder is veteran of both World Wars and held the rank of sergeant major Following retirement he has been in the civil service at Camp Borden son George Holder of Sudbury also war veteran and his wife and daugh ter have been visiting with his motheradurlng his fathers illness Lem for the attended The iiiiiliaiiLut Hit It irrdii TH 1le it HTML lie fiii mi llktl lll It lIe intii liit Illlt Lillie ii lfiifl Itlv ioxvn tiotii 1933 mi about ltlltlltliill as much and lilul this would continue Nominated for dep renve zion with ouneilloi ilso lttlllltl to Reeve Campbells possibilities in 1939 and said he Attilltl not contest LVcept to rev ship another eir sultanii ouneillor George MarKay ltilllli ll ll oiiiieillor George MacKy re erei to the development road on lu townline between Or and Aletlttlir This was travelled lot ini it was necessary for the town liip to snetid lot on its main eiiance During 1033 they tizil put ifjltl yirk of privel on the road considerable amount lilt it WIN iie ted hat this work would Iiially lesSeii the maintenance costs He listed several proposals for llltlill llie meinoriab park and iontcd also to its value to the tmriisliin Mr MaeKav declared it was his new that the time had eome for some building control in the towni slii Over the years the NI ei avl eis llld Diid fin nllllV setrvjicesi we th the prcvmu Speak hldrn went is which were now available and itHut was not fair that newcomers howt ever welcome should come in and erect buildings of little value and so pav little taxes He felt there should be bylaw to regulate buildings so that they would have enough altsessablc value to assist in the nancing of the municipal ity llcdeelarcd thathe would again he candidate for council William John Taylor Taylor said hewould like to thank publicly those who had supported him last year when he was an also ran for council He Had been accused of causing an election he declared warmly but this was hardly fair He had stated long before that on the conclusion of his service to the school area board he had been approached by people to run for Veouncil This he had done to jus tifv the faith placed in him and felt that he was just showing cour age in Standing for what he had promised gt feel it is the duty ofevery Gillespie Councillor liartriolonimv NI Illlilll in council but would dorm1 tcly aspire to the deputy reevel eaiise we couldnt afford them but it would take live to ten yars liiar it lmil ilv runsiaetiwn Silllttlt Iii2 to save tiior tilil4i School Area Board Gordon BHIWLli said he knew that lot of ieiiiletliiiiglit ttllz ratio was eo touxriiucii but did not know li Could he done about it Regulntiiis sell down for the liimow The government tells the trust es what to do With new scho tttmllltl up he felt that he wouldi like to serve on the school area board for another term and lsltcti support of the ratepayers Allister Crawford said he felt school system as at present was Cginnin to get hit nut dated He did not believe tlichI was one school in the township tlllCll was fit for children to livel in shudder to think what will become of our education unless something is done he said We lcid revisions in the system and believe that now is the time to stat planning for the future He was not advoeatine lot of new schools now he declared be to get new systems working prop erl Tyson Langman said hedld not to was not fit to live in He was in an isolated area and felt that one of the drawbacks of the pres entYhool area system was that maybe only six or eight people were working on education where as at one time they had maybe 80 people working actively in dozen different sections He was not for gc ting rid of our isolated schools if it was not for the rural people urban centres would die out he said This has been pro ven so we must be making passable job of education out in the country or this would not be so Mr Langman declared that he would think it over until Tuesday night whether he would let his name stand or not Allister Crawford did not qual ity so Gordon Bidwell and Tyson Langman were elected to the school board by acclamation for two years The sitting members who still have year on the board are Howard Campbell Harold Husband and Everett McNiven mmmummwum we MW Assameuw duJ In dll ii jrJ =INIIIIIE STAFF TIIE STORII SHIIF ZI WICN SI We ould like to take this opportumh to thank our Iritlltl oil customers ho nide this past year UtII lippy one HELPFORINVESTORS Even the iiiost experienced investor can use help llie man the professional man the retired iiidiiid 11 are bound benefit mini Ll professional we telephone us Crawl rd Co MEMBERS TIIE TORONTO SlUClx EXCHANGE TIIE INVESTMENT DEALERS ASSUCIA lUN roe CANADA Government Munlclvnl and Corporation ecurtttca 9I Dunlap Street Barrie Telephone 2443 EVening 2388 Direct er95 Viewing runes circuit 145441 Dunlap St East mBorIie Trimester George KoderbeckT v6eeegeirhene5623i IN 013mm AT IllWest StreetlISoIitli